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How to please your beloved husband. How to surprise your husband in bed? the billet should be soft and clicky to the touch. the more clicky and tender it is, the more excited your partner is

You can often hear the phrase that women are from another planet. Naturally this is what men say. Unfortunately, they don't realize that for ladies, male soul as incomprehensible and unknown as girlish logic is for them. This is why some girls behave strangely on first dates or do stupid things during a relationship. They simply do not understand what the opposite sex wants from them. In this article we will try to figure out what makes men happy, how to behave with them and what is needed to force them to marry. And most importantly, we will analyze how to seduce a man and how to intrigue him with your personality.

How to find a man?

This is where acquaintance with the unknown begins man's world. You immediately need to understand all the differences that exist between m and f. A woman is a sensual, emotional nature; a man is a person accustomed to solving problems with analysis, logic and common sense. They look at love differently. A woman believes that love is pleasant feeling, and man – that it’s just a set of hormones inside.

So how to find a man? Everything is simple here. There are 3 possible options what needs to be done:

  1. Explore your surroundings. Everyone is constantly surrounded by people. It doesn't matter who you are in your own way social status: student, office manager, teacher or unemployed. Men will definitely always be around. You might even be able to marry someone. You just need to take it and intrigue him. There is a high probability that there is some Pavel nearby who is a pleasant man. Or Vladislav - your brother best friend. Believe me, everyone allows only those people between whom any connection can arise.
  2. Look in places where there are a lot of people. This option is more difficult, since you will have to communicate with unknown people. But it is much easier to marry those who are not part of your circle. There are guys everywhere: in clubs, cinemas, museums, football matches and other places. Go where you are interested. And there you will find a lot of men who, in addition, share your interests. And everyone knows very well that feelings flare up better between those who have similar hobbies. And the fuse in bed will be much higher.
  3. Wait for your betrothed. This policy is partly ridiculed in the 21st century. But, it is effective. Every girl has her own guy meant only for her. And he will definitely pay attention to you. But, remember, you need to develop yourself in order to intrigue many members of the opposite sex, and then marry your betrothed.

How to interest a man?

The ideal match has been found. It doesn’t matter what his name is: Vladislav, Vladimir, Pavel, the main thing is that your soul belongs to this person.

When the “victim” is found, you need to go on the attack. First you need to understand how to flirt with a man correctly. The whole catch here is that everyone needs individual approach. So how to seduce a man? What needs to be done for this?

There are a number of rules that will work for all “males” without exception:

  1. Laughter. Try to laugh at every joke he makes. After all, as a man thinks: “If she likes my humor, then this lady is definitely interested in me. A spark flashed between us.”
  2. Supporting hobbies. Men like to say no more women. And when they listen to them, especially sharing hobbies, it delights. Listen to all his speeches about cars, football, economics or anything else. If you are familiar with the question, you can continue the conversation. However, don’t go too far, guys hate it when their pride is hurt. And if the girl smarter than the guy, then it hits your self-esteem hard.
  3. Use of myths. Twist your hair, touch your earlobe. Do everything that they write about in men's magazines. Between us girls: it attracts men like hell. So, women, don’t be afraid to even resort to such techniques.

So how to flirt with men? Just find out what interests him, what kind of person he is and, based on this, develop your concept of seduction. Flirting is one of the points of attracting men to you.

Another question often asked by women: “How to behave with a man? “To answer this, you need to understand that there are 3 types of guys:

  1. Bachelor
  2. Married
  3. Divorced man.

Bachelors are those who live alone and just love all the girls. Everything is simple with them. All they need is some light flirting, a couple of seduction techniques, a few sweet smiles and he’s yours. You just need to behave with them. Sometimes you can make a fool of yourself. Then, 3 months later, when “ candy-bouquet period” will come to an end, you can become yourself. There is already a strong thread between you that a man is unlikely to want to break. To stay with him forever, you just need to force him to propose.

Married guys are guys who already have a girlfriend. If moral principles They don't allow you to, you can forget about them. However, if you are one of those women who take everything from life, feel free to grab them too. It is enough for such people to show that your image is better than that of his girlfriend or wife. Show that you are sexier, hotter and more passionate. Show that there is much more chemistry between you than between them. That's all. Remember dear women, if you want, any guy will fall before your knees.

A divorced man is the most difficult type. The woman left a deep wound in his heart. Therefore, he approaches all his relationships with caution. No one knows how to push a man to get married. But the most important thing in this matter is to be sincere.

Remember that a divorced man is very sensitive. It is difficult to establish contact with them. Many of them withdraw into themselves. Only love and honesty can pierce their soul, broken by a woman. Just be yourself around them and then the divorced man will fall at your feet and be ready to propose.

Remember one main rule: a man cannot be forced to marry. You can only make him love you.

Men and horoscopes

Many men do not believe in the power of horoscopes. However, no one can refute their ineffectiveness. So let's talk about compatibility. After all, everyone is interested in who, for example, is better to marry.

The most difficult men- these are, of course, Aquarius. How to behave with an Aquarius man? They are all almost the same as a divorced man. Statistics show that most guys who go through divorce are Aquarius. Coincidence? Don't think.

You need to reach them. The fortress around the heart must be destroyed with love and sincerity. If this works out, everything will be fine between you.

Bachelors are most often Cancers. Cancers are characterized by polygamous views of the world. Cancers are dissolute, available, but often not faithful. They are ready to run to the first person they meet. Their brain is simply captivated by a woman. Therefore, know that if a guy is Cancer, then most likely he is fickle. The most common name is Pavel. Cancer can be recommended to a girl who is ready to take risks. Risky ladies are most often Aries or Taurus according to the horoscope.

Aries is a stubborn man. Most often, they are given the name Pavel or Sergei. Aries is very picky and often trusts his brain than his feelings. To conquer him, you just need to conquer them with your logic. If your arguments are convincing, then everything will definitely be fine between you and Aries. Aries gets along well with Cancers or Capricorns. Taurus can also win the heart of Aries.

Capricorn men are sophisticated romantics. Of course, they are far from being virgins, but they are still good at giving gifts, congratulations and surprises. Capricorns get along with Aries and Libra. Capricorn can calmly grab a man into his net. The most common names are Victor, Sergey and Pavel.

It is best for Libra to marry Virgos. They will complement each other nicely. Virgo guys most often have names: Victor, Sergey, Vladislav, Pavel. A Taurus girl can conquer any girl. And a Capricorn man can take away a Taurus. This is such a stellar love triangle.

Cancer men can best be curbed by an Aries or Taurus girl. If you prefer crayfish in food, then perhaps you will prefer crayfish in real life.

An Aries girl should take a closer look at those men who can convince her of her thoughts. For example, an Aries girl will get along with an Aries guy. This is not surprising, because Aries is the only zodiac sign that gets along perfectly with itself.

How to seduce?

No matter what anyone says, sex is important for men. It's natural physiological need, so it must be satisfied. Many people ask: “How to push a man to get married?” It’s very simple: be a good conversationalist and satisfy your partner sexually.

The most important thing before sexual intercourse is to intrigue your boyfriend. Don't let him jump on you. Tease him, let him enjoy your body. This will bring pleasure to both you and him.

The main thing in sex is passion. If it is, then your relationship will develop for a long time. Everything will be fine between you for many years. And you will do nice things for each other regularly.

Advice: you need to marry someone who satisfies your sexual libido. And it doesn’t matter what his name is: Victor, Eduard or Pavel.

The hottest stallion in bed is Taurus according to the horoscope. They say that he is simply magnificent in bed, regardless of age.

If a man moves away

This is the last but the most important question. When a relationship lasts a long time, a man may move away. He begins to get bored with the routine and everyday life of your evenings. If distance occurs, then a shake-up is needed. You need to visit another city, do something crazy. You need a release of new emotions that will strengthen the relationship between you. If a man refuses, you need to force him to do it.

But the most important thing is to always be yourself and be the one whom a man once loved. Only this one will he want to marry and please her constantly (no matter where in bed or in shopping center). In this case, you will never have the thought that he is moving away.

According to the stars, the most faithful are 2 horoscopes: Capricorn and Taurus. Only Capricorn and Taurus are ready to endure any scandals that fate throws at them. And there will be no problems with them in bed.

How to stop being afraid of men?

The fear of men worries many women, even more than the question of how to flirt with a man. It's very easy to stop being afraid. You just need to realize that all men are the same women. They are also vulnerable and sensitive. They may have a different way of thinking, but in reality they are the same. So if you are faced with the question of how to stop being afraid of men, then just look your partner in the eyes and say: “You are the same as me.”

Many people are scared if a man moves away. There is no need to be afraid of this. You need to understand how life and relationships work. If he becomes distant, just spend time together. If he doesn't want it, then he needs to force it.

Also, men do not need to be afraid in bed. They will not harm you, but will simply bring you a lot of pleasure. Besides, you don't have to have sex in bed. You can just lie in an embrace, enjoying each other's company.

Many people think that the name influences the character. For example, men named Pavel should be feared the most. But this is an absolute lie. Love those who are dear to you.

There is also one myth about fears. They say the most dangerous men- These are Taurus and Capricorn according to the horoscope. However, this has been proven not to be true. Taurus is usually stubborn, but vulnerable. Capricorn can be rude, but will never raise his hand to his beloved. Therefore, never be afraid of people because of their horoscopes. After all, any zodiac sign can propose.

  1. Preparation. Be sure to make sure that you have warm hands. You can support them under the tap or warm them on the radiator. And your palms should not be dry: they should slide. Therefore, use a lubricant (or at least saliva).
  2. Soft glide. No, this is not the name of a new one razor for women. This is where you should start a manual sex session. Lightly move your palm up and down on his “joystick” to bring him into a state of tone.
  3. Pianist. Lightly drum your fingertips on the underside of the penis, moving up and down, as if on the keys of a piano. This way you will awaken his nerve endings and cause a rush of blood - read: excitement.
  4. Squeeze. Gently squeeze the base and middle part penis with pulsating movements, lightly pressing the skin to the bottom of the penis.
  5. Love conveyor. By this time, your lover is probably already very aroused, so you can squeeze his dignity a little harder. Use both hands, one after the other: right hand is already sliding along the penis to the base, and the left one is just beginning to move downwards, passing the head. Don’t stop, and he will have the feeling that he is being caressed at the same time by not two, but a dozen hands.
  6. Sausage in dough. The classic version: grab the penis with all your fingers and move it up and down. And then change the technique: turn your hand. If your thumb was facing the head, now turn your hand so that it is closer to the base. These are completely different sensations.
  7. Baranka. Grab his penis with a ring made of your thumb and index finger (as if you are showing: OK!) and move them with the already familiar movement, touching the penis with only these two fingers.
  8. "Windshield wipers." This technique is similar to Sausage Batter, but with one twist. Each time you reach the head, turn your hand over so that your thumb is on the other side of the penis: first you run it along the frenulum, then with the other four fingers. It’s as if your hand is a windshield wiper, brushing away raindrops from one side to the other.
  9. Homemade "erection ring". Grasp the base of the penis tightly with two fingers and hold. With your other hand, continue normal stimulation.
  10. Lid. Since the head is the most sensitive part, give it some special attention. Rotate your hand, sliding along the head, as if you were unscrewing the cap from a bottle.
  11. Twist and rock and roll. Alternate between normal hand movements back and forth and rotational movements.
  12. Male point G. The perineum (the area between the scrotum and anus) is a strong erogenous zone. Press this point rhythmically, like a button.
  13. An apple on a plate. Caressing his penis with one hand, gently roll his testicles in the palm of your hand with the other. Some guys like it when their partner gently pulls the skin of the scrotum.
  14. Look wider. Don't just focus on him intimate parts. Inner surface The thighs, lower abdomen, and buttocks are also full of nerve endings. Stroke them, knead them, massage them with your fingertips - this will enhance the sensations.
  15. Knob. Cover your head with your open palm. Stroke the head with your fingers, twirl them as if you were polishing the ball of a doorknob.
  16. From the service entrance. If your partner doesn’t object, then try caressing his anus with the finger of your free hand.
  17. Running in circles. The nuances of his sensations depend on the position in which you caress a man with your hand. Therefore, try to diversify your positions: either sit in front of him, or come from behind and hug him from behind.
  18. Partner. Take his hand and place it on top of yours. He will be able to feel everything you do in this way - and this will further excite him. Or he can guide you, showing you with what strength and speed it is more pleasant for him. And vice versa: put his hand on his penis and cover it with your palm. Let him show you how he does it himself, and you watch and remember.
  19. No language barriers. Good hand work is not complete without at least a little oral sex. Squeeze his penis, swirling your tongue around the head, or use your mouth as an extension of your hand and move them in unison.
  20. Without getting tired. To prevent your hand from getting tired, use this trick. Make several movements, keeping your wrist motionless and moving only your fist. Then start moving your hand, keeping your wrist straight.
  21. Happy ending. When you feel that he is close to orgasm, keep the same pace and squeeze the penis with the same force. Don't change anything! And don’t quit what you’re doing as soon as he starts cumming. The orgasm lasts for several seconds, and during these seconds there is no need to stop. Continue until you see that he has experienced pleasure to the end.

How to please a man - for some women this is a question from the realm of fantasy, since for them a partner is an eternally complaining and nervous creature who cannot be understood even by the most logical and calm lady. For others, the art of appeasing a loved one comes naturally, without special problems and nerves.

The key to a strong family

Many modern young ladies believe that living together is one big holiday, where there are no problems, quarrels and deprivations. However, this is not at all the case, because in addition to love, family life implies great responsibility of both spouses, their ability to overcome obstacles with minimal losses and maximum benefit. Sooner or later, family relationships cool down any passion, and it is then that the responsibility is assigned to restore old feelings, otherwise even the most strong love will turn into ordinary coexistence without strong emotions. But how to restore the fire in a relationship or simply let your significant other know that you need him and love him dearly? Many authors of newspapers and glossy magazines write about how to please a man, but, more often than not, such advice is too banal: dinner by candlelight, dancing, and, finally, a night of passion. Here's how to please loved one otherwise, no one knows. That's why we bring to your attention several effective advice on how to give a man pleasure without resorting to intimacy:

1. Appreciate his tastes

To begin with, a woman should understand that her man is, no matter how close he is to her. He may not always like what you do, and vice versa. This does not mean that you should sort things out and prove to each other what is better and what is worse. Being passionate about a man’s interests, or at least being sincerely interested in them, will give you the opportunity to rediscover your companion and win him over as quickly as possible.

2. Be a culinary master

Do not neglect the advice of grandmothers and mothers on how to cook borscht, pancakes and other dishes - after all, in addition to spiritual food, in the form of discussion common interests, your man needs physiological nutrition, in other words - delicious food. A hungry man is an angry man, so find out as much as you can delicious recipes, and then you will be guaranteed a well-fed and satisfied partner.

3. Know how to listen, not hear

Very often, men complain that their significant other does not know how to listen to him. She seems to be listening, but she cannot give advice or support at the end of the monologue. Always remember that most men are used to sharing their problems and receiving some kind of return from their partner. It will be much calmer and easier for him to solve problems with a woman who will offer options for getting out of a difficult situation or will simply be nearby in difficult moment than with someone who will defiantly turn away - “Solve your problems yourself!”

The most pleasant thing is when you don’t expect good things, but they happen.
Author unknown

Video: How to please a man


Any man appreciates sincerity and love in his beloved. Such a companion will become forever loved and desired, because her chosen one will feel support, loyalty and reliability in her, which, of course, will make him satisfied and happy. And it is these qualities that work wonders.

Therefore, dear ladies, never neglect advice on how to please a man - this is the key to not only a happy family life, but also just a strong relationship with the man you love.

Many people believe that women need to be themselves in order to please men. However, bed is an exception to the rule. In this matter, you need to show talent and acting skills in order to please your beloved man. If a spouse surprises her other half, she does intimate life varied, rich, turning into a beautiful seductress, then he will only love his wife more and make her happy. So how to do nice for my husband in bed?

How to surprise your husband in bed: what he likes

What men like, women feel intuitively, so there are no secrets here. Here is a list of what your spouse will like:

  • Men love it when women take the initiative in sex, it greatly excites them.
  • They also love experiments. Sex can become boring and boring. Therefore, variety in it will not hurt.
  • Women believe that being too cheeky is indecent, but young people like confidence in sexuality and liberation.
  • Nice lingerie is a nice addition, but you shouldn’t rely on it. It is more exciting on models in glossy magazines.
  • How to surprise your husband in bed? Talk to him about sex, he will enjoy this conversation. It’s unpleasant for men to realize that sex is something “dirty” for a girl.
  • The cowgirl position will also please your husband. You can passionately bend your body, making moans, this will drive him crazy. He will also like the missionary position, a woman on his stomach or legs thrown over his neck.
  • It is pleasant for the male sex to realize that the partner receives pleasure from intimacy when she makes moans of pleasure. That’s why he’s ready to talk after sex and get some time together.
  • All men love oral sex. If a woman wants to please her husband in bed, then this is the most best option, which will undoubtedly be appreciated. When his beloved caresses the secret organ, he comes into complete delight.
  • Anal sex is also a favorite among the stronger sex, but few people admit it because they are embarrassed to offer this option to their lady.
  • How to drive your husband crazy in bed? Whisper in his ear about feelings, passion, etc. Whispers can turn anyone on.

How to surprise your husband in bed: erogenous zones

To satisfy your husband in bed, you need to know men's erogenous zones, that is, places on his body that will give the greatest pleasure.

Erogenous zones of the head and face. All sexy games They start with kisses, because the tongue and lips are very sensitive. Also good effect They will give: massage of the temples, head, fingering of the hair, touching the face.

The neck is also sensitive to kisses, touches. You need to touch it with your fingertips or palm, but in such a way that it does not tickle. Male chest, especially the nipples have many nerve endings. Therefore, if you touch or kiss them affectionately, your spouse will become aroused.

The back and buttocks are also erogenous zones. To use them, it is recommended to run your nails along the spine, but without tearing the skin. Most sensitive area- between the shoulder blades. By kissing or biting this place, a wife can surprise her husband in bed. Sexologists advise to lightly pinch the buttocks and pat them. Such actions increase tone. A special effect can be achieved by pressing your stomach against your spouse’s buttocks. The most erogenous area can be called the place from the scrotum to anus. However, when touching her, you need to make sure that your partner likes these actions, since this is practically a forbidden area.

Doctors call the skin inside arms and legs area hypersensitivity. Gentle touches to these places will bring your spouse to a state similar to nirvana. You can also massage your arms and legs; the effect will be especially effective after have a hard day. A man will definitely reward the efforts of his beloved.

The genitals are the most sensitive erogenous zone. All men like touching the scrotum and penis. Caressing this area with your hands and tongue can bring any representative of the stronger sex to ecstasy.

How to surprise your husband in bed: give him an intimate surprise

The relationship between husband and wife in bed should be bright and colorful. A wife should be relaxed in intimacy and at least occasionally present her husband with sexual surprises.

After several years of marriage, sex becomes quite boring; spontaneity can add variety to it. For example, a spouse knows that sex is possible only at night - it is advisable to seduce him during the day, he will not resist.

A man loves to see his beloved well-groomed and in full dress. To do intimacy more vibrant, you can “dress up” your body: tie a bow or hang a chain at your waist, get a temporary tattoo, etc.

Excites men and resistance. It is recommended not to immediately surrender to him, but to play, so that the spouse feels like a conqueror. The result will be strong desire and the woman. The spouse should at least sometimes agree to experiment in sex. You can find out about your partner’s fantasy and initiate “updates” in intimacy.

Each woman decides independently how to satisfy her husband in bed, based on the desires of her husband and her capabilities. If you use the above recommendations, you can bring him to complete ecstasy.

18 ways to make a man happy in bed As the author of the “Sex” column in XXL magazine and sharing with the male population of the country the opinions of sexologists about what women want from us, I regularly receive letters not only from readers, but also from female readers.

The young ladies unanimously insist: “Stop writing about what to do in bed for a man, write about what to do in bed with a man!”

I usually answered something like: “The idea is great. But it’s completely out of the question. I’m afraid that our readers won’t like to see it in their men's magazine messages like: "Feel free to play with your partner's penis..."

But the idea of ​​such an article still haunted me. I discussed it with competent specialists. With colleagues. With friends at the bar. Analyzed own experience. And I found out one very interesting thing: deep down, every man is sure that he would make an ideal femme fatale. First of all, he would really love to have sex. And secondly, he would know perfectly well how to make sure that after a night spent with such a woman in bed, her partner would have one desire: to kiss her feet around the clock, howling with delight.

Ladies don't move!

Who said that anything is required from a woman in bed? Most men are sure: the main thing is that she ends up there, and then he himself will figure out what’s what. The British, for example, somehow survived the entire nineteenth century under the motto “the lady doesn’t move.” And nothing, they created the world’s first demographic crisis, despite the fact that the ladies honestly didn’t move...

Nevertheless time goes by, the laws of morality are changing, and today the idea of ​​​​female virtues has changed radically. At the end of the nineteenth century it was opened female orgasm. Before this, it was taken for granted that a woman sacrifices herself to male lust exclusively with good purpose have a baby. And she suffers terribly, both morally and physically, during the inelegant process of procreation. After this discovery, all men passionately desired women with orgasms. And they still want it. Give us free rein, we would design female body in such a way that during the climax the partner begins to flash multi-colored lights and display “BINGO!!!” on the board. (So ​​that we can see that this time we hit the target accurately and all our efforts were not in vain. What can I say, we wouldn’t mind if the whole stadium started chanting: “What the hell!!!”)

However, I got a little distracted... So, this is all I mean: modern men there is a clear preference for women with temperament. With passion. Who do this to us in bed!.. And what, by the way, are they doing there?

During the preparation of the material, I interviewed 165 men of different ages, professions and social status. Everyone was asked one question: “What kind of behavior do you like most from a woman in bed?” And the answers showed: there are about two dozen things that men dream about. (It was decided not to take into account thoughts on the topic of group sex with two black women and one dildo.)

Before starting to list them, I consider it my duty to make the following statement.

I'm not saying that a woman SHOULD do this. She doesn't owe anyone anything. It’s just that if one day she wants (completely by accident) to please her man (if he deserves it, of course) and to experience something new herself, then this list will be at her service.

And don't hit me please...

1. Wear nice lingerie

Yes, we men have taste like elderly cocottes. That's true. We love the lace, red and black color combination, stockings with garters and ruffles on the sides. Elegant unisex sportswear turns us on much less than this disgrace with roses on different places. And if the young lady also crawls into bed in high-heeled shoes...

2. Leave the lights on

Unfortunately, only one man in a million has nyctlopia - the ability to see in the dark as in light. And everyone else is terribly jealous of this one. Because men, unlike women, are much more turned on by visual images than by sound and tactile ones. We need to see the front of the work, you know... At the same time, we do not at all require that the room be lit like an operating room. A night light will suffice. And, by the way, if this night light has a pink or orange color- then a woman’s skin and figure will greatly benefit from this: warm color will disguise any unevenness or spots.

3. Leave something to chew and drink next to your bed.

Every second man immediately after sex often experiences bouts of animal hunger. This is fine. This doesn't mean he's a stupid animal. He just needs to gain strength for the second run.

4. Lengthen foreplay

A man's instincts are like those of a chicken. If a chicken sees a worm crawling away from it, it gives chase. If the potential prey, on the contrary, crawls towards a small yellow bird, the chicken prefers not to get involved with the aggressor and retreats. No, of course, we, unlike the chicken, have intelligence, will, everyday experience... But no one has yet canceled the instinct of pursuit. Therefore, we are especially excited when we are slightly repulsed. But only slightly.

5. Ask what he wants

Each of us has our own little fantasies, which we rarely manage to put into practice. And it doesn’t have to be sadomasochistic games or sex with camels - no, most of us have much more modest needs. For example, someone may dream of sex with a woman in a nurse's coat with a stethoscope. Some people get an erotic thrill at the thought that their partner might spank them with a jump rope. Some people dream about sex in water. But, fearing to frighten off the sensitive and timid doe snoring under our left armpit, we prefer to keep our wonderful ideas quiet in a rag. No matter what, they won’t mistake us for maniacs.

6. Move

Any man, except a necrophiliac, likes it when a woman moves during sex. Moreover, the more active the better.

7. Caress his chest

We also love having our nipples licked and bitten. True, if you do this too energetically, the exciting sensations will be replaced by tickling and difficult to bear. And if you do it for too long...

At least one man in the world has fallen victim to his girlfriend's addiction to his nipples. Thirty-eight-year-old Englishman Robert S., after two years life together with a new girl friend appeared breast milk. And the guy was then treated with hormones for a long time. Lactation mechanism - breastfeeding- is still quite mysterious. It is known that in some animals (for example, rats and cats), males can sometimes feed their offspring if they are left without a mother and persistently tug at the male’s nipples for a long time. Therefore, experts advise not to overuse stimulation of male nipples, allowing yourself this pleasure for no more than an hour and a half a day.

And also sigh, whisper, mutter, eat, squeal, moan, beg for mercy and sing the Russian anthem. For a man, the screams of his partner (except for those cases when old parents, children and cousin from Vitebsk) are always pleasant. This again comes from the realm of instincts - the screams of the female indicate that the penis has entered deep enough so that after ejaculation, fertilization occurs with maximum probability.

8. Depilate your bikini area

165 men have opinions on the topic: what women should look like pubic hair, were divided as follows:

Removed completely -15

Depilated in the "bikini area" - 144

Grew naturally - 6

10. Don't call the police

If he suddenly offers you anal sex. The idea of ​​such sex excites the vast majority of men because: a) it is taboo, b) they are interested in experiencing new, perhaps very painful sensations, and c) for men themselves this area is much more erogenous than for women. Because we have a prostate - a very sensitive organ located close to the rectum. (For some diseases, doctors massage our prostate. And all patients experience an erection, and some even ejaculate.) It’s not surprising that we think women should like anal sex. Although, according to statistics, only one woman out of five likes him.

11. Drink a liter before sex

It’s not necessary to use Dom Perignon; you can get by with mineral water. The fact is that when filling bladder stimulation of the point (located on the front wall of the vagina) during sexual intercourse occurs more actively - and you will get more pleasure from sex. And we really like it when a woman feels good with us. Perhaps this is the main thing that makes us happy - we are so brutally noble.

12. Improve your technique

We're all big fans of oral sex. Even if a woman does it with a D plus, of which the plus is solely for enthusiasm, but not for the technique of execution. Even if she pays all her attention to the hole in the center of the head and completely ignores the frenulum - the strip of skin that holds the foreskin. Although it would be worth doing the opposite! The technique of oral sex itself is very simple thing. To drive your partner into a frenzy, it is absolutely not necessary to perform tricks in the spirit of Cicciolina the Sword Swallower. (What have we not seen in these tonsils!) Using the penis as a cocktail straw, trying to apply a vacuum to it, is also a waste of time. The easiest way to act is not with your mouth, but with your tongue and palms.

13. Give him a compliment

Even the most macho men are not always sure that they are doing everything right. We are actually afraid of not liking you - even if our meeting was short and without prospects for the future. Therefore, any compliment to our modest contribution to common cause will be received with sincere gratitude. It is absolutely not necessary to look for lush images and weighty praises. It is enough to simply say: “I have never had anything like this before!” (Even if the true part of this statement refers to the fact that no one has ever had sex with you in socks.) 14. Kiss his ears and neck

The ears and neck are erogenous zones not only for women and cats. In this we are no different from you.

15. Play with his best part

We are proud of our penis. We talk to him, we give him affectionate nicknames. But this does not mean that the penis is everything to us. In addition to this, men also have two more very important paired organs, packaged in one container. we really like it when they are touched, fingered and probed. By the way, on both sides of the penis there are special “pockets” into which the testicles are sometimes hidden during any extreme events. Mechanically, they can also be attached, although this is not so easy - they always try to slip out of there. But your man will probably like the process.

16. Smile

Many women, even those who sincerely love sex, consider it their duty to do this in bed, as if next to them is not an attentive and sensitive partner, but an eagle pecking out their liver. At the same time, when a man stops and begins to ask: (are you feeling bad, has a pea rolled under the feather bed? - they answer him that everything is amazingly good. After which - again! Twenty-five: grimaces of horror and crying faces. I don’t know who taught them that it’s sexy and that you can’t smile and be happy during sex. Yes, you can, but!!! Men don’t want to feel with torturers and rapists at all - we would like a more friendly interface much more.

17. Hang a mirror in the bedroom

In paragraph 2 it was already said that for a man! Visual images are very important. And when there are twice as many of these images...

18. Stop him from having an orgasm

You want more, but he’s clearly already reaching the finish line? And I would be glad to stop, but can’t I? Help the person. There is an old, quite effective “stop tap”: if at this time you pull a man’s testicles down, ejaculation will be delayed. You just need to pull without much fuss - otherwise she risks staying too long.

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