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How do you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle”? What is a decent lifestyle?

The first thing that is associated with this definition is material wealth. It is difficult to imagine a full life for those who do not have enough money to purchase food, medicines, and clothing. If you have to think about how to feed yourself, your family, and pay for utilities, you have neither the strength nor the time to realize your creative potential.

Perhaps only certain individuals are ready to engage in high art, forgetting about pressing problems.

Stages of formation

Let’s try to answer the following question asked of sixth-graders: “How do you understand the characteristic of a “decent lifestyle,” propose and justify your position.” This task is offered in the social studies course; it presupposes that schoolchildren have certain knowledge.

For example, we can distinguish several stages in the “ladder” of developing correct behavior. At the first stage, you need to gain skills to meet your daily needs. If a person does not need to solve numerous everyday problems, he is confident that he has food, he understands that this is clearly not enough for a happy life.


Signs of a decent person

Only a well-fed person activates creative activity and the desire to find a hobby to his liking. If a person does something he doesn’t like, he will never achieve good results. Only then can we talk about happiness when people are in complete harmony with others, nature, and love their profession.

Those who treat the people around them positively, kindly, lead a healthy lifestyle, and have good health are said to be worthy citizens.

If a person lives in poverty and is forced to take a job he doesn’t like, he gradually ceases to respect himself and loses his dignity. The loss of self-respect turns him into an envious creature who is devoid of any moral principles. It is respect for oneself, one’s behavior, appearance, activities - all these are characteristic features of a worthy person.

Features of a decent lifestyle

People intuitively understand that their purpose in the world should not be limited to reproduction; they should strive not only for a prosperous and well-fed life, but also for harmony and self-realization. Currently, the fashion trend is a healthy lifestyle. Many people visit gyms and sign up for dance studios. People try to imitate the lifestyle of their star idols because they consider them absolutely happy people leading a decent lifestyle.

An example of a discussion about a decent lifestyle

In response to the teacher’s question: “How do you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle”: propose and justify it in your own words,” the sixth-grader wrote a short essay.

“Every person has his own way of life. Some people always want to be the center of attention of other people, while others dream of solitude, looking for an opportunity to get away from the noisy city into nature. Some people absolutely do not care about their health, while others are looking for any opportunity to play sports. People are all completely different, so each of them will have their own answer to the question of how you understand the characteristic of a “decent lifestyle”.

I believe that a person leads a correct lifestyle if he does not humiliate other people, does not offend their dignity, rights and freedoms.”

Current trends

Unfortunately, some people are in constant pursuit of material wealth, while they simply forget that there are spiritual values.

When asked how you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle,” they answer that this is material well-being: having cars, dachas, bank accounts. The pursuit of money leads to a person forgetting about the development of his inner world. Society pays attention to a person’s external appearance, but his internal content remains closed.

When asked how you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle,” many schoolchildren answer that this is a life without worries and hassles. None of the modern schoolchildren consider spirituality and morality to be qualities that a worthy person should have. When discussing how you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle,” the guys note material values, no one even remembers the inner world. The reason for this attitude is the state of modern society, in which material wealth is considered as priorities, rather than spirituality and morality.

People have forgotten that in difficult times, it is the one who is strong in spirit who survives, and not the owner of millions of fortunes.

Characteristics of “dignity” through the eyes of modern children

The question “How do you understand the characteristic of a “decent lifestyle”, offer your thoughts on this matter” is increasingly being encountered in schools. What can be included in the meaning of this phrase? First of all, it is necessary to mention respect for elders, care for pets, honest and sincere communication, sacrifice for the sake of dear people.

The main features of a worthy person are care and respect for the older generation, love for the living world. Teenagers who are brought up in two-parent families name love for their family and friends among the hallmarks of a worthy person.


If you are asked “How do you understand the characteristic of a “decent lifestyle”, justify your position,” you can safely say that we are talking about those people who are honest in everything. It is sincerity that can be considered as the main quality of a worthy person.

Giving examples of life characters leading a decent lifestyle, let us dwell on the situation when a person lives in a village, far from civilization. He has a job he loves, his family and friends are not sick, there are no problems with food, and the assortment in the store is not so rich that it would be unreasonable to spend money.

Having met a homeless kitten on the street, he will definitely shelter it, feed it and warm it. This is a manifestation of worthy behavior towards those who need care. He does this not to be praised or encouraged, but simply because a person must help those who are in trouble and need protection and understanding. If for residents of rural areas such words as “spirituality” and “morality” still have meaning, then for many city dwellers they have long ceased to exist; people think only about making material profit, forgetting about the internal content.

How do you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle”? Suggest and justify its components

  1. you aazazzazzaza
  2. A decent lifestyle is a lifestyle that a person deserves.

    A person must be free. People should be equal, because no one person can have more rights than another. A person should not exploit another person, since this gives rise to classes, and classes give rise to a state, which does not allow a person to be free, because as long as there is a state, there is no freedom, when there is freedom, there is no state.

    A person must have access to all material and spiritual benefits, he must work himself, if desired, he must renounce private property and use only public property. A person must follow the basic rules of the hostel.

    A decent way of life for a person is “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”

  3. It depends on who, what and among whom is worthy.
  4. A decent lifestyle is the lifestyle of the most worthy person.
    A worthy person has a worthy life - honest, adequate. a decent person will not allow anything indecent to happen.
    Each person determines a decent lifestyle for himself. But in general, it is a way of life that combines the concepts of morality, conscience, work, strength, objectivity, benefit to society, honesty, sincerity, help in trouble, responsiveness, decency, etc.
  5. The norm of life cannot be determined. For me, the norm is Christian life...

  6. Well, the guy lived, didn’t smoke, didn’t drink, didn’t party (in a bad way)
  7. I understand the characteristic “Decent lifestyle” as follows:
    A decent lifestyle is when a person lives in a normal apartment, does not drink, does not smoke, is well dressed and helps other people with what they ask for.
  8. A decent lifestyle is a lifestyle that a person deserves.

    A person must be free. People should be equal, because no one person can have more rights than another. A person should not exploit another person, since this gives rise to classes, and classes give rise to a state, which does not allow a person to be free, because as long as there is a state, there is no freedom, when there is freedom, there is no state.

    A person must have access to all material and spiritual benefits, he must work himself, if desired, he must renounce private property and use only public property. A person must follow the basic rules of the hostel.

    A decent way of life for a person is “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”

  9. Decent lifestyle.
    Decent is the standard of living that will be considered worthy for you.
    r />There are millionaires who committed suicide when their monthly income dropped to! 2000000dol. !
    There are worthy rich people - owners of 100 dollars. bills!
    Ksenia, this understanding is based on the level of life that is considered such in a given society, its level.
    This is where the lifestyle comes from: that is, how a person lives, what he does. This is well characterized by the level of his culture, financial situation, status, education. And this means that he fully realizes his needs in accordance with his capabilities and the level of his social group.
  10. The dignity of a life lived receives a final assessment after death; while a person is alive, he, due to circumstances, can lose the right to be called worthy. Living not by lies is the basis of a worthy life.
  11. A decent lifestyle is when a person lives well, is financially secure, educated and characterized by the level of his culture. A person can help others

Attention, TODAY only!

A decent standard of living is the satisfaction of various human needs

Firstly, people want to eat, drink and live normally in a beautiful and cozy house or apartment.

Secondly, a person feels the need for love, self-development, knowledge, and recognition of merit from society. He wants to have a family, raise children, take them to good kindergartens, and give them a quality education.

Satisfaction of all these needs means that a person has a decent standard of living.

What is the price for a decent lifestyle?

The cost of living in each country is based on the costs associated with general government expenditures, as well as the average needs of each person.

The colder the climate in a country, the more money has to be spent on heating housing, raising livestock, and growing vegetables and fruits. Because of this, the cost of utility bills and food is higher than in a country with a milder and warmer climate.

The level of government income also affects a person’s quality of life. For example, the more the state sells oil, gas, and other products to other countries, the more money it can spend on salaries, social programs, and subsidies. Of course, if it spends budget funds wisely and does not steal them.

The material level of the population is growing, and people are starting to spend more money both on basic needs and on entertainment. And the more they are willing to pay for a decent standard of living, the higher the quality of housing construction, goods and services becomes. At the same time, the manufacturer increases the costs of their production, and therefore raises selling prices.

Each country has a different cost of living

Depending on the level of income and expenditure of the state, climatic and other factors, the price of a decent standard of living for a person in each country is different.

So, in America, the income level per average American should be at least 4–5 thousand dollars a month so that a person can lead a decent lifestyle.

In Norway, people who earn at least 5–6 thousand euros per month have a good standard of living.

And in the United Arab Emirates, each boy at birth receives $1 million in his bank account. Such a high level of income in these countries is due to the sale of oil.

At the same time, in Thailand or Hungary a person can get a decent standard of living for significantly less money.

An apartment consisting of 2-3 rooms, with a separate living room and kitchen, with several bathrooms, can be rented for 300-500 dollars per month, and the selling price of such housing ranges from 30-50 thousand dollars.

The cost of nutritious food will be about $300–400 per month per person. Prices for other products and services are also relatively low.

Therefore, the cost of a decent standard of living in such countries can fluctuate between 1–1.5 thousand dollars per person.

Firstly, people want to eat, drink and live normally in a beautiful and cozy house or apartment.

Secondly, a person feels the need for love, self-development, knowledge, and recognition of merit from society. He wants to have a family, raise children, take them to good kindergartens, and give them a quality education.

Satisfaction of all these needs means that a person has a decent standard of living.

What is the price for a decent lifestyle?

The cost of living in each country is based on the costs associated with general government expenditures, as well as the average needs of each person.

The colder the climate in a country, the more money has to be spent on heating housing, raising livestock, and growing vegetables and fruits. Because of this, the cost of utility bills and food is higher than in a country with a milder and warmer climate.

The level of government income also affects a person’s quality of life. For example, the more the state sells oil, gas, and other products to other countries, the more money it can spend on salaries, social programs, and subsidies. Of course, if it spends budget funds wisely and does not steal them.

The material level of the population is growing, and people are starting to spend more money both on basic needs and on entertainment. And the more they are willing to pay for a decent standard of living, the higher the quality of housing construction, goods and services becomes. At the same time, the manufacturer increases the costs of their production, and therefore raises selling prices.

Each country has a different cost of living

Depending on the level of income and expenditure of the state, climatic and other factors, the price of a decent standard of living for a person in each country is different.

So, in America, the income level per average American should be at least 4–5 thousand dollars a month so that a person can lead a decent lifestyle.

In Norway, people who earn at least 5–6 thousand euros per month have a good standard of living.

And in the United Arab Emirates, each boy at birth receives $1 million in his bank account. Such a high level of income in these countries is due to the sale of oil.

At the same time, in Thailand or Hungary a person can get a decent standard of living for significantly less money.

An apartment consisting of 2-3 rooms, with a separate living room and kitchen, with several bathrooms, can be rented for 300-500 dollars per month, and the selling price of such housing ranges from 30-50 thousand dollars.

The cost of nutritious food will be about $300–400 per month per person. Prices for other products and services are also relatively low.

Therefore, the cost of a decent standard of living in such countries can fluctuate between 1–1.5 thousand dollars per person.

Formation of a lifestyle worthy of Man

This concept entered into pedagogical theory and practice along with the name of its creator - Nadezhda Egorovna Shchurkova.

Professor N.E. Shchurkova defines upbringing as a purposeful, organized by a professional teacher, a child’s ascent to the culture of modern society, as the development of the ability to live in it and consciously build his own life worthy of Man.

Purpose of education- this is a person capable of building his life worthy of a Man.

Fundamental Principles:

1) the principle of orientation towards social-value relations, which instructs the teacher to reveal the objective everyday situation, discovering behind events, actions, words, deeds, as well as objects and things, human relations and values ​​at the level of modern culture;

2) the principle of subjectivity, which presupposes the teacher’s constant assistance in developing the child’s ability to be the subject of his own behavior, activities and, ultimately, his life;

3) the principle of accepting the child as a given, meaning recognition of the student’s right to respect for his personality, life history, recognition of the characteristics and level of development at this stage of his individual life, and, consequently, recognition of the child’s right to this behavior and the choice he makes.

Philosophical education is the education of supra-situational thinking, the ability to generalize, so that the child can see the phenomena of life behind the fact, the patterns behind the phenomenon, and “recognize the foundations of human life” behind the patterns.

NOT. Shchurkova names five methodological directions that ensure the implementation of the ideas of philosophical education.

The first is the discovery of value (meaningful for oneself) behind objects, things, actions, events, facts and phenomena.

The second is the presentation of socio-cultural value to children so that it is perceived by them “in its captivating and deep meaning.”

The third direction is to find such forms of interaction with children that activate spiritual activity in the value comprehension of life, teach the art of searching for the meaning of life, when young citizens think about their purpose.

The fourth methodological direction is training children in generally accepted forms of value relations to truth, goodness and beauty. This is a necessary step from “I know” to “I can.”

And the fifth direction is the constant understanding by children of their connections with the world, their “I” and objects of interaction.

Dialogical education is a style of pedagogical interaction, if you like, a lifestyle. Dialogical education is the organization of a student’s life when he is in constant dialogue with himself, with a picture, a book, music, another person, etc. etc.

When carrying out ethical education, the teacher “elevates himself to the level of a student,” to that high ethics when the child’s perception and interaction with him are built in the broad direction of “person - person” and the student is accepted by the teacher as his “equal”: not equal in life experience, level of education and etc., but equal because the student is a Human and with him a value-semantic unity is possible.

The main directions of thought and pedagogical actions in the ethical education of schoolchildren:

1. Respect for the student’s personality, regardless of his position, success, external portrait, status in the team, family affiliation, physical and mental characteristics.

2. Reliance on the individual’s existing merits. Always assume that, in small or large ways, everyone has these virtues.

3. General acceptance of individuality, human difference, because not like me, does not mean bad.

The Program defines dominant pedagogical tasks in working with students in accordance with their age, as well as the content, forms and methods of interaction that contribute to their solution. Such tasks are the following:

Formation of a value attitude towards Nature as the common home of humanity;

Formation of value attitudes towards the norms of cultural life;

Formation of ideas about man as a subject of life and the highest value on Earth;

Formation of a value attitude towards the social structure of human life;

Formation of a lifestyle worthy of Man;

Formation of a life position, development of the ability to individually choose a life path.

Formation mechanism a way of life worthy of Man is a gradual, step-by-step movement (the ability of awareness, evaluative reflection, determination and acceptance of a way of life requires a certain intellectual, spiritual and emotional maturity, which results in life experience).

The first step that a primary school teacher and his first-graders take is the formation of an attitude towards nature as the common home of humanity. Students in grades 2-4, accompanied by and with the help of a teacher, rise to the second level in order to understand and accept the norms of cultural life. The third level is the one to which students in grades 5-6 rise. In order to raise children to this level, the teacher, apparently, needs to be able to stimulate schoolchildren to a valuable understanding of human life and its purpose.

Rising together with their teacher to the fourth level, students in grades 7-8 acquire a value-based attitude to the social structure of human life. By solving emerging life problems, realizing, mastering the values ​​of social life in the experience of real interaction with peers, teachers, parents, and other people, a real formation of a value attitude towards the social structure of human life occurs, and adolescents are ready to rise to the fifth level (9-10th grades ) and synthesize everything into a lifestyle worthy of Man. The sixth stage is grades 10-11. A life position is being formed and the ability to individually choose a life path is being developed.

The child’s individual ascent to culture occurs, according to N.E. Shchurkova, thanks to the successful occurrence of three interrelated processes:

1) development as the accumulation of knowledge about a person and the world around him;

2) assimilation as a child’s mastery of a set of cultural skills necessary for life in modern society;

3) appropriation as the internalization of the values ​​of human culture.

The author of the concept denotes the result of the formative influence of these processes, the presence of a child, by the triad: I know - I can - I love. To develop a worthy lifestyle

In practice, this means, according to N.E. Shchurkova, the successful implementation by the class teacher of three main functions. They are as follows:

1) arrangement of the child’s life at school;

2) organization of substantive activities of the child and the student body as a whole;

3) organization of spiritual activities to comprehend life.

Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the educational process- it is necessary to compare the achieved results with the set goal. The main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the educational process can be the upbringing of students and its changes from year to year.

Indicators for determining holistic and detailed analysis and performance assessment:

The appearance of the child;

Physical and mental development of children;

Their behavior;

Quality of various activities;

Children's abilities and well-being;

Value preferences;

The child's attitude towards his self.

How do you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle”? 6th grade is the age when children begin to reason and are ready to hold a conversation about important issues relating to the life of a modern person.

Characteristics of correct behavior

The first thing that is associated with this definition is material wealth. It is difficult to imagine a full life for those who do not have enough money to purchase food, medicines, and clothing. If you have to think about how to feed yourself, your family, and pay for utilities, you have neither the strength nor the time to realize your creative potential.

Perhaps only certain individuals are ready to engage in high art, forgetting about pressing problems.

Stages of formation

Let’s try to answer the following question asked of sixth-graders: “How do you understand the characteristic of a “decent lifestyle,” propose and justify your position.” This task is offered in the social studies course; it presupposes that schoolchildren have certain knowledge.

For example, we can distinguish several stages in the “ladder” of developing correct behavior. At the first stage, you need to gain skills to meet your daily needs. If a person does not need to solve numerous everyday problems, he is confident that he has food, he understands that this is clearly not enough for a happy life.

Signs of a decent person

Only a well-fed person activates creative activity and the desire to find a hobby to his liking. If a person does something he doesn’t like, he will never achieve good results. Only then can we talk about happiness when people are in complete harmony with others, nature, and love their profession.

Those who treat the people around them positively, kindly, lead a healthy lifestyle, and have good health are said to be worthy citizens.

If a person lives in poverty and is forced to take a job he doesn’t like, he gradually ceases to respect himself and loses his dignity. The loss of self-respect turns him into an envious creature who is devoid of any moral principles. It is respect for oneself, one’s behavior, appearance, activities - all these are characteristic features of a worthy person.

Features of a decent lifestyle

People intuitively understand that their purpose in the world should not be limited to reproduction; they should strive not only for a prosperous and well-fed life, but also for harmony and self-realization. Currently, the fashion trend is a healthy lifestyle. Many people visit gyms and sign up for dance studios. People try to imitate the lifestyle of their star idols because they consider them absolutely happy people leading a decent lifestyle.

An example of a discussion about a decent lifestyle

In response to the teacher’s question: “How do you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle”: propose and justify it in your own words,” the sixth-grader wrote a short essay.

"Every person has his own way of life. Some people always want to be in the center of attention of other people, while others dream of solitude, looking for an opportunity to get away from the noisy city into nature. Some people absolutely do not care about the state of their health , and someone is looking for any opportunity to play sports. People are all completely different, so each of them will have their own answer to the question of how you understand the characteristic of “a decent lifestyle.”

“I believe that a person leads a correct lifestyle if he does not humiliate other people, does not offend their dignity, rights and freedoms.”

Current trends

Unfortunately, some people are in constant pursuit of material wealth, while they simply forget that there are spiritual values.

When asked how you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle,” they answer that this is material well-being: having cars, dachas, bank accounts. The pursuit of money leads to a person forgetting about the development of his inner world. Society pays attention to a person’s external appearance, but his internal content remains closed.

When asked how you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle,” many schoolchildren answer that this is a life without worries and hassles. None of the modern schoolchildren consider spirituality and morality to be qualities that a worthy person should have. When discussing how you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle,” the guys note material values, no one even remembers the inner world. The reason for this attitude is the state of modern society, in which material wealth is considered as priorities, rather than spirituality and morality.

People have forgotten that in difficult times, it is the one who is strong in spirit who survives, and not the owner of millions of fortunes.

Characteristics of “dignity” through the eyes of modern children

The question “How do you understand the characteristic of a “decent lifestyle”, offer your thoughts on this matter” is increasingly being encountered within school walls. What can be included in the meaning of this phrase? First of all, it is necessary to mention respect for elders, care for pets, honest and sincere communication, sacrifice for the sake of dear people.

The main features of a worthy person are care and respect for the older generation, love for the living world. Teenagers who are brought up in two-parent families name love for their family and friends among the hallmarks of a worthy person.


If you are asked “How do you understand the characteristic of a “decent lifestyle”, justify your position,” you can safely say that we are talking about those people who are honest in everything. It is sincerity that can be considered as the main quality of a worthy person.

Giving examples of life characters leading a decent lifestyle, let us dwell on the situation when a person lives in a village, far from civilization. He has a job he loves, his family and friends are not sick, there are no problems with food, and the assortment in the store is not so rich that it would be unreasonable to spend money.

Having met a homeless kitten on the street, he will definitely shelter it, feed it and warm it. This is a manifestation of worthy behavior towards those who need care. He does this not to be praised or encouraged, but simply because a person must help those who are in trouble and need protection and understanding. If for residents of rural areas such words as “spirituality” and “morality” still have meaning, then for many city dwellers they have long ceased to exist; people think only about making material profit, forgetting about the internal content.

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