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How to take a bacteriological urine test. Bacteriological study of urine or bacterial culture of urine: what it shows and in what cases a highly informative study is prescribed. What does the method of bacterial culture of urine show?

Urine analysis for tank culture (bacteriological culture of urine) – laboratory test urine, aimed at identifying the pathogen and determining the level of bacteriuria when an infection is introduced into the genitourinary system. Aerobic bacteria are identified by determining the threshold of sensitivity to the active components of antibiotics.

Doctors may order urine culture for both patients who have recently been infected and patients with a recurrent course of the disease.

The main disadvantage of the method is its excessive duration and increased requirements for material collection. However, bacteriological urine culture allows the doctor to obtain unique data that is not determined by any other study.

What is a sowing tank and what is it for?

Tank culture is a urine test that involves using it as a laboratory material to grow bacteria in the urine. The study is carried out at a certain temperature and in compliance with medical standards and norms.

Appointed this type research in order to determine which microbes are in the focus from which the material was taken for research, as well as to establish whether there are pathogenic microbes and how many of them.

Sowing the tank for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics makes it possible to determine which drugs the microbes are sensitive to, making it possible to carry out the most effective treatment.

How to properly collect urine for a culture tank?

On the eve of such a procedure, it is strongly recommended to avoid consuming vegetables and fruits, which can change the color of urine. These include carrots, beets and some others. You should also not take any diuretics. Such studies should not be carried out on women during menstruation.

To protect a urine sample from microorganisms that are on the mucous membrane, certain rules must be followed:

  1. Material for analysis must be collected only in a sterile container, you will need about half of the morning urine, while the first portion should go into the toilet, and the rest into the container. It will be necessary to carry out hygiene of the external genitalia in advance.
  2. To get the most accurate result, urine collected for analysis should be must be submitted to the laboratory no later than an hour after collection.

Approximately three weeks after completing the prescribed medicines, the patient is advised to re-submit a urine culture to determine how effective the treatment was.

Price and terms

Many people are interested in how many days it takes to test a tank culture. This question cannot be answered unequivocally; it all depends on what material is being studied and what pathogen should be looked for. Sometimes the answer is ready after 3 days, sometimes after 1-2 weeks, since some samples require subculture to another medium.

Approximate cost of this urine test in Moscow is about 800 – 1500 rubles.

Interpretation of urine bacterial culture analysis

A CFU is one microbial cell (or group). These units characterize the development of a colony of microorganisms. For example, indicators of 1000 CFU/ml indicate that microorganisms accidentally entered the sampling material from the external genitalia. In this case, nothing needs to be treated.

When a laboratory test exceeds the concentration of 100,000 CFU/ml, then we can talk about the connection between inflammation and infection. With an intermediate result of 1000-10,000 CFU/ml, a urine culture test raises doubts and a repeat test is required.

At positive analysis the conclusion lists the detected microorganisms: bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc. After final decryption bacteriological culture urine, both additional tests and the final course of treatment are prescribed.

Urine culture tank during pregnancy

A urine test for culture during pregnancy is usually carried out twice: the first - when registering for pregnancy, the second - almost before the very process of delivery, at 36 weeks.

In cases where leukocytes or protein were detected as a result, a urine culture test can be carried out more often in order to establish the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to prescribed antibacterial agents. medicines. In addition, if urological infections are being treated, such a study is carried out 7 days after stopping the prescribed antibiotics.

To properly donate urine to the tank sowing is necessary:

  1. Purchase a sterile container and collect your first morning urine in it, after washing thoroughly.
  2. When the biomaterial is selected, you need to carefully close the container with a lid and take the sample to the laboratory for testing as quickly as possible, preferably within 2 hours.

Regardless of the price of this analysis, you definitely need to carry it out in order to prevent possible diseases, maintain pregnancy, do not harm the fetus and prevent diseases that in the future may be not only more expensive, but also more difficult to treat.

Bacteriological culture is a type of study that identifies the types of microorganisms found in the urine, as well as their concentration. To do this, the research material is placed in a sterile nutrient medium and laboratory assistants observe the growth of colonies for a certain time. If there is no growth, the result is negative and the urine is sterile. When a certain increase in concentration is detected that can cause the development of infection, the result is considered positive.

After this, if necessary, the sensitivity of microorganisms to several antibiotics is determined so that the doctor can prescribe the most effective treatment. This method is also used to determine the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy. Of all the available methods for examining urine, it is bacteriological culture that gives the most accurate results, but its disadvantages include high requirements for collecting material and quite long term, necessary for the growth of colonies of microorganisms and obtaining research results.

Indications for urine culture

Urinary system infections;
- clarification of the diagnosis in case of a blurred or atypical picture of the disease;
- pregnancy (test is taken twice);
- diabetes mellitus;
- chronic diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys;
- determination of sensitivity to antibiotics and identification of resistant types of infection.

How to collect urine for bacteriological culture

For bacteriological inoculation you will need a sterile glass or plastic jar with a lid. The container cannot be sterilized; you need to contact a bacteriological laboratory. There, the jars are sterilized in autoclaves and issued in special packaging, which must be opened immediately before the test procedure.

Before collecting urine, it is necessary to thoroughly toilet the external genitalia using hygiene products, with the exception of antiseptics, then dry the perineum well with a clean towel and wash your hands thoroughly with soap. You need to collect a medium portion of urine.

To collect the analysis, women need to try and avoid contact of urine with the genitals, which is not so easy, given their physiology. For men, this procedure is not so complicated, but it also requires compliance. hygiene rules. The lid of the jar can only be touched with hands outside so as not to introduce E. coli or any other microorganisms inside and to be confident in the reliability of the results.

After collecting the material, the jar is tightly closed with a lid and immediately taken to the laboratory. The first result will be known in 5-7 days - this is exactly the time required for the development of colonies of microorganisms in the nutrient medium. If necessary, the doctor may order this test twice to clarify its results.

Everyone in life will have to give urine for analysis. What features of urine culture collection for testing, as well as collection rules will be described in this article.

How to donate urine for culture and what is it? Urine culture for analysis is the most common type of laboratory testing of material today. It shows the most correct information about the work of all organs in the body, and it can also be used to determine general health patients.

Also, urine culture analysis is an opportunity to get the results as correctly and accurately as possible., and therefore this test is the most common and popular today. Using a urine culture test, you can collect information about the presence in the body of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, as well as other pathogens of a particular disease. With other urine tests, it is quite difficult to get these results correctly. They do not always show the same data that can be obtained using a urine culture test.

How to take a urine culture, and what can it show? Experts note that this is of interest to many. It is worth noting here that for the correct test result, it is necessary to correctly collect and submit a urine culture for analysis. It is also important to know that you need to take a urine culture test only if you have certain symptoms, which will be described below. The doctor may also prescribe such a test when passing general examination at the clinic. Here it is important to remember in the process of collecting and handing over the material that after handing it over, it is important to place the liquid in a nutrient medium, where it will be possible to observe the growth of bacteria of one type or another or their absence in the material. This will also help identify fungus and other microorganisms.

Only the attending physician can prescribe the collection and delivery of urine. This can also be done by a nephrologist, endocrinologist or therapist.

Urine for culture: indications for donation. This can happen in the following cases:

  1. During pregnancy, when a woman is 13-14 weeks pregnant.
  2. At various types infections in genitourinary system person, which can manifest themselves in different ways.
  3. For diabetes. Especially in the first stages of the disease.
  4. To monitor ongoing therapeutic actions.
  5. If necessary, the attending physician can clarify the patient’s diagnosis when the symptoms are not clear.
  6. With immunodeficiency in the body.
  7. If a patient has a relapse of a disease during his treatment in a hospital.

How to test urine culture?

So that urine culture shows as much as possible correct result When testing, it must be assembled correctly, and then passed. This will ensure that there are no foreign impurities in the material. Before starting the collection, it is important not to drink a lot of liquid. Water or tea can make the concentration of urine less strong, and therefore it will be difficult to correctly detect the presence of certain bacteria. But when a urine culture is taken, it is also important not to drink too much liquid. This may backfire when collecting material.

In addition to collection, it is also important to pass urine correctly. It must be handed in in a clean container. This can be bought at a pharmacy. This must be done immediately before handing over the material.

If the container is not sterile, as well as in the absence of preliminary hygiene of the perineum, if a certain temperature regime for storing urine is not observed, all this can negatively affect the testing of the material in the laboratory. In this case, urine culture will have to be taken again.

Urine cultures must also be taken in a certain amount. Experts note that you only need to submit a urine culture in the amount of 4-5 milliliters. This will be enough for testing. The main thing is to first follow all the rules for delivery and not use any antiseptics. Urine will need to be delivered to the laboratory only in a sterile container within 5-6 hours after its collection. All this time it will need to be stored in a cool and dark place. You can use the middle shelf of the refrigerator for this. You should not place containers of urine close to the freezer to prevent them from freezing.

Other types of urine tests

Nowadays, there are also other types of urine testing that are slightly different from the usual procedure. Here we're talking about about collecting warm urine. For this you can use special devices. These are cases that must be sterile. Such devices have plates inside that contain a nutrient medium for the material. Using this method, urine can be inoculated directly at the collection site. After use, such a container will not need to be transported anywhere, and therefore there is a greater chance that no other substances will get into it.

Such containers can currently be used both at home and in hospitals. Here the collection technique is quite simple, and therefore the help of hospital staff is not required. Such devices should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-5 degrees until they are used. After collecting the material, such containers must be delivered to the laboratory within 42 hours for testing.

Thanks to such modern technologies, and also by following the rules for collecting material, you can achieve the maximum accurate results when testing urine. If you want to see a real and complete picture of your health after passing urine, it is recommended to adhere to the rules specified in this article.

Women carrying children should systematically undergo general blood and urine tests throughout the entire pregnancy. Regular testing is necessary for timely detection of diseases and various complications. Pee on general analysis pregnant women take the test a few days before their visit to the observing gynecologist. TO scheduled visit the results are ready and the doctor draws conclusions about the condition of the woman and child. Urine culture during pregnancy is a common test for pregnant women. It is able to determine which pathogenic bacteria cause the infection, their prevalence in the body and sensitivity to antibiotics.

Indications for analysis

In the laboratory, specialists examine urine for general information- determine specific gravity components, leukocyte level. The doctor will refer you for additional examinations if the number of leukocytes in the urine exceeds the norm. Necessary tests are also prescribed in case higher level red blood cells, sugar, protein and when bacteria are detected. A high leukocyte level and the presence of microbes in urine may indicate improper sampling of the material. With these indicators, a repeat urine test is prescribed with a preliminary explanation of the collection rules.

If bacteriuria is confirmed, an additional test is prescribed -. It allows you to determine the type of microbes and their prevalence. After establishing the type of microorganisms and the number, the pregnant woman is prescribed therapy.

The bacteria are removed from the body with antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. Self-treatment may harm the patient and her child, so you should only contact an experienced doctor for a prescription. Therapy must be started as soon as possible so that by the time of birth the microflora of the woman’s body is completely restored and the delivery is successful. To maintain the flora, during antibiotic therapy, drugs are prescribed to treat dysbiosis. After the course, the doctor prescribes a general urine test and, if required, a culture. Repeated testing allows you to determine how successful the treatment was.

Prescribed to pregnant women, if necessary, based on the results of a general urine analysis. In addition, there are other indicators for conducting this study:

  • A woman carrying a fetus works in harmful conditions.
  • Presence of children with congenital abnormalities in the family.
  • A history of miscarriages.
  • Pregnancy occurred in a consanguineous marriage.

For correct result, the material is collected following the basic rules.

How to prepare for research

Maintaining sterility is the main requirement when collecting material for study. In addition, you must follow some rules:

  • Urine collection from a woman carrying a child should be carried out directly into sterile containers, excluding other containers and urinals.
  • Immediately before collecting biomaterial, you need to wash yourself thoroughly. To avoid vaginal secretions from getting into the urine container, you need to insert a cotton swab into the vagina.
  • Urine is suitable for analysis within 2 hours. After this time, the urine becomes unsuitable for research. The exception is storage in refrigerators for 8 hours.
  • Collecting biomaterial with a catheter should be avoided due to the possibility of infection spreading deeper into the body.
  • Eating fatty and salty foods should be avoided 7 days before the test.
  • Antibiotic therapy should be stopped 7–10 days before donation of the material. The exception is tests taken during antibiotic therapy to assess the correctness of the medication.
  • Taking medications and herbs that enhance urine output should be stopped 2 days before the test.
  • Vaginal suppositories must be interrupted 2 days before collecting the material.
  • Bacterial culture of urine is carried out three times in case of suspicion.

Preparing for the test is compliance elementary rules collection of biomaterial, which allows you to accurately determine the content of components in urine. If the requirements are not met, the result will be bad, and the specialist will order a repeat test.

The average portion of morning urine is suitable for research, since the amount is larger than with other urinations. The material must be collected in a sterile container, for example, a special container purchased at a pharmacy.

Rules for direct collection for analysis:

  • It is necessary to wash your hands.
  • You need to wash yourself thoroughly and dry with a clean towel. Then treat the vaginal area and urethra with an antiseptic. This should be done in the direction from the urethra to anus.
  • After this, you can begin to directly collect the material. In the first two seconds, urine goes down the toilet, then a portion is collected into the container. The remaining urine goes back into the toilet. It is important to remember that the edges should not touch the crotch.

After collecting urine, the vessel must be closed and taken along with the referral for analysis to the laboratory.

Interpretation of the sowing tank

A specialist bacteriologist deciphers the result of the culture tank. It takes into account all the information about the bacteria growing in the test tube. To determine the result of the inoculation tank, the following are important:

  • Halo of proliferation of colonies of pathogenic microbes.
  • Appearance of microorganisms.
  • Bacterial response to the presence of antibiotics.
  • Properties of microbes.

The urinary tract must be sterile. should not be there. Their presence indicates some pathology or non-compliance with hygiene and rules for collecting material for analysis (for example, vaginal secretion getting into a container). A pathology is considered to be a large number of bacteria in the urine. The presence of E. coli, streptococci and staphylococci in urine in small quantities does not indicate pathology.

The diagnosis and prescription of therapy are determined based on the results of all studies - general blood and urine tests together with culture. The unit of measurement for pathogenic microorganisms is colony forming unit per milliliter (CFU/ml). From one colony-forming unit a colony of bacteria grows. There are three results from a urine culture tank:

  • Urine culture in the tank revealed less than 1000 colony-forming units per milliliter. This indicator indicates a negative result.
  • Tank culture revealed 1,000 to 10,000 colony-forming units per milliliter. With such a result, repeated sampling of the material is required, since such a result is doubtful. For women bearing a child, treatment is prescribed at 102 CFU/ml or more.
  • The tank culture revealed predominantly 1000 colony-forming units per milliliter, which indicates an infectious process occurring in the body. In this case, immediate treatment with drugs is necessary.

The explanation of the seeding tank is entered by the specialist into the conclusion form. In addition to the concentration of bacteria in urine, the effect of antibiotics on microorganisms is studied. Based on resistance to antibiotics, microorganisms are divided into:

  • Well sensitive (indicated on the form by the letter S).
  • Moderately resistant (I).
  • Absolutely resistant (R).

To treat a pregnant woman, antibiotics labeled I and S are used. Drugs to eliminate R bacteria in the body of a pregnant woman are not used.

What pathogens contribute to intrauterine infection?

Women carrying a child do not always feel signs of bacteriuria. 6% of patients have no symptoms. Nothing bothers them for a long time, and then a general urine analysis determines the presence large quantities pathogenic bacteria.

Cause of asymptomatic bacteriuria:

  • Escherichia coli.
  • Enterococcus fecal.
  • Causative agents of candidiasis.

The main causative agents of asymptomatic bacteriuria are listed, but it can also be caused by other bacteria.

The most aggressive pathogenic organisms are Toxoplasma, Trichomonas and Trypanosomes. Colonies of these microorganisms grow quite quickly. The infection requires immediate treatment.

Viral infection occurs from:

  • Hepatitis of all types.
  • Smallpox.
  • Rubella.
  • Cytomegalovirus.

Infection can also be caused by other pathogens; the list contains the most common viruses.

After the mother is infected, if the infection is not diagnosed in time, the child may become infected. Infectious disease It reaches the child most often through the placenta and has a negative effect on him.

The negative impact of infection on the fetus is caused by:

  • Activity of pathogenic microbes.
  • Toxic poisoning by decay products of microorganisms.
  • The impact of microorganisms on the placenta and disruption of its functions.

After microorganisms enter the body of a pregnant woman, they actively grow. The effect of bacteria on the fetus depends on several factors:

  • The type of microbe, its sensitivity to antibiotics, the number of bacteria in the body.
  • The immunity of a woman carrying a child is able to restrain the proliferation of microbes and fight viruses. The possibility of bacteria influencing the fetus depends on how strong the immune system is. Immunity is affected by recent illnesses and chronic illnesses.
  • The formed microflora of the child allows you to fight pathogenic bacteria.
  • A properly functioning placenta will prevent microorganisms from reaching the fetus through it.
  • The trimester of pregnancy during which the woman became infected also affects the consequences of the infection.
  • Sensitivity of bacteria to tissues of the placenta and fetus.

The outcome of infection of a woman carrying a child largely depends on how much time has passed since the infection and how quickly the patient began taking antibiotics recommended by the doctor.

Danger of intrauterine infection of the fetus

Women carrying children must undergo a urine culture test twice during the entire pregnancy. If bacteria are present or if a woman is admitted to hospital treatment, a urine culture tank is additionally prescribed. In the presence of certain pathologies, tests must be taken every three weeks in order to detect a significant increase in the number of microorganisms in time.

As a result, the culture tank often reveals the fungus that causes candidiasis. To treat candidiasis, it is necessary to find out the name of the microorganism, as well as its prevalence in the body. More rare is infection caused by mycoplasma. To prevent this infection, it is advisable to get tested before pregnancy. When planning a pregnancy, the doctor prescribes a test to identify bacteria in the body in a free laboratory. If an infection is detected, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. If an illness is detected in a woman carrying a child, antibiotic treatment is also prescribed, but more cautiously.

With a hidden asymptomatic infectious process, the patient has no idea about the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is sometimes caused by coli, fungi that cause candidiasis. If pathogenic bacteria are detected late in the patient’s body, there is a risk of miscarriage, fetal death from intoxication with decay products, and the development of pathologies in the mother and child. If a pregnant woman takes the prescribed tests in a timely manner, she will learn in time about the development of the infection. Taking medications and following the doctor’s recommendations will allow a woman to safely bear a child and get rid of infectious disease pathogens.

If a woman does not want to treat the infection, or if she takes medications without following the instructions, the patient can still carry and give birth healthy child. In this case, the baby will experience symptoms of infection for the first days after birth. If left untreated, a pregnant woman's hemoglobin decreases, swelling, cramps appear, and blood pressure increases.


Bacterial culture of urine is safe, does not require difficult conditions for submitting the material, and is highly informative. Women carrying a child must submit urine for culture in order to timely diagnose infectious processes. If pathogenic microorganisms are detected, the doctor carries out treatment, for which he prescribes antibiotics to the pregnant woman that are safe in her situation.

It is possible to overcome severe kidney diseases!

If following symptoms Are you familiar with firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower back;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • blood pressure disorder.

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