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How to find out who will be your other half. Love without hesitation. Your souls meet at the right time

Sometimes it is enough to mention “soul mates” in polite society for someone to dramatically roll their eyes upward when they hear this word. The very idea that for each of us there is that unique person with whom you can instantly fall in love, and then live in perfect harmony, seems unrealistic to them.

But for many people, although perhaps not for all, there really is a person whom they know as themselves, with whom they connect on the deepest level, and in whose company they finally feel truly happy. And if this person becomes their romantic partner... it’s impossible to imagine anything better.

So how do you know that someone you meet on life path Is a person really the one and only “soul mate”? Below you will find some of the most obvious and eye-catching signs, which were compiled by a whole team of experts in love and personal relationships.

1. You understand each other perfectly – or even without words at all.

Soul mates can read each other like an open book. As clinical psychologist and relationship expert Dr. Carmen Harra wrote in one of her articles: “They are connected at all levels of their existence. They can finish each other's sentences, they can pick up the phone at the same time to call each other, or they just feel bad without each other.”

Dr. Sue Johnson, clinical psychologist and author of The Feeling of Love, believes that your soul mate, aka your “other half,” knows how to respond to your emotional signals. “They listen to all your innermost thoughts, stay by your side when you need it most, touch your hand when you are slightly unsure of yourself, beam with happiness and contentment when you feel good, and are extremely caring and gentle, when you feel bad" she thinks.

2. All your senses tell you that she is your “soulmate.”

The wisdom, as old as this world itself, “you’ll understand it when you find it,” has never been so true when we apply it to the issue of “other halves.” “If you are in doubt and wondering if this is your “other half,” then most likely it is not so.”, the organizer believes wedding ceremonies and writer Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway. "As a rule, when you find your true love, this is accompanied by some kind of sign from above, be it a voice in your head, the feeling that you have known this person all your life, or the knowledge that came from nowhere that he is very important to you.”

3. The connection between you can almost be felt...

...and when you touch each other, a spark seems to jump between you - and not only when you are in bed. “You just have to hold the hand of your soulmate, and your soul ascends to seventh heaven with happiness, even if your relationship has been going on for many years,”- Harrah says about this.

4. You feel comfortable in each other’s company from the very first day you met.

From the very beginning, you understand that you can not be embarrassed by each other, and just be yourself, without fear of being judged for it. “When you find your soulmate, you almost immediately realize how familiar and comfortable you are with her or his presence,” says Brockway. “Many people say that being around these people makes it much easier for them to relax and allow themselves to be vulnerable.”

“Your soulmate is the person who, without fear of anything, bares his soul to you,” Johnson adds. “This is a person who is ready to risk everything by sharing his inner world, your emotions and your dreams."

5. Your relationship isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes you find it difficult with this person in a way that you don’t have with anyone else.

The relationship between you and your significant other, no matter what they think strangers, are not always cloudless and serene. “Just because this person is your soulmate does not mean that his soul came to you wrapped in perfect packaging - be it in terms of physical fitness or life circumstances - and even more so since fate guarantees you happiness without any conditions,”- says writer Kylen Rosenberg from marriage agency"Architects of Love". “But the difference between this person and everyone else is that the difficulties that you have to go through together become the glue that firmly holds your relationship together, allowing it to go through all subsequent sorrows and adversity, and each of you to open up to complete."

Both we and our significant other help each other’s personal growth. “Yes, at first it may seem to you that the relationship with your soulmate is even more insidious and unpredictable than with ordinary people, and that your partner is intentionally pissing you off, but that's because they come with some of the most important life lessons you'll ever encounter,” Brockway adds.

6. You may not see eye to eye on the little things, but on the things that really matter, you're always on the same page.

“Just because your partner is truly your soulmate does not necessarily mean that he will share your aspirations and passions even in small ways, but it does mean that your common goals and ambitions will certainly coincide,”- says Harra. “Your opinions on all sorts of unimportant issues may differ, but much more often your virtues and even vices will coincide - after all, you look at the world with the same eyes.”

7. Your relationship brings both partners a sense of inner peace.

When you have started a personal relationship with the wrong person, it is almost always obvious - it seems extremely fragile to you, and you are afraid that one inappropriate word will cause your partner to grow cold towards you. But when you're with your significant other, things are completely different.

“You feel confident - because you feel that your partner is with you for a long time,” says relationship expert Tracy Steinberg, author of Flirting for Fun and Finding Your Soulmate. “No matter what happens to you, you will still be together - and you will go through it all together.”, after which he adds: "Your inner voice tells you that your relationship with this person is the best thing that could happen to you. You trust each other, you feel comfortable and confident in each other’s company, and you are not afraid to discuss difficult topics about which you have mixed opinions.”

8. You and your partner are separate individuals, but to the world you are the same as one.

“Soul mates know that they are two halves of one whole, and that no external influence or internal disagreements will not break this connection.”

9. You could well have known each other for several years, but nevertheless you understand that you fell in love with each other, suddenly - and at the same time.

True love comes neither early nor late, but exactly when it is needed. “I had the opportunity to organize weddings of a bunch of couples who met in school or college, dated, then separated, and then went about their work, maybe spent time with the same friends, but didn’t even really communicate,” writes Brockway in one article, after adding: “But then, one day, they magically come together and their love burns like wildfire.” So keep both your mind and your heart open so that when your soulmate comes knocking, you are ready to open it.

I decided to write this post for those who find it difficult to come to terms with the breakup of a relationship, and they often try to return everything with the help of magic... or maybe this person was just not yours, he taught you a lot, but it is by letting him go that you will get the opportunity to meet your person ..When loved ones leave, the heart tells us: “Let go, because when that same person appears, you should be grateful that it happened.”

One day, you will remember the eyes in which your life has been reflected for thousands of years. You will remember the hands that always hugged you so tenderly. And your dear and beloved smile will touch your soul. The heart will remember everything when you meet your soul mate. Wonderful memories will emerge from the depths of your soul, and love will illuminate your entire being. The love that has lived in you for thousands of years. From one life to another you walked together, each time you met and parted to find each other again. This is how it has always been and will always be, and this circle of joy and bright feelings is endless. Remember, no one can lose anyone, no one will ever be left alone, for your heart keeps the image of a loved one, you follow each other in every new life, in every incarnation. And the power of your love creates its own Universe.

If you knew how close love is to you, if you understood that from birth the right one has been next to you the only person, you would stop searching, suffering and making mistakes. Between the two halves there is a thread that ties the hearts together. You are together even when you have not yet met each other. You are always there, no matter where you are, no matter who you are with. There is an image of your soul mate in your mind, you always feel like “your” person, you just don’t attach any importance to it, since many people cannot separate their thoughts and feelings from those of others.

You live life together, develop at the same time and are always energetically connected to each other, so “strangers” will always leave, you should not consider this another disappointment or mistake and suffer from loneliness. In fact, he was simply not your person. But once you realize the connection with your soul mate, all worries and worries will go away. You will simply feel that he is there, that he is very close to you. Remember that this person also always thinks about you, he also feels your thoughts and feelings, and there is an image of you in his mind. The moment you are both ready to meet, life will bring your paths together and the long-awaited meeting will take place.

The truth of the words: “When you meet that same person, you will understand why it didn’t work out with others.”

When you meet that same person, love as if you were loving for the first time. Love with all your heart, with all your soul, completely surrendering to your feelings, giving all of yourself, but asking nothing in return. Love sincerely, where light will not know darkness, where fears, doubts and prejudices will fade before the fire of unconditional love.

Wherever you are, whoever you are with, remember who is in your heart, keep your love, keep it from all negative and selfish manifestations. Protect your loved one, as the Universe protects every child. Give him warmth, tenderness, care. Appreciate him. Take it real essence without masks and stereotypes. Admire its virtues. Respect his flaws. After all, he is your reflection. Everything that attracts or repels you in your loved one is just you. You see in him who you are. Love your reflection in it. Love yourself in it.

When you find your soulmate, when you love unconditional love, you are doing great good for the entire Universe, you are helping the entire Universe. Together you create a world of harmony and love around you, fill the space with light and clean energy, you are reborn the world around us and the souls of people who come into contact with yours.

Even if a person does not yet know about your love, you send him the light of your heart, you heal him, you help his development, he may not know that it is you who make him happy, but what could be better than the happiness of that person the one you love?

And then, one day, the love you have been waiting for so long will appear in your life. Love that will heal your soul and fill your heart with light. Love that will reveal the truth of existence. Love for everything that exists - for every living soul, every manifestation of energy is its beginning. Love is all-encompassing, limitless, omnipotent. Love that gives you awareness. Love that lives in everything and everywhere. She is selfless. It is unconditional. Love that will give you the desire to see yourself in everything that was created by the Great Creator. Love that will open your spirituality and bring boundless happiness into your life. Love and be mutually loved!

Many people believe that a person’s fate is predetermined from the moment of his birth. The same applies to your other half. Thus, we can change partners until we meet someone who is completely suitable for us, our betrothed.

It’s not for nothing that this person is called your soulmate. After all, partners in a harmonious couple complement each other, help each other become better and move forward.

By the way, at first we cannot always understand that this or that person is destined to become our soul mate. Sometimes it takes people years to realize that they are truly perfect for each other. Often, when they first meet, future spouses do not even find their future spouse physically attractive. However, something pushes you towards, and in the end you realize that you are destined to be together.

Each of us has our own idea of ​​our ideal partner. So, we determine how tall he should be, what color his hair should be and how much money he makes. But if you show courage and put aside the list of qualities of an ideal partner for a while, take a break from romantic films and open your heart, you will probably soon meet your betrothed.

You just know it

Something inside you says this ideal option. It’s as if some unknown force is pushing you, and you involuntarily part with your previous expectations and completely surrender to a new relationship.

Have you crossed paths before?

Almost certainly, ideal partners have already met somewhere before. So, perhaps you were in the same place at the same time as your significant other. But then you didn’t know each other yet. However, fate wanted your paths to cross once again in the right place.

Your souls meet at the right time

You must be ready to meet your soulmate. You can be close to your future loved one for many years, but at the same time you will not have any spiritual connection until it comes the right time. After all, perhaps you are destined to go through first failed relationship or finally say goodbye to your youthful fantasies about the ideal partner. But there comes a time when you realize that you have met your soulmate. And you no longer have any doubts.

You don't have to talk when you're together

You are able to enjoy even silence when you are with your loved one. So, it doesn’t matter whether you are reading in the same room, driving a car, or silently admiring a beautiful sunset.

You can understand what your partner is thinking

As a rule, the relationships of harmonious couples are so deep that partners can literally read each other’s thoughts.

You feel your partner's mood

You know each other so well that when you see your loved one walking through the door after work, you can immediately tell how his day went. You know how your partner is feeling - whether it's sadness, stress or anxiety. And you are always ready to support him by sharing your optimism and good mood.

You are aware of each other's shortcomings and find advantages in them

Yes, that's right! Even our shortcomings are not without their advantages. After all, in everything you can find both positive and negative side. Therefore, if you love a person, then you probably see in his shortcomings not only disadvantages, but also advantages. So, for example, stubborn people are able to accept right decisions, but too much organized person will probably never forget to pay bills on time, and will not remember about them when the power or cable is turned off.

You have the same life goals

You share the same values, ethics and goals. You can have various ways achieving what you want, however end result you see the same.

You are not afraid of serious conversations

Conversations on important topics can sometimes cause difficulties for partners. But in conversations with your significant other, you have no taboo topics. Are you ready to discuss all pressing problems until you find optimal solution and a way out of the situation.

Do you mind your partner spending time without you?

Whether it's football three times a week or a Friday night bachelorette party with your girlfriends, you respect your partner's independence and privacy. Besides, you know that meeting even after a short separation is very pleasant.

You're not jealous

Beautiful girls in the office or a cute trainer at the gym are not a threat to your relationship. You are confident in your partner and know that he loves only you.

You respect each other's opinions

As they say, how many people - so many opinions. Often partners in a harmonious couple can be complete opposites of each other. This often causes certain difficulties. Therefore, it is worth learning to respect the opinion and point of view of your loved one. And then he will do the same. After all, if you do not agree with your partner’s opinion, this does not mean that it is wrong.

You don't yell or threaten each other with divorce.

Of course, we all sometimes get angry at our partner and, willy-nilly, sometimes hurt him with word or deed. But for real loving friend friend, people always try to control themselves and not hurt their significant other.

You give in because you want your partner to be happy.

Constant concessions are in many cases seen as a sign of an unhealthy, dependent, and even abusive relationship for one of the partners. But not in a situation with a truly harmonious couple. After all, the only goal of the partners in this case is to make his significant other happy.

Do you know how to ask for forgiveness

Don't just ask for an apology or admit that you did something that hurt or hurt your loved one. Ideal partner understands that he has caused harm through his words and actions. And even if he considers them justified, but sees that his soulmate is very hurt by this, he will not fail to apologize.

Would you marry this person again?

You know that this person is your soulmate. Even in difficult times, you didn’t think about looking for a replacement for him. You feel proud of him.

You complement each other

There are no perfect people. And partners in a truly harmonious couple complement each other perfectly. So, for example, one of them may be an extrovert, and the second an introvert. As a result, they balance each other.

Being in each other's arms, you forget about stress, worries and worries

There's no other place you'd rather be at the end of the day than in the arms of your significant other. If you had a fight with your boss at the office, an argument with your colleagues, or a car splashed you with mud on the way home, all this will fade into the background as soon as you find yourself next to your loved one.

If you knew how close love is to you, if you understood that from birth there is that one person next to you, you would stop searching, suffering and making mistakes. Between the two halves there is a thread that ties the hearts together. You are together even when you have not yet met each other. You are always there, no matter where you are, no matter who you are with. There is an image of your soul mate in your mind, you always feel like “your” person, you just don’t attach any importance to it, since many people cannot separate their thoughts and feelings from those of others.

You live life together, develop at the same time and are always energetically connected to each other, so “strangers” will always leave, you should not consider this another disappointment or mistake and suffer from loneliness. In fact, he was simply not your person. But once you realize the connection with your soul mate, all worries and worries will go away. You will simply feel that he is there, that he is very close to you. Remember that this person also always thinks about you, he also feels your thoughts and feelings, and there is an image of you in his mind. The moment you are both ready to meet, life will bring your paths together and the long-awaited meeting will take place.

Truths of the word: “When you meet that same person, you will understand why it didn’t work out with others.”

When you meet that same person, love as if you were loving for the first time. Love with all your heart, with all your soul, completely surrendering to your feelings, giving all of yourself, but asking nothing in return. Love sincerely, where light will not know darkness, where fears, doubts and prejudices will fade before the fire of unconditional love.

Wherever you are, whoever you are with, remember who is in your heart, keep your love, keep it from all negative and selfish manifestations. Protect your loved one, as the Universe protects every child. Give him warmth, tenderness, care. Appreciate him. Accept his true essence without masks and stereotypes. Admire its virtues. Respect his flaws. After all, he is your reflection. Everything that attracts or repels you in your loved one is just you. You see in him who you are. Love your reflection in it. Love yourself in it.

When you find your soul mate, when you love with unconditional love, you do a great good for the entire Universe, you help the entire Universe. Together you create a world of harmony and love around you, fill the space with light and pure energy, you revive the world around you and the souls of people who come into contact with yours.

Even if a person does not yet know about your love, you send him the light of your heart, you heal him, you help his development, he may not know that it is you who make him happy, but what could be better than the happiness of that person the one you love?

And then, one day, the love you have been waiting for so long will appear in your life. Love that will heal your soul and fill your heart with light. Love that will reveal the truth of existence. Love for everything that exists - for every living soul, every manifestation of energy is its beginning. Love is all-encompassing, limitless, omnipotent. Love that gives you awareness. Love that lives in everything and everywhere. She is selfless. It is unconditional. Love that will give you the desire to see yourself in everything that was created by the Great Creator. Love that will open your spirituality and bring boundless happiness into your life.

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