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How to unite a great team. Working in a friendly team: rules for uniting employees

This article explains how to join new team and how it is necessary to analyze information about the company in order to understand all the processes, as well as where to start work in a new team, how to assess the potential of a company contained in its employees.

To exercise effective management team, especially if you have to work in a new team, General Director you should understand all the processes taking place in the company. Analyze all available information, and not just the official documentation. It is necessary to understand what prevented the previous leader from effectively managing the team, and the team from achieving best results. When planning further development, it is important to assess the company's potential contained in its employees.

The way you think can change the structure and anatomy of your brain in the direction you want, regardless of various factors. This was proven by Estanislao Bachrach, who developed a set of exercises that, when performed, will improve your thinking abilities.

All exercises are available in our article. You will no longer have to wait for inspiration or opportunity - you will learn to work productively and come up with new ideas in any situation.

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Tip 1. Working in a new team: understand the intricacies of work processes and communications

At first, try to read as many working documents as possible. This will make it possible to understand who is really responsible for what ( real situation cases do not always comply with approved instructions). To understand how business is structured in my organization, I studied a lot of documents just after taking office. For example, he became familiar with the functions of the departments written down in the regulations and correlated them with the tasks that the departments face in their daily work; found out how employees and departments interact; studied all the orders, regulations, and provisions that were relevant at that time.

Once developed, a document is not a dogma for many years; sooner or later it becomes outdated. For example, the procedure for interaction has been approved, but in practice everything has been done differently for a long time. It is appropriate to make adjustments taking into account the current situation already in the first stages of work as you become familiar with the documentation.

A practitioner tells

Arkady Karev, Vice President for Vertical Markets, Borlas Group, Moscow

Often company owners expect cardinal and quick steps to improve the situation. The cost of a mistake is high, and the likelihood of making it is even higher if new manager makes decisions in a team without fully understanding how everything works in the company. Therefore, it is better not to be afraid to ask “stupid” questions from the very beginning. It is impossible to truly get up to speed on things, focusing only on official papers, so it is worth checking directly with your subordinates how each process is actually structured (as is customary). This is exactly what I did when I moved from the representative office of the American corporation Oracle to Borlas. This transition was painless for me.

Tip 2. How to join a new team

Get to know the management team and front-line employees personally. It is not enough to be officially introduced to the team. I got to know the deputies and heads of departments already in the process of work, setting up one-on-one meetings in my office. In current activities, there is always a reason to communicate with each top manager, and thus, as problems arise, you can cover all departments with attention. It would be useful to review the personal files of key top managers.

How to join a new team? It is also useful to get to know ordinary employees personally, since from below all problems are visible much more clearly. Of course, it is not always possible to meet everyone. The strategy of “unplanned acquaintances” is suitable here; the main thing is not to miss the opportunity to communicate. At first, people may be wary of being open with the new CEO about complaining or criticizing something. It all depends on your personal qualities, diplomacy and demeanor. After all, you can walk past a security guard with a gloomy face, showing what kind of person you are important boss, or you can smile, say hello and ask about the family, children, how the employee spent the weekend, that is, just talk, showing that you are ordinary open man. Then your subordinates will be more frank with you.

You don’t always need to hear something to suspect something is wrong: if in the corridors and on the stairs you meet employees with happy faces, then everything is in order, and if their faces are frowning, perhaps not everything is fine.

  • Conflicts between employees: why they arise and how to resolve them

By talking about the upcoming changes, you will prevent rumors and partly defuse the nervous environment that is typical for a situation where there is a change in leadership. Employees are afraid (often with good reason) of mass layoffs, changes in conditions and pay. The unknown creates even more tension and breeds rumors. To reassure people and return them to normal work mode, show them that you are not going to cut from the shoulder, that all your decisions will be carefully weighed. Tell us about it on general meeting, share specific plans (those that won't cause even more anxiety, to begin with).

It is worth considering that the official structure of the company (fixed in the regulations) may not reflect the unofficial distribution of responsibilities: who communicates closely with whom, with whom it is easier to resolve issues, etc. From the first days it is worth collecting information about the structure of the company, drawing it from private conversations with employees different levels. Usually I don’t call people into my office, but try to go out to people myself and chat casually at their workplace.

Tip 4. Build a management system

The most important task of a new leader in a team is to make the company and team manageable. To do this, create a vertical distribution of tasks and functions under your control: each employee must clearly understand what to do.

By organizing the work of his deputies and delegating management to them, the General Director will relieve himself of the need to control all employees (for example, I have three hundred people). If you do not find like-minded people in the management team, you should think about new appointments. It is fundamentally important for the General Director that his deputies share his ideas and do not have to constantly convince them of something. Each member of the management team must be a guide new concept development of the company that you proposed. In order to be responsible for the entire enterprise, the General Director must entrust the resolution of various issues to reliable employees, so he has the right to independently determine the circle of people with whom he will work in the same team.

Today, 70% of my deputies are new employees. I changed the team because I want to be confident in my people. When I joined the company, I was faced with the fact that a number of areas duplicated each other, and there were no persons responsible for each individual task. The old structure would not allow solving new problems, so I developed a new structure: I clearly divided the areas and set tasks, appointed managers of each area (who today report directly to me). Of course, this required personnel changes, appointments and dismissals.

It is also useful to observe the work of ordinary specialists in order to understand how well their skills correspond to your concept and whether they can quickly respond to assigned tasks. Rely on employees who are ready for innovation. They are more useful than those who are guided by the principle “from here to now”, and take new tasks with hostility. People express themselves everywhere: at work, in the cafeteria, on sporting events. To form an opinion about employees, it is not necessary to organize special events (for example, team building training - forcing the entire team to climb trees or tug of war). Just observe people in work situations. For example, we have many remote sites (gas stations), and when leaving working group for inspections, I always pay attention to how specialists work and draw conclusions.

  • Team building. How to rally a team: practical advice

5. Maintain traditions

In any team, certain traditions develop (often unofficial), associated not with work issues, but, for example, with holidays, office life, etc. Changing the usual way of life is usually perceived painfully by employees, so at first it is better to refrain from such measures . Even if you want to improve something, first find out the position of your employees: unnecessary improvements will not make anyone happy and will not increase your authority. This also applies corporate holidays. I think there is no need to radically change the foundations that are familiar to people; it is better to maintain traditions, introducing something new if desired. Remember: staff value stability. And if it is impossible to avoid changes in the labor process, then it is quite possible to maintain stability in everyday life.

Working in a new team: How to cope with the loss of key employees

Vitaly Sotnikov, General Director of OJSC Management Company Alemar, Moscow

The General Director needs to start working in a new team by getting to know the employees. It is the employees who ensure the company's activities, and the degree of their loyalty affects the future success or failure of the new director. I didn't have it at first personal account, and I communicated with subordinates either directly at the employee’s workplace or in meeting rooms. After the first meeting with people in the Moscow office, I had to fly to the Novosibirsk branch of the company and get acquainted with its work and employees.

The first period of work of the new General Director is characterized by instability: employees do not yet know the new leader either as a person or as a General Director, they do not know what he will bring to the company, what awaits the company in the future, what goals and objectives will be faced by it now . Because of this, personnel changes are possible - some people are very easy to entice during this period of uncertainty. In my case, this is what happened: I went to work on January 9, 2007, and about three weeks later the First Deputy General Director left the company, taking five key employees with him. Management companies are usually small in number; At that time, we had about 15 people in the Moscow office, and the departure of five key employees caused significant damage.

What did I do? The only possible way in such a situation was to close all the gaps that had arisen with his chest, to take on the work himself, his own, that of his deputy, and some of his employees. If the General Director is an experienced person, then he will be able to prevent the direction from dying even in the absence of a key employee and if it is impossible to replace him with someone else. However, one in the field is not a warrior. Therefore, I am grateful to those remaining employees who helped me and shouldered the additional amount of work.

Next, I set about stabilizing the staff: first of all, redistributing a number of responsibilities between old employees, then searching for new ones. I had to figure out who to promote and how to redistribute functions myself. I did this by assessing the employees’ attitude towards work. Often from the first days it is clear who wants not just to work, as they used to say, from eight to five, but to give the company something new, something of their own, to make it better, regardless of the responsibilities and time spent, and who approaches the work formally.

Not all of these processes have been completed yet, so it is difficult to talk about final results, but I can give an example. Following the first deputy, the head of the agency network relations department, whose main task was organizing sales channels, left. Who can quickly replace him? I drew attention to two employees of another department who were engaged in sales and, by the nature of their activities, were associated with agents. These people did not participate in planning; their responsibilities were limited to very specific current activities. One of them showed himself to be neat and responsible; during his work he learned different techniques sales, and it was clear that the person was becoming cramped within his functional responsibilities. I moved him to a higher position, thereby stimulating his development and loyalty to the company and to the new General Director.

One more important task What I, as the new General Director, have to solve is changing employees’ ideas about methods of activity, reorienting them to work according to new schemes, without which it is impossible to achieve the goals set by shareholders. I already have achievements. The method used to solve this problem is very simple - this is the right approach to issues of employee motivation and development. It is necessary to make it clear to each employee what2 he must do and what he can get with new responsibilities, a new structure, and new goals. And everyone must decide for themselves whether they are ready for change. And so that the process of restructuring the team’s consciousness would go faster and more productively, I began conversations about new principles of work with a person who holds a high position in the company and has absolute authority in the team. It is not at all difficult to identify such a person, and this is done literally in the first two or three days of work in a new place: if I ask questions and most often a certain specialist can answer them, then this employee, as a rule, is a recognized authority and professionally, and in the personal. I hope I was able to attract this employee to my side, and now he helps me in disseminating new ideas in the team.

Now it seems to me that I have been in the company for a hundred years - I have to work a lot, immersing myself deeper and deeper into the business, getting to know the team better, and understanding more and more the specifics of the new place of work. You can’t study people as quickly as documents. It takes time to get to know everyone, to enlist everyone's support. In order for employees to trust me as the new head of the company, to believe in me and our common future, we need to carry out many successful things together.

The hardest thing about being a new leader in a team is when they don’t understand you

Nikolay Ganza, Executive Director of Kovdorsky GOK OJSC, Kovdor (Murmansk region)

On initial stage management of the Kovdor Mining and Processing Plant, I developed a detailed strategic program for the development of the enterprise. This made it possible to determine prospects, the growth of the raw material base, and make economic calculations. The second task was the implementation of the marketing policy, the search for partners and markets for the products of the Kovdor Mining and Processing Plant. Subsequently, these programs became integral part development strategy for the entire Eurochem holding.

Wherever I worked, my goal was to leave behind a team, led by a director, that would perform even better. I never brought my team. Having headed the Kovdor Mining and Processing Plant, I did not replace a single deputy. On the contrary, I deliberately gave them more rights so that I would have time to concentrate all my efforts on the future of the plant. In my opinion, thanks to this we have good results now and prospects for the future. The authoritarian method of management in today's conditions is doomed to failure. Directiveness should manifest itself in only one thing - when a decision is made and must be implemented.

Of course, at first I felt the team’s wariness. A new appointment always becomes difficult test both for you and for your employees. Resistance was felt in the middle ranks of management personnel: people did not know what to expect from the new leader, what he would do, or whether he understood the situation. The chief engineers of the enterprise helped me a lot - they are extraordinary people and respected at the plant. I met a lot with the heads of departments of the Kovdor Mining and Processing Plant. Together with them, putting on overalls and boots, he walked around all the workshops and divisions of the enterprise. After meeting the team, I realized that people are specialists and professionals, everything is in its place, and the problems of the plant need to be solved comprehensively: modernize existing production, invest, etc.

The hardest thing for a manager to work in a new team is when they don’t understand you. But life has taught me that you need to implement ideas so that they become common. When this happens, it’s aerobatics in management. If I see that people don’t understand me, then I put on my boots again and go to the workshops or do the calculations myself, and then involve employees in the analysis current situation, I try to turn them into my comrades. It happens that not everything works out, and then you have to bring in “heavy artillery” - an administrative resource. But if it works out, it is rewarded a hundredfold: in addition to the results of the work, others come to understand the situation. All today's changes at the plant are the result of productive disputes and compromises. As a result, we manage to realize what seemed impossible just yesterday.

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From how friendly great team, depends psychological state every student. The degree of learning depends on the degree of cohesion of the children in the class. educational material, effectiveness of work with the class and the formation of students' personality. In creating a friendly team, the leading role, of course, belongs to the class teacher and teacher.

* Children's group needs to be formed daily, this is painstaking and responsible work. And here is the authority of the teacher and educator, especially for younger children school age, extremely large.

* Plan in a plan educational work with students as many activities as possible aimed at uniting children. Let it be the creation and implementation of some socially significant project for children, the development and implementation of a collective creative activity. Only in joint activities interesting for children, you can form a friendly team.

* During joint events organize games (see below). Be sure to spend cool watch about friendship, mutual assistance, collectivism. Use every opportunity to talk with children about the importance of these qualities in everyday life.

* In lessons and during self-study, practice group activities, and change the composition of micro groups more often so that the children learn to interact closely.

* Maintain a comfortable and conducive psychological climate in the classroom, extinguish conflicts that break out, but not using an authoritarian method. Listen to each child, try to understand and help him understand his own feelings.

*Avoid showing too much visible or obvious affection or dislike for individual students. Children feel this very well and will definitely think and talk about it. Respect each child's personality first and foremost.

* Team building work should not be episodic in nature, it should be daily and systematic, only then will you be able to form a friendly team from the children gathered in one class.

*Special work should be carried out with “rejected” children: try to involve them in joint activities of the class, find assignments for them where they would reveal their best abilities, praise and encourage them more often in the presence of the class, but do this for a specific action or deed they performed.

In order for the team to have a prosperous psychological atmosphere, the following conditions must be met:

Each team member should feel safe;

Everyone should have a formed positive attitude to oneself, a sense of one’s own uniqueness, value.

In order for the classroom or school to become a place where children feel at home, the teacher can use the following techniques:

1. Children’s participation in organizing the common space, creating the “design” of the classroom

Discuss with children how you can make the classroom more attractive, comfortable and cozy. Implement some of the ideas, and discuss some of the ideas with the children to see how realistic they are.

2. Create class rules.

A necessary condition for security and safety is the presence of rules by which a group or class functions. These rules must be understandable to children and accepted by them. In addition, the consequences that result from violations of the rules must be known.

3. Creating a “Class Diary”

It is necessary to give every student and teacher the opportunity to write something about themselves. These records should be placed in a special album under the photograph of each child. Place a photo of the whole class there. It is important that the teacher and children take equal part in creating such a diary.

4. Joint hikes, walks and excursions

Such events bring the teacher and students very close. At the same time, it is important not to forget about those who, for some reason, were unable to go or travel with everyone else. Maybe it's worth bringing them some kind of souvenir.

5. Conducting “Class Days”

It’s worth coming up with special rituals for this day with your children and putting them in the “Class Rules.” These could be tea parties, evenings of relaxation with a discussion of joint affairs, summing up the results of studies, events that took place in the classroom at school, etc.

Games and exercises to develop student interaction in the classroom.

"Birthday"(group unity, removing negative attitudes towards each other.)

Progress of the game: The birthday boy is chosen. All the children give him gifts with gestures and facial expressions. The birthday boy is asked to remember whether he offended someone and correct it. Children are encouraged to fantasize and come up with a future for the birthday boy.

"Confusion"(supporting group unity, relieving tension.)

Progress of the game: The driver is selected by a counting rhyme. He leaves the room. The rest of the children join hands and form a circle. Without unclenching their hands, they begin to get confused - as best they can. When the confusion has formed, the driver enters the room and untangles it, also without taking his hands off the children.

"Blow the balloon out of the plate"(increasing confidence, self-esteem, control over one’s actions.)

How to play: Place a table tennis ball on a plate. Two children sit at a table opposite each other friend. On command one, two, three, they simultaneously begin to blow on the ball, trying to blow it away plates. The one who blows out the ball first wins. The next participant competes with the winner. The game continues until one of the participants wins completely.

"Guess it!"(game of attention)

How to play: The driver is blindfolded, taken by the hand and led in a circle for 30-40 seconds along those sitting. Finally they stop him near one of the participants and put a hand on his shoulder. The driver, knowing who is sitting where, must call him by name.

"Don't clink the plates"

Progress of the game: Host: “Let’s imagine that someone is sleeping in the next room. You can't wake him up. But you need to put three or four plates on top of each other.”

One player from each team comes out and completes the task, everyone else listens carefully to see if any of them will break the silence.

The competition can be repeated. Those who make the least noise win.

"Zigzag on the board"

Progress of the game: The presenter draws several simple broken lines of five or six segments in his notebook. He slowly draws one of them on the blackboard, and his assistant immediately erases the previous section of the line when the next one is completely drawn; finally, the very last one is erased.

The players try to remember the entire line (without making any notes). Three volunteers reconstruct it on the board from memory.

The presenter compares their drawings with his line and evaluates the answers depending on accuracy directions and sizes of segments. The second and subsequent lines prepared by the presenter for the game are drawn in the same order.

"Call signs"

Progress of the game: The presenter gives each player a piece of paper on which is written the name of a city or plant, the cry of an animal or just a vowel letter, etc. Five people receive the same name - some, say, Moscow, another five people - Odessa, others - Kazan, etc. At the beginning of the game, the presenter announces how many people will have the same name written.

At the presenter’s signal, everyone quietly shouts out the name they have received, at the same time listening to who said the same thing in order to quickly join him in one group. When the whole group is assembled, they let the leader know about it by raising their hands and are considered winners. The game can be repeated, but with different names.


Progress of the game: Two or three pairs of competing guys stand on stage (in a room, in a hall, at three tables, on each of them laid out: a newspaper folded several times in a bag; a shoe with ties laces; a jar with a screw cap lying separately; box next to which are different small items; ribbon rolled into a roll, etc.

A pair of “twins” hug each other tightly around the waist, each has two free hands - left and right. At the command of the leader, the “twins” need to do the following quickly and deftly with their hands: - unfold the newspaper completely; lace up the shoe; screw the jar until it stops; put things in a box; r unroll the ribbon; place all items on a newspaper, carefully roll the newspaper gift bag and tie with ribbon.

You can tie two hands of the “twins” (the left and right of two guys playing in pairs). So Thus, a three-armed man will stand at the table. Now we need to act together with “three” hands. This is wrong- that's simple. Consistency of actions and some general coordination are necessary.

"Find it quickly"

Progress of the game: The presenter selects from ten to fifteen large reproductions of paintings with clear content for children, covers them with newspaper.

The guys are divided into three teams. Each team takes turns calling a letter (except ъ, ь, ы, й), after which the presenter picks up some reproduction and shows it to the participants in the game.

The one who is the first to find an object on the reproduction whose name begins with the named letter is awarded a point.

Then another letter is called and another reproduction is shown. The team that scores more points in ten to twelve minutes wins.

"Through the Glass"

Progress of the game: Children are asked to say something to each other using gestures, imagining that they are separated from each other by glass through which sounds do not penetrate. You can offer a topic for conversation to the child, for example: “You forgot to put on your hat, and it’s very cold outside,” or “Bring me a glass of water, I’m thirsty, etc.,” or the child will come up with his own message. After the game you need find out how accurately and correctly the children understood each other and discuss how the children felt when transmitting messages, whether it was easy for them. The game is aimed at developing the ability to convey thoughts and feelings through facial expressions and expressive movements.


Progress of the game: participants sit in a circle. The presenter calls the number, and that is how many participants must rise from their seats. Participants do not have the right to negotiate, but non-verbal interaction is allowed. Until the group acts together well enough, the game cannot continue. Notes: it is necessary to bring the game to completion; Positive reinforcement is important. This game can be played standing in a circle, the participants must take a step forward at the command of the leader


Progress of the game: the group is divided into two teams. Each team takes turns thinking of a word or concept and telling it in the ear of a member of the other team. He cannot say in words what this word is, he can only depict it with gestures and facial expressions. The group may ask questions, but his answers are nonverbal.

"Counting without threes"


This exercise has several options. Select and complete the option you like best.

(1) Everyone sits in a circle. The participant, walking in a circle, stops next to each representative of the group and names the positive qualities that he would like to take from him for himself.

(2) Everyone sits in a circle. A participant, walking in a circle, stops near someone and calls positive quality, which I would like to take from him for myself.

S. V. Gornova, GBOU SKOSHI No. 73, Moscow

Class hour-game “Rules of life in a team”, 5th grade

Goals and objectives: determine the principles (rules) of life in the class team and the team in general; develop students’ communication capabilities, skills proper communication in society.

Equipment: painted posters or decorated chalkboard: “Good is not science, it is action” (R. Rolland), “Know yourself” (inscription on the Delphic Temple).


Parents of students, a school teacher-psychologist, social teacher or senior counselor. The presenter may also be among the invitees, and in this case the class teacher will play the role of a teacher-organizer.

Preparatory stage.

A few days before class, you can invite students to form several microgroups, i.e., a “community of the inhabitants of the planet.” Microgroups are formed according to the “Parade of Planets” principle: name, population, rules of relationships, events, conflict resolution.

Progress of the class hour

Game situation: “Learning to communicate.”

A group of students performs Alexander Dolsky’s song “A star fell on my palm...”.

Presenter. Good afternoon everyone, I am glad to see and welcome you all to our game “Planet of Friends”.

So, game situation is this: there are many uninhabited planets and stars on which you can settle. You created teams, chose who you would live with. Let's start with an activator exercise. You need to understand and feel each other well. Hold hands, shake hands... Now complete the first task: come up with the name and population of the planet.

Each team represents the name and population of their planet.

Presenter. My task is to give you the opportunity to prove that you are worthy representatives of your planets. But first, determine the rules of relationships on your planet that allow all its inhabitants to be friends. These rules should help you complete the task together.

Each team names the rules of relationships on their planet.

Presenter. You know, I wanted to know more about your life on the planets, its main events. Please tell us what is happening on your planet.

Teams talk about the most striking events that happened on their planet.

Presenter. And here is an event on planet Earth. But before I tell you about it, complete the fourth task: formulate the ground rules for resolving conflicts on your planet.

Each team names these rules.

Presenter.And now I will tell you about an event that happened on planet Earth. (Students listen to O. Tikhomirov’s story “What if?..”)

What if?..

It has been raining since morning. Alyoshka jumped over the puddles and walked quickly and quickly. No, he wasn't late for school at all. He just noticed Tanya Shibanova’s blue cap from afar.

You can't run: you'll be out of breath. And she might think that he was running after her all the way.

It’s okay, he’ll catch up with her anyway. He will catch up and say... But what to say? It's been more than a week since we quarreled. Or maybe we should go ahead and say: “Tanya, let’s go to the cinema today?” Or maybe give her a smooth black pebble that he brought from the sea?..

What if Tanya says: “Take away your cobblestone, Vertisheev. What do I need it for?!”

Alyosha slowed down, but, looking at the blue cap, he hurried up again.

Tanya walked calmly and listened to the cars rustling their wheels on the wet pavement. So she looked back and saw Alyoshka, who was just jumping over a puddle.

She walked more quietly, but did not look back again. It would be nice if he caught up with her near that front garden. They would walk together, and Tanya would ask: “Do you know, Alyosha, why some maples have red leaves and others yellow?” Alyoshka will look and look and... Or maybe he won’t look at all, but will only mutter: “Read books, Shiba. Then you will know everything.” After all, they quarreled...

Around the corner big house There was school, and Tanya thought that Alyoshka probably wouldn’t have time to catch up with her. We need to stop. But you can’t just stand in the middle of the sidewalk.

There was a Clothes store in the big house. Tanya went to the window and began looking at the mannequins.

Alyoshka came up and stood next to him... Tanya looked at him and smiled slightly... “He’ll say something now,” thought Alyoshka and, in order to get ahead of Tanya, he said:

Ahh, it's you, Shiba... Hello...

“Hello, Vergisheev,” she said.

Presenter:What advice could you give to the characters in this story?

Playgroups After discussion, they offer their advice.

Presenter: You started to act and did the right thing, but you also need to act right. “Never approach a person thinking that there is more bad than good in him,” wrote M. Gorky. And the famous hero of Cervantes, Don Quixote, sending his squire with a letter to Dulcinea, said to him: “Strengthen your memory, and let it not be erased from how my mistress receives you: will your face change while you express my request to her, will he be alarmed or embarrassed when he hears my name?” This is not enough for Don Quixote, he asks you to remember whether Dulcinea stood or sat, whether she repeated her answer twice or triad, whether she turned from affectionate to stern or from stubborn to friendly, whether she raised her hand to straighten her hair, at least that She was completely fine. “Watch all her actions, movements, because if you tell me everything exactly, then I will guess what feelings she has for me in the depths of her soul,” Don Quixote admonished the squire.

Mini-games to develop communication skills

Teacher.In communication techniques, it is important to learn to recognize sign language, individual characteristics facial expressions, as if to “read” people, tuning into the communicative wave. How to do this? Here are a few simple rules:

. Radiate positive emotions. A cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, calm person is always attractive.

. Smile at the person and try to do it with a real smile.

. Show attention and interest in the person as an individual.

. Call him by name and the way he wants.

. You need to be able to listen and be able to distribute the initiative in a conversation.

. Give compliments.

. Maintain conversation topics suggested by the interlocutor himself.

Teacher. Tell me, can this communication technique be used on Earth? What about the rules that exist on your planets? Let's think about why the proposed patterns of life are not always achieved on Earth?

Now please write a rule, a thought, a statement that you would like to transfer to planet Earth, which can otherwise be called the “Planet of Friends,” because if you use these rules, you will have a lot of friends.

Game groups and individual students name the rules that must be followed in the communication and interaction of classmates.

The teacher reads E. Yevtushenko’s poem “There are no uninteresting people in the world...”.

There is a discussion of the poem.

Summing up the class hour.

During class time ( role playing game) “codes” or rules for the life of the class team can be created. The presenter or class teacher once again reads the set of rules of life in the classroom community to the children and offers to arrange them for the classroom corner or the classroom newspaper.

In the final dialogue with the students, the teacher discusses the problems: “What did we do in class today?”, “What did we learn today?”, “What did we achieve?”

Cooperation means working productively together and achieving common goals, helping each other, supporting each other. But we are not always ready for this. We are generally great individualists*. Russians love to build high fences (both straight and figuratively), do not trust partners and do not hear colleagues (“not” is one of the most common words in our speech**). At work, this manifests itself in the fact that we are careless towards each other: we do not convey information on time, we forget to answer letters when planning, we do not take into account the interests of our colleagues... In general, our level of cooperation is extremely low. And that’s why we are unhappy at work: the need for business communication remains unsatisfied, we cannot rely on our colleagues because we ourselves are not ready to support them. Meanwhile, by following the basic principles of cooperation, you can become much happier.

See others. We are often convinced that we are doing the most significant work in the team and have the right to act as we see fit. It’s convenient for us to communicate formally - after all, we are very busy! But teamwork is not effective if employees do not respect each other’s feelings and interests and do not value everyone’s contribution to overall result. Therefore, it is important not to ignore the requests and questions of those with whom we work (after all, they need an answer). Make an effort and try to respond to your colleagues. And in difficult situation take on some of their responsibilities.

Talk more the table. Where do they arise? trust relationship? First of all, at the table. Lunchtime - when we have a snack together, drink coffee and talk about different things. At the negotiating table - when we try to understand the interests of the parties and within their framework we find a common solution. At the meeting table, where we publicly express our position and listen to the proposals of others. Of course, meetings after work also help to establish trusting relationships, although it must be borne in mind that such a rapprochement does not change the distance in the working relationship.

Set clear rules and follow them. For example, agree that we share information. Or what during general conversation We don’t look at our smartphone. There may also be less obvious items, such as “never sit on my desk” or “don’t raise your voice at me.” Even strange rules are practical and work great.

Coordinate interests. Conflicts always exist, and resolving them constructively does not mean making concessions. It's better to look for a solution that benefits everyone. And for this you need to openly express your interests and feelings. Is it easy for a colleague to guess about your long-standing grievance if you do not tell him (her) about it?

Understand your interests. At work, we often act impulsively, obeying strong emotions. Don’t rush, take a break to analyze: what do you actually want? Break all relations with business partners? Should we figure out what happened and try to cooperate further? Or would you rather receive compensation for wasted efforts and part ways? Each situation has its own tactics that best suit your interests.

Adviсe class teachers how to unite the class?

So, a young specialist comes to school, without work experience ( teaching practice we don’t count) and he (she) is given cool management. Many, of course, may refuse, but I want to tell such people that you are losing a lot, not in terms of monetary value, and not in terms of workload, but that you are missing out on the opportunity to become a GREAT MOM (DAD)!

Personally, I didn’t have a question about whether or not to take class management. When I was offered to become class teacher 5B grade, I agreed without even thinking, although I didn’t know the children. But I ran into a problem with the attitude in the class.

And first of all, I set a goal for myself: to unite the cool team, to make friends with each other, and to make friends with them myself.

I thought for a long time about what I should do, I reviewed a lot of materials on the Internet, in books, and listened to a single webinar. But the theory is very well written, but if there are 25 or more people in a class, it is difficult to be guided by only one theory, because all children are different. We must act for sure.

Using various tests and methods, class teachers can easily find out the temperament of children, identify the clear leader in the class, find a withdrawn student, see who is friends with whom, and see how united the class is, etc., etc. But you can't do it without practice.

Nowadays, if every student is not involved in some responsibilities, then he will not learn to take responsibility. Do not learn to respect yourself and others. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to choose a class asset and use everyone there, give everyone a responsibility. The most big mistake teachers, I think, when they do not give the student the opportunity to open up. We must believe in each student, then he too will be able to achieve a lot.

My next step was seating arrangements. In order for boys and girls to respect each other, I seated them in pairs, taking into account their vision and knowledge, of course.

As has been proven from experiments, when a flower is taken care of, and every day it is told that it is the most beautiful and the best, it blooms more and more, and if you say that it is not beautiful and do not take care of it, sooner or later it will die. It’s the same with a great team, if you tell them every time that they are friendly and the best, sooner or later they will become so. And I believe in it!

And when we created a cool corner, we didn’t even have a question about what we would call it. We called FRIENDLY CLASS 5B.

In order to consolidate this entire initial effect, it is very important to meet with the class often outside the school walls. I understand that we are young professionals, some have families and children, including me, but it is important to find time for your class and for your family too.

I saw the greatest result of unity when the class and I first went out into the pine grove. There the children and I had a picnic, played football, laughed and just had fun. They were all so joyful and satisfied that they didn’t even want to go home, and does that mean something?! The next time we went with the whole class to the city competition “Fun Relay Race”, although the class had to choose a team of only 8 people, but the rest had an important role to support their class and school. Everyone was cheering for their friends, shouting in unison and waving placards. And we were the first. And then we went for a walk along the boulevard. Satisfied, happy, cheerful and friendly. Very important in school events, competitions, involve the whole class so that everyone has a role or speech, albeit a small one. You know, it's very important for them to be on stage or to be part of a team.

There is a week left and the first quarter will end, I suggest you, young teachers, go somewhere with your class and celebrate the end of this first quarter. Personally, we are going to the ice palace, and the children are looking forward to our joint appearance.

I see changes in my class, in the relationships between the children, I feel that every day the children begin to appreciate and respect each other more and more. I see that they are starting to become friends and this is just the beginning, we have a lot of interesting things ahead, so I believe that at the end of 11th grade they will come to me as a whole and very often. God forbid!

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