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How to remove open pores on your face? Enlarged pores on the face. Cleansing and tightening pores

The appearance of facial skin is often spoiled by enlarged pores, which make it uneven and lumpy. This is not just a cosmetic flaw that prevents a woman from being attractive. These are also corresponding health problems, because through the open ducts of the sebaceous glands, a huge amount of atmospheric debris enters the dermis. Among it are toxins, free radicals, radionuclides and other harmful substances. If treatment is not carried out, the condition of such epidermis worsens, and there can be no talk of its former attractiveness. So what is this attack and how to deal with it?


First, try to find out why the pores on your face are enlarged: there must be external or internal reasons for this. If they are not recognized and corrected as best as possible, you will have to deal with this cosmetic problem for the rest of your life. Provoking factors may be:

  1. Decorative cosmetics

If it is of poor quality, it is cheap and you have not changed it for 3 years. It is especially harmful to leave makeup on overnight.

  1. Hereditary factor

If you inherited oily skin from your parents, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of enlarged pores forever. A cosmetic problem can only be smoothed out by observing appropriate hygiene rules and preventive measures.

  1. Hormonal surge

Which is observed in a woman’s body at certain periods of her life. This is puberty of a teenage girl 13-17 years old, pregnancy and menopause.

  1. Diet problems

This is one of the most common causes of enlarged pores on the face. Do you lean on fatty, floury, fried, sweet and pickled foods? This problem definitely cannot be avoided. After processing such heavy food, the body tries to get rid of unnecessary substances, and one of the exits for them is the pores.

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases
  2. Bad habits

Can't pull yourself together and get rid of bad habits? Nicotine and alcohol actively contribute to the expansion of pores on the face.

  1. Excess ultraviolet radiation
  2. Problems with the endocrine system

Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, and gonads.

If you want to know how to get rid of enlarged pores on your face, then start by analyzing the factors that provoked the appearance of this problem. If you have identified the reasons, try to eliminate them. Otherwise, your struggle with this cosmetic defect will drag on for many years and will only represent an external disguise of the problem.

Like this! Dermatologists call pores the lungs of human skin.

Treatment in the salon

The fight against enlarged pores on the face is effective if it is carried out professionally. At home, you still cannot achieve the same results as in the salon.

Modern cosmetology, in close cooperation with the latest developments in the field of dermatology, offers women of all ages a variety of techniques for narrowing pores on the face.

  • Mechanical peeling

It is capable of narrowing enlarged pores, but salons do not often offer this procedure, as it is famous for its pain and high trauma.

  • Plasmolifting

Subcutaneous injection of plasma from your own body in combination with constant peeling.

  • Injection mesotherapy

The use of cocktails of homeopathic components, vitamins, phosphatidylcholine, amino acid complexes narrows even very enlarged pores on the face.

  • Non-invasive mesotherapy

Use of hardware cosmetology: devices for iontophoresis, Darsonval currents, ultraphonophoresis, microcurrent and ultrasound therapy.

  • Photorejuvenation

Enlarged pores on the face can be cured using the photorejuvenation procedure - this is a laser technique that has gained great popularity in eliminating this problem.

  • Microdermabrasion

Removing dead cells with a diamond tip.

  • Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

It allows you to effectively and quickly narrow enlarged pores on the face, since under the influence of cold they reflexively close - a protective reaction is triggered.

  • Disincrustation

Deep cleansing with electrophoresis and alkaline agents.

  • Chemical peeling

It is most often carried out with fruit acids: malic, acetic, tartaric. The bottom of the enlarged pore rises, and it appears visually smaller.

Not everyone decides to turn to a salon for help in solving this problem. Many people prefer to remove enlarged pores on their face at home - and they have their own reasons for this.

Keep this in mind. Salon techniques for narrowing enlarged pores on the face are good in the cold season, because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation their beneficial effects on the skin can evaporate.

Home Remedies

Home treatment for enlarged pores on the face involves proper and regular skin care. Its rules are known to everyone, but not everyone has the patience to adhere to them every day. And this is precisely the key to healthy and beautiful skin. Try the following remedies and measures to combat this cosmetic defect - perhaps they will not get rid of the problem forever, but the pores will become noticeably narrower.

  1. Regularly wipe your face with ice cubes with frozen herbs, berries, and fruits in the morning - you get a kind of home-made cryotherapy.
  2. Use the best home remedy for enlarged pores on the face - since peeling perfectly cleans them, and eliminating excess debris from them leads to elasticity and flexibility of the skin - accordingly, reflex narrowing occurs.
  3. Wash your face twice a day with rose water or herbal infusions.
  4. Regularly make homemade masks that help fight enlarged pores on the face: include cosmetic clay, fruits, berries, egg whites;
  5. Add essential oils of dill, fennel, spruce, and pine to all skin care products.
  6. Accustom yourself to contrast washing: first with cool water, then with hot water.
  7. Normalize your diet, which largely determines the condition of your skin. Even very enlarged pores will narrow if you exclude from your daily menu too fatty, sweet, pickled, salty, smoked, flour foods, as well as carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Now you know what to do if enlarged pores bother you. Eliminate the root cause and take appropriate action. If the problem is quite advanced, it is better not to waste money and seek help from a professional in the salon. You can make an appointment with a dermatologist who will advise you on how to treat this disease and what products can be used. As part of home therapy, face masks are especially good.

Useful advice. Don't exfoliate too often, otherwise you'll get the exact opposite effect. 1-2 times a week will be enough.

Mask recipes

Several simple but very effective homemade mask recipes for narrowing enlarged pores will help in the fight against this cosmetic defect.

  • With cosmetic clay

Mix kaolin (15 g), glycerin (10 ml), fennel ether (2 drops), mineral water (30 ml). Beat by hand until creamy.

  • With essential oils

Mix the esters of mint (1 drop each), hazelnut (5 ml each), leave for an hour.

  • With linden blossom

Grind fresh linden inflorescences, pour 15 grams of raw material with hot water (no more than 100 ml). Heat over low heat until thick.

  • With oranges

Mash the finely chopped orange slices with a masher until smooth. Apply the paste to the problem area.

  • With berries

Mix mashed strawberries (30 g) with egg white, starch, vegetable oil (10 ml each). The result will be a mask that will narrow even very large pores on the face and also have a lifting effect.

  • With oatmeal

Mix oatmeal (15 g) with chopped dry lemon zest (15 g), add egg white, lemon juice (10 ml).

As you can see, removing large pores on the face is not a problem, as it can be solved in a short time in a variety of ways. If you have financial capabilities and courage of spirit, resort to salon procedures. If you want to provide your skin with exclusively natural care, use folk remedies at home. The most important thing is to start treatment on time and determine the main cause of this cosmetic defect in the first stages. Only after its complete elimination (if possible) is there a chance for a complete recovery.

Everyone knows what pores on the face are and what they are needed for. It is also known that with age, the openings of the excretory ducts become wider. It’s probably not worth saying once again that beautiful skin and large pores are two incompatible concepts. It is this problem that makes people look 5-10 years older. Porous skin adds roughness to the face; in particularly advanced cases, it can ruin the impression of even the most beautiful appearance.

It would be wrong to say that absolutely all people dream of getting rid of this shortcoming, since some simply don’t care (there are more important problems), but if this trouble disappeared on its own, no one would be upset. It is advisable to be interested in the causes of porous facial skin, since without eliminating them, the skin will never become smooth.

Why do the pores on the face expand?

As you know, human skin consists of an upper and lower layer. The first protective layer contains many cells that are constantly renewed. The second layer is responsible for the color and condition of the first layer: it contains the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands, blood vessels, and hair follicles. To prevent the top coating from drying out completely, it has holes for excretory ducts, which everyone is accustomed to calling pores.

On oily skin they are large, on dry skin they are almost invisible. But, again, if a person has oily skin, this does not mean that the outlet holes should be huge and conspicuous. Large open pores on the face are often the result of a large layer of dead skin that is poorly renewed. There are other reasons for this problem:

  • thyroid diseases;
  • use of certain medications;
  • excessive alcohol consumption (not always);
  • old age;
  • poor nutrition;
  • skin condition after smallpox or furunculosis.

But the most common causes of porous facial skin are poor nutrition and care (or complete lack thereof) and hormonal imbalance in adolescence. The first reason can be easily eliminated with diet and home treatment. Other provoking factors can be dealt with using traditional treatment from an endocrinologist and getting rid of bad habits.

You should know that dust and dirt get into wide openings more often than narrow ones, and this causes the appearance of blackheads and pimples. Therefore, the problem about which this article is being written almost never happens without these so-called “bonuses”. It is important not only to narrow the pores on the skin of the face, but also to clean them.

How to open pores

Cleansing the face from acne and pimples is not carried out without first opening the pores, since the effect will be zero. The following will help in this matter:

Steam baths

Opens and cleanses clogged pores.

They are done like this:

  • boil water;
  • pour into a container;
  • bring your face closer to the steam (at a safe distance);
  • cover your head with a towel;
  • inhale and exhale steam for 5-10 minutes.

If desired, dried chamomile or calendula flowers can be added to boiling water. For those who don't want to bother with water and pots. Special kits for cleansing the skin are sold.

Mashed potato mask

The second remedy for clogged pores on the face is hot masks.

Here is one of the recipes:

  • heat or cook mashed potatoes;
  • cool to 40-45°, if necessary;
  • apply to face;
  • After 5 minutes, gently wipe with napkins.

Now you can start cleaning.

Oil mask

Preparation and use:

  • Heat olive or sunflower oil to 40-45°;
  • moisten a damp cloth or several cotton swabs in it;
  • put on face;
  • cover with a dry towel on top;
  • remove the mask after 5 minutes;
  • wet your face with dry wipes;
  • start cleaning.

There are many ways to cleanse pores on your face at home.

Cleaning facial pores at home

In order to pull out blackheads and sebaceous plugs, it is not necessary to start squeezing. There are inexpensive and effective home remedies for unclogging facial pores. For example:

Egg white with gelatin

A Velcro mask made from egg white and gelatin will help remove clogged pores on the face. Its ingredients:

  1. White of one egg.
  2. Gelatin – 10 gm.
  3. Water – 10 ml.
  4. Paper napkins.

Cooking method:

  • dissolve gelatin;
  • warm up slightly;
  • beat the egg white;
  • add to gelatin;
  • mix;
  • apply to face;
  • stick a napkin on top of the mask;
  • wait until the mask dries;
  • tear the paper off your face with a sharp movement.

After using this mask correctly, clogged pores on your face become clear.

Activated carbon and gelatin mask

This is one of the most effective facial cleansers, it literally pulls out blackheads from the pores.


  1. Gelatin – 20 ml.
  2. Water – 20 ml.
  3. Coal – 1 tablet.


  • dissolve gelatin with water;
  • warm up;
  • add coal;
  • mix.


  • apply the mixture to your face;
  • glue paper on top;
  • wait for it to dry;
  • rip off the mask.

Cleansing the pores on the face is not complete without scrubs. The most effective recipes will be described below.

How to reduce pores on your face at home?

Scrubs have long been used not only to cleanse pores of sebaceous plugs, but also to remove dead skin cells. There are two ways to narrow pores without expensive complex procedures.


By eliminating dead skin particles, a layer of skin is removed, maximally emphasizing enlarged pores. Recipes:

Salt scrub


  1. Fine salt – 10 gm.
  2. Sour cream - one tablespoon.

How to cook:

mix with salt and sour cream.


  • apply to face and massage skin for 5 minutes;
  • wash off.

Soda scrub


  1. Any soap.
  2. Soda.


  • mix the ingredients;
  • Apply to skin as shower gel or soap;
  • rinse with water.

Scrub "gentle"

What you will need:

  1. Oatmeal – 20-30 gm.
  2. Milk – 10-15 milliliters.

Method of preparation and application:

  • mix the ingredients to a porridge state;
  • apply to face;
  • wait for drying (2-3 minutes);
  • start massaging the skin and continue for 10 minutes
  • wash off.

Coffee scrub


  1. Ground coffee or cake - 20 gm.
  2. Sour cream 20% fat – 10 gm.
  • mix products;
  • to smear the face;
  • rub into skin for 5-10 minutes;
  • wash off using soap.


Helps close pores on the face, as it contains components that make the skin shrink and look more aesthetically pleasing.

Lemon juice mask

  1. Sour cream – 10 gm.
  2. Lemon – 2-3 milliliters.

Application method:

  • Apply to previously cleansed face, avoiding lips and eyes;
  • wait 20-30 minutes;
  • remove excess with napkins.

Yeast mask

  1. Yeast - one teaspoon.
  2. Water – 10-20 milliliters.

Preparation and application:

  • dilute yeast with water;
  • apply the mixture to problem areas (where there are enlarged pores);
  • wash off after 30 minutes.

Grated potato mask

You will need:

  • One raw potato.

How to cook:

  • grate the potatoes on a fine grater;
  • apply to face;
  • spend 10 minutes in a lying position;
  • wash off the mask.

Bread mask

  1. Bread - one piece (10-20 gm.).
  2. Water – 20-40 milliliters.

How to prepare and use:

  • Stir the ingredients to a paste (you can use a mixer or blender);
  • apply to face;
  • wash off after 20 minutes.

It is worth remembering that the lemon mask is not suitable for dry skin types, as it has a strong drying effect and can cause irritation. As for other masks and scrubs, they have no contraindications. Home methods are effective for minor enlargement of pores. This means that they will not help get rid of scars and deep holes in the skin. There are other procedures for this.

How to get rid of porous skin on the face: salon methods

When, after frequent but futile use of lotions, creams and other care products, oily skin with enlarged pores becomes dehydrated, you should pay attention to the following procedures:


The name of this method is the most common answer to the question: “How to get rid of large pores on the face?” This is a deep grinding of the skin or careful removal of its upper stratum corneum. Along with it, not only enlarged pores are eliminated, but also scars and acne marks. Microdembrasion is carried out using the pressure of an apparatus with a special nozzle. This procedure has practically no contraindications, except perhaps skin atrophy (thinning) and its hypersensitivity.


Before removing enlarged pores on the face, people often look for the most suitable method. One of them is mesotherapy. The method is suitable for thin and sensitive skin, as it does not remove cells, but stimulates the appearance of new ones. Here's how the procedure works: using microinjections, a mixture of useful substances is injected under the skin. In this case it is hyarulonic acid. The cost of one session is 1000-5000 rubles. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. Mesotherapy procedure can be called economical, since the skin is renewed for a long time.


The last method of getting rid of enlarged pores on the face is considered the most affordable, since it has existed for a long time. The method of action of the procedure is to penetrate antiseptic, moisturizing and drying agents deep into the skin (they are driven there by current). In addition, the electricity stimulates the facial muscles, causing them to tighten and become elastic, causing the skin to tighten. This procedure is less effective than the previous two, and in order to achieve a more or less noticeable result, you need to undergo at least 10 procedures.

As a rule, wide pores are the cause of blackheads, pimples and blackheads, and therefore it is recommended not only to narrow them, but also to pre-cleanse them. In order to rid pores of dirt at home, you need to adhere to the following regimen: washing, expanding, removing impurities, narrowing. If you regularly carry out such cleaning, your skin will look perfect.

It is important to remember that if a person has serious health problems (demodicosis, thyroid disease), then even expensive hardware methods will be ineffective without prior treatment.

Contents of the article

The problem associated with enlarged pores is one of the most common among women and men of different ages. Those with a combination or oily face type are more likely to encounter this deficiency than others, but problems are also possible with dry skin.

These enlarged pores are found on the forehead, chin and nose area. Today, this problem can be quickly eliminated thanks to various cosmetics and procedures that can be easily prepared and carried out both at home and in specialized institutions.

Causes of enlarged pores

For many people, such a defect is a genetic feature, while for others it is an acquisition, the appearance of which can be caused by the following reasons:

Hormonal disruptions and disorders in the body;
- dehydration that occurs as a result of insufficient fluid intake;
- improper cleansing of the skin;
- using cosmetics that are inappropriate for your skin type;
- bad habits;
- unhealthy diet;
- long-term exposure to UV rays on the skin.

All of these factors are the main reasons for pore enlargement. For example, if you stay in the sun for a long time, then over time the level of production of collagen fibers in the skin decreases. As a result, it becomes flabby, and the pores expand 2 times more. Pores accumulate pathogenic bacteria that eat sebum and thereby contribute to the appearance of acne, which makes the situation even more severe and reduces a person’s self-esteem. However, you should not give up, because there are many different effective ways that can help you combat this problem.

Home Recipes and Methods

The first thing you need to do in solving this problem is to be patient, since in one day it will not be possible to achieve quick results and return the skin to its original condition. Only with regular and proper facial care can you gradually put everything in order. This article will tell you how to reduce the thickness of the skin and reduce the secretion of sebum using home remedies. After all, the oilier the skin, the thicker it is, therefore, the pore size itself increases.

Mask for enlarged pores

Various clay masks are one of the simplest, but at the same time effective methods in the fight against enlarged pores. They help remove excess sebum while also tightening the skin as it dries. Moreover, with frequent use of such a mask, you reduce your skin, as a result of which the pores narrow, becoming almost invisible. You can also safely add salt or soda to the clay.

If you have severe inflammation, you can use aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid as a supplement.

Bodyaga powder is another unique remedy that helps in the treatment of enlarged pores. It consists of crushed, dried seaweed that, like a salon exfoliation, removes dead skin cells from the face. In people with this problem, thanks to bodyaga, the thickness of the skin decreases and its oiliness disappears. This product has a good absorbable effect, which helps fight even long-standing scars.

Ice cubes are also good for tightening pores. To do this, you can freeze plain filtered (boiled) water or herbal decoctions in a special form. Adding lactic acid or lemon juice will help achieve a faster effect. You should wipe your face with these cubes in the morning or after masks. Ice will tighten the pores by contracting the muscles in the skin and having a drainage effect.

Some tips for enlarged pores:

1 rub. massage your face every week using toothpaste
- wipe your skin with citrus juice 2-3 times a week and just eat them in large quantities.
- steam your face once a week

Try to combine as many different home recipes as possible to effectively combat enlarged pores. So, for example, you can make masks from clay or bodyagi for 2-3 days, while supporting the care by wiping your facial skin with ice cubes.

How to deal with enlarged pores: pharmacy cosmetics

Using various pharmaceutical peels, it is also possible to easily eliminate the problem of enlarged pores. This procedure helps remove dead skin cells, smoothing out the edges of pores, and also smoothes out fine wrinkles, making the face smooth, healthy and well-groomed.

Depending on the means, there are several types of peeling.

The first is chemical. It contains trichloroacetic acid. Such preparations are often used in various beauty salons and are applied exclusively by professionals, since such a product can cause serious harm to the skin and even cause a burn.

The next one is based on glycolic acid. This peeling can be purchased at a pharmacy for home use. Such products exfoliate dead cells well and tighten pores for a long time.

Enzyme peels, due to their ability to increase skin turgor, very effectively and deeply cleanse pores of dirt. They contain active enzymes such as papain, trypsin, bromelain.

In addition, products made on the basis of fruit acids remain no less popular. With regular use, the thickness of the skin decreases and the pores become slightly noticeable.

Prevention and how to hide enlarged pores

In order to prevent the appearance of enlarged pores, you should follow certain rules, which include daily high-quality cleansing of the skin, both in the morning and in the evening. A product with a neutral pH is best suited for this type of washing.

So, you will avoid the conflict that is based on the contact of alkali with the acidic environment of the skin surface. Moreover, do not forget to use scrubs, which will perfectly rejuvenate your face and give it the opportunity to breathe. However, avoid those that contain rough particles that can damage your delicate skin. Give preference to soft peelings, do not forget that the temperature of the water you wash with should be room temperature.

So much hot water contributes to the loss of skin turgor and the expansion of pores. Use a day cream with UV protection, and its level of protection should be much higher in summer than in winter. This way you will preserve the collagen fibers of your skin for longer.

Be careful when using cosmetics containing mineral oils and silicone, which accumulate in the pores over time and expand them.

Enlarged pores are often encountered by people who naturally have mixed or oily skin types. Less commonly, a similar problem is observed in those with dry epidermis. To fix the problem, you need to have a basic knowledge of why enlarged pores appear. You can remove them using home or salon methods, but first things first.

Causes of large pores

  • poorly balanced diet, abuse of fatty and spicy foods;
  • genetics;
  • thyroid disorders and general disruption of the endocrine system;
  • treatment with harsh antibiotics;
  • taking contraceptives, hormonal drugs;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • weak immunity;
  • bad habits (alcohol, alcohol);
  • lack of regular facial skin care;
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight, solarium;
  • incorrectly applied makeup;
  • use of low-quality decorative cosmetics.

Egg masks for enlarged pores

  1. Quail and chicken eggs. A chicken or quail egg is an affordable remedy that can help eliminate the problem. The basis of the masks is egg white, which is whipped into a thick foam. The frequency of use is 3 times a week.
  2. With plantain. Collect fresh plantain and sorrel leaves, measure 10 pieces each. Wash the greens, grind with a blender into a homogeneous paste. Cool the chicken white separated from the yolk in advance, beat it into a thick foam and mix with the leaves. Apply over the entire face, avoiding the eye area. Keep until dry.
  3. With lemon. Buy sea salt at the pharmacy that does not contain dyes. It is better to buy a product containing chamomile. Grind half the zhmeni, combine with 25-30 ml. lemon or lime juice. Add chilled beaten egg white and apply to steamed skin. Rub in and wait half an hour.
  4. With oatmeal. Grind the oatmeal or replace the raw material with wheat bran in the same quantity. Mix with two quail proteins and work the mixture well with a mixer. Apply the resulting foam to the entire surface of the skin, rub in in a circular motion and allow to dry.
  5. With cherries. During the berry ripening season, you can use fresh cherries or currants to prepare a mask. Measure out a bunch of berries and turn them into a paste using a blender. Add the egg white here and beat the mixture with a mixer. Distribute over the steamed epidermis, wait for the composition to take effect (a third of an hour).
  6. With aloe vera. Select a dense plant stem for the mask, rinse it and turn it into a paste with a blender. Separately, soak half a slice of black bread in milk, drain the liquid after 10 minutes. Mash the bread, add aloe and one egg white. You can add a pinch of soda. Apply the paste to your face and wait 25 minutes.
  7. With potatoes. Grate a small potato tuber (washed, including peel) on a fine-grain grater. Add 3-5 gr. table salt, 2 beaten quail eggs (white with yolk). Pre-steam the epidermis, then make a mask and wait half an hour.

Tomato masks for enlarged pores

Products with the addition of tomatoes dry the skin well, normalize sebum secretion, cleanse and tighten pores. Masks also effectively fight inflammation of any kind, acne, and acne scars. They are used no more than 3 times a week, regardless of skin type.

  1. With lemon juice. Squeeze the juice from 1/3 section of a citrus fruit, mix with the pulp of one medium peeled tomato. For thickness, add a little gelatin and let it swell. After 15 minutes, begin distribution, the exposure period is half an hour.
  2. With cucumber. The mask is suitable for those with dry skin because it provides additional hydration. Grind a quarter of a cucumber and a third of a tomato using any available method. Mix the puree into one mixture and spread over your face. Do not treat the eye area, leave the mask on for 35 minutes.
  3. With potatoes. Rinse a medium-sized potato tuber, grate it together with the peel on a fine grain grater. Remove the skin from a small tomato and puree it in a blender. Combine the ingredients, add 7-10 g. starch for thickness. Make a mask and wait 40 minutes.

Honey masks are suitable for owners of all skin types. The compositions are recommended to be used 2 times a week for people with dry dermis, 3 times for those with oily, combination, or normal skin.

  1. With yogurt. Take citric acid on the tip of a knife, dilute 20 ml. warm water. When the grains melt, add 50 g. thick yogurt, 30 gr. candied honey. Make the mixture homogeneous and distribute over problem areas. Leave for at least 30 minutes.
  2. With almonds. Take 10-12 almond kernels, fry in a frying pan without oil, cool and run through a blender. Add 5 drops of pepper tincture, 35-40 g. thick honey, 15 gr. starch or oatmeal. When the mass becomes homogeneous, distribute it and leave for a third of an hour.
  3. With green tea. Prepare a brew based on large tea leaves. Measure out 40 ml. strong infusion, add 20 grams to the hot broth. oatmeal. Cool and allow the grains to swell. Enter 40 g. melted linden honey, apply. Wait half an hour, remove with contrast water.

Clay masks for enlarged pores

Clay products are considered the most effective and relatively inexpensive. To prepare, choose a composition of gray, black, white, yellow, green, blue or pink. Masks can be used no more than 2 times a week.

  1. With activated carbon. The absorbent perfectly draws out impurities, thereby narrowing pores and normalizing sebum secretion. Count out 3-4 units of coal, turn into dust with two spoons. Mix with 20 gr. black clay and dilute with water to form a paste. After 10 minutes, apply, excluding the eye area. Wait until hardened, remove.
  2. With spirulina. Spirulina (seaweed) tablets are sold at the pharmacy. You need 2-3 units. Turn the product into powder, mix with 20 g. blue, pink or green clay. Dilute with warm filtered water and leave the paste for 8 minutes. After distribution, wait a third of an hour.
  3. With honey. Buy aloe vera tincture at the pharmacy and measure out 7 ml. Mix the drug with 25 g. honey, 30 gr. gray or yellow clay. Add some drinking water if the mask is too thick. Apply it, wait half an hour, remove with contrasting water.

Masks with oatmeal for enlarged pores

Oatmeal masks not only cleanse and tighten pores, but also eliminate inflammation from allergic reactions. The flakes have a gentle effect without damaging the epidermis, so such products can be used even by those with sensitive skin. Frequency of use: 3-4 times a week.

  1. With sour cream. Grind the cereal in a convenient way, then pour in hot milk and leave for a third of an hour. Remove excess liquid, combine oatmeal with 45 g. sour cream. Inject 10 ml. lemon or lime juice, make a mask. Wait half an hour.
  2. With egg. Cool the egg white and beat until very stiff. Add 30 gr. fine or medium ground flakes. Add the paste of half a cucumber to this mixture and apply to the skin. Massage in circular motions, rinse after 40 minutes.
  3. With aspirin. Take 2 tablespoons, use them to mash a unit of acetylsalicylic acid and 2 tablets of activated carbon. Pour in 30 ml. water, add a tablespoon of soaked oatmeal. After application, wait 25 minutes.

Salon treatments

Beauty salons offer many hardware and invasive cosmetology services with which you can get rid of enlarged pores and tighten your skin. The rejuvenation effect is noticeable after the first session.

  1. Ultrasound cleaning. Anyone can afford ultrasonic facial cleansing, since the technology is considered popular and relatively inexpensive. The procedure involves deep cleansing of the pores, resulting in complete resurfacing of the skin. Ultrasound helps to cope with acne, comedones, and excess sebum secretion. If you purchase a directional device, you can carry out the procedure yourself. The method is considered safe and gentle because it does not injure the skin. The result is noticeable after the first session. Cleaning should be done once every 2-4 weeks.
  2. Darsonvalization. The procedure is carried out using a special Darsonval device. The technique of influencing the skin with microcurrents allows you to normalize the production of sebaceous glands, increase blood circulation in the facial skin, relieve existing inflammation and remove wrinkles. Low-frequency current increases all metabolic processes and disinfects the epidermis, so the effect is immediately visible. The advantage is that Darsonval can be bought for home use. Its cost starts from 2,500 rubles, treatment requires 20 sessions.
  3. Laser grinding. The therapy is carried out using a laser, which exfoliates skin unevenness, pulls out sebaceous plugs, and tightens pores. A positive quality is considered to be the effect on the lower layers of the dermis; the face becomes noticeably younger and shaped into an oval shape (fighting sagging and wrinkles). The technique is considered traumatic, but effective. After the procedure, the skin recovers within 10-15 days. The effect lasts for 2-3 years.
  4. Biorevitalization. The technique refers to invasive cosmetology. Pore ​​narrowing therapy is carried out using hyaluronic acid, which is injected under the skin with pinpoint injections. The procedure is prescribed when pores open up due to age-related changes. Injections accelerate the production of collagen fibers, making the face noticeably rejuvenated. Biorevitalization is indicated for people over 30 years of age.
  5. Mesotherapy. The technology also applies to invasive cosmetology. Mesotherapy is carried out by introducing a “youth cocktail”, which is selected individually by a cosmetologist. The composition is prepared from hyaluronic acid, natural amino acids, vitamins and other enzymes valuable for the skin. The procedure is similar to biorevitalization; it is also aimed at rejuvenating and tightening the skin and closing pores. The technique can be prescribed to people over 18 years of age.

There are many ways to combat enlarged pores, but the leading places are occupied by homemade masks and popular salon treatments. To increase the result, you need to give up bad habits, use only high quality cosmetics, and normalize the right diet. It would be a good idea to use lotions with lemon water or chamomile infusion.

Video: how to narrow pores on your face

Women strive for beauty at any age, but every period of life brings its own surprises. During puberty you have to deal with comedones, and after 40 years you have to deal with them. Enlarged pores also cause many problems, spoiling your appearance and mood. In our article we will tell you how to get rid of enlarged pores on your face.

Functions of pores

The pores serve to carry out secretion and thermoregulation of the skin, open the channels of the sebaceous and sweat glands, due to which the epidermis is softened and moisturized. In addition, it is reliably protected from negative factors. However, if the sebaceous glands are overactive, the pores become enlarged, which is especially noticeable on the nose, forehead and chin area.

It wouldn't be so unpleasant if enlarged pores were considered just a cosmetic flaw. However, the main problem is that fat, dirt and particles of keratinized epithelium accumulate inside, and when the hair follicles are clogged, they turn into the hated acne and comedones. In other words, enlarged pores on the face are a “springboard” for the development of bacteria leading to skin inflammation!

Causes of enlarged pores

Pores usually expand during puberty, but then often do not disappear, but remain forever. Moreover, years later they become even more noticeable. Before you figure out how to get rid of enlarged pores on your face forever, we recommend that you carefully understand the causes of the problem.

Factors influencing pore expansion:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Metabolic disorders.
  3. Unhealthy lifestyle (drinking alcohol, smoking).
  4. Unbalanced diet with an excess of sweet, starchy, fried, salty and spicy foods.
  5. Oily skin type (sometimes combination).
  6. Diseases of the immune system.
  7. Stress and nervous breakdowns.
  8. Diseases of the stomach or intestines.
  9. Disturbances in the functioning of the hypothalamus, gonads or thyroid gland.
  10. Improper skin care (use of low-quality cosmetics that clog pores).
  11. Excess UV radiation (at sea, in solariums).

Enlarged pores on the face: what to do

Before you decide to tackle the problem thoroughly, it is recommended to minimize all negative factors in the form of poor nutrition, smoking and alcohol abuse. Sleep at least 8 hours a day and do sports, at least morning exercises: this tones the body and energizes you.

Do not skimp on cosmetics: especially on foundations and powders. At first glance, these methods have nothing to do with the problem, but in fact, everything in the body is interconnected, and your good health will definitely be reflected in the best way on your skin!

Remember: there are no measures that could completely change the structure of your skin. But with the help of our tips, you can significantly improve its appearance and visually reduce pores.

Treatment methods:

  • cleansing;
  • exfoliation;
  • masks;
  • anti-aging therapy;
  • cosmetological specialized methods.

If you are ready to spend a certain amount of money to bring your skin closer to its ideal state, then beauty salons will offer you the following procedures:

However, if you don’t have extra money, but want to look your best, listen to our advice.

Tips for improving overall skin health:

  1. Never go to bed without removing your makeup.
  2. Don't squeeze pimples.
  3. Don't forget about scrubbing and...

How to get rid of enlarged pores on the face at home

Daily care for problem skin involves completely avoiding the use of soap and hot water. The alkaline composition of soap disrupts the skin balance, so it is recommended to replace it with special cleansers. And hot water helps to expand pores, so switch to cold washing, ideally mineral water, without gas. It is effective to use cubes with frozen decoctions of chamomile, calendula or lemon for washing.

Peeling and cleansing

The skin must be cleansed properly and gently! It is useless to tighten pores filled with oil and dirt. Factory-made scrubs, lotions and peelings are suitable for everyday cleansing. However, keep in mind that scrubs, despite the ability to effectively cleanse pores of dirt, cannot be used more than 2 times a week, otherwise the sebaceous glands will begin to work with redoubled force, and we achieve the opposite effect!

Cleansing problematic skin with the help has proven itself to be quite good. As a rule, such products contain salicylic or glycolic acid, which are gentle on the surface of the skin. It’s great if the composition is supplemented with components such as trichloroacetic acid, retinolic acid and enzymes (papains, trypsin, bromelain).

Skin cleansing algorithm

Our task is to eliminate dead skin cells from the surface, increasing blood flow and providing the necessary nutrition.

So, gather your hair out of the way and follow these steps:

  • open the pores using steam inhalation (it is advisable to add chamomile or calendula to boiling water);
  • take a little cleanser onto your fingertips and, foaming it, apply to the skin;
  • rinse your face with cool water;
  • for exfoliation, apply a little scrub to a special cleansing sponge or brush with silicone tips and wipe your face in a circular motion;
  • After exfoliating and opening the pores, moisturize and tone the skin.

Homemade scrubs

From oats with butter

Take raw oats and mix them with 2 tsp. basil oil and the same amount of apple cider vinegar and regular vegetable oil. Apply to face and gently massage into skin.

From almonds with butter

Grind 2 tbsp. l. almonds, mix with 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil. The application method is similar.

Important! When using the scrub, be careful not to overdo it. Be especially careful with large granules, and in case of inflammation on your face, avoid scrubbing altogether.


Using only cleansers is clearly not enough, so add moisturizers to your daily care list in the form of:

  • lotions;
  • serums;
  • cosmetic milk;
  • gels;
  • masks.

Be sure to use tonics. The combination of vitamins E and A, Dead Sea minerals, extracts of medicinal fruits and plants, as well as antioxidants and amino acids is ideal for the skin.

To minimize the effect of enlarged pores, it is ideal to use a toner with copper, zinc, salicylic or glycolic acid.

Homemade tonic

After cleansing your skin, apply a homemade toner. To do this, use decoctions and tinctures made from aloe, rosemary, linden blossom, honey, citrus fruits, persimmon, calendula, birch or pine buds. After using the toner, moisturize your face with a suitable cream.

If you are interested in how to get rid of enlarged pores on the nose or other parts of the face, use folk recipes.

Medical masks


Take ½ tsp. lemon juice, mix with egg white, beat until foamy and apply evenly to the surface of the face. Let the mask dry, and only then wash with lukewarm water.

Tomato mask

Tomato masks improve complexion and visibly tighten pores. You can simply lubricate your face with tomato juice and leave it for 20 minutes or make puree from fresh tomato without seeds (in case of dry skin type, you need to add yogurt).

Soda mask

Baking soda removes impurities from the face and tightens pores. Take some water and stir until mushy with 2 tbsp. l. baking soda. Apply to the surface of the face in a circular motion, and without leaving it on the face, wash with cool water.

Orange juice + eggs

¼ glass of orange juice is mixed with 1 egg white, the mixture is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water and wiped the face with a soft towel.


Ground almonds mixed with water are applied to the face and left for half an hour. The mixture should be washed off with a weak solution of apple cider vinegar diluted in water. The method is effective when used daily.

Clay + lemon

Take the juice of half a lemon, infused green tea and aloe juice, mix all the ingredients and apply to enlarged pores. Leave the mask for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

If you have problems with enlarged pores, it is recommended to use natural mineral cosmetics. Of course, we are only recommending methods to get rid of the problem, but if you need a targeted professional solution, consult an experienced dermatologist. Perhaps, if the pores on your face are too noticeable and there is no cure for this, it is still advisable to save up money for microdermabrasion and forget about the problem forever.

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