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How to assemble a paper boat from paper. Origami paper boat for children: step-by-step instructions for the scheme. Paper ship for children

Children always love to do origami; they are ready to sit all day long and make some origami crafts and show them to their relatives. Any child would like to learn new origami crafts, for example, making the simplest paper boats with their own hands. Below in our master class we will teach you how to make this easy and also complicated paper sailboat with your own hands.

1. The most common version of a DIY paper boat

For the lightest boat, of course, we only need 1 sheet of A4 format. The following ten steps show you how to make origami.

You can also try to make another origami, a paper boat using a slightly more complicated pattern. As always, we will need a regular piece of A4 paper.

2. Scheme of a sailing boat.

First, we take our workpiece and bend it in half like a “book” (picture.1). Then both sides, fold them in half too (Fig. 2). Mentally divide the folded sheet into 4 parts (you can use a gray pencil), then fold the top and bottom half towards the middle (picture.3). Then we turn back the previous step (Fig.5), The result was a blank with three fold lines. Then the second half needs to be unscrewed and folded along the fold lines as on the template (Fig.5). And then fold the bottom half of the paper up (Fig.7). Do the same with the top half of the craft. (image.8). Then unfold the first folded part up (digit.9), should look like the picture (Fig. 10). Then turn the product over to the reverse side, in front of you is a large square and four small triangles (Fig. 11). Then fold the square with opposite corners from top to bottom (under number 11). So we assembled a beautiful sailboat (Fig. 12).

3. Step-by-step instructions for an origami sailboat

4. Scheme for making a paper steamer

A simple way to make a boat, an easy option in 10 minutes.

How to make a boat out of paper detailed instructions photo

To make a boat we will need a thin sheet of A4 paper.

1. Find the middle of the workpiece. We bend it in half.

2. On the resulting rectangle, bend one corner to the middle.

4. We turn the remaining parts of the craft upward, first the front part.

5. Then, similarly to step 4, fold the other part of the paper.

6. We tuck the corners over the folded workpiece.

7. We also precisely fold the remaining corners over the top.

8. Next, we take the lower corners of the triangle and connect them together. We have a big diamond .

9. You should see a large diamond unfold .

10. Z Then we bend the lower corner of the front side of the diamond to the upper corner, and similarly with the back side.

11. You should get three triangles.

12. Then we connect the lower side corners to each other (the origami is folded into a small rhombus with equal sides).

13. We take hold of different sides (the upper corners of the triangle) and begin to move them apart.

And now you have a beautiful boat with a large deck. Collect a collection of different ships on your table, made according to various designs.

Surely every adult folded paper boats in childhood. But childhood has passed and many have forgotten how to make paper boats with their own hands. Now, having our own children of preschool and primary school age, it’s time to remember how to properly do this wonderful spring craft. We will tell you how to make a boat out of paper according to the simplest, most familiar pattern for you. And we will show several schemes that will surprise even experienced sailors.

Instructions on how to make a paper boat.

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper.
  2. Fold it in half. Fold the top corners at right angles to the center.
  3. Fold up the free edges of the sheet on both sides.
  4. Carefully fold the loose corners inward to form a triangle.
  5. We bring the corners of the base of the triangle together to form a square.
  6. We bend the lower corners from both sides upward, the result is again a triangle.
  7. We bring the angles of the base of the triangle together, again we get a square. We hold the square by the upper corners and move them apart.
  8. We spread the corners until we get a paper boat.
  9. Smooth out the sides of the resulting paper boat to give it stability.

Paper boat diagram - 1

Paper boat diagram - 2

How to make a steamboat out of paper: diagram

Now you know how to make a paper boat, as well as how to fold a steamship or ship with paper sails.

Paper boats have been familiar to us since childhood, but this simple toy is also popular among the younger generation.

The history of such paper products is very long, and came to us from Japanese culture. Making paper boats is part of the traditional art form of Japan - origami. This means that the execution of the boats takes place without the help of foreign objects. All you need is paper, attentiveness and perseverance.

There are a large number of varieties of paper boats, as well as methods for making them. Let's look at the most popular of them.

A simple boat made using origami technique

The most common type is a regular paper boat using the origami technique. But even this can turn into an interesting adventure if you do it with your child. A master class with photographs and step-by-step instructions will help with this.

Advice: For boats that plan to set sail freely on the water, you should stock up on paper with a glossy surface, then the paper ship will last longer.

How to make a simple paper boat:

Take a sheet of A4 paper, place it horizontally in front of you on the surface and fold it in half along a transverse line.

Now you need to bend both upper corners so that they form an acute angle exactly in the center of the sheet. It is important to highlight the fold lines well.

Then you need to lift the lower rectangular edge of the paper sheet up so that it is bent strictly along the edges of the previously bent corners.

This action must be repeated with the remaining free edge, only you need to bend it in the opposite direction.

We bend the sharp corner exactly along the line of the emerging triangle and hide this tip inside. Cover this part of the triangle with the remaining corner. We repeat the steps for the other side of the boat.

A kind of pocket has formed in the resulting paper triangle, which now needs to be opened.

Now we bend the bottom corner of this square up, pressing it exactly along the top corner of the square. Turn the craft over and bend the remaining free corner of the square up to form a triangle again.

Once again we straighten the resulting triangle of the future paper ship.

Again, fold along opposite fold lines into a square.

The upper corners of the square must be carefully pulled in opposite directions. The craft turned into a boat.

All that remains is to straighten the bottom and sides - that is, to correct the entire structure for greater stability on the water.

Making a regular paper boat

Another simple option for creating a paper boat with your own hands. To make this boat, you only need a few minutes, a piece of paper, scissors and step-by-step instructions. The assembly method is very simple.

How to make a simple paper boat:

A square should be made from a standard rectangular A4 sheet.

You need to bend it horizontally, clearly outline the fold and bend the square back.

Then its lower part needs to be bent and folded so that the lower border is adjacent to the central fold.

The upper part of the sheet also needs to be folded so that the upper border lies along the central fold of the paper.

Now the central fold needs to be bent in the opposite direction to form a zigzag or accordion of four sides.

Now you need to open one of the sides like a book.

The free upper corner must be folded so that it lies along the central fold in the center of the “book”.

The second corner must also be folded to the central fold of this “book”.

On the opposite side of the rectangle we bend the corners to the center in the same way.

After this, we fold the future paper boat in half.

We turn the craft over with the narrow corners downwards and open the resulting boat.

We wrap one of the sharp bow parts of the boat into the center, as shown in the photo.

Repeat this process with the second part to create a hexagon.

The upper and lower sharp corners of the craft need to be turned 0.5 cm.

Open the resulting boat again.

Now we alternately decorate the sides, making bends on one side of the craft, then on the other.

The folds must be well defined, then the product will look beautiful.

The final stage is to straighten the paper ship in those places where the product requires it.

How to make a boat with sails from paper?

As soon as you can quickly make ordinary paper boats, you immediately want to quickly find out how you can make something more complex and interesting out of paper. Therefore, the next step will be a master class that will help you learn how to make a sailboat out of paper. However, it should be noted right away that this craft cannot float on water; it is more of a decorative item or a beautiful bookmark.

How to make a paper boat - sailboat:

Cut a square from an A4 sheet, or take a ready-made square sheet for crafts. Fold it in half diagonally to form a triangle.

Then we unfold it back and fold the future paper boat in half in the usual way.

The sheet needs to be unfolded again and folded in half in the other direction - so that obvious folds remain on the paper.

Having straightened a sheet of paper, you can see a web of folds on it, which in the future will help you quickly navigate when making a boat.

Now we bend the craft in half and unbend it.

The left free corner of the paper must be folded towards the center to form an open envelope.

The same edge needs to be bent to the side, as shown in the photo.

We bend the entire resulting angle inside the future boat.

It turned out to be something like a rhombus with a sail.

The right corner of the diamond is bent upward - now there are two sails.

The lower corner of the boat needs to be bent towards the center in the opposite direction and the product should be turned to the front side.

Now the boat with sails is ready for interior decoration.

Video: Unusual ways to make boats

In order to make even more complex paper ship models, you can watch several video tutorials on this topic.

Master classes will help you make a two-pipe motor ship, a boat and a complicated ship out of paper.

Don’t know how to make a three-dimensional boat for your child from plain paper? Here you will find many diagrams with step-by-step instructions and photos and you can make with your child a whole fleet of different boats of different sizes, colors and purposes.

  • There is something magical about creating paper figures. It would seem that here lies a simple sheet, and then in the hands of a craftsman it turns into something recognizable and interesting. Incredible! This is why children like this process so much.
  • Do you want your baby's eyes to shine? Learn to make paper figures together. Below we will show you how to build all kinds of boats from a regular sheet of paper
  • A paper boat is a long-forgotten pastime that children undoubtedly enjoy. Remember, as a child you probably made boats with your parents and friends and then launched them in a puddle
  • Remember how exciting it was? Give your child these feelings, let him also rejoice with you. Create an entire fleet with him and compete in the speed of your ships

How to make a boat from A4 paper?

To create paper boats, you will need simple A4 paper of medium density, preferably more than 80 g/cm², but less than 160 g/cm². You may need scissors and felt-tip pens or paints to paint your boat, add details to it and make it unique.

The paper can be either white or colored. If you make a boat from one-sided colored paper, fold it with the colored side inward, then the boat will turn out beautiful.

Simple diagrams for assembling paper boats

Almost all paper boat assembly schemes are simple, and with a little practice you can assemble different boats without looking at the diagrams.

VIDEO: Origami boat

How to make a paper boat step by step?

Below we describe step by step how to make the simplest boat from a white sheet of paper.

  1. Fold a piece of paper in half and place it with the fold facing up.
  2. At the same time, bend the top corners towards the center of the sheet so that they form a right angle. At the same time, this must be done in order to easily find the center
  3. Bend the lower edges of the workpiece upward on both sides separately
  4. On the sides you will have corners that break the triangle, bend them to the opposite side
  5. Now take the corners and, opening the pocket, connect them to each other, you should get a square with a pocket
  6. Your square will have a free edge, fold it up on each side. You will get a triangle
  7. Connect the corners again to make a square.
  8. Pull the corners on top of the resulting square, while holding the middle
  9. Your figure should open up and you will have a boat
  10. Smooth all the lines with your fingers, then your boat will be stable and beautiful
  11. Launch the boat into the water

How to make a big paper boat?

To make a larger boat, use larger paper, for example, not A4, but A3. In this case, it is better to use paper of a slightly higher density, preferably 160 g/cm². Then it will be more stable and reliable.

How to make an origami paper boat, diagram?

Another easy way to make a paper boat.

  1. Fold a piece of paper in half and fold it back out
  2. Fold the edges over so they meet in the middle at the fold. You should end up with a rectangle
  3. Fold the bottom of the workpiece and the top to the center to make a square
  4. Bend it all back
  5. Unfold the corners from below, pressing them down to create a bend.
  6. Align them and you have a trapezoid
  7. Repeat the same with the corners on top of the workpiece.
  8. Fold the upper trapezoid along the dotted lines marked in the figure
  9. Turn the workpiece over to the other side
  10. Fold the paper along the line shown and your sailboat is ready.

How to make a paper boat with a sail?

It is very easy to make a sailboat, so you can do it with your kids. They quickly master this activity and enjoy folding the boats themselves.

  1. Take a square piece of paper, fold it in half and straighten it out. Repeat this on the other side. So you marked the necessary lines and got the center
  2. Bend the corners of the sheet towards the center
  3. Fold the corners again and turn them back
  4. Fold down the bottom left and right corner
  5. Then do the same with the top corners
  6. Turn the resulting book over to the back side
  7. Bend it diagonally and make a mound from the resulting fold.
  8. Fold the resulting square diagonally again.
  9. Your sailboat is ready

Here are more diagrams with step-by-step images, according to which you can easily make a sailboat from a sheet of paper.

How to make a boat with a paper pipe?

A ship with a pipe is even easier to make than a regular one. It will turn out especially beautiful if you make it from single-sided colored paper. Follow the diagrams below with step-by-step photos.

How to make a two-pipe boat out of paper?

Making a boat with two pipes is quite difficult, but following the diagrams you will succeed.

  1. You will need a square piece of paper
  2. Fold it in half diagonally on both sides to create center lines
  3. Fold all 4 corners towards the center of the shape. Turn over to the other side and repeat the procedure
  4. Turn over again and fold all corners to the center again.
  5. Now turn your workpiece over and turn two corners on opposite sides so that you get pipes
  6. Fold the resulting figure in half, turning the right and left corners into squares, and they should also fold in half
  7. At the same time, the pipes should fold, that’s it, your two-pipe boat is ready

VIDEO: Origami - Ship with square pipes

How to make a small paper boat?

To make a small boat, take a smaller sheet of paper, for example A5, and fold the boat according to the pattern you choose. It is better to choose a lower paper density, for example 80 g/cm², it will be more flexible and it will be more convenient for you to bend the edges of the paper.

How to make a three-dimensional boat out of paper?

It is very interesting to make three-dimensional boats, because you can make an entire fleet out of them and launch it in a pond or reservoir.

You can agree with your friends to make different three-dimensional boats and compete to see whose boat floats the fastest. Almost all origami boats are three-dimensional; choose any design and create with your child.

You will get a beautiful boat if you decorate it additionally.

  • What is a ship without a flag? Make a flag out of colored paper and glue it to the boat

  • Use felt-tip pens to draw portholes on the sides of the ship, or you can draw passengers in them too

  • If you use single-sided colored paper, your boat will come out very original and beautiful, because... will be partially painted in the selected color
  • You can come up with some light cargo in the boat, then it will be able to transport it without drowning
  • A sailboat can be installed near a ship using a simple toothpick, and the sailboat itself can be made from anything: pieces of fabric, colored paper with drawings, foil paper, leaves from trees, multi-colored napkins, etc. as far as your imagination goes

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