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How to return a shrunken item to its original size. How to enlarge a wool sweater using an iron? Video: what to do if a woolen item shrinks

You will need

  • - hangers;
  • - iron;
  • - gauze;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - vinegar;
  • - ammonia;
  • - vodka;
  • - turpentine.


Wet the whole sweater except for the neck and shoulders. Wrap it in a towel for 5-10 minutes to absorb moisture. Under no circumstances should you twist the item. After this, try to stretch it down and to the sides and hang it on the trempel to dry. But first wrap the hangers with something soft so that the item does not become deformed.

Get wet sweater in cool water, wring it out lightly in a towel, and then leave it to dry horizontally. You should periodically approach and stretch sweater in width, incl. and his sleeves. When almost dry, hang it on a hanger for airing.

Turn on the iron and add more steam water. Separately, fill a spray bottle with water and vinegar. Spray sweater and start treating it with hot steam without touching the wool itself. While it is hot, quickly stretch it and, in a stretched state, without letting go of your hands, cool it.

You can try stretching sweater, steaming it with an iron through a damp cloth - gauze or cotton sheet. But remember that this should be done at a low temperature so that the item does not “shrink” even more.

Rinse sweater in cool water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide (2 tbsp per bucket of water). Stretch it when rinsing. Then leave the item in this water for an hour or an hour and a half. Then take it out, squeeze it lightly and dry it on a towel, stretching it periodically.

Try soaking the shriveled sweater in a vinegar solution (1:2), and after an hour, boil it. In some cases, the wool item stretches.

If you place sweater for an hour in this solution: 5 liters of water with the addition of ammonia (3 tbsp), vodka (1 tbsp) and turpentine (1 tbsp), and then rinse in cool water, then perhaps you will succeed too stretch it. In this case, the wool becomes more elastic, and you can try pulling it out.

A not entirely pleasant, but in many cases an effective way to stretch a thing is to put it on yourself while wet and dry it that way. If possible, you can use a mannequin. Just remember to tie the weights evenly across the sleeves and hem.

Also a very good way to stretch your favorite sweater- this is to first draw its pattern on a hard material (for example, a blanket) and baste a wet item to this pattern. You will do especially well if sweater It is knitted or crocheted at home and can be ripped apart by drying each piece separately on a blanket.

Please note

If a woolen item has shrunk or become matted, you will not be able to return it to its original appearance. This is the nature of wool. You have a chance to correct something only if the material from which the sweater is knitted contains synthetic fibers or if the percentage of shrinkage was small.


  • wool sweater shrunk

With the onset of the new season, we take stock of our closets and mezzanines and discover a lot of things that we would hate to throw away and can no longer wear. Many knitted sweaters and blouses lie idle because the sleeves have stretched out or a small hole has appeared, but if you feel that these items could still be used for their intended purpose, then you can try to fix them.

You will need

  • - An old sweater, perhaps more than one;
  • - pieces of multi-colored felt;
  • - needle and thread;
  • - decorative buttons.


If you need to correct the size of the product, then open the old things from which you sew and, combining the parts, sew a new pullover from them, or.

Transform a thick sweater with different colors - use brown to make a fake fastener bar and a tree trunk. From yellow, orange, and green pieces, cut out the leaves that are still hanging on and that litter the autumn soil in abundance. Choose wooden buttons - they will fit perfectly into this picture!
Use your imagination, because you can depict anything - cool little animals, bright flowers, geometric shapes arranged like in a kaleidoscope.

They take pride of place in any person's wardrobe. Soft and surprisingly warm pants and skirts, jackets and sweaters do not wrinkle, get dirty a little and, with proper care, can “reliably” last for more than ten years. Therefore, it becomes very annoying when a new woolen item sharply decreases in size after washing. You can restore a deformed product using ammonia, hair conditioner, hydrogen peroxide, or by mechanical stretching.

Causes of deformation of woolen products

Wool fibers are of natural origin. Consisting of many cells, on the outside they are covered with tiny scales. The fibers themselves are quite wide and are in close contact with each other, so woolen clothes are warm. If the jumper is simply immersed in hot water, then nothing special will happen to the wool. However, when the fibers begin to rub against each other, as happens during machine washing, the scales “fluff” and are firmly connected to each other. As a result, the space between the fibers decreases, which leads to deformation of the product. Often the size of your favorite item can decrease by 2-3 orders of magnitude.

Wool products require special care

Manufacturers of modern washing machines have successfully solved this problem by providing a special mode for washing wool products, when the drum does not rotate, but only slightly rocks the clothes, preventing the fibers from sticking together.

There are several reasons for the deformation of wool fabric:

  • water temperature is too high;
  • incorrect selection of detergent;
  • The mode set in the washing machine is not suitable for processing woolen items.

It is not always possible to completely restore the original appearance and size of a shrunken product. The success of the operation depends on the composition of the material, since it is much easier to restore wool with the addition than a pure wool item. Equally important is the length of time the clothes remain in the rotating drum and the temperature of the water.

How to restore a shrunken woolen item

You can restore a woolen item that has shrunk after washing using ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, as well as by mechanical stretching and repeated exposure to high temperatures.

Wrap in a damp towel


For minor deformations, ammonia will help cope with the problem. To restore the elasticity of wool fibers, 2-3 tbsp are needed. l. Combine ammonia with 5 liters of cool water and immerse the item in the resulting solution for 1 hour. Then the product should be rinsed and dried, laid out on a flat surface.

For greater processing efficiency, you can add 1 tbsp to the mixture of water and ammonia. l. turpentine and cologne.

Hydrogen peroxide

An indispensable assistant in restoring the shape and size of a wool product is hydrogen peroxide. You must proceed as follows:

  • pour 30 ml of peroxide into a container with 10 liters of cool water and mix thoroughly;
  • immerse the affected item in the prepared solution and rinse, gently stretching it with your hands;
  • leave the product in water for half an hour;
  • Remove the clothes from the solution, dip them in a terry towel and lay them out on a horizontal surface to dry.

Until the product is completely dry, you need to stretch it lengthwise and widthwise with your hands from time to time.

Wool conditioner

A special wool conditioner or hair balm will help restore the original appearance of woolen clothes that have become matted during improper washing. Add 25-30 ml of the selected product to cool water, stir and immerse the item in the soap solution. Both hair balm and conditioner improve the elasticity of wool fibers, making them smooth and preventing shrinkage. After a quarter of an hour, the product can be removed, lightly squeezed and sent to dry.

Mechanical and thermal recovery method

You can restore shrunken clothing by mechanically stretching it with your hands or by attaching it to a mannequin of a suitable size.

  1. You need to start working by soaking the deformed product in warm water for 15-20 minutes.
  2. After this time, the woolen item is removed from the container and laid out on a wire rack located above the bathtub or basin.
  3. When the excess liquid has drained, the product is dried a little, wrapped in, and then pulled onto the prepared mannequin.
  4. While the sweater is drying, you need to periodically come up and pull the sleeves and fronts down.

To stretch a wool hat, just soak it in warm water, add a little shampoo or conditioner, and stretch it onto a 3-liter jar. The product will dry and acquire the desired size.

Sometimes the problem can be solved by steaming with an iron. The ironing board is covered with damp gauze. A woolen product is laid out on it, covered with another layer of wet fabric and steamed with an iron. When wet material is heated, a powerful stream of steam is formed, which passes through the wool, slightly pushing the fibers apart.

How to properly wash and dry woolen clothes

Any item made from 100% wool shrinks slightly when washed. This must be taken into account when buying clothes and choose models one size larger. There is another solution to the problem - choosing a product with the addition of synthetic fibers. To preserve all the properties of a pure wool product and at the same time reduce shrinkage, 10-15% polyester or acrylic is added to the material composition.

When washing woolen clothes, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Carefully study the manufacturer's information about the composition and care instructions, which is located on the label inside the product or on the yarn packaging.
  2. Before washing clothes with buttons, it is better to cover the buttonholes. In this case, they will not stretch and no corrections will be required.
  3. On the washing machine, select the “wool” mode, which provides a water temperature of no more than 30 ° C and turns off the rotation of the drum. If such a mode is not available, you can wash a woolen item in the “delicate” mode, having first turned off the spin cycle.
  4. Wool cannot withstand an alkaline environment. If you wash clothes made of this material with laundry soap, they will become hard and lose their appearance. To wash woolen products, special gels and powders should be used.
  5. Items made of wool should not be twisted, as this action can destroy the structure of the fibers. It is better to lay the sweater on a wire rack and wait until the water drains spontaneously. Remaining liquid can be removed with a terry towel.
  6. Dry woolen items by laying them out on a flat horizontal surface. To prevent the product from shrinking in size as it dries, you can attach the edges with pins. Neither hangers nor radiators should be used for drying.

White woolen items acquire a yellowish tint over time. To return the material to its original whiteness, place half a lemon in a bowl of water and soak the product for 2 hours.

How to iron wool clothes

Woolen items knitted with your own hands usually do not require ironing. It is also not recommended to iron products with a large convex pattern, since under the influence of high temperature and pressure exerted by the sole of the iron on the yarn, the pattern will shrink and lose volume.

However, sometimes it is not possible to do without ironing. In such cases, you must remember that woolen products are ironed only from the inside out and through additional fabric. The iron should be set to the “wool” mode.

You can ruin your favorite woolen item in a few minutes, but it will take more than one hour to restore it. Therefore, when planning to wash a wool sweater, it is better to study the composition of the material in advance and familiarize yourself with the care requirements.

What to do if a wool sweater shrinks as a result of improper care? Is it possible to return your favorite clothes to their original appearance? In this article you will learn how to stretch wool clothes.

Proper care of woolen items

The fact that a woolen item is ideal in terms of wear does not give it any advantages in care. On the one hand, it does not wrinkle and rarely gets dirty, but on the other hand, it requires special conditions in terms of washing, ironing and storage.


It is best to wash woolen clothes by hand. By the way, there are special powders designed for washing woolen products, so it is advisable to use them. When washing by hand, the water should be no warmer than 30 degrees. Upon completion, the item does not need to be squeezed out. But if the water flows down a lot, you can blot it with a terry towel.

In cases where you have to use a washing machine, the operating mode should be set to either manual or delicate. The temperature mode selected is similar (30 degrees).


Ironing should be done without steam and using gauze. The item must be dry, and do not forget to set the iron to a special mode.


In summer, woolen items should be stored in a closet, not forgetting about moth protection measures.

Without following the care conditions, the item can simply be ruined. Very often it settles, and returning its original appearance becomes problematic. But, using small tricks, you can try to do this.

Stretching a woolen item: simple and radical methods

So, what methods are applicable at home? The simplest option: you can rinse the item in warm water and hang it on a hanger. Under the influence of the gravity of the water, it will stretch itself. But in order not to end up with a couple of extra sizes, it is better to periodically gently squeeze out the water from the sleeves and edges of the clothes.

There is another similar method: the wet item is laid out on a large piece of thick fabric, the edges are adjusted to it to the desired size and sewn. Next, the entire structure must be left until it dries completely.

There are more radical ways. You need to take vinegar and mix it with water in a 2:1 ratio. The item is dipped into the resulting solution and left in it overnight. The next morning you need to pour the solution into a bowl, transfer the product there and boil everything for half an hour. Then the item should be left to dry, but during drying it is advisable to periodically stretch it.

Woolen items require a delicate approach

Hydrogen peroxide is also a good helper in this matter. You need to take two tablespoons of peroxide and mix them with ten liters of cold water. Rinse the woolen item in the resulting solution, trying to stretch it with your hands, and then leave it for two hours. After the specified time has passed, the item is laid out on a terry towel and dried. During this time, you must manually stretch it periodically.

“Grandmother’s Methods” contains many recipes on how to stretch sagging woolen clothes. Among them there is another miracle solution. What you may need:

    five liters of water at room temperature,

    three tablespoons of ammonia,

    one tablespoon of turpentine,

    one tablespoon of cologne.

All of the above is mixed. The item is dipped into the resulting mixture and left in it for an hour. Afterwards everything is taken out, rinsed in regular cold water and dried. This solution allows you to achieve elasticity and softness of the wool product, which will return it to its original appearance.

If, for example, a woolen sweater doesn’t shrink too much, then you can try the simplest method – steaming with an iron. Just take a sweater, turn the iron on low and steam it. If you only need to stretch the sleeves of a sweater or cardigan, you can try either this method, or make it even simpler: wet them, stretch them by hand and dry them.

There is one costly method, so if you have extra funds, you can go to a dry cleaner, where professionals will get down to business. But it is necessary to take into account that this method will work one hundred percent only if the item is made entirely of wool, without the use of additional material.

The product can also be stretched on yourself. The only question is how long you can wear wet wool clothes. Although, when nothing helps, then why not try this method on yourself. It definitely won’t be worse, but quite better.

All of the above “rescue” options can really help. But once faced with such a problem, one simple rule will definitely be learned - read the label before washing, where it is described in detail and shown what can be done and what cannot be done.

What to do if the item shrinks after washing? Naturally, this question arises if you forgot to read the care information provided on the product label. Do not rush to throw away a deformed item or put it in a far corner - it is still worth fighting for its existence. You can save the current situation with the help of simple recipes that you will find in this article.

How to prevent clothing shrinkage?

If the fabric is prone to shrinkage, there is virtually no way you can avoid it, especially if you do not care for it properly. For example, fabrics such as wool and cotton tend to shrink after the first wash. To ensure that the deformation of a wardrobe item is not so clearly expressed, it is better to play it safe and buy things made from such material a size larger.

What to do if a woolen item shrinks?

In the case when the problem has already arisen and you are trying to decide what to do if the item shrinks after washing, you will need simple remedies that you will probably find in your home:

  • washing powder for wool and delicate fabrics;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vodka (cologne);
  • turpentine;
  • baking soda;
  • tartaric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • milk;
  • a piece of gauze;
  • iron;
  • washing machine.

Before stretching your wool sweater, pay attention to the following guidelines:

  1. If the woolen material contains cotton or viscose, such an item can still be restored.
  2. Since wool is sensitive to high temperatures, use only cool water for processing.
  3. Do not change the temperature of the water during processing - this may cause fibers to fall off and you will not achieve the desired result.
  4. A deformed item can be restored by repeated washing only by hand.
  5. For processing, use only gentle powders or gels designed for washing delicate items.
  6. When rinsing, add conditioner - this will soften the fibers and make the product more elastic.
  7. Never twist the wool - aggressive spinning will deform the thread.
  8. To effectively extract moisture, use terry towels or any moisture-absorbing fabric.
  9. Roll the product in a towel and press so that the water transfers to the dry material.
  10. When stretching the fabric, remember that the length of the parts must be the same.
  11. Make sure that there are no folds, the collar and cuffs should be straightened.
  12. Dry the product only in a horizontal position.

Important! If the clothing is so damaged that the suggested instructions did not help, come up with another use for it. Our reviews will help you with this:

Ways to restore the previous shape of shrunken clothes

We offer several options for solving the problem: if a wool sweater shrinks after washing, what should you do to get the item back to its previous shape?

Method 1

  1. Immerse the product in warm water no more than 30°C for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Squeeze.
  3. Prepare a flat surface for drying and cover it with a terry towel.
  4. Lay out the woolen item to dry, stretch the shrunken parts in the desired direction, align them along the bottom edge, straighten them and secure them with plastic clothespins.

Important! Do not use iron needles (pins) to avoid rust marks. Hang the almost dry item on a hanger.

Method 2

To save a shrunken sweater, make the following solution:

  1. Pour 5 liters of water at room temperature into a basin.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. ammonia, 1 tbsp. vodka (any cologne), 1 tbsp. turpentine.
  3. Place the deformed item in the solution for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Rinse thoroughly in water of the same temperature.

After this procedure, the wool fibers become soft and elastic, so the product can be given its original shape by securing it in the manner described above.

Important! Depending on exactly what item has shrunk and what it is made of, in case of unsuccessful attempts to restore its original shape and size, use our following ideas:

Method 3

Ordinary hydrogen peroxide will help correct the situation:

  1. Dilute 20-30 ml of the drug in 10 liters of cold water.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the shrunken item in the solution, while actively stretching the problem areas
  3. Leave the sweater in the solution for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Lay out to dry, periodically stretching the shrunken areas.

Important! The longer you process the product, the higher the likelihood of restoring it to its original size. Use this method carefully on dark and multi-colored items to avoid discolouration.

Method 4

  1. Prepare a soap solution from wool washing powder.
  2. Soak the product for 20-30 minutes
  3. Rinse in clean water.
  4. Squeeze.
  5. Place in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for a day.
  6. Place on a moisture-wicking cloth to drain when completely thawed.
  7. Dry at room temperature.

Method 5

If the condition of the shrunken item is not completely deplorable, use ammonia:

  1. Mix equal amounts of water and ammonia.
  2. Let the product soak for 2 hours.
  3. Rinse with plenty of water.

Method 6

To stretch a shrunken white item, use milk:

  1. Soak the product in milk for half an hour.
  2. Rinse.

Method 7

If the question of what to do if a knitted sweater, woolen sweater or dress has shrunk is still relevant, proceed this way:

  1. Pour 2 liters of cold water into a basin and add 20 g of soda.
  2. Soak the item in the solution for 10-12 hours.
  3. Wash using washing powder.
  4. Prepare the following solution: add 10 tbsp to 2 liters of water. tartaric acid.
  5. Turn the sweater over periodically to ensure it is evenly submerged in the liquid.
  6. After 2 hours, rinse and dry.

Method 8

  1. Turn the deformed item inside out.
  2. Place on an ironing board and cover with damp gauze.
  3. Set the iron to steam mode.
  4. Iron problem areas with a not too hot iron, specifically stretching them.

Method 9

An unusual method, but quite effective if you have an urgent question about what to do if your woolen sweater has shrunk:

  1. Wet the item in cool water.
  2. Squeeze out the main moisture.
  3. Put it on yourself and wear it until it is almost dry.
  4. The story is dried in a vertical position.

Important! Alternatively, you can use a sales mannequin, but in this case, distribute the product evenly and tie weights to the sleeves and bottom of the product. It is strictly prohibited to twist a deformed product.

How to stretch a knitted item?

The same problem affects things made from cotton material: knitted T-shirts, jumpers, jeans. In solving the questions: how to stretch a cotton item, a T-shirt shrunk after washing, what to do, you will need 3% vinegar, a sponge and hair conditioner:

  1. Soak the product in warm water for a few minutes.
  2. Squeeze.
  3. Place the item of clothing in an empty bowl and moisten generously with hair conditioner.
  4. Start stretching. If stretching is poor, leave the product in the conditioner for a few more minutes.
  5. Rinse in clean water.
  6. Lightly wring the item, but do not twist it.
  7. Pour vinegar into a small container.
  8. Place the stretchable item in a wide basin or in the bathtub.
  9. Soak a sponge in the product and rub the fabric with stretching movements.
  10. Wash in a washing machine, but only on a suitable cycle.
  11. Rinse with fabric softener to remove the vinegar smell.

Important! We have many more interesting ideas in our arsenal that you can use for knitwear items:

Quite often a situation occurs when, after the first wash, a woolen sweater greatly decreases in size and loses its original shape, which makes it very difficult to wear. Many people are interested in the answer to the question of how to stretch a woolen sweater that has shrunk after washing, and whether it is possible to do this at all. Fortunately, there is a very good chance to return your wool items to their original appearance without any negative consequences. If you are also interested in how to stretch a sweater that has shrunk after washing, use the tips given in this guide - here are only methods that have been proven by many!

Why is this even happening?

If a wool sweater shrinks after washing, there are reasons for it. In most cases, the shrinkage of clothes made from woolen fabric is influenced by the following factors:

  • Using the wrong detergents. Housewives who wash woolen items using aggressive washing powders and detergents most often end up with not a sweater, but a smaller copy of it, coming out of the washing machine drum. Remember - to wash wool you need to use special compounds that are marked that they are intended specifically for washing woolen clothes in a machine.
  • Temperature changes. If the sweater shrank after washing, there may have been a sharp change in temperature during the washing process, which quite often happens inside a washing machine. Due to such changes, the protein inside the fabric folds, and therefore the overall size of the clothing decreases. This is why it is recommended to wash wool by hand.

In order not to spoil the item and not rush around in a panic with the question of what to do if the sweater shrinks after washing, wash wool items responsibly to prevent problems.

Restoring the sweater by repeated washing

People who are looking for an answer to the question of how to restore a shrunken sweater after washing are perplexed when they find advice that recommends washing the item again. In fact, this can really save the situation, but the washing needs to be special. Here are the instructions:

  1. Soak the stretched sweater in cold water for 15-20 minutes without detergent.
  2. After soaking, lightly wring out the item, wrapping it in terry cloth before doing so.
  3. Lay the clothes out on a flat horizontal surface and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Once the first 30 minutes have passed, gently stretch the item in all directions.
  5. Repeat the stretching step every 20 minutes, 4-5 stretches per procedure.

If a woolen sweater has shrunk after washing, you need to stretch it extremely carefully, stretching the cuffs and collar with special care - these places can become deformed in such a way that no other method will help. You can also get your sweater back into shape in the following ways:

  • When shrinking an item vertically, you can hang the sweater to dry on hangers so that, under the influence of its own weight, it stretches vertically and takes on the required dimensions. You need to make sure that the sweater stretches evenly and not more than necessary.
  • Soak the item as described above, then stretch it on terry cloth and pin the item with pins. This method is good because you will initially set the size of the sweater you need, which completely eliminates misunderstandings.
  • A freshly washed sweater can be worn on yourself and walked around in it until it dries completely. It won't be very comfortable, but the clothes will fit exactly to your body size.

What to do if your wool sweater shrinks after washing and you have already started drying it? The main rule is not to leave the process of stretching clothes uncontrolled. Regularly check how much the clothing has stretched and make adjustments if necessary.

Are sweaters and steam best friends?

How to stretch a sweater that has shrunk after washing if you are afraid to wet it again, thinking that it will only get worse? In such a situation, you can resort to using water vapor. Great care should be taken, since prolonged and strong exposure to steam on wool can cause irreversible consequences, as a result of which the item will simply deteriorate. Don't want to throw out still wearable clothes? Then follow the proven instructions:

  1. Soak the stretched sweater in cold water, then wring it out thoroughly.
  2. Lay out the clothes on a horizontal surface, then cover with a cotton cloth.
  3. Iron the woolen item through the fabric using the highest temperature possible.
  4. At the same time as ironing, stretch the sweater evenly in the desired directions.

These steps should be repeated until the sweater is completely dry, after which the item of clothing is firmly fixed in its adopted form. Be careful when using this advice on how to stretch a sweater after washing - the fabric can become very hot from contact with the iron, and if you are not careful, you can get burns.

Alternative Stretching Methods

How to stretch a wool sweater after washing if the previous methods did not help or you do not have the opportunity to use them? There are several more popularly proven recipes:

  • Mix 10 liters of water at room temperature with 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, soak the item in the resulting solution for 30 minutes, then thoroughly wring out the woolen clothing and dry it, simultaneously stretching it in the right directions.
  • Dilute one part vinegar to two parts water, then soak the item in this solution, leaving it for 20-30 minutes. Next, the clothes are dried and stretched at the same time.
  • Add equal parts of alcohol, cologne and turpentine to a container with 5 liters of water, then stir thoroughly and soak clothes in the resulting product for 30-40 minutes. Next, the item should be carefully squeezed and stretched using methods already known to you.

Now you understand well what to do if your sweater shrinks after washing. Remember that wool does not tolerate sudden temperature changes and bad powders - treat it with care!

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