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How to ask a girl out on a date. How to properly invite a girl on a date Egor Sheremetyev how to invite a girl on a date

Most young guys are panicky afraid to take the first step - to invite the object of their adoration to a meeting, a date. Young people believe that girls are waiting for a prince on a white horse, and this is clearly not them. Others cannot build a relationship because they do not know where to start a conversation or how to invite a woman to meet. And even mature, established men have problems communicating with girls. Why is this happening? And how to invite a girl on a date?

Why are guys afraid to ask girls out on a date?

Many guys experience a raging fear of approaching a girl. Representatives of the fairer sex feel this uncertainty. And when the guy decides to speak, they refuse him. Since it is inherent in nature that females choose only confident, strong providers, males. The fear of hearing “no” takes over, and young people are left with nothing.

The main reason for this behavior is lack of self-confidence. There are a number of other factors that prevent a man from building a full-fledged relationship:

  • Complexes. Model behavior in the family, features of appearance during puberty develop a number of complexes in young people. When you see your passion, these complexes only double. Thoughts begin to arise in my head that he is not a match for such a beautiful, perfect girl.
  • Female self-confidence. Some representatives of the fairer sex are too confident and pompous. They feel like queens, and everyone around them is unworthy of her attention. Such girls enjoy the extreme humiliation of a guy, his refusal in front of his friends.
  • Feeling of inadequacy. Representatives of the stronger sex are not always strong. They may think that they are losers, have not achieved anything in life, and therefore do not deserve such a woman.

Preparing for the invitation

If a guy is afraid to ask his crush out on a date, it doesn’t matter. Fear can be completely eradicated if you carefully prepare for such a step. So, first you need to think about where you would like to invite the girl for the first meeting. A pre-prepared place eliminates the moment of surprise and hesitation. It is better to prepare several options for the development of events. After all, a girl may refuse to go to the cinema, but she will be happy to just take a walk in the park.

You also need to take care of the time of the meeting. For example, “I’ll be waiting for you at the entrance to the cinema at 18:00.” A clear, prepared phrase will instill confidence in the guy. And women rarely refuse confident men. The prepared invitation must be repeated several times in front of the mirror. If there are no difficulties in pronunciation, and the invitation itself sounds normal, you can proceed to direct action.

Phrases for inviting a date

In fact, asking a girl out on a date is as easy as shelling pears. It is not at all necessary to come up with a script and think about every word. Everything ingenious is simple. For a date to take place, it is enough to invite your passion, and that’s it. There is no need to jump over your head. There are a number of frequently used phrases that are always relevant and lead to success:

  • “Can I take you out to lunch?” This phrase is used very often. But in order not to scare the girl away, it is better to reformulate such an invitation a little. For example, “Let’s go to a restaurant one day this week?” When the girl agrees, an acceptable day and time is agreed upon. Instead of a restaurant, you can use a cafeteria or cafe.
  • “Let’s have coffee together one of these days.” This option is the most optimal if the guy doesn’t know the girl well. Perhaps he met her in line at a supermarket, or on public transport. But, she really sunk into my soul, and in order not to lose touch with her, you need to move on to action. While the man does not know her taste preferences, interests, hobbies. Therefore, a cup of coffee is the best reason to meet again.
  • “I have two movie tickets, maybe you can join me?” Of course, the tickets must be for her favorite film, or at least genre. But the cinema is not the best option for a first date.

Once the first date has taken place, making the next invitation will be much easier. The guy will already know the girl’s passion and wishes. The number of options for holding a second meeting will also increase. So, you can go to the skating rink, bowling, go to the local beach, or ride on catamarans. If a man really likes a woman, she doesn't care where she goes. She will agree to just walk with him in the park and chat.

When to say all this?

In the era of modern technology, you can make an invitation not only in person. Besides, sometimes guys are afraid to do it in person, in person. Therefore, to invite you to a meeting, you can use a phone call, SMS, or social network.

Invitation by phone

This option is the most common. Therefore, if you know a girl's phone number, use it. The main thing is not to call her too late or early. Don’t drag out your conversation or chatter incessantly. Long pauses are also unacceptable. It is enough to ask how the girl is doing and what she is doing. And directly invite her to a meeting. If you hear a refusal, there is no need to beg or insist. When she is ready, she will call you herself.


Very often it is girls who use messages as the first step. If you received an SMS “How are you? What are you doing” is a green light. This means that your crush is waiting for you to invite him on a date. It's time to act here. In response, you can write “Have you been to the cinema lately? Maybe we can go somehow?” Invite the girl to discuss your affairs and activities directly in person. After all, it is impossible to tell everything in a message.

Using social networks

This option is the simplest. In absentia, you already know each other, as you see the profile photo. But, at the moment of direct invitation, the girl does not see your excitement, redness and jitters. On social media, you exude poise and confidence. Before sending the text of the message, you need to re-read it and correct any grammatical errors. Most girls automatically blacklist guys who don't follow grammar and spelling rules.

Invitation for a personal meeting

This method is not suitable for everyone. During a personal meeting, you will no longer be able to hide behind a computer monitor or a telephone receiver. But it also has its advantages. So, when inviting a girl on a date in person, you can use your trump cards:

  • A smile. Those with beautiful teeth and a pleasant aroma from the oral cavity often use this.
  • Attractive appearance. Girls also love with their eyes; external attractiveness is also important for them. It's different for everyone. Therefore, if you take care of yourself, a woman will not refuse you.
  • Sight. Through your gaze you will show your confidence and perseverance. Look closely at the girl, captivate her with your eyes. But darting eyes and looking at the floor are a sure way to refusal.

Using these simple tips, it won’t be difficult to invite even the most beautiful girl on the planet on a date. If everything goes well, subsequent meetings are guaranteed.

The strong half of humanity worries no less than girls on the eve of a date. Realizing the responsibility of the moment, many do not dare to invite the one they like on a date, they hesitate, think, and choose the right words. Especially when the girl has sunk into your soul so much, and you want not only to invite her for a walk, but to see her as your wife. Fear of refusal gives rise to doubts: what is the right thing to do to get a girl to accept an offer to meet - call her, write an SMS or limit herself to a delicate message on VK, and when is the best time to do this.

There is no single, one hundred percent “working” phrase or single approach that will ensure success, but there are certain general principles that will help make the invitation original and properly prepare for a conversation with a girl:

  1. First of all, the invitation must be original. Using a non-standard approach, you can let the girl know that she is dealing with an extraordinary, interesting and cheerful man with whom it will not be boring to spend the evening.
  2. We need a suitable situation and environment for conversation:
    • the absence of curious “ears” on both sides;
    • adequate call time (not early in the morning, when the girl can still be asleep and answer “automatically”, not understanding half of what she hears on the phone);
    • absence of extraneous noise, various distractions (a girl can travel in public transport, stand in line at a store, walk along a noisy avenue, etc.).
  3. The girl needs to not just be invited to a meeting, but interested: invited to the cinema for a film she is waiting for, to a concert, to a cafe with her favorite cuisine, to a skating rink, if she likes this type of entertainment.
  4. The time and place must be clearly defined. “Maybe we can go somewhere for a walk sometime?” is worthy of the same answer as the voiced proposal.
  5. You need to make sure that the girl knows how to get to the meeting place.
  6. You shouldn’t say directly that this is a date, using exactly this wording (so as not to frighten the girl by the too rapid development of events), but come up with some more veiled reason and phrases:
    • “I have a surprise for you. I know one amazing place that you will certainly like due to your subtle mental organization. Shall we go?
    • “Are we going to the skating rink on Sunday? I promise you will have a good laugh at my clumsiness, but I will try.”
    • “Do you know who will perform at the city day? Your favorite Quest Pistols! I hope you don’t mind if I keep you company?”
    • “I know a great place that makes simply divine hot chocolate. You have to try this. Shall we have a sweet tooth day?
    • “I want to ask you for a small favor. Friends have invited me to a celebration, and I need to choose a butterfly, can you help me? And then we’ll go for a walk and eat ice cream.”
  7. A man should radiate calm and confidence (do not mumble, voice the invitation in an affirmative form rather than in a questioning one).
  8. You shouldn’t be stunned right away, after greeting, with an offer to meet: it’s better to first clarify whether the girl is comfortable talking, chat a little, and only then move on to the main thing.
  9. You need to prepare backup options if the girl says that she cannot meet on the proposed day and time, and immediately determine the date of the meeting. “Okay, then we’ll call/then we’ll agree/then somehow,” - this is a question postponed until never. You need to specifically decide on what day the girl will be able to allocate time for a meeting, and first remind her of this promise.
  10. If a girl doesn’t outright refuse, but comes up with excuses one after another for the umpteenth time, but is still of irresistible interest, you can turn to your sense of humor and still “pull” her out: “Well, you have a busy schedule, you’re like that all the time.” I’m so busy that I’ve already refused to meet with me 4 times. Maybe you’ll agree for a change?”
  11. After the conversation, the girl should have a more or less clear idea of ​​where she is invited - so that her outfit matches the place and setting (this is especially true for various options for active leisure, walking around the city - without knowing the upcoming cultural program, the girl can come in heels).

The best option for an invitation is personal communication, but such an opportunity is not always available. If a guy and a girl are neighbors, work colleagues, classmates, then it is better to give preference to this particular option of dialogue. Eye contact and nonverbal cues will help you understand each other better and increase the chances that the girl will say yes.

How to ask a girl out on a date over the phone

Inviting a date over the phone has its pros and cons. It is more effective to achieve consent over the phone than by exchanging SMS or messages on VK: the girl does not have time to think, to come up with excuses and circumstances why she cannot - which means there is a greater chance that she will accept the offer. If a guy has a pleasant timbre of voice, a call is an ideal option to awaken romantic moods and anticipation of a meeting in a girl’s soul.

Women are characterized by irrational actions and feelings - they can fall in love with just one voice and go crazy from this sound.

Another advantage of a telephone conversation is that it is much easier to accept a refusal - the girl will not see an upset expression on her face and a dull look.

If the lady, according to her, has a busy schedule, but there was no direct refusal to meet, you can, some time after the conversation, send some cool, intriguing SMS and start a correspondence. This will help “stir up” her interest, and next time she will probably be more willing to agree to go for a walk.

How to invite a girl on a date on VKontakte

When communicating on VK or exchanging SMS, a girl has more ways to retreat. She may simply not respond to a message, leave it unread and, as they say, no person, no problem. Therefore, when corresponding on Vkontakte, you need to show a lot of ingenuity, a sense of humor and originality in order to interest her and achieve a positive response. If a man has creative abilities and is good with rhyme, you can try to compose a beautiful message in verse, slightly romantic or humorous. The first thing a girl will appreciate is not the perfection of the syllable, but the unusual approach and the fact that the verse is not from the Internet, but is dedicated specifically to her:

I have a problem:

Lost peace and sleep

So it somehow happened -

I'm invited to the banquet.

I don’t understand what to go in,

I'm not good at dressing up,

I only trust in you:

Help me choose a style.

A bow tie and a shirt

Should I go buy it?

Tomorrow! Station "Romashki"!

I'm waiting at six to ten.

The girl will probably react positively to such a comic message, be happy to help with the purchase (you can ask for help in choosing a gift, etc.) and accept the invitation to go for a walk.

However, online communication, in addition to the opportunity to chat easily and cheerfully, is also fraught with some pitfalls: people do not see each other, so they may not always correctly interpret the emotions of the interlocutor, his mood, feelings and experiences, which significantly complicates communication. Some girls perceive communication on VK, especially from fake pages, as the presence of a skeleton in a man’s closet in the form of a girlfriend or wife, and therefore often react with refusal.

Invitations on VKontakte are suitable for those cases when the guy does not know the girl he likes or he does not have her phone number. To start a conversation and get a chance to meet her “in real life,” you can use the entire arsenal of pleasantries: compliments, postcards with bouquets, poems, or just an original text that will make her heart melt.

There comes a time in the life of every young man when he wants to ask a girl out on a date. No one wants to hear a dry “no” or incoherent excuses in response. How to avoid rejection? Go to a fortune teller and cast a love spell? Or force a lady on a date? Let's try to figure it out together.

Step #1. Decide on the place and date of the meeting

It often happens that a young man invites a girl on a date at an inconvenient time for her. Such actions are accompanied by refusal for obvious reasons. Also, the main component of a date is the place where you will spend time together.

Girls love courtship, but when a guy invites a lady to a Japanese restaurant, not knowing that she hates sushi, refusal is guaranteed. The young man is sincerely perplexed as to why she did not want to see him. To avoid making such mistakes, we recommend thinking through an action plan, taking into account all the nuances.


  1. You should not buy tickets to a film unless you are absolutely sure that the lady will like it.
  2. Ask the girl's friends what time she is usually free.
  3. National establishments are not suitable for a first date unless you discuss the chosen restaurant with the lady in advance. It’s better to visit a cozy cafe with dim lights and candles on the table.
  4. If you decide to take your girlfriend for a walk, check the weather forecast in advance.
  5. Don't invite a lady home.

Having trouble choosing a place and time? Discuss this with your girl. Tell her you want to spend time with her this weekend without saying the word “date.”

Don't be afraid of rejection; those who don't take risks don't drink champagne! If she is busy, arrange a free day. Be persistent, girls love guys like this.

Step #2. Show off the positives

The next time you meet, talk to the girl simply and easily. Make her smile, joke, be open to dialogue. There is no need to act like a bore, do not discuss personal matters and do not burden your companion. Before you ask a lady out on a date, you must intrigue her. Show yourself as a gallant gentleman, open the door to the building or buy coffee in a nearby cafe. Start an interesting conversation and make sure that the girl enjoys talking to you.

If you spend time in a common company, try to distract your interlocutor from strangers. Create sexual overtones, flirt and touch her lightly, as if by chance. Make jokes, give compliments and make her laugh in every possible way. Look for common ground, discuss common interests, share funny stories from your life. Remember, when a girl is looking around looking for a way to sneak away, she is not interested in you.

Step #3. Pay attention to the girl's body language

Scientists have proven that a person receives 80% of information from nonverbal communication. For these reasons, ignore the words, watch the gestures, and look for clues in body language. The lady says she's having a great time, but she pulls away and wants to end the conversation quickly? She's lying. Let's consider the main points that you need to rely on in order to recognize the true essence of your interlocutor. Simple tips will help you understand that the girl is sincerely interested in you.

  1. She listens carefully, does not look away and asks relevant questions.
  2. The girl laughs often and sincerely, without forcing a smile.
  3. When you make jokes at her expense, the lady reacts positively and does not miss the chance to tease you.
  4. The girl is interested in her personal life, asks about pets, hobbies and relatives.
  5. She often touches your hand.
  6. The interlocutor mentioned several times that she had nothing to do on the weekend.

Did you find several matching items from the list in her behavior? Feel free to ask a lady out on a date! You will feel that the time has come. Be bolder, it all depends on your intuition and charm.

It’s more difficult to get the long-awaited “yes!” by phone. The interlocutor does not see your face and will not be able to recognize your true motives, since she is on the other end of the line. It is difficult for you to influence her using tactile sensations, which completely eliminates flirting. It’s easier to refuse a lady on the phone, because you need to say “no” to the receiver, and not to the person standing opposite.

Think over an action plan in advance, search the Internet for a list of romantic places or cozy establishments. You can arrange a date on the roof, and during the conversation say that it is a surprise. Have several options in stock so that the girl cannot get out. Doesn't want to eat, is you on a diet? Go on a picnic with a fruit basket. Doesn't like comedies, wants an action movie? Look through the city's poster, choose the movie you want at a convenient time. Be persistent and achieve your goal.

If you are very nervous, choose a quiet place on the day of the call, you should feel comfortable. When the girl answers the phone, introduce yourself. Find out if she is busy, otherwise ask to call back. Start the conversation casually, ask about how your day went. Make a couple of jokes and don't allow silence on the phone. When you notice that the conversation is flowing without tension, schedule a meeting at a convenient time.

Don't use trivial phrases like “Will you go on a date with me?” Express yourself differently, show cunning: “Listen, I discovered such a cool confectionery here, I immediately thought of you. Maybe we can go and try their tiramisu?” Keep in mind that many ladies work until nine in the evening; in such cases, reschedule the meeting on a weekend.

Do you like a girl, but you don’t know how to ask her out? Think about the place in advance, decide on the time. Don't rush to buy movie tickets; she might not like the movie. For the first meeting, do not choose national cuisine; invite her to visit a cozy cafe nearby. Pay less attention to words, watch your body language. When talking on the phone, behave relaxed and avoid awkward situations.

Video: how to properly ask a girl out on a date

Such a banal question about how to invite a girl on a date can sometimes turn out to be a difficult problem for a guy. In this article we will try to answer this question and consider various ways to solve it.

First, you need to clearly understand why you want to invite a girl on a date. Perhaps you just want to spend a friendly evening with a good and old friend, or maybe you have serious intentions with a view to the future. In any case, you must be confident in yourself and leave doubts. Go clearly towards your goal and success will be guaranteed to you.

What do men feel when they ask a girl out on a date?

Most often, long thoughts about how to propose a girl a date arise before young guys who experience the following feelings:

  1. Uncertainty. If your head is filled with thoughts " It seems like I can't handle it», « I won't succeed», « I won't like you", most likely, you have low self-esteem. In this case, you should overcome self-doubt and work with the subconscious. Think more about the good, show emotions, hope for a favorable outcome, work on yourself and your thoughts.
  2. Feeling of embarrassment and embarrassment. If you are thinking of asking a girl out on a date, you should stop being shy about her. That's why you're a man, to take the first step. And if, because of your embarrassment, you miss the chance to invite your crush to a meeting, then you may be making a big mistake in your life.
  3. Fear. If you like a girl, don't be afraid to ask her out. It's not scary and easy. Don’t be afraid to get rejected, because this is not the last opportunity and there will be many more. Don't worry and try to invite a friend next time. The main thing is not to be intrusive, behave confidently and speak in a calm, measured voice. Remember, girls like strong guys!

What does the girl's behavior mean?

If you feel that a girl is interested in you, is happy to make contact, smiles and laughs, then you should not hesitate. You have every chance for the successful development of further relationships. You can, without hesitation, invite a lady on a date when you feel sympathy on her part towards you.

Pay attention to her gaze. When a girl looks at you for a long time or, conversely, looks away, it means she likes you. Although there is another side to the coin. Staring can also be associated with hostility. Don't make sudden conclusions and get upset.

Perhaps you need to pay attention to another important detail - bodily contact. If you often feel a girl touching you or trying to touch you, then don’t hesitate and ask her out on a date. Due to their good manners and modesty, some representatives of the fairer sex keep themselves at a distance from men. This behavior does not mean that she is indifferent to you. Take a closer look, start a conversation, try to understand how much you need each other and invite her on a date.

How to start a conversation with a girl correctly

During the dialogue, look the girl in the eyes. Do not under any circumstances look at her figure and breasts. This scares many women away. If you notice that the girl is not looking at your face, or is not paying attention to you at all, you should pause and end the conversation. You should not make sudden conclusions about the current situation. Maybe your interlocutor is not in a good mood or she has very important things to do that are more important than communicating with you. Take your time and try to approach the girl a little later.

During the conversation, ask questions that can be answered with more than just words “ Yes" or " No" Come up with a phrase that will be followed by communication. For example, you can ask: “ How do you spend your weekend? or " What do you prefer to do in your spare time??».

Girls are attracted to men who have a sense of humor. Good and funny jokes will help relieve tension and constraint that arose during the communication process. Men who know how to make their interlocutor laugh always attract attention and win them over. You should not throw around caustic or sharp jokes at the first meeting. In this way, you can easily push the girl away from you and will not impress her.

How to invite a girl over the phone

Due to various circumstances, it is not always possible to invite a lady face to face. If you really like a girl, you should exchange phone numbers. After meeting, girls almost never call first. They expect action from the opposite sex. Before calling a girl, a man has time to think about what to say and decide to invite his interlocutor. This option of inviting by phone is considered the most popular, since she will not see her face, and therefore will not notice your embarrassment.

Since you don’t know what your friend’s hobbies are, and accordingly you are afraid of being left out in the cold, carefully choose a place to meet. Consider one or even several options for meeting places, in case one of them is rejected. Invite a lady for a cup of coffee or take her for a walk in the park, go to the premiere at the theater. If your city has entertainment centers and any other interesting events (exhibitions, theaters, concerts), then you don’t have to bother at all.

Agree on a meeting place and time. Offer to meet on a neutral side, it will be more convenient for you. Undoubtedly, you are not yet ready to meet the girl’s parents if you pick her up yourself. Don't be afraid to call a girl; a strong voice and a couple of good phrases guarantee success.

How to invite a girl on a date via SMS

Using SMS messages as an option for inviting a meeting is not popular among men. However, an SMS invitation is a method that works.

First you need to say hello and send a message with the words: “ Hello. This…" When the girl answers, ask how she is doing or ask what she does.

The next question will depend on when you last saw each other. If the last meeting was not so long ago, you can ask a question reminiscent of this event. For example, you recently spent time with friends. Ask her: " How was the rest of the day??».

Exchange a couple or three more SMS messages, ask about her plans for the evening or some other day, and move on to the main question like: “ Would you like to go with me..." If you receive an SMS with a positive response, write her a message with the exact date and time of your future meeting and do not forget to ask her: “ This day and time suits you?».

End the correspondence with the words: “ I'm looking forward to it" or " See you soon" After this, do not send any more SMS, otherwise you may show your obsession.

If your interlocutor refuses your offer, do not beg or persuade. End the conversation tactfully and don't get upset. Please try again after some time. If the second proposal is more romantic, then the lady of your heart will definitely accept the invitation and reciprocate your feelings.

How to invite a girl through social networks

An interesting way to invite a girl is through social networks. Online dating is common among young guys. The advantage of inviting a lady over the Internet is that you do not see each other. You don't have to lower your eyes from embarrassment or feel ashamed from slurred speech caused by anxiety. You have an excellent opportunity to prepare in advance by sketching out certain phrases. You can send the girl poems, beautiful postcards, emoticons. Before asking a girl out on a date, discuss a topic. Try to find out her interests and hobbies. Most likely, you will have common hobbies, which will serve as a reason for good development of relationships in your favor. Don't procrastinate, get down to business.

What a man should look like on a first date

So, you did an excellent job with the first task and you managed to invite the lady of your heart on a date. Now you need to work on yourself to make a good impression.

Here are some important points to consider in detail:

  1. Appearance. The fairer sex likes well-groomed and elegant men. Untidy men can cause rejection. When going to a meeting with a lady, get your body in order. Trim your nails and hair. They must be clean and trimmed. Overgrown stubble should be shaved.
  2. Use a deodorant that protects against sweat odor. Find a good scent that suits your style. There is no need to spray a lot of cologne so as not to irritate the girl. Before a date, eliminate garlic, onions and other bitter seasonings from your diet. Be sure to brush your teeth and use a mouth freshener.
  3. Shoes and clothing must be neat and clean. Don't wear old shoes to your first date. Socks should be matched to your trousers and shoes. Be sure to iron your trousers or jeans and match your belt to the color of your shoes. Choose a shirt that is not too bright.
  4. Modesty. The standard of male education and discipline is tact and modesty. You shouldn’t show your toughness and unceremoniousness on the first date. You need to look simple and tasteful. You should not wear all kinds of chains and bracelets, or hang yourself with gold jewelry, as you may be used as a sponsor. In this case, it is not you who will attract the girl, but your big pocket. The maximum you can afford is to wear a watch as a good accessory.
  5. Choose the right wardrobe. If you are planning to spend the evening in a restaurant, wear dress pants and a formal shirt. If you are going to take a walk in the park, you can choose simpler things. Jeans, a shirt, a sweater, and sneakers will go well here. Never wear shorts, a tracksuit or men's slippers on a first date. The lady may think that you are frivolous and playful.

Common mistakes men make on a first date

It is very important for a man to show his best side and show all his best qualities. To do this, you should follow the following rules:

Don't be aggressive. Aggressive behavior scares off most girls. She may think that you don't know how to control yourself and control your emotions. All women dream of a calm and happy family life, and boorish and arrogant behavior will instill a feeling of fear in her.

Don't be greedy. Present yourself as a generous man. If you receive a bill at a restaurant and the amount in it is not what you expected, do not show that you are upset and do not make a surprised face. React in such a way that your companion does not feel ashamed for eating too much. Don’t choose too cheap dishes on the menu; on the contrary, order something unexpected, that is, surprise her. Most likely, you will have to spend money, so before inviting your friend on a date, save up some money.

Be honest. Men who openly lie in front of a lady are associated with professional liars. If a woman notices that her boyfriend is inclined to deceive, she will begin to doubt his sincerity and integrity, and on a subconscious level she will not be able to trust him. Doubtful thoughts about the personal life of a companion will settle in a woman’s head. A woman’s brain is designed in such a way that, having suspected a man of lying once, she will always suspect him.

Don't complain. On the first date, you shouldn’t talk about your problems, how bad your team is, how unlucky you are with your neighbors, etc. Complaints of this nature are annoying and tiring. How should a girl feel in such a situation? After all, she came to the meeting in a great mood, hoping to have a great time and enjoy your company. The conclusion here is obvious: next time there will be no one to invite on a date.

Don't abuse alcohol. When inviting your partner on a date, offer to drink a glass of good wine, but no more. Otherwise, without noticing it, you will allow your tongue to run loose and find yourself in an awkward situation. Such an oversight can turn against you, because while intoxicated, you can say a bunch of unpleasant phrases or, even worse, do some stupid things. With such obscene behavior you will quickly turn away your passion.

If you want to ask the girl you like out on a date, don’t be afraid of rejection or failure and never give up on your goal. Girls’ refusals are just a test of a young man’s strength, and if such a test is passed, you will be able to achieve great success and gain experience in relationships.

What could be easier than asking a girl out on a date? All you have to do is invite her, right? The situation becomes more complicated if you are shy or nervous. Sooner or later you will have to take the first step and be brave or wonder for the rest of your days how things could have turned out. Read our tips and find the courage to ask a girl out.


Part 1

Get ready

    Determine how much you are. Does she maintain eye contact with you? The girl smiles, laughs and is always happy to talk? If yes, then you are on the right track. What if she stares at you because she is annoyed by your constant staring? This is a bad sign and the girl may be a little tense. Try not to show your feelings in too obvious ways.

    Notice how often she touches you. If she always tries to touch your hand or makes excuses after such actions, then it is very likely that she is interested in you. If the girl does not touch you, then do not rush to draw disappointing conclusions. Also, you should not touch a girl in passing if she does not make contact. This behavior frightens and confuses girls. If she doesn't even look at you, then stay calm and find a reason to talk to her.

    Watch the way she looks at you. If a girl likes you, she will look at you for a long time or immediately look away. Both situations can mean the same thing. If you looked at a girl and saw that she was looking intently at you, then two options are possible - she likes you or she doesn’t like you. She can also quickly turn her head in a different direction. If her look does not express friendliness, then check your appearance. If a girl quickly looks away, she probably likes you but is nervous.

    • It should be understood that during a conversation, girls usually look into the face of the interlocutor, so do not rush to the conclusion that she likes you if you are just talking and she listens to you attentively. If you have never talked to a girl, then you have little chance of dating her. Friendly relationships can develop into love, but the absence of any relationship is unlikely.

    Part 2

    Start a conversation

    Part 3

    Invite on a date
    1. Watch your appearance. You don't need to dress up in a suit and tie to ask a girl out. Just make sure your clothes are clean and fit well, and you remember to brush your teeth and use deodorant. Never wear the same thing two days in a row (if you wore red pants on Monday, don't wear them on Tuesday).

      Talk to the girl. No need to come up with witty phrases. Just saying “Hello” or “Hello” to her is enough. During the conversation, you can give a compliment or ask the girl a question.

      • If you find it difficult to start a conversation, then read the following articles:
    2. At the right moment, ask her out on a date. Offer to go to a movie theater or a cafe that you both like. Be original.

      • Say: “I recently heard about the movie _______. What did you think about it?” If the girl shows interest, then offer to go to the cinema. To the question "Is this a date?" answer honestly. Girls like confident guys, not cowards.
      • Try a subtle suggestion: "I was going to an exhibition opening on Saturday night. Would you like to come with me? I think it would be fun."
    3. Exude confidence. If the girl clarifies whether this will be a date, then confirm this assumption. Girls love confident guys.

      Be prepared to hear no. If a girl refuses you, then don’t get excited, smile at her and politely say: “No problem! Maybe another time.” Change the topic of conversation or leave if there is nothing more to say. Act like you don't care because sometimes indifference can make a girl interested. If the girl grimaces and blurts out, “God, no way!”, then you have no chance. Leave her alone and meet someone else. There is no need to be offended or upset. Some girls are simply not interested.

    • The best time to invite a girl is when you are alone. In the presence of people, she may be forced to agree or refuse, and you need a sincere answer.
    • Remember that every girl is different, so our advice may not work. Use your common sense.
    • The difference between acceptable and intolerable silence is one of relaxation and self-confidence. Sometimes there are inevitable pauses in a conversation. Don't worry, a girl can worry too.
    • Don't be afraid to be rejected. Most girls are quite noble and are unlikely to humiliate you. Some may agree to go on a date only because it is rude to refuse. Learn to recognize such situations. In this case, the girl likes you just enough that she doesn’t want to offend you, so there’s no need to hope for a romantic relationship.
    • Try starting a conversation with a girl by saying, “Hey, can we talk?” or “Can I ask you something?” Your conversation should go as smoothly as possible.
    • Address the girl directly. You don't need to ask her out via email or Facebook. Most girls like confident, but not arrogant behavior.
    • If you match her idea of ​​what a guy wants, then your chances increase. It will be much easier for you to make up your mind if she finds you attractive. to invitations to a date.
    • If you invite everyone on a date, the girl may consider you frivolous and refuse you. Girls prefer serious guys with whom they can build relationships. There is nothing worse for a girl if a guy asks her out on a date and then immediately switches to someone else.
    • Sometimes girls get nervous in the presence of guys. If she bites her lip, looks away, blushes, or otherwise shows excitement, don't rush her to answer. Please ask again in a couple of weeks.

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