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How do Libra men deal with breakups? How to get a Libra man back after a breakup. Libra man in a relationship with a woman

Libra is one of the most balanced signs. Hysterics and temper are alien to him. A Libra man weighs his every step and monitors his emotions. In this case, the reason for separation can never be a banal “clash of interests.” If a Libra man decides to leave, he does it calmly, sometimes even coldly, but with a good reason.


And the first thing a woman who wants to return a man born under the sign of Libra should do is find the reason for his leaving. Libras never do things just because they are emotional. They always think first and then take action. Libras do not like arguments and conflicts. It is very difficult to piss them off. They have a solution for every situation. If a Libra man nevertheless decides to break up with you, the reason lies not in mutual misunderstanding, but much deeper.

The reason may “live” in your incessant hysterics. Libras love comfort and peace. Of course, it’s worth bringing a little adrenaline into their lives, but in moderation. Libra cannot tolerate constant complaints and nervous breakdowns. For them it is chaos. How often have you nagged your man? How long ago did they throw him a tantrum out of nowhere? How picky are you about it? Perhaps the Libra man simply ran away from you to a quiet and cozy place.

Another passion?

Libra men are not sentimental; their loyalty is very difficult to earn. Libras love to conquer women and court them. The sociability of Libra men and their natural charm help them make new acquaintances. Therefore, if your chosen one is Libra, you should always keep yourself “in shape.” You must interest him again and again, hardly throw hysterics and create the coziness that Libra so desires.

If something goes wrong and the Libra man begins to doubt your relationship, he may leave for another woman. But don't despair! And in such a case there will be a way out. Although Libras love to communicate with women, it is difficult for them to find one who can give them peace of mind at the same time as passion. By the way, also take note of this. So, how to get a man back if he left for someone else? You will learn about this by reading our detailed articles: and.

Take the first step

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In order to get a Libra man back, sometimes all you need to do is take the first step. Libra is a peace-loving sign, and if he loves you, he will immediately go for reconciliation. But, regardless of who caused the breakup, you must take the first step. If you want to get him back, you'll have to take action! Libra men will not be the first to go to war. He will wait for your steps. In addition, Libras always try to forget the past and move on with their lives. There is a high chance that he will meet another girl.

Therefore, wait a short break, a maximum of a week, and start taking action! Don't forget that Libras are very rational and love to listen to arguments and understand the situation. Do you want your Libra man back? It is worth starting a sincere conversation with him, of course, in person. Prepare for the conversation, think about what you will tell him. After all, this is extremely important! If your arguments seem convincing to the Libra man, or you clearly explain to him that you have realized the reason for your separation and have already corrected it, this could be the beginning of reconciliation. It is important to admit your mistakes; Libra men are very annoyed when people do not admit their guilt.

Romantic dinner?

In this case, yes. Libra men value self-care very much. You could cook dinner for him, create a cozy environment, but not too romantic. Rose petals and hearts will obviously be superfluous here. In such an atmosphere, a Libra man will be even more willing to listen to you.

Libras love to be praised and reminded of their strengths. Praise him when talking or emphasize the positive side of his character. A Libra man will certainly appreciate compliments and the way you admire him. Of course, remember to exercise restraint. If praiseful speeches flow like a river, the Libra man will perceive it as flattery, and then he will get completely tired of it. Really emphasize the qualities that a man has. Don't invent anything unnecessary. Libras are very smart and will notice your subtle praise, as well as negatively perceive sweet lies.

Don’t give in to emotional distress, don’t talk about how bad you feel without him. Libra men are unlikely to be imbued with sympathy for you, despite their innate peacefulness and gentleness. The best thing you can do is to give him a harmonious “diplomatic” conversation, which should certainly solve your problem.

If you decide to leave it, fasten your seat belts and get ready for a hard landing, i.e. to a scandal. If this is an Aries woman, she will scream loudly, bang the plates loudly, and even try to scratch your eyes out. If the abandoned Aries is a man, then in addition to variations on the theme of the scandal, there will be a chance to find him with a heart attack in a hospital bed half an hour after the news about breaking up.

However, the worst is already over, because Aries often break up forever and seriously, and most importantly, quickly. A leaving Aries often has a new plan/project for his life in his head, and more often - a fantasy about new love based on any random object. The main thing is a new goal. And absorbed by her, Aries will easily shake off the dust from his feet, and you don’t have to worry about “whether he will appear to you...” - he won’t even in a dream)

Aries, who has been abandoned, will act even more radically. Having broken all the plates, he will throw all your things from the high floor in random order (and then a heart attack may already be waiting for you), in order to erase the very memory of you from his life. And with the last of his strength he will dream up a new life and a new love for himself, so that you will quickly choke on envy And jealousy, if you decide to regret what you did)


How to break up with a partner Taurus

Do you think he's breaking up with someone? No - not with anyone, never and for nothing. And it doesn’t matter whether he left you or you abandoned him, the monument to your relationship will stand in his soul forever. The only question is what kind of monument it will be. It could be a tombstone adorned with a blond angel and the words “thank you for the sweet seconds,” or it could be a post-modern reinforced concrete structure with the words “welcome to hell, asshole!”

Having parted, again, both on his own and on someone else’s initiative, Taurus will definitely explain to everyone in detail that either “he was a thousand times right to leave such a scoundrel” or “a thousand times right to allow such a scoundrel to leave.” Although the option with an angel sometimes still happens.

Actual parting Taurus can worry for years, but spiritual things - see above. In general, if you decide to throw in your lot with Taurus, you better be sure that it’s forever. Otherwise you won't be able to avoid gravestones. Well, as a last resort, I wish for an angel)


How do Geminis break up with their partner?

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A charming Libra man bewitched, enchanted with tenderness, won your heart and suddenly disappeared?

Unfortunately, Libras often tend to behave this way: they win the girl they like, confess their feelings, and then back down.

This happens because they are not sure whether this girl is the right one or whether this relationship is worth continuing. Libra men are experts in the game of love. They fascinate, enchant and captivate with their charm and manners. The number of broken hearts is often incalculable.

With girls, the Libra man is courteous and courteous, but at the same time he is indecisive; he will hesitate for a long time before making the right decision.

Libra is afraid of offending, of seeming impolite, but this only makes things worse, giving the girl false hope for a happy future.

It is quite difficult to return your beloved Libra, but it is possible if you try to understand the intricacies of his character.

  • The Libra man masters the art of flirting. He can turn the head of almost any girl. When Libra courtes, lavishes compliments, promises the Moon from the sky, he himself is sure that he has met his ideal. He is so sincere, his eyes sparkle so much that you can’t help but fall in love with a Libra man. But time passes and he becomes bored or Libra suddenly decides that he needs a completely different woman and he evaporates. There is no need to be offended or angry with Libra, such is his nature. You can never be completely sure that he is with you forever.
  • Libra is a great connoisseur of female beauty. This man is unable to pass by a beauty without giving her a compliment. He will certainly notice the next beauty and will not miss her. But this does not mean that Libra is a cheater, he is a true esthete and is attracted to everything beautiful. He sincerely admires the girl, often without even thinking about anything more. That is why, in order to return Libra, you need to remember that everything must be perfect: your figure, your clothes, your hairstyle, and your manners. It is unknown who will captivate him tomorrow, so always be on guard, do not allow yourself to give up on your appearance, or let yourself down.
  • The Libra man is a rather gentle person, he knows how to forgive. Just don't try to blame him. It’s better to hint that you consider yourself to blame, are ready to change and agree to a lot to get Libra back. This way you will win him over. Think about what you will say in advance, this is important. No reproaches or negativity towards Libra, otherwise nothing will come of it. Be an affectionate, gentle cat and you will succeed.
  • Don't evaporate too far from his line of sight. Be closer to your loved one. To return Libra, you will need to meet him at work or in a common company. Agree to remain friends, even if you hate it. Something is better than nothing. You need to make Libra fall in love with you again, so act, and don’t disappear from his horizon.
  • Don't put pressure on Libra. Any attempts to restrict his freedom could ruin everything. Don't scare him off with unnecessary pressure. You shouldn’t call a man, keep watch near his house, or bombard him with messages on social networks. This will only push him away.
  • Show that you are vulnerable and fragile. You can even cry on a date, confessing your love. A person like Libra will not want to offend the girl, and you will have a chance to restore your relationship. However, do not overdo it, make it clear that only he, your beloved, causes such emotions.
  • Show yourself as a prudent and sensible girl. During the conversation, remember how good it was for you two, talk about the successes that you can only achieve together, point out your strengths, make it clear that you agree to change for the better for him. Hint that no difficulties will hinder you, since now you will take into account your mistakes and will continue to be a good girl. Don’t forget - you can’t blame the Libra man for the breakup; reproaches, jokes or complaints will not help you get your loved one back, but on the contrary, will lead to a negative result.
  • Prepare thoroughly for the meeting. You need to look impressive, luxurious. However, do not create the image of a strong, self-sufficient woman. Better demonstrate your fragility, weakness and softness. This way you will be more likely to win over Libra. An independent, arrogant woman will not awaken tender feelings in him and will more quickly cause indifference.

If you take into account the character traits of Libra, then getting him back is quite doable.

The main thing is to present logical arguments when you meet as to why it is better for you to be together, and present yourself correctly so that Libra wants to return.

Forget about the showdown and any accusations against your loved one.

What should you become?

  1. Cheerful. The Libra man himself is a great optimist and wants to meet and communicate with a cheerful, good-natured girl who knows how to notice only the good. It’s better not to whine in the presence of Libra, don’t complain about life and don’t grumble, otherwise Libra will run very far away from you.
  2. Outwardly attractive. Think through your image down to the smallest detail to impress the Libra esthete. This man will certainly notice unkempt nails or an unfashionable jumper. That is why everything should be perfect: the figure, the outfit, and the handbag.
  3. Polite, delicate. You need to be able to maintain small talk; do not use obscene words in a conversation with a man of this sign. The Libra man categorically cannot stand vulgar, rude or cheeky women.
  4. Feminine. Become a real Woman, soft and fragile, affectionate and caring. A very self-confident and self-sufficient person who can stop a galloping horse will push Libra away.
  5. Economic. Demonstrate your housekeeping skills, show how you can make things cozy and cook deliciously. Libra does not need a careerist who is obsessed with work.
  6. Interesting. Develop yourself, learn new things, be a person, not just a pretty girl. Surprise your man more often with anything: a new image or nice surprises, or even your behavior. Always be unpredictable, such girls attract men of this sign.

The main thing about the zodiac sign Libra. His chips. Character. What should a girl prepare for?

The Libra man is a charming and friendly person with an easy-going character. He is not inclined to be offended by trifles, and is usually happy with life and himself. Libra is positive, calm and understanding.

Libra courtes like no one else: he showers him with gifts, arranges original surprises, charms and bewitches. It is impossible not to succumb to his charm.

This is a very sensitive person, he perfectly recognizes the mood of others. His insight is enviable.

Libra is characterized by inconstancy in everything: periods of productive activity are replaced by apathy, when the Libra man reclines on the sofa, dreaming of not being touched. Just as quickly, he can move on to another charming woman, forgetting about his declarations of eternal love. True, this happens exactly until Libra makes the final choice. As a husband, he is faithful, caring and sympathetic. Libra values ​​her family and will not ruin a long, happy marriage. He can flirt with girls, smile sweetly and lavish compliments, but most likely he will not dare to cheat.

The Libra man does not seek to bend the woman he loves under him; he will never put pressure, impose his opinion or force her to do something. This is a soft, non-conflict person. Libra will never allow himself to be rude to a woman. He is tactful and delicate.

Living with this man is pleasant and comfortable, he knows how to enjoy even the little things, is most often in high spirits, and never whines or grumbles. He calmly accepts reality and finds ways out of any situation. You won't see him angry or embittered, but rather businesslike, collected and reasonable.

Aries woman

To return Libra, the Aries girl needs to become softer, more flexible and quiet. She tends to loudly sort things out, express complaints directly to her face and strive for leadership in the couple. The Libra man needs a calm, non-conflict young lady who loves silence and comfort, and not squabbles and scandals;

Taurus woman

The earthly girl Taurus often does not understand the soft-bodied Libra; she expects strength, determination and firmness from him. The Heifer should stop reproaching the Libra man for indecision, try to understand his more subtle and creative nature if she wants to return her beloved;

Gemini woman

Libra is irritated by Gemini's restlessness, habit of spending a lot of time outside the home and lack of obligation. If Gemini is determined to return her beloved Libra, then she will have to eradicate these shortcomings of hers. And the Gemini girl also needs to stop bothering Libra when the blues attack him. Time will pass, and your man will shake himself up and begin to act actively, you just have to wait;

Cancer woman

The Cancer girl will be able to return Libra’s love if she becomes less emotional and vulnerable, stops experiencing problems in silence, and learns to talk about what worries her. It is difficult for the sensible optimist Libra to understand the whiny, depressive Rakin. She needs to learn to enjoy life;

Leo woman

To return Libra, the Lioness needs to stop putting too much pressure on her loved one. Sometimes she demands the impossible from Libra: fast career growth, a lot of attention to her person and order in the house. The lioness needs to learn to take into account the interests of her partner;

Virgo woman

Virgo will be able to return Libra if she stops grumbling and nitpicking over little things. Her tediousness can drive even a calm Libra crazy. Virgo is also too reserved and reserved, and the Libra man often lacks passion and romance in his relationship with her;

For a Libra woman

Two people of the Libra sign are comfortable together and such couples rarely separate. If a disagreement does occur, the Libra girl needs to remember the following: try to make concessions more often, care more about your loved one than about yourself, be economical and homely, then everything will work out;

Scorpio woman

The Scorpio girl lacks determination, toughness and ambition in Libra, so she often begins to express her dissatisfaction in a rather harsh form. To regain the trust of Libra, Scorpio must stop criticizing her loved one and stop expecting him to act like a stern man;

Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius is a great match for Libra and conflicts rarely occur in these couples. In the event of a quarrel or separation, the Sagittarius girl will be able to return love if she is not afraid to appear fragile, vulnerable and weak in front of her lover;

Capricorn woman

To return Libra, the Capricorn girl needs to demonstrate her prudence, sanity and balance. She also needs to get rid of excessive straightforwardness, which sometimes harms relationships;

For Aquarius woman

The Aquarius girl will be able to return Libra if she is more tactful, stops always delving into herself and others, and searching for the meaning of life. It is better for her to focus on home and everyday life, become a good housewife, learn how to create comfort and cook;

Pisces woman

The dreamy girl Pisces will return Libra if she indulges in daydreaming less and thinks more about reality, takes sewing or cooking courses, and then amazes her loved one with the acquired skills. You don’t need to constantly have your head in the clouds; it’s better to give your Libra a massage or cook him something delicious.

How to get Libra back if we don't even see each other

If you don't see each other at all and don't work together, it becomes not so easy to return love. However, there is a way out even in such a situation. Try to turn to a Libra man for help, appear before him as a weak, helpless girl who only he can save.

You need to be truly sincere, emotional and tender during your meeting.

Warmly ask for help, describe the situation as if the only solution was to turn to him, your Libra. Think over your outfit, you need to dress romantically, elegantly and elegantly. Kind-hearted Libra will not ignore your request and will definitely help. Well, the further development of events depends on your feminine cunning and wisdom.

How to get Libra back after a quarrel

A girl who is thinking about how to make peace with a Libra man after a conflict needs to remember: she needs to ask for forgiveness and move towards rapprochement first. Libra is too lazy and indecisive to do it himself. In addition, he is afraid that he will be rejected and therefore prefers to sit on the sidelines.

Admit your guilt, show attention to Libra, be affectionate and gentle. In a conversation, give logical reasons why you need to be together, focus on your strengths, and be consistent. Good-natured Libra will most likely agree to forget about the quarrel.

A man like Libra needs a girl with whom there will be complete harmony and mutual understanding. If he feels that something is missing in the relationship, he thinks about breaking up. Libra leaves quietly, without swearing or scandals. Such a man can explain without unnecessary emotions why you need to separate and what is wrong with your couple.

You need to start getting Libra back almost immediately after a disagreement, taking the first step yourself.

It is more difficult to return Libra if he has someone else. Quite soon after a breakup, a Libra man can find a new companion. Then your chances of restoring the relationship are rapidly decreasing. However, you shouldn't give up. Try to remain a close friend to Libra, then there is hope that you will be able to return him.

Answers to some other frequently asked questions

How to behave with a Libra man?

Know that Libra men are usually popular with girls. You need to make a stunning impression on him, this is the only way you will be noticed by this ladies' man. Remain a mystery to Libra. Be a little inaccessible so that Libra will strive to conquer you. Don't blame him for being indecisive or slow.

How to make Libra fall in love with you?

Be the best: look impressive, be comprehensively developed, demonstrate your intellectual abilities. Libra needs a truly ideal girl. Show a light attitude towards life, be cheerful. Agree with Libra, don't argue. Don't try to squeeze Libra into a frame, it won't work. He lives in his own rhythm, take this into account.

How to understand Libra?

To understand this man, you have to be observant. Often all emotions are visible on the face of Libra. You just need to make a little effort to recognize what exactly Libra wants and what he lacks. Please your loved one, admire him. Libras love attention, they immediately blossom.

It is very easy to break up with a Libra man; the delicate nature of Libra cannot withstand your constant grumbling and complaints. Tearfully tell him about how unfair fate is to you, that your boss looks bad at work, that your parents gave your brother a computer, but they forgot about you, that your friend is better at dyeing her hair. And that even he doesn’t understand you, doesn’t take you to the movies, doesn’t shower you with gifts. The result will not be long in coming; vulnerable Libra will not continue a relationship with such a grouch.

I am still tormented by the question of how to break off a relationship with a Libra man? To completely destroy relationships, use heavy artillery! Libras hate interference in personal space and finances. Ask him for a loan and safely forget about him, read his correspondence on social networks, look through his phone, rummage through his diary. Seeing this, the high ideals of the Libra man will be shattered, as will your couple.

How Libra breaks up

Like other zodiac signs, Libra loves to patronize and take care of their loved ones. Representatives of this zodiac type are considered to be very sensitive and emotional. In order for the breakup to be painless for both parties, you need to do your best to show Libra that you are independent and do not need care. In addition, since they are considered true aesthetes, disorder in the house and criticism of favorite works of art will help bring the fatal moment closer.

Stage one. Charitable

Libra has a long, long patience, like a leap year. When they fall in love, they not only love with all their hearts, they also peer into their loved one: how can they help, what hole can they get him out of and how can he make his life easier and better?

And this is how it sometimes turns out that a loved one has a lot of holes in the road, and Libra rolls up their sleeves and gets down to business. They substitute, correct, offer, help, drag, drag him, dear one, up and forward, or at least do not allow him to fall to one side.

At this stage, they look carefully - what are you like, your loved one? And they like everything about him, only sometimes it takes their breath away from his, beloved, imperfection, and from the open spaces that, accordingly, stretch out before them: improve and help, feed and praise, love, kiss and hug, admire and quote , maybe it will work.

Stage two. Sighing

But the partner, an infection, does not improve, but only grows more selfish and a spoiled child. Libra’s beloved girl left them and went to someone else, and not just left, but after swindling Libra into expensive gifts. In a particularly cynical way.

Vesini’s beloved young man squeezed all the juice out of her, took advantage of her official position, and, like the young lover of Julia Lambert in Maugham’s “Theater,” tried to drag his girlfriend into the Vesini director’s chair.

The first wife of the noble Don Libra swears and is capricious, stamps her foot and bullies the second wife of the noble Don Libra. Almost pours poison into a glass of tequila.

If you think that Libra is at least outraged, you are mistaken. They sigh. They sigh. They sigh. Unlike Julia Lambert, they will not fight - they will sigh and secretly drag their property, chair and second wife away from the predatory gaze of their loved one. They don’t have former loved ones; they always love those they loved a little bit, a little bit. And sometimes a little bit.

And if Libra is in a real marriage, then they sigh and suffer, looking at the atrocities of their partners - well, how can I help them? become good? It doesn’t occur to them to help themselves. And hitting your partner on the head with something heavy is the same.

Stage three. Compassionate

When unbearability reaches its climax, Libra finally realizes internally to pull back at least a little. And there, from the outside, looking at the antics of a loved one, they begin to sympathize. He puts his feet on the table and picks his nose, brings his mistresses to the marital bed? she abandons her husband on all fronts, does not feed or kiss?

They, the Masiks, were not loved in childhood. Definitely. Libra tried to love each other, but it didn’t work out either. Apparently, the trauma is great and deep, like the Volga River. They need help, but for some reason Libra no longer wants to offer it to their partners. They got hit in the head, with difficulty, but they developed a conditioned reflex. Don't come near, he'll kill you. At this stage, Libra sympathizes from afar, but strongly. The first, charitable stage, has already withered and fallen off, the second, sighing, is still working quietly. Friends explain everything by “childhood trauma” and “hard life”; the fashionable word “deprivation” is also loved by Libra. Acquaintances are also invited to show compassion, but they shy away.

Stage four. Embarrassed

At this stage, Libra is embarrassed that their partner has lost all sense of proportion. How can one explain by childhood trauma that he stole the nth large sum directly from the family locker and does not admit it? He's an adult. How to explain the hard life that homemade porn is posted on the public air? How can we use the fashionable word “deprivation” to explain the fact that children in common have practically no father, and the one who does exist does not shake hands in decent houses?

Libra needs some such deafening events to come to their senses. It is already shameful and indecent not to be angry and continue to be compassionate and embarrassed. Then Libra plucks up courage, inhales and...

Stage four. Angry

They kick their partner out of their home and family. Then they forgive and let you back. Then they kick you out. Then they let me in. This can last for several years. Their mistake at this stage is that they do not kick him out of life. There is always a place left there. The scales are secretly held, like on a tram, so that no one will take over. Because this asshole and this bitch need it. And they, Libra, have it. It is very important for Libras that they have something that someone needs.

And this continues until the fifth stage.

Stage five. Indifferent

And from all this charity and good-heartedness, Libra suddenly and unexpectedly moves to a completely new reality. In which everything came up and fell away in one morning or one night.

Libra doesn’t even know that this was the result of a long-term and malicious violation of internal balance, which, as you understand, is super important for Libra. They themselves violated the balance on all fronts: in the area of ​​the “take-and-give” balance, in the area where the soul decides “fairly or unfairly,” where healthy anger and aggression were suppressed, where their own internal protest was not heard. So, having skipped through all the dangerous and evil stages, Libra falls into insensibility and invulnerability for the former loved one. Into a calm, cool, neutral dislike. Into benevolent politeness, behind which hides a yawn and a slight uncritical irritation.

Shrugging their shoulders and not looking back, Libra now drags their common children, budget, property from their previous life - or, if the partner screams very loudly - they calmly leave everything (except the children) to this screamer. They drag you to a new place, which they quickly and effortlessly set up. A healthy piece of a former life, a former shared cat, and even a former mother-in-law or father-in-law are placed there. They also let the former lover in there, shove a piece of pie out of mercy, listen kindly and turn to the new husband/wife: Van, look, Sashka got a job with us after all!

The ex, who is Sashka, chokes on the pie, Vanya grins, Vesinya swims to put the new child, Michal Ivanovich, to bed. The door to the old life is not slammed shut with a bang, but carefully closed. Libra never destroys anything to ruins or burns it to the ground. These are the Guardians. The only thing they will take care of after the breakup is not to fall into melancholy and miss their former unlucky loved one.

Key points

Libra is a classic vampire. To live, he needs to drink someone's blood. There is no need to be afraid; a good half of humanity has an overabundance of bad blood. For them, cooperation (or cohabitation) with Libra is just what the doctor ordered. Well, for those who already have little vital energy, it is better to refrain from such experiments.

It is believed that Libra is the sign of romantics who spend their entire lives looking for their soulmate. In fact, they spend their entire lives looking for donors. And woe to them if they don’t find it. The drama of the situation is added by the fact that Libra is not given many chances. This Scorpio can marry 6 times and each time more and more successfully. For Libra, the “divorced-drunk-drunk-died” option is more typical. In business, the picture is identical - the loss of a partner too often turns out to be fatal for Libra.

How Libra looks for someone to cuddle with is a separate story. They are not the type to chase prey or build cunning traps. Libra will dress up, put on perfume, put on their magical smile, turn on the charm - and wait. Their way of fighting for the benefits of the world is the hope that someone will appreciate them, love them and bring all these benefits on a silver platter. If you're, say, a Taurus or Capricorn, you might be shocked by this luxurious approach to life, but for a Libra it often works.

Uselessness. You just have to come to terms with this. In practical terms, Libras are most often useless creatures. They don’t like to exert themselves, they leave it to others to fight for their place in the Sun, they avoid difficulties, they don’t believe in the benefits of creative work. Libra is one of those people who is hard to carry and it’s a pity to leave, because they still decorate life.

Career. If there is even the slightest opportunity not to work, Libra will take advantage of it. If not, they will look for a job that is similar to a vacation: so that it is not boring, so that they can talk (preferably about high things) and so that there is zero personal responsibility: lawyers, consultants, art critics, stylists and other professions in which it is impossible to calculate the employee’s efficiency. Libra can start their own business only in partnership with someone; on their own they will fail even the most win-win business. Libra is not one of those who strain their belly button at work or stay late after six. Discipline, responsibility and corporate ethics are what Libra puts a big emphasis on. The bosses do not see Libra as a rival and do not interfere with his career growth - due to this, as well as due to their charm, lack of conflict and ability to seem like professionals, Libra sometimes makes a career to the envy of everyone. However, they are just as likely to end up among the chronically unemployed.

Money. They don’t know how to earn money purposefully, and they’re lazy. If Libra becomes rich, it always happens very unobtrusively, without effort on his part - pure luck. Could win at a casino, receive an inheritance, find a treasure, or become a partner with someone who knows how to work. But he spends beautifully, on a grand scale and to the last - strangers with the same ease as his own. He doesn’t make any nest eggs and doesn’t humiliate himself with calculations. From the very first salary, he hires a servant, buys expensive clothes and some elegant trinkets, which he then happily gives away to everyone. He doesn’t even remember that he has a rent debt in the process of wasting money. If there is no one nearby who will take money from Libra and hide it in the nightstand, he is doomed to periodically suck his paw.

Health. He doesn’t eat all kinds of rubbish, he avoids stress, he gets cold from physical exertion - why would he be sick? However, it happens. Usually this is either an attack of suspiciousness (I read the medical encyclopedia and found symptoms of all incurable diseases), or an inflammation of self-pity (it seemed that he was not loved enough). Like no one else, he is prone to simulation. However, there are also real illnesses: from overeating and drinking too much. When sick, he vampirizes with triple strength - he demands the most beautiful doctors, the most delicious pills, the most affectionate nurses, etc. and without this he doesn’t like being sick.


Up to 29 years old. Heaps of friends, bunches of chicks competing for the attention of Libra, parties and get-togethers without a break for rest. Many Libras at this age indulge in poetry or pretend to be artists, some turn to alcohol or indulge in extravagant, nonconformist antics. Study naturally moves on, and so does work, if it doesn’t fit into the entertainment schedule. Starting a business, immediately abandoning it and taking on another is in the order of things.

In a successful scenario, by the end of this period, Libra, despite their innate sloppiness and tendency to a dubious lifestyle, will have a family and friends who will support them for the rest of their lives, and some source of income.

29-35 years old. Time for a second chance. During this period, marriages often break up or business partnerships collapse, both of which are painful. But you can still fix everything: enter into a second marriage, trying to avoid the mistakes of the first, and try again to earn money. Fate will be favorable, there may be moments of luck, help from friends and even random people. But you just have to do everything up to the age of 35, because then there may be no more chances.

After 35 years. A time of stability, gluttony and hedonism. By this age, Libra already either lives on a percentage of what he earns (as an option, supported by his wife) or occupies a well-fed and dust-free leadership position. His life is organized, his social circle is outlined. He can start a hobby, start building a library, collecting paintings, or having themed parties on Thursdays at home. But for those Libra who were unable to acquire either money or a family, the prognosis is unfavorable. It will only get worse.

After 45-50 years. A disgusting age for Libra. The charm is gradually fading away. Idealism mimics into tediousness, pettiness and dissatisfaction with everything around. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Libras to find balance, and their already not very outstanding sexual potency suffers from this. If Libra does not find something to do outside the home (for example, social activities or teaching), his loved ones may hate him and it is difficult to blame them for this.

Lonely Libras are deeply unhappy people, their lot is regret about missed opportunities. But even in the most desperate situation, Libra can always count on the help and support of the weaker sex.

What to expect from him

Cold, fixated on the external - he does not fall in love, he selects a suitable picture. The selection is long and painful. He can’t stop at just one, so he shuffles the whole deck.

Shakespeare's passions with suffering and problems frighten him. He needs love that is beautiful and unburdensome. Women of the “I’m so sudden, contradictory...” format don’t attract him at all.

At the courtship stage, Libra is all charm. Gives gifts, writes poems and fulfills (small) wishes. But all this with dignity. No one has ever succeeded in turning him into an errand boy.

The transition from the bouquet to the bed period of the relationship may be delayed, and in some cases it may not take place at all - he is already having fun. Libra is a classic Don Juan. He loves love more than the object of love.

He never advertises his novels and is in no hurry to introduce his girls to his friends and parents. After all, among the girls with whom he is friends are his former, present and future lovers. And somehow he feels that it is better for these women not to cross paths.

Some people think that Libra is willing to put up with infidelity. This is not entirely true. He just doesn’t spend time on total control, so he often doesn’t notice the obvious. His loyalty depends on the circumstances, but on the wave of romantic love is very possible.

If you don’t make any special demands on Libra, don’t try to get into his soul and don’t put pressure on him, then the romance will be very pleasant. Long-term relationships are fraught with many more pitfalls.

By the way, the groom who does not show up for the wedding is most often a Libra. His inability to make decisions and fear of offending someone often lead to the fact that between the options “quietly sleep and be silent” and “explain yourself, humiliate yourself,” he chooses the first.

And in bed

Everything will be beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, slow and gentle, just like in a movie. He will admire you, and then give you the opportunity to caress him. He himself, of course, will also do something (and very skillfully), but most likely he will try to throw the leading role onto you.

Libra is not particularly passionate, and if his partner without clothes turns out to be less attractive than he expected, he may become completely lazy.

But if nothing offends his aesthetic sense, he is very resilient and is able to make love for hours. Its quantitative capabilities under favorable conditions are simply amazing. He is gentle, creative, in no hurry and sincerely wants to please his partner. You will be the first to be exhausted, and he will still be ready to continue.

A woman with a “log” design does not excite him. He needs confirmation that you are happy and that he is doing everything right. You will make things easier for him if you give him hints on how to please you. Libra will not be offended, Libra will take note. And you will get an almost perfect lover. Just don’t try to rush him or order him in the bedroom - harmony, only harmony!

He will never try to force you to do anything you don't want or force you to use contraceptive methods that you don't like. You can always come to an agreement with him. But don’t demand the impossible from Libra; daily sex is not for him; he needs time to recuperate. And in general, relationships based only on sex quickly begin to weigh on Libra.

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