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How to properly care for your cuticle. An important aspect of manicure is caring for the cuticle at home. What to do with the cuticle

Many people think that the cuticle is an annoying and unnecessary fold of skin around the nail. But this is not true at all! The cuticle is the natural protection of new keratin cells, which make up the nails. It covers the soft layer of the “young” nail, which is not yet strong. If you cut this protection incorrectly, you can not only ruin your nails, but even lose them altogether!

The cuticle can be living or non-living. The first fits tightly to the surface of the nail at its base and serves to protect it. She needs constant care and additional support and nutrition from outside. The second is the “spent” cuticle. This is what needs to be removed regularly.

For home care for a nail protector, every lady should have in her “arsenal”:

· oil in a pencil tube,

· mild antiseptic,

· tongs and spatula for removing dead skin,

· nail file.

How to remove cuticles correctly

There are several ways to remove cuticles. Each of them is good in its own way, but you cannot blindly use the method that suited your mother, sister or friend. You need to choose your own, only way to remove cuticles using a trial method and in accordance with your skin type and nail characteristics.

Hardware method

During this procedure, the dead layer of keratinized cuticle cells is polished with a special machine. Removal of old cells occurs gently, the living cuticle is not damaged and damage to the nail plate is minimized. But if the procedure is carried out by an amateur, then there is a high risk of damage to both the protective layer of the skin and the base of the nail. You can only trust your hands to a qualified specialist.

Trim method

This method is the oldest and most proven, but also the most dangerous. During the procedure, both the skin and the nail plate can be easily damaged or infected. Circumcision is an aggressive action and the new skin that grows at the site of the cut is usually denser and rougher, it often cracks and grows much faster. To prevent such consequences, before the procedure it is necessary to steam the cuticle well and treat it with special products - moisturizing creams or oils, and after circumcision - with an antiseptic and nourishing cuticle cream.

Unedged method

In order to use this method of removing cuticles, you need to regularly care for it, massage it using softening oils and creams. During the procedure, the cuticle, steamed and softened with a special remover, is carefully moved with an orange stick to the base of the nail. This can only be done when the skin on your hands is completely dry. After manipulation, a moisturizing nourishing agent appropriate for the type of hand skin must be applied to the cuticle.

It is necessary to take care of the cuticle in a special way. It looks like a skin roll covering the nail plate at the bottom of the nail, and protects against various microorganisms and bacteria entering the nail growth area. We’ll talk about the features of cuticle care today.

The need for cuticle care.
Often women, when caring for themselves, forget to pay attention to small, but no less important, areas of the skin. Meanwhile, the beauty of your hands depends not only on the condition of the skin; a perfect manicure and smooth and well-groomed cuticles are important. As the cells of its edges die, they dry out and begin to peel off, which results in rather painful hangnails. This unpleasant problem significantly reduces the visual attractiveness of the nail.

Treatment of the cuticle should be done with extreme caution, since careless treatment can lead to unevenness and damage to the nail plate. For another five to eight years, manicurists used the trimming method, in which the cuticle was trimmed using scissors and tweezers specially designed for this purpose. But gradually this method became irrelevant, since experts have proven that when it is circumcised, the risk of infection increases. In addition, the newly growing skin becomes much rougher, quickly grows and cracks. That is why the so-called European unedged manicure has recently become popular.

To maintain a well-groomed and beautiful appearance of nails, in home care it is necessary to constantly use special oils and creams to soften it and give it elasticity, prevent it from drying out, and also ensure its tight fit to the nail plate. Moreover, all these products should be combined with massage when applied.

Today on the cosmetics market there is a huge selection of professional and home cuticle care products, varying in composition and cost. In this case, when choosing a product, you can be guided by the advice of experts, or you can independently choose the product you like that will meet your requirements. You can prepare a cuticle care product that will also strengthen your nails and accelerate their growth yourself, but more on that later.

Cuticle care - basic rules.
So, before treating your nails and cuticles, you should make a bath for your hands and nails, and then apply a special product to the base of the nail and massage lightly for several minutes. As soon as it becomes soft, you should use a special orange wood stick or a manicure spatula to gently push back the cuticle, without sudden or traumatic movements. After this, you need to lightly trim areas of dry and dead skin, using a special sharpened tool (trimmer) shaped like a Latin letter V. Dry areas must be removed in such a way as not to damage the nail and matrix area.

Regularly performing this simple procedure will keep your cuticles in perfect condition, and your hands will look beautiful and well-groomed.

Cuticle care - what not to do.
When caring for the cuticle, it is not recommended to remove it using nail scissors, because this tool is not so thin for this procedure. Scissors can seriously injure her, which will require a lot of effort and time to treat in the future. Only in extreme situations can you use this tool, and then only to remove burrs, and you must act with extreme caution.

Do not push back the cuticle with sharp, rough movements, or exert strong pressure on the nail plate and matrix area. It is also not recommended to use sharp instruments for this purpose, as they can seriously harm your skin.

You should not start processing the cuticle if there are inflammations and hangnails on it. First you need to treat her. Orange or tea tree oil are ideal for this purpose. As soon as the inflammation disappears, you can begin processing.

If the cuticle is injured, it is necessary to treat it with an antiseptic (for example, iodine), and apply a special patch to the wound so that you can do household chores without fear.

You can't bite off the cuticle. In addition to the fact that this habit is not aesthetically pleasing, it also disrupts the structure of the nails, damaging living tissue. If cracks appear on it, you need to carefully trim these areas using special tweezers, treat with an antiseptic and cover the wound with a band-aid.

When using a trimmer, you must hold it at a minimum angle with the sharp teeth facing upward, trying to avoid inserting the trimmer under the cuticle. By the way, when carrying out regular care, the use of a trimmer will be required in rare cases (once every eight to ten days).

If your hands, and therefore your nails and cuticles, were in a neglected state, then when you resume care, you should not expect an instant transformation. Some dead and dry skin will still remain on your fingers. A significant improvement in the appearance of nails and cuticles can be seen after one to two months of regular caring procedures. Over time, the condition of the cuticle will become better and better. It should be remembered that after each treatment procedure, a small amount of nourishing cream should be rubbed into the nail plate and cuticles. Remove excess with a cotton pad.

Softening, moisturizing and treating cuticles.
When caring for delicate cuticles, it is recommended to use natural vegetable oils, which perfectly soften it and facilitate further procedures. Apricot, almond, lavender (in combination with base oil), grapefruit, as well as common olive and castor oil are effective for this purpose. Any oil should be slightly heated over a fire and rubbed into the cuticle while warm. Between manicure procedures, it is recommended to use oil solutions of vitamins. It is necessary to nourish the skin of your hands with oil every day, not forgetting the nail plate.

You can also use home recipes to care for your hands, including cuticles:
Combine half a teaspoon of apricot oil with two teaspoons of lanolin, place the mixture in a water bath and keep until the lanolin is completely dissolved. In this case, the mixture must be constantly stirred. After this, pour the finished mixture into a clean and dry resealable jar. As soon as the mass becomes warm, you can add rose or lavender oil for aroma and rub it into the cuticle. This product can be used to care for nails and hand skin.

For the treatment of inflamed areas of the cuticle, the following ointment is an effective remedy: place 10 g of petroleum jelly and half a glass of dry or fresh calendula flowers in a bowl and place in a water bath, keep until the petroleum jelly is completely dissolved. Remove the mixture from heat and be sure to cover with a lid. The next day, remove the moisture that has formed on the composition, and put the mixture back on the fire so that it melts. As soon as this happens, remove the mixture from the heat and strain through cheesecloth, and then pour into a jar with a lid. Store the ointment at room temperature. You can use sage instead of calendula in this recipe.

The following balm is an excellent helper in caring for your hands and cuticles: take 15 ml of rice germ or wheat germ oil and heat it in a water bath. Then combine the oil with two tablespoons of lecithin powder, mix well and add 6 g of crushed beeswax. As the wax melts, the mass should be removed from the heat and stirred constantly. As soon as the wax melts into the mass, add a teaspoon of lanolin and stir well again. When the mass has cooled to room temperature, add five drops of oil solutions of vitamins A and E into it, then add three drops of rosemary oil for aroma. Pour the resulting balm into a jar with a lid. For maximum effectiveness, the balm should be applied to previously cleansed hand skin and prepared cuticles; you can make a bath with sea salt. Daily use of the balm in combination with a five-minute massage of the nails and cuticles will make it soft and elastic, and also improve the structure of the nail plate and strengthen the nails.

Salon news.
Many new products have recently appeared in salons for hand care. In particular, the so-called solar manicure, which is especially beneficial for the cuticle. This procedure can be carried out at home if you have a preparation based on Dead Sea oils and salts. The salts act as a peeling agent, and the oil protects and nourishes the cuticle. Before the procedure, hands are disinfected, after which the drug is applied and a massage is performed at the same time. In this case, the massage is performed first with dry and then with wet hands. Moisture dissolves the salt, making the peeling softer. Peeling exfoliates dead cells, and by opening the pores, the oil penetrates deeply into the skin. After applying the oil, put plastic gloves on your hands for a few minutes. After the time has passed, the gloves are removed and the hands are massaged using a special oil-based cream. This procedure effectively softens and moisturizes the skin around the nails, making it elastic and smooth.

In addition, salons offer trimmed, untrimmed and SPA manicure procedures. The choice will depend on your taste and capabilities, because all these methods are effective. If the cuticle is healthy and well-groomed, you can give preference to the untrimmed method. It is used if the nail plate is thin and soft and can be easily injured. If there are problems with the cuticle, the classic trimming option is most effective, since the European method will be useless. SPA manicure includes comprehensive care in the form of moisturizing, nourishing and softening the skin, mild peeling, nourishing the skin with natural vitamin E, aloe vera and ceramides.

You will never have problems with your cuticles if you follow a simple rule: get your nails done at a professional salon once or twice a month, and do home care once a week.

Remember, hands will never become beautiful if you have unkempt cuticles. A well-groomed cuticle makes your manicure beautiful and your nails healthy and strong.

It is very important to take care of the cuticle, but very often we forget about it! No beautiful manicure will look well-groomed and excellent if you don’t take care of the cuticles.

The cuticle is a protective layer for the root base of the nail. It protects against all kinds of bacteria and infections.

It is forbidden to trim the cuticle with nail scissors. Since you can cause great harm and numerous cuts to her.

If during care you damage the cuticle, use a bandage to prevent dirt from getting into the wound.

If your cuticle peels off or cracks at work or school, do not chew it off under any circumstances, it is best in your situation to cover it with a band-aid, and when you come home, treat it with an antiseptic and trim it with special tweezers.

You can also take care of your cuticles in beauty salons; salon specialists will be happy to select the appropriate type of care for you. Currently, many new products have appeared in salons, for example, solar manicure, which is useful for the cuticle in a special way. This manicure is done using a preparation based on Dead Sea salts and oils. You can also make it at home. This procedure is very useful for nails; it nourishes, moisturizes and evens out the skin of the hands.

Also used in salons. This manicure method nourishes the skin of the hands with vitamins E, ceramides and many other beneficial substances; first of all, it nourishes and protects the skin of the hands.

Remember, a well-groomed cuticle is the key to a beautiful manicure!

Take care of your cuticles and then your nails and hands will be healthy and your manicure beautiful!!!

The cuticle is an important component of a competent manicure. As a rule, few people actually care for her and are interested in information on such care. The presence of hangnails, torn cuticles, dirty or peeling is the first sign that you do not take care of your nails.

What is it?

The cuticle is a seal at the bottom of the nail, the so-called leathery roller. It is located at a certain distance under the skin, and it is completely impossible to see it. Only the edge of the cuticle is visible to the eye, already dry and, in fact, dead - it is from this that the beginning of hangnails comes. In medical language it is called pterygium and is located directly on the nail. The rest of the cuticle (eponychium) is the tissue part of the matrix that surrounds the nail from the inside.

Why is it needed?

First of all, the cuticle performs a protective function - it does not allow bacteria and various dirt to get under the nail into the growth zone. It is airtight and isolates the nail itself, its bed and matrix from the penetration of air and moisture.

The matrix is ​​the root of the nail, the part where it begins to grow. It is not difficult to understand that if the matrix is ​​damaged, this will negatively affect the health of the entire nail. It will begin to peel, break, and grow slower. All this can lead to nail diseases and to the fact that the matrix stops producing substances necessary for the growth and normal functioning of the nail bed.

The cuticle is located close to the matrix, it protects it from any troubles and physical or chemical influence.

By the way, the matrix has a continuation on the nail plate in the form of a lunula - that same crescent that clearly stands out against the background of the rest of the nail and has a milkier color. This part of the matrix is ​​not protected by the cuticle, is more sensitive and consists of living cells, so it also needs to be looked after.

It depends on the matrix whether your nails are long or short, dense or brittle. This is completely genetic, but proper care will help improve the condition of your nails and cuticles a little. If initially your nails were strong, your cuticles were healthy, and then they began to break and hangnails appeared, then the problem is internal.


Of course, the nail plate requires special care. But you should never neglect the cuticle and nail bed, which are responsible for their normal condition and growth.

Despite the fact that the nail bed and the upper part of the cuticle are keratinized, they require certain care. Yes, a nail can withstand the test of detergent or strong red polish, but it’s better not to take risks. If you're going to wash dishes, do housework, or work with chemicals, it's best to wear gloves. The action is easy, but will help keep your hands in good condition.

As for special products, there are many of them - wax, pencil, creams, oils... All of them are aimed at moisturizing and softening the cuticle, but they act in different ways. The step-by-step care procedure looks like this:

  • Polish or shellac is carefully removed from the nail using a solvent or special wipes.
  • If desired, overgrown cuticle is removed, and with any of their methods, the care will still be approximately the same.

  • One of the selected care products is applied to the nail plate - oil, wax or cream. The oil can be either purchased cosmetic (special mixtures in jars) or pharmacy - pay attention to grape seed, jojoba and avocado oil. They have high moisturizing properties and deeply nourish the cuticle and nail bed. If you need to whiten your nails, take a closer look at citrus oils - especially lemon. If you strengthen and accelerate growth - almond and kostor, an oil solution of vitamin E or A, as well as shea and coconut. Wax, rather, has polishing and sealing properties; it is effective in combating hangnails and gives elasticity to the cuticles and a healthy shine to the nails themselves. It is effective to use it together with a polishing file.

It is advisable to treat the entire surface of the hands with cream, just massage the fingers a little more thoroughly in the matrix area.

You can periodically use a peeling or scrub for your nails and hands. It hides peeling, reduces the risk of inflammation and cuticle growth. This can be either a peeling roll or a regular one; pay special attention to those peels that contain vitamins and fruit acids that are responsible for removing only dead parts of the skin without affecting healthy ones.

How to remove it correctly?

There are several ways to remove cuticles. Each one is selected based on your personal preferences, as well as the condition of the cuticle and nail. Remember that it is impossible to remove cuticles forever, but careful care and periodic removal procedures can significantly improve their appearance.

  • Hardware. The main tool is a sander, which works like a soft polishing file. It acts very gently, does not touch the living cuticle, and only removes the keratinized one. Thus, this is the safest and most popular method, although it also has its own subtleties. For example, you cannot trust your hands to an amateur, who can damage the nail, the protective layer, and the living cuticle. Hardware cuticle removal is a salon procedure and cannot be performed at home.

  • Edged. The most dangerous and oldest method. The fact is that the cuticle is naturally trimmed with special devices - nippers called “tweezers”, trimmers or scissors, thereby having a rather rough and aggressive effect on the skin around it, the matrix and the living part of the cuticle. Moreover, the procedure is thankless - the skin, trying to compensate for losses, begins to regenerate faster and the cuticle grows rougher and denser, as a result of which it has to be removed more often. In addition, during the procedure there is a high risk of damaging the nail bed and infecting the growth zone. If you decide to have a trim manicure, then remember that the master must first thoroughly steam the skin ridges, moisturize or nourish them with special products, and then treat them with an antiseptic and healing cream.

  • Unedged (European). The safest and longest lasting. In principle, it depends on proper and constant care of the cuticle. You should massage your nails in the growth area, moisturize and nourish, soften the cuticle with remover (oil or cream). Next, take an orange stick and use it to gently move the cuticle to the base of the nail. This should be done after the remover has taken effect and dries - the skin should be completely dry. After this, your hands and especially the cuticle area need to be moisturized.

Removal products

If in a salon a competent specialist is able to select a cuticle remover himself, then at home you should purchase everything at once. To begin with, it is worth saying that at home it is recommended to use only the European unedged method. It is the safest.

For it you will need an orange stick - a tool measuring from 9 to 18 centimeters and a width from 3 to 5, having one beveled edge and the other pointed. Sticks are sold in packages and cost from fifty to three hundred rubles. An orange stick is a disposable tool; it absorbs moisture very well and should be stored in a clean and dry place.

An additional advantage of this tool is that it is suitable for removing dirt under the protruding part of the nail.

As an alternative, you can consider europeumsa. This is a soft and smooth ceramic file that does not damage the cuticle and nail. It is also used for polishing it. There are several types of pumice depending on color. Gray pumice is the most gentle, yellow is hard, and pink is the golden mean between them.

You will also need to purchase a special remover - a cuticle softener. It is sold in the form of an oil or cream and acts on the cuticle so that it can be easily picked up with an orange stick and separated from the nail plate. Castor oil and homemade baths with sea salt and essential oils can be used as a remover.

To directly care for the cuticle after its removal, you will need a good antiseptic without alcohol or a base fatty oil.

Which means should I choose?

When choosing cuticle care products, you should focus on your preferences and desires. If you want hydration and nutrition for every day, take a closer look at basic oils. If you need to polish your nail and smooth out hangnails, turn to wax. And a high-quality cream should be in your care in any case.

Remember that high-quality cuticle removers do not have to be expensive, but don’t be fooled by very low prices - be sure to check the expiration date and composition of the product. A little life hack - read reviews about the product you want to purchase and look at its rating. According to the opinions of advanced readers, you can definitely determine the remedy for yourself.

How to move it back?

An orange stick or European pumice is used to push back the cuticle. They and only they are able to competently and without damage move the cuticle under the skin. There is no question of any toothpicks or cotton swabs.

The action itself goes like this:

  • A special softening agent - remover - is applied to the cuticle. It can be a liquid, solution, gel, oil or anything else - depending on the manufacturer.
  • Next you need to wait for it to dry completely. When your hands are completely dry, take an orange stick or pumice stone and, working from the tip of the nail, pry up the cuticle in a sliding motion. It should come off the nail without pain and come off as a solid roller.
  • After this, treat your nails with an antiseptic and apply a moisturizer or a product that can slow down cuticle growth.

How to soften?

Remover is traditionally used to soften the cuticle. This is a special softener or cuticle remover - a keratolytic that does not affect the living part of the cuticle, but actively works with the dead one. Keratolytics break down dead keratin, the protein that forms nails, and can therefore soften the cuticle.

Professional softeners may contain fruit acids or an artificial form of urea - ammonia and carbon dioxide.

Removers not only soften the cuticle and promote its proper removal, but also have moisturizing, antiseptic and healing properties.

Removers are available in the form of oil mixtures, liquids, gels, and creams. However, you can also soften the cuticle with regular base oil or special polish baths.

How to clean at home?

The cuticle removal procedure at home must be performed according to all hygiene rules. That is why it is recommended to use the unedged method - this way the likelihood of infection is minimal. Properly selected materials - remover and orange stick - are exactly half the success when removing cuticles. In the case of European manicure, the actions are performed in the following sequence:

  • The cuticle and the area around it are disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexedine.
  • The remover is applied to the cuticle and left for several minutes according to the instructions until completely absorbed.
  • Using an orange stick, the cuticle is gently moved, and nourishing oil or cream is applied to the nail.

Why is it flapping?

The cuticle can become overgrown with “burrs” for several reasons. The first and most common is a lack of moisture and nutrients. In this state, the cuticle begins to dry out, grow and needs to be either thoroughly moisturized with oils and creams or removed.

By the way, about deletion. An incorrect cuticle removal procedure can lead to its rapid overgrowth due to the body's need to recover faster. Most often this is the case with the trimming method.

Also, sometimes the cuticle frays because the skin of the hands itself is dry - that’s the type it is, and the cuticle is rough and tough. In this case, you need to thoroughly rethink your hand and nail care and purchase more nourishing products. In case of removal, it is better to contact a specialist in unedged manicure or hardware according to the European method. This is a rather superficial method, but it will definitely save you from “fringe” and hangnails.

Inflammation and treatment

If you cut the cuticle incorrectly, it can become inflamed.

First of all, it is necessary to identify the causes of inflammation. It can be caused by improper care, infections, physical damage, the use of aggressive household chemicals, the use of low-quality nail polishes, improper manicure procedures, improper processing, lack of hygiene, hypovitaminosis - and this is only part of the most commonplace and most common causes. There are also complications after hormonal diseases. Remember that nails are indicators of changes occurring in the body, and sometimes seemingly ordinary redness or peeling can be the beginning of some serious illness.

Symptoms of cuticle disease are: thickening of the nail, the appearance of grooves or notches on the nail bed itself, and increased fragility. Also, nails peel due to damage to the cuticle.

Special attention should be paid to inflammation. This is indeed a common phenomenon caused by improper pruning or care. The most common are fungal and infectious diseases, manifested by inflammation and peeling in the cuticle area. It may swell, turn red, and hangnails may begin to cause significant discomfort and begin to peel off. If treatment is not taken in time, such an unpleasant moment as a purulent abscess may appear. Itching and pain will appear. In this case, treatment at home is also possible, but if you are not confident in yourself, contact a specialist in a salon or hospital.

You will need complex treatment - for example, baths with iodine and sea salt. This procedure must be done every day for a week. Additionally, you can lubricate it several times a day with any base oil - almond, avocado, castor.

In the case of an abscess, you must use tweezers. Push back the cuticle with it, pressing so that the pus finds its way out. When the abscess bursts, without releasing the cuticle, press on the pad of your finger so that the pus comes out completely. Treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide.

As a precaution, remember a few rules. Only have your nails done by a professional, and make sure they wear gloves every time. If possible, avoid deep hardware or edged manicures, use only disposable orange sticks.

Do not neglect the rules of hygiene and try to avoid physical injuries to the nail, use only high-quality varnishes and care products.

How to paint your nails without staining your skin?

Many girls are concerned about the question of how not to touch the cuticle during a home manicure, since it can be quite problematic to remove nail polish from it with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover. This problem can be solved very simply.

You can apply thick winter cream, PVA glue or Vaseline to the cuticles and side ridges. Such an oily or, on the contrary, dry texture will not allow the varnish to paint over the skin and nail area, so these products are applied as carefully as possible so as not to touch the nail plate. They are removed after the varnish has dried with a cotton swab or by pulling the film.

Cosmetics stores also sell special protective coatings. They look like regular polish, are sold in the same packaging and are applied with a similar brush. One difference is that they are painted on the cuticle around the nail. The so-called " skin defenders"are complete protection against varnish - drying into an elastic film, they simply prevent it from getting on the skin. At the end of the manicure, the “protectors” are removed with a slight pulling movement. They do not leave marks on the skin, do not dry out the cuticle and do not in any way affect the quality of the nails. This silicone film that does not penetrate deep into the nail is an excellent solution for home manicure.

You can pay attention to a special nail polish remover pencil. Its shaft is soaked in nail polish remover and is thin enough to remove excess cuticles after you've painted your nails.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a “protector” or it is not sold in your city, then remember the technique of applying varnish without harming the cuticle. Initially, visually divide the nail into two vertical, even halves and apply a base coat to the nail, which is responsible for the adhesion of the varnish, its durability and protects the nails from damage or too corrosive pigment.

  • Take a very small amount of varnish with a brush and squeeze it onto the neck. Each layer of varnish is still applied after the previous one has dried. Place a small dot near the lunula and gently push the varnish to the border with the cuticle. This is the most crucial moment and it depends on it whether you fill the cuticle with varnish or not. Next, using stretching movements, stretch the point to the middle of the first half.

We are used to paying attention to our nails and the skin of our hands, but the cuticle also needs care. The quality of nails depends on its condition. An inaccurately processed cuticle will cause the formation of uneven and grooves on the nail plate. Lack of hydration can lead to infection.

Cuticle care comes down to two main procedures: moisturizing and correction.

Proper hydration

The key to proper hydration is a combination of a good cream and regular procedures. Natural creams are best suited for cuticle care. The composition must contain animal or vegetable wax or oils.

If your skin is sensitive and prone to allergic reactions, use products with paraffin or glycerin. These components are generally very effective in hand care. We wrote about paraffin therapy and discussed the properties of glycerin in other articles.

You need to moisturize your cuticles at least twice a day. To do this:

In addition to regular creams, in specialized departments of cosmetic stores you can find oils and emulsions for cuticle care. Their packaging visually resembles a bottle of nail polish. The lid has a built-in brush that is convenient for treating cuticles.

You can make similar caring cuticle masks at home.

The mask does not need to be washed off. Its composition can be improved by adding an ampoule of aloe extract or two or three drops of lavender essential oil.

With regular moisturizing, even the manicure procedure will become much easier.

​Regular manicure

Regular manicure is needed to correct the cuticle. The fact is that over time it literally grows on the nails. This is its dead layer, which limits the growth of the nail plate. Without proper care, it quickly becomes injured and burrs appear.

The manicure procedure is performed in several stages:

By repeating this procedure once a week, you will slow down the growth of the cuticle, making it softer and more elastic.

Removal using a remover is sometimes replaced by using special nippers. We strongly recommend against trimmed manicure, because as a result of such manipulations:

    The cuticle becomes rougher and tougher

    There is a risk of damaging the nail plate

    There is a possibility of infection

If you prefer to use the services of a qualified master, ask about hardware manicure. This is a technique for quick atraumatic treatment of the cuticle using a machine with special attachments.

Beauty lies in the little things and it is simply impossible to imagine a neat manicure without beautiful cuticles. Therefore, it is very important to monitor her health.

How do you take care of your cuticle? What means do you use for this? Share your feedback on the procedures you've tried!

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