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How to dissolve large kidney stones. How to remove kidney stones with currants. Traditional treatment methods

Urolithiasis (UCD) is a fairly common disease. Doctors usually recommend all the necessary medications that will stop the progression of the disease and dissolve the formed stones. However, with the help of non-traditional methods it is possible to increase the effectiveness of ongoing activities. So, let's look at the dissolution of kidney stones using traditional medicine.

Whatever the treatment for a particular disease, there are almost always general recommendations. In the case of ICD, diet therapy, if not coming to the fore, is at least not the last measure of influence on the body.

I will briefly outline the main points of diet therapy. First of all, patients should drink at least 2 liters of clean, spring water. At the same time, you should exclude strong coffee and tea from your diet, as well as alcoholic beverages, fatty meats, sea fish, caviar, sour fruits and vegetables.

Traditional treatment methods

According to many experienced and respected healers, alternative treatment methods can be as effective as traditional medicine. Moreover, herbal infusions, which include several medicinal herbs at once, are recommended for use even as part of official medical procedures.

The processes of stone formation are directly related to changes in the chemical composition of urine. In addition, stones in the urinary tract vary in composition: oxalate, urate, phosphate, carbonate and others. Because of this, treatment methods are rarely universal. Therefore, to break down stones and dissolve them using folk remedies, you need to select recipes that correspond to the disease.

Rosehip root decoction

Rosehip is a very unique plant, all parts of which are used in medical practice. Its special feature is that decoctions from rose hips can be used for any type of stones in the urinary tract.

It is assumed that the principle of action of drugs from horse hips in urolithiasis is associated with an increase in the amount of urine (diuretic effect), as well as with a decrease in the calcium content in this biological environment.

An important recommendation is to use straws when drinking the infusion. Medicines made from rosehip root can leach calcium from tooth enamel, which can lead to tooth decay. In addition, after taking the drug, you should rinse your mouth with plain water.

Preparing the decoction is easy. For 2 tablespoons of dried rosehip roots, you need 400 milliliters of water and put the container on the fire. The duration of boiling should be approximately 20 minutes, after which the drug is turned off and cooled for 2 hours. It should be consumed 4 times a day, after meals, 100 grams.

Sunflower root decoction

This drug is recommended for the presence of oxalate, urate and phosphate stones. Can be used even with mixed concretions (stones). According to some experts in traditional medicine, drugs from this plant are effective in at least 80 percent of cases.

To prepare the decoction, take 300 grams of sunflower roots, grind them using a mill or blender and pour 5 liters of water into them. The ingredients must be mixed, put on fire and boiled for 10 minutes. After this, the broth must be removed from the stove, cooled and left for 10 hours.

After filtering, the drug is brought to 4.5 liters with water. You should take it a glass 3 times a day. The duration of treatment should ideally be exactly 45 days. Breaks between courses are 6 months.

Lemon juice

The principle of action of this drug is most likely based on the ability of citric acid to suppress the absorption of calcium from the intestine, and, consequently, reduce its concentration in the urine. This technique can be used in the presence of stones of urate nature (from uric acid).

You can prepare a medicinal potion very quickly. Using a special citrus juicer, you need to squeeze 200 milliliters of lemon juice and mix it with 2 liters of water. You need to drink the entire volume of the resulting solution throughout the day. The duration of treatment is 30 days.

Mineral waters

Drinking significant amounts of alkaline mineral water is very effective for urate stones. In addition, constant consumption of large volumes of liquid, especially such as Borjomi or Essentuki 17, will reduce the likelihood of progression of ICD.

Soda solutions

Traditional methods involving the use of ordinary soda are used to treat a significant number of various diseases. It is assumed that eliminating acidification of the internal environment has a positive effect on the human body. In the case of urate stones in the urinary tract, this assumption is quite justified.

You can prepare a soda solution as follows. In a glass of warm boiled water you need to dissolve 1 level teaspoon of soda. You need to take this drug once a day on an empty stomach (in the morning or before bed). The duration of treatment is 2 months.

Honey water

A simple and universal remedy for dissolving any types of stones with urolithiasis. To prepare it, you need to take 1 teaspoon of the darkest honey and dissolve it in 200 milliliters of water. This remedy should be taken on an empty stomach for six months.


No matter how effective folk remedies for kidney stones are, you should resort to their help only after prior consultation with your doctor. Most medicines (traditional or non-traditional) have contraindications and this should be taken into account.

Effective for kidney stones. Very often it is not possible to get rid of kidney stones and you have to resort to surgery. To avoid surgery, decoctions of medicinal herbs that have a diuretic and analgesic effect are used for treatment at home.

You can get rid of kidney stones at home, the main thing is to know what you need to drink. We offer several effective folk remedies that will help dissolve stones and remove them naturally.

Important! Treatment at home should begin only after undergoing an ultrasound and passing all the necessary tests. If the stones are very large, it is important to consult a doctor and be observed by him during treatment, it is also important to understand that. Under no circumstances should you resort to this method in the presence of calcium oxalates; this is fraught with dire consequences.

Onions and sugar

A good tool for crushing stones is onion. For treatment you will need only 1 kg of onion and 500 g of sugar. The course lasts a day, but the effect is incredible, you can even get rid of large stones (up to 2 cm) in the kidneys.

For treatment, you need to prepare a decoction of onions. You need to prepare it as follows: pass the onion through a meat grinder, add sugar to it and cook for two hours. You will get about 500 ml of decoction. You need to drink it 15 minutes before meals 4 times a day at regular intervals. Don't drink.

Also in the treatment of stones, herbs such as parsley, bearberry, sunflower roots, birch, cornflower flowers, horsetail and others give good results.

We will present recipes with some of these herbs below.

Before proceeding to the treatment of kidney stones, you need to cleanse the body of toxins. For this purpose, decoctions of dandelion roots or blackhead herb are used. Brew one teaspoon of herb in a glass of boiling water. After completing the cleansing course, they proceed directly to crushing the stones.

Sunflower root is suitable for crushing stones at home. A decoction of sunflower roots will help dissolve kidney and liver stones that were previously resistant to treatment, and all thanks to the healing properties of sunflower root.

Sunflower root is used to destroy insoluble compounds, which are stones.

Important! Sunflower root will not be effective in the presence of phosphate stones; a stone analysis must be done before treatment.

Let's look at some recipes with this plant.

To prepare a medicinal decoction of sunflower roots, you need to take one root of this plant, chop it and add three liters of water. Boil for about 10 minutes. You need to drink the entire decoction within three days. You can drink it instead of water. The course of treatment with a decoction of sunflower roots is one month.

There are many positive reviews about the healing effects of sunflower root. After a month of treatment, all patients’ tests return to normal.

Herbs that drive away stones

If, in addition to stones, the patient’s tests reveal a large number of leukocytes, which indicates an inflammatory process in the kidneys, then the following collection will help to recover. Take lingonberry, bearberry and horsetail leaves in equal proportions (you should get 1.5 teaspoons) and pour 300 g of boiling water. Infuse the decoction in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink 100 g half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is a month.

Important! These herbs have a diuretic effect, i.e. They simply drive out the stones, without crushing them. Therefore, this method is applicable only for small stones up to 0.8 cm.

Knotweed has a diuretic effect. This herb will help remove small stones and sand. After completing the course of treatment, your urine test will be normal. To prepare a decoction, you need to take two teaspoons of this herb and pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours. Drink 100 g with meals.

Pumpkin seeds and cranberries are also good for removing stones. Pumpkin seeds should be eaten raw, then they will produce the desired effect. But you can drink cranberries in the form of compote, jelly or fruit drink with the addition of honey.

Oats have not only a choleretic, but also a diuretic effect. To prepare the decoction, just take a glass of oats and 4 glasses of water. Steam and consume 100 g of decoction before meals.

Recipes for treatment

Treatment of kidney stones is effective if you choose the right traditional medicine. Let's look at recipes for getting rid of kidney stones.

List of recipes:

  • Lemon mixture. You need to take a lemon with the peel, scald it and grate it. Add honey and olive oil to the juice in equal proportions. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • An infusion of apple peels ground into powder. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of apple peel powder and a glass of boiled water. You need to drink the infusion 3 times a day. This recipe will help crush even large kidney stones (urate stones).
  • A decoction of lingonberry leaves, cornflower flowers, horsetail, bearberry and birch leaves. All components must be taken in equal proportions.
  • Beetroot juice will help dissolve kidney stones. You need to drink 100 g three times a day.
  • To crush stones and remove sand, you need to drink a glass of water daily with the addition of one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (necessarily natural and high-quality; this method is contraindicated for ulcers). You can add sugar to taste.
  • You can crush stones with tangerines. For a week, you need to eat 1 kg of tangerines every day. After a week's break, repeat the course of treatment again.
  • This method will help remove stones. Take 70 peppercorns and crush them in a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting mixture with flour and make small cakes (about 35 pieces). You need to eat one a day.

  • A decoction of oats, rose hips, honey and aloe will have a diuretic effect and relieve stones. To prepare, you need to take 1 kg of oats and steam them in 5 liters of water. After the contents are reduced by half, add a glass of rose hips and after 10 minutes turn off the gas. After the broth has cooled, add 200 g of honey and 50 ml of aloe juice. Drink after meals.

Important! Any of the methods may have contraindications, depending on the presence of other diseases, such as gastritis, ulcers, hypertension, allergic reactions, etc. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor or naturopath.

Other methods to get rid of kidney stones

For example, the following recipe is suitable for dissolving stones: take about 20 chicken navels without film and grind them in a meat grinder. Eat a teaspoon every day with tea.

To crush the stones, you need to drink 100 g of a mixture of beet, carrot and cucumber juice every day. It is also recommended to eat 3 apples daily.

To prevent and treat stones, you need to drink a liter of cranberry juice every day.

You can also do the following procedures at home:

  1. Make a decoction of parsley, dill and celery. Soak the cloth in the broth and apply it to the kidney area for 15 minutes. Duration of treatment – ​​15 days. After this time, you can notice how the stones begin to come out on their own.
  2. To treat kidney stones, the following procedure will be effective: pour apple cider vinegar (diluted) into pottery clay. Apply the resulting mixture to a cloth and place it on the lower back in the kidney area.

But before moving on to warming procedures in the treatment of kidneys, you need to find out the cause of the disease, take a urine and blood test, and also undergo an ultrasound. If there is a tumor or inflammation in the kidney, it should not be heated.

At home, you can use massage to expel stones, but you need to drink more than two liters of fluid a day.

If pain appears in the kidney area, you should not immediately begin treatment at home. First you need to find out the reason for this and pass all the necessary tests. Only after making an accurate diagnosis and consulting a doctor can you proceed to treatment at home.

It is important to remember that only urate stones can be crushed using folk remedies. Phosphates and oxalates cannot be crushed. The exception is the mixed type of stones, which can only be diagnosed after a CT scan. Blockage of the renal duct by a stone can result in organ loss or death!

If stones are suspected, a general urine test, a biochemical blood test and a Nechiporenko urine test are performed. An ultrasound is performed. Doctors pay special attention to the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and the presence of acetone and sand in the urine.

In order not to call such methods simply charlatan, we note that they do not bring the expected effect, and in some cases they can harm human health. Nevertheless, such methods of dissolving kidney stones at home are spreading in the media, on the Internet, and people learn about them from friends. Let's debunk the myth about the most common methods of dissolving stones without surgery.

  1. Dissolving urates with water is one of the popular myths, which is only partly true. Indeed, drinking large amounts of water significantly normalizes the chemical composition of urine and reduces the concentration of salts. In terms of plan, the method may work, but with already formed stones, water does not help in any way, since even specialized preparations do not always cope with the stones, not like ordinary water.
  2. Dissolving stones with acidic drinks - there is a popular myth that in order to remove stones without surgery, you need to drink as much acidic liquid as possible. In light of this attitude, patients begin to drink those acidic liquids that they previously did not drink without sugar. The most popular recipes are lemon and cranberry juices. These are the most accessible acidic foods from which you can get a “healing” drink. However, drinking acidic drinks not only does not remove kidney stones, but also provokes gastric and duodenal ulcers and internal bleeding.
  3. The use of diuretics - at first glance, their use is quite reasonable for urate stones in the kidneys, but with increased urine production, the stones can move and block the exit from the renal pelvis, and then serious complications arise - nephritis, renal colic, tissue necrosis.

Drug treatment

Dissolution of kidney stones is possible in a conservative way, that is, without surgery. For this purpose, there are a number of medications that have a destructive effect on kidney stones. On the part of the patient, it is necessary to understand that the dissolution of stones may take more than one week, so you need to prepare for long-term use of drugs. During the entire course of conservative therapy, the patient must be observed by a doctor to monitor the process of stone growth, its movement from the renal pelvis to the ureter, and the presence of possible complications.

  • Madder extract is an effective remedy, especially in relation to. When you consume this plant, the color of your urine changes – it becomes rusty-red, but you should not be afraid of this. Madder is a natural herbal remedy, but in case of overdose it can cause serious poisoning. Therefore, the drug is not prescribed with the drug Cyston, which also contains this component.
  • The drugs Asparkam and Panangin are active against urate stones and oxalates. They can dissolve kidney stones quite effectively, but the drugs are prescribed with caution to heart patients, since this negatively affects the health of such patients. At the same time, side effects may include burning, thirst, vomiting or nausea, and diarrhea. These tablets are not recommended for use by pregnant women.
  • Blemaren is another drug that helps dissolve oxalates and urates. With the help of Blemaren, the urine is saturated with alkali, which subsequently provokes a destructive effect on kidney stones. Side effects of taking this drug include an allergic skin rash, swelling, and dyspeptic disorders, but such negative consequences rarely occur. They prefer not to prescribe the drug to small children, and to pregnant women only if absolutely necessary.
  • Allopurinol - like Blemaren, is aimed at reducing uric acid levels. The drug copes well with dissolving multiple stones, especially urate stones. Allopurinol promotes the rapid removal of feces from the renal pelvis. Such processes can provoke allergic manifestations on the skin and somewhat worsen the functioning of the liver and brain, so Allopurinol is prescribed with extreme caution.
  • Cystone is active in dissolving oxalates. A huge advantage of this drug is that it does not affect the chemical composition of urine. The drug Prolit has a similar effect. Usually the drug is prescribed after meals, but there are no special restrictions on its use. Please note that in rare cases, allergies may occur after using Cyston.

Traditional methods

The problem of hard deposits in the kidneys is so old that our ancestors tried to solve it. Therefore, in folk medicine there are recipes that can be used to dissolve kidney stones. Here are a few examples that can be life-saving for people with small-sized stones for whom surgery is not indicated:

  1. You can dissolve kidney stones using rosehip root. Finely chop a few roots, add water and boil for 15 minutes. You need to take one teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. According to experts in the field of traditional medicine, if all requirements are correctly followed, kidney stones leave the kidneys by the end of the second week of using the product.
  2. You can also dissolve stones using bloodroot juice. The plant is washed and finely chopped - the juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth, mixing it in equal quantities with rye juice. You can take the resulting product 3 times a day, one tablespoon at a time.
  3. Parsley is used in the treatment of many pathologies, including urolithiasis. To prepare the product, you need to take 20 g of parsley along with the roots, rinse thoroughly under running water, then pour in 2 cups of boiling water. The resulting mixture should boil for 2 minutes, after which the saucepan is removed from the heat and allowed to cool naturally. A slightly warm decoction should be drunk before meals three times a day.
  4. Treatment with apple cider vinegar should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, since the acid in large quantities can damage the stomach. A couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar should be diluted in a glass of water, and then taken 2 times a day - morning and evening, for 12 days.
  5. Treatment with flax seeds is a popular folk remedy known for its gentle effect on the stomach. To prepare it, you need to pour 12 teaspoons of flax seeds into one liter of boiling water, then boil for 10 minutes. The resulting product is steamed in a thermos; the entire volume must be drunk within six hours.

Treatment of kidney stones without surgery is a difficult and responsible process. Conservative treatment of the disease, although rarely used, brings good results in the case of small stones. When using drugs to dissolve kidney stones, the patient must take great responsibility to monitor the time of administration and dosage.

According to the Ministry of Health, out of 10 people, 7 suffer from kidney stones.

Some people do not always suspect the occurrence of a pathology, since they do not experience any discomfort.

But the situation does not always unfold this way. The patient may experience renal colic.

After diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment and tell you how to dissolve kidney stones using modern medications. This will be discussed in this article.

Principle of formation of kidney stones

One of the most important organs of the human body is the right and left kidneys. They help maintain fluid balance and electrolytes in the blood through the filtration process of salt and liquid.

The kidneys pass through more than 1,700 liters of liquid compounds per day. Thanks to this organ, 1 liter of urine leaves the body, which includes an excess of salts and various toxins.

When the mechanism for removing these harmful substances is disrupted, the development of urolithiasis is observed.

There can be stones of different compositions in the kidneys. These are oxalates, calcium carbonate and phosphates, magnesium-containing and uric acid stones.

The type varies depending on the presence of salts in the body, which may be in excess, i.e. in the required quantity they are not able to leave the body.

Why do stones appear?

Before telling how to remove stones from the kidneys, you need to clarify what contributes to their appearance.

After conducting dozens of studies, experts agreed on the conclusion that primarily a hereditary or genetic factor has a negative impact.

In addition, it is also worth highlighting infection of the genitourinary system, which is observed quite often in the body, i.e. the person is prone to relapse.

A disruption in the balance of water-salt norms and phosphorus-potassium metabolism can contribute to the formation of stones in the human body.

Physical inactivity has a negative impact. It should be taken into account that excessive salt consumption by a person also provokes the accumulation of crystals in the kidneys, which subsequently become large and can even cause serious complications.

If a person prefers to eat foods with preservatives and dyes, consume a minimum of fresh vegetables and fruits, preferring boiled food, he is also at risk.

Actually, those who are faced with kidney pathologies and consume medications for a long time find themselves in the same situation.

Even geographical and climatic conditions can affect the tendency to develop kidney stones.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that it is useful for everyone to know how to dissolve stones in damaged kidneys, because practically no one is immune from this pathology.

This will be discussed in the article, but first it is worth clarifying what is meant by kidney stones.

Basic definitions

One of the most common diagnoses in practice in the urological experience of doctors is kidney stones.

This pathology manifests itself in the formation of stones in the kidney area, in fact, this is where the name comes from.

Doctors also call the disease urolithiasis. It is also important to note that this disease provokes the appearance of stones in the bladder, which entails a serious inflammatory process.

Risk group

Most often, the diagnosis of urolithiasis is made to people aged 27 to 50 years. The pathology requires hospitalization, and therefore about 40 percent of patients with this diagnosis are forced to undergo registration at the urology department of city hospitals.

If kidney stones are not treated correctly, pyelonephritis or pyelitis may develop against the background of this disease.

Differentiation of kidney stones

When diagnosing pathology, it is customary to use the ultrasound method.

In this case, the stones will be clearly visible, in particular, the urate type. But the rest of the stones do not appear so clearly. This fact is due to the fact that they do not have a high percentage of density.

A specialist will be able to more accurately say about the composition of the stone if he conducts a study of its predecessor.

It is quite possible to get it if you know how to dissolve kidney stones and remove them with urine or remove the stone through surgery.

To confirm that urate stones are present in the patient’s body, it is necessary to conduct a pH meter analysis.

In this case, the acidity of the urine will not meet the standards; it will be much lower. To clarify the correct diagnosis, the doctor may order the patient to undergo a CT scan.

This study also allows you to determine the exact density of the stone. It is not always mandatory, because if an ultrasound examination identifies a stone, but an x-ray does not, but the pH of the urine is significantly shifted to the area of ​​increased acidity, then it is worth asking the doctor whether the dissolution of kidney stones will be successful.

Very often, the urate type of stones is recorded in people who are faced with a violation of purine metabolism.

Often, this phenomenon is common to all patients diagnosed with gout. For this reason, doctors prescribe to all those who come in with suspected urate stones in the kidneys to take a blood test to check the level of uric acid.

In order not to have to be interested in the subsequent question of how to dissolve kidney stones on your own or under the supervision of a doctor on an outpatient basis, you should adhere to preventive advice.

No one will argue that it is much better to prevent a problem than to subsequently waste time on eliminating it.

This statement does not lose its relevance in the case of renal stone pathology.

Based on available data, 50 percent of people with kidney stones will experience another stone formation over the next 5 years.

If you follow some fairly simple recommendations in practice, you can avoid such consequences.

Below are some useful tips from leading urologists:

  1. It is recommended to consume about 2 liters of water per day. As you know, the human body consists of 80 percent liquid, and therefore it is necessary to properly maintain water balance. This fairly simple technique will allow you to solve a number of problems in the future, or rather, even prevent their development. Accustoming yourself to drinking water is not very difficult. It is recommended to pour filtered water into a 2 bottle and place it in a visible place. After a couple of weeks, it will be possible to do without this method, because the body will get used to consuming water in normal quantities for the proper functioning of all systems.
  2. It's worth reconsidering your diet. It is necessary to exclude from the menu those products that act as a fundamental basis for the formation of stones. If you often consume sorrel and spinach in large quantities, oxalates may begin to form, but the formation of urates is provoked by meat and liver, when calcifications are caused by excessive salt consumption. It is also recommended to stop drinking grapefruit juice frequently and consume vitamins C and D. This can also lead to the formation of kidney stones.
  3. It is imperative to bring your weight back to normal. You shouldn't stick to strict diets. It is best to normalize your diet and lead an active lifestyle. If you walk 10,000 steps a day every day, your body weight will begin to decrease, even without vigorous exercise.
  4. Doctors advise reconsidering therapy. Perhaps the person has been taking the medication for a long time. Some of them are distinguished by their ability to stimulate the formation of stones in organs, including the kidneys. This may include medications, referrals for thyroid treatment, steroids and diuretics.
  5. On a regular basis, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body, and if symptoms of a system malfunction appear, you must not delay your visit to the doctor.

Drug therapy

In fact, the course of treatment for kidney stones will vary depending on their size and location.

The smaller the calculus, the higher the chances that it will leave the body along with the outflow of urine. For this reason, it is recommended for patients with urolithiasis to establish a water balance and drink as much fluid as possible.

If water in the required quantity does not enter the body, then urine has a highly concentrated composition.

Some substances are not able to leave the body, it is incredibly difficult for them to dissolve, and therefore they form small grains of sand, over time they have every chance of becoming a large accumulation of stones.

Medicines can stimulate the release of stones; No-spa, as well as other antispasmodics, will help as an additional measure.

From practice, we can conclude that out of 10 stones, 9 will leave the kidneys on their own, but this is not always the outcome.

Even though the risks are minimal, very often drug therapy does not dissolve the stones, and therefore there is nothing left but to use another method - surgery.

Surgery may be necessary if the kidney stone is really large and can cause damage to the organ itself or develop bleeding or infection.

Also, it is impossible to do without the intervention of a surgeon if the urinary duct is blocked.

There are several types of surgery, but the choice should always remain solely with the doctor.

He will take into account the state of the human body, the severity of the pathology, and the characteristics of the stone itself.

Group of drugs

If you are interested in the question of what medicine dissolves stones, then you should rely on the prescriptions of your doctor.

The product is selected taking into account a comprehensive examination. As mentioned above, stones come in different types, and not always the same remedy can help with different types of formations.

As an example, we will look at several remedies that are most often prescribed by urologists to remove stones from a patient’s kidneys, but they should not be used without a prescription, otherwise this decision will entail a number of side effects that can lead to serious complications and even death.


The drug is a combination drug with a choleretic and diuretic effect.

It is distinguished by its antiseptic and antispasmodic effects. There are several forms of release of the medicine - capsules, syrup and drops.

The product includes castor oil, essential oil of fir, as well as peppermint, extracts of wild carrots, oregano and aromatic hops.

It should be noted that all components are natural. Despite the last fact, Urolesan is not always prescribed by doctors.

This is due to the fact that a person may not be able to tolerate certain drugs by the body. Before taking it, be sure to consult a doctor.

Canephron N

This medication is used mainly for preventive purposes. It refers to a course of maintenance therapy when the stones have already been removed from the kidneys.

The composition of the product is also natural. It included centaury, rosemary, and lovage root.

The release form can be presented in the form of dragees or a solution for internal use.

Again, despite all the beneficial properties of the product, you should only take it after receiving a doctor’s prescription.


Used to prepare an oral product. Phytolysin is produced in the form of a paste.

To prepare the medicine, you need to take 1 dessert spoon of the product and mix it with 0.5 tbsp. After mixing thoroughly, the composition should be consumed 4 times a day, but always after meals.

The paste contains exclusively natural ingredients. Let's list them: birch foliage, parsley roots, lovage and wheatgrass, extracts of horsetail seeds, fenugreek, goldenrod, knotweed, essential oils of orange, sage, pine and peppermint.

The product has an excellent diuretic effect. It can also relieve inflammation and have an antispasmodic effect.

The main purpose of the drug is to remove the formation of stones in the kidney cavity, dissolve those that are already present and remove them from the body.

The product is very popular both among doctors and is famous for its good reviews from patients who have encountered this kidney stone pathology.


An Indian drug that has a diuretic or anti-inflammatory effect. It contains extracts of natural plants. Available in the form of capsules and tablets.

The main purpose of the product is to help dissolve stones that have not reached large sizes.

Cyston can also be used to eliminate complications that arose after shock wave lithotripsy.

This concludes the list of the most commonly used medical products in practice that can be purchased at a pharmacy to eliminate renal stone pathology. Below you can find out what methods of dissolving stones are offered by traditional healers.

The best traditional medicine recipes for kidney stones

Experienced doctors also advise using alternative medicine methods, but only as a complement to the main course of treatment. In addition, you need to adhere to a special diet.

The recipes presented below may have worked well in practice, but you should not use them without a doctor’s prescription.

Remember that with urolithiasis, any experiment with health can lead to a sad ending.

Recipe 1

To dissolve stones in the kidney area, it is recommended to carry out a useful procedure, but its peculiarity is that it must be done during the active sale of watermelons; of course, it is important to buy a good product, and not stuffed with nitrates.

The patient needs to get into a hot bath, having previously prepared watermelon and rye bread.

Traditional healers note that it is best to follow this recommendation between about 3 a.m.

The course consists of 7 procedures. 1 session per day, no more.

Recipe 2

Another recipe for dissolving kidney stones is to prepare a special mixture. You need to take 3 tbsp. knotweed, St. John's wort, sage and lemon balm.

These plants need to be mixed, and then measure out 3 tbsp. composition. They should be mixed with 300 ml of boiling water.

After the tea has steeped thoroughly, which takes at least 20-30 minutes, it is recommended to add 15 drops of fir oil. The calculation is that for every 100 ml of the composition you need 5 drops.

The drink should be consumed exclusively with a straw for 5 days. When the stones dissolve, they will be released from the body along with urine.

Recipe 3

In the morning you need to drink 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. This remedy will also be useful for treating constipation.

Recipe 4

You need to eat a few prunes, but the dried fruit should be left soaked in water overnight.

This remedy will also have a preventive effect to eliminate constipation. This is very important, because this condition only contributes to the saturation of urine with mineral salts.

As is already known from the article, they subsequently crystallize and form large stones in the kidneys.

Truth or Myth

There are several herbal medicine recipes related to the fact that the urate composition of kidney stones can be dissolved if the water load is increased.

In fact, no one will deny the fact that increasing standards will help lower acidity and salt concentrations.

Only it is not possible to dissolve mixed type urate stones. It is worth noting here that even medications are not always able to cope with this task. Plain water can have the desired effect on small urate stones.

Another legend associated with folk healing for dissolving kidney stones says that freshly squeezed lemon juice can cope with this task.

Only stones will not be able to dissolve under its influence. The juice will reduce the level of calcium absorption, but will not dissolve the calculus.

It is also worth being careful when deciding to start taking diuretics.

The thing is that if the stone is large, then under the influence of this drug it can move out of place.

This can subsequently lead to a situation where surgical intervention is no longer possible.

The next myth claims that if you drink diuretic herbal infusions with the addition of fir essential oil, active dissolution of stones in the kidney area will begin.

It is also worth remembering the above statement that diuretics can be dangerous.

While the stone is in the kidney cavity, treatment is not always necessary. At this point, it will be much more important to monitor your condition with regular ultrasound examinations from a doctor and follow a diet.

To avoid the possibility of an acute inflammatory process or renal colic, you should not drink diuretics on a regular basis.

To summarize the above

Only an experienced urologist will be able to choose the right course of therapy, saving his patient from risks and health complications.

You need to follow his instructions, follow a diet in order to normalize metabolism and speed up the removal of stones from the body.

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Knitting amigurumi toys is a very exciting activity that both adults enjoy...
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Nowadays people have become interested in handicrafts. Many have forgotten what a hook is...
Carnival goat mask
simply necessary in families with small children. Such masks will also come in handy on New Year's...
What to wear to a christening
Christening is an important family and spiritual event. And despite the fact that in my life...