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How to do mechanical facial cleansing at home. Mechanical facial cleansing: features, pros, cons and photos before and after the session. Contraindications for facial cleansing

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 7 minutes


IN modern world skin health is not on the rise last place, since the air in big cities significantly spoils the condition of the epidermis. Blackheads, wen and pimples cause girls a lot of problems, so they have to look for more and more new ways to clean their face.

So what are there? salon methods facial cleansing, and which one is better to choose?

Mechanical facial cleansing in the salon - indications for it, advantages of the procedure

Many people remember how in their youth they steamed their skin with a hot towel, and then manually “squeezed out” blackheads and pimples...

Today everything looks much more aesthetically pleasing, however mechanical impact still remains on the skin of the face one of the most effective methods skin cleaning .

So, what is this procedure?

  • The master cleanses the skin of blackheads and pimples, both with the help of his hands and with the help of certain tools.
  • Before the procedure, the facial skin is steamed. The procedure itself lasts about 20 minutes, because it is during this period of time that the pores are open.
  • First, the master will cleanse the skin by using a special strainer (sponge) to remove all dead cells and excess fat.
  • Next, the cosmetologist proceeds directly to cleansing the pores. The most important thing is that everything is done with sterile instruments and exclusively with the help of special napkins.
  • If more than 20 minutes have passed and the face has not yet been cleaned, then another hot compress is applied. Without this compress, the procedure will be painful and ineffective.
  • After the skin cleansing process is completed, several masks are applied to the face in succession: first a disinfectant, then a vitamin one, and then a moisturizer.
  • It's worth saying that this procedure leaves behind red marks, dots and marks that will be visible for 1-2 days after the procedure, so you should not do it on the eve of an important event.
  • Also, after the procedure, you should not wash your face for 12 hours, and for the next 3 days it is better to refrain from sunbathing and using chemical cosmetics.
  • The cost of this procedure is 1000-2000 rubles.

Types of peeling in the salon – which one is right for you?

Peeling – great option for girls who want to simultaneously cleanse their skin, attend a massage and lift their spirits, because the procedure combines all this at once.

Peeling- it is gentle and soft way cleanse the skin of annoying blackheads, and also make it smoother, shiny and silky.

So, what types of peels are there, and who are they suitable for?

  • Mechanical peeling(brossage). This peeling is performed using special brush with rotating head. For scrubbing, scrubs with microscopic crumbs of fruit seeds, coffee or nuts are specially selected. After steaming the skin, a 10-minute procedure. Mechanical peeling gets rid of all unevenness and can even remove scars, if such a task arises. The procedure lasts from 20 to 60 minutes. Cost: 500-1500 rubles
  • Chemical peeling. distinguish between middle, deep and superficial. Pre-cleaned skin is wiped with special solutions containing various acids. Chemical peeling is more suitable not for cleansing the skin of impurities, but for getting rid of small scars, scars and everything else that spoils even tone skin. The procedure takes from 30 minutes to an hour. Cost: 1500-3000 rubles.
  • Fruit peeling. This type of peeling is the safest and most enjoyable, as the skin quickly recovers after the procedure. Natural fruit acids are used for cleansing. Popular are wine, dairy, apple and lemon peelings. It should be said that this peeling has a very strong rejuvenating effect. The procedure lasts about 20-25 minutes. Cost: 1500-2000 rubles.
  • . This procedure is new to modern salons, however, it is already extremely popular. During the procedure, the skin undergoes a polishing process using diamond dust. Cells are renewed, but the skin itself is not damaged. The procedure lasts from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. Cost: 1500-3000 rubles.

It should be noted that any type of peeling contraindicated during pregnancy or lactation, with herpes, with allergies to peeling components, as well as with open wounds and exacerbation of acne!

If there is benign or malignant growths, warts or moles , then peeling should also be abandoned.

Hardware facial cleansing – choose ultrasonic or vacuum, brushing or galvanization?

Absolutely any way salon cleaning facial cleaning will be much more effective than cleaning the house, but you need to remember that you only need to contact a trusted professional. This also applies to hardware facial cleansing - the result directly depends on the professionalism of the chosen cosmetologist.

So, what types of hardware facial cleansing exist, and which one is better to choose?

  • Brushing. This is a brush peeling, carried out using a special cosmetic device to which brushes are attached. Using these brushes, the upper layer of the epidermis is cleaned, while dead skin cells are removed, blood circulation improves, and the cells begin to regenerate faster. This method is suitable for girls with sensitive flaky skin who do not have strong problems and inflammation, since brushing does not give a very strong and short-term result. This procedure takes from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the attachments. Cost of one procedure: 500-1000 rubles.
  • Ultrasonic hardware facial cleansing. Ultrasound has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and cleansing effect on women's skin, increases skin firmness and elasticity, and also tightens pores, preventing the appearance of acne and blackheads. If you have sensitive skin, then this method will suit you, since ultrasonic cleaning is much more gentle than manual cleaning. The master performs this procedure using an ultrasonic scrubber, which he moves over the surface of the facial skin for 15 minutes. Then a soothing gel mask is applied to the skin. The entire procedure takes from 40 to 60 minutes. Cost of the procedure: 2000-3000 rubles.
  • Vacuum cleaning. A procedure ideal for all ladies with oily skin, blackheads, acne, as well as women with aging skin. The procedure itself involves pulling out the contents clogged pores through a special apparatus equipped with a vacuum tube. First, the master steams the skin to open the pores, and then carries out the procedure itself, which is almost painless. It should be noted that after this cleansing, the result is immediately visible - the complexion improves and evens out, the elasticity of the skin increases significantly, and all blackheads disappear. The procedure lasts from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on skin problems. Cost of the procedure: 2000-3000 rubles.
  • Galvanization. This procedure is performed when using a device that produces low-purity current. The current painlessly softens sebaceous plugs, opens pores, eliminates impurities and melts sebum. At this moment, the cosmetologist removes all impurities with a cotton pad. The procedure requires consultation with a specialist. Galvanization lasts from an hour to two. Cost of the procedure: 1000-3000 rubles.

Masks for facial cleansing in the salon

The most popular procedure in salons today remains salon masks for facial cleansing.

It should be noted that masks are only given short-term but immediately visible effect .

How does this procedure happen and who is it suitable for?

  • Masks are selected personally for each girl , taking into account her skin type, problems with it, and also taking into account the desired result.
  • Film mask applied to the face, previously steamed or warmed with special creams.
  • Masks are applied for 20-40 minutes. During this time, the components penetrate the skin, dissolving sebaceous plugs, wen and blackheads.
  • After the procedure the skin immediately becomes clean, soft and elastic, but the result of the procedure is short-lived.
  • This method of facial cleansing is suitable for absolutely all girls. , since the composition of the mask is selected for each skin type separately.
  • Cost of this procedure: 300-1000 rubles, depending on the composition of the mask.

Professional facial cleansing by a cosmetologist will remove greasy shine and gives the skin a healthy glowing look. Experienced specialists are registered on YouDo, performing beauty procedures at home. Agree with a specialist about a convenient time for your visit and provide your address. The master will come to any district of Moscow and provide care affordable price.

Cosmetological facial cleansing can be done by people of any age. Thanks to proper care disappears acne, inflamed acne, pores narrow. During their work, Yuda specialists use the latest tools for hardware ultrasound cosmetology.

Your advantages when ordering services on YouDo

Each YouDo performer undergoes a verification procedure. Only after the site administration checks and confirms the information about the master, the performer can offer his services. Thanks to this approach, you can be sure that your cosmetology procedures will be carried out by a responsible specialist.

You select a specialist on YouDo yourself. The emphasis when choosing can be placed on such parameters as:

  • performer rating in the YouDo system (the more high-quality orders a specialist completes, the higher his position on the site)
  • experience as a master (both novice specialists and cosmetologists with many years of experience are registered on YouDo)
  • prices for services

YouDo performers have flexible pricing. Due to this, you have the opportunity to agree on the cost of the procedure personally with the master. Take advantage of the services experienced craftsmen at an affordable price and you can maintain the youth and radiance of your skin for a long time.

Facial cleansing is one of the most popular today. cosmetic procedures. This procedure has received such demand because very often our skin is subjected to negative impact environment, suffers due to frequent use cosmetics, poor nutrition, as well as many other factors. There are situations when it is not possible to go to a professional cosmetologist, but the skin needs urgent cleaning. Today we will tell you how to do facial cleansing at home and what you will need for this.

Why do you need facial cleansing?

Every year our skin becomes less beautiful and attractive. Blackheads, pimples, blackheads appear more and more often, and the skin itself loses its natural beauty And natural color. What happens to our skin as we age is natural process which cannot be avoided.

The sebaceous glands begin to work much worse, and this is what becomes the main cause of deterioration appearance our skin.

It is very important at any age to devote a sufficient amount of time to your skin, since it is from a lack of proper care that pimples, comedones and blackheads appear on the face. In addition, as we age, our skin needs to be cleansed to remove excess dirt, dust and oil from the pores.

When should you do facial cleansing?

Cleaning should be done at any time of the year.

In summer we sweat much more than at other times of the year, which means our pores become more dirty and need to be cleaned more often. Cleaning can be done by absolutely anyone, regardless of skin type and age. If you have a problem like age spots, then the cleaning procedure is the same as for normal skin.

Facial cleansing should be done with caution and preferably only by professional cosmetologists if you have very sensitive and problematic skin, and also if present inflammatory process. The number of cleanings per year depends on what type of skin you have:
  • For normal and dry skin The norm is to clean once every four months.
  • For combination skin The norm is to clean once every two months.
  • For oily skin The norm is to clean once a month.

In summer, you should especially carefully monitor your skin, since during this period more oil is released, and accordingly, the skin is exposed to more frequent pollution. It is best to consult your cosmetologist about proper care at this time of year in order to help your skin at this time of year, and not harm it.

Common mistakes during home cleaning

If you decide to cleanse your face at home yourself, you should know that during the cleansing procedure you should use special scrubs and creams that will keep your skin in good condition.

Also worth using special gels for washing to thoroughly cleanse the skin. If you have normal skin, then you can get by with facial cleansing at home, but cosmetologists still recommend doing a professional facial at least once every six months. ultrasonic cleaning in a specialized beauty salon.

How to do deep facial cleansing at home?

In order to do facial cleansing at home, you need to follow strict rules because this is a very complicated procedure. Please note that if you do not follow the instructions correctly, you may contract an infection. We bring to your attention information on how to do facial cleansing yourself at home with minimal costs and very quickly.

All cosmetic procedures They all start with the same thing, namely cleansing the face. Real professional cosmetologists it is recommended to carry it out with the help of a special cosmetic milk. If you don't have one at home, you can do this using regular soap. But you should know that if you wash your face with soap too often, your skin will become very dry.

After you cleanse your skin, you need to steam it. Most nice way steaming your face is like taking a long, warm bath. If you do not have this option, you can use another method.

Take a pot of water and boil it on the stove. Leave the water on the fire and stand over the steam for fifteen minutes to thoroughly steam your face. It is necessary to steam your face, as during this process the pores open.

Next, you can choose your own method of cleansing your face. If you want to do a deep clean, you will need to additionally purchase a good, high-quality, inexpensive facial scrub. In cosmetology, the scrub we are used to is usually called peeling. In order to thoroughly cleanse the epidermis, it is not enough to simply apply a scrub. You need to be careful when using circular movements, rub the scrub into the skin. It is best, of course, to make the scrub yourself.

Deep facial cleansing at home. How to do a deep facial cleansing right at home.


Facial cleansing at home [Real Woman]


GET RID OF ACNE: facial cleansing, pore cleaning at home

Mechanical cleaning facial tool

How to do mechanical facial cleansing in a salon


We bring to your attention the most popular scrub recipe that you can prepare at home. In order to prepare the scrub, you will need:

  • Coffee grounds;
  • Pea flour;
  • Bran;
  • Salt.

All these components need to be mixed in one container and applied to those areas of the facial skin that need cleansing. After this, you need to rub the scrub well into the skin and rinse with large quantity warm water.

After cleansing your face with a scrub, you need to cleanse the pores yourself of dirt, dust and dead skin particles using your fingers. To begin, take the usual three percent hydrogen peroxide, which should be in any home medicine cabinet. Moisten cotton pad in peroxide and lubricate the dermis of the face well.

After this, take alcohol and lubricate index fingers both hands. If you don’t have alcohol, you can use any product that contains alcohol. To ensure that the infection does not spread into the skin, it is best to wrap gauze, previously soaked in alcohol, around your fingers.

Press two fingers on the blackheads and remove dirt from them. If light squeezing does not release dirt, do not press hard as you may damage the skin. Needs to be wiped down periodically skin with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide.

When you finish mechanical cleaning, you should lubricate your face nourishing cream. It is best to cleanse your face in the evening before bed. It is worth noting that after cleansing your face, your skin will be red. There is no need to plan any serious meeting or a date the next day. The redness on the face will disappear only after a day.

There is also special tools in order to make mechanical cleaning easier and more effective.

In order to tighten the pores after cleansing, you can make a face mask. The most common masks of this type are clay-based masks. different types. If you have problem skin, this is suitable for you blue clay, and for ladies of Balzac's age green will do clay.

To prepare a mask for narrowing pores, you need to take any type of clay and dilute it with two tablespoons of green tea, the tea should first be brewed. The mask should be thick. Apply this mask for fifteen minutes and then rinse with plenty of warm water.

Acne or acne is a problem that plagues more than 80% of all people on the planet.

The sebaceous glands on the skin actively work, protecting the skin from drying out, but improper care behind the body, ignoring the rules healthy eating leads to acne formation.

You can get rid of them with facial cleansing - salon or home.

Types of facial cleansing

Salon cleaning, of course, differs from the procedure at home; it comes in the following types:

  • Mechanical, during which the master cleanses the pores with his hands, using loosening compounds and cosmetic spoons. The procedure irritates the skin, can lead to enlarged pores, and if hygiene requirements are not followed, infection can enter the pores.
  • Ultrasonic, during this procedure, a loosening composition with fruit acid. Direct cleaning is carried out by an ultrasonic wave, which carries out vibration massage. It is believed that such cleansing does not remove acne, but removes it from the top layer of skin: a month after the procedure, acne returns.
  • Vacuum is the most popular method of skin cleansing. A special nozzle creates vacuum pressure that pulls acne out of the pores. The disadvantages of this cleaning include superficial cleansing and a short-lasting effect.

Any cleaning in the salon follows one scheme, including treatment with lotion and emollients, cleansing using the chosen method and treatment with an antibacterial drug that prevents the development of inflammation.

Facial cleansing: contraindications

Facial cleansing has a number of contraindications:

  1. Pustules on the skin
  2. Eczema and herpes
  3. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus
  4. Epilepsy

Effective ways to cleanse your face at home

At home, you can perform mechanical cleaning, cleaning with folk recipes And pharmaceuticals. It is worth telling about the latter in more detail:

  • Bodyaga. Bodyaga is available in powder form, which is recommended to be mixed with water or gel for washing. This composition is applied to problem areas, usually the T-zone, cheeks and forehead, for 15 minutes and washed off with water. Bodyaga is an active remedy, and during the procedure you will feel a tingling sensation, and after that, red spots will remain on the skin, disappearing within 2 hours.
  • Soda. Soda, like bodyaga, is mixed with water to form a paste, which is applied to the skin. The cleansing effect occurs due to changes in the pH of the skin, softening it top layer. After soda mask and subsequent massage, blackheads are removed from the skin.

  • Calcium chloride. This is a cleaning method from our grandmothers, because the cost of 10 ampoules of calcium chloride does not exceed 70 rubles. Calcium chloride in pure form Apply to the skin with a sponge in 2-3 layers as it dries, then apply a layer of soap on top of the product, and after 5 minutes you can begin cleansing. Lungs massage movements move it over the skin - pellets will form on it. Calcium chloride, reacting with soap, softens the top layer of skin, and dead cells along with dirt are easily separated.
  • Glycolic peeling. This method is close to salon methods and you will need a set of acid and a neutralizer for it. The acid in the form of a gel is applied to the skin, and after the time specified in the instructions, a neutralizer is applied on top.

Glycolic acid cannot be washed off with water: it can cause a terrible skin burn.

Preparing the skin for facial cleansing

Before cleansing the skin with any product, it must be prepared. The cleaning method doesn't matter preparatory procedures general.

  • So, the first procedure is washing with gel or soap, after which a scrub is used. The scrub should be soft, e.g. apricot kernel, sugar or coffee.
  • After light peeling, the skin is steamed over hot herbal decoction, treat it with antibacterial drugs and begin cleaning.

Cleaning your face from blackheads at home

At home, blackheads can be removed mechanically. To do this, you need to wash your face with a scrub, boil water with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and lemon balm. Now steam your skin by bending over the broth, covering your head with a towel for 10 minutes.

Perspiration will appear on your face, which should be easily blotted with a towel. You can’t rub your face: it will turn red and the skin will be injured.

That's it, your face is ready, and you wash your hands with soap, wrap your fingers in a sterile bandage, moisten them in 1% salicylic acid and start deleting sebaceous plugs. Press the blackhead on both sides and squeeze it out like a regular pimple.

Once all the spots have been removed, use a high alcohol lotion to disinfect the skin. You can also use a pore-tightening gel or lemon juice with water. You should not wash your skin; it should dry naturally.

Homemade facial cleansing for acne

To get rid of acne, use a bodyagi mask effectively. For it you will need:

  • Bodyaga powder.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% or water.

Mix the components, apply to the skin and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with water and treat the skin with antibacterial gel.

Don't be alarmed if the skin turns red - this is the result of exfoliation of dead cells. The procedure is contraindicated for wounds on the face and hypersensitivity skin.

Homemade face masks

For cleaning, you can use masks made from cosmetic clay, and also 2 masks made from natural products come to the rescue.

Oatmeal for breakfast for health, oatmeal for skin for beauty!

Oatmeal is suitable for any skin type, because for dry skin it is enriched with oils or sour cream, and for oily skin it is enriched with lemon juice.

  • To prepare the mask, steam 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal with water for oily skin and milk for dry skin.
  • After cooking, add 1 tsp to the porridge. lemon juice or 5 drops of almond oil.

Warm oatmeal opens pores in the scrub: oatmeal grind in a coffee grinder, add a little gel for washing and massage the face for 5-7 minutes.

Gelatin for lifting and cleansing

From the usual edible gelatin You can prepare a mask with a lifting and cleansing effect.

  • For the mask, take 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, fill it with 5 tbsp. l. milk or water, stir and wait until it hardens.
  • After hardening, heat the mixture and apply the resulting liquid to your face.

This is a standard recipe, but the mask can be enriched with the following ingredients:

  • For oily skin, lemon juice is beneficial for lightening acne. Also sour milk or kefir, which will dry out the skin.
  • For the dry type, oatmeal or rice flakes, sour cream, milk.

Before applying the mask, the skin is cleaned, lubricated with cream, and then the gelatin mixture is applied. Keep the mask on until a feeling of tightness appears.

After the mask has dried, you should not move your facial muscles: if the gelatin film separates, a wrinkle will appear in the “seam.” Therefore, remove the mask with a wet cotton swab.

How to care for your face after cleansing?

After cleansing, the skin requires additional care:

  • Antibacterial gel or mask to prevent infection from entering open pores. Use products that contain selenium or tocopherol.
  • After antibacterial treatment, the layer of removed epidermis is restored. It is recommended to use preparations with Shea butter or butter grape seeds, fatty acid Omega-3, waxed. Stimulation of the recovery process is faster with gels based on panthenol and retinol.
  • After deep cleaning Micro scars and flaky areas may form on the skin; to avoid them, use formulations with hyaluronic acid.
  • After cleaning with acids, you should use care products with lanolin, wash with acidified water and avoid cosmetics.

Is it possible to exfoliate, apply makeup and sunbathe in a solarium after cleansing?

After deep cleaning in the salon, at home using acids, bodyagi or regular cleaning folk remedies cannot be used decorative cosmetics, and before going outside they cover their faces sunscreen. Also, for 24 hours after cleansing, you should not wash your face, exfoliate, or use any care cosmetics other than recommended and antibacterial products.

Masks after cleansing the face

To soothe skin that has suffered during cleansing, it is recommended to use the following masks:

  • Comprehensive care. Mix white clay and simple talc, add ½ tablet of aspirin, chloramphenicol and starch to the mixture, dilute to a creamy state with infusion of chamomile or thyme.
  • Honey care. Honey and crushed oatmeal mix, you can add ½ tablet of aspirin if there are inflamed areas after cleaning. Make a mask every other day.
  • Puree. Regular pureed fruits or vegetables without the skin will perfectly soothe the skin. You can use warm potato, banana or cucumber. 1 tbsp will also soothe dry skin. l. cream with the same amount of chopped parsley.

Professional cosmetologists give the following general recommendations for facial cleansing:

  1. The procedure is performed once a month, frequent use aggressive cleansers accelerate skin aging. But oily skin can be cleansed once every 10 days, and dry skin once every 1.5 months.
  2. Absolutely everyone needs periodic cleansing, because the skin becomes dirty, and if acne is not removed, then it will become more and more numerous.
  3. In the first 3 days after cleansing, production will increase. sebum due to the fact that the plugs impeding the functioning of the glands were removed. Therefore, it is recommended to wipe your face with chlorhexidine digluconate or alcohol-free tonics.

Facial cleansing is a procedure accessible to everyone that allows you to cleanse your skin and give it a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Ecology of consumption. Beauty: It is not necessary to go to an expensive beauty salon and spend large sums on purchases special cosmetics...

Our skin is a very important organ that needs to be taken care of constantly, and it’s not just about the aesthetics of appearance - its condition has great value for the health of the whole body.

Today we will tell you about how to care for your facial skin.

It is not necessary to go to an expensive beauty salon and spend large sums on special cosmetics - facial cleansing can be done at home using products of natural origin.

This procedure differs from the usual daily washing; it will help restore and rejuvenate your skin.

To spend effective cleaning face at home, without spending much effort, follow our recommendations.

1. Steam your face

Wash your face with warm water and soap to remove surface impurities that accumulate on your skin during the day, and steam your face before applying cleansing masks. This stage is very important to ensure that the products we will use have maximum effect.

Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then remove from heat and add lavender, chamomile or green tea. Bend over the pan so that the steam reaches your face and cover with a towel. Stay in this position for two to five minutes - this will be enough for the pores to open.

2. Peeling

At this stage, we will remove dead cells from the surface of the skin and also carry out a procedure to promote cell regeneration. Peeling helps make scars less noticeable, avoid peeling, and improve blood circulation. This procedure should only be carried out on thoroughly cleansed and steamed skin; you should not skip a single step in our instructions.

You can prepare it at home various means for peeling.

Almond peeling. Mix the ingredients listed below and store them in a clean glassware. This remedy can be used once a week.


Chocolate-coconut peeling. Mix coconut oil with sugar and extracts until smooth, then add cocoa powder.


  • ½ cup liquid coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons sugar-free cocoa powder
  • 1 cup cane sugar
  • ½ teaspoon pure coconut extract
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Lemon-almond peeling. Avoid introducing water into this mixture. Prepare the product before washing and mix with your fingers before use.


  • ½ teaspoon lemon zest
  • ½ cup sea salt
  • ½ cup almond butter

Apply exfoliant to everything face light massage movements using a special sponge. This will remove all impurities and dead cells from the surface of the skin, and then you can begin applying masks from natural products.

The peeling composition can be left on the face for twenty minutes to achieve better effect, then wash again with warm water. After this comes the most the right time in order to get rid of blackheads without damaging the skin or causing infections.

3. Face mask

After you have thoroughly cleansed your skin, exfoliated and removed impurities, you should apply natural mask for the face, the composition of which will depend on your skin type.

There are masks:

  • to moisturize dry skin,
  • for drying oily skin,
  • special compounds to tighten pores,
  • to reduce wrinkles,
  • to remove pigment spots.

After applying the product, you should wait until the composition dries completely on your face. You can leave the mask on for at least twenty to thirty minutes before washing it off with warm water. Then pat dry with a towel.

Below we provide a list of recipes for the simplest and most effective masks.

Anti-wrinkle mask. Mix half a cup of cucumber pulp without seeds and raw egg. You should keep this mask on your face for at least half an hour.

A mask that normalizes pH balance. You will need a packet of gelatin and a cup of tomato pulp. Heat the gelatin and add the tomato pulp until the mixture is smooth. When the product has cooled, apply it to your face and leave for twenty minutes. Tomato pulp restores pH balance, and gelatin tones the skin.

Moisturizing mask. You will need mashed half an avocado, two tablespoons of honey and two eggs. Beat the eggs until foamy and add the other two ingredients. Make sure the mixture becomes homogeneous and apply it to your face. Avocado not only moisturizes the skin, but also helps make scars and age spots less noticeable. The mask should be kept on your face for at least half an hour.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in preparing homemade mask for the face. The huge advantage of such compositions over special cosmetics is that the masks are made entirely from natural ingredients and have no contraindications. After them, your skin will be soft and beautiful.

To wash off masks, use warm water, and then lightly pat your face dry with a towel.

4. Close your pores

Once you're done cleansing your face, you should do a pore-closing treatment to avoid impurities. To do this you can wash your face cold water with ice. Masks containing tomatoes or cucumbers also help close pores.

Some foods that have astringent properties, such as green tea, mint and apple juice can also be used to complete the facial cleansing procedure. Apply one of these products to your face and wait until it dries, then wash your face with cold water.

5. Skin care after cleansing

Once you've finished cleansing your face, you should properly moisturize your skin, making sure it's not too dry and there's no excess oil. Use a moisturizer that suits you. This will avoid burning, dry skin, tightness and premature aging. Moisturizing is essential every day to keep your skin smooth and soft.

You can make your own anti-wrinkle moisturizer for dry skin at home, which will keep in the refrigerator for up to three months, but we recommend not storing it for that long because more of the benefits of this product are retained in the first few days after preparation.

You will need the following ingredients: All ingredients should be mixed and beaten until smooth. You need to store the cream in a glass container, and you can apply the product immediately after preparation, so that all of it beneficial properties served for the health of your skin.

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