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How to congratulate on a new car. Congratulations on buying a car in prose

You are not a moneybag at all,
We've been saving for many years...
And so - to each his own! -
They did it all!
You always needed
Cool car,
It warms your soul...
Isn't that the reason
Congratulations on your purchase?!
And wish on the road
Don't break the rules,
So that the traffic cop is strict
Didn't feed at your expense.
Believe in luck!
Even though God protects you -
Check the brakes!

Congratulations on buying a car,
May there always be enough gasoline,
And the road goes smoothly!
Let the traffic police not be harsh,
Let the attitude be warm,
And luck is always just waiting!

You have found the one that will captivate you!
Let your love be mutual!
Let neither rod nor nail take you!
May your romance be stormy and long!
May its crankshaft serve for a long time!
Let the rubber not slip and go bald!
You've been dreaming about something like this for so long!
Friend, congratulations on your car purchase!

Well now stay on the road
And traffic cops - hold on!
From the garage threshold
The car will take you high!
Red light - out the worst kinds,
Give her green!
And forty liters of gasoline
Fill her gas tank!
Take care, cherish it like a mother-in-law,
Or like a native sofa,
Drive away human corruption -
Beat a tambourine or a drum.
And another piece of news -
If your neighbor is not lying -
Showed pride in the car
He hits the hood with champagne!

For the interior and cool steering wheel
We'll drink one hundred grams.
Behind the seats, mirrors
It's time to pour again.
And for the durable seats -
We'll drink without delay!
A glass for the sidelights -
Drink while you're not drunk yet!
We drain the doors -
A glass of cognac!
We lift it by the trunk -
I'll mist up my glass!
We will strangle evil envy,
And not forgetting about toast -
Let's drain one glass at a time
Having a cucumber!
Behind the window, glass, behind the roof,
Behind the large niche below
And a little more Bul-Bul
Now... it's time to get behind the wheel.

I raise a toast that is not fragile!
Here's to a successful purchase!
For the trunk and hood
We won't drink compote.
Pour Champagne into glasses -
A toast to the car is ready!
For the interior, for the steering wheel, for the headlights,
And for the strength of the brakes!
Let there be no demolition to the tires!
Let the engine beat beat,
And to the envy of all cars
Let her fly like an arrow!

Which happy man!
I bought myself a car...
And now give colleagues a lift
You will be there on a winter evening.
You won't leave us in the cold
Freezing at the bus stop?
And so that I drive without incident,
We must “pull” some vodka!

Colleague, we welcome you with your purchase
Hearty congratulations, dear!
Now you have become a worthy addition
In the world's family of car owners!
Don't let your new car break down!
May he serve you for a long time, faithfully, faithfully!
And let good travel companions meet,
As on the road, so in your career and in your destiny!

Oh friend! What a great occasion!
The purchase should be washed!
For every screw, every wire
We must propose a toast!
Then your car will be
An iron horse with the agility of a trot
And whoever the owner will not forget,
Becoming obedient with just one thought!

We discussed for an hour.
Production has stopped!
This news shows us
Oh, how excited I was!
- Finally saved up?
- Or did he promote his mother-in-law?
- Or Santa Claus with a gift,
I'm very late!
- Maybe you found a treasure somewhere?
- Maybe he got a sponsor?
- Yes, admit it, you’re colleagues,
How did you buy the car?

Congratulations on your substantial purchase!
Finally bought a car!
We know, friend, how with enviable tenacity
You saved hard for it!
But now you are on wheels!
And you’ll be on time everywhere in no time!
And for automotive issues
Will you advise us?

Now you are “on horseback!” Congratulations!
Let him spare no horsepower
Iron horse! And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
May he drive you without accidents!
We are glad, of course we are!
Let's congratulate everyone!
And there is no need to be ashamed anymore
Take us for a ride in the car!
Appetites have worked up
Listen, I just can’t stop!
Are you depressed? Don't be sad!
We need to help out a friend!
At night or early in the morning,
So hold on tight my friend
For zero money!
... It's a joke, don't be angry!

Congratulations on buying a car, dear friend!
From now on you are accepted into the driver's circle.
Please accept congratulations from old friends,
We wish you to gain skills.
There is no need for any roads now!
Drive a car, but don't be reckless!
Let the most severe policeman
He sets you as an example for all drivers!

It's done! Congratulations!
We're washing the car!
Our colleague has become “cool”
He and his car are expensive.
Not a car – just a “fairy tale”.
She needs care and affection!
You love her, cherish her,
Don't waste your time and money.
May the machine serve you well
It circles along the roads for a long time.

A dear friend bought a car -
We hasten to congratulate him!
Let him eat less gasoline
And it will serve for many years!
Of course it will be safe
And it's easy to manage.
All the work was not in vain
His dream has come true!

ABOUT! Our colleague has become much cooler -
He finally bought a car!
Life will seem much better with her.
We praise the whole team: “WELL DONE!”
Now every day he is faster than a doe
There will be such a rush to get to work!
From there, having filled the salon with friends,
Ready to give you a ride home!

Who's waving from the window?
New car?
Smiles contentedly
All shining and stylish,
Slowly leaves the salon,
And playing with the keychain like that,
Both imposing and lazy
He will say: “Where is the “congratulations?!”

We're all having fun, and for good reason:
Congratulations on your car purchase!
She is beautiful and amazingly fast,
Let the traffic police be lenient towards you,
And the traffic light is green,
Caressing your gaze with the desired signal!

You didn't buy a car - a car:
Average between MAZ and Mazda...
You are cheerful and happy like no one else -
Just be careful when celebrating:
After all, your “model” is now honored!
(And - fashionable, to tell you the truth!)
And the car can be taken away,
Take away the goods with the bride together!
Yes, don’t accelerate to the speed of a Boeing:
If you break it, you’ll blame yourself later!!!

Did you buy a car?
Well, you did, man!
Moved out, then?
Greyhound, no less!
Take a ride, brother,
Proud, poor,
Few are envious,
But trips waiting?
We should be used to it
Be critical
And to the rain and to the dust,
And to the car!..
To hell with talking!
You are just as dear to us!
We also need you...
Congratulations, friend!

You were so in love with me!..
Yes, I was - before memorable day:
Cheated on me with a car dealership,
You bought a steel horse...
Now let him cook for you,
Washing, ironing, knitting, sewing;
He won’t contradict you in anything,
In the evenings he waits from work...
I'm sorry that I'm melting your brain:
I have to pretend to be angry!
... And if I congratulate you,
Will you give me a ride?

You've been dreaming about this for a long time
And we made many plans,
Now all my wishes have come true -
Your favorite car is with you!

You've been saving money for years,
In showrooms they looked at models,
And they chose the best, I know -
Everyone would want one!
I hasten to congratulate you soon
I'm with this one good purchase,
Let the car never get old,
And it will only get better over the years!
Let the new car be yours
Will not stand idle in traffic jams,
No matter where you rush on it,
Let the road be clear!
May you never have to
They will encounter a clever hijacker,
Let the car not collide with anyone,
Any traffic cop will be kind.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
AND many years I wish the car life!

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Congratulations on buying a car in verse

Well, congratulations, my friend,
Congratulations on buying a car!
If she needs you as a driver,
And not like a mechanic in the morning.

Hold on to the steering wheel tighter
And don’t accelerate unnecessarily.
Don't be careless on the roads
And in traffic jams, please don’t freak out.

Fly along the avenue like a bird -
Let everyone give way!
Don't drift, don't whine, don't get angry
And don’t be a slowdown in life!

Pass the tests of all circles of hell
Now you definitely have to -
The car is yours, even if it’s not a Lada,
But testing is urgently required.

Take her for a ride over the bumps and potholes,
Let him feel the power of our roads!
And with the breeze it will fly even quieter...
With your purchase, I wish you a worry-free ride!

From now on you're driving
So, no nail, no rod!
May it be on your way
The pits and bumps will disappear.
To the traffic police from behind the bushes
You weren't attacked.
For fuel on the road,
Never ran out!

You are now a shoemaker with boots,
You bought a car - the highest class,
Modestly call it "Tsunami"
Give us a ride, our poor friends!

We will wash the wheels loudly,
Let everyone know that you are in charge!
Let the path be easy, not difficult
On a brand new iron horse!

New gloss, fabulous color
Your car is shining under the window!
People of the world came running from all over
Look at her - and there is a reason for it!

You bought yourself a great car,
We congratulate you on your new thing!
Always behave decently while driving
We sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts wish you!

Oh, who is riding there, proud and satisfied,
And presses on the gas and presses on the horn?
Having bought a car, you became a free bird,
You look at pedestrians like a dude.
A dream came true about a brand new car,
Ride for joy, just don’t be reckless.
Don't skimp on bald tires,
And if you've drunk, don't start galloping.

You got your wheels...
What would I like to say?
May it never wear out
New purchase is yours!
Let her not see the wands,
Let him know no obstacles!
And so that more of us can fit in
To your spacious salon!

Just yesterday you were an ordinary pedestrian:
Just a pair of legs and a travel ticket.
To the cinema with friends, to work on weekdays
You should have caught the trolleybus.
But the rush, the crush, and other adversities
Left somewhere in the past, but now
You are everywhere, regardless of the weather,
By personal transport you will arrive at the right time.
Buying a car is no joke!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Let me just envy you for a minute:
You and her are really good together!

Yesterday you were a pedestrian
Today I became a car enthusiast!
Miles rush from under the wings,
The driver is looking out the window like an eagle!
So the path will be good!
And away with potholes and radars.
And don't forget about your friends,
That they stomp on the sidewalks.


buying a Ford

You are happy and your wife is proud

And the mother-in-law is not in danger of having a seizure:

We finally bought a Ford -

Handsome, brilliant, smart and smooth,

It is reliable and practical

(When, for example, he rushes down a hill!),

Champion at various rallies!

And not Russian, by the way, assembled!

Let it fly around the world like a bird

"Ford" - fun and hasty...

And you and I will forget “kvass”

And even imported beer!!

Congratulations on

buying a Kia

No, you are not a magician Kio,
But having first bought the rights,
You bought a Kia car -
Didn't get it out of my sleeve!
And now you, in the park,
Days in the engine, burning everything,
You drive in this foreign car
Only in the left lane...
Let the striped one not wave
An evil traffic cop with a stick! Here.
And let your car
You'll be lucky! After all, you are lucky!!!


purchasing a Mitsubishi

You are getting higher and higher in rank,
Triple in size in the eyes of the crowd
You're already driving around in a Mitsubishi
Both in Moscow and throughout the country!
Even you will go to Europe
(There are costs involved!)
To show off a cool butt.
(But just “cars” or wives?!)
We wish you just a little:
There is a harness on the steering wheel, fur on the saddles
And so that the “Japanese” does not break,
I was taking you to where your success is!!!

Congratulations on

buying a Mercedes

There is continuous progress in your affairs
(Sing, dance and clap with your friends!):
Your new Mercedes is worth it,
Sparkles with her whole face and butt!
And you can go crazy:
The light and shadows of the edges play...
Solidity is seen by itself
The product of the assembly of two Germanys.
Now you have a lot of weight.
(Will you share some of it with him?!)
Let this new Mercedes
Fortunately, you are carried through the puddles!!!


buying a Jeep

And the body is made of armor, and the spike
The edge surrounds the tires -
My friend, you bought a new jeep:
In fact, there is no cooler car!
You're such a brute of your brothers
(And in addition to them Lena, Zina...)
What did you drive before -
A big super limousine?
You didn't take a jeep - almost a tank...
But here we wish for the flight
Retrofit the “toy” like this -
The barrel - above the hatch - of a machine gun!!!


purchase of Citroen

Recently we drank soda, barely
And imagining who is who...
And now you are already in a Citroen,
Not - on the tram, not - in the subway!
The “French lady” is rushing you around the world -
Light, comfortable, good...
And she is dear to me - the poet:
The soul flies like verse to the centuries!
So let's drink to it, friends,
To carry us all, horses in return,
Through heat, frost, rain and blizzards
Huge powerful Citroen!!!

Congratulations on

buying a Volkswagen

You saved dollar for dollar:
On the steering wheel, on the seat, on the tire...
And so you bought a Volkswagen,
A big needed car!
You won't get tired of her
Wander around the country and Poland -
He eats as much gasoline as he needs,
Rubber with oil - no more.
Live and be happy, our friend:
The car is better than the awards!
...And if you suddenly come to us,
We will be very happy too!!!


You are not a moneybag at all,
We've been saving for many years...
And so - to each his own! -
We did it all!

You always needed
Cool car,
It warms your soul...
Isn't that the reason

Congratulations on your purchase?!
And wish on the road
Don't break the rules,
So that the traffic cop is strict

Didn't feed at your expense.
Believe in luck!
Even though God protects you -
Check the brakes!

with purchase

Forget your shitty life -
The gloomy world of slum apartments:
We moved into a new apartment -
IN new home like entering a new world!
Let the family, taken separately, -
Yours will be in this country
And prosperous-rich,
And quite happy!

And with borscht-shchi-pilaf
(I won’t eat a portion in a day!)
Let the children grow up healthy
Love and happiness to you all!
Repair - renovation, but for housewarming
We are waiting for an invitation!.. Fun is coming!!!


We imagine with great difficulty
(Can you imagine this yourself?!):
You are entering a bright new home
And you furnish it in a European way!
Not some humble little world
(Not a dorm-station at all) -
The house is tall, beautiful, very wide:
Kitchen, bath, living room and many bedrooms!
You will live happily ever after in it -
We would like to wish you in a letter and in a toast,
Treasure frequent guests
Yes, you should come and visit us!!!

There is a myth that women are all shopaholics by nature. That only women rejoice at every new purchase, every pair of shoes, and so on. But let's face it, aren't men just as happy with new jeans, a T-shirt or a brand new laptop? From here the conclusion is that we all rejoice, like children, at anything new. And what could be nicer than when you make a new purchase and also receive as a bonus nice congratulations with the purchase of the item! So with us you can safely choose the congratulations you like and send to the lucky owner new purchase! It will be pleasant not only for you, but also for your friends and family.

I hasten to congratulate you on your purchase,
How nice it is to make your dream come true!
On weekdays bright colors add,
Reward yourself for success!
May your purchase make you happy for a long time,
So that you are always in the mood.
Take care of it, use it wisely,
May it serve you for years!

We go to the store every day -
Every time you need to buy something,
But in the bustle sometimes we forget,
What a little thing can give us happiness!
And therefore let me congratulate you,
With a very important purchase for you.
Take care, cherish and cherish her,
May I always make you happy, just like now!

Let me congratulate you on your purchase,
Know that it is exclusive to you!
You don't need to add anything to it -
She is a positive person in her own right!
Use it with pleasure -
Let her make you happy every day!
It was a great luck to buy it -
Friends are very happy for you!

No matter how much it costs -
Even if it was bought on credit,
Don't let expenses upset you,
And don’t let your conscience bother you.
If you are satisfied with your purchase,
So she's lucky.
Relax and breathe freely -
And enjoy it to the fullest!

With your new acquisition,
We hasten to congratulate everyone!
It would be an eclipse -
If you don't buy it, part with it!
What would make you smile,
On your lips now?
That purchase was not a mistake,
And delight and just class!

There is some luck in any purchase -
This has been tested by everyone for a long time!
Please accept congratulations on your purchase -
It comes from the bottom of my heart!
Let it be, it will last,
You just need to take care of it a little.
Delight will not disappear then quickly -
Like the flame of suddenly extinguished candles!

You looked at the store window as if in a dream,
And she talked tirelessly about buying this one for me.
And now you are very happy, having made your dream come true,
I congratulate you on this – you bought beauty!
Although this happiness costs a lot of money, it’s not a problem,
You have made your dream come true! Well, money is nonsense!
Why do we work day and night at work?
So that, forgetting about yourself, you can overcome all your desires?

How nice it is to receive congratulations on the purchase of a car! The euphoria from such an expensive and successful acquisition is also enhanced by the fact that someone is rejoicing with you. Nowadays, a car is not only a means of transportation, but also a kind of luxury item, and for some best friend, That's why " iron horse"so much time and attention is paid. When congratulating a person on buying a car, you can give him small souvenir, for example, an interesting keychain. In this case, the motorist should wish “neither nail nor rod,” since this expression has become the main parting word for drivers. And how many prospects open up with the purchase of a car! Now you can safely go to the sea with friends, without thinking about how to get there. And most importantly, do not forget that such expensive purchase You should definitely celebrate having a “cup of tea”, but you shouldn’t get behind the wheel after such tea in order to avoid troubles with traffic police officers!

Congratulations on your purchase,
We wish her not to break,
Let it work properly
It carries you, let it be perfect!

Let him not “eat” too much fuel,
And let it start strictly -
With a “turn”, with a “half kick”
And without the gray haze!

Brakes, clutch, gas...
You have a miracle of technology,
Simply - luxury, amazement,
In a word - pleasure!

Great reason!
And there is a choice where to go!
With the purchase of a car
We congratulate you.

Now you're on wheels
Now you're in charge.
Let there be less traffic jams,
Gasoline for two rubles.

May there be an angel at your back
Protects you.
The car is like candy!
Let him not know about the breakdown.

Congratulations on purchasing your car. I wish you safe and unobstructed roads, low gasoline prices, comfortable and happy trips. Let the car bring benefit, joy, pleasure and enjoyment.

We congratulate you on buying a car,
We wish you pleasant trips on it.
To see the world, travel around the world,
There is no transport more convenient than a car.

Let your swallow be fast
But so as not to break, I saved the budget.
Serves his masters with faith and truth
And in summer time, and in the winter cold.

So “hello”... Miracles!
There are four wheels
There is a brake, there is also a steering wheel,
And the seats are normal.

So, congratulations!
After all, the car is class!
I can't find better words,
There is neither rod nor nail for you.

The smoothest roads for you,
So that your car can
Serve you for a very long time
And carry you comfortably.

You bought a car - it’s a great event,
The car is not simple, but very foreign,
Beautiful and strong - a wonderful model,
A big, captivating goal has been achieved!

I wish that the road was smooth,
Always led you to luck and wealth,
The engine ran smoothly, and the soul would sing,
Health was good and speed was good!

With a great purchase
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Wishes come true.
And how good they are.

Looks like it's from the cover
Autoworld magazine
Your car is gone
And you just filled the tank.

I wish you a smooth route,
No traffic jams, traffic police,
And great travels,
Road to all miracles.

Great driving,
And a light steering wheel,
And smooth movement
And a super garage.

Shines with gloss under the window
The new car is yours,
This is joy, this is happiness,
I wanted to buy it so bad!
Let the car be a joy
And it will avoid breakdowns,
You ride carefully
And cherish your car,
Congratulations on your purchase,
There is no event more important
Take us for a ride too, of course.
The car is yours.

You bought a car
They didn’t forget to invite us,
Show cool salon -
He's stunning!

The car has rear wheel drive -
She's just like a picture!
In it: comfortable and convenient,
And inside, everything is very fashionable!

Because the “brand” is yours
More beautiful than everyone else in the area,
The bells and whistles in it are cool
And the spare parts are expensive!

Let's just say one thing:
You're lucky with your car!
Not a purchase - just a “treasure”
There are no barriers to doubt!

All four wheels
Bumper, headlights, brakes,
In appearance - simply beautiful,
Not a purchase, but a dream!

In it you are not afraid of the rain,
You're not walking,
But, undoubtedly, it is necessary to wash,
May she carry you for at least a hundred years!

Here is the iron horse at the gate,
The hood shines, the engine roars.
Fashionable music from the salon
Calls the owner from home.

You bought yourself a unit,
A man with a car is already rich:
After all, you can’t walk on wheels,
(Well, if you don't get stuck in a traffic jam).

We wish to live amicably with the traffic police,
And with the pedestrians of love;
Breakdowns - zero, accidents - zero,
And don’t sit behind the wheel,
If there is alcohol in the blood.

Congratulations: 67 in verse, 35 in prose.

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