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How to meet a man you like. Communication on the Internet. Behavior in conflict situations

Set with a man good contact preferably from the very beginning of dating. However, if at the first moment you were unable to appreciate the representative of the stronger sex, you may well restructure your manner of communication and begin to conquer your chosen one. It is important to behave correctly with a man so that he falls in love. Try to be yourself, but also change a little, becoming closer to your loved one. Surprise him, interest him, captivate him with beauty, the ability to present yourself. Show kindness and caring positive attitude. Find common ground with a man common interests, study it carefully. Create a favorable emotional background, become a source of inspiration and joy for your chosen one. He should feel good in your company. And memorable details, a catchy image and femininity will certainly help you leave a lasting impression. Then your chosen one will begin to remember you more and more often, dream of new meetings and will not even notice how he will fall in love with you.

We create a feminine and memorable image to make a man fall in love
If you want to make a man fall in love with you, start with your appearance. If necessary, change the style, contact specialists. Become a little brighter, more original, always well-groomed and gentle.
  1. Attractiveness. You can easily find thousands of laws of attractiveness in a variety of literature. The most important thing is to find your style, unique image. Everything about you should be harmonious, and some detail or feature needs to be emphasized. Don't overload your look, don't bring it to the style of a star on the red carpet. At the same time, remember that at the stage of winning a man, you should be more catchy and bright, behave in such a way as to attract the attention of your chosen one and other men.
  2. Going to a beauty salon. If you feel that good result If you can’t achieve this, it’s better to contact a stylist, barber, or visit a beauty salon. This does not mean that you will have to become a frequent guest there. Just test several looks and styles, remember the useful tips of the masters, so that you can follow them later. They will tell you the best options for makeup and hairstyle, and take into account the features of your appearance.
  3. Your own style. Create an individual image, original and memorable. Don't forget to make it feminine and gentle. Even if your chosen one values ​​most in a lady business qualities and practicality, he remains a man and wants to see a woman next to him, fragile and sexy.
  4. Appearance and manners. It is important to always behave correctly, taking into account not only the character of your loved one, but also the style you have chosen. Of course, having become more tender, preferring airy dresses And pastel shades, you should not continue to smoke or speak too loudly and harshly. Your image consists of many nuances: from the color of lipstick to the tone and timbre of your voice. Don't add unnecessary contrasts to it, otherwise it will become unnatural.
  5. The highlight. Since you are faced with the task of making a man fall in love with you, it is worth experimenting with the image. Come up with some interesting detail, but at the same time take into account the manners and preferences of your chosen one. For example, you can adopt his gesture, start wearing scarves and bracelets of his favorite color, buy a pen from his favorite company, etc.
Having built your image, choosing suitable style and giving more attention appearance, be sure to go to concrete actions. Establish contact with a man, behave correctly and conquer your chosen one.

We fall in love with a man. Some tips
You need to behave correctly with a man so that he falls in love. Get to know your chosen one better, try to become for him desirable woman, a reliable friend and a pleasant conversationalist. Then he himself will begin to strive for you, will be happy in your company, and a feeling will certainly arise.

  1. Become alluring. First of all, a man should pay attention to you as a woman. Even if you are already communicating, but you have not developed a close relationship, you need to re-impress your chosen one so that he will single out and remember you.
  2. Be attractive, but not frivolous. It’s great if not only your loved one likes you, but also other men. Your chosen one will understand that you are popular and will also become interested. But excessive frivolity should be avoided, otherwise you will immediately set the relationship on the wave of ordinary superficial flirting. Then it will be extremely difficult to translate them into something more serious.
  3. Listen. Become a pleasant conversationalist, but do not bore your loved one with long stories and revelations. He should not feel like a student at a protracted lecture, listening to your opinions, monologues about events and impressions. It is much wiser to give the floor to your chosen one - it is pleasant for him to talk, and it is useful for you to learn something new about him.
  4. Remain a mystery. Try not to talk too much about yourself. Leave some of the information behind the scenes and don’t rush to paint your detailed portrait. What if your man doesn’t like everything about him? Let him get to know you gradually and show curiosity himself.
  5. Look for commonalities. Study your loved one, find what you have in common and focus on this. The advice is universal and concerns any details and areas, from favorite films and songs, food preferences, work goals, to the way you sit and turn your head. There are some things worth borrowing, introducing something new into your image and habits.
  6. Become a friend. When you decide to make a man fall in love with you, you should first become a close and reliable friend, ally, and partner for him. Try to get involved in his hobbies, go hiking together, go to the gym, and attend matches. But remember that it is important not to allow the relationship to become a “two guys” model. Stay feminine and sexy. It’s great if your chosen one doesn’t even think about discussing previous passions with you.
  7. Give him the lead. Let your loved one feel like a leader, a strong and resourceful man. Contact him for advice, let him help, be sure to focus on his skills and abilities. Don't skimp on praise and gratitude.
  8. Be positive. It is advisable to stick to a positive wave. A man should associate you with positive emotions, joy, and not problems. Avoid discussing various difficulties, do not complain about life.
  9. Make surprises. Do not forget to please your chosen one in order to make him fall in love with you. It’s great if you pleasantly surprise him with a nice surprise, an unexpected gift.
  10. Show your feelings, but don't apply pressure. It is important not to tire a man. When he feels that he is being “caught,” he probably won’t like it. Give him the role of hunter. But at the same time, unobtrusively show your interest in him, affection, and show concern.
There are quite a lot of components in the difficult process of conquering a man. You will need to enter his circle of friends, establish contact with his close people, and be able to please everyone. Surprise your loved one with your kindness, intelligence, and conquer delicious dishes And in a stylish way. Show attention and care in a timely manner, give useful advice, appear in right moment near. You need to get to know your loved one, understand his character traits, and find an approach to him. The main thing is to become a truly desirable companion for him, so that he would be better off with you than without you.

The opposite sex was called opposite, apparently because it is on the other side of the barricades. Opposites, as we know, attract. The same thing happens with guys and girls. But when trying to communicate, misunderstandings, misunderstandings, and sometimes even complete failure often arise. Girls often think that guys are incomprehensible and unpredictable people, impossible to explain from the point of view feminine logic. When you want to impress them, they don’t notice you or make fun of you, and when you don’t care about them at all, they admire you and compliment you.

So, let's look at a question that worries many girls very much: how should you behave with a guy?

Guys are also living beings, and of the same breed as girls. Of course, there are differences, this has long been noticed, but in percentage they are not that big. And both in physiology and psychology. Therefore, you need to behave with a guy, first of all, as a person. Like with a friend, sister, classmate. Or a classmate.

If when communicating with girls you do not experience any communication problems, but as soon as you find yourself with a guy, you are paralyzed, you begin to stutter, all thoughts disappear from your head, and your body throws you either hot or cold - that means you are too fixated on gender differences. Or deathly in love with this one specific guy. In the first case, it’s easier to cope with yourself; you just need to imagine that this guy is your friend. And talk to him in the same way, without thinking about the impression you make. After all, you don’t think about it when you chat with your girlfriends about various trifles.

The second case is more complicated. Even people with powerful intellects and superhuman endurance can behave as if they were mentally retarded when meeting the object of passion. That's nature. If the target feels the same way about you, the situation becomes especially interesting. Then, having gotten to know each other better and gotten a little used to your feelings, you will laugh and remember what funny idiots you were at the beginning of your acquaintance.

When you are not sure that your chosen one shares at least ten percent of your fiery feelings, you have a hard time. Is it possible to cope with fear, trembling in your hands and the inability to express yourself coherently in the presence of the object of your secret sighs? It is possible, but it can be very difficult to do. A few simple tips may help you:

Rehearse. Imagine what you tell him, what he will answer, what will happen next. Say it out loud, preferably in front of a mirror. Be sure to try a few different options so that, finding himself in a real situation, he does not utter answers that completely do not correspond to his questions. The main thing in this exercise is to clearly imagine that you are talking to him, and not to your reflection in the mirror. After a few practices, the next time you see him, you will feel more confident.

Use girlfriends and friends. Communicating in a group is much easier than alone, especially at first. Ask your friends to help you and make sure that you and him are in the same company. For starters, you can just look at him when he says something or even when he is silent. You can start communicating later. You will feel more confident when surrounded by familiar faces.

Be yourself. If you try really hard, you can seem like someone else to him at first: a cheerful party girl, despite the fact that you love silence and books, an experienced traveler, although you have never left the city, or a shy and quiet person, despite the fact that you are a real hothead . If your communication continues, he will still find out what you really are like. And he may be disappointed, because at first you seemed to him like a completely different person. It’s better to be real right away, then you’ll be sure that he liked you, and not the image you invented.

Finally, all the obstacles were overcome, the barriers were destroyed, he became your boyfriend. Let's consider the question: how to behave with the guy you are dating so that your relationship is strong, long-lasting and enjoyable for both of you.

  1. Be quiet and listen. Most guys believe, and quite rightly, that girls love with their ears. Therefore, guys usually try to capture the girl’s imagination with a variety of more or less fantastic stories in which they appear as knights without fear or reproach. Or simply people with a fast paced life filled with a variety of interesting events. Your job is to listen to all these stories. But this must be done for a reason, but thoughtfully and with taste: nod your head, agree, be surprised, ask leading questions in order to find out all the details and, of course, laugh at any of his phrases that contain at least a small spark of humor.

    By doing this, you will simultaneously kill two birds with one stone: you will win his sympathy and learn more about him. The first point is clear; everyone likes to be listened to attentively. Your interest is a powerful weapon of influence. Looking into your attentive, surprised and delighted eyes with his stories, he will fall in love with you more and more.

    The second point also has great value. Perhaps you have known each other for a short time, you are fascinated by his beautiful blue-green eyes and earring in his ear. But you don't know that much about him. Listening to his stories and keeping in mind that some of them may be exaggerated, you will get an idea about him, about his friends, about his way of life. If his stories involve hiking and gyms, discos and travel, great. And if most of them talk about how much they drank with their friends and how they got up after that, it’s worth thinking about whether this person is really that interesting to you.

  2. Ask him for advice. For any questions: how best to prepare for exams, what to answer to a friend who behaves unfriendly, what dress to wear and what movie to watch. Don't forget to follow these tips later. If you find that in some area he doesn’t understand as well as you, for example, he doesn’t understand what doesn’t suit your eyes blue, as if inadvertently exclude this topic from the scope of his advice.
  3. Never say anything bad about his friends. Even if you don't like them at all. He has been with them for a long time, with you much less. It is unknown who he will choose if it comes to open confrontation. In any case, it is better not to let it come to this. Always behave friendly with his friends, try to find common interests and general topics for conversations. Don't forget that men, no less than women, love to discuss their personal lives. If all his friends agree that you are... cool girl, your boyfriend will be very pleased.
  4. Learn to cook. The way to any man's heart runs through his digestive system, don't forget about it. On the contrary, it must be fully used. But refrain from complex culinary experiments if you are not confident in yourself. Calculate your strength. It's better to cook simple, but delicious salad and simple, but well-made sandwiches, rather than, having no experience and inspired by pictures in a cookbook, start something like a meatloaf with a complex filling, and end up with something burnt on the outside and raw on the inside.
  5. Don't blame all your problems on him. And also don’t overload yourself with your troubles. Of course, you need to share both the bad and the good with each other, but it would be good to let him understand that you are able to solve some problems on your own. But someday you will still need his help. If he hammered a nail into the wall to hang your general photo or helped you deal with a difficult computer program– be sure to thank him so that he remembers it. Then next time he will gladly come to your aid, and at the same time he will feel like a hero. If you take his help for granted, very soon it will turn into a boring duty, from which he will shirk by all means.
The same goes for flowers and gifts. Don't be afraid to show your delight and your joy. He will be pleased with this and will want to please you again and again.

To behave with a man in such a way that he himself is drawn to a woman, it is important to pay attention to your character. Women with high self-esteem often have the most difficulty in communicating with the stronger sex. Even if you consider yourself the most charming and attractive, you should not demonstrate your superiority and try to dominate when conducting a dialogue. Usually men are rejected by interlocutors with an overly strong and stubborn disposition, who try to take control of any situation. Start learning to be kind and flexible, even when it's difficult.

At first, try to give the initiative to the man in everything, so that he himself reaches out to you. Representatives of the stronger sex like to show their perseverance, strength and life experience. This is especially noticeable on first dates. Give your gentleman time to open up and show his ability to care for a woman. This also applies to communication: it will be better if the ratio of speech in dialogues is 50 to 50 or with an advantage for men. Excessively talkative girls, like grumpy or “laughing” girls, have every chance of becoming an object of rejection.

No matter how strong your psychological pressure skills are, neat and attractive appearance important in building long term relationship with a man. At first, just pay more attention to skin care, physical activity And healthy image life, selection suitable cosmetics and choice of clothing style. Once you get to know a man better, start adapting to his tastes, for example, doing his favorite hairstyle more often, wearing things of a certain color, etc.

To behave correctly with a man means to be observant and note all his features in order to later use them to your advantage. Immediately pay attention to his interests and gradually begin to learn hobbies and activities that may be new to you. It may not be entirely simple, but the chances that a man will quickly become crazy about you will be high. In addition, representatives of the stronger sex usually value women who are versatile and love everything new.

Get rid of the standard set negative qualities women. Don't be bitchy or jealous, especially without any reason. Also, stop being demanding and try to appreciate a man for his positive aspects, of which there will most likely be many. Treasure your relationship, and then a man will definitely be drawn to you, and you can become his object of adoration.

Not every woman has natural charm. A charming person attracts the attention of others, is constantly in the center of attention, and men are ready to do great deeds for her sake. But don’t despair if charm is not given to you from birth. There are several secrets thanks to which an ordinary-looking woman can become charming and irresistible.


Be confident. You should not doubt your attractiveness and uniqueness. Learn to love yourself. Don't try to please everyone: you shouldn't constantly think about the impression you make.

Watch your appearance. Visit a cosmetologist, take care of your body and hair, and fix your manicure regularly. Use perfume in moderation. Pay attention to your posture. A straight back, soft smooth movements, and an easy gait distinguish a charming woman. Behave calmly and relaxed, but at the same time maintain a feeling self-esteem. Emphasize your femininity.

Smile and be optimistic. Find positive aspects in any event. Try to always be in good mood. Charming woman she invariably looks cheerful, fit and charges those around her with joy and positivity. Feel free to have fun and joke, show your positive emotions.

Be genuinely interested in the people around you. Find out their opinion on various issues, ask for advice, give compliments, show their importance. Become a good listener and show genuine attention to your interlocutor. Communicate politely, with interest, be calm and friendly, do not criticize yourself or others. Treat every person with respect and understanding.

Try to find the “zest” in yourself. Each person has characteristics, hidden talents and abilities. Emphasize your uniqueness and tactfully demonstrate it to others.


  • How to become the best in 2019

Jealousy causes a storm in a person negative emotions, brings a lot of anxiety into relationships and sometimes destroys them. Psychologists say that if you are jealous, it means you are not confident in yourself. Is this always the case? After all, it is difficult to remain silent if your partner glances at women passing by, if he speaks affectionately and affably to his employee or friend, although in the morning he declared “silence” to you due to his bad mood... Reasons for jealousy arise at every step. But stop being jealous?


Don’t rush to create scenes of jealousy; understand the motives behind your partner’s behavior and study him thoroughly. You must be calm and adequate in your reactions. Selfless help to a neighbor or a friendly smile to a saleswoman is not a reason for jealousy.

Don't ruin your relationship because of various little things. Be more reasonable and tolerant. Jealousy is a natural feeling for any person, but it must be kept in check, otherwise separation is inevitable.

Sometimes you shouldn't focus your attention on your partner's behavior and his attitude towards others. Perhaps his kindness and courtesy are just signs good manners.

If you do allow jealousy to enter your heart even for a minute, remain calm. You shouldn’t sort things out right away, “right here and now.” Give yourself time to “let off steam”; perhaps in a couple of hours you will completely forget about the reasons for the jealousy that arose, and the conflict will resolve itself.

Don't be self-centered. Your man should have personal freedom. He cannot always be around and give his attention only to you. Be understanding about his vacation with friends or his desire to be alone. Take a break, do some household chores or some work.

Remember the pleasant moments of your relationship more often. Relax. Go shopping, buy something useful for yourself or for your home. Don't replay it in your memory unpleasant situations, give your thoughts and emotions a rest. IN as a last resort, draw something positive or write a funny story, get creative and transform negative memories.

If jealousy suddenly hits you and you feel like you're about to explode, close your eyes, hold your breath and count to five. The storm in your soul will subside, and you will be able to adequately respond to the current situation.

When you're on edge, don't interact with your partner. This will help avoid unnecessary quarrels and create relationships full of harmony and mutual understanding.

Video on the topic

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Each girl is unique in her own way. And behavior with her should be different from behavior with other representatives of the fair sex. But, of course, there are certain patterns that must be followed when communicating with any lady.


Any girl first of all pays attention to the appearance of her gentleman. Therefore, if you want to communicate with a lovely lady, you must look decent. Hairstyle, clothes, shoes and accessories should look neat and attractive. No man will communicate with a woman who is unpleasant to him. The same law applies to the weaker sex. If you want to attract a girl, start with your appearance.

Communication also plays a huge role. Of course, some people like them, others like merry fellows and jokers. It is impossible to describe one model of behavior that will please everyone. But there are general recommendations that will help avoid obvious misunderstandings and even conflicts. Stick to them.

Be natural. Don't pretend or pretend to be someone else. Girls recognize this very quickly. Try not to lie to her about anything. Any lady will like the person you really are much faster than the fake character you want to appear to be.

Give only truthful and natural compliments. The weaker sex senses falsehood even before you say it. Find what you like most about a girl and tell her about it. Let the compliment be clumsy and simple, but it will be from the heart.

Try to be strong and confident. The weaker sex needs a man who will be better than others in everything (and, first of all, better than themselves); this is inherent at the genetic level. Showcase your skills and your intelligence, this will attract any lady to you.

Don't make her feel sorry for you, it will only push her away from you. Even if you have serious problems, don't talk about them. Or say it, but casually, without focusing on it. If a girl feels sorry for you, she will most likely treat you condescendingly, and this is a bad basis for further communication.

Do not discuss with other representatives of the fairer sex. This can result in resentment or even a quarrel. Especially try not to discuss your ex-girlfriends. Find a topic of conversation that would be understandable and interesting to your interlocutor.

Video on the topic

Please note

When around a girl, try not to swear. Of course, some representatives of the fairer sex react calmly to this, but there are also those who condemn such behavior.

Useful advice

Take care of the girl, this will most quickly help you win her favor.

The Bitch is a popular character in modern books, films, groups in social networks etc. This character evokes conflicting emotions among people, largely due to the fact that the understanding of bitchiness can be different.

Negative understanding of the word

U bitchy girls and bitchiness as such has many supporters and opponents. The latter see a bitchy woman as selfish, cold, callous, who does not think about others and whose favorite hobby is breaking men's hearts. In this regard, men (and women too) feel negative towards girls who, in their understanding, look like bitches. Such people like to point out direct “bitch” - carrion, animal corpse, carrion. In a figurative sense, this is a selfish woman who, intentionally or unconsciously, causes harm to others through her behavior.

If you follow this version, then to be bitchy means to be insincere, cunning, when communicating with people and especially with men, to pursue your own selfish goals, to use people and manipulate them, to play on others. They say about such girls that they got burned by something in life and became closed off. They stopped trusting people and decided that they needed to be able to benefit from everything in a society where everyone is for themselves. Their arrogance hides an inferiority complex, and when things don't go according to plan, they can show their hysteria and instability.

Positive understanding of the word

Along with the negative, the positive meaning of bitchiness is often found. For recent years A lot of books have appeared both in Russia and abroad, in which women are taught to be bitchy. This means the ability to be strong, insightful, independent, the ability to manage your life and direct it in the desired direction, to be the mistress of your life. This does not require manipulating others, unless it is for mutual benefit.

The authors of the books proceed from the fact that the modest, compliant, obsequious woman created by society does not actually allow a woman to be happy and make her partner happy, since in reality men rarely truly love such girls. However, they are considered convenient and often marry them, while making friends on the side. And it’s also difficult for shy people to realize their potential in creativity and profession.

That is, to be bitchy is to be aware of your desires and needs in life and strive for it. This means being strong, independent, loving and appreciating yourself, having self-esteem, being able to achieve the respect of others, being attractive to the opposite sex, valuing your personal space and not encroaching on your partner’s personal space, not being overly affectionate and emotionally dependent on a man. , be an interesting person, be self-confident, strive for self-development.

Bitchy girl expresses herself with positive side in interaction with people, if they are friendly towards her. She does not seek to break hearts or live in splendid isolation and is not a man-hater.

Tip 6: How to behave correctly between a woman and a man in building a personal relationship


A man is a hunter by nature and evaluates the object of admiration initially by his appearance. Unfortunately, most women forget about this important rule and stop paying attention to such details as neatness and stylish clothes, fresh manicure and pedicure, clean and timely trimmed hair, as well as well-groomed skin. If you already live with your significant other for a long time, then you shouldn’t ignore a man’s desire to see you attractive in any situation. Come up with new images periodically and change endlessly. This way you will become mysterious and unpredictable for your chosen one.

Ban on scandals

Under no circumstances should you make scenes of jealousy or hysteria with your loved one in public. A man who is committed to a serious relationship with you will not appreciate such an act and will harbor a grudge for a long time. Try to calm down and find out the cause of the conflict at home, or better yet the next day, when the primary aggressive emotions disappear. At the same time, you will look decent in the eyes of your partner and show that you have wisdom and self-control. Also, never insult or humiliate your loved one in front of friends or mutual acquaintances. Otherwise, it will lead to a final break.

Patience and understanding

Women tend to rush things and sometimes begin to actively correct their partner’s perceived shortcomings. If you sincerely love a man, then show respect first and foremost and do not try to change your character. One of the components of love is accepting a person from both the negative and positive sides. Therefore, it is worth admitting to yourself that the desire to break established habits or character traits of the chosen one is not the most best way prove you are right. The best optionfrank conversation about what doesn’t suit you about your loved one, but without accusations or desire to control.

It’s not just a guy who finds it difficult to find a way to a girl’s heart—it happens the other way around too!

Often a girl does not know how to communicate with a guy in order to impress him and make him like him.

What should a girl do, how should she communicate with a guy she wants to please? Let's figure it out together!

Sometimes a woman avoids getting close to a man not because she doesn’t like him, but because she is afraid that he won’t like him.
Konstantin Melikhan

Dating in real life

It seemed that it was difficult for the girl to decide to communicate with the guy, but in order to please him, she still needed to think about her behavior. After all, if this is an awesome guy (or so you think), you will feel awkward and insecure, and this can lead to unnaturalness.

Many girls get lost in such a situation, some withdraw into themselves, while others begin to behave impudently. Both are not good. Just tell yourself the whole truth: “I really like this guy, and I would like him to like me, because of this I’m nervous and losing my head.” Once you admit the problem, things will become much easier for you. Count to ten and try to relieve tension.

  • There is no need to appear very bold and self-confident. Not everyone likes it when a girl tries to take him by storm. Now, if you see that he is more embarrassed than you, you can be a little bold. Someone has to start! But then still give him the initiative.

    There is no need to pretend to be anyone: neither a pussy, nor a vamp, nor an ingenue, nor an Amazon. Unless you are a born actress and you can’t live without playing for the audience anyway. Most people are pleased when they are understood - but how can they understand you if you are pretending to be someone?

    What if you begin to behave like a decisive lady, and he just likes quiet and modest ones? Of two evils: it’s better that he doesn’t like you than your role!

How should you communicate with a guy to make him like you? Be yourself! By at least, you will look decent.

Of course, how can you give advice when you know completely different examples from life:

  • There’s one like that, she’s always the center of attention, she behaves on the verge of shamelessness, she’s clearly playing for the audience, she jumps out all over herself to please people – and she likes them! Look how many guys are hanging around her. And you will sit there, all modest and natural...

    Don't worry, guys are no dumber than you, they also understand what this girl is like and are looking not for love, but for sex. Do you want serious relationship! In contrast, you are even more likely to attract the guy's attention.

  • Talk to him yourself about something neutral: “You don’t know, they didn’t promise rain today? It's eight o'clock - is it already that late? It’s so nice at Tanya’s (Mani, Dasha’s – whoever you are visiting) today, isn’t it? Are you Tanya's brother? No?."

    Don't try to start a conversation. If the guy wants, he will continue the conversation himself. You see, these are the rules of the game: he should pursue you, not you. Otherwise he won't be interested.

    If you manage to start a conversation, then under no circumstances lie to the guy, don’t pretend. Everything secret becomes clear; Stupid and senseless lies about little things can destroy your happiness.

You want to chat with a guy you met on VKontakte

Well, it happens. It's easier to communicate on the Internet.

If usually at the sight cool guy you blush, turn pale, drop your glasses and mumble something unintelligible, but now no one sees it. And by the time you meet in person, you will have gotten used to it and will not react so sharply.

If you're not already texting, find out what he's interested in and ask for his advice. And then how it will be. If he doesn’t want to communicate with you, well, bad luck. Maybe he’s only so cute on his page, but he’s just a monster.

And if he answered, give me another topic for conversation. Maybe you will start texting, and the question of how to communicate with this guy will be resolved by itself.

  • Check if your photos are good. Maybe some need to be removed?
  • Maybe add something interesting? A link to a funny video? Your romantic poems?
  • Now that you are texting, you can try to find out something about the guy.

    Invite him to answer one or two questions about him (the question: “How much money do you make?” is not good).

  • You shouldn't ask the guy to meet you first. Unless you came up with some cunning move. For example, you need a book, but he has it. “Oh, maybe you can give it to me for a couple of weeks? I will return you safe and sound, don’t worry!” - not very great, but still an option.

Love by correspondence

Well, now you are already corresponding:
  • Don't try to seem like a sophisticated intellectual, especially if you're not, write what you think.
    There is no need to bombard the guy with dozens of SMS and posts.

    He will get tired of it, and he will not want to communicate with you at all. Actually, this is ordinary correspondence, albeit by electronic means. This means it should be informative and mutual.

  • Tell the guy about something, ask his advice, thank him, praise him. Now it's his turn.
  • Why doesn't he write? Maybe he really is busy. Or he doesn’t know what to write to you.

    You can take the initiative two or three times so that he doesn’t have to worry about figuring out what to write to you about. But then let him write it himself at least once.

  • Don't be intrusive. Still no use. But let's hope this is not your case.

What's next?

How your relationship will develop further is unknown. But if you are attentive to your loved one, honest and natural, then it is very possible that great and bright love awaits you.

I wish you happiness!

Sometimes it's very difficult to be yourself or stay calm when the guy you like is around. As soon as you see him, you start sweating, your legs give way, you start slurring your speech or saying something stupid (like Winnie the Pooh), just not to remain silent. Don’t worry, almost all of us experience such feelings from time to time. Try to calm down and understand that the guy is worried in the same way when he’s next to you! Only then will you be able to impress him.


Part 1

How to get his attention

    Make eye contact. In order not to scare the guy away, look at him only occasionally, doing it as if by accident. If you stare at him all the time, he may find your behavior too intrusive. When communicating with this guy, you shouldn’t look at the floor and hide your gaze, look him straight in the eyes. Believe me, the guy will definitely appreciate your courage and self-confidence!

    Try to start a conversation. Ask him to change money for you or ask him what time it is, as if you are late for class. Ask if he knows anyone on the student committee. Come up with some excuse to start a conversation. This should be a normal everyday question that will not confuse him.

    • During a conversation, it is completely normal to look away sometimes, because if you spend the entire conversation looking into his eyes, this behavior may bother him.
  1. Try to make his friends notice you. You shouldn't flirt with every friend of his, but it is advisable to do something to make them like you. Be friendly with them, try to be cheerful and learn something about them. Communicate with other guys, you can even flirt, but don’t go too far, otherwise the wrong impression will be formed about you. Show that you are an interesting and kind person, talk to his friends about their favorite sport, art or weekend plans, and act casual. Try not to show that you really like their friend.

    • If his friends pay attention to you and they like you, believe me, they will definitely tell the guy you like about you.
    • If you manage to become friends with his friends, they might even invite you to hangouts together where you can hang out with the guy you like.
    • Don't make the common mistake of asking his friends if he likes you. He will think that you want a relationship with him. It's too simple and boring for a guy. Keep in mind that if you frequently ask his friends how he is doing, the guys will know that you like him.
  2. Show him you're fun! If you and a guy are at the same party, but still don't communicate, you shouldn't hide in a corner, sit with a sad face and wait for this guy to come up to you. Have fun! Laugh, tell stories and jokes, communicate with others. Keep yourself busy with something all the time, become someone you want to spend time with. Try to make him want to start a conversation with you, because he will see that others are having fun with you.

    • If you show him that you're fun and that many people want to hang out with you, he'll want to get to know you better.
    • Guys like people who are sociable. cheerful girls. It’s better for him to see you laughing until you drop than how you scroll through the news on social networks alone.
  3. Be yourself. As cliché as it may sound, if you want to get a guy's attention, this is... best advice. After all, you want the guy to experience feelings not for a fictional image, but for you. Of course, you shouldn’t immediately tell him all your secrets and involve him in all the events of your life, but when communicating with him, be the same as with your friends. At first you will not feel very comfortable, but over time you will get used to each other more and more.

    • You probably think that guys like girls who laugh and always smile and straighten their hair. Or girls who strive to please the guy in everything. This is far from true! Guys like sincere and confident girls who can be themselves and don't have to pretend to be someone else.
  4. Don't be stupid. Try to choose the right topics for conversation. You may think that gossiping and saying nasty things about other people can impress a guy and make you an interesting person in his eyes. But even if he is impressed by some of your stories and gossip, he will still think that you are a stupid girl who cannot be trusted. Believe me, no guy wants to be around a girl who constantly says stupid things and tries to attract attention to herself as if she is the center of the universe. No guy wants to be with a drama girl.

    • Try to create cheerful atmosphere and evoke positive emotions in the guy. You want the guy to be interested and have fun spending time with you, and not so that he wants to get rid of you as soon as possible.
  5. Don't be too jealous. This is the worst thing you can do if you want to get a guy's attention. If you see how the object of your adoration communicates affably with other girls, you should not immediately interrogate him or say that these girls are fat ugly people. Don't embarrass yourself, because this situation will look very stupid, and you will seem jealous and angry! If you show your jealousy before you even start dating a guy, he will immediately imagine what a jealous girl you would become.

    • If your mutual friend appears in the company or just beautiful girl, surprise the guy: give her a compliment! Let him see that you are such a confident girl that you don’t compare yourself to others.
  6. Ask a guy what he is interested in. Let's be honest: guys love to talk about themselves. Well, who among us doesn’t love? If you want a guy to like you, be a good listener! The guy needs to understand that you are interested in him and care about him, and that you are interested in more than just his biceps. For example, you can ask him about his favorite sport, his favorite teams, or his personal achievements. Talk about his loved ones music groups, TV shows, favorite foods. Tell us something about yourself so that your conversation doesn’t feel like an interrogation. Just show that you want to know more about him.

    • Some guys are quite shy and don't like to talk about themselves much. If you ask a guy and he modestly refuses, don't insist. In this case, it is better to talk about your plans for the weekend.

    Part 2

    How to keep his attention
    1. Be nice to everyone. It's simple and pretty effective way win a lot of friends. Be attentive to him and to other people. The guy should see you as a nice person with whom he enjoys spending time. If you are kind and sweet to him, but rude to others, this will not make the right impression on the guy. The guy will understand that you are just pretending. Such mind games will give you the opportunity to express your mood.

      • If a guy is thinking about dating you, he will understand that it will be quite interesting and pleasant, because you are a sociable and friendly girl who gets along with everyone. No guy wants to date a girl who flirts with everyone or is rude to other people for no reason.
    2. Flirt with him. Some girls are able to flirt very gracefully and naturally. If you are one of these girls, great! If you are not one of them, don’t worry! The main thing is not to overdo it with flirting, so as not to look stupid. Just show him that you are interested in him, listen carefully to his stories, maintain eye contact, smile, laugh at his jokes. You can turn to him during a conversation. You may even “accidentally” touch it during a conversation. If you are comfortable with each other, you are just learning about each other, and your interest is mutual, you can playfully tease him.

      • Another way to flirt is to be more playful. You shouldn't always act seriously.
    3. Compliment him. They can be original or completely simple. If you liked something about your interlocutor, say so! It could be his appearance, his skills or jokes. Either way, you can simply say, “Oh, I like your haircut,” or “It’s amazing how you manage to do well in school and compete in baseball at the same time.” Praise something that relates to his achievements and characterizes him as a person. Don't say any vulgar compliments like, “Oh, you look very sexy in that shirt.” Save them for when you start dating.

      • Don't overdo it with compliments. You can say 1-2 compliments in one conversation, but you shouldn’t insert them into every conversation you make, otherwise the guy will feel uncomfortable.
    4. Now is the time to try to create physical contact. If a guy teases you as a joke, playfully push him away or punch him in the shoulder. It's important that the guy touches you back. If you touch him and he doesn't respond, he might just be shy. If you are sitting or standing nearby, try to make your knees or hands "accidentally" touch. Observe his reaction to a simple light touch. He might even want more.

      When talking to him, mention his name. People love to hear their name, so this great way get his attention. You should not call him by name more than twice during a conversation. In general, a couple of times is enough for him to feel that you are interested in him.

    5. Be an interesting conversationalist. Tell him some funny stories from life, talk about how your weekend went, discuss latest news. Tell him that you like to dance or play the piano. It is important to be able to carry on a conversation different topics, and not just tell some corny jokes. If you seem like a good conversationalist with whom you can discuss any topic, he will want to communicate with you again.

      • Sometimes awkward pauses in conversation are completely appropriate. If you don't know what to say, just smile and then change the subject. Don't worry if you suddenly fall silent in the middle of a conversation and there's an awkward pause. If you are comfortable with each other, then you will feel great in silence.
    6. Stay calm. Even if you are very worried and the butterflies in your stomach are about to betray you, try to act calmly. If you don't worry, you can be cheerful and positive without talking too much. If you are very nervous, you may not look him in the eye. Just try to act as normal. Don't overdo it - don't constantly look around.

      • Believe me, there is a difference between self-control and demonstrative indifference. The guy should see your interest in him and not be afraid to tell you that he likes you.
    7. Intrigue him! Once you notice that he is also interested in you, do something that will make him pay attention to you again and again. Let him be seriously interested in you, show that you unique girl! Be a little mysterious, don't tell him everything about yourself right away. Create intrigue and make him want to know more about you. You can end the conversation on a positive note, as if you need to go somewhere. This best way out than to gradually select topics and eventually say goodbye after a long silence.

      • If you manage to intrigue a guy, most likely he will want to see you again and talk to you one-on-one. You shouldn't squeal with delight if he asks you out on a date; it would be much more appropriate to demonstrate your sincere joy about this.
    • Do not neglect the rules of hygiene, try to always look good: brush your teeth, wash your hair on time, wear clean and tidy clothes.
    • Make sure you always smell nice. Pay special attention to bad breath. Brush your teeth, eat mints and chew gum.
    • Smile. Be confident. Watch your body language and look people in the eyes more often.
    • Try to dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable. When you're uncomfortable and embarrassed, guys notice it.
    • Be yourself. This way you will be noticed faster in the company.
    • The best way to get his attention is chance meeting glances. When your eyes meet, look away, look down, and then back up at him. Another trick is to quickly look away from him and then look back at him a few seconds later.
    • Try to remember what he talks about. Be sure to remember the names of people close to him, his birthday. This way you show him your interest in his life.
    • When you are around him, you can flirt a little, laugh at his jokes, even if they are not very funny. But don't laugh the whole conversation, otherwise you'll look stupid.
    • Become him good friend. If you can't build friendly relations, it’s unlikely that you’ll get anything more. Support him and be there in difficult times.
    • Don't look desperate, just breathe and relax. It will be very cool if you become friends with his friends, because then you will have a chance to communicate with him.
    • Dress smartly so that he understands that you take care of yourself.
    • You shouldn't pursue him, otherwise he'll think you're pretty weird. Remember good manners.
    • If he asked for your number, give him your number mobile phone. Don't give your home number phone, you don’t want him to accidentally call your parents when they are at home?
    • If you don't know what to talk about, just ask questions to get to know each other better. Talk about his hobbies, about video games, then he will notice you.
    • Use perfume, but don't overdo it! Guys like girls who smell good.
    • Let him get to know you better. If you are embarrassed to spend time alone, or you feel embarrassed, suggest spending time with his friends.
    • If you have already managed to become friends, offer to go to the cinema together. Sit next to me. If he tries to hug you or take your hand, don’t worry and don’t try to pull your hand back, because everything is fine!
    • If you think he likes you, don't be afraid to ask! If he confesses his feelings to you or gives you a compliment, thank him and return the compliment. True, this should be done not immediately after his confession, but a little later, so that he does not think that this is a compliment out of politeness.
    • Be patient. If you haven't talked to him yet, wait until he takes the first step towards communicating with you.
    • Ask your friends to help you. This doesn't mean you need to ask them to ask the guy you like about his feelings for you. Perhaps they will help you get closer to him or help you look more attractive, both outside and inside.
    • When you're walking together, try lightly touching your hands.
    • If the guy you like doesn't reciprocate your feelings or treats you rudely, move your attention to someone else. Perhaps deep down he is a cruel and rude person who will bring you a lot of problems in the future. If you become friends with his friends, ask them about his character. This will give you an advantage.
    • If you're not old enough to go on dates with a guy, just spend time together: sit together at lunch, chat during breaks.
    • If you found out that this guy has had quite a few girlfriends in the past that he didn't do very well with, it might be better to look at other guys before you fall head over heels for him.
    • Leave him a sweet note on his desk or in his jacket pocket. Let him understand what you like.
    • Don’t behave too strangely, don’t show him your character and do some questionable things.
    • If you spend time together, don't be distracted by your phone or other gadgets! He will think that correspondence on social networks is more interesting than conversation with him. Besides, it's just rude.
    • If a guy asks you out on a date, he probably likes you. But if he invited you to hang out with his friends, he may be trying to slow things down in your relationship.
    • Try to keep each conversation long but meaningful. If you feel like you'll soon run out of topics to talk about, politely say goodbye and promise to see you again soon.
    • As mentioned above, be yourself! Don't be afraid to seem funny and amusing. Act normal. Surprise him, try something you've never done before, get his attention!
    • Don't miss the moment when you can ask a guy out on a date. But first you need to be sure of your and his feelings.
    • When you're around a guy you like, don't act weird or be overly dramatic.
    • You should not immediately confess your love to a guy after meeting him - this will stun and scare him.
    • If you see that you are not very interesting to a guy, don’t be upset. He'll find out what he's giving up!
    • Don't try to behave with him the same way other girls behave. If he spends time with them, it's not a fact that he considers them as potential partners!
    • If you don't like his friends, try to act in a way that doesn't make him realize it. Do your best to please them. Of course, if they tease you or bully you, don't hesitate to tell your guy about it.


    • Don't repeat the mistake many girls make: don't overdo it with makeup! Again, be yourself and dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable.
    • Try to talk not only about him or yourself, talk about different topics.
    • Don't be dramatic! Guys like confident and positive girls. Say something fun and funny, but don't complain.
    • Don’t invent all sorts of facts about yourself just to please him.
    • Don't chase him! Spend time with him, but don't try to take up all his personal space! If the conversation gradually fades within the first minute, find a reason to end the conversation.
    • Don't try to pretend to be an unapproachable lady. Be mysterious, but not cold.
    • Find out what your friends think about him. Perhaps some of them didn't like it. Find out why. Perhaps you might not see something in it because you are too caught up in it.
    • Don't follow the guy you like everywhere! He probably won't like it. Your goal is to make him want to communicate with you.
    • Don't tell everyone you meet about it.
    • Remember that every guy is different! Each of them requires an individual approach.
    • If you laugh at his joke, your laugh should sound natural.
    • If you're going to impress a guy, don't bring your friends with you!
    • Don't call him immediately after the date. Wait a couple of days, but if he doesn't call you, do it yourself.
    • If it turns out that he already has a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, with whom he just broke up, be careful. First, you should win him over ex-girlfriend so that she doesn't get annoyed every time she sees you with him. Secondly, if a guy already has a girlfriend, behave more carefully with him, your flirting should be very delicate.

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