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How to paint your lips correctly. How to apply lipstick correctly - Learn how to do everyday makeup correctly

How to properly apply lipstick to your lips? If you think that this article is not worthy of your attention and time, it means that you have already learned this simple skill, or until now you did not even suspect that you were doing something wrong. Then apply your favorite color to your lips and look in the mirror. Are you satisfied with this result?

Autumn, winter, summer, spring….

Do you think this section will be about the seasons? No, now we’ll talk about color types, or more precisely about how to choose the appropriate tone for decorative cosmetics. Learning how to properly apply layers of product on your lips is only half the success, and only half the battle. The first is a successful and profitable selection of a suitable shade of a particular product.

The fact is that some palettes can have a detrimental effect on your appearance, making imperfections more pronounced and pretentious. For example, an unsuitable gloss can significantly highlight insufficient whiteness of teeth or emphasize facial wrinkles around the mouth. Or worse, add five to ten years to your real age.

Today there are an incredible number of different ranges, which greatly complicates the process of buying cosmetics. So, dear girls and women, here you should be guided by the main rule: the tone of the product should be in harmony with the color of your skin. It is better for pale-faced blondes to give preference to a cool palette from light pink to plum, while dark-skinned young ladies should prefer warm and bright examples (there is room to roam - from peach to brown). But ladies with an average type can use red or golden lipsticks.

Let's move on to the issue of the relationship with hair. For those with red or fiery hair, stylists recommend using a range of brown and terracotta, for blondes – mauve and berry mixes, for brunettes – rich and bright colors.

Don't forget about the eyes. Passionate and burning tones are applicable to brown eyes - chocolate, scarlet, wine, etc. Cherry options are good for blue eyes, and terracotta and orange are good for green eyes. Light beige is an excellent neighbor to gray.

Attention! When choosing the appropriate tone of cosmetics, you should also take into account your own age. Young girls can safely experiment with any palettes and colors. Ladies around the age of thirty have the opportunity to stand out with bright lipsticks, thereby showing off their facial skin that has not yet begun to fade. But women of Balzac’s age should turn to something natural and natural, devoid of excessive shine.

Pencil - instructions for use

Lovely girls simply cannot do without this “tool”. They are sold in any stores. It should be noted that there are a number of factors to consider when purchasing a product. The first and most important thing is moisture resistance. The fact is that during the day we all eat, drink various liquids, cry from tears and pain, which naturally cannot but affect the state of our makeup. Using a pencil, you can adjust the shape and size of your lips, making them visually larger or smaller. It is applied shortly before the lips are covered with lipstick, balm or gloss.

The item we are discussing also has another function. It is to maintain the durability of the main product. In order for the lipstick to last much longer than the period stated by the manufacturer, you need to outline the contours and carefully blend it towards the center. And remember: this type of cosmetics does not know how to peacefully coexist with balm or gloss. The fact is that during the process of “exploitation” the components separate from each other, as a result of which the color pigment flakes off and accumulates in folds and cracks, as well as in the corners of the mouth.

Interesting!Lip pencil is a truly multifunctional item, one might say, simply irreplaceable for many girls. With the right shade, it can replace eye shadow, blush, matte lipstick and eyebrow shaper.

There is another point worth our attention: some ladies have learned to adjust the shape and size of your lips using this item. So, such manipulations take place, but only if the contours are not very prominent, and the so-called “working area” does not have significant bulges.

“Pencil-free” techniques

So, now we will move on to discussing methods of applying lipstick without the participation of a concealer in this process. Hurry to carefully read all the points and try them on yourself.

  • Ombre. In this case, it is appropriate to use matte options, applying with light strokes, without touching the central part of the lips. Recently, solutions such as torn and asymmetrical application of the product have been relevant. Some stylists, by the way, manage to experiment and create the most incredible solutions.

  • Piercings came into fashion last year. As you understand, this is an imitation of jewelry using gold or metallic color. To look stylish and fresh, simply draw a thin vertical stripe in the center on your painted lips.
  • Matte- an effect that conquered all the fashion catwalks of the world several years ago. The demand for it has not subsided to this day. But it should be said that if you want to achieve a rich texture, it is better to give preference to glossy products. A real hit of winter is applying crumbly shadows on top to match. At the same time, you need to avoid monotony, otherwise the result will not be the most successful. To carry out such manipulations, use a brush with soft natural bristles. If your mouth is not very receptive to the above-mentioned product, purchase fine glitter.

Interesting! Stylists often give us new ideas for creating unsurpassed makeup. So why don't you become a makeup artist and start experimenting with color and texture! Remember: your image should always be varied and original!

Fifty Shades of Red

This palette itself is considered bold and defiant, so for some reason many girls are afraid of it. But, according to experts in the field of make-up, scarlet tones are suitable for absolutely every woman, you just need to be able to choose the right color and apply cosmetics correctly. So, brief instructions:

  • To begin, lightly powder the area to be treated.
  • Using a thin, pointed brush, scoop a small amount of product from the stick.
  • Draw an outline. Movements must be bold and precise, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired effect. Such skill only comes with experience!
  • Apply mattifying agent again.
  • Paint the inside of the lip.
  • Tidy up the skin around your mouth. Use different correctors and foundations.
  • Completely cover your lips with the finishing coat.

Advice!To achieve excellent results, use silicone-based cosmetics. This substance helps to visually smooth the surface.

Scarlet color is perhaps the best means of seducing men. Don't be afraid to use these weapons to their full potential. And even if you already have a significant other, why not use this palette to express your sensuality and sexuality.

Dark palettes – to be or not to be?

These ranges are something unique and amazing! This kind of makeup can be considered festive and solemn, since it instantly refreshes the face and makes it brighter. But even here it is worth observing a number of points, including the following:

  • Such a range should fully correspond to your color type. In most cases, these are cold colors.
  • Strictly follow the rules of compatibility with eye color.
  • It is better if you do not highlight your eyes with black eyeliner or shadows. Smokey eyes are acceptable, but only if you choose neutral or classic shadows.
  • Many women suffer from such shortcomings as dryness, tightness of the skin, and the formation of crusts. The cosmetics we discuss can visually hide these imperfections.

Attention! If you doubt your choice and don’t know what to buy. Consult a store consultant. There are samples available at any retail outlet, and if you wish, you can see the results right at the display window.

Let's play with sizes

Did you know that the shape and parameters of your lips can be easily changed with the help of simple solutions and products that are in every girl’s cosmetic bag.

  • Magnification is achieved using a pencil. To do this, you need to go slightly beyond the boundaries when forming the contour. There is another option: carefully paint the corners with it, and apply a pink or coral color on top.
  • Plumpness and volume can be given by compositions with shimmering shine. It should be applied already on top of the colored coating.
  • There are often situations when you want, on the contrary, to visually reduce the outline of your mouth. For this you will need a foundation. With its help you can hide and disguise true forms. It is also necessary to draw thin lines with pointed corners.

As you can see, ordinary lipstick, pencil and foundation can radically change a woman's appearance. Knowing this, you will easily give up the long-standing idea of ​​turning to plastic surgeons, getting a tattoo, or getting miraculous injections in a beauty salon.

But at the end of the article I would like to once again remind you of the key points. Firstly, always choose the right shades of products, since the visual perception of your image depends on this. Situations often arise when inharmony in makeup is more striking than, for example, perfectly selected clothes and accessories. Secondly, don't overdo it. Pretentiousness and vulgarity have never been perceived by others as a sign of unsurpassed taste and sense of style. Thirdly, constantly train and hone your skills in working with cosmetics. The more often you apply certain products to your lips, the faster your movements will become confident and clear. And when it comes to bright or too dark tones, remember that your skin and teeth must be in perfect condition. In this case, the lack of whiteness of the smile is very noticeable, and even a small pimple or irritation greatly spoils the impression of you, since it instantly turns into an unpleasant accent. Be always beautiful and happy!

Lipstick is a cosmetic product whose purpose is to color, moisturize and protect lips from wind and sun. Girls use cosmetics as a way to highlight their assets. How to apply lipstick to look natural?

The makeup of the fair half of humanity causes a lot of controversy. One category believes that the best option is natural beauty, others assure that colorful makeup is sexy and attractive. Learning how to properly paint your lips is an art that requires perseverance and creativity.

Following the technique is a small percentage of success. If you choose the color incorrectly, your face will look “old.” The variety of the palette makes it possible to experiment and look impressive after a hard day at work. The combination of lipstick tone and skin color is important. Cool shades will suit fair-skinned ladies. As for hair color, a range from light pink to plum is recommended for blondes.

Brunettes should take a closer look at bright examples. They will suit brown and peach tones. The following lipsticks are suitable for girls:


  • berry;
  • coral;
  • peach;
  • lilac-pink.

For brown-haired and red-haired women:

  • terracotta;
  • brown.

A rich palette of colors will suit brunettes.

The color of your eyes and eyebrows is a criterion for choosing a lipstick tone. Dark-eyed beauties will be transformed by scarlet and brown shades. Beige and cherry shades emphasize the expressiveness of gray eyes.

Makeup artists and cosmetologists advise not to forget about age when buying lipstick:

  • It is better for young ladies to paint themselves with pearlescent pencils and glosses. Matte and dense tones will complement the images of women of Balzac's age.
  • For women aged 28-33, a style with bright makeup is appropriate. Satin and satin textures will emphasize freshness and youth.
  • An alternative for women 35-45 years old is plum shades. Bright colors help highlight facial wrinkles.

How to paint correctly to hide imperfections

Let's look step by step at how to use simple techniques to hide imperfections (small or large mouth) at home.

Small and narrow

Professionals advise choosing pearlescent, saturated, shape-enhancing colors. Avoid nude-colored glitters. To visually increase the volume, go slightly beyond the contour.

The second way to enlarge narrow lips is to draw their contours, shading them with a pencil (there is no need to paint over the central part). Afterwards lipstick is applied on top. The center is covered with gloss 1.5 shades lighter. This will make your lips appear larger in photos and in the mirror.


If nature has endowed a woman with plump lips, there will be no difficulties when applying makeup. It is possible to visually make your lips smaller: paint over the lip area with a thick foundation or concealer. Remove the remains with a napkin. Glitter will emphasize the swelling, use matte tones.


In case of asymmetry, makeup artists and cosmetologists resort to the following tricks. Foundation is applied to part of the smaller lip. Next, using a thin pencil, a new contour is drawn (followed by applying a layer of lipstick) and the corners of the mouth are raised. To make the pigment last a long time, powder the top layer and it will not rub off.

Rules for applying cosmetics

Clean your lips with specialized milk and apply cream. After half a minute it will be absorbed. Using a pencil close to the natural color, draw the outline of the desired shape. Blend it with a cotton swab, brush or finger.

When applying lipstick, use a tube or brush. Makeup experts say that if you apply the product with a brush, it will last longer. Start applying color from the center of your lips, spreading the product outward and upward. The application is completed by tracing the contours.

The brush allows you to mix tones and create new ones. You can add dry or liquid shadows to the palette for thematic makeup.

It is preferable to paint small areas with a brush to ensure perfect makeup. If roughness appears, take a corrector and a brush, and then draw a strict line.

Dark shades

For rich, dark makeup (when you want to wear pink or red lipstick), create a background. The rich shade attracts attention; imperfections will be obvious. Use concealers and makeup base to achieve flawless color and tone. Slowly paint your lips from the corners to the center, then apply the 2nd layer.

Remove peeling with a toothbrush or scrub: gently massage the delicate skin. The look will be fresh and rosy.

Light colors

When applying light-colored lipstick, do not apply the product generously - it will give the impression of foundation on the lips. Such cosmetics are not suitable for blondes with fair skin.

Secrets on how to achieve an even contour when applying

Choose a pencil for the contour that is the same color as your lipstick, or a little darker. Start drawing the line with a firm hand from the center of the upper lip, carefully moving to the corners, and draw the lower one. To achieve a rich and vibrant color, you need to paint with a pencil and liner. This achieves a natural (almost invisible) transition between pencil and lipstick. Additional volume can be achieved by painting the contour strip 3-4 mm further than the natural line. Long-lasting contouring eyeliner is not recommended for women with full lips. There is no point in letting them down. For correction, use a foundation.

Tattooing is suitable for girls who do not have a lot of time to paint their lips every day; it will last for several years. Black henna tattooing is not used for this type of makeup.

How does the quality of lipstick affect the result of application?

Why does lipstick crease? This does not depend on price or brand. Try applying foundation to your lips first, then powdering them, then applying the product. The problem of cosmetics rolling and spreading may be due to increased acidity or due to the presence of herpes.

Try applying hygienic lipstick, then light powder, and lastly pigment. Makeup will last until the evening. Salon or home peeling is useful for lips. Once a month, exfoliate the epithelium with a scrub, then lubricate the delicate skin with balm. Don't forget to remove lipstick before going to bed using a special product or cosmetic milk - soap can dry out the skin.

Not only a master makeup artist can paint lips beautifully and brightly; it’s not at all difficult to learn. The main thing is to follow the advice of professionals step by step and avoid low-quality dyes.

Decorative cosmetics have existed for more than a century, and now most women use mascara and other products every day. Sponges are everything, they reflect facial expressions and emotions. Therefore, it is important for every coquette to know how to learn how to evenly, beautifully and correctly paint her lips step by step from a photo, otherwise the makeup will be the same type every day. Such knowledge will help you create the perfect coverage, like in a fashion magazine.

Often women prefer to buy lipstick of the same color, for example, pink pearl or bright red. Makeup in this area is corrected more often than makeup on the eyes or face as a whole. Eating, walking in the rain, or simply having dry skin that quickly absorbs cosmetics - all these factors reduce the durability of cosmetics applied to this area. But now there are many techniques on how to make sponges perfect. You can make them visually larger or thinner, apply them with a brush, mix shades like an artist on a palette. It is ideal to have several options suitable for going out with casual wear or evening wear, in a color scheme appropriate to the occasion.

How to paint your lips beautifully and correctly

To create a delightful image, you need to follow certain rules in makeup:

  • You shouldn’t grab the first lipstick you see off the store shelf, even if it’s the trend of the season;
  • the color of the cosmetic product should be in harmony with the shade of the skin and eyes;
  • if the clothes are bright, it is better to choose a neutral pigment tone;
  • To complement the pale or achromatic colors of the outfit, you can choose a bright color, with the exception of a tone-on-tone combination;
  • the upper part should be painted separately from the lower part, and not blotted to save money in order to get beautifully painted lips;
  • to obtain a more saturated color, you can first apply foundation or primer;
  • with a business suit you should not use bright mother-of-pearl or glossy coatings;
  • for girls with dark skin, plum, wine and lilac shades are suitable; blondes should avoid them;
  • Matte ones make the sponges visually narrower, while pearlescent ones, due to the reflection of light in different directions, will hide minor defects and visually increase the volume.

We paint our lips correctly with lipstick

This cosmetic product is presented in a huge variety in the retail chain. As a rule, it is in any handbag. The function of this product is not only decorative, it also protects against weathering and frost. Every woman is beautiful in her own way, but to highlight her natural beauty, you need to follow certain rules and follow the sequence of application.

Makeup artists advise using skin peeling once a week. The application steps are as follows:

  • painting lips begins with cleansing their surface with tonic and moisturizing with nourishing cream 20 minutes before using decorative cosmetics;
  • Next, you should apply a primer or foundation, so the base coat will be more expressive;
  • draw an outline with a pencil; if a pencil technique is used, the color may match or be darker than the main coating;
  • apply the contour with a brush using a pencilless technique;
  • then you can start applying the first layer of lipstick;
  • then press a dry cloth to the surface, apply a little powder through it;
  • Now you can use the stick a second time;
  • the final layer can be glitter.

This option will create an expressive and dense coating. For summer makeup, you can skip some steps, then the question of how to perfectly paint your lips can be solved easier. For example, do not apply primer, apply dye only in one layer. Pencil lining is not necessary for daytime makeup, but for evening makeup it will help enhance the expressiveness of the image. The color is chosen to match the tone or a little darker, but never lighter.

The question itself is interesting - which is better: applying lipstick from a tube or with a brush. The brush has the following advantages: all areas are painted over. You can mix colors, as on a palette, apply a contour, make transitions from one shade to another.

The secret to painting your lips beautifully and correctly is that you can apply a thicker layer with a stick. So you need to choose based on your specific needs. You can apply the first layer with a brush, and the final layer directly from the tube. For the effect of color depth, you can take different but similar shades. For example, the initial lilac layer is spread with a brush, the second layer is applied from a tube, the color of wine berries. This produces an interesting effect.

Another application method is finger tapping. The result is a muted shade feel, ideal for narrow lips. You can apply a little light glitter to the central part.

How to properly line your lips with a pencil

There are no trifles in such a matter as makeup. Therefore, everything is important, from the choice of products to the nuances of application. There are two types of pencils to use in coloring the lip area. To trace the outline and mark individual zones, use a hard pencil. First you need to choose it according to its purpose. Basic rules for choosing a shade:

  • The color is the same as the base coat or a little darker. With red lipstick - the same shade or one tone darker, with lilac - the same or dark purple.
  • For a light coating, you should not outline the edge with black or dark brown; this is an outdated trend of the nineties, and it also looks vulgar.
  • Colorless is needed to secure the outline. It is important to know how to line your lips with it. This pencil is used together with glitter. It contains mother-of-pearl elements.
  • White - to visually enlarge the contour and central part. It’s convenient for them to draw a checkmark at the top. Often contains shimmering particles that visually add volume.
  • When choosing in a store, you should not take a modification with a structure that is too soft. They won't be able to draw clear lines.

If the pencil acts as a means for creating a contour line, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Mark the tick on top with white, then draw it from below, but not at the center, but closer to the edges.
  2. Do not outline the corners, highlight the central part with bronzer. Blend with gentle movements.
  3. Now you can outline everything with the main color. Many people are interested in how to do proper lip makeup; if you can’t immediately draw the right line, you can put dots and connect them.

The second use of pencils is for complete coloring of the lip space. Here a soft pencil or lipstick pencil is used. All leading manufacturers have them - Maybelline, Yves Rocher, Avon and others. The entire surface is painted over, top and bottom, and then shaded with a brush. An excellent option for quick make-up.

Pros - the result is a more matte and less bright finish than lipstick, but you can focus on the eyes. If you want to know how to learn how to paint your lips exactly beautifully and correctly, step by step with photos, then the basic rule - to emphasize either the eyes or the mouth - has not been canceled. There is also a new trend - to make both bright, but this is more suitable for the catwalk or parties, where there is artificial light, and you need to attract attention. If you show up to work at the office wearing bright red lipstick and pearly blue eyeshadow, others will most likely perceive it as an inappropriate attempt to stand out.

Visually enlarging your lips is not that difficult. You need to go beyond the natural boundary by drawing a contour line. But no more than 1 millimeter, otherwise it will look unnatural.

How to paint lips for volume

Ideals of beauty change over the years. And if several decades ago the fullness of this area was not given importance, now all girls dream of plump lips. Not everyone will solve this problem radically, for example, with the help of plastic surgery, but using cosmetics, you can achieve a lot.

The basis of all such techniques is the optical effect: everything that is light and pearlescent tones seems larger and more voluminous. First you need to choose the right products. Lipstick colors are nude, pale coral or brown, light pink. Texture is also important.

Matte, velor, velvety structures are not suitable. They will reduce the volume. Satin, glossy, pearlescent ones are good. Anything that has the effect of shine, shimmer and light reflection will help create the desired effect.

For outlining you will need a pencil in nude tones, close to the natural color of the skin. It is advisable to have two close shades - lighter and darker. The makeup stages are as follows:

  • Apply nourishing balm. It will prevent the appearance of weathering and cracks.
  • Preparation - base, foundation or primer.
  • Trace the contour line with a light beige or pale pinkish pencil. The line can extend beyond the natural boundaries by no more than a millimeter. This will create additional volume.
  • Now comes the most important part. Paint your entire lips with a darker color of lipstick, apply a lighter color on top of the more prominent parts, and shade the borders. This stage is performed with a brush.
  • Apply a transparent gloss on top, with a pearlescent or other reflective effect. Makeup is ready.

A few secrets on how to improve the volume effect. You can use a plumper - gloss with components that have an irritating effect. This is usually pepper extract or menthol. Light pigment can be used to highlight the upper lip, the lower lip, or both. We must not forget about the depression called a bird or a tick. It can be painted on with a white pearlescent pencil.

How to paint lips with gloss

When using this seemingly simple remedy, there are some nuances. The shade and texture must correspond to the purpose. Vinyl, lacquer textures are ideal for a nightclub. Nude, soft shades are good for natural make-up in the daytime. For an evening out, products with microglitter will create an impression. In artificial light, the sparkles will shimmer beautifully, reflecting the rays in different directions.

Don't forget about your type. For ladies with dark hair, cool colors are ideal - wine, cherry, cranberry, carmine tones. For blondes and redheads - pinkish, beige, nutty options. For an office with a strict dress code for any appearance - the color of cocoa with milk, warm flesh tones.

Sequence of actions:

  1. The first step is cleansing and moisturizing. Lubricate with hygienic lipstick or nourishing balm. After this, gently rub with a brush to remove flaking epidermis. You can use Librederm Vitamin E Cream for deep hydration.
  2. Contour with a pencil. For the daytime option, you can skip this step.
  3. Apply glitter using a brush or applicator. If the product is in soft packaging, you can squeeze it onto your finger and apply it. Apply little by little, in small quantities, so that you don’t have to clean up the excess later.
  4. Use a napkin to wipe off excess and spills.
  5. And one last piece of advice. Glitter wears off faster than other products. Therefore, it is better to take it with you to update it.

What to do to make lipstick last longer

The easiest way to deal with a coating that wears off is to carry a tube with you and touch up as needed. If during the working day several cups of coffee were drunk, a hamburger and a couple of cakes were eaten, one can hardly expect that even a long-lasting cosmetic product will remain in its original form. You'll have to apply another layer anyway.

Another option is to use long-lasting products. They don't wear off for a long time, but they dry out the skin a little. You need to remove this product with milk remover or something similar. To make regular lipstick last a long time, you can apply it as follows:

  • moisturizer;
  • wipe off excess, cover the entire surface with concealer;
  • contour tone on tone;
  • cover the entire surface with a pencil, shade with a brush;
  • paint in the desired color;
  • place a napkin on top and apply powder on it to remove excess;
  • another layer of base coating;
  • Add a small layer of powder on top of the makeup brush.

For a long-lasting coating, it is better not to use too greasy products. The effects of drinks will be reduced if you drink them from a straw. It is better to minimize contact with food, otherwise no tricks will help. Dark and matte lipsticks last longer than light and pearlescent ones. You can use retainers, but most often this is an option for brides, not for every day, because long-term use can cause allergies.

Examples of makeup in different ways

With the help of cosmetics you can create completely different images - from a simpleton or a business woman to a femme fatale. Examples of makeup with different lip designs:

  • Natural - despite its apparent simplicity, it will require effort, the main thing here is to create the effect of naturalness. Apply foundation all over your face to create the effect of a healthy skin tone, as if you were washing your face with dew every day. Apply peach or pinkish blush with a brush. Use a beige pencil to outline the outline, apply lipstick the color of a pink rose, but not too bright and without pearl. Powder a little on top and make a second layer.

  • Focus on the eyes for going out - outline the eyes with a pencil like a cat. Apply dark gray and pearlescent shadows to the upper eyelid and temple. Under the eyebrow there is a stripe of white pearlescent. Blend the borders, apply blush with shiny particles in the direction from the corner of the mouth to the temple. Outline the mouth with a pencil, then shade the entire surface and smooth it out with a brush. Apply a little glitter to the protruding parts. Straight colored hair will look beautiful with this makeup, but you should not combine it with curls.

  • Focus on the lips - cover the face with base, highlight the cheekbones a little with pale blush. Use gel to straighten eyebrows, apply brownish-beige shadows to the upper eyelid. From the upper eyelid to the eyebrow arch, distribute a thin layer of whitish shadows. Outline the mouth with dark red, 1 millimeter away from the natural border. This way the image will be more sensual. Apply dark cherry pigment from the tube. Blot lightly with a napkin and powder. Now comes the second layer of cherry lipstick. Next, apply vinyl gloss one shade lighter. This makeup is suitable for brown-haired women.

You can experiment a lot with lip makeup and combine it in different ways with the makeup of everything else. On the Aromacode website you can please yourself not only with a variety of cosmetics that will help you do your makeup, but also with caring creams, oils and perfumes from famous manufacturers.

To understand how to learn how to paint your lips exactly beautifully and correctly step by step so that you get gorgeous photos, you can focus on the advice of makeup artists and fashion shows, without forgetting about your individuality. Then the image will be stylish and harmonious.

Lip makeup is real magic, with the help of which any lady can turn into a stylish beauty in a few touches. However, it is just as easy to ruin the overall look with crooked lines and inappropriate tones. To prevent this from happening, today we’ll talk about how to properly paint your lips, look at the secrets of makeup artists and reveal the secrets of Angelina Jolie’s lip makeup.

Types of decorative cosmetics

The makeup industry market today boasts the following types of products:

  • Solid lipstick is a classic option. Its consistency softens and moisturizes the skin. Conveniently, the column in the case will fit into the smallest cosmetic bag, so you can refresh your makeup on the go.
  • Pencil - our mothers use it exclusively for a bright contour line so that the main cosmetics do not run. However, today it is used as an independent remedy.

  • Shine. It is especially comfortable with its light texture in summer. But applying it on top of the main pigment will make your image much brighter.
  • The liquid product looks like glitter, but its tone is not pale, but bright and juicy.
  • – applied in the same way as glitter, dries and forms a film that can be removed. After its removal, a natural shade remains on the skin that will last for several hours.

Preparing to apply color

Before dyeing, it is important to undergo several procedures that are beneficial for the skin:

  • Exfoliation. Apply a special scrub to the surface first. If this does not exist, then it is easy to make it yourself. Take a spoonful of honey + a couple of drops of vegetable oil + a pinch of sugar. Spread the entire mixture over the skin using rubbing movements. This composition will exfoliate dead particles and make your lips soft and smooth.
  • Hydration. The balm is a “must have” for any woman. You need to apply it immediately after the scrub and leave it to absorb. It is ideal to apply it in a thick layer at night, then by the morning your lips will become soft and well-groomed.

Choosing the right shade

Combinations with hair color:

  • light curls - berry, coral, delicate peach, pink-lilac;
  • red - brick and terracotta;
  • dark ones - all rich and bright colors.

Gradation by age:

  • For young ladies, light glitters with mother of pearl, and thick colors age the youthful look.
  • Region 30 years old - satin and satin textures.
  • Shiny glosses are not recommended for ladies over 40. Bright colors will only highlight wrinkles around the mouth, so you need to stick to plum and cherry shades.

Coloring with lipstick without pencil

To properly apply lipstick without a pencil, you need to know some of the subtleties of the process. We bring to your attention the most fashionable techniques from the best makeup artists:

  • Imitation of piercing using a golden tone. Apply an even line of silver or gold down the center of both pigmented lips.

  • . Apply matte red lipstick to only the visible area. Using light strokes, bring the tone to the center of the mouth, avoiding clear edges. You can start the gradient from the corners to the center or from top to bottom.

  • If you want to get a bright matte effect, you can even use it. To do this, apply it to the surface, and then use a flat brush to pick up shadows to match, shake them off, and apply them over the gloss.

  • Eyeshadow lasts just as well as fine glitter. If your lips are all covered in glitter, be sure to be careful not to stain the glassware you're drinking from. It is more common to use this technique with brilliance.

  • Carelessness is on trend. Apply lipstick without a pencil using patting movements. This will give you the effect of chapped lips. You can use powder, which you can read about.

Important! Don't let the incredible colors in the photo scare you. Try it, the colors will look different on you, and the effect will sparkle in a new way.

Proper use of a pencil

  • If we consider makeup from a functionality point of view, you can’t do it without a pencil. When purchasing, make sure that the product is waterproof.

  • The pencil is often used as a base under the main product to impart durability. To do this, outline the outline, shade the line inward, and gradually fill in the gaps.
  • Most often, a pencil is used to... It works best if the surface is slightly flat.
  • You can learn more about the principles of applying makeup with a pencil by reading.

Important! A high-quality pencil can easily replace a base for eye shadow, and even blush.

Secrets of applying red lipstick

Red lipstick is considered a classic, but because of its extraordinary attractiveness, not all girls decide to buy it. Let's reveal a secret: it will suit everyone, it is only important to choose the right shade. Here are 3 options for how to beautifully paint your lips with red lipstick:

  • Lightly powder delicate skin. Using a thin brush, take a little red product from the tube. Feel free to draw the outline, starting from the top. Again a thin powder layer and the contour is repeated. After that, just move on to filling the remaining area. Using a brush is necessary so that the color goes on as evenly and clearly as possible.

  • Apply a base with cosmetic silicone to the entire surface of the “mouth”. It will give smoothness and prolong durability. Draw a matching border with a pencil, and use a brush to fill the entire surface using driving movements.

  • Mark the edges with a non-colored wax pencil. Apply your makeup and then dry your makeup with a dry, lint-free cloth. Apply lipstick again.

Important! When choosing a scarlet model with a hint of blue, be careful, as store-bought lamps make the tone much paler.

Makeup in dark colors

To beautifully paint your lips in dark colors, let’s consider the main nuances that affect the result:

  • Blondes with light eyes should choose purple.
  • Brown-haired women with plum karimi tone.
  • Before starting coloring, it is important to perfectly even out the tone of the face and sculpt it: apply correction powder to the sides of the forehead and cheekbones, and make the center light.
  • The same range is needed as for the eyes.

  • The blondie's eyeliner is brown, and the brown-haired one's is black.
  • Remove blue tones from your make-up, as when combined with luscious lips, all the mystery and charm will disappear.
  • Not bright “smoky eyes” are possible.
  • Dark tones will hide small roughnesses and even crusts.

Important! Lips accented with dark look advantageous only with a light eye make-up.

Fashion for matte

Matte, rich colors have not gone out of fashion for several seasons now. However, it is problematic to choose a product that is convenient in texture. Here are some tips from famous makeup artists:

  • The ideal combination is velvety and rich dark color. Pale matte looks inexpressive.
  • Even after purchasing high-quality cosmetics, do not forget to treat your lips with a scrub and balm, as the texture will reveal all the flaws.

  • Before painting, treat the delicate skin with any oil.
  • To make it neater, apply a pencil first.
  • Unlike lipstick with highlights, matte does not need to be rubbed with your lips, but only with a brush.
  • Remember that with bright lipstick, the color of your teeth and skin looks much clearer.
  • Matte lips do not appear greasy, and the color looks deep and rich.

Lip secrets from Angelina Jolie

Do you want to change the shape of your lips with makeup and get closer to the ideal shape? Easily! You just need to know some subtleties:

  • If you have thin lips, you should arm yourself with a pencil. To make them appear larger, draw out the corners well, and apply pinkish or coral makeup on top.
  • You can draw a contour only on the tick at the top and the middle of the lower lip, this will make the volume look natural.

  • You should not draw a contour much larger than natural. Not only does it look unnatural, but even vulgar and funny.
  • Use a soft pencil slightly darker than natural, a little wider than the contour, and apply nude lipstick to the entire surface. This will add plumpness.

Video: Creative ideas for your makeup

Lip makeup is just as important as eye makeup. If the lips are left unpainted, then they lose their expressiveness, and if the lip makeup is done ineptly, it spoils the overall appearance. An important role is played by the choice of color and mastery of the technique of applying a cosmetic product. Only by fulfilling all these conditions can you create beautiful makeup.

Which lipstick color to choose

Lipstick that is incorrectly chosen in color emphasizes defects on the face and the yellow tint of tooth enamel.

The tone must be selected not just by what you like visually, but by skin color:

  1. Medium dark skin – red or gold would look perfect on the lips.
  2. If you have fair skin, it is recommended to choose a lipstick with a cool range of shades. These include the entire palette of pink colors: from light to dark.
  3. A girl with dark, dark, tanned skin should choose a shade filled with pigment. A romantic peach, burgundy, chocolate, plum lipstick tone suits her.
It’s not difficult to make up your lips beautifully, you just need to choose the right lipstick and the color of the contour pencil.

If you choose lipstick to match your hair color, then:

  • For brunettes, stylists advise using brightly colored lipstick with a golden or copper tint, such as caramel, golden brown, warm red undertones;
  • brown-red, carrot shades of cosmetics suit red-haired people;
  • For blondes, light peach, coral, pink, and crimson shades are suitable.

If you want to emphasize your eye color, then:

  • dark-eyed girls do makeup with chocolate, burgundy, and red lipstick;
  • You can attract attention to blue and gray eyes by painting your lips with nude or cherry lipstick;

The green color of the iris will be made visually brighter by carrot or reddish-brown lipstick.

When choosing a color, significant attention should be paid to age:

  1. Young girls are suitable for slightly pigmented lipstick with an abundance of pearlescent particles.
  2. Women over 30 years of age should choose pigmented shades.
  3. After 40 years, you can give preference to muted tones, such as burgundy and plum.

The shade of lipstick, as well as its texture, affect the perception of lip volume.

Dark and matte lipstick steals volume, so it is not recommended to paint thin lips with such products. In this case, light shades are best suited, for example peach, light pink with pearlescent particles, beige, pearl.

How to use lip liner

Lip pencil is a functional product:

  1. This product can even out the contour, adjusting the volume by moving the border of the lips.
  2. By painting individual areas with the product, you can change the visual perception of their outlines and volume.
  3. The lipstick does not spread beyond the contour applied with a pencil and wears off more slowly, which increases the durability of the makeup.

If you replace lipstick with the product, you can create a matte, rich makeup.

You can paint your lips beautifully with a pencil if it:

  • The color matches the lipstick. It is even better when these two products are matched tone to tone, but you can also use a pencil that is similar in shade, as long as it is not much darker or paler. A dark pencil looks caricatured, while a too light pencil creates a “blurry” outline;
  • well pigmented. A pale pencil removes the volume of the lips, especially a pencil that matches the shade of the skin;
  • perfectly sharpened. The outline should be smooth and neat; this is almost impossible to achieve with a pencil with a blunt tip;
  • medium hard. Soft pencils allow you to create a contour of rich color, but the pigment does not last long on the lips. Those that are too hard in structure, on the contrary, do not release pigment well;
  • waterproof. This pencil will stay in place much longer.

To make it more convenient to use a medium-hard pencil, you should roll the tip of the rod a little between your fingers. It will warm up from the warmth of your hands and become softer.

You can dispense with the product when creating light, barely noticeable makeup, or if your lips are full and voluminous. In other cases, you should outline the outline.

There are several options for using a pencil in makeup in combination with lipstick:

  1. Natural. Apply tone or concealer to the edges of the lips. This prolongs the durability of makeup. Use a pencil to outline the boundaries, not forgetting the corners and making a wider line in these areas, clearly following the natural contour and connecting the bottom line with the top. The product is slightly shaded from the periphery to the center and the lips are painted with lipstick. You need to cover the contour with lipstick so that it doesn’t stand out.
  2. Rich color. Having painted over the lips with concealer, highlight the border with a pencil, and from there shade the inner surface closer to the mucous membrane. Cover the lips with lipstick of the appropriate tone. This option is not combined with glitter, as the pencil then gets stuck in the cracks.
  3. Voluminous and moist. A thin outline is made with a brown-beige pencil, slightly going beyond the natural boundaries. The corners are marked with pointed lines. Then the lips are covered with a nude gloss with pearlescent particles.
  4. Plump nude. Use a white pencil to draw lips along the border line in the central part. Apply nude lipstick on top.
  5. Compressed. Using a nude pencil, draw the outline along the inner border, paying special attention to the corners. Then the lips are covered with matte beige lipstick.
  6. With ombre effect. This interesting effect can be used in both evening and daytime makeup. Evening makeup involves the use of contrasting shades, and daytime makeup - similar tones. Before applying, it is recommended to moisturize your lips with balm. Then a contour pencil is applied with a relatively wide line, which will highlight the makeup and make it more durable.

The contour should clearly coincide with the border of the lips.

Then, from the contour using a brush, apply the first shade of lipstick in strokes to the middle of the lips. Then a different shade is applied closer to the mucous membrane.

How to apply lipstick without pencil

You can paint your lips beautifully without a pencil, and there are also several options and techniques, everything is determined by the desired effect.

Video on how to reduce lip volume by achieving a “doll mouth” effect:

  1. Natural. Borders, including corners, are highlighted with nude lipstick. Inside the borders, the lips are also filled with lipstick of this color. A slightly pigmented glitter is added to the center.
  2. Texture. To achieve a pronounced texture, you will need glossy lipstick, loose eyeshadow and a brush. First, put lipstick on the brush, highlight the outline, and fill the entire surface. Then, having cleaned the brush, they apply shadows to it. Excess particles are shaken off by tapping the brush on the edge of the jar. Apply cosmetics using light tapping movements.
  3. Sensual. Place a light pink product on the brush and draw a border in the center of the upper lip. The contour of the bottom is carefully traced from the corners to the center. In the central part of the lower lip, the contour line should be almost horizontal. Then fill the lips completely with the same lipstick.
  4. Volumetric. Use red lipstick with a raspberry undertone. Having collected a certain amount of product on the brush, highlight the contour, going out a little. Then the lips are painted over completely.
  5. Round doll lips. Using pink lipstick, highlight the border of the lips with a brush, focusing on the “Cupid's arch”, drawing it with a smooth line. The same product is used to fill the surface inside. The final touch is to apply a brighter pink gloss to the center of the lips.
  6. Nude lips. They are completely covered with concealer. The product is applied using finger movements. Matte lipstick in a brown or beige shade is added over the corrector.
  7. Tender. Using a corrective agent, paint over the natural tone of the lips, and apply salmon-colored lipstick on top with a brush or fingers.
  8. Beach. The following method achieves the effect of moist, voluminous lips. First, they are outlined with orange lipstick and their central part is painted over. Then the lips are filled with pearlescent gloss without affecting the corners.

Pencil instead of lipstick

You can make up your lips beautifully with a pencil of the desired shade, completely abandoning the use of lipstick. This product gives a soft velvety effect and lasts a long time on the lips. Experts advise using a moisturizing balm before applying the pencil., since the pencil dries out the skin of the lips and emphasizes flaking.

  1. To make makeup look more interesting and voluminous, you need to use two shades of pencils of the same color: lighter and darker by 2-3 tones.
  2. A dark pencil is used to draw the outline. Moreover, the contour should be wide and shaded.
  3. To add volume to your lips, it is recommended to draw several vertical rounded lines on the lower lip with the same shade of pencil and shade them.
  4. Use a light-colored pencil to fill the free surface of the lips with strokes.
  5. Use a finger or brush to shade the pencil, achieving a smooth transition of color.

Finally, you can add a little clear gloss to the center of your lips.

Glamorous beige lips

First option:

  1. First, you need to distribute the concealer using a tapping motion.
  2. Then the outline is highlighted with a dark chocolate-colored pencil.
  3. Apply beige lipstick.
  4. Apply gloss to the center of the upper lip.

Second option:

  1. Blot your lips with a sponge with foundation on top.
  2. First outline the contour with a beige-pink pencil, then paint over the lips completely.
  3. You can apply clear or beige gloss on top.

Makeup with red lipstick

If you choose the right shade of red lipstick, then girls with any color type of appearance can use it:

  1. On lips powdered with a thin layer of cosmetics, a lipstick contour is drawn with a brush. Then the lips are powdered and the border is highlighted again. Then the entire internal area is painted over. It is also recommended to treat the surrounding skin with powder.
  2. Having finished the basic makeup, a silicone base is applied to the lips, which will make the lips smoother and increase the durability of the makeup. Then they draw a contour line with a pencil and paint over the rest of the space with lipstick in several layers.
  3. The outline is drawn with a transparent wax pencil, instead of a contour pencil, lipstick is applied, the lips are dried with a napkin to fix the pigment, and lipstick is applied again.

How to wear dark lipstick

Blondes are recommended to choose dark shades of lipstick with a purple tint, and brunettes should choose a plum shade. At the same time, it is important to carefully even out the skin tone, since lipstick in rich dark tones highlights any skin imperfections.

  1. Eye makeup should be done in the same color scheme as the lips, and even smokey eye is suitable if the shadows are not too saturated.
  2. Eyeliner can be black (for brunettes) or brown (for blondes).

How to make matte lips

  1. You can beautifully paint your lips with a cosmetic product with a matte finish only after preliminary preparation, since any such product dries out the skin and emphasizes the crust on the lips. To pre-treat your lips, you can use a homemade sugar-honey scrub or a mixture of sugar and olive oil.
  2. After scrubbing, the lips are painted over with a pencil or lipstick without a glossy sheen. Before applying lipstick, you should lightly moisten your lips.
  3. It is recommended to apply lipstick with a matte finish with a brush and do not rub it with your lips.
  4. To achieve a matte finish by applying regular lipstick to your lips, you need to dip a napkin in the powder, shake off the excess and apply it to your lips.

The powder absorbs gloss, after which the lips become matte.

Changing the shape of the lips

To make the lips visually more plump, highlight the contour, slightly going beyond the natural border, and add a drop of gloss with pearlescent particles to the central area of ​​the lips.

Also, to give your lips volume, you can paint over the central area with a white pencil, shade it thoroughly, and then cover it with gloss.

To remove volume:

  1. A foundation is used to mask the natural border, and a new contour is drawn below the natural border.
  2. Mark the corners with thin sharp lines.

What tool to use to apply lipstick

This is not essential, but there are differences:

  1. It is convenient to use the lipstick by twisting it out of the stick and running it over your lips. This method of use is available anywhere.
  2. Using a brush will help distribute the lipstick more accurately, especially if the contour is not outlined with a pencil.
  3. It is convenient to apply pale tones with your finger, since bright shades with this method of application lie carelessly and protrude beyond the natural border of the lips.
  1. It is not recommended to draw a line with a pencil or apply lipstick beyond the natural boundaries of the lips.
  2. According to the rules of makeup, a bright accent should fall either on the eyes or on the lips.
  3. The color of the cosmetic product should be selected according to the color type.
  4. Lip makeup should be done after preliminary preparation.
  5. Correct the contour if it turns out to be uneven, using concealer and a thin brush.

A highlight above the “Cupid’s arch” with a highlighter will add expressiveness to your lips.

Absolutely different lip makeup options are available to girls, taking into account the variety of textures and shades of cosmetics. By combining lipstick, pencil, gloss, you can make up your lips not only beautifully, but also adjust their volume.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about lip makeup

The video shows makeup methods that can be used to change the shape of your lips:

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