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How can I make my sister-in-law stop influencing her husband? How to protect the boundaries of your family from annoying relatives Psychology of how to keep your husband’s sister away

Conspiracies to make daughter-in-law respect mother-in-law

In order for your daughter-in-law to respect her mother-in-law without exerting a bad influence on her, feel free to read magical conspiracies. Don't be alarmed: they won't do any harm. No ransom required.

I myself know families in which there are constant disputes.

They seem to be adequate people, but not a single one dares to give in.

I am a mother-in-law, which means older and wiser.

And I am your Sasha’s wife, and in general we will not ask you for any advice. We don't need them.

Let's start solving the problem right now.

You, the third party (a close relative of the mother-in-law), go to the Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about the health of both.

Buy any number of candles.

Place one of them next to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Whisper these charming lines to yourself.

So that the daughter-in-law respects her mother-in-law, just as she does not offend her own mother. Amen!

When your daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are not at home, light the remaining candles. Place the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant nearby.

(This is one of the few magical conspiracies performed with an appeal to Orthodox saints).

Read them repeatedly and confidently.

Wonderworker Nikolai, let the daughter-in-law not influence her mother-in-law and not sort out her relationship. Thy will be done. Amen.

Nikolai Ugodnik, Defender and Savior. Forbid us to sin and commit evil deeds. So that everyone could live in peace and pray for salvation. Amen.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, bring love and respect, joy and humble patience into our home. Thy will be done. Amen.

I don’t know why these conspiracies in manuscripts are marked as one of the most effective.

You don’t impose the sign of the cross on yourself.

Do not take candle stubs into an Orthodox Church.

Live in harmony!

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The ceremony you propose should be performed by a close relative, but I don’t have one. What to do?

Right now I am re-familiarizing myself with a simple ritual.

Why don’t you try to fulfill it yourself?

All the conspiracies are formulated in such a way that I am a little surprised why a third party is mentioned in the manuscripts.

You will certainly succeed.

I see that you have already read similar topics. They are also aimed at regulating the relationship between mother and son.

Be healthy and endlessly happy!

Yes! I've already found everything I need! Thank you!

I wish you prosperity in all areas of life!

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Prayers and conspiracies from an evil mother-in-law

Sometimes even the most tender relationship between spouses can be destroyed by the husband's mother - mother-in-law. For some reason or simply out of jealousy, the husband’s mother does not accept her daughter-in-law, harasses her with constant nagging, whispers nasty things to her husband about her wife, and then conflicts constantly arise in the family. How to solve the problem, what folk conspiracies help to pacify a militant elderly woman?

Conspiracies from the mother-in-law are necessary in order to rid the newlyweds’ house of an uninvited guest and avoid her moralizing.

Types of rituals

Sometimes the ingenuity of intrigues against the daughter-in-law knows no bounds, but sometimes even the children do not stop the divorced mother of her husband, she goes to any length to destroy the marriage. Having tried unsuccessfully to build a relationship, the daughter-in-law decides to turn to ancient rituals, prayers or conspiracies in order to get rid of the hated mother-in-law.

A conspiracy against the husband's mother is a text endowed with magical powers, its energy has been verified over centuries. Its task is to attract positive energy, which will help to gain mutual understanding and normalize relations between two different people.

But which ritual to choose? It all depends on what kind of relationships develop in the family; for each case there are different options:

  • There are conspiracies that help get rid of regular annoying lectures and moralizing.
  • Others are aimed at ensuring that the husband’s mother does not interfere in personal relationships between spouses. They are performed if she has great influence on her husband, so that he can escape psychological dependence and listen first of all to his wife.
  • Sometimes a young woman even dreams that her mother-in-law will forget the way to her house forever.

In each family, the situations are different, some daughter-in-law simply wants peace in the house, she decides, with the help of a conspiracy, to improve relations with her husband’s mother and restore peace. This ritual is performed so that the mother-in-law can see and appreciate the merits of her daughter-in-law, after which love will reign in the family.

The choice of ritual should be taken with full responsibility; it is necessary to understand exactly what problem needs to be solved, what results to achieve. It’s worth thinking objectively about your behavior; maybe the daughter-in-law herself is to blame for her bad attitude. After all, building harmonious relationships is hard and long-term work for people. Perhaps youth should give in to age and compromise, then there will be no need to resort to magic.

For peace of mind at home

When all efforts are in vain, and both women cannot find a common language, and conflicts and swearing constantly arise, then performing a ritual will best help to make peace with your mother-in-law. It will help to stop the swearing and quarrels; it is possible that after a while love for her daughter-in-law will awaken in her heart.

To perform the ritual correctly, you will need to buy 7 candles from the temple and bake a delicious and beautiful cake yourself.

Sometimes it seems that nothing will help you gain the love of your mother-in-law: gifts, attention, only conspiracies remain.

The most convenient time is the full moon, but if it doesn’t work out, then the sacrament is performed during the waxing moon.

Closer to 12 o'clock at night, you need to place candles on the floor to create a vicious circle. Light the candles at midnight. Place the pie in the middle and stand up yourself. Read the text exactly 7 times. You must first write it yourself on a sheet of white paper. The words are:

“Now I am my own mother, the one who gave birth to my beloved! So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went smoothly! I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth; an envious enemy will not penetrate there! We must get rid of anger and hatred, and get rid of hostility! I have prepared a delicious pie, when you taste a sweet piece, you will love me and call me your beloved daughter-in-law! From now on and forever you will be like a legitimate mother to me! Candles will help me in the twilight, a love spell, sending it to you! Amen!".

After this, a quarter of an hour should be devoted to visualization, imagining how the relationship will develop further. The candles must burn out completely. Wrap the cinders in paper on which the conspiracy is written, and then bury them in a place where there are no people.

The pie must be eaten together with the husband’s mother.

There is another version of the pie conspiracy:

  • for this you will additionally need any thing from the husband’s mother;
  • another piece of my own wardrobe, donated by my mother-in-law;
  • both things need to be tied together or secured well.

During the ritual, the knot should also be in the circle along with the pie, then it is hidden in a secluded place so that no one will find it. There is no need to show or tell anything to anyone, let it be a secret. If the symbol of a strong relationship is lost, then it can deteriorate again.

How to discourage your mother-in-law

Sometimes the mother-in-law interferes too actively in family affairs, and puts a lot of pressure on her son, even if she lives separately.

To get rid of her influence, sometimes there is no other way out than to get her away from home so that she does not constantly come to visit and interfere with the family. The ritual is simple, and it is done during the waning moon, and is carried out early in the morning, at sunrise. Take a handful of salt in your palm. Holding it in their hands, they say the words:

“Salt, white salt, free-flowing salt! Help the servant of God (name) to get away from my house, so that she can live her life, do her business, and not be interested in mine or her husband’s and not interfere. Help me get rid of her advice and complaints. Protect from anger and hostility. Make her forget the way to our house and stop coming to us! Amen!".

They need to be repeated 9 times. After pronouncing the magic words, salt is scattered near the threshold of the mother-in-law's house. Soon the effect of the ritual will be noticeable. To be sure, it should be done again after a month.

For the mother to leave her husband

Sometimes difficulties arise in a young married couple when the son cannot yet become completely independent and depends on the opinion of his mother, running to her for advice on any matter. But this is not the main thing. The bad thing is that the husband follows his mother’s lead, and the whole life of the young spouses is subordinated to the wishes of the mother-in-law, and the husband is always on her side, and the wife’s opinion is not taken into account. In such a situation, magic can help; it breaks the strong psychological connection between the husband and his mother.

For a daughter-in-law, marriage can be a nightmare if the mother-in-law constantly interferes. Various methods will help you, including conspiracy.

The ritual is performed on the waning moon, at this time it will be endowed with the greatest power; the desired goal can be achieved quite quickly. Late at night you need to put 3 church candles on the table and light them. An ordinary onion will need to be cut in half and immersed in a glass of water.

“Just as an onion and water are united, so are we, the servants of God (your names with your spouse), and no one or anything can quarrel and separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens. To always support me, to be a mountain for me! So that in disputes with his mother he would be on my side, Yes, he was not a mother’s boy, but he could get rid of all his mother-in-law! Amen!".

The spell is repeated 7 times and the glass with the onion is placed on the windowsill, where it should remain for 7 days. Then bury its contents in a deserted place.

The result will soon begin to show itself; the woman will choose another object for her patronage, or she will develop other interests.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Living with a mother-in-law is difficult in any case, but if she constantly interferes in family life, commands, forgetting that her word in the family should not be the last, a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker will help.

You should not be offended, angry or curse, but you should:

  • go to the Orthodox Church and buy 3 candles;
  • write a note about the health of your husband’s mother;
  • light candles to the icons of the Savior, Blessed Matrona and the Wonderworker Nicholas.

Approaching the image of the Pleasant and lighting a candle, cross yourself and say a prayer:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, let the mother-in-law not be angry, our marriage will survive. Amen".

You can say it as much as you want. Then, after thanking the saint and crossing himself for the last time, leave the temple.

For prayer at home, buy 12 candles and icons, which were used for candles in the church. You will need to collect illuminated water from the temple for your home ritual. It is carried out like this: you need to stay alone in the room and close the door, but it is best if there is no one at home. Light the candles and place the icons in front of you. Fill the cup with holy water.

First, you need to imagine that the mother-in-law is the kindest and most flexible woman, there is peace, tranquility and excellent relationships in the family. Now you can begin to pray, repeating it many times, turning to Saint Nicholas:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, I trust in your protection, and forgive me if I do evil. If my mother-in-law is very angry with me, let her quickly calm down. So that discord does not destroy the family, I really pray to you. So be it. Amen".

“The Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. I beg you, don’t be measles, but give my family peace. Let the mother-in-law no longer gloat, everything goes according to Divine will. All scandals in the family will stop, the evil spell will return. I believe that grace will come and the mother-in-law will not make her suffer. So be it. Amen".

After praying, you need to cross yourself from the heart and drink some water. Put out the candles and remove the wax residues, and then take them to church, they will know what to do with them. The icons are removed to their permanent place. The holy water remaining in the bowl is discreetly added to the mother-in-law's food or drink.

Saint Nicholas will definitely give protection if there is no evil in the heart.

So that the mother-in-law does not pester

This plot will not awaken love in the heart of the mother-in-law, but it will be possible to get rid of nagging and pestering. What to do? For magic you need a photo of your mother-in-law. In the morning (preferably on a major Orthodox holiday) you need to go to church and buy a new Bible. The one stored at home will not work. The book must be consecrated. Light a candle for your mother-in-law's health. Arriving home, immediately take her photo, covering it with your left hand, say the words:

“In the name of the Lord and His Mother! I take away all the anger of God’s servant (mother-in-law’s name) and lock it in the Holy Book! Be kind and caring to her! Amen, amen, amen."

The photograph is hidden between the pages of the Bible, and the book is put away so that no one finds it and takes out the photo. Soon there will be peace in the house.

As you know, a mother-in-law can destroy her son’s family, driving her daughter-in-law with her nagging to the point of leaving the family.

For mother-in-law's love

There is also an old conspiracy for the love of the spouse’s mother. For a long time, on Trinity Sunday, a young wife went to the field to pick herbs, which were famous for their ability to protect the house from evil spirits. Among them there is a herb that could drive an angry demon out of a mother-in-law forever. It grows along the roadsides and is known to everyone - it is a plantain. Take from it only arrows that have buds and flowers; if seeds have already appeared, then it will do. They need to be collected, dried and placed in tea leaves. Mix well and at this time say:

“I’m making a decoction - it’s a broth for my mother-in-law! Let evil fear, the servant of God (name of mother-in-law) will not be of use! Drink this tea, and come to the doorstep with good will! Let the fire bird peck at its anger and fly away. And my mother-in-law no longer expresses dissatisfaction! Amen! Amen! Amen".

You can give this collection to your mother-in-law, or make tea for her when she comes to visit. After time, she will stop pestering you.

There is one important condition for the magic ritual to work for the love of the mother-in-law; it must be read in the house where the evil and annoying mother-in-law lives.

What you need to know

The power of magical knowledge has not lost its relevance today. It is important to make some efforts, comply with the necessary conditions and believe in a positive result. Therefore, in order for the ritual to work flawlessly, you should know some nuances:

  • We must remember that magic only helps those who believe in it.
  • The situation should be constantly visualized in maximum detail and in a positive way.
  • All manipulations are carried out in privacy; you cannot tell anyone about them.
  • After the ritual, you need to thank the higher powers.

The plot is aimed at the harmony of human relations. If there is anger and resentment in the heart of a young woman, it will not be easy for higher powers to help and the result may not be expected.

For young women who decided to use magic to bring peace to the family, they must forgive and understand, because the mother’s behavior is based on love for her son, she wants him to be happy. After all, in years to come the situation may repeat itself, only the daughter-in-law will become the mother-in-law. And then it will become much easier for her to understand her husband’s mother.

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  • 12/11/2017 Anonymous I want to meet the buyer in person so that he can.
  • 12/10/2017 Maria I wonder if I will get my very first copy.
  • 12/09/2017 and the authors’ obscurantism is impressive. black magic devils.

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Conspiracy from the anger of the sister-in-law.

The young wife does not always have a good relationship with her husband’s relatives. Sometimes a sister-in-law can plot and set her brother, your husband, against you. An angry sister-in-law can affect your family life. There are not a few cases when brothers listen to their older sisters (for you - sisters-in-law) and listen more to their opinions than to the advice of their wife.

Today I will teach you how to rid your sister-in-law of anger towards you using a spell.

Out of anger, the sister-in-law makes a conspiracy for baking. Spread the dough and bake from it what your sister-in-law likes most. Invite her to visit and treat her to baked goods that have been cursed out of anger.

So, the words of the conspiracy from the sister-in-law’s anger.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

By belittling the Holy Fathers and Apostles.

Derogation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

And the Ever-Virgin Mary.

Angels and archangels,

By belittling all the saints,

Have mercy, Lord God,

And stand up for me (name)

From my enemies (names).

The sun rises, the moon sets.

The moon is rising, the sun is rising.

It would have passed and gone forever

Anger from the servants of God (names).

Whispers are small but effective conspiracies. They are pronounced in a whisper or mentally.

Water is the most powerful magical conductor. Love spells are cast on water.

Islam and Orthodoxy are two different religions. Therefore, remove the Muslim love spell.

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Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 05 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

If a husband lives in his sister's mind

If a husband lives in his sister's mind

From the letter: “We have been living with my husband for almost 12 years. We have three children, and all this time his sister has reigned in our family. He lives by her head.

At first I tried to fight it, but I realized that it was no use. She told me in his presence: “If you try, you’ll be left without a husband.” It will always be the way I want it anyway. In our family, women rule. We know these words.” What are these words that keep men’s mouths shut?” There are all sorts of words, all kinds of slander, and spells. For example, if on Thursday, at three o’clock in the morning, you stand on the threshold and, holding a photo of a person, say three times: “See with my eyes, speak with my lips, make Amen with my hands.” , – this person will obey.

This method is one of the easiest and simplest. But there are more powerful ones, with rituals and preparation. I will tell you about them at the next stage of your training, in the sixth issue of “Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer.”

We examined all of the above in order to understand what is done to subjugate the will of a person. True, it is necessary to forge the same work once a year for it to pass. And this is how they film it.

When the bell in the church strikes, cross yourself and say, not out loud, but to yourself and not on paper, but in memory:

How do you, bell, strike, strike,

so you, slave (name), are not kidding

above me, God's soul,

and over my body

with his dirty work.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


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LYUDMILA (27 years old) SAYS:“My husband and I have been together for 5 years, our daughter is 3 years old. And everything would be wonderful with us if it weren’t for my husband’s relatives, who always need something from him. We fight about this all the time. It seems that their interests are more important to him than my daughter and me.

Some of his distant relatives always live in our apartment; he helps relatives with renovations, meets them at the station, and takes them to their dacha. His mother, for example, can no doubt call him late at night and ask him to come - just to replace a burnt out light bulb. In general, she often behaves as if she wants to prove to me that she was and remains the main woman for her beloved son, and I am an empty place. And to all my grievances, my husband replies: “I am my mother’s only son, I am responsible for her and my relatives, they rely on me, I must help them.”

Indeed, spouses can have only one child, but at the same time be part of a larger or, as psychologists say, “extended” family. Such a family consists of several generations: old grandparents, parents-in-law and parents-in-law, sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law, uncles and aunts, nephews and nieces. When there are many adults in a family, they have to negotiate with each other more often, and it’s more difficult to do it! As famed marriage and family therapist Carl Whitaker said, “Marriage is not an event between two people, but a contract between two families.” Each family strives to reproduce itself, imposing its values ​​and standards on the newlyweds. It is no secret that the desire of relatives to force spouses to live by their own rules often leads to quarrels and conflicts. The cause of conflicts is often not so much the interference of relatives in the life of a young family or unsolicited advice, but rather the reluctance of spouses to grow up and take responsibility for their marriage. Often it is the husbands who suffer from this, who cannot break the symbiotic relationship with their mother, and justify their absolute obedience with “filial duty.”

Do you want your husband to take care of you first? Negotiate! Listen to his arguments, offer him yours: tell him that now he is responsible for your family, that your children should see an example of caring for the family. Marriage is a transition from a generation of children to a generation of adults. Thus, from the very beginning of their life together, the couple will have to solve the most difficult task of transformation - how to become husband and wife from son and daughter. For this process to be successful, you must always put the interests of your couple first. Together with your husband, discuss family boundaries and decide which relatives to “include” in your family, and with whom it is better to keep your distance. After all, the whole large family simply won’t fit into your inner circle! We will also have to develop a system of joint priorities. And a big mistake would be the argument “this is how it was done in our family,” imposing on your partner your own ideas about the “correct” family life.

Uninvited guests

MARIA (29 years old) IS INDIGENT:“Why do our parents think that they are allowed to come whenever they want without calling? My mother, for example, can come to us whenever she pleases, without warning. She is interested in literally everything: what is in the refrigerator, how we spend our time, where we spend our money. And when I ask her to call before coming, she gets angry. The mother-in-law also likes to show up unexpectedly and is also interested in everything. It seems that she comes only with the goal of exposing my shortcomings: I am a spender, I don’t take good care of my husband, and I’m a useless housewife. And somehow she very rarely invites us to visit her.”

The English writer Richard Aldington once remarked: “Relatives are a terrible people. They bring nothing good into our lives and believe that this gives them the right to interfere in our affairs forever.” Indeed, the care of some parents, especially mothers, sometimes borders on terror. They stubbornly do not want to recognize the boundaries of the new family, they literally invade the personal territory of their adult children, and begin to manage there as they do at home.

The reason for this behavior lies in the reluctance of parents to accept the growing up of their child, in the lack of understanding that their son or daughter has their own separate life, their own family, their own desires, their own plans. They cannot come to terms with the fact that their children no longer need parental care and mother's guidance.

Aging parents often substitute care for their children for their inability to make their own lives interesting and rich. “When children grow up, parents also have to get used to the new situation,” explains family psychotherapist Inna Khamitova. “They may not be ready to separate because they are afraid of the emptiness that forms in life.”

Try to be understanding of your parents' need to feel needed. But you cannot tolerate unceremonious interference in your life. The couple must decide together who can come to their house and when. Here it is important to show character: clearly and politely define the boundaries of your personal space, establish the correct psychological distance. And in order to satisfy the parents’ need for communication, you can arrange meetings in advance, call each other daily - call and tell them about your news, of course, you should. Think about how to make the life of elderly parents more eventful: help them master the Internet, find new interests in life, keep them up to date with cultural news, or, say, go in for fitness together, or go on city excursions.

What is control under the guise of help?

Control under the guise of help

IRINA (43 years old) COMPLAINS:“My mother-in-law sold her three-room apartment and bought a one-room apartment. And I gave the rest of the money to our 20-year-old son to buy a car. Although she knows very well that we live in a one-room apartment and suffer because of the overcrowding. Of course, it's her money and she has the right to give it to whoever she wants. But it’s a shame that my grandmother explained her action by saying that she doesn’t believe in our decency and is convinced that my husband and I “wouldn’t give anything to the poor boy.” As a result, my husband is very offended by his mother and has not communicated with her for six months.”

ALENA (27 years old) CONFESSES:“My husband reproaches me that my parents don’t want to help us the way his mom and dad do. And I believe that help is voluntary. My husband’s parents are not only well-off, but they really believe that they should help us - after all, we are one family! My loved ones are sure that we need to solve our financial problems on our own, and are ready to help with advice. And their position is much closer to me. If only because my relatives do not interfere in our lives, and my husband’s mother, at every opportunity, remembers how much she and her father-in-law did for us, and sometimes reproaches us for ingratitude.”

It is no secret that parents often help young spouses with solving financial and housing problems. It’s great if they do it from the bottom of their hearts - in return they don’t assign the right to interfere in your affairs, don’t demand an account, and don’t dictate their own rules. Unfortunately, much more often relatives use financial assistance as a method of manipulation and a tool of pressure on a young family: “I’m helping you, but in return you must do as I say.” It turns out that, under the guise of caring for the well-being, parents are trying to maintain total control over the married couple and assert their importance. And it happens that under the guise of generosity they demonstrate distrust and a desire to humiliate.

Psychologists are convinced that in such situations it is pointless to sort things out with the parents of the spouse. The main thing is the couple’s ability to come to an agreement among themselves. And if you really need parental help, then you need to discuss together the terms on which you are ready to accept it - maybe you will borrow money, clearly stipulating the terms of return, or, say, the apartment provided to you by your parents will be registered in their name .

Try to appreciate the fact that you are being helped, but not feel dependent. It is best to find a tactful and convenient way to thank your parents without allowing them to be too intrusive and interfere with your family affairs. With all the respect and love for your loved ones, it is better that some distance be maintained between you - this is the key to a good relationship.

How to live in peace with relatives

"Poor" relatives

YULIA (34 years old) SHARES:“It so happens that my husband and I live much better financially than all our relatives. We don’t have any extra income, we just both work in management positions and get good money. Our relatives are also not in poverty, but for some reason they really like to “become poor” and ask (or even demand) to help them with money or services, they believe that “you are rich, it costs you nothing, but we have problems.” They are not at all interested in our problems. Don’t think, I’m not greedy, I don’t mind helping, but their attitude, as if we owe everyone, bothers me.”

Of course, no one argues that close relatives are obliged to help each other. There really are situations when you simply need to help out a loved one who is in trouble. But it is important that this does not turn into a system and that relatives do not begin to abuse your kindness and complaisance. You can help regularly and in amounts that are feasible for you, but you are not at all obligated to solve all their problems and satisfy any requests, just as you are not obligated to support younger brothers and sisters who have already become adults, and to pay off other people’s loans to the detriment of your family. Your loved ones are adults and are responsible for themselves.

You need to remember: if your relatives are only interested in your financial capabilities, but they are absolutely indifferent to your problems, needs and desires, this is manipulation. In such cases, you should not be afraid to refuse an overly annoying request, even if you are afraid that refusal will ruin your relationship with them.

Live in peace with relatives

ELENA (39 years old) LAUGHS:“I love my husband’s relatives. True, it was not immediately possible to find a common language with them. At first it seemed to me that they did not accept me, condemned me, considered me a stranger. It was very disappointing: my husband is friends with my parents, but I am not with his. And then I suddenly realized: it was his parents who raised him to be such a wonderful person. And one day, during a family holiday, she stood up and thanked them in front of everyone for raising a wonderful son. After that, it became much easier for us to communicate.”

In life we ​​have to communicate with different people, and this is not always our choice. For example, we do not choose our parents or in-laws. And finding mutual understanding with them can sometimes be very difficult. There are no ready-made recipes here. But if we want peace in the family, we need to learn to accept our relatives as they are. It is important to look for approaches, try to get to know the other person, and demonstrate movement towards them. The more we understand our loved ones, the fewer problems we have.

According to American psychologist Virginia Satir, “the family can be a place where everyone can find love, understanding and support, even if life outside the home is not going very well.” And Russian psychologist Dmitry Leontiev is sure that “today we increasingly need family support. This means that our energy and time are worth investing in it.”

Good afternoon Previously, my husband Igor consulted on everything and listened to my opinion, to put it mildly, he was a leader; I used to influence him more than my sister (he is 29 years old, sister Yulia is 34 years old, I am 28 years old). There was an issue before and he quarreled with his sister Yulia because of me. We had a child, and that’s where it all started. Yulia started calling me on my cell phone as many as 2 times a day when I was in the maternity hospital. (She called most often) although until that moment I had not communicated with her or she had not communicated with me, not There was a friendship between us for 2 years, (she has a HIGHER EDUCATION. AND I AM A GIRL FROM THE VILLAGE, from the first meeting we did not have a relationship with her, she behaved arrogantly) She has no children (she has been married for 7 years) When I asked why, she had 10 excuses : either it’s too early, then she doesn’t have her own apartment (she lives with her husband’s parents), then she has a bad heart, then she has a bad back, then she’s afraid of giving birth to a sick child, etc. My husband and I lived with his parents in a 2-room apartment. Before the birth of the child, she very rarely came to visit, and when the child appeared, 2-3 times a week, she could stay overnight for 2 days. Explaining that she did not have a good relationship with her mother-in-law. AND WHEN She DID NOT COME, she called, advised, asked about baby, at first I thought there were no children, that’s why I should treat her like that, but then it got worse, or rather more annoying, I began to think that I was reporting to her for every step I took, for every action with the child. And I decided to gradually wean her off (when she called, I didn’t pick up the phone or call back, saying that I was busy and couldn’t talk, so she called my mother and complained, my mother-in-law came to me and said why I don’t communicate with Yulia, she treats me like a little sister (for 2 years this hasn’t happened conversation and relationship, she showed with all her appearance that she was not very happy with her brother’s choice) I began to feel like a nanny for my child, and Yulia seemed like a caring, busy mother. Once again I could not stand it: Yulia asks if you are giving dad a child. and when You will cut your hair and cut your nails. I told her everything: so that she doesn’t call me anymore, doesn’t buy anything (she doesn’t even ask for advice, we don’t need it) and said call your brother, and don’t call me. She was offended. left. After that, my husband told me that she was not offended and would come to visit tomorrow, and he also assured me that if she quarrels with me, she will not see either her brother or her nephew. but that’s where it began - as we grew older, we began to move away from each other. on a walk. Julia called Igor, he gave her such a report about the child that I was shocked. I didn’t expect it to happen THIS way, although my husband explained to me that she was not interested in studying for the future. But this did not instill confidence in me, we began to quarrel with him more often because of the relationship of his relatives to the child (they thought that I gave birth to everyone, that he was common, and everyone could do what they wanted, but I, because of my character I didn’t have time to prevent this - I was afraid of offending them, this is my first grandson) My husband and I quarreled more often, I decided to go to the village with my parents for a month, so to speak, to rest, analyze everything, calm down and decide how to continue to live. But this didn’t work out. My husband brought to the village with my mother and this was the last straw (after sleep, I took the child in my arms, my mother-in-law comes up - give him to me, I don’t give him, I say now he will finally wake up, then you’ll take him (the baby is 4 months old), to which she answers me (hands on hips) - I arrived. I don’t know how I restrained myself from yelling. Afterwards, my husband and I had a fight right up until the divorce (I told him that I didn’t want to live with his parents, but he wanted to save up for an apartment, living with them for 5 years), then we made up, but then we made peace. The relationship was not the same, each time my husband (we had a fight 10-20 times over the summer) moved away from me, as if his butt had turned. and all this time his sister supported him: after reading an SMS from Yulia in his phone, how are you, bunny? I’m SHOCKED - I can’t understand SUCH a relationship between my sister and brother (I have 2 older sisters, 1 brother) in the fall we rented an apartment, I don’t invite anyone to visit, I don’t go myself, but when I check my husband’s phone I see that he communicates with Yulia every day: either SMS (he deletes them. I don’t know the text), then calls every day. In general, the situation now is such that my husband is completely under the power of my sister. The question is how to change this situation so that he is “mine” again and my sister cannot influence him, our life. I even think that if she gives birth, she will still not lag behind , how to get away from her influence, how to make it so that I can influence my husband, otherwise we live like “the three of us” (Yulia is aware of all the events of our relationship with my husband and child)

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