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How milk comes in after childbirth symptoms. When milk comes in after childbirth, how to properly strain your breasts

Your baby is born! Over the course of 9 months, the physiology of the mother’s body changed, ensuring the development of the fetus.

And even now, when the baby exists outside the mother’s womb, nature has taken care to provide him with adequate nutrition.

Women who have given birth begin lactation - the process of producing breast milk. The composition of human milk changes depending on the age of the child, maintaining his health and strengthening his immune system. This is the best food for a baby, with which no store-bought baby formula can compare in physiological value.

Preparation for lactation begins during pregnancy. Many women notice changes in breast tissue even in the first months of expecting a baby.

And closer to childbirth, almost everyone’s breasts are ready: they increase in volume, the nipples become coarser, but at the same time their sensitivity increases. This is important, since it is the stimulation of the nipples that gives the signal after childbirth to activate milk production.

Preparatory stage

During the last weeks of pregnancy, some women may notice clear or yellowish discharge from their nipples. They should not be squeezed out additionally, as this may provoke contractions. In addition, there is a risk of infection. If there is discharge from the breasts, you need to use special bra pads or sterile gauze pads.

The presence (or absence) of discharge from the breast does not mean at all whether you will have a lot or little milk.

Physiological preparation of the breast (mammogenesis) will end with the birth of the child and the next stage will begin - lactogenesis - the process of milk production.


After childbirth, the production of pregnancy hormones stops. But the production of prolactin begins - a special hormone that ensures milk production and regulates its quantity.

The brain receives a signal to produce prolactin when the nipples are stimulated. Therefore, there is a practice of placing a newborn on the mother's breast immediately after birth.

But even if for some reason related to the health of the mother or baby, the first attachment did not take place, the milk will still come. In addition to nipple stimulation, there are other physiological mechanisms that activate its production.

In the first days, colostrum is released from the breast. It is thicker than milk and contains a lot of fat to meet the newborn's energy needs. If the baby does not have the strength to suck thick colostrum, he can be helped by hand expressing. It is important that colostrum does not stagnate and does not cause lactostasis in the future.

How long does it take for milk to come in after childbirth?

Usually by 3-5 days colostrum changes its structure. It becomes more liquid and its quantity increases. This is the so-called “transition milk”. By continuing to put your baby to the breast as required, you will thereby stimulate milk production and be able to control its quantity.

Full milk comes in 5-7 days, but this process can take one and a half to two weeks, this is also the norm.

Most often, a woman notices the arrival of milk the next morning, waking up in a wet nightgown. This is due to the fact that the production of many hormones is activated by the brain at night, during the rest period. In addition, during sleep and relaxation, blood supply to the breast improves, the tone of the vascular walls and milk ducts decreases, so milk comes in easier.

Does a woman feel a rush of milk?

As for physical sensations, in many ways they are very subjective; this is a very individual topic. Some people complain of pain and tingling in the chest, while others feel a nagging pain in the back and armpits.

Additional sensations include increased thirst or even relaxation of the stomach. This is how the effect of hormones manifests itself; they cannot affect only the breasts, they affect the entire body.

Objectively, during the period of high tide, the breasts become larger and heavier, milk “leaks” from the nipples. The first abundant flow of milk may be accompanied by a rise in temperature or chills. But if this only happened the first time and does not happen again, then most likely there is no cause for concern.

It is important to remember that female breasts are not store-bought containers, milk is not stored in the gland itself, its production occurs depending on the needs of the child. Moreover, by about 3 months, when lactation reaches maturity, a woman may no longer feel the flow of milk.

“Empty breasts” scare many young mothers. But in fact, this is normal for “mature lactation”: sufficient milk production occurs during feeding and corresponds to the baby’s regimen. Therefore, heaviness and breast enlargement may not be observed.

Reasons for lack of milk and methods of maintaining lactation

  • Milk production is determined by many factors, including hereditary and age-related factors.
  • Some chronic illnesses of the mother and medications she takes may prevent lactation from occurring (it is important to discuss this with your doctor in advance). This is especially true for endocrine and vascular disorders.
  • Diseases of the mammary glands, a history of operations on them, or inflammatory processes when feeding older children can be a serious obstacle to lactation.
  • Stress and fatigue of a new mother can also affect milk supply.

If the baby is not full term or was born with any pathology, this is worry for the mother. But it is these children who especially need breast milk. When a baby is born prematurely, the body receives a signal about this and mother’s milk contains the elements necessary for the rapid maturation of the baby’s organs. These vital components will not be present even in donor milk.

What to do to get milk after childbirth?

If there are no absolute contraindications to breastfeeding (infectious diseases of the mother, breast surgery, etc.), but the milk does not arrive on time, breast massage, warm compresses, and herbal remedies help.

But the most important incentive is the frequent attachment of the baby to the breast. Manual nipple stimulation and the use of a breast pump to increase milk production are also possible.

Compresses help dilate blood vessels and milk ducts. Milk arrives freely, and the glandular tissue becomes more pliable and easily changes volume and shape, accepting the incoming milk.

Breast massage also helps to free the ducts, warms the breasts, improves blood circulation, and prevents stagnation and inflammation.

Herbs have a vascular and mild sedative effect, some of them also affect hormonal levels. Fennel, dill, anise, and caraway seeds are good for lactation. And hawthorn tincture will not only help with milk production, but also relieve the child of possible dyspepsia. But if the mother (for example, during a cold) decided to be treated with sage, then it is important to remember that this plant limits the secretion of milk!

The importance of breastfeeding is difficult to overestimate. The composition of mother's milk changes to meet the needs of the baby at each age stage. Therefore, establishing lactation and maintaining it worries every woman. In most cases, a competent approach allows you to establish milk production in sufficient quantities.

When asked what to feed a newborn, we answer without hesitation: “breast milk.” However, not everyone can answer the question of when milk comes in after childbirth. To fill knowledge gaps or dispel doubts, if any, it is enough to study the information in detail.

I suggest you do this today! In this post, also look for information on how lactation occurs after cesarean section and whether it can be influenced at all.

How many days do you think after giving birth does a woman begin to produce breast milk? I am sure that there will be a lot of answers, which for the most part will be based on experience, meanwhile medicine is adamant: normally, nutritional fluid for the baby is released only on the 3rd day. Before this, there is colostrum in the chest, so no one will remain hungry.

At the same time, we should not forget that each organism is individual, and even more so if it belongs to a woman. Breast milk production is largely influenced by hormone synthesis, but there are a number of other factors that can change the course of events. We are talking about:

  • type of delivery (natural birth or cesarean);
  • time of birth of the baby (term or premature);
  • the woman’s previous experience (what kind of births);
  • medications she received at the time of delivery.

The earliest breast milk can come is at the end of the second day. Then the first white-yellowish drops appear on the laundry, the number of which is steadily growing by leaps and bounds. How quickly does milk flow to the breast? Rapidly and within a day, the mammary gland significantly increases in size, swelling and becoming dense. If there is an excess of milk, the shape of the nipple may change and even the temperature may increase.

It is worth noting that in first-time mothers, the process of milk production is slightly slower. It can arrive on the 3rd or 5th day. In some cases, breast milk may not come at all (don’t be surprised, the phenomenon is observed in 3% of women). But, despite the speed, the chest usually fills up sharply and suddenly.

The process occurs faster in multiparous women. And this is not surprising, because their body is ready for changes. This time the breasts do not fill up so much, and this happens on the 3rd day at most, although exceptions are always possible.

After a caesarean section, which was performed on time, milk appears around the 4th day. The only way to delay the date of its arrival is by stimulating labor (when emergency delivery or premature birth is carried out), but even in this case, lactation will only be delayed by 1 to 3 days.

Interestingly, after the birth of a baby due to a caesarean section, during which medications were used, breast milk production may be delayed by 4-6 days. This is explained by the slower restructuring of the body. But in general, the maximum how long a baby can wait for food is 7–8 days.

Pay attention! It doesn't matter what day the milk came in. If a woman follows all the specialist’s recommendations regarding stimulating lactation, she will have plenty of it.

What does the child eat before and does he have enough?

We have already figured out how many days later breast milk comes. It remains to dwell on what happens before this. Before this, a woman’s body produces colostrum. This is a special yellowish liquid, droplets of which can be seen on underwear during pregnancy.

Normally, colostrum synthesis begins at the end of the first or beginning of the second trimester. At the same time, the mammary gland increases in size, and its sensitivity increases. An experienced specialist will also tell you that at such moments the tubules and ducts through which first colostrum and then breast milk will flow to the baby will also increase.

In the first days after birth, there is not much colostrum. But how do you know if your baby has enough? It turns out that for this it is enough to know its physiology. So, imagine: the ventricle of a newborn holds approximately 7 ml of fluid. At the same time, his intestines are just preparing for full-fledged work, but cannot yet digest even regular breast milk.

As a result, the baby is easily saturated with the breast drops that nature has provided for him. The main thing is to put it on your breast immediately after birth. At his first meal he will consume no more than 1 tsp. colostrum. But it will also allow him to provide his body with the substances necessary to maintain a strong immune system.

Moreover, such food definitely minimizes the risk of an allergic reaction, which cannot be said about the mixture. And these are not just words, but the results of research conducted by scientists. Remember this when thinking about what to eat for your baby after birth.

By the way, don’t worry about newborns losing weight on the first day. It does not depend on when breast milk came and what the baby eats before that. These are natural changes that occur in his body at the time of adaptation to the environment and they must be accepted.

How to speed up milk production

What can I do to get milk faster? Breastfeeding experts have several answers to this question. But, first of all, they explain the mechanism of its appearance, thanks to which you can deal with problems with lactation on your own.

  • Two hormones are responsible for the process of producing “nutrition” for a newborn: prolactin and oxytocin. Nature itself increases their level in the blood, but you can additionally help it by putting the baby to the breast more often. Simply because active sucking promotes their synthesis.
  • Prolactin is released into the blood more easily and quickly at night. Therefore, do not neglect night feedings. Deny yourself the pleasure of sleep in exchange for another satiation of the child. At one point, when it arrives in sufficient quantity, you will say to yourself: “Thank you.”
  • To avoid the impression that there is not enough milk in one breast, it is necessary to alternately apply the baby to each of them. Moreover, you need to alternate the mammary glands in a strict sequence: first one, then the other. This will allow the development of the milk ducts of each of them and.

What else needs to be done to make the milk come faster? Establish a drinking regime. A lack of fluid in the body can negatively affect the lactation process, but you shouldn’t overdo it either. Approximately on the 3rd – 5th day, when milk should replace colostrum, it is necessary to remove the extra glass of tea from the diet. Otherwise, your chest will feel full. It will seem to turn to stone, creating discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

How to understand that milk has come and what to do with your breasts

Often, first-time mothers literally exhaust doctors in the maternity hospital with questions about why milk is not coming. Imagine their surprise when experts say that lactation has already begun. Would you say it's impossible? It turns out that in practice this happens all the time.

Good for those women who have symptoms of milk production on their face. This is when there is so much of it that it literally splashes like a fountain with minimal pressure on the chest. As a rule, in this case it comes sharply, suddenly. At the same time, the woman notes the following symptoms:

  • firmness and breast enlargement at least 2 times;
  • soreness in the mammary gland;
  • identification of veins on its surface;
  • whitish or yellowish marks on laundry.

This is a pleasant thing. As for the unpleasant, it may also. The reasons for this phenomenon are trivial: hormonal changes provoked an increase in blood circulation, which resulted in a sharp flow of milk. The newborn cannot yet cope with it; as a result, it stagnates and lactostasis or even mastitis appears.

How to prevent them? There are several options you need:

And most importantly, you need to regularly palpate the mammary gland for lumps.

It is difficult to describe the sensations that a woman experiences when milk comes in, although she does not notice it, but it is enough to watch the baby to be convinced of its appearance. It turns out after this:

  • The baby's regurgitation turns yellow.
  • The amount of his urine increases.
  • Breast discharge becomes pale white or clear.
  • Weight increases after feeding.

What if it didn't arrive?

Worried that your milk isn't coming in? Don't know what to do? Then listen to the advice of experts and:

  • replace nipples and bottles with breasts - sucking stimulates lactation;
  • make sure you get enough rest;
  • drink more liquid - warm compotes, fruit drinks, tea with milk, tea to increase lactation.

What else can I do to get milk? Learn how to properly apply to the breast to facilitate the sucking process.

It is very important for every responsible mother to feed her baby herself immediately after giving birth. Against this background, she may have a lot of anxiety and worries. You can protect yourself from unnecessary stress if you understand the peculiarities of physiology before giving birth. Every woman should know when milk comes in after childbirth. The main problems of this process should also be taken into account. Everything must be done to prevent their occurrence.

Each woman's body has individual characteristics. That is why it is difficult to determine what sensations should occur before the milk comes. However, doctors were able to identify a number of patterns. There are a number of simple measures that will allow milk to come in quickly and in sufficient quantities after childbirth.

Process duration

Immediately after the baby is born, the female breast begins to actively produce colostrum. The drink is produced in small quantities. However, it is quite enough for the baby to eat in the first days of life.

Important! Colostrum contains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals .

With their help, it is possible to form the immune system in full. The body is ready to accept only such food.

That is why even a few sips will be enough for him. Colostrum allows you to fully satisfy your hunger.

During the period while the baby adapts, the nature of breast milk will change. On what day does milk come in after childbirth is difficult to answer.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the severity of the birth process.

Educational! What to do after feeding: what to do

The fact whether there will be milk after childbirth can be influenced by the following factors:

  • The general nature of the birth process - natural or artificial.
  • Did the baby arrive on time or ahead of schedule?
  • This was the first birth, or the woman already has children.

On what day does milk come in after childbirth? As a rule, the process of transition of colostrum to its normal state for feeding can be observed on the second day. There is a change in its consistency, shade and taste. After this, it is allowed to begin the pumping process. On the third day, specific rushes of fluid are felt in the chest. This indicates the active functioning of the glands. They become dense and increase in size several times. If the volume is too large, then deformation of the nipple is observed. Against this background, mommy’s body temperature may increase.

The sensations when fluid comes into the breasts are much faster after the first birth. In the future, the body already understands what should happen, so it reacts more easily. If a woman gives birth for the second time, then less activity is noticeable. As a rule, lactation begins only on the third day. However, there are also cases when this happens much earlier.

No milk after childbirth in women after the first caesarean section. However, the process can be established within a maximum of four days.

What should I do to get milk in a woman who gave birth ahead of schedule?

In addition, additional medications entered her body to stimulate the process. That is why the delay in production can last from one to three days.

With the right approach, the woman should not have problems with lactation in the future.

Additionally, it is necessary to answer the question of how to speed up the flow of milk after childbirth through cesarean section.

Without additional intervention, it appears during the period from four to six days. During this period, the medications that were administered to the woman during the operation will be completely removed from the body.

There is no need to worry if there is no milk after childbirth for five days. In medical practice, there are cases when lactation begins only a week later. We should not forget that the time of milk appearance has nothing to do with the further development of the lactation process.

Additional tools to speed up the process

For many women in labor, the question is quite acute: how to produce milk after childbirth in a short time? If such a need arises, then it is advisable to take the advice of a breastfeeding specialist:

  • The process is regulated by two female hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. They begin to be produced at the moment when the baby tries to extract fluid from the breast by sucking. That is why it is recommended to increase the frequency of applying the baby to the breast. Thanks to this pastime, lactation can improve within just a few days.
  • Scientists have been able to establish that prolactin production peaks at night. That is why during this period it is necessary to feed the baby several times. Simple application of crumbs also has a positive effect.
  • With one feeding it is allowed to use only one breast. It is important to alternate from procedure to procedure. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve uniform development of the mammary gland.
  • On the third day after giving birth, a woman should limit her water consumption. Its excess amount can lead to too intense production. In this case, mommy will suffer from pain and bloating, which can cause her a lot of discomfort.

Preventing Fatal Errors

You should only find out why milk does not come in after a cesarean section or childbirth from a doctor. It may be necessary to take measures to prevent the development of lactostasis.

To stop the progression of a serious illness, you should follow a series of simple rules:

  • Feeding should begin with pumping small quantity liquids. This simple procedure allows for preheating. The breast becomes soft, so the baby can easily get the nutritional mixture through the nipple.
  • Frequent changes of positions by the woman help to obtain hind milk from the breast. Only in this case is it possible to empty individual segments of the gland.
  • If the baby is unable to completely empty one breast during feeding, then the woman is advised to continue pumping. Thanks to this it will be possible to prevent stagnation of milk. This process is dangerous and can lead to severe inflammation.
  • Breasts after childbirth noticeably increase in size, so they need additional support. Only a nursing bra can provide it fully. It should be the right size and not rub.

Milk is absent only if the woman does not pay due attention to the process.

Pay attention! Burnout can also occur in the event of illness.

However, according to statistics, this process is typical for only 3% of all women. They have to feed their babies formula from the first days of life.

Using the recommendations described above, it will be possible to establish the lactation process in a short time.

Gives a woman positive emotions. That is why it is categorically not recommended to refuse this purposefully.

Modern medicine has all the resources to solve even the most complex problems. The disease cannot be started.

If you have the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to select safe means that will prolong lactation.

We should not forget that only breast milk contains all the nutrients for a baby.

Useful video: when milk comes in after childbirth

The birth of a child is the most beautiful moment in a woman’s life. Everyone is preparing for this meeting and is really looking forward to it.

With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body begins to rebuild. In the early stages, the breasts are already preparing for future feeding. It becomes sensitive, fills up and increases in size. In the later stages of pregnancy, droplets of milk sometimes appear on the nipples, but when it arrives after childbirth is a purely individual question.

When does milk appear after childbirth in women? It is impossible to answer this question, but you definitely shouldn’t expect it immediately after the birth of your child. The first food for a newborn is colostrum- a thick yellowish liquid that is produced in the mammary glands in small quantities. There is no need to worry that the child will remain hungry, nature has provided for everything.

The newborn’s intestines are not ready to immediately accept nutritious food. Thanks to colostrum, it is possible to launch the milk digestion mechanism, enriching the microflora of the digestive system with beneficial bacteria.

It is interesting to know that just a few drops of colostrum can create optimal intestinal microflora. Immune bodies and antioxidants included in its composition prevent the development of allergies, as well as the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body.

Colostrum is high in protein, it is 2.5 times more caloric than milk. The baby's stomach volume at the time of birth is approximately 7 ml, so he does not need a lot of food. The volume of colostrum production in women also varies from person to person. On average, its amount varies from a few drops to 100 g per day.

Colostrum has a mild laxative effect on the baby’s body: it prepares the body for the transition to breast milk, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, and also frees the intestines from original feces. Bilirubin is actively removed from the body, which contributes to the development of jaundice.

Thanks to colostrum, the newborn’s passive immune system is formed, acquired without suffering illnesses. The introduction of the mixture entails the development of dysbiosis and causes an imbalance in the natural intestinal microflora. Once milk appears, the baby will be ready to digest it.

The first minutes after birth

should be carried out soon after the birth of the child, regardless of the presence of milk. Thanks to this manipulation, it will be possible to fill the baby’s digestive organs with healing colostrum, as well as trigger the mechanisms in the young mother’s body that are responsible for milk production. It is also worth considering that breasts for a baby are a kind of sedative.

If the mother’s health is satisfactory, then it is recommended to arrange for mother and child to live together. This will allow the young mother to put the newborn to the breast at his first request. Supplemental feeding with formula or water is contraindicated.

Putting the baby to the breast: rules

To provide your baby with adequate nutrition, you should learn how to put him to the breast correctly. And for this you should adhere simple rules:

How to speed up milk production

The composition of milk is different for each mother, but it suits her baby perfectly. But on what day does milk come in after childbirth?

If a woman managed to give birth naturally and not by caesarean section, then milk should come in 3-5 days. In the second case, the delay may be up to 7 days.

There are many reasons for the lack of milk and this process requires detailed consideration. If you are concerned about his prolonged absence, you should consult with competent specialists. As a rule, The reasons for the lack of milk are the following factors:

It does not matter when full lactation begins. It is extremely important to preserve it and provide the mother with adequate nutrition so that the baby is provided with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. If a newborn does not have enough food, the following factors may indicate this:

  • Significant reduction in milk production;
  • Restless behavior of the newborn;
  • Small weight gain;
  • The baby urinates less than 8 times during the day.

Soon after giving birth, a young mother should establish contact with her baby and make every effort to ensure that the breastfeeding process brings benefit and pleasure to everyone. There is no need to worry that the baby is hungry until the milk appears; he still has enough colostrum.


With the arrival of milk, the woman begins to experience unpleasant bursting sensations in the chest. To avoid them, as well as to prevent the formation of lactostasis, experts advise adhere to the following simple recommendations:

When a woman in labor begins to produce milk, her physical condition should be closely monitored. If deviations are noted, then consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Prevention of cessation of lactation

There are cases when a woman’s milk disappears. To minimize risks, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Feed your baby as often as possible. Night time is no exception.
  • Strengthen your immune system and avoid crowded places, as even a common cold can lead to cessation of lactation.
  • Do not take birth control pills, as these hormonal drugs have a detrimental effect on milk production.
  • Overwork can also cause milk to disappear, so try to get more rest.
  • Lightly massage your breasts several times throughout the day using quality olive oil. Take a contrast shower in the morning and evening.
  • Make sure that your newborn fully latch onto the nipple and latch onto the breast correctly.
  • Place your baby more on the breast where the amount of milk produced decreases.
  • You need good nutrition. Drink plenty of fluids and eat at least 5 times a day.
  • Quite often milk disappears due to nervousness, so avoid stressful situations. A nursing young mother should experience only positive emotions.

Complications during lactation

There are cases when lactation causes the development of certain complications. You can try to cope with the problem yourself, but if it does not resolve in a day or two, you should consult a doctor. Look out for the following signs:

  • Mastitis is a disease accompanied by blockage of the milk ducts and engorgement of the mammary glands. Inaction may lead to the spread of infection.
  • Blockage of the milk ducts - in this case, warm compresses and massages help well. It is recommended to change your feeding position.
  • Cracking of the nipples occurs due to the child’s improper attachment to the breast.
  • Breast engorgement - this anomaly is formed as a result of breast overfilling with milk. As a rule, this is observed in the first day after the appearance of milk.

Attention, TODAY only!

Well, dear mothers, it’s time to congratulate you on this wonderful event: the birth of a baby!Since you have opened this article, you probably have a lot of questions. And we will definitely answer them, and, most importantly, we will reassure you and tell you in detail aboutwhen does milk come in after childbirth, we will teach (or repeat for those who are already seasoned) the basics of breastfeeding and set the mood for a positive wave!

  1. Introduction
  2. A little physiology
  3. TO when does milk come in after childbirth
  4. Signs of the tide
  5. Tips for moms

A little physiology

Everyone knows that during the period of bearing a baby, the entire female body undergoes a colossal restructuring. Women's breasts are no exception, because in the future they will have a very important mission– feed the child for several months, and sometimes years.

M mammary glands develop under the influence of a number of hormones, change . In particular, glandular tissue resembling grape bunches grows, channels and milk ducts form. Already in the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman may observe scanty discharge from the breast - colostrum. The same secretions can manifest in the form of several droplets when pressing on the chest. For baby this is colostrum - viscous yellowish translucentThis liquid is a most valuable resource.

After childbirth, the hormonal background is somewhat rearranged, focusing on a new function of the female body - feeding the baby. The level of progesterone, which supports pregnancy, falls, but production stimulants and ejection milk (prolactin, oxytocin) “start duty.”

Kone h but the body needs a little time, so the first milk comes to the woman after a few days.But it is logical to ask another question: what to do during this period? What to feed the baby?

And then Mother Nature Same I've provided for everything. Remember colostrum?It is in it that the whole secret of the baby’s health lies, and its properties are amazing. So there is something special about it:

  • it is produced in small quantities and has a slightly viscous consistency ( if you rub it a drop in your hands, your fingers will stick to each other a little), yellowish color;
  • Colostrum can be seen in the last weeks of pregnancy and after birth until milk comes in. Sometimes leftovers colostrum may be secretedin significant quantities some time after the completion of the GW;
  • his can safely be called an “immunity vaccination” for its most valuable composition. Thus, in a few drops of colostrum, the mother transmits passive immunity to the baby,bacteria that colonize the gastrointestinal tract(the same useful one microflora), resistance to pathogenic organisms and useful substances that allow you to quickly adapt to the new world;
  • it is very high in calories. A few dropsek is quite enough for us care for a newborn. Moreover, he has such tiny stomach, what's in it The capacity is only a few milliliters. These to Apel is more than enough.

Colostrum provides the little man with an extremely important supplyuseful substances, allows lay the foundations for them of the municipality and us wait until you arrivemother's milk. So rest assured, your baby is not will starve.

Now let's talk about the most important thing. Honestly, There is no exact answer to this question. We are all different, each body works in its own individual mode. There are also many external factors that can affect milk supply.But on average, nutritious milk fills mother’s breasts already 3-4 days after birth.

But the period of milk arrival may vary. Factors that can influence this process:

  • whether the woman became a mother for the first time or already has children. In primiparas women's milk takes a little longer to come in thanin multiparous women. In the latter case, the body “remembers”, is rebuilt faster, and the glands become full within 2-4 days;
  • whether there was a natural birth or surgery. In factthe process of childbirth itself to t does not physically affect the flow of the nutritional mixture. falls, stimulating the production of prolactin. But the medications that were prescribed to the woman in labor, as well as someevents, for example epidural anesthesia;
  • were they on time? odes, was the baby born full term?. In the case of premature birth, the production processmilk may be difficult n en, however o is corrected by appropriate therapy.

Signs of the tide

So, milk can come 2-7 days afterdelivery, in any case, the mother will not miss such a moment. The physiology of a woman is such that Full-fledged human milk, as we are accustomed to understanding it, is not formed immediately.After colostrum, so-called transition milk is formed - a more liquid form of colostrum. And only then, on about 3-4 days, a complete nutritious product for the baby appears.

The tide—that’s what the process of filling a woman’s breasts is called—is impossible to miss. Many women describe it as a rapidly increasing bursting feeling inside the breast, which swells, increases in size, and often becomes hard.

The shape of the nipple also changes, and the climax isthe feasting feeling becomes about voluntary discharge of fluid from the nipple, which manifests itself in the form of wet spots on clothes or even streams splashing like a fountain.

By the way, women who have already given birth to a child and breastfed, after the birth of a new baby, hMost often they don’t notice such obviousx signs of tide. There are sensations of fullness, but the breast remains soft and practically does not change shape.

Possible problems and ways to solve them

Unfortunately, the establishment of lactation does not always go smoothly, and many mothers, faced with some problems with the flow of milk and feeding the baby while still in the maternity hospital, panic and, without knowing it, ruin this important matter. Rememberthat in many ways everything depends on usourselves, our motivation, attitude and knowledge of the physiological processes of the lactating female breast.

Looking ahead, I’ll tell you one important and simple truth:formation mechanism milk is simple. It is formed exactly as much as the child needs, i.e. how much did he suck?Frequent feedingsstimulate the production of prolactin and oxytocin, That's why The more often and more actively the baby eats, the more efficiently the “dairy factory” works.It is for this reason that some women with small breasts can feed several children at the same time, and there is enough for everyone, everyone gets enough.

Now let's talk about the most common problems with establishing lactation.

1. No milk

Science knows cases when a woman is physiologically incapableproduce milk (alactia) intype of underdevelopment of the mammary glands and a number of other factors.But this is such a rare case that it borders on unique . Remember that a lot depends on ourselves and the correctness of our actions. Wait, stimulate your breasts, apply your baby more often (especially at night),Do not supplement your baby with formula or water. If necessary, discuss your problem with the doctor at the maternity hospital.

2. It hurts to feed, the baby turns away from the breast

Often the consequences of incorrect butt A When the baby is drawn to the breast there are cracked nipples. The breasts are bleeding, and every feeding is nothing short of torture. Everything is solved simply: proper application and compresses with healing ointment. Followthose so that the child does not grab nipple, and nipple and the halo completely,at the same time, the child’s face with the nose and lower jawwill rest against the chest.But even if the child turns away, don’t be upset, teach him to do it. Let it be short but frequent attachments, and over time you both will learn to do it.

3. After the hot flash, the chest became stone, it hurts, the temperature increased

This is a very common phenomenon, especially in primiparous women. Try hut get sick of milk, often buttyaying the child. Before you start feeding, give your breasts a little massage. Change your position during feeding so that the baby tries to empty all the glandular lobules. This way you will avoid stagnation and painful compactions.

4. It seems to me that the baby won’t have enough milk, because I have small breasts

You can be calm about this: the amount of nutrient fluid does not depend in any way on the size of your bust. We remember thatmilk is produced exactly in the quantity required by the child. At the same time hesucks out about 2/3 of the contents of mom's boobs, even if it seems noticeably empty. At the same time, the body receives the signal and fills the alveoli with a new, fresh portion. Those. With established lactation, there is always food for the baby. You may have to feed your baby more often, but he is unlikely to go hungry.As a conclusion, I would like to give some advice to mothers.
  1. Relax and don't worry about anything! Milk will definitely arrive, even if you after cesarean or your baby was born prematurely.
  1. It is impossible to say for surewhat day after birth does milk come in?specific woman, but at For those who give birth again, this process occurs faster. Typically this period extends from 2 to 7 days.
  1. Don't feed your baby, he's not hungry! Put him to your breast more often, even if it seems to you that he has eaten almost nothing. The frequency of these actions and breast stimulation is important. Night and early morning feedings are especially important, because it is during this phase of the day that prolactin is produced especially intensively.
  1. It is very important to attach a newly born baby to the mother's breast. Now this is practiced in many maternity hospitals, the importance of the first drops of colostrum invaluable!
  1. Try to be with your newborn all the time. It’s good if you are in a shared ward. It has been proven that oxytocin, which stimulates the release of milk and allows the uterus to contract after childbirth, is produced yeswhen you see your own baby or his photo!
You will succeed, good health to you and your child!

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