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How teachers' day is celebrated in different countries. Teacher's Day in different countries. Australia and Oceania

Teacher's Day may seem like an ordinary professional holiday. Despite this, this event is a truly unique option for every person who knows and knows how to have fun. So, what can you focus on? Every year, students from different years of graduation come to the teachers, trying to please the teacher with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. It is important to note that the number of educators these days is around 60 million, making the profession one of the largest in the entire world.

Features of Teacher's Day in the USSR, CIS and Russia

The holiday in modern Russia is popular thanks to the Soviet period, when teachers represented one of the most respected and significant professions. In tsarist times, the name of the profession sounded with particular pride, and the director of the gymnasium had the rank of a civilian general. A teacher could become a collegiate adviser, which was equivalent to a colonel. Nowadays, the situation has changed, but respect for teachers continues to manifest itself.

In the USSR, it was customary to dress solemnly, but with restraint, giving preference to white aprons and bows. Teachers are traditionally given asters and chrysanthemums, which are distinguished by their exquisite appearance. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR signed a special decree confirming that the first Sunday in October becomes a professional holiday. Many people don't think about the reasons why Teacher's Day is traditionally celebrated on Sunday. Subsequently, UNESCO helped change the situation, as a result of which a holiday of educators appeared in Europe, which acquired an international scale. Now many CIS countries celebrate two dates: October 5th and October 14th, because they allow them to show respect for teaching work. Several countries, including Poland, have decided to keep October 14th as an official public holiday. It is believed that on Sunday teachers can get enough sleep without coming to school, relax at home, and enjoy the peace.

Since 1996, Uzbekistan has celebrated its holiday on October 1st, called the Day of Teachers and Mentors. This event is usually celebrated with great pomp, and a day off is designated for its occasion. However, teachers do not value the holiday, complaining about minimum wages and the inability to properly celebrate their holiday. It turns out that Uzbek newspapers do not publish holiday articles, but materials that indicate insignificant wages for teachers.

Holiday in Australia - a special approach
Teacher's Day exists in many countries around the world, including Australia. The holiday is usually celebrated on October 5th, which corresponds to European traditions. The main difference is the bright holding of festive events. In Australia, people are used to celebrating noisily, organizing city carnivals, outdoor barbecues, enjoying fireworks and illuminations. The city government has a unique position - the Minister of Fireworks and Fire. Teacher's Day in Australia is becoming a popular and grandiose holiday event, which differs favorably from other professional dates.

How is Teacher's Day celebrated around the world?

More than a hundred countries celebrate the holiday on October 5th. For the first time, the date was set in the capital of France, Paris. On October 5th, 1966, a conference was held, as a result of which various issues of great importance were considered. Then the establishment of such a famous holiday as World Teachers' Day took place. Each country has acquired the opportunity to emphasize the value of teaching, because every teacher invests knowledge and skills in their students, contributes to further development and the opening of new opportunities. Traditionally, on October 5th, all teachers and other educational workers are united, because they celebrate a joint holiday and understand how important the work they have chosen. Each specialist can contribute to the student’s realization and successful development. A professional holiday becomes the best occasion to express admiration for the work and show respect, respect, and show the value of the event. How is it customary to celebrate Teacher's Day? What activities can be carried out by teachers who do not always need to go to school on their holiday to teach children, teenagers or students?

In Russia, until 1994, the holiday was celebrated on the first Sunday of October, after which it switched to the global date, October 5th. This is evidenced by the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Festive events are held traditionally. The traditions of the USSR and the CIS are taken into account. Many people congratulate teachers on their professional holiday not only on the 5th, but also on the 14th, trying to show respect for the profession and the desire to share knowledge.

In China, the holiday is usually celebrated on September 10th. The state traditionally hosts large-scale festive events. Teachers can receive gifts and luxurious bouquets of flowers, which are a manifestation of gratitude and respect. Many pupils and students say warm words, admit the best feelings towards people, which allow them to discover new knowledge and move towards their goals, to achieve the desired success. Chinese teachers are congratulated not only by current students, but also by graduates who try to put aside their work in order to express warm feelings.

In Argentina, the holiday is usually celebrated on September 11th. The date is almost a national holiday. Each educational institution assigns a day off. Argentines are not only happy, but also sad, because September 11th is the day of remembrance of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, one of the greatest rulers of the state. Domingo contributed to the active development of Argentina, carrying out reforms in the educational sphere, creating schools dedicated to military, naval specialties, agronomy and forestry. Domingo contributed to the strengthening of education in many provinces where previously the population did not pay increased attention to education. Since that time, active special training for teachers began. The President tried to organize the best opportunities for the development of teachers, who must undergo regular training courses.

In India, it is customary to celebrate Teacher's Day, which falls on September 5th. The date is the birthday of Dr. Sarvelally Radhakrishnan, the second President of India. Sarvellali was an academic philosopher, as a result of which he contributed to the successful implementation of school lessons and the creation of the best foundations for the education of citizens. Many educational institutions in India offer to swap teachers and students and organize special history lessons to honor the memory of the second president.

In Armenia, the holiday has been celebrated on the first Saturday of October since 2011. The holiday date has been approved at the state level. Nowadays, the Armenian authorities are making every effort to successfully develop education in the country, which is why teachers are becoming important persons in the state. Teachers receive not only words of gratitude and pleasant gifts, but also significant investments to improve the education sector.

In Canada, the holiday is celebrated on October 5th. In honor of this event, a commemorative stamp was issued in 2002.

In America, it is customary to celebrate National Teachers' Day on Tuesday. However, the date changes dramatically - the first full week of May. For several days, Americans have shown respect and gratitude to teachers. Massachusetts celebrates State Teachers' Day on the first Sunday in June. The history of the holiday turns out to be complex. On March 7th, 1980, Congress approved National Teachers' Day for the year. Until 1985, the first Tuesday in May was a holiday, after which the holiday was moved to May. These days, US authorities emphasize the need to congratulate teachers, because they are trying to improve the lives of every person.

Regardless of the date and purpose of the holiday, Teacher's Day is an opportunity to thank teachers for their patience and work for the future of their students.

But wherever we are,
We haven't forgotten you
How a mother is not forgotten by her sons...
Simple and heartfelt,
You are our eternal youth,
My first teacher!
"School Waltz"
words by M. Matusovsky, music by I. Dunaevsky

Every year on October 5, more than 100 countries celebrate Teachers' Day, which was established in 1994 as World Teachers' Day. This is a professional holiday of all teachers, teachers and education workers - a day on which the role and merits of teachers in process of quality education at all levels, as well as their invaluable contribution to the development of society.

The historical prerequisite for the establishment of Teacher's Day was the Special Intergovernmental Conference on the Status of Teachers held on October 5, 1966 in Paris. As a result, representatives of UNESCO and the International Labor Organization signed the document “Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers”

On October 5, 1994, World Teachers' Day was celebrated for the first time, and since then, celebrations have always taken place on October 5, although in some countries this holiday is celebrated on days close to October 5. The main thing is that the celebrations do not coincide with autumn holidays in the northern hemisphere and spring holidays in the southern hemisphere.

During the era of the Soviet Union, this professional holiday was celebrated on the first Sunday of October in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorable dates.”

Since 1994, Russia has been included in the list of countries celebrating Teacher’s Day on October 5, according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 3, 1994 No. 1961 “On the celebration of Teacher’s Day.”

In some other countries:

Invariably, on the first Sunday in October, Teachers' Day is celebrated in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, and Ukraine.

Education Workers Day is celebrated in Ukraine on the first Sunday of October in accordance with the Presidential Decree of September 11, 1994.
Many citizens of Ukraine who received their education at a time when the Ukrainian SSR was part of the USSR remember festive bouquets of asters and chrysanthemums, which were presented according to tradition or with sincere gratitude to teachers on Teacher's Day. White aprons and shirts were worn at the end of the first week of October by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 29, 1965.

The structure of education in Ukraine is as follows: preschool education, secondary education, out-of-school education, vocational education, higher education, postgraduate education, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, self-education.

In 2000, the process of modernizing the education system of Ukraine began - this is the word that Minister Vasily Kremen prefers to call those essentially revolutionary changes that were introduced in schools and universities in Ukraine. The reform was necessary because the state of Ukrainian education could not be called normal.

Over the 6 years preceding the reform, 246 secondary schools were closed in Ukraine. The number of students has also dropped alarmingly. If in 1999 645 thousand schoolchildren went to first grade, then in 2000 543 thousand. In rural areas, according to official statistics, today there is a shortage of more than a thousand teachers. More than four hundred secondary schools were in disrepair. And every second one requires major repairs

Today in independent Ukraine there are almost 860 thousand teachers, educators, industrial training masters, scientific and pedagogical workers and managers. They teach and educate more than a million preschoolers, teach more than five million schoolchildren, and teach future professions to almost three million students in the country.


The first Sunday of October in Belarus is Teacher's Day! For every representative of a profession related to education, this holiday is one of the most significant and solemn. This professional holiday is designated in Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 157 of March 26, 1998 “On public holidays, public holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus.”


Each of us has our own Teacher and our own Mentor. These are people without whom we would not have succeeded as individuals, we would not have acquired vital skills, knowledge and abilities. You can express your gratitude to these outstanding people on their professional holiday - Teachers and Mentors Day, celebrated on October 1.

This holiday has been celebrated in Uzbekistan since 1997 in accordance with the Decree of President I. Karimov dated December 27, 1996.


Here, too, every year on October 15, this holiday is celebrated - Teacher's Day (Brazil Teacher's Day). The history of the holiday is as follows: on October 15, 1827, on the day of Saint Teresa (Teresa d'vila) during the reign of Emperor Pedro I (Emperor Pedro I) it was first published The decree on elementary education in Brazil, and it said that cities, villages, and any settlements must have a school for primary teaching of the alphabet. But, unfortunately, many of the provisions of this document remained on paper for 120 years.

The first time Teacher's Day was celebrated only in 1947, in the city of Sao Paulo in a small school. Previously, during the long academic semester from June 1 to December 15, there were only 10 vacation days. And several teachers were inspired by the idea of ​​​​organizing another day off during the learning process, necessary in order to interrupt hard work and avoid overwork, and at the same time get an additional opportunity to analyze their professional activities.

Professor Salomo Becker proposed a date of October 15th. It was decided that on this day teachers and students would bring homemade cakes to have a small school celebration, which was successfully organized together with teachers Alfredo Gomes, Antnio Pereira and Claudino Busko.

In 1963, a law was passed at the state level, securing the status of a holiday for October 15

October 14 in Poland congratulate teachers, teachers, mentors on their professional holiday - Teacher's Day. The date was chosen in connection with the anniversary of the creation of the Commission of National Education, which was created on October 14, 1773 on the initiative of King Stanisaw II August Poniatowski (1732 - 1798) and the Sejm.

The Commission had broad rights, powers and was autonomous, as a result of which it was considered the first Ministry of Education in the history of Poland. In addition, the creation of the Commission was an important achievement of Polish education

The main reason for the creation of the National Education Commission was that education in Poland and Lithuania was almost completely controlled by the Jesuits - a Catholic religious Order, the Society of Jesus. Although the Jesuit schools taught at a fairly high level, and Polish youth received a good education, these schools adhered to very conservative rules

In addition, in 1773, Pope Clement XIV decided to liquidate the Jesuit Order, which led to a complete failure of education in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

For most teachers and students in Poland this is a day off. Only some schools organize assemblies, meetings or parties. Students congratulate their teachers on the holiday and give them flowers.

Teacher's Day in Lebanon(Teachers" Day in Lebanon) is one of the most beloved professional holidays, deservedly enjoying recognition. Interestingly, the celebrations begin on March 3 and continue for a whole week, culminating on March 9.

The teaching profession is the most difficult, the most humane, the kindest and the most necessary, because the teacher is called upon to create and improve a person.
In addition, the teacher is a person of extraordinary energy, always in search and at the same time completely disinterestedly sharing his experience with those who need his help.

Lebanese teachers are no exception. Teachers inspire students with their example, great patience, love and tolerance. All Lebanese schools are required to follow a colloquium pre-drafted and approved by the Ministry of Education

Private schools, of which there are approximately 1,400 in Lebanon, sometimes add other subjects to the curriculum with prior approval from the Ministry of Education. The main school subjects are mathematics, natural sciences, Arabic and a second foreign language - French or English

In 1956, at the suggestion of the Prime Minister Thailand Field Marshal P. Pibulsongkram, who at the time was also the honorary chairman of the Board of Directors of the Teachers' Committee, established a professional holiday for educators - Teachers' Day.

This professional holiday was first celebrated on January 16, 1957. And since then, this holiday has been celebrated by everyone involved in the field of education. Teacher's Day is truly a national, beloved and very emotional holiday. On this day, students give their mentors flowers and gifts, arrange merry holidays for them and sing songs of praise.

Teacher's Day in Argentina(Argentina Teacher's Day) is celebrated annually on September 11 and is a very important event for the entire nation

In fact, the whole country celebrates Teacher's Day as a national holiday; in educational institutions it is a day off. This day is significant not only for the expression of gratitude to teachers, it is remembered by Argentines as the anniversary of the death of the country's former president and great educator - Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811-1888).

During the reign of Sarmiento (1868-1874), who was called the teacher-president, he initiated many educational reforms that contributed to the country's distinguished educational history. He also founded the Naval and Military schools, agronomy and forestry schools in San Juan, Mendoza, Salta and Tucuman.

President Sarmiento also established primary schools in many provinces of the country, during his reign training programs for teachers began to operate, and he advocated the creation of training schools for teachers.

In 2002, the post office Canada issued a commemorative stamp in honor of World Teachers' Day.

Today, on World Teachers' Day, the UN invites parents and all citizens to take a moment to reflect on how a good teacher, whose memory they have preserved, changed their lives.

In recent years, there has been a massive exodus of teachers, caused by factors such as budget cuts for civil service workers, lack of normal working conditions, the upcoming retirement of older teachers, stress, and exhaustion of physical and spiritual strength.

According to some estimates, a total of 35 million new primary school teachers will be needed by 2015, almost as many as there are currently in primary education.

In all countries of the world, without exception, a teacher is one of the most respected professions. It requires remarkable willpower from the person who chose it - not everyone can cope with a couple of dozen screaming and jumping children. Patience - repeating the same thing year after year and seeing that not all students are ready to listen and learn. Wisdom - how to continue to grow professionally and enjoy the small but important discoveries of your students every day. And of course, the main thing is love for children.

Many adults remember their first teacher with special warmth and love, because next to her is a very important stage in the growing up of a little person. For four whole years of elementary school, even more hours a day are spent with your favorite teacher than with your mother, especially if the student stays for an after-school program. Anyone, even the most serious adult, involuntarily begins to smile when it comes to mind: “We put the textbooks in our briefcases, took out double sheets of paper, margins four squares from the edge, we are writing a test.” These school mothers patiently repeated to us the rule of writing “zhi” and “shi” and read stories about Deniska’s adventures, showed filmstrips about the wizard of the Emerald City and did not go home when, in the gray autumn twilight, grandmother was late to pick us up from after-school school.

In middle and high schools, this function passes to the class teacher - it is worth paying tribute to the long-suffering of our teachers who lead classes of children in a difficult transitional age - surely each of us can right away list several quick-acting ways to add gray hair to our mentors.

We hope that none of our readers will forget to congratulate their favorite teachers on this wonderful holiday, even if school is a thing of the past. In the meantime, we’ll tell you how this bright and wonderful holiday is celebrated in different countries of the world.

Russia: October 5

It has coincided with World Teachers' Day since 1994; before that time, the date was “floating”, teachers were honored on the first Sunday of October, and the holiday itself arose only after the Great Patriotic War. Before this, there was no time for holidays, and before the revolution, parents often assigned the functions of teachers to tutors and nannies, so it is impossible to talk about a more or less unified system among the masses. On this day, many schools in the country still practice the Soviet habit of organizing “days of self-government”: when children conduct classes shortened on the occasion of the holiday, and teachers accept congratulations, gifts and, of course, luxurious bouquets of flowers from students and grateful parents. Among our children's mentors there are many true fans of the profession, despite all the difficulties of modern school education.

In a similar way, teachers are congratulated on their professional holiday in all countries of the post-Soviet space, which is logical and expected: many current teachers began working during the USSR, but in Kazakhstan, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan the date remained not tied to the calendar.

Arab countries: February 28

In 11 Arab states, Teacher's Day falls on the last day of February. These are Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Libya, Egypt and Jordan, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen and Oman. The celebration certainly begins with a big holiday prayer in the mosque - teachers in these countries are equal in status to clergy, which is understandable: a mullah in a Muslim country often not only teaches prayer, but sometimes resolves conflicts and quarrels, in other words, teaches life in general . The vast majority of teachers in these Muslim countries are men, so it is not customary to give flowers there at all, but sweets, certificates for stores and stationery are given as gifts.

North America

In the United States, the holiday is assigned to the Tuesday of the first week of May, but in fact, in almost all states there is a seven-day “appreciation for teachers”: on these days a kind of “amnesty” is announced for academic debt in schools and universities of the country with the opportunity to quickly correct grades. Schoolchildren congratulate teachers with concerts and amateur performances.

In Cuba, Teacher's Day has been celebrated since December 22, 1961 - it was on that day that the revolutionary government became seriously concerned about eradicating widespread illiteracy among the population.

South America

In Brazil, the honoring of teachers officially dates back to October 15, 1827 and is combined with magnificent processions of students and parents and feasts throughout the country: a country of carnivals, what can you do - any more or less important event is celebrated on a grand scale and daring.

In Peru, the holiday is celebrated on July 6, and in Chile it is celebrated on December 10: on this day in 1945, the Chilean writer Gabriela Mistral won the prestigious Nobel Prize in Literature, which the nation is still proud of.

A date associated with literature also includes the professional holiday of teachers in Ecuador: there it is celebrated on April 13, the birthday of the revered writer Juan Jimenez de Montalvo.


The holiday in this country is the youngest in the world: it has been celebrated only since 2013, so the date has not yet been assigned to a specific date. This year it was scheduled for December 23rd. All schools will host informal joint holiday lunches with teachers and parents, accompanied by cheerful songs and amateur theater performances. Teachers will be presented with bouquets of flowers, and each teacher will receive a personal official letter of gratitude from the government of the country.

Australia and Oceania

In the former colonies of the British Empire, on the last Friday of October, real carnivals with fireworks are organized; the streets are decorated with bright lanterns and flowers in all major cities and towns. The government even provides a special position for such a case - the Minister of Fire and Fireworks. The law specifically stipulates that the holiday should not coincide with another popular event - Halloween, so the date of Teacher's Day celebration is simply moved to November if the last Friday in October falls on the 31st. In New Zealand, they decided not to be clever about moving the date and fixed the holiday on October 29 forever, but it is celebrated with the same scope and fun as its neighbors.


A teacher in Asia is not only a teacher who teaches science, but also a cult character who introduces children and adults to the basics of philosophy or religion accepted in a particular country. In China, on this day, October 10, teachers are congratulated with traditional sets of sweets and food, and in some provinces, according to a thousand-year tradition, beloved teachers wash their heels or hands.

In Taiwan, National Teachers' Day is celebrated on the birthday of the great Confucius, so events of a religious rather than secular nature take place throughout the country.

In India, mentors are congratulated on September 5: in this country, only men can be teachers, so they are presented with books, envelopes with money, and even household appliances - depending on the status of the school and the area.

It was not possible to reach a unanimous agreement to honor teachers around the world on a specific day. The reasons for the discrepancies and accents of the modality of celebration in different regions lie in the peculiarities of school calendars, the desire to preserve identity and national flavor. A number of countries persistently demonstrate their unshakable loyalty to the timing of the national holiday to significant events in the fate of their people or do not want to give up traditional worship and the historical exaltation of outstanding personalities who left an indelible mark on the public education system.

Teacher's Day in Russia - October 5

Russia, as the successor to the Soviet Union, until 1994 celebrated Teacher's Day on the first Sunday of the second month of autumn. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation, dated October 3, 1994, “On the celebration of Teacher’s Day,” abolished the floating date and assigned the professional holiday to October 5, which corresponds to World Teacher’s Day. Traditions characteristic of honoring Russian teachers are largely repeated in other post-Soviet countries. For example, the transfer of powers to self-government bodies in schools is practiced annually. Shortened lessons are filled with fun, and the corridors are full of bouquets in the hands of rushing students and their parents.

In parallel with the internationally recognized practice of a world professional holiday, there are also previously established groups. For example, eleven Arab states invariably congratulate their teachers on February 28th. Algeria and Tunisia, Morocco and Libya, Egypt and Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Yemen are involved in the observance of this canon. Oman completes the list. The republics of Kazakhstan, Latvia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine inherited the rule from the collapse of the Soviet Union to compare Teacher's Day with the first Sunday in October.

Central America

A wide range of dates, inevitably associated with incorruptible gratitude to teachers, can be traced in the New World. In Central America, Cuba stands out. On December 22, back in 1961, the revolutionary government declared the victorious end of the campaign to combat the depressing illiteracy of the nation. A grandiose breakthrough - achieving 96% of the educated population in just one year, was immortalized by Havana in the day of educational workers. Neighboring Mexico has a nearly century-long history of honoring teachers. The holiday falls on May 15 and was first proposed to be included in the national calendar by the president in 1917.

South American continent

Latin American countries stuck to their own interests, refusing to come to a common denominator when agreeing on teachers' days. Brazil links the October 15 celebrations to an 1827 decree. He proclaimed the postulate of the need to create institutions for basic education in every locality. Unfortunately, the document, which was progressive for its time, waited for real implementation for almost 120 years. The Argentines combined honoring teachers on September 11 with an appeal to the memory (death day) of Sarmiento, who played a significant role not only in nation-building, but also in the education of the South American people.

In Peru, the holiday was set aside on July 6, and in Chile, in 1975, by government decision, the majestic date was moved to December 10. This is the day Gabriela Mistral was announced as the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1945. Venezuela timed the triumphant exaltation of teachers on January 15 to coincide with the formation of the first trade union association of teachers. In the country's new history, the date was moved several times, but finally returned to the first month of the year in 1958. Ecuadorian mentors tied the celebrations to April 13 - the birthday of Juan Jimenez de Montalvo, a writer of whom the people with the highest capital, Quito (2850 m), are rightfully proud.

Teachers Day in USA

Conservative views in the United States keep National Teachers' Day tied to the Tuesday of the first full week of May. In fact, the name Teacher Appreciation Week was firmly attached to this entire seven-day period. However, the chronology of the formation of the professional holiday includes many intermediate decisions, which is due to a certain independence of the subjects of the North American confederation. Even now, Massachusetts teachers prefer to accept congratulations exclusively on the first Sunday of summer.


The youngest teachers' holiday in Israel. Every year since 2013, it has been moved to a new date. This year it was scheduled for December 23rd. On Friday, it is planned to hold joint meals between teachers and their students in all educational institutions of the country; in an informal setting, bouquets and symbolic gifts will be presented to beloved teachers; the recipients will certainly receive congratulatory messages.

Teacher's Day in Australia and Oceania

Australia did not join on October 5, and also added its own twist to the celebrations. The holiday on the last Friday of October results in carnival processions in large cities, an indispensable attribute is fireworks, and preparations include bright street illumination. It is not for nothing that the government has an influential position - the Minister of Fire and Fireworks. We can say with confidence that the teaching staff of the state, which occupies an entire continent, will have the most vivid impressions of the professional honor. It is noteworthy that Friday, falling on October 31, automatically transfers the exaltation of pedagogical regalia to November; the law stipulates the impossibility of combining it with Halloween. The island companion of the Australian continent, New Zealand, has been chosen by teachers strictly on October 29th.

Teacher's Day holiday in Asian countries

It is not surprising that states with a thousand-year history and a population that has long since crossed the billion mark have personal days to worship people who have chosen mentoring as their profession. China does this every year on October 10th. The tradition, cultivated in many provinces, of washing the heels of beloved teachers seems exotic. Original Taiwan could not help but shine with Confucianism. According to the Gregorian calendar, the name day of the great philosopher on September 28 coincides with National Teacher's Day. India, marking the birthday of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, will honor the guru's multimillion-strong troop on September 5.

The South Korean Guild of Teachers flaunts its professional identity on May 15, which is associated with the birthday of the monarch-educator Sejong. The Islamic country of Türkiye established Teachers' Day on November 24, which coincides with the birth date of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. This greatest politician stood at the origins of the introduction of the Turkish alphabet based on the Latin alphabet and torpedoed the separation of education from religion. Schoolchildren in Vietnam celebrate the significant day of November 20th.

Teacher's Day in Europe

There is no unity among European countries either. Poland sets aside October 14 for celebrations, thereby perpetuating in memory the date of the creation of the National Education Commission in the second half of the 18th century. Albanians, paying tribute to the opening of the first secular school in their native language in the town of Korca, celebrate Teacher's Day on March 7. France honors teachers on December 25, the Kingdom of Spain on January 29, the Czech Republic and Slovakia inherited the common date of March 28 from a single state in the socialist past. Hungarian teachers are content with the first Sunday in June.

In the countries of the former USSR, Teacher's Day means bouquets of flowers, gifts and obligatory congratulations from the school administration. Moreover, it is often customary to give an envelope with money. How is this holiday celebrated in other countries? “The One” tried to figure out this issue.


Poland celebrates Teacher's Day on October 14th. On this day, it is customary for teachers to give flowers; the gift can be supplemented with chocolates, but not from each student, but from the entire class. More expensive gifts are not given.

Interestingly, it is customary to congratulate only your class teacher. The principal, head teachers, subject teachers, and other school employees are not congratulated.


In Germany, Teachers' Day is celebrated on October 5th. It is not customary to give gifts to German teachers. If there is a desire and the child loves his teacher, you can present him with some kind of craft or draw a postcard.

There are no special fundraisers to celebrate Teacher's Day in Germany.


Teachers' Day in the USA is celebrated in April. On this day, children can give teachers flowers and sweets - everything from the bottom of their hearts and only if they wish. Americans do not have any mandatory fundraisers to congratulate teachers and school administration.

Interesting: In the USA, it is customary to congratulate teachers on Christmas, Easter and the end of the school year. However, children congratulate only their teacher, and not the entire teaching staff.


In Austria they do not celebrate Teacher's Day as such. Interestingly, in this country there is no tradition of collecting money for gifts for teachers or school administration.

If desired, the class can wish their teacher a Merry Christmas, but in such cases, everyone passes as much as they can. Usually, these are symbolic amounts to give some nice and inexpensive thing.


Teacher's Day in France is celebrated on October 5th. It is not customary to give any gifts on this day. At the request of the school, a concert can be organized, and then a sweet table for teachers and students to communicate in an informal setting. Parents bring sweets in advance: whoever wants what.

Interesting: In France it is also not customary to give gifts to teachers. Many schools have an annual fee for various needs, but it is completely official and amounts to 20-30 euros.

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