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How to remove a bruise: available means and methods. How to quickly reduce a bruise? What effective measures exist to quickly reduce a bruise on the face or body?

A hematoma is a mechanical injury accompanied by a rush of blood under the skin. Before you can quickly get rid of a bruise, you need to choose a product suitable for use on your face. It is unlikely that it will be possible to eliminate the problem in one day, since the hematoma goes away in 3 to 15 days. But we will look at quick-acting pharmaceutical drugs and traditional methods.

Pharmacy remedies for bruises on the face: TOP-5

Since you can quickly remove a bruise on your face using cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, we recommend starting with them. The following drugs are suitable for home use:

No. 1. "Troxevasin"

The basis of the ointment is troxerutin. The composition affects blood vessels and restores their integrity, relieves inflammation, removes swelling, and prevents the growth of hematoma. The product is suitable for treating large bruises. It is used twice a day in the mornings and evenings. Before use, a skin sensitivity test is performed.

No. 2. Preparations with heparin

This list includes “Trombless”, “Heparin ointment”, as well as “Liotin”. The main purpose is to relieve pain, cool, relieve swelling, restore capillaries and promote the resorption of blood clots. The selected drug is applied to damaged facial skin 5 times a day.

No. 3. "BruiseOFF»

Available in gel form, the composition includes an extract of leeches. The targeted action product helps to quickly get rid of a bruise on the face and eliminate hematomas in other parts of the body. In one day you need to make 5 applications. Contraindications include poor blood clotting.

No. 4. "Ketoprofen" or "Diclofenac"

The listed drugs belong to the category of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs. You can choose any other medicine in this group. The ointment is distributed over the damaged area up to 4 times a day, the course of treatment is no longer than a week.

No. 5. "Zhivokhvost balm" or "Badyaga 911"

All products with comfrey or badyaga can be used to treat a bruise on the face. Due to the removal of swelling, pain relief, and restoration of blood vessels, the hematoma quickly resolves. There are a minimum of contraindications; gels or ointments are suitable for children and pregnant women. They need to be applied 4 times a day or bandaged at night.


Ointments with a warming effect should never be used in the first 2 days following a bruise. It is optimal to use them on days 2-3, when the swelling subsides.

Folk remedies for bruises on the face: TOP-8

There are many home methods to get rid of a bruise quickly. A hematoma on the face cannot be eliminated in one day, but making it less noticeable and enhancing tissue regeneration is easy.

No. 1. Ice

Use cubed ice or regular frozen meat. Wrap in 2-3 layers of gauze and apply to the bruised area for a quarter of an hour. It is important to remember that you cannot apply ice without a cloth, otherwise you will chill the facial nerves.

No. 2. Honey

This option is suitable for treating a bruise under the eye and on the face in general. Fold the bandage in several layers to form a square of fabric. Soak it completely in honey and fix it on the sore spot. Keep it for an hour and a half.

No. 3. Potato

Pass a large potato tuber (raw or boiled) through a grater. Combine with a spoon of honey, place on the bruise and secure with a bandage. After 2 hours, remove.

No. 4. Iodine with vinegar

If the bruise has already turned purple, then this composition will help. Combine apple cider vinegar in an amount of 50 ml. with iodine (5 drops). Take a cotton swab, soak it generously and squeeze it out. Apply to the bruise and wait a while. If the burning sensation is severe, remove the compress.

No. 5. Onions

Before quickly getting rid of a bruise, you need to pass the onion through a grater and mix with 10 g. salt. This composition is wrapped in gauze, applied to the hematoma on the face and left overnight. In one day you will remove the main symptoms (swelling, pain, etc.).

No. 6. Pineapple

Only fresh and not canned tropical fruit is used. Cut off a thick slice, fix it at the site of the bruise and wait an hour. Repeat every 4 hours.

No. 7. Iodine

An iodine mesh will help get rid of a hematoma on the face. It is necessary to dip a cotton swab into the preparation, squeeze it out and mark the damaged area with neat thin stripes crosswise.

No. 8. Parsley

Leaves from a fresh plant will do. Grind them in a mortar or put them through a blender, but do not remove the juice. Place over the affected area, rub lightly and leave the pieces of leaves for 1-2 hours.

If you really want to remove the consequences of a bruise, then it is better to use a combination of folk and pharmacy remedies. First of all, ice is applied, which prevents the growth of the hematoma. Then products from the pharmacy with a cooling and restorative effect are applied.

Bruises on the face can appear both after a strong blow and after an unsuccessful touch. Removing this defect is not always easy, but it is possible. How to quickly remove a bruise on your face so that not a trace remains? You can get rid of swelling and bruising caused by a blow using effective folk remedies.

A bruise is formed as a result of a bruise, blow, compression or other traumatic impact. Most often it is considered a cosmetic defect that can appear in both a child and an adult. If we talk about the face, then after a blow to the bridge of the nose, severe swelling initially forms. Only after a day do bruises appear under the eyes. In other cases, bruising and blueness become visible within a few hours.

A bruise is caused by internal bleeding. Small vessels burst and blood accumulates under the skin.

After injury, hematoma formation occurs in two stages:

  1. After a bruise, swelling and a hematoma forms on the skin, colored reddish-bluish. The size of the formation depends on how much blood leaked under the skin and which vessels were damaged. On average, the duration of this period is from 1 to 3 days. At this time, the hematoma can be cured with cold. The use of warm compresses is strictly prohibited.
  2. At the next stage, hemoglobin, localized at the site of the bruise where vascular damage occurred, begins to break down. This causes the bruise to change color from yellow to brown. If you do not treat it, it will go away on its own in no earlier than a week.

First aid

How to quickly get rid of a large bruise on your face at home? It can be removed as quickly as possible if first aid is provided correctly:

Warm compresses help only a few days after the injury. You can use a heated egg and salt. A warm compress using herbal decoctions - chamomile, plantain - will also help get rid of all the consequences of the blow. This method of treatment should be practiced 3 times a day for 15 minutes.

Using badyagi

Badyaga is an algae with a spongy structure. It contains many minerals, which makes it very useful. Badyaga is a good remedy against bruises and other skin defects (acne, age spots, cuts). When applied to the body, the product causes local irritation, which is manifested by a slight burning sensation.

All unpleasant sensations associated with the application of badyagi do not pose a danger to humans. They disappear on their own after 15 minutes.

A remedy such as badyaga for bruises and hematomas on the face is applied to the skin only in a diluted form. To do this, ready-made powder from the pharmacy is mixed with water in a 2:1 ratio. The resulting cream can be kept on the delicate skin of the eyelids for no more than 5 minutes, and on other parts of the body for about 15 minutes.

When using badyagi, you should adhere to the following safety rules:

  • The medicine is strictly prohibited from being applied to the heart area.
  • Badyagu should not be applied to areas of the body where capillary networks are present.. This procedure will make the problem even worse.
  • Before using badyagi, you need to test for the presence of an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the diluted powder to a small area of ​​the body and wait 10 minutes.
  • When applying to the area around the eyes or nose, you must carefully ensure that the badya does not get on the mucous membrane. If this happens, an allergic reaction will occur, accompanied by severe burning and itching.

Homemade ointments

To quickly get rid of bruises, you can use ointments that are easy to prepare at home.

A bruise is a nuisance that everyone has encountered. Bruises come in a variety of forms and can appear on almost any part of the body. If you want to remove a bruise quickly, pay attention to the cause and location of its appearance. After all, the method of treating a bruise depends on these factors. In this article, we will look at how to quickly and effectively remove bruises on the legs, under the eyes, and bruises from injections, and we will also try to completely prevent their occurrence at home.

There is a high probability that you will not get a bruise if only a few minutes have passed since the injury. Please note that all manipulations will have to be performed as quickly as possible.

How to get rid of a bruise at home

Remedies that will prevent a bruise from appearing if everything is done on time:

    • Apply ice. You can take any product from the freezer instead. The cold will constrict the blood vessels and prevent tumors from appearing.
  • It happens that it is not possible to apply ice. In this case, ordinary water will do. Just wet a handkerchief or napkin with water and apply it to the injury site.
  • If it turns out that you have neither ice nor water at hand, use any metal object that you find. For example, it could be a coin or a spoon. This method is not the most effective, since the item will heat up quickly.
  • Pour a little salt onto a scarf or napkin, wrap it and apply it to the injured area. You should not apply salt if the bruise is near or under the eyes.

    How to remove a bruise using pharmaceutical products

  • Coltsfoot will help if you make an infusion based on it. The liquid in the infusion must be cold.
  • Buy mountain arnica tincture and make a compress.
  • Ask the pharmacy for any chestnut-based product. The chestnut will prevent a bruise from appearing.
  • Buy Bepanten or heparin ointment.

With whomever it happens, you are late, fussing, and in a hurry you suddenly get hit in the face with a closet door.

At the site of the blow, redness and swelling appear, and at the end of this sad story there is a bruise on the face, also known as a hematoma, jokes from friends and a mournful contemplation of the injured face in the mirror. How to quickly remove a black eye?

Cold. If you start treatment with cold immediately, then even after a severe bruise, hematomas will not appear.

Apply ice wrapped in a cloth to the injured area for 15 minutes. If there is no ice in the house, a bag of frozen fish will do (previously, they used to fight bruises by applying frozen meat to the bruises; some extreme sports enthusiasts even today consider this remedy to be the most reliable treatment for bruises: o).
There is no refrigerator - hold the bruise for 15 minutes under running cold water. If there are bruises on your legs, try to elevate the damaged area, thereby reducing the flow of blood, lie down on the bed with a pillow under your feet.
If the bruise is on an arm or leg, tie the area tightly with an elastic bandage - less blood will get under the skin, which will greatly reduce the bruise.

Apply ice to the injured area throughout the day, at maximum intervals of 2 hours. Treating bruises with cold causes the blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow, reducing pain and reducing the size of the bruise because less blood gets into the subcutaneous layer. Just don’t freeze your hands and feet; after every 15 minutes of cooling, take a break of 10 minutes, giving the skin the opportunity to “come to its senses” after cryotherapy, especially when pain appears from the cold.

An effective way to remove a bruise is to apply a very cold compress immediately after receiving a blow. with lavender oil, or with virginia hazel distillate. Dilute 1 tablespoon of hazel distillate (Hamelis virginiana) in a glass of very cold water, apply a cold cloth soaked in this mixture to the bruise.
A smart precaution, especially if you have a family member with a talent for bruising, is to freeze ice cubes from this solution in advance and keep them in a labeled plastic bag in the refrigerator.

A good option for ice cubes is an infusion comfrey (Symphytum officinale) which promotes rapid healing of damaged tissue.

A handful of finely chopped parsley Whisk in a glass of boiled water and freeze in the form of cubes; parsley perfectly relieves swelling from bruises. Medicine for a bruise will always be at hand, just wrap an ice cube in a cloth and apply it to the bruised area.

Warm. But let’s assume that it was not possible to quickly remove the bruise. By the second day, the swelling around the bruise should have gone away, otherwise you need to wait.
When the swelling subsides, the treatment of bruises moves on to the next step - you need heat, which will help dilate the blood vessels and allow them to carry away the blood and lymph that has accumulated under the skin.
Arm yourself with a warm heating pad; alternatively, you can use salt heated in a frying pan or sand poured into a fabric bag; an ordinary sock will do. Warm the bruise three times a day for 20 minutes until the bruise disappears.

Use various warming agents - compresses, rubbing.

The bruise should “mature”, changing color from red to purple and blue to yellow, this is due to the breakdown of hemoglobin at the site of the bruise, but if after receiving an injury the bruise does not change color and remains purple for several days, this is a bad sign, an associated infection is possible - consult a doctor!

After the swelling around the bruise has already gone down, traditional medicine suggests treating bruises mainly with the help of compresses and lotions. Any recipe listed below will help remove a bruise, use one or more recipes at once, but do not forget that the skin needs breaks between procedures.

Essential oils . To make the bruise go away faster, use essential oils. Lavender oil is good for fresh bruises, and rosemary oil for old ones.

Bodyaga. Bodyaga is a freshwater sponge; you can buy the drug at the pharmacy in the form of a ready-made gel or powder, and it costs a penny. Treatment of bruises with bodyaga powder is considered an effective and fast-acting remedy.
You need to grind 2 tablespoons of bodyagi powder into powder, add 1 tablespoon of boiled water and a drop of vegetable oil. Grind until a paste forms, spread on the bruise and rub in lightly, the sensation is disgusting - the mixture prickles.

If there are bruises on your legs Apply the bodyagi preparation to the fabric, apply this bandage to the sore spot and leave until dry. After drying, the badyaga is carefully washed off with warm water.

Bodyaga is used no more than 2 times a day, in the morning and before going to bed in the evening, otherwise there will be irritation on the skin.
Bodyaga for bruises on the face is not the most pleasant remedy, especially if you need to remove a black eye, because... Accidental contact with badya in the eye causes severe pain...

Iodine. On the second day after the bruise forms, before going to bed, draw a grid with 5% iodine tincture at the site of the bruise. Warming a bruise, iodine improves blood circulation and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The grid will disappear before the morning, don’t worry.

Vodka. Mix half a glass of vodka and half a teaspoon of salt. Apply a swab soaked in this mixture to the bruises. Renew the compress when it starts to dry out.

Calendula. A good remedy for bruises and bruises is calendula tincture. You can buy it at the pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. Take 20 grams of calendula flowers per 100 ml. 70 degree alcohol. It needs to brew for 2 weeks, so it’s better to cook it
in advance. It can be stored for a long time. Use this tincture for compresses and lotions.

Cabbage. Apply fresh cabbage leaves to the long-bruised area. Lightly beat them until the juice appears. Wrap in a gauze bandage and apply a compress to the bruise. Change compresses as they dry out.

Beans. Make a compress at night from cooked white beans, grinding them to a puree. Cover the top with a cotton cloth or bandage.

Garlic. Use a clove of garlic, cut into 2 parts, to lubricate the bruises or apply a paste of crushed garlic to the bruise.
You can also make a mixture: pour 3 tablespoons of fresh chopped garlic with 300 ml of 6% vinegar, leave for a day at room temperature in the dark. Strain and rub the tincture on the bruise 2-3 times a day.

Horseradish and radish. Several times a day, apply a paste of radish or horseradish grated on a fine grater to the site of the bruise.

Pineapple. This fruit contains enzymes that help speed up the resorption of bruises. Wipe bruises with freshly squeezed pineapple juice or pieces of fruit.

Onion. Finely chop 1 medium onion and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Make compresses with this mixture 2-3 times a day.
If you have plantain, the compress will be even more effective.
Chopped medium-sized onion, mixed with 1 tablespoon of dried plantain, ground into powder. Add the same amount of honey and mix thoroughly in a water bath. Use for bruises in the form of compresses three times a day for 2 hours.

Beetroot-honey compress . Grate fresh beets on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the resulting pulp. Apply this mixture to the bruise, cover with cotton cloth or gauze and secure with a bandage. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours, then wash off. Do it once a day.

Uvinegar-salt lotions. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of 9% vinegar. Soak a napkin in this solution and apply it to the bruise site for 30 minutes three times a day.
You can mix vodka and vinegar in half into a glass, add 1 teaspoon of salt. Apply a damp tampon to the bruises three times a day for an hour, renewing the tampons when they dry out.

Vitamin C. As a rule, bruises often appear in people who are deficient in vitamin C. To replenish it, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits, green onions, and sauerkraut contain a lot of vitamin C.

Onions with salt - A good remedy for hematomas: mix 5-6 heads of onion, grated, with 1 tablespoon of salt, wrap the resulting mass in a cloth and apply to the sore area. A fresh compress should be applied three times a day.
If necessary, repeat the procedure over several days.

Potato starch is an ideal folk remedy for bruises. Dilute starch with water until a paste forms and apply to the bruised area. The miracle won’t keep you waiting for long - the very next day there will be no trace left of the hematoma!

Banana peel. Surprisingly, banana peel helps in the fight against bruises. ! Apply the inside of a banana peel to the affected area for just half an hour.
Based on materials from,

Aloe. Apply a cut aloe leaf to the bruise site. You can stick it with adhesive tape. Helps well with minor bruises.

Well, in my opinion, the best remedy is to immediately put it on the bruise grated potatoes. My grandmother made this for me when I was a child - it came off quickly :o)

Medicines. Pharmacies sell many products that help relieve the effects of bruises. With their help you can get rid of bruises within a day. The main thing is to use them according to the instructions - some of them 3 times a day, and some every 2 hours.
Remedies that have proven themselves: “Heparin ointment”, “Troxevasin”, “Rescuer”, “Arnica”, “Indovazin”, “Bruise-off”, “Lithion”.

PS. In older people, the appearance of bruises can be explained by the fragility of blood vessels and age-related destruction of connective tissue. In people with weak blood vessels, even blows are not needed to form a bruise; bruises can appear from moderate pressure on the skin; measures should be taken to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels.
A contrast shower and increased consumption of raw carrots, sweet peppers, onions, white cabbage and citrus fruits will help get rid of bruises.

The formation of bruises on the skin is promoted by excessive sun exposure and taking blood thinners, medications such as aspirin.

If a bruise appears for no reason, be sure to consult a doctor; the appearance of bruises may be associated with diseases of the circulatory system.

And in conclusion, we can give an example of a conspiracy that our ancestors used, because the word also heals. The spell is read over water poured 40 times. It sounded like this:

“I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the Holy Most Pure One.
Dawns-Zarnitsy, God's helpers, come, help me speak from the blow. Blow-blow, leave the small and large bones, the joints and the face. There is no blow here, no breaking of white bones, no drying of red blood, no flogging of blue veins, freeing from pain, endowing the servant of God (name) with health. Amen!"


A hematoma or bruise on the face is an unaesthetic sight, accompanied by pain. No one is immune from trouble, since bruises remain not only after a fight, but also from accidental contact with furniture, door frames, or after a fall.

The last factor explains the bruises on the face and body of small children. Parents of children know exactly how to remove a hematoma on the face, since they are faced with such situations and keep the necessary means for treatment in the first aid kit.
These can be medicinal ointments, compresses, you can use the advice of traditional medicine. The bruise will not go away immediately, but it is possible to speed up the resorption of the hematoma.

If there is a hematoma, apply ice

A subcutaneous hematoma itself is an accumulation of blood in soft tissues due to damage to blood vessels as a result of contact with a hard object. Depending on the severity of the bruise, a hematoma on the face may have varying degrees of manifestation. In total, doctors distinguish 3 degrees:

  • light. Appears after a while, disappears after 3-4 days;
  • average. It appears after a couple of hours in the form of swelling and pain;
  • heavy. It appears after an hour, the pain is felt throughout the head, an examination is required for internal bleeding;
  • very heavy. Paralysis of the damaged area, damage to the nose or eye, and fracture of the skull bones are observed.

Types of hematomas

Each bruise on the face can be classified according to its shape, clinical signs and nature, and therefore subgroups are distinguished:

  • by localization - subcutaneous and subfascial, and also intramuscular;
  • by the nature of hemorrhages - arterial, venous and mixed;
  • by manifestation - limited, pulsating, diffuse and encysted.

A hematoma on the face from a blow is not the only manifestation of injury; it can be supplemented by skin damage, muscle rupture, concussion, fracture of the nasal cartilage or skull bones. The bruise is located near the nose and lips, eyes, and on the cheek.

Causes and signs of bruises on the face

The main cause of bruises on the face is blows during a fight, falling on a hard surface, or hitting stationary objects. The skin of the face is sensitive, so the symptoms manifest themselves clearly, but everything depends on each person - the distance of the vessels from the skin, the strength of the vascular walls. A hematoma can be identified by a change in skin color (from red to yellow-green), swelling and pain, problems with the work of facial muscles, and an increase in temperature at the site of the bruise. As the hematoma develops, it goes through 3 stages - first there is pain and swelling, then a bruise appears, and over time the swelling resolves and the skin color changes.

Stages of bruise resorption

What to do if there is a bruise on your face?

To quickly get rid of a hematoma on the face, you need to take the necessary measures immediately after the injury. The main thing is to apply a cold compress, or better yet, ice, to the bruised area. This compress relieves pain, slows down the development of swelling and the release of blood from the vessels. If you don’t have ice on hand, a cold object will do, or you can also use a cloth soaked in cold water.

To get rid of a bruise on your face faster, you can use compresses made from herbs (yarrow and plantain, St. John's wort, as well as tansy and wormwood). An easy way is to make a cold compress of green tea.

Common remedies for bruises are:

  • Badyaga. It helps if you start using it immediately after an injury;
  • Heparin ointment. Relieves swelling, stimulates hematoma resorption;
  • Ketonal – anesthetic cream;
  • Indovazin is a gel that relieves pain;
  • Ben-gay is a balm with menthol that has a cooling effect;
  • Lyoton. A gel that dissolves bruises and stimulates the removal of hematomas.

To relieve pain, you can take painkillers - Pentalgin, Citramon. There are universal products (ointments, creams) - Dolgit, Fastum-gel, Dolobene. You can always apply cabbage or plantain to a bruise. Before treating bruises in this way, you need to first rinse the leaves.

Treatment of hematoma with a lump

Often injuries in the area of ​​the cheekbones and forehead are accompanied not only by a hematoma, but also by tissue compaction (in common parlance – a lump). In this case, blood can envelop the bones, accumulate between muscle fibers, and form dense swelling. To cure hematoma you can use:

  • iodine mesh;
  • compress with magnesium;
  • heparin ointment.

A simple folk remedy is to apply honey to a leaf of fresh cabbage and apply it to bumps and bruises.

How to remove a bruise under the eye and on the lip?

A bruise around the eyes and mouth is considered unpleasant and dangerous. The lips are a sensitive area of ​​the face and a slight bruise in this area will cause damage and bleeding.

To remove a bruise on the face in the lip area you need:

  • treat the area with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide);
  • apply a cold compress;
  • use ointment with propolis or natural honey;
  • apply hygienic lipstick to prevent drying out the damage.

Before getting rid of a black eye, you need to visit an ophthalmologist. The specialist will assess the extent of the damage and prescribe the necessary medications - antibiotics and eye drops - to prevent the development of infection. Minor bruises can be treated at home using herbal compresses.

Folk remedies for bruises on the face

Hematoma on the face can be treated with honey. It is included in various recipes. If you are not allergic to bee products, you can use this unique product. A simple option is to apply a thin layer of honey to the bruised area. You can complicate the composition a little by adding gruel of carrots or raw potatoes, making the mask three times a day. The treatment mask is washed off after half an hour with warm water.

Starch is an effective product for getting rid of bruises. Starch should be mixed with cold water, stirred to the consistency of sour cream, and applied to the bruise. As the mask dries on the skin, it needs to be replaced with a fresh one.

Apple cider vinegar is a cheap remedy for bruises. You need to take 30 ml of vinegar, add 5 drops of iodine, moisten gauze in this liquid and apply a compress to the bruise. This compress quickly removes purple hematomas.

Effective treatment of bruises on the face is carried out with a “medical” lozenge. To prepare it, mix horseradish gruel with butter and honey in approximately equal quantities. The resulting mass looks like a thick dough (like pancakes). The mixture is applied to the bruise and left for half an hour. The pain and swelling will go away quickly, and the bruise will begin to resolve after a couple of days.

Cosmetic clay will help get rid of bruises on the skin of the face - there are several varieties of it in the pharmacy. You need to take 2 tbsp. clay, add the same amount of apple cider vinegar and mix. The resulting mass is applied to the skin and remains there until it dries. You need to wash off the medicinal mask with warm water. After 2 hours, the procedure is repeated. Clay stimulates the resorption of bruises and relieves swelling.

When you need to get rid of a bruise urgently - if you need to attend an event or go to work. In this case, apply a cold compress to the bruise for 15 minutes, then make up the hematoma with cosmetics. After the event, you need to actively treat the bruise with the given recipes.


In order not to encounter such a nuisance as a black eye, you need to be careful and take preventive measures:

  • avoid injury. No one intentionally hits their face on a door frame, but if you are a little more careful and take less haste, you can reduce the number of bruises on your body and face. The same applies to traumatic sports - skateboarding, martial arts;
  • take vitamins. The body reacts to bruises differently, it all depends on the state of health, the amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • Follow safety rules in any area.

Hemorrhage in the form of a hematoma on the face is not a fatal disease, but it can cause discomfort to those who are always in sight. If trouble happens, you can get rid of the bruise faster with the help of medications and traditional recipes.

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