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How to distribute the family budget for the month. How to distribute the family budget

Method one: a laptop “monitors” expenses

For such a program to work, you will have to store all checks and receipts. Carefully enter information for each payment. The income part includes salaries, as well as scholarships, pensions, irregular earnings, the so-called “hack jobs” and “leftists” of all family members. The more complete each article, the easier it is for the program to calculate, and for users to see where their expenses are justified and where they are not.

“I work the second shift, until 22.00-23.00. Instead of delivery, the company entered into a partnership agreement with a taxi service. We pay with special tokens. But, as a rule, taxis are called closer to 23.00, when all the employees are ready to leave. I usually get out a little earlier. I often took a taxi home at my own expense. Only 38 UAH, but after calculations it turned out that in a month I spent more than 300 UAH, almost 10% of my salary,” said store security guard Alexey Gobin.

The most expensive are considered to be various walks, trips to bars and shopping centers, and family trips to buy groceries in large stores. According to expert Ekaterina Bogachova, with proper marketing in a supermarket, up to 80% of the receipt is made up of spontaneous purchases.

For. The budget plan has already been drawn up, all that remains is to substitute the numbers into the ready-made items of income and expenses. The program itself will calculate how expenses change. Many programs show a chart of expenses, so you can immediately see in which month there was “overkill” for which item. High-quality programs save information about mandatory monthly expenses and remind the user about them.

Against. You need to have a fair amount of pedantry to accurately count and enter each purchase. Also, not everyone can keep their word “given to the computer.” Finally, many people prefer to plan the old fashioned way - in a notebook.

Method two: give an envelope to the dentist and plumber

Most old way The basis of many electronic plans is the so-called envelope budget. The principle is generally the same as when working with a computer program - a list of income and expenses is compiled. Mandatory expenses are highlighted separately: payment of utility bills, rent, loan payments. The remaining amount is further divided into “divisions”:

  • transportation costs (travel),
  • car care,
  • mobile communications,
  • large purchases(this includes not only the TV, but also a pair of boots),
  • spending on personal care and health: buying medicine (for which a separate reserve fund is sometimes allocated), going to the pool, dancing, going to the hairdresser, etc.

Experts advise planning all your purchases in advance (I wonder who can do this?) and allocate no more than 5% of your monthly earnings to purchase clothes/shoes. And then, you see, you’ll accumulate something. Those who are used to immediately buying something they like will have a hard time with this approach.

A prerequisite for all types of family budget planning is a stabilization fund. Typically, at least 10% of income is allocated for this monthly. If the family is going on vacation, it is better to have an additional envelope in which to put another 5-10% of earnings.

For. There is no need to fool around with a computer program, because not everyone can do it. For example, if the money is traditionally collected into one “basket” and divided by the elderly father or mother of the family. Planning takes place with real money, which is immediately placed in separate envelopes - you can touch and see. Some reserve ones, for the purpose of self-discipline, can even be sealed.

Against. Unlike the emotionless computer program, personally counting your expenses is very difficult. As well as maintaining the integrity of individual envelopes. There is a risk that some items, such as “purchases,” will constantly “steal” from other items. And the would-be estimator himself would prefer to turn a blind eye to this. The program will take into account every movement in the budget and then present all the shameful evidence.

Method three: an apartment for you, sausage for me

Those families that have not one, but two or three breadwinners, often divide expenses according to the amount of each person’s earnings. At the same time, they make up a reserve fund from the total contributions, which includes not only the amount for a “rainy day”, but also expenses for health, large purchases, and vacations. It’s quite difficult to calculate all this on your own: you can’t compare the earnings of a father-entrepreneur and his daughter’s scholarship. So, most often, a certain payment is assigned to each working family member.

“The daughter pays for her own travel expenses and trips to cafes with her friends. IN family budget she contributes 500 UAH monthly. for food and pays for the Internet. My husband and I save “tithes” only from our earnings. At the same time, my tenth is 3.5 times less than my husband’s. In addition, I pay utility bills and allocate money for small daily grocery purchases - after all, I do them myself. My husband pays for all our major trips to grocery supermarkets once every 8-10 days, it includes purchasing shoes and clothes, maintaining a car,” Kiev resident Sofia Drozdovkina shares the secrets of money planning.

For. Everyone has left to pocket money, so there is a feeling of relative payment freedom. After all, it’s hard for many people to immediately start giving everything they earn to the family piggy bank.

Against. Despite paying all the most important bills, it does not guarantee stability “from payday to payday.” After all, each family member also needs to plan personal expenses from the amount remaining after payments. In addition, it does not allow you to control the entire cash flow in the family. No insurance against spontaneous expenses and overpayments, for example, for a taxi.

Read more articles about the family budget and personal money here

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Remember when you were in last time were left penniless in the middle of the month. Now think and try to honestly answer a simple question: “Why then was it not possible to stretch the money until the next payday?”

Most likely, you will have to face an inexorable fact: the cause of the problem lay in a lack of financial planning. Let's think about how we can avoid such a mistake.

Budget for the month: learning to calculate expenses

With a stable financial situation It is best to plan a personal or family budget for a month using a standard table - we talked about it in detail here. The mentioned table allows you to correlate income with expenses and at the same time set aside a set amount for upcoming major purchases (an apartment, a car, a new mobile phone, etc.).

However, sometimes the scheme has to be simplified. Not all people have a salary from which they can actually save something. Some are content with a modest income due to lack of proper experience, while others, due to life circumstances, manage to work only half-time...

Let's assume that the amount you have on hand is small and your only task is to make do with it for 30 days.

How to survive until your next paycheck?

Make a list of expenses in order from most important to least necessary. He may look something like this:

  • apartment rental and amenities (in particular mobile phone and the Internet, if they are necessary for work);
  • credit;
  • visiting a doctor and taking medications;
  • nutrition;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothes, shoes;
  • transport;
  • gifts for loved ones.

Now think about whether it is possible to reduce costs on certain items.

Save on everything except health

When denying yourself something, don’t do anything stupid. There are things that it is better not to skimp on even in the most constrained circumstances. Postponing a visit to the doctor, or especially any recommended surgery, is an exceptionally bad idea. Saving on health now, in the future you will spend an amount on it that will be ten times more.

But considering the option of moving to a slightly less comfortable and spacious apartment is a good decision.

A well-thought-out menu will allow you to save a lot on food. Eat at home. Buy products not in luxury stores, and in the markets. Focus on simple and natural food- vegetables, cereals, eggs, etc.

When trying to profit from buying clothes and shoes, pay attention to sales, do not ignore stock stores(i.e., those selling remnants of goods - new quality things. which are no longer the latest fashion).

Finally, the most difficult thing remains - following a well-thought-out plan. To help you do this, don't carry a lot of cash in your wallet. Let only the money on hand that can be spent in the next day or two.

There is always a temptation to spend money on pleasant nonsense - for example, buying a glass of coffee or original nail polish. Individually, such little things cost a penny, but the total cost of them can secretly reach astonishing proportions.

How to properly distribute your monthly salary

It seems that we are not big spenders, we spend no more than we receive, it seems like we don’t buy anything extra, we don’t lose money. But, nevertheless, the money runs out a few days before wages. And so on from month to month.

In fact, the problem of lack of money before salary can be easily solved. It’s just that not many people know how to properly distribute their monthly salary. This will be discussed further.

Where to start with salary distribution

In order to correctly and rationally distribute the wages received, you need to analyze your expenses by amount and time.

For example, the main regular, that is, monthly expenses of a family are utility bills, loan payments, food expenses, tuition payments, travel expenses, etc.

I think it will be more convenient to take a pen and a piece of paper and write down all your expenses in a column, indicating not only the amount of money required, but also the period in which these expenses should be spent.

Example (conditional amounts):

  • utility bills - 3,000 rubles until the 10th;
  • loan – 18,000 rubles until the 25th;
  • preparatory courses – 3,500 rubles until the 5th;
  • transportation costs, gasoline - 2,000 rubles as needed;
  • food expenses – 15,000 rubles, as needed;
  • other expenses - 5,000 rubles, as necessary.

And so, we have determined mandatory and regular payments.

We distribute wages

Now we need to distribute our mandatory monthly payments, those for which payment dates are known, in our example these are utility bills, loan payments and payment for preparatory courses, over time. That is, if you receive wages twice a month, payment at the beginning and advance payment in the middle of the month, then utility payment and payment for preparatory courses can be made from the money received as an advance payment, and the loan payment can be made from the money received as an advance. By the way, if the money received as an advance is not enough to pay off the loan, you must immediately, upon receiving the money in settlement, set aside money for the loan.

We postpone or pay all required payments at once.

The remaining amount of money must be divided into two equal parts. I correlate this distribution with the frequency of receiving wages - twice a month, that is, once every two weeks. That's why, cash I divide the money remaining after paying the obligatory payments into two equal parts, and spend them one part per week.

If you receive wages once a month, the money received, remaining after mandatory payments, must be divided into four parts, that is, for four weeks.

You can also divide it into smaller parts by setting, for example, a daily limit on spending money. But dividing money into small parts will be inconvenient for grocery purchases, if, for example, you buy groceries once a week.

It is more convenient for me to distribute the saved money into envelopes - one envelope for each week.

Of course, you will have to adapt a little to managing the family budget this way, but according to at least, you will already have enough money until your next salary, and the question of how to properly distribute your salary for the month will no longer appear on the agenda.

How to distribute a personal budget or the Jug Method

While waiting for our salary, we already know where will he go Most of it goes to paying utilities, debts, food, and purchasing necessary things. At the same time, deep down in our souls, we vaguely realize that it will be spent in the same way as all the previous ones: spontaneously, thoughtlessly and very quickly.

And now, only a week passes after the long-awaited payday, and all that remains is tears. Fun fact: no matter how much we receive, everything is wasted. There will always be something “necessary” that needs to be purchased urgently. And again payday is approaching, and again we, without a penny in our wallets, mourn our unfulfilled savings plans.

The secret is that we are capable of spending any amount of money on all sorts of stupid things if we do not learn to be conscious about spending. To properly plan your spending and save, there is great way distribution of money - the jug method or, as it is also called, the envelope method. It consists of distributing the received funds into six different “jugs”. Imagine that you have six jars, in each of which you must put the amount due to it. Taking from one jug to cover the shortfall in the second is strictly prohibited.

How to distribute your personal budget for a month

  1. Necessary expenses (55% of income). This includes what you really can’t do without - food, travel, household chemicals, necessary clothes, payment for various services (hairdressing, shoe repair). You may say: living on half your salary is impossible! Even the money I receive is not enough for the basic necessities! But this is just an illusion - not everything that seems necessary is so. Somehow people live on half the salary you have.
  2. Expensive purchases (10%). With this money you can buy new phone or an expensive item of clothing, jewelry and other image accessories. If you specifically save for expensive things, then you will be able to purchase them much more often than trying to squeeze funds for them from the general budget, and even more so through loans.
  • Savings (10%). This is the money that in the future will become the basis for your comfortable life. Add them to your bank account and send them for deposit. You cannot spend them under any circumstances - the only thing that can be spent is the interest received. If you strictly adhere to this strategy, in a few years you will be able to accumulate a decent amount, and then become a full-fledged investor or open your own business - in general, put it into circulation.
  • Spending (10%). Spending is always a pleasure, and you can do it profitably if you know when to stop. You can spend this part of the money on whatever you want - go on a short trip, go to a concert, a restaurant, skydive or buy expensive alcohol. A person who spends part of his money on his little whims and does not feel remorse after this is happier. This means that he has more energy, inspiration and, as a result, a desire to develop and reach new heights. Indulge yourself with a little stupidity sometimes, but don’t forget to stay within ten percent. How to spend these expenses is up to you. You can spend money on small amenities every month, or you can save up for six months so that you can have a blast later.
  • Training (10%). And it doesn’t matter that you graduated from university with honors a long time ago - you need to study constantly. Nowadays information is updated very quickly, and if you do not update your knowledge for several years, you can easily find yourself on the sidelines professional life. Trainings, online courses, reference books and literature, communication with out-of-town and foreign colleagues - all this requires not only time, but also money. May you have them. Besides, no one canceled personal development– there are all kinds of programs for managing finances, working with fears, complexes, laziness and other barriers that prevent you from achieving success.
  • Gifts and charity (5%). It's always good to have a little extra cash in case you are unexpectedly invited to a birthday or wedding. And you won’t have to, blushing, give chaotic excuses - like, you can’t go because your favorite parrot is sick. But in fact, there is only one reason - it’s a shame to go without a gift, and there is no money for it. For planned holidays, you can take money from the same jug. By systematically putting aside part of your income into it, you will be able to give pretty decent gifts that the recipients will like. If there is more money than you intend to spend, the excess can be given to treat homeless animals or help those in need.
  • Of course, it’s not so easy to resist the temptation and spend your saved money on unplanned purchases. But try to pull yourself together and follow the plan, and you will see how your budget turns from uncontrollable, meaningless chaos into a harmonious and understandable system.

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    Guide to creating cash flow + selected strategies in the new book Territories of Investing!

    How to manage and save a family budget. Monthly expenses table.

    Every company/firm must plan and account for the budget, otherwise there can be no question of successful work.

    But for some reason, few people follow the same principles in their lives. Units are engaged in planning, accounting, and maintaining the family budget.

    Why do you need to maintain and plan a family budget?

    Let's look at simple examples:

    1. They haven’t given me the salary yet - there’s no money left
    2. I want to buy something but I have no money
    3. The refrigerator is broken - no money
    4. your teeth hurt and you need to go to private clinic- no money again

    I think these situations are familiar to many. It is precisely in order to avoid them that you need to plan your family budget.

    It is important to understand the following:

    1. An event can happen at any moment, which will require additional expenses, but you may not have the required amount in your pocket.
    2. Many of the events that happen in our lives are cyclical. or have a predicted date of occurrence, accordingly, it is worth planning and setting aside money for this.
    3. There is no need to think that you will have to deprive yourself or infringe upon yourself. Quite the contrary, it turns out to be a kind of insurance against such unforeseen situations.
    4. Without a clear plan why and for what purpose this is being done, you will not be able to get the result.

    Step #1 - Decide what your sources of income are

    First, answer the following questions:

    1. What are the incomes? Are they permanent and which ones are periodic?
    2. What percentage Does each individual source make up the total income?
    3. What is the source income will not be lost without your participation?

    Main source of income in the family

    For most, this is wages.

    Although it may be delayed, it is still easily predictable and is constantly paid. You need to plan based on it.

    Additional sources of income

    Interest on deposits, inconsistent earnings, etc.

    Everything is clear with the interest on the deposit, they are stable, even more than the salary, but as a rule they make up a smaller part of the budget than the salary.

    By the way, getting 10% per annum is easy and without deposits, using debit cards.

    Pros- money can always be withdrawn without losing interest; the interest rate is often higher than on deposits of many banks. I myself use a Tinkov Bank debit card, read my review.

    Variable income

    It is better not to take into account, because... are not permanent and not predictable.

    For example. Most people receive tax deductions for several years. They plan their expenses based on the receipt of a certain amount once a year, but sooner or later this will end and then they will have to cut back on spending.

    IN in this case it is better to use the money to create an airbag or early repayment mortgages.

    For the future, develop those sources of income that bring in money automatically or with the least effort.

    Step No. 2 - How to distribute the family budget

    First of all, we take permanent income and subtract 5-10% from it - whoever is more comfortable with it.

    This is done in order to create a reserve for a rainy day. So that in case of unexpected expenses there is somewhere to get money.

    If you lack discipline save money yourself, then use the goals in Sberbank Online (as an example, other banks also have a similar tool).

    Arguments AGAINST saving money (misconceptions)

    1. there's no money left, there’s nothing to save, I live from paycheck to paycheck
    2. deferred the amount is too small, it won't do any good
    3. inflation will eat everything up

    Arguments FOR saving money (reality)

    1. Tomorrow utility bills will increase by 5%. What will you do? Will you find the money or will you stop paying?
    2. Suddenly your tooth hurts and urgently needs treatment, and there aren’t even some 2-3 thousand rubles in reserves. Trifle? Yes. But sometimes even such a little thing can be very useful.
    3. What is better than 0 rubles or 5000 rubles in your pocket? I think the answer is obvious, even if in a couple of years these 5000 will cost less, they will also be better than nothing.

    We break down all expenses into categories

    We get expense groups broken down by priority. If expenses from the third group can be skipped, and expenses from the second can be reduced, then it is difficult to do anything with the first group.

    Respectively, we distribute the family budget for the month based on the priorities received:

    1. first we allocate money for the first group
    2. then to the second
    3. if there is something left, then we allocate it to the third.

    This is how you can distribute your family budget for the month.

    But that's not all.

    It is not enough to distribute money; you also need to control how it is spent. This will ultimately save the family budget.

    3 tips to make it easier to control your expenses:

    1. Create a file in Excel with all income and expenses and fill it out daily (selection of programs and services for maintaining a family budget).
    2. After a certain amount of money is allocated for each category, need to divide them into 4 weeks. With a shorter time interval, it is easier to keep track of when the category budget is approaching the designated limit and cut expenses so as not to go beyond the limits.
    3. Record expenses It’s best to do it every day and not rely on your memory.

    I immediately foresee an objection:

    “Why write down expenses every day if we have already allocated where and how much we will spend? And so I remember!

    An example from personal experience

    Although the expenses are the same, it happens that I get lazy and start to remember at the end of the week how much I spent and where. As a result, in the category " unaccounted expenses“(I’m adding here those expenses that I can’t remember where I spent, so that there are no inaccuracies) I have to write down up to 20% of the allocated budget for other categories.

    20% is a significant discrepancy

    And one more thing, I’ve been keeping track of expenses for four years now, so I know how much money I spent and when. This information is very useful if you want to save money, because... It becomes clear exactly where expenses can be reduced or expenses can be predicted.

    Step No. 3 - Family budget table with monthly expenses

    It is convenient to take intervals of a week, a month and a year. Weekly and monthly intervals allow you to control current expenses, and an annual interval allows you to take into account non-fixed expenses (holidays, birthdays, vacations, etc.).

    2 principles for adding expense categories:

    • If there are expenses that we want to track, we put them in a separate category
    • we want to get detailed information– divide categories into subcategories

    Below is a detailed table of costs.

    • At work
    • other - outdoor recreation, visiting holidays, etc.

    The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

    The topic of today's article will certainly be of interest to couples who live together, because we will talk about...

    I will point out to you the mistakes that you may be making, I will tell you about the experience of managing my family budget married friend and I'll give you a few useful tips on this issue.

    Why do you need to know how to correctly calculate the family budget?

    One day one of my subscribers reproached me for paying too much attention to the topic of money.

    Like, what about the soul, art, high matters?

    I am not against the soul, nor art, nor high matters, but I know for sure that sustainable financial situation contributes to a person’s inner peace, expansion of his range of interests, and passion for the same art.

    Whereas constant lack of money kills all aesthetic impulses, forcing you to think only about how to survive.

    Of course, a lot depends on the person himself: not all businessmen visit the theater, opera or museums, but some intelligent old women with a meager pension try not to miss a single exhibition in the local museum.

    But still, you must agree that you need to manage your own or, in our case, family budget so that you have enough to satisfy your natural needs (somewhere to live, eat, wash), and for more pleasant things (travel, hobbies, get-togethers with friends).

    That is why today we will talk again about money, or more precisely about the correct distribution of the family budget.

    How did my friend learn the wisdom of proper distribution of the family budget?

    A few years ago, my friend Marina got married and, among the various difficulties that beset newlyweds in the first year of life, she was faced with the fact that they were unable to establish a family budget.

    Her husband Sasha seemed to earn good money, Marina was not a drone either, she worked, yes, she earned money less than husband, but still - they had two salaries, which together amounted to a good amount.

    But still there was not enough for anything.

    Marina (purely feminine 🙂) began to blame Sasha.

    It’s his fault, they say, because he continues to invite her to flowers, sweets, fruits and even invites her to restaurants. Of course, it is he who makes a hole in their family budget.

    Puzzled, Sasha stopped doing all this, but for some reason their family budget had not improved, and there was still not enough money, and even the romance was gone.

    And then for the first time Marina seriously thought about the need to ask how to calculate the family budget in order to finally patch up all the holes.

    It took her six months to stabilize her family's financial life.

    She was able to do this using the 8 envelope system, which she kindly shared with my readers.

    How to properly distribute the family budget: the 8 envelope system

    Determined to sort out the confusion in her family budget, Marina purchased 8 blank envelopes and signed them:

    1. Utility payments.
    2. For daily expenses.
    3. Entertainment.
    4. Investing in the future.
    5. Unplanned expenses.
    6. Summer vacation.
    7. Large purchases (household and computer equipment, outerwear etc.).

    Since Marina and Sasha received salaries twice a month, and with a difference of one day, my friend decided to calculate not a monthly, but a two-week budget and distribute the amount they receive every two weeks (which is 10,000 hryvnia) according to corresponding envelopes.

    Here's what she came up with:

      Utility bills (For Marina it’s 800 hryvnia + another 800 from her next salary).

      Everything is simple here: everyone knows how much they pay for an apartment or house.

      This amount should be set aside first and not touched.

      Mandatory purchases (food, household chemicals, cosmetics, clothing).

      Marina allocated 4,500 hryvnia for all this.

      For daily expenses.

      Marina calculated that 150 hryvnia a day is enough for both of them to go to work, have lunch, and have a small amount in their wallet for every firefighter.
      150 x 10 working days = 1,500 hryvnia.


      1,000 was left for entertainment.

      Investing in the future.

      7% of the amount of income, that is, 700 hryvnia.

      For this purpose, a separate bank account was opened.

      Unplanned expenses.

      Diseases, breakdowns of equipment, dirty tricks of murderous neighbors with water gushing from taps and other troubles make a hole in the family budget.

      To avoid going into debt, save a little for such expenses.

      Marina decided that 300 hryvnia would be enough.

      Summer vacation.

      600 hryvnia were deposited here every two weeks.

      Large purchases (household and computer equipment, furniture, outerwear, etc.).

      Marina began saving another 600 hryvnia from the family budget for large-scale purchases.

    How to calculate a family budget: main mistakes

    People who cannot put their family budget in order often make simple mistakes:

      They don’t save their income for large-scale purchases or an insurance fund against minor troubles.

      As a result, they run for a loan if washing machine goes out of order or goes into debt if, for example, someone in the family gets sick.

      They don’t think about their future, so they don’t invest money in it.

      Look how people live abroad: they have just gotten married, and they are already opening separate accounts for “house”, “children’s education”, “old age”, etc.

    1. Spend large sums on the day you receive your salary before you are paid public utilities or purchased groceries.
    2. They spend more on entertainment, expensive clothes, smartphones and other show-offs than they can afford.
    3. Incorrectly distributed cash receipts, allocating too little to food or loan repayments.

    how to distribute effectively cash flows in the family:

    I understand that it is not easy, so I want to give you a few more tips that may make this task easier for you:

      Don't waste more money what do you earn?

      Stay away from debt or loans unless it's really about important issues(operation to a loved one, opening a business, etc.).

      Live within your means!

    1. Tirelessly look for new sources of income, some extra income that will make the process of distributing the family budget easier for you.
    2. Call upon all your willpower to help you when calculating your family budget.
    3. Forget about:
      • Oh, okay, I'll take it on a hike nightclub some money from the “Unplanned expenses” envelope.
      • This month you can summer vacation and don’t put it off, it’s only November, there’s still a long way to go.
      • These boots are worth not having to pay utility bills this month and other nonsense.
    4. Don’t be afraid to reschedule your family budget if the situation changes: your income has decreased or another expense item has been added.

      For example, the other day Marina and Sasha found out that they were expecting a baby, and my friend had already bought several blank envelopes: “Pregnancy Management”, “Childbirth”, “Child” and began to count everything.

      Don't give up halfway.

      Marina claims that the first 5 months were hard, and then everything went according to the established system.

    I know that some of my readers will start whining: “It’s good for your friend and her husband to be smart, how to properly distribute the family budget, with an income of 20,000 hryvnia per month, but they could live on the minimum wage.”

    My dears!

    Well, who forces you to sit on this very minimum wage?

    Maybe it’s time to move on, find another job (or several) and also start earning normal money?

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    A financial plan will help you not to be left without money at the most crucial moment.

    The main task when drawing up a personal budget is not just to balance debits with credits, but to correctly distribute expenses so that last week I didn’t have to borrow or live from hand to mouth before my salary.

    You can plan your budget in special or any tables - the principle is the same.

    As a rule, the main part of the salary is paid not on the first day of the month, but on the 5th, 10th or 15th. Therefore, it will be more convenient to plan a budget not for a calendar month, but for the period from paycheck to paycheck, for example, from March 10 to April 9.


    First, you need to record all financial receipts in order to understand how much you have. All sources of income should be taken into account: salary, bonus, part-time work, money from renting out an apartment, and so on. If your income is unstable, it makes sense to form a budget when you know exactly how much you have, for example, on the day the money arrives on your card.


    Expense items that cannot be avoided should be entered first. This list will look something like this:

    1. Groceries (including lunches at work if you eat in the canteen).
    2. Utility payments.
    3. Directions
    4. Mobile communications.
    5. Internet.
    6. Household chemicals.

    Naturally, the list of mandatory payments will be different for each person and each family. Tolls may be replaced by gasoline costs. People with chronic diseases will take into account spending on medications. The same list will include loan payments, payment for kindergarten and so on. At the same time, the traditional trip to the cinema on Saturdays and similar expense items are not mandatory.

    Make it a rule to put money into a “stabilization fund” every month. It could be fixed amount or percentage of income.

    The amount remaining after deducting mandatory expenses can be dealt with in two ways:

    1. You allocate money for entertainment, clothing and various amenities.
    2. You divide the remaining amount by the number of days in the month.

    With the first method, everything is clear: you determine that you will spend 3,000 rubles on cinema, the same amount on clothes, and so on. The second method is worth considering in more detail.

    Let's say you have 15,500 rubles left, and there are 31 days in the month. This means that you can spend 500 rubles daily. At the same time, mandatory expenses are already taken into account in the budget, so this money is intended only for pleasant expenses or force majeure circumstances. Accordingly, if you spend more than this amount per day, then you will go into the red, and at the end of the month you will have to tighten your belt. If you don’t spend anything, then within two weeks you’ll save up 7,000 rubles, which you can spend on something big.

    The money remaining at the end of the financial period can be spent or put aside. The first way is pleasant, the second is rational.

    How to plan a budget for the year

    The annual financial plan will need regular adjustments both in terms of expenses and income, so all columns in it need to be created in duplicate: a forecast and an actual indicator.


    If you have a regular income

    At fixed size In order to earn money, you simply enter your salary and other stable income into the income section. The only thing that will interrupt the usual course of things is vacation pay. Usually, before a vacation, they give you money for the days during which you will rest, but then you will miss a certain amount in your salary. But in general, at the forecasting stage, especially if you are drawing up a budget for the first time, it will be enough to use only the salary amount for all months.

    If you have inconsistent income

    If income is irregular, there are three ways to forecast income:

    1. You are sure that you will receive a monthly amount sufficient to live on, although you do not know its exact amount.

    Calculate your average income and use it for calculations. If you earn more than the predicted amount in any month, move the excess to the piggy bank. You will get into it if you earn less than average.

    2. You don’t have a regular income and you’re not sure what you will have.

    It is better to take the minimum income as a basis for calculations. In this case, budget planning will become a task with an asterisk, but there will be no financial surprises.

    3. Some of your income is stable, but exact size earnings are difficult to predict.

    For example, you receive a fixed salary, and the availability of a bonus depends on many factors. Then it’s worth planning your budget so that a stable income covers all your primary needs, and you’ll spend on the rest depending on the situation.

    Don't forget to take into account the income that you receive irregularly: quarterly bonus (every three months), return tax deduction(once a year) and so on.

    For example, let's take a situation where the majority of income is stable - this is salary. The minimum premium is 3,000 rubles, and we will use this figure in the forecast. We also note that for the anniversary in August they should give at least 20,000 rubles: parents promised 15,000, friends will probably give at least 5,000.


    When planning expenses, write down mandatory expenses in the month columns: food, utilities, travel, mobile communications, household chemicals, and so on. Please note that in winter utility bills are higher due to heating, and for mobile communications, for example, in May you will spend more because you are going on vacation. These changes must be included in the budget.

    So, in the example you can see that the heating season ended in March, so the last increased payment for housing and communal services is scheduled for April. Vacation in May is also reflected. A budget maker is planning to go to visit her grandmother for three weeks. The tickets have already been purchased, so there is no point in taking this expense into account. Housing and communal services are considered according to standards and will not change.

    At the same time, our hero will not spend money on travel for three weeks. And he cut his food costs in half: for a week he will eat at home, and will also take on part of the food costs from his grandmother.

    The next step is to record obligatory but irregular expenses. Let's say in May you need to pay taxes for your apartment and car, in May you have a vacation, in August you have an anniversary, and in December your gym membership ends. Separately, consider the need to buy gifts for the holidays.

    Large expenses can be planned in two ways:

    1. Find the entire amount from your monthly budget.
    2. Divide it over several months.

    The hero of the example used the first method to plan expenses for the anniversary and the second - for compulsory motor liability insurance.

    All that remains is to take into account the savings in the budget and calculate the balance. In the example for entertainment, according to the forecast, 8,020 rubles remain (258.7 rubles per day).

    Budget adjustment

    Every month, after receiving income from all sources, the budget will have to be adjusted to determine the amount that is actually on hand. As information becomes available, it is also worth considering changes in costs.

    The man in the example received more than he expected.

    He also spent a little less on food and mobile communications, and a little more on housing and utilities. As a result, after all the mandatory deductions, he is left with 12,535 rubles (404.3 rubles per day), which is almost twice as much as the previous result.

    It is worth remembering that even if you have been extremely disciplined financial plan compiled taking into account all the details, circumstances can seriously adjust the budget. Losing a job, getting promoted, and having a child will all require major changes to your financial strategy. But even a poorly drawn up budget is better than no budget at all.

    Often families who earn less do not experience serious financial problems in contrast to their seemingly more prosperous neighbors. The whole secret lies in how to correctly distribute the family budget for the month. The income and expenses table is an accurate tool and cannot be fooled. In this article we will focus on the basic rules for forming a common family wallet.

    Income items

    When determining the sources of filling your home treasury, it is important to take into account all available income items:

    • husband's salary;
    • wife's salary;
    • social payments and benefits;
    • pensions;
    • interest on bank deposits;
    • permanent or one-time part-time jobs;
    • gifts and outside help;
    • income from what is grown in a country house or garden.

    It is enough to simply take into account basic income if the wage level is stable. Otherwise, it is most appropriate to record the average over the past few months. If you are not sure that next month If you manage to earn extra money, then such income should not be included in the estimate, since expenses are calculated according to the level of income, and the lost profit will make a hole in the overall financial plan.

    As a rule, there are two main sources of income (salaries of family members), all others are additional, from which a reserve can be formed.

    Expense items

    Everything is much more complicated here. The family is faced with the task of correct distribution of the family budget, so that funds from two main sources of income can be rationally redistributed to four main cost items:

    • general family expenses;
    • expenses for children;
    • wife's spending;
    • husband's spending.

    As a rule, on the day they receive wages, people allow themselves to spend significantly more than on other days. One gets the impression of a kind of euphoria that you have endured until payday, which means you can pamper yourself and your children. These days there are especially many trips to cafes, entertainment centers, cinemas, toys and items for hobbies and interests are purchased. Thus, at the very beginning, a “time bomb” is laid under the monthly financial plan, which will “explode” closer to the end of the month.

    Practicing psychologists advise not to purchase anything at all on payday. You need to bring the money home, put it in a “common pot”, and the next day go to the supermarket with a specific list of what you need.

    Formation of a monthly cost plan

    The spending plan is always much broader than a profitable item and is drawn up in several stages. Their sequence must be followed so as not to violate the logic of budget formation.

    First stage. Investment or savings

    A certain percentage of what you earn is immediately separated and put aside for a predetermined amount. common goal. Personal finance management experts say in this regard: “pay yourself first, and then everyone else.” Depending on the level of prosperity, this percentage may vary. The minimum level should not be less than 5%, the maximum rarely exceeds 20%. The most common option is 10%. It is also possible to save a certain amount each month, but it does not work well with an unstable level of earnings.

    It is strictly forbidden to keep savings at home. Regularly arising needs will push you to use what you have accumulated.

    Practice shows that what is usually taken from the “little box” is never returned there. This can be avoided by placing funds in a bank deposit. There are deposits under the terms of which you can regularly replenish the deposit, but you cannot withdraw money from the account until certain period. Even not the highest bank interest rate will protect savings from inflationary processes and increase the total amount.

    Second stage. Mandatory (permanent) payments

    After separating savings funds, you should think about payments that cannot be avoided. This is not a new dress for the wife or a modern spinning rod, but things that are much more down to earth.

    • First, money borrowed from friends or payments on bank loans are given. If possible, it is better to repay these loans at an accelerated pace to avoid unnecessary interest payments.
    • Then the funds required to pay for the use of the Internet, telephone and housing and communal services (rent, water, electricity, gas) are calculated.
    • Afterwards the necessary expenses for public transport, payment kindergarten, school meals, children's education (musical or sports school, university). If one of your relatives has chronic illness, requiring regular use of certain medications, they also belong to this section. You can also include gasoline for the car here, if it is necessary for running a business, otherwise this item will go into unnecessary expenses.

    Third stage. Variable costs

    This includes all other family expenses. They must meet the amount that remains after savings and mandatory payments. Therefore, they should be entered into the table in order of importance for each specific family. Typically the order is:

    Food. What is meant here is not everything that can be eaten, but what the family needs to make up a complete diet. When writing a financial plan for the first time, this article usually takes a lot of time. However, after just six months, many thrifty families have developed such a clear algorithm for purchasing products that they can safely transfer the purchase of products into regular payments.

    Shoes and clothing. It is not purchased regularly, but is quite expensive if we're talking about about truly high-quality products. It is better to plan such costs in the off-season, i.e. winter jacket It’s better to buy in July, and sneakers in January. A periodic wardrobe audit helps prevent unnecessary purchases. At the same time, you may find practically unused dresses and shirts on which money has already been spent.

    Household expenses. Doesn't take up a lot of money the right approach to the point (purchase of concentrates or bulk packages household chemicals), however, at least once a quarter the amount should be increased for one-time purchases (for example, replacing curtains or a faucet in the bathroom). This also includes the cost of gasoline for a car used for personal purposes.

    Personal expenses of spouses. Cosmetics, perfumes, shaving machines, cigarettes, a bottle of wine, a fishing rod and reel, payment for fitness classes and a beauty salon - everything is here, but within the limits of available cash.

    Entertainment, holidays, birthdays, vacations- there will be little left for this, but later the amount can be increased by saving on other items.

    Unforeseen expenses. It’s better to leave a couple of hundred “just in case.” There are different cases: illness, an unexpected invitation to a colleague’s anniversary, the arrival of a mother-in-law. Then this “nest egg” will help you avoid debt.

    To ensure that all the advice is not unfounded, we will give one of the options on how to correctly distribute the family budget. The table for the month in this example is filled out on a weekly basis, which is very convenient if there are several sources of filling the general treasury.

    No. Article title According to plan In fact Difference
    1-8 8-15 15-22 22-29 29-31
    1 Income
    2 Saving 20% of income
    3 Rent
    Loan repayment
    4 Nutrition
    Doctors and medicine
    5 Cloth
    Other entertainment
    Unforeseen 5% of income
    6 Total

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