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How to test a guy for love. How to find out if a guy truly loves you: signs, test, fortune telling. Ex-boyfriend: how does he feel?

Guys are all different. One will stumble over words and be timid in the presence of the object of love, helping in all matters, remaining a friend. Another will try to demonstrate to the chosen one his strength, dexterity, and courage. How to find out if a guy loves you and how to behave in his presence are serious questions.

There are guys who write poems, love confessions, send flowers, notes. And there are those who silently and imperceptibly sigh nearby. But there are signs of real feeling that are characteristic of any person.


What signs will tell if a guy loves you?

How to find out whether a guy loves you or not? Signs that will help you understand his feelings:

  • he often looks for the girl he loves;
  • invents any excuse to meet;
  • takes care of everything connected with the girl he loves, treats her things with care;
  • responds to any request to help, takes care of the safety and security of the chosen one;
  • calls just like that, to find out something or ask for advice.

He said what he loved directly and openly. But! With what intonation? Did you look straight into your eyes? Did he say this sincerely or does he have his own plans for you? Sincere feelings are recognized immediately. Sometimes girls want to be deceived, succumbing to weakness. It’s not enough to find out what a guy loves, you need to understand that love is a fairly mature feeling and is not limited to just words. It is rather a good action aimed at the object of love.

It is important to understand: if a guy suddenly starts showering you with gifts and flowers, showering you with compliments, and writing messages inviting you to a romantic date, this does not mean that he sincerely loves you. His assertiveness and impatience may turn out to be a simple flash of passion that will fade away as soon as he achieves reciprocity.

How to understand and find out if a guy is truly in love with you? Someone who loves will never pressure, persuade or insist on dates, much less close relationships. A guy will always give his girlfriend time to think. After all, he has nowhere to rush, he is in love seriously and for a long time.

The girl should bide her time. Within the first month, the “fake” lover will lose interest in her. A truly loving person will not even hint about his desires, trying to fulfill the wishes of his beloved.

How to check his real feelings?

If you're dating and he hasn't admitted his feelings, how do you know if a guy loves you or not and what your relationship means to him? Some girls ask directly, but guys often answer dryly and monosyllabically. There is no need to conduct interrogation with bias. Such behavior will definitely push away the chosen one.

If the couple already has a fairly close relationship, then some of his actions can tell whether the guy loves him or not:

  • not every man is capable of romantic impulses, such as a candlelit dinner and a bath with rose petals, but he would gladly prefer to spend time with his beloved, and not somewhere, with friends, at a party;
  • while relaxing in company, the guy does not move away from his beloved, stays nearby and often hugs, he talks about the future, using the word “we”;
  • he will support any initiative of his girlfriend, even if he himself is not talkative, he will listen to her carefully and participate in the conversation;
  • a guy loves it if he takes into account the girl’s opinion, is sincerely proud of her and shares his secrets.

How can you find out if a guy loves you? If he trusts a girl with the most intimate things, then he considers her the closest person.

  1. A loving guy always kisses a girl on the lips, and at the moment of intimacy, he takes care that she gets pleasure. He loves to touch her and constantly pays attention to her.
  2. He would never let her go alone late at night. He will meet you from work or school and take you home.
  3. He believes his beloved and does not deceive himself. Accepts her shortcomings without trying to re-educate her.
  4. When a loved one is sick, a man worries and takes care of her twice as much.
  5. A guy in love wants to make his girlfriend happy and is ready to fulfill her requests and do things for her.
  6. He is interested in the life of his chosen one, and he does not hide his own. He introduced her to his parents and friends.
  7. A guy who loves remembers what the girl was wearing, the place of the first date, etc.

Of course, the guy's temperament and character play a decisive role. How do you know if a guy is in love with you? Look at ordinary life situations. Real feelings are manifested in little things, in unplanned reactions to words, sudden events. He loves and will not forget to give you a coat, will definitely leave a tasty piece, give up the most convenient place, etc. He loves it if, during a quarrel, he does not pour out all the aggression on his partner. In many cases, guys themselves prevent conflict with the girl they love.

There are men who are capable of having an unforgettable date with a woman, passionately declaring their love during sex, and in the morning forget about her existence. A guy who loves is always ready to give his time to a girl. Wherever he is and whatever he is doing. If he has very urgent matters, he will definitely call back.

Test for non-verbal response (gestures, facial expressions, gaze)

No matter how a person tries to hide his true feelings through upbringing, willpower and other means, non-verbal clues that we are not aware of will tell the whole truth without words. Pay attention to his gestures and facial expressions. This cannot be controlled 100%.

If you are interested in how to find out if a guy loves you, then a nonverbal reaction test will be useful:

  • a guy who loves, lingers his gaze on his beloved girl, smiles;
  • when a man meets the eyes of his chosen one, his eyebrows suddenly rise for a couple of seconds, his pupils may dilate, he clearly has feelings for her;
  • when an object of affection appears, the guy involuntarily turns his body in her direction;
  • a man wants to touch the woman he loves, as if by accident, straighten her hair, touch her hand with his hand, etc.;
  • if the couple is in a relationship, he will demonstrate his rights to his chosen one - hugging, taking her hand, kissing her on the cheek, etc.

An open kiss in front of strangers is not proof of love. It's too intimate. And by touching you, the guy unconsciously shows how close your relationship is.

By combining all the signs and non-verbal reactions of a man to the appearance of his beloved, you can understand how he feels. Don't limit yourself to words. It is best to trust actions.

If you don’t know how to check whether a guy really loves you or not, ask him for help, bring him to meet your parents. Look how he behaves in the company of friends, how interested he is in your life. How much time he devotes to you, and what he is willing to do for your relationship.

Fortune telling: in love or not

It is the nature of a woman to establish emotional connections with a man to create a strong, stable relationship. Every girl asks the question: how do I know if the guy I love loves me? In all centuries of our era and, perhaps before that, girls performed sacraments and rituals to divine the feelings of their loved one.

Time has no power over a woman’s question: how to find out if a guy loves you. Fortune telling on paper is a widespread way to reveal this secret these days.

Fortune telling from drawings

On 10 sheets of paper, images of a bird, a cat, a house, a fence, a river, a woman, a man, a door, a flower and a tree are drawn. It is not necessary to make the pictures perfect, the main thing is that the images are clear.

The sheets are folded so that the drawings are not visible. Then, without looking, they pull one of them.

What do the pictures mean:

  1. A man - a guy loves his chosen one, is ready to protect her.
  2. A woman - a girl should reduce her demands on her lover, otherwise the relationship may not work out.
  3. Bird - constancy. In the current relationship, everything is stable and good. If the couple has not yet taken place, perhaps this will all end.
  4. Home - everything is ambiguous. On the one hand, the couple has an idyll, on the other hand, there is a strong influence of relatives.
  5. River - changeability. You shouldn't get into a relationship with a guy right now. Time will put everything in its place.
  6. Tree - lack of money. The mysterious guy may love you, but most likely he will not provide the girl with a prosperous life.
  7. Fence - soon everything will get better, passions will subside and a time of peace and quiet will come with your loved one.
  8. Flower - a girl should seriously think about whether she really needs to find out whether this guy loves her or whether this is just an empty interest. It’s not worth starting a relationship now, as unexpected passion for the new chosen one is possible.
  9. Cat - a quick separation or a difficult situation for the chosen one is possible, in which your help will be needed.
  10. Hand - if you are interested in knowing whether your ex-boyfriend loves you, then it will soon become known. The hand is a symbol of meeting after a long separation.
  11. Door - a guy loves, but how long his love will last depends on the wisdom and prudence of his chosen one.

Fortune telling on a notebook sheet in a box

Another interesting way to find out if a guy loves a girl is with paper and pencil. A left-handed girl should write with her right hand, and a right-handed girl, on the contrary, with her left.

What to do:

  1. Take a blank sheet.
  2. Draw a medium-sized heart (eyes should be closed).
  3. Consider the picture: whether the upper arches of the heart converge or not. If they do not converge, align the lines.
  4. Mark all the cells that are inside the heart (only whole ones).
  5. Cross out 6 cells at a time until there remains a number that is not divisible by 6 and is less than this number.

Let's see what happened:

  • one cell means that everything is mutual with you;
  • two - you have friendly relations or they can become so;
  • three cells indicate the presence of some feelings, but this may not lead to anything;
  • if there are four cells left, this indicates strong jealousy, which can ruin everything;
  • five cells mean that the guy really loves you and sees you even in his dreams.

But the absence of cells indicates the guy’s complete indifference. But don’t despair, fortune telling is a pleasant thing, but not the most reliable.

How to find out about your ex-boyfriend's attitude towards you

The reasons for this interest vary. If you really need to, then how do you know if your ex-boyfriend loves you?

A verbal reaction test is also suitable here. If he does not react to the appearance of his past lover with unconscious movements, does not hold his gaze on her and does not change in his voice, then, most likely, he is no longer interested in this story. If several of the above signs are present, then all is not lost.

A good way to find out about your ex-boyfriend's attitude towards you is to ask mutual friends about his current affairs. Some girls talk about their desires directly and sort out the issue without intermediaries. Psychologists consider this approach the most reliable. Any of these methods will help you find out about your ex-boyfriend’s feelings towards past love.

Useful video

For more information on how to understand if a guy loves you, watch this video:


  1. The desire to find out whether a guy loves him is natural for girls, and manifests itself in them earlier than in guys. To understand men's feelings, you will have to learn to be more attentive to your chosen one, his words, actions, and gestures.
  2. A loving guy is attentive and caring, and then eloquent. And most importantly, love comes to those who know how to love themselves. Therefore, expecting love from her boyfriend, a girl should think about what she did for her beloved? After all, mutual love also presupposes mutual giving.
  3. You shouldn’t believe words until a guy proves through his actions that he loves you. Then you won’t have to cry bitterly from disappointment.
  4. How do you know if a guy is in love with you? True feelings are tested by the actions of a loving person.

Even the youngest lovers ask the question of how to test a guy’s feelings, otherwise fortune telling using chamomile would not have been invented. But “likes or dislikes” is not suitable for adult girls. Why, if there is psychology and women's intuition. These are the ones we will use.

What not to do

First of all, you should not trust fortune tellers and so on. There are few good ones among them, and besides, it is very difficult to check a man’s feelings with the help of cards or something like that. It makes no sense to guess on your own.

Ask him openly about his feelings. May be shocking. In addition, he may lie so as not to offend you.

Find out through mutual friends. It's also ridiculous. No, you can, of course, but the third person is clearly superfluous when it comes to relationships. In addition, the information may reach your lover too distorted, and in general, you will cease to be a mystery to the guy. There may be other incidents in this case.

You should not test it by creating too extreme situations. Sometimes it works, but not everyone is ready to lose their life, even for their loved one. And in general, it’s a little ridiculous.


Indeed, the eyes don't lie. He admires you, watches every movement with admiration and looks away if you suddenly look at him. The look of a man who breathes unevenly towards you is noticed by those around him. The only difficulty is that sometimes such a look can be from a guy who just wants you and does not perceive you as a person. How to check a man’s feelings if you don’t quite understand what he needs from you? Only through communication!


Another indicator of feelings. And if there is no love, there is no love. Jealousy is noticeable in his eyes and in all his actions. Even if you are not a couple and generally do not communicate very closely, he may get nervous when you flirt with other guys or just chat with them. But sometimes it can appear in an ordinary owner or an obsessed maniac. You understand that you are not on the right path.


He knows a lot about you, but at the same time he strives to know more. If he remembers dates that are important to you well, knows a lot about your hobbies, music and film preferences, then he clearly feels something for you.

He knows or wants to know how you spend your time without him, he is actively interested in this. However, there’s no need to grovel in front of him, the guys don’t like it that much.

A sure sign is a manifestation of care for you. He always visits you when you are sick, tries to help if you are in an unpleasant situation, gives flowers, worries when you go somewhere. His love for surprises can also tell about his feelings.

Declaration of love

It won’t happen right away and will probably be difficult for him. It is clear that he prepared for this for a long time, and perhaps rehearsed. But if he bombards you with confessions already in the middle of the first date, this is not the best sign.

You are considered

Your opinion is important to him, so he always asks and listens. But if he decides everything himself, you are again not on the way. A loving man is always ready to make concessions.

Other signs and tips

  • He likes to kiss you;
  • A guy always singles you out in a company and gives you compliments;
  • All his messages on the Internet and SMS end with declarations of love;
  • He constantly strives to touch you;
  • Even your shortcomings, and not just your advantages, touch him.


There are several ways to test a guy's feelings through your actions. Try, however, not to overdo it with such provocations.

Pretend to be indifferent

It’s not that I’m completely indifferent, but try being late for a date a couple of times, by about an hour and a half. If he starts actively calling and worrying, he definitely feels something for you. You may also not write or call him if you are accustomed to writing or calling him first. You can disappear from his horizon and see when he finally gets worried.

Invite him to introduce you to his family

And friends too. If he loves you, he definitely won’t refuse. However, if he takes you with him everywhere, including fishing with his friends or his father, for example, or to a sports bar, this may hint that his feelings for you are ambiguous.

Difficult situation

There is no point in adjusting the situation, but if you find yourself in serious time trouble, observe whether he helps you, or, on the contrary, he fades away and disappears from sight. His behavior during your illness or problems at work and study will say more than flowers.

But a provocation in the form of a beautiful friend or sister is not suitable. Even a very loving man is a conqueror and hunter who dreams of impregnating all the girls. This can simply cause trouble at the very beginning of the relationship. In general, trust more what you see yourself and your own female intuition.

N Having started communicating with an unfamiliar man, a girl wants to know how to test a guy’s feelings. It is difficult to find a person who would not test his partner for love. Sometimes women see something that is not really there. Ordinary friendship seems to them to be a manifestation of love. To find out what a guy is really experiencing, you need to pay attention to his behavior.

Good signs

A woman can be sure that she is not indifferent to her friend if:

1. A man likes to be around. He is looking for a reason to ask a question, watching from a distance. In the company of friends, he strives to sit down with the woman he loves.

2. A guy gets jealous when he sees a girl with another man. He shows his feelings without realizing it. Male psychology is designed in such a way that even if the women they like have not yet reciprocated, men in love begin to consider them their property.

3. The young man gives compliments. One may doubt the sincerity of such signs of attention. For some guys, this behavior is completely natural. They shower any woman with compliments. However, sincere feelings are difficult to ignore. A lover always lowers his eyes when he tells the girl he likes how beautiful she is.

4. The young man notices new details of the image. You can trust that this is sincere attention. Men, unlike the fair sex, rarely notice details. Only by truly loving a girl do they become more attentive.

5. He is interested in his chosen one. If a young man collects information, he is sincere in his feelings. It is not necessary to test a young man for love. He wouldn't collect data about someone he doesn't care about.

6. The guy remembers a lot about the girl. You shouldn’t think about how to test a man’s feelings if he doesn’t forget his tastes, knows the phone number by heart and remembers his chosen one’s birthday.

Loves, doesn't love...

When communicating with guys in a friendly atmosphere, a girl is often unable to understand who likes her. A shy man is not always sincere in the presence of his beloved. Some guys tend to shy away from girls they like. In some cases, women face aggression from those who liked them. How to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings:

  1. Do not respond to the guy's signs of attention. According to psychologists, this is one of the best methods to find out the intentions of your new fan. A person who is truly interested will continue the “assault.” Guys don't like women who are too available and don't have to fight for their hearts. An ordinary lover of “hitting” usually quickly loses interest in an indifferent girl. If you like a guy, you shouldn't subject him to thorough checks. He may be disappointed.
  2. Stay at a distance. This proven method is suitable for both those who have already started a serious relationship and those who have not yet had time to declare their love to each other. It is worth subjecting a man to the test of distance. When love is sincere, the guy continues to communicate by correspondence. If a man's attentions come through electronic messages, he really values ​​the girl.
  3. Ask to meet your parents. Some psychological techniques allow you to find out the seriousness of a young man’s intentions. Friendship with a guy, sooner or later, must end somewhere: the beginning of a life together, a wedding, a separation. If, for the sake of testing, you ask your loved one to introduce you to your parents, but he does not want to do this, male interest can hardly be called serious.
  4. A proven method to find out about the feelings of the chosen ones is observing men in extreme conditions. For example, hooligans attacked you on the street. It is worth paying attention to the reaction of a potential husband. A guy shouldn't leave his girlfriend. Even if he is not able to cope with several physically strong men, he must try to negotiate with them. A young man who abandoned his girlfriend and ran away should not be trusted in the future.

How not to act

Knowing how to test a man's feelings, a woman sometimes goes to extremes. The guy also knows several techniques on how to test a girl’s feelings. Looking at his beloved’s tricks, a man understands perfectly well that she is testing him. Mutual distrust leads to the fact that one of the couple or both cease to experience the same love. When looking for evidence that a guy is attached, you should not:

1. Fortune telling yourself or visiting a fortune teller. Some girls want to find out if their loved one has stopped feeling passion for them, using all kinds of folk fortune-telling. Many methods are baseless superstitions. You shouldn't trust a fortune teller either.

2. Make you jealous. You can leave your correspondence with another man unlocked on your phone or computer so that your loved one can read it. Not entirely friendly correspondence will lead him to think that he is being cheated on. Often, girls flirt openly in front of their boyfriends, trying to arouse jealousy. This should not be done. There are often cases when such trials end in crimes. And if a guy suspects checks, he may be offended and suggest breaking up.

3. Tempt. A woman can ask a close friend to participate in her experiment. Your friend will “accidentally” come to visit. Such games usually end with the guy leaving for his girlfriend.

Women test men the same way men test women through their friends, by correspondence and other methods. It is important for us to know that we are remembered and loved. However, when we check, we unconsciously express distrust. You should not think that actions go unnoticed. They offend a person who is sincerely attached. Tests of love can lead to loss.

Love as an internal state, an ethical category, cannot be unambiguously defined. Each person feels love in his own colors and emotions, each person understands love in his own way.

For some, love is a feeling of inspiration and joy; for others, love is associated with suffering and experiences. Society owes much of the tragic perception of love to classical literature, the main plot of which is unrequited, tragic love.

As the highest manifestation of human sensuality, love cannot be a frequent occurrence and one can hardly believe the often used phrase "I've fallen in love many times." Everyone has their own criteria for love, for some it is care and constant attention, for others it is expensive gifts and fulfillment of desires, for others it is the ability to understand and forgive.

The most precious thing a person has is life, and we can say that the highest indicator of falling in love is the willingness to sacrifice it for the sake of a loved one. Not only for the sake of people, but also for the sake of love for the Motherland, love for science, love for sports, love for extreme sports and more.

How do you know that a guy loves you?

For many girls, the question is quite natural: how to check if a guy loves me. In many ways, this can be understood in detail; falling in love is the sparkle in the eyes, the excitement of meetings, the guy’s desire to be close, the ability to understand and empathize. That is, falling in love is revealed by feelings that manifest themselves in everyday life. Constant attention to a girl, care, the desire to surround her with calm, to bring beautiful notes into her life, is undoubtedly one of the indicators of a guy’s love. Love is associated with romanticism and invitations to walks in picturesque places, the desire to look at the starry sky together or just sit next to each other, holding hands, lit candles and champagne indicate that the guy is in love.

It is difficult to argue that love is closely related to jealousy and, although jealousy can be a source of worries and conflicts, its presence will serve as proof of a person’s love. You can artificially create a situation for jealousy in a playful way and observe the guy’s state, experiences and actions.

Love is not just beautiful words, it is also actions, often associated with concessions to the object of love and even self-denial. And if a situation arises related to choice, you can monitor whether the guy will insist on his desire or accept the girl’s position and give in to her. Mutual understanding and mutual concessions are important and are most often present in a state of love. You can probably find a lot of advice on the issue, how to check that a guy loves you, but the main source of confidence in the presence of love will still be personal sensory sensations and emotional background.

A person in love is constantly involved in the life of his beloved, in her events and details, he will most likely be interested in the circle of her family and friends, and will partially transfer the feeling of love to them.

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In life there are extreme situations associated with risk and the presence of a real danger to health and life. And if a girl has such a situation, the guy who loves her will never get lost or give up. He will do everything possible to eliminate this danger, to solve this problem. Elementary, if hooligans pester them, he will never run away, he will be ready to defend the girl to the last. In any other critical situation, be it related to health or money, a loving person will do everything in his power for the sake of his beloved.

If a guy loves, he wants to bring joy to the girl, including gifts and surprises. Of course, the cost of gifts will be determined by the guy’s material wealth and one cannot demand the impossible, but the very fact that the guy strives to make original and romantic gifts and surprises can indicate the presence of love. Love and be loved!

How do you know that a guy loves you? - video

Having started communicating with an unfamiliar man, a girl wants to know how to test a guy’s feelings. It is difficult to find a person who would not test his partner for love. Sometimes women see something that is not really there. Ordinary friendship seems to them to be a manifestation of love. To find out what a guy is really experiencing, you need to pay attention to his behavior.

Good signs

A woman can be sure that she is not indifferent to her friend if:

1. A man likes to be around. He is looking for a reason to ask a question, watching from a distance. In the company of friends, he strives to sit down with the woman he loves.

2. A guy gets jealous when he sees a girl with another man. He shows his feelings without realizing it. Male psychology is designed in such a way that even if the women they like have not yet reciprocated, men in love begin to consider them their property.

3. The young man gives compliments. One may doubt the sincerity of such signs of attention. For some guys, this behavior is completely natural. They shower any woman with compliments. However, sincere feelings are difficult to ignore. A lover always lowers his eyes when he tells the girl he likes how beautiful she is.

4. The young man notices new details of the image. You can trust that this is sincere attention. Men, unlike the fair sex, rarely notice details. Only by truly loving a girl do they become more attentive.

5. He is interested in his chosen one. If a young man collects information, he is sincere in his feelings. It is not necessary to test a young man for love. He wouldn't collect data about someone he doesn't care about.

6. The guy remembers a lot about the girl. You shouldn’t think about how to test a man’s feelings if he doesn’t forget his tastes, knows the phone number by heart and remembers his chosen one’s birthday.

Loves, doesn't love...

When communicating with guys in a friendly atmosphere, a girl is often unable to understand who likes her. A shy man is not always sincere in the presence of his beloved. Some guys tend to shy away from girls they like. In some cases, women face aggression from those who liked them. How to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings:

  1. Do not respond to the guy's signs of attention. According to psychologists, this is one of the best methods to find out the intentions of your new fan. A person who is truly interested will continue the “assault.” Guys don't like women who are too available and don't have to fight for their hearts. An ordinary lover of “hitting” usually quickly loses interest in an indifferent girl. If you like a guy, you shouldn't subject him to thorough checks. He may be disappointed.
  2. Stay at a distance. This proven method is suitable for both those who have already started a serious relationship and those who have not yet had time to declare their love to each other. It is worth subjecting a man to the test of distance. When love is sincere, the guy continues to communicate by correspondence. If a man's attentions come through electronic messages, he really values ​​the girl.
  3. Ask to meet your parents. Some psychological techniques allow you to find out the seriousness of a young man’s intentions. Friendship with a guy, sooner or later, must end somewhere: the beginning of a life together, a wedding, a separation. If, for the sake of testing, you ask your loved one to introduce you to your parents, but he does not want to do this, male interest can hardly be called serious.
  4. A proven method to find out about the feelings of the chosen ones is observing men in extreme conditions. For example, hooligans attacked you on the street. It is worth paying attention to the reaction of a potential husband. A guy shouldn't leave his girlfriend. Even if he is not able to cope with several physically strong men, he must try to negotiate with them. A young man who abandoned his girlfriend and ran away should not be trusted in the future.

How not to act

Knowing how to test a man's feelings, a woman sometimes goes to extremes. The guy also knows several techniques on how to test a girl’s feelings. Looking at his beloved’s tricks, a man understands perfectly well that she is testing him. Mutual distrust leads to the fact that one of the couple or both cease to experience the same love. When looking for evidence that a guy is attached, you should not:

1. Fortune telling yourself or visiting a fortune teller. Some girls want to find out if their loved one has stopped feeling passion for them, using all kinds of folk fortune-telling. Many methods are baseless superstitions. You shouldn't trust a fortune teller either.

2. Make you jealous. You can leave your correspondence with another man unlocked on your phone or computer so that your loved one can read it. Not entirely friendly correspondence will lead him to think that he is being cheated on. Often, girls flirt openly in front of their boyfriends, trying to arouse jealousy. This should not be done. There are often cases when such trials end in crimes. And if a guy suspects checks, he may be offended and suggest breaking up.

3. Tempt. A woman can ask a close friend to participate in her experiment. Your friend will “accidentally” come to visit. Such games usually end with the guy leaving for his girlfriend.

Women test men the same way men test women through their friends, by correspondence and other methods. It is important for us to know that we are remembered and loved. However, when we check, we unconsciously express distrust. You should not think that actions go unnoticed. They offend a person who is sincerely attached. Tests of love can lead to loss.

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