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How to use wheat germ oil for hair? Wheat germ oil: use in hair care Apply wheat germ oil to hair

3940 09/02/2019 6 min.

Wheat germ oil is an incredibly healthy product. Its rich vitamin composition makes it not only a valuable food supplement, but also a multifunctional cosmetic product.

Let's look at all the intricacies of hair treatment with wheat germ oil.

Benefits and composition

Wheat germ (sprout) oil contains:

  • vitamins A, E, PP and group B;
  • sulfur, copper, zinc, iodine, manganese, selenium;
  • tryptophan, leucine, methionine;
  • unsaturated Omega-3 acids and so on.

Penetrating into the bulbs, these components actively nourish the hair, regenerate the keratin layer, and also improve blood microcirculation in the scalp and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
When regularly applying wheat oil:

  • curls become stronger, shiny, moisturized and elastic, and also grow faster;
  • split ends are restored;
  • Dandruff and the tendency to become oily disappear.

Wheat oil is an ideal cosmetic product for girls with brittle hair. To transform them, it is enough to use it once a week in winter, and once every two weeks in summer.

How to use?

In its purest form

Wheat germ oil has a viscous consistency, so it is difficult to use in its pure form. To make application and rinsing easier, it should be combined with components that are lighter in texture. But if desired, the extract can be used on its own.
There are several ways:

  1. A small amount of oil must be heated in a water bath until warm, rubbed into the scalp, and then distributed over the entire length of the curls. Next, you need to put a polyethylene cap and a towel on your head. After 40 minutes, the mask should be removed. To get rid of stickiness, you will need several rinses with shampoo.
  2. Dip your fingertips into warm oil and gently massage your head for 5-7 minutes. Then you need to wrap your hair and wash it after 20-30 minutes.
  3. 30-40 minutes before bathing, apply oil to the ends of your curls and comb them thoroughly.

The last two methods of using wheat oil make the rinsing process easier. But their effectiveness is very high - the strands become more “alive”, silky, obedient and durable.

Before applying any concentrated cosmetics, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test - lubricate the back of the wrist with the substance and observe the reaction for 30-40 minutes.

Adding oil to shampoo

An express method for using wheat germ oil is adding it to shampoo.
Do not pour it into the bottle with the product.

It is better to drip immediately before use in a single dose.

Proportions are selected individually.

The best option is 1 small spoon of oil per 3 large spoons of shampoo. If your hair is prone to oiliness, the amount of extract can be reduced; if it is dry, you can increase it.

The prepared mass should be applied to damp strands and massaged into the head for 2-3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. This procedure should not be done every day; 2 times a week is enough.

Reviews about this method of using wheat oil are mixed. Some girls note an improvement in the condition of their hair - it becomes soft and shiny. Others talk about the weight of the hair, its rapid contamination and lack of results.

When adding oil to shampoo, it is important not to overdo it and not leave the product on your hair for more than 5 minutes.

For dry curls

Hair that is naturally dry or damaged by coloring agents and thermal stealers, need intensive hydration and nutrition.

Masks with wheat germ oil are ideal for these purposes.
Here are some recipes.

With banana

1 banana + 50 ml kefir + 2 tablespoons oil.

Beat the banana in a blender and add the rest of the ingredients to it. Apply the mixture to your hair and wrap it up. Wash off after 20 minutes.

With a composition of oils

Castor + almond + wheat oils 1 tablespoon each.

Combine all substances and heat. Apply to roots and ends only. Insulate your head or wrap it in foil. To enhance the effect, you can blow warm air on it with a hairdryer for 10-15 minutes. Wash off after 1-3 hours.

For the night

You can saturate your hair with useful substances using a night mask made from wheat extract. The oil must be heated and lubricated with it on the hair. You can apply it only to the skin and/or ends. Next, you should wrap your head in a towel. In the morning, the mask should be thoroughly washed off with shampoo. After this procedure, smoothness of the curls and easy combing are ensured.

For growth

1 teaspoon each of oils - olive, wheat germ and + 1 yolk + 1 teaspoon honey + 2 teaspoons mustard powder.

Mix the oils and warm them up a little, add the yolk, honey and mustard to them. After thoroughly mixing, rub the mixture into the roots, insulate your head and wait 40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Judging by the reviews, the combination of mustard powder, which has a warming effect, and the nutritional components of wheat oil gives a very good result. Thanks to this mask, some girls managed to grow their curls by 5-6 cm in 2 months.
In addition, they became thicker due to the appearance of new hairs. By the way, mustard and honey promote weight loss. How to do
Among the disadvantages of the mask, ladies note a burning sensation, the appearance of allergies and difficulty in washing off.

For split ends of hair

3 teaspoons warm liquid + 6 teaspoons wheat germ oil.

Combine ingredients. Apply to split ends and leave for 1-1.5 hours, then wash. You can make a mask often - every other day.

Thanks to the regenerating properties of oil and honey, the ends will soften and become smoother.

Recipes for other masks

All described masks are prepared by thoroughly mixing the components. Then they are applied to dry hair - to the roots and the entire length, and the head is insulated with a towel.

Important details:

  • It is recommended to use non-metallic utensils to connect components;
  • the effect of the products will be more pronounced if they are heated in the microwave or in a steam bath before application;
  • essential oils are added after heat treatment;
  • the presence of lemon in the mask can lead to slight lightening.


  1. Two tablespoons of wheat germ and jojoba oils + 1 drop each of orange, ginger and pine esters. Time – 20 minutes.
  2. 2 tablespoons liquid coconut oil + 2 tablespoons wheat germ extract. Time – 40 minutes.

To reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands

3 tablespoons of kefir + 1 teaspoon of lemon juice + 1 teaspoon of wheat oil. Time – 20 minutes. Pick up the recipe.

For shine and smoothness

  1. Chicken egg + 2 tablespoons milk (powder) + 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil. Time – 1 hour.
  2. Juice of 1 lemon + 6 tablespoons of wheat germ extract. Time – 30 minutes.

For recovery

  1. Wheat extract + cranberry juice + olive oil (1 tablespoon each) + 1 chicken egg + 5 drops of frankincense ether. Time – 1.5 hours.
  2. Yolk of 1 egg + 1 large spoon of butter. Time – 1 hour.
  3. 50 ml low-fat yogurt + 1 teaspoon wheat germ extract + juice of 1 lemon. Time – 1 hour.


  1. One drop each of eucalyptus and orange oils + 1 tablespoon of wheat oil. Time – 20 minutes.
  2. Burdock extract + sprout extract + warm water (3 tablespoons each). Apply to clean, damp hair, then rinse with shampoo. Time – 15 minutes.

Watch the video recipe for a mask for hair growth


Wheat germ oil is an affordable remedy. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or in an online store specializing in the sale of components for home cosmetics. The first option is preferable, since pharmacies strictly adhere to product storage requirements.

Average price 126-185 rubles. per bottle of 30 ml. The cost depends on the manufacturer and city. It is advisable to choose products in dark glass containers that do not contain additional components.

The uniqueness of this component is due to its extensive chemical composition, which contains a lot:

  • Vitamins: A, C, E, D, K, PP, group B.
  • Macro- and microelements: sulfur, copper, selenium, iron, zinc.
  • Unsaturated and saturated fatty acids.
  • Essential amino acids.
  • Phospholipids and glycolipids.

Also Wheat germ is rich in special antioxidant substances, for example, squalene and octacosanol, which are very valuable for cosmetology.

This combination of important elements allows:

It is suitable for all hair types. But, its most useful use will be for hair that is too dry, brittle with split ends, weak and colored.

It will moisturize them in a short time, saturate them with nutrients, which will restore their structure and return them to a healthy appearance.

Then distribute through the hair and do a light massage.

Important! Unlike many oils used for hair care, this product is very light and rinses off quickly after the procedure is completed. In its action it is similar to hair balm.

Step-by-step recipes for making masks at home

Using wheat germ oil, it is possible to prepare hair masks for various purposes.



How to cook:

  1. Mix the oils and heat slightly.
  2. Squeeze juice from lemon.
  3. Combine all ingredients and mix well.

To strengthen and accelerate growth


How to cook:

  1. Grate the onion and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Heat the oils a little.
  3. Dilute mustard powder with warm water until creamy and let stand for half an hour.
  4. Combine all ingredients and lightly beat.

To eliminate dandruff


How to cook:

  1. Oil mixed with honey and heated in a water bath.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the aloe leaves and pour the broth into the honey-oil mixture.
  3. Stir the resulting mixture well.



How to cook:

  1. Combine the oils and heat up a little.
  2. Make puree from avocado.
  3. Separate the yolk from the white.
  4. Mix all ingredients and beat.



How to cook:

  1. Add olive oil to the wheat oil and heat them for a few minutes in a water bath.
  2. Grate the ginger on a fine grater.
  3. Puree half a banana.
  4. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Terms of use

  1. Test the mask on the inside of your wrist for an hour.
  2. Masks should be used immediately after preparation; it is not recommended to store them, as they quickly lose their properties.
  3. They should be applied to slightly damp hair. If they are wet, the oil will not be able to penetrate deep, and it will not adequately saturate the dry ones.
  4. Using a brush or coloring brush, apply the mixture to the roots, then moisten your hair with it and comb it with a rare wooden comb, and then generously lubricate the ends.
  5. Put an insulating cap on your head.
  6. The duration of the procedure is from 1 to 3 hours.
  7. The mask should be washed off with neutral shampoo and rinsed with herbal decoctions.


Important! Real high-quality wheat germ oil cannot have a low cost, since one ton of wheat produces only one glass of oil.

This procedure will help quickly restore dry, brittle and split ends. To do this you need to take:

How to cook:

  1. Beat well and heat slightly in a water bath.
  2. Distribute the warm mixture over the skin and hair and wrap your head in foil.
  3. Depending on your own feelings, carry out the procedure from one to three hours. Rinse off the mixture with plenty of running water and shampoo.

How often can I do it?

To achieve the desired effect, you need to regularly use the mixture twice a week. for two months. After two weeks, treatment can be repeated. But, the first results, as a rule, are clearly visible after the first course of masks.

In addition to masks and wraps It is recommended to take this product internally, which will help cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances, as well as enrich it with useful elements. All this will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.


When using this oil externally, no contraindications to its use have been identified other than an allergic reaction to gluten. It is not recommended to be used internally in case of exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Wheat germ oil is an excellent natural product, helping to restore hair structure. Also, under the influence of its regenerating properties, scalp cells are healed and rejuvenated, dandruff and various irritations are eliminated.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to properly make a mask from wheat germ:

Even the widest range of ready-made masks and balms does not make wheat germ oil for hair any less effective. How can you use it to restore a healthy and beautiful look to your hair? Read on, the most important things are yet to come.

How does wheat germ oil work and what does it consist of?

The cosmetic value of wheat germ oil is explained by its unique composition:

  • Vitamins (B, A, F, E, D, PP) – fight premature aging of hair cells, prevent scalp diseases, improve the overall condition of hair;
  • Microelements – zinc, iron, selenium;
  • Triglycerides;
  • Antioxidants of natural origin;
  • Fatty acids;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Carotenoids.

Regular use of wheat germ oil allows you to bring your hair into proper shape and achieve the following results:

  • Regeneration of scalp cells;
  • Awakening dormant follicles and activating strand growth;
  • Strengthening not only the bulb, but also the entire hair;
  • , volume and shine;
  • Treatment of weakened and burned hair.

10 homemade recipes

Wheat germ oil is characterized by increased viscosity and thickness. That is why it is used extremely rarely in its pure form. Do not forget about the allergy test on the skin of the wrist. Lubricate it with oil and wait 5 minutes. If there is no burning or redness, feel free to proceed to the main procedures.

Mask for very dry hair

  • Yogurt (low fat) – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Wheat germ oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Banana - half.

How to do:

  1. Mash half a banana with a fork.
  2. Combine puree with yogurt and butter.
  3. Distribute the mask over the strands.
  4. Wash off after 30 minutes.

For oily type

  • Wheat germ oil – 1 part;
  • Kefir – 1 part;
  • Lemon juice – 1 part.


  1. Combine kefir and butter.
  2. Add lemon juice.
  3. Lubricate your hair with this mixture for 15 minutes.
  4. We wash our hair with a decoction of medicinal herbs or warm water.

Another effective recipe:

Mask for good hair growth

  • Olive oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • Castor oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • Dry mustard – 2 teaspoons;
  • Sprouted wheat grain oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • Honey (liquid) – 1 teaspoon;
  • Egg – 1 pc.

How to make a mask:

  1. Mix the beaten egg, mustard and oils heated in a water bath.
  2. Apply the product to the strands and rub well into the roots.
  3. We insulate our head with something warm and warm it up with a hairdryer from time to time.
  4. Wash off with shampoo after 40 minutes.

Do you want your hair to grow faster? Be sure to try it.

Oil wrap for damaged hair

This is the best way to improve the appearance of dry and brittle strands.

For cooking you will need the following oils:

  • castor oil – 1 part;
  • almonds – 1 part;
  • wheat germ – 1 part.

How to make a mask:

  1. Combine all three oils.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath.
  3. Lubricate wet strands with it.
  4. Wrap your head in thick foil.
  5. We wait from one hour to three.
  6. We wash our hair with warm soapy water.

Mask against splitting ends

  • Wheat oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to do:

  1. Mix butter with honey.
  2. Place the mixture in a water bath or simply lower it into a container of warm water.
  3. We soak wet strands with a mask.
  4. We pay special attention to the ends.
  5. Wash off after an hour.

For shiny hair

  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Powdered milk – 2 tbsp. spoons;

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. We moisten the strands with water and apply a mask on them.
  3. Wrap your head in something warm.
  4. Wash off the product after an hour.

Medicine for very damaged strands

  • Cranberry juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Wheat germ oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Lavender essential oil – 5 drops;
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to prepare a mask:

  1. We combine the liquid components.
  2. Add the beaten egg.
  3. We saturate the hair with this mixture and leave it for an hour and a half.
  4. Wash off with shampoo.

Another useful mask:

Anti-hair loss mask No. 1

  • Eucalyptus essential oil – 3 drops;
  • Wheat germ oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Cedar ether – 3 drops;
  • Orange essential oil – 3 drops.

How to make a mask:

  1. Mix oil with esters.
  2. Warm the mask in a water bath.
  3. Leave on hair for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash off with shampoo.

By the way, instead of cedar, orange and eucalyptus, you can use essential oils of ginger, pine and thyme.

Against hair loss No. 2

You will need 2 oils:

  • jojoba – 1 part;
  • wheat – 1 part.

How to cook:

  1. Combine both oils.
  2. We heat them in hot water or in a water bath.
  3. Apply to strands for a couple of hours.
  4. We wash our hair with shampoo.

Anti-dandruff mask

  • Rose oil – 1 part;
  • Wheat germ oil – 1 part.

How to do:

  1. Mix both oils.
  2. We warm them to room temperature.
  3. Apply to scalp every evening.
  4. Wash off in the morning with mild shampoo.

For oily and combination types

  • Banana (necessarily ripe) – 1 pc.;
  • Avocado – 1 pc.;
  • Wheat germ oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.

  1. Mash the banana with a fork.
  2. We do the same with peeled avocados.
  3. Combine puree with butter.
  4. Apply the mask to your hair for exactly a quarter of an hour.
  5. Wash off with shampoo.

Important to know!

When using wheat germ oil, you should consider a few simple rules.

  • Rule 1. Mix masks in porcelain or glass dishes.
  • Rule 2. Be sure to do an allergy test. Nothing is known about the oil’s contraindications, but we will not exclude its individual intolerance.
  • Rule 3. To enhance the effect, consult a doctor. He will tell you how to take wheat germ oil as a dietary supplement. Usually this is 2 teaspoons taken with meals.
  • Rule 4. Carry out procedures every 7 days for 1-2 months. Then take a thirty-day break, after which repeat the course again.
  • Rule 5. After using the mask, do not blow-dry your hair. Let your hair dry naturally.
  • Rule 6. Buy wheat germ oil at the pharmacy, since its price is not high. The drug is available in dark glass capsules, which are very easy to use. Store the closed bottle in a darkened cupboard, as the oil will lose its medicinal properties when exposed to sunlight. But after opening it you need to put it in the refrigerator. The shelf life is no more than a year.

These are all the secrets that wheat germ oil for strands hides. All that remains is to try it on yourself as soon as possible, which is what we wish for you!

Wheat has always been the staple food for humans and remains so to this day. Rich in fiber and vitamins, the plant has long become indispensable on any table, and with the development of pharmacology and cosmetology, it has firmly established itself in a leading position as an effective, nourishing, healing product for skin and hair. In cosmetology, wheat germ oil is widely used, into which nature has put all the best.

Wheat germ oil for hair stimulates cell metabolism, strengthens roots, and restores normal function of the dermis. The product gently moisturizes hair, nourishes, and normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Wheat germ oil has a strong antioxidant quality, which enhances metabolism and regeneration in the skin. Due to its nutritional qualities, the product is suitable for all hair types.

Obtaining a nutritional elixir and its properties

In order to obtain concentrated nectar, wheat seeds are germinated for 2-3 days. When sprouts appear from the grains, they are placed in a press and a viscous oily liquid is obtained by squeezing. Thanks to cold pressing, beneficial substances are preserved in the liquid.

Ideally, seed germination does not involve the use of growth stimulants and other chemicals. For raw materials, the strongest selected grains are selected, not rotted, without traces of mold or mildew. Environmentally friendly oil is easily absorbed by the skin, contains the maximum amount of useful components, and does not cause allergies or other unpleasant issues. But it is impossible to control the production process; you can only rely on the integrity of the manufacturers.

Wheat germ oil contains protein - protein, which is an integral part of the metabolic reactions of the human body. Wheat oil contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that nourish curls, providing strength, elasticity, and vibrant shine. The most valuable for hair growth are:

  • vitamins A, E, D, PP, B;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • lecithin;
  • triglycerides;
  • phospholipids;
  • octacosanol (a component of natural wax);
  • glycolipids;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Wheat germ oil is a popular component of shampoos, masks and other hair products from famous world brands. The effectiveness of wheat germ extract has been clinically proven and is actively used in cosmetology. Wheat oil has the following properties:

Wheat germ extract makes hair elastic, silky, and vibrant. The product eliminates dandruff caused by dryness, heals wounds, microcracks, and pustules. Wheat oil promotes tissue regeneration, restoring the normal functioning of cells and follicles. Strengthens cell metabolism, cleanses them of toxins and waste. Thanks to the varied nutrition of hair, it prevents hair loss, restores shine and regulates moisture levels. After using the extract, the curls become smooth, without signs of fragility. The hair is easy to style and becomes manageable.

How to use wheat oil

Wheat germ oil can be consumed in its pure form, but it is not entirely convenient. The product is a thick viscous liquid that is poorly distributed on the hair. Therefore, it is advisable to mix it with vegetable oils that have a less dense consistency. Masks with wheat germ concentrate are suitable for dry and oily, lifeless or damaged curls, permed and dyed hair. A mask with wheat germ oil helps cope with dandruff, seborrhea, and skin diseases. We offer several recipes that are easy to prepare at home:

  1. Wrap for dry hair. For the mask you will need almond, wheat germ and castor oil, mixed in equal proportions. Mix ingredients and heat slightly. Apply the warm mixture to damp curls, massaging the skin. Wrap your head in foil or polyethylene and wrap it in a warm towel. After 1-4 hours, rinse with shampoo.
  2. Eliminate oily scalp. You will need: curdled milk (3 tbsp), lemon juice (1 tsp), wheat germ oil (1 tsp). Apply the mixture to your curls and distribute evenly. After 15 minutes, rinse with shampoo.
  3. Mask for damaged hair. You will need: fresh cranberry juice (1 tsp), wheat germ oil (1 tsp), 1 egg, unrefined olive oil (1 tsp), 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to your hair for 1.5 hours. Then rinse your hair under the tap with shampoo.

Magnificent strong curls, sparkling with purity in the rays of the sun - this is the minimum that wheat oil can turn hair into. Regular use of the product maintains hair health, stimulates its growth, strength, and shine.

Sprouted wheat grains are beneficial not only for internal health, but also for external health. The resulting oil and juice from this product are widely used in cosmetology. Wheat germ oil includes many microelements; it is affordable, which is why it is in demand for use at home.

Benefits of wheat oil for hair

Wheat germ oil has a large amount of protein, which actively participates in metabolism; it also contains many vitamins that nourish the strands, filling them with strength, elasticity and shine.

Natural composition includes:

    • Selenium;
    • Zinc;
    • Iron;
    • Lecithin;
    • Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
    • Glycolipids;
    • Vitamins B and PP, E, D, A.

Wheat germ cosmetic oil– a medicinal product that, when used correctly, produces a stunning effect. It is approved for use by pregnant and nursing mothers; there is no harm, but there are many benefits. Contraindications relate only to individual intolerance. Very useful for brittle hair. It restores structure and fights baldness.

What other benefits can wheat germ oil provide for hair?

    1. Increases the rate of hair growth;
    2. Fights split ends by strengthening them;
    3. Restores along the entire length of the strand;
    4. Makes curls thicker, nourishes the scalp;
    5. Strengthens each hair from the inside, fills them with the necessary moisture;
    6. Removes toxic deposits;
    7. Normalizes the functioning of the exocrine glands, eliminating excessive fat content;
    8. Supply follicles with oxygen;
    9. Stops hair loss;
    10. Smoothes the hair shaft.

Using wheat germ oil for hair

It has a dense consistency, so it is used with other rarer oils and products. However, the consistency does not prevent it from being used clean, it’s just that in this case it is more difficult to apply to the hair. A mask with wheat oil is relevant for nourishing and resuscitating overdried strands, for restoring hair depleted by constant hair drying, curling and coloring. Folk recipes provide complete hair care and help cure seborrhea, dandruff and other skin diseases.

Before applying oil to your head, you should do an allergy test. For this purpose, the oil is smeared on the inside of the wrist and the reaction is checked after 2 hours. If there is no burning, itching, or redness, then it will not harm you.

Masks with wheat germ oil for hair

It was previously said that wheat oil for hair is incredibly useful, as it revitalizes hair and actively fights dandruff, frizz and other diseases. It also improves the regeneration of damaged tissues, heals small wounds, microcracks, and normalizes the functioning of follicles and cells. A nutritious mixture prepared with your own hands smooths out the strands.

Recipes for masks with wheat germ oil are easy to make and effective in action. This product is mainly used in homemade masks or added to purchased hair products.

Hair loss mask

Result: stops hair loss, nourishes follicles and makes them stronger.


    • 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oils;
    • 3 drops of essential eucalyptus oil;
    • 3 drops of essential cedar oil.

All components are mixed in the specified ratio, slightly heated and applied mainly to the scalp. The strands are collected into a bun, wrapped in plastic film and insulated for a quarter of an hour. Remove with warm water and a small amount of shampoo.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Hair growth mask

Result: nourishes follicles with vitamins, awakens dormant hair follicles and triggers hair growth.


    • 1 tsp. castor oil;
    • 1 tsp. olive oil;
    • 1 tsp. wheat germ oils;
    • yolk;
    • 20 gr. honey;
    • 8 gr. mustard powder.
Preparation and method of application:

Mix the oils, warm them slightly, add the yolk, mustard and honey. Mix well and apply to hair, rubbing into scalp. We wrap it in film and a scarf and walk for 40 minutes. Wash off with plenty of water and shampoo.

Mask for ends

Result: nourishes the ends, preventing them from splitting.


    • 40 gr. wheat germ oils;
    • 25 gr. liquid honey.
Preparation and method of application:

Mix and lubricate the ends of the hair. After 1.5 hours, wash off with warm water.

Mask for dry hair

Result: There are different recipes for moisturizing, one of them includes.


    • 20 gr. almond;
    • 20 gr. castor;
    • 20 gr. wheat germ.
Preparation and method of application:

Mix the oils, heat them up and apply a thin layer to the strands. Cover your head with polyethylene and insulate it for two hours. Remove with plenty of water and a small amount of shampoo.

Mask with wheat germ oil and mustard

Result: awakens the roots, activates active hair growth.


    • 2-4 tbsp. spoons of water;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard powder;
    • 20 gr. wheat germ.
Preparation and method of application:

Dilute mustard in water and apply the prepared mixture to the roots. We wrap our hair and wait until a slight burning sensation appears on the skin. Remove the cap, lubricate the roots with oil and leave for at least another half hour. We wash it off.

Mask with wheat germ oil and egg

Result: gives curls a natural shine.


    • 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat;
    • 20 gr. coconut
Preparation and method of application:

Mix the ingredients, beat lightly and apply to damp strands. We wear for an hour under the film, wash off with shampoo and warm water.

Mask with wheat germ oil and honey

Result: the hair becomes stronger, the ends stop splitting.


    • 40 gr. wheat sprouts;
    • 30 gr. honey.

Preparation and method of application:

Mix the ingredients, heat and apply to the ends for 60 minutes and remove with warm water and shampoo.

Mask with wheat germ oil and burdock oil

Result: activates hair growth, eliminates fragility.


    • 20 gr. wheat;
    • 20 gr. chamomile
Preparation and method of application:

Mix and rub the oils into the skin before washing. Wear it under the film for 40 minutes and wash it off.

Mask with wheat germ and jojoba oils

Result: actively nourishes strands, makes them shiny and elastic.


    • 1 tbsp. l. wheat sprouts;
    • 1 tbsp. l. jojoba.
Preparation and method of application:

Mix and apply evenly to hair along the entire length. Keep under a cap for 2 hours, wash off with water and shampoo.

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