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How to choose high-quality thermal underwear for women. Thermal underwear. Choice. Classification, types, types. Application, wearing, washing, care. Feedback, experience, advice, recommendations. How a thin layer will retain heat

Surely many have heard of such a thing as thermal underwear. Most often, this word evokes associations with sports, since the equipment of a person involved in any kind of winter sports cannot do without thermal underwear, which has excellent thermal insulation properties, and therefore will not allow you to freeze even while jogging. winter park, nor while skiing down some snowy slope. Men often wear thermal underwear for winter fishing or hunting, since sitting for a long time or slowly walking through the forest can quickly freeze. And children's thermal underwear will perfectly protect your child from the cold while sledding and other restless fun. In the cold season, even the fair sex will benefit from thermal underwear, even, for example, for regular everyday wear. But you definitely need to know how to choose the right thermal underwear for winter, since its convenience and all its advantages depend solely on the quality, as well as the correctly selected model and size.

How to choose good winter thermal underwear?

Functions. Before talking about how to choose high-quality thermal underwear, you need to decide what it is actually needed for, because almost all further selection criteria depend on this. If you need it for sports, then it the most important quality there must be good moisture removal, and thermal insulation properties are no longer so important, because during active activities you won't freeze anyway. For winter fishing or hiking, thermal underwear should retain heat very well, and secondarily, wick away moisture. If this is thermal underwear for everyday wear, then it should equally warm you and prevent you from sweating.

Material. Thermal underwear can be made from both synthetic and natural materials, which are most often combined in a product in different proportions. It is not recommended to choose a model that consists mostly of natural material, since it does not wick away moisture, but absorbs it, which is not particularly pleasant. But such thermal underwear, in principle, is suitable for the same fishing, as it warms very well. But it’s better to pay attention to models from synthetic materials, which are now made of such high quality that they not only wick away moisture remarkably, but also warm, and are very comfortable due to the elasticity of the material.

Model. Please note that thermal underwear may vary in design. Some models are thinner and invisible under clothing, others have a slightly more voluminous structure. The latter is, most often, . For everyday wear, it is best to purchase thin underwear that will not be visible under clothes. In addition, in the process of choosing women's thermal underwear, you need to take into account not only its thermal insulation qualities, but also beauty. For example, now in stores you can find elastic and thin underwear that perfectly fits the figure, and is also decorated with lace, silk or satin trim.

Thermal insulation. Also, speaking about how to choose a warm one, it is worth mentioning that you definitely need to look at the label. In addition to the composition of the laundry, it will also indicate what temperatures it is suitable for. For example, for the city, thermal underwear of the “yellow line” is suitable, which is worn from zero to twenty degrees below zero. For alpine skiing, it is better to choose the “orange line” (up to twenty-five degrees below zero) or the “red” (up to thirty-five) models.

Size. It is also important to know how to choose the size of thermal underwear in order to feel comfortable in it. The markings on thermal underwear are classic: S, M, L, and so on. But before you make a purchase, be sure to try on the chosen model, as this is the thing that should fit you perfectly. In addition, if your clothes are usually size M, this does not mean that thermal underwear will be the same size.

In difficult times winter conditions, as well as for those whose work is directly related to the impact low temperatures, functional thermal underwear will make a huge difference. There are many requirements for its quality; it should not restrict movement, but have good thermal insulation, not let in unwanted moisture, remove cold, coping well even with the effects of very low temperatures.

The material for such equipment is often polyester or polypropylene - they are excellent at wicking away moisture. To improve the characteristics of thermal underwear, many manufacturers use additions of cotton and wool, which have a positive effect on stretchability and other properties, making it more resistant to use in the most difficult cases.

Types of thermal underwear

Among the types of thermal underwear, heat-saving ones stand out - they are great for people who do not have a high physical load; due to the cellular or volumetric weaving, they perfectly retain air, preventing heat from escaping. Clothing of this type is widely popular in countries with a fairly cold continental climate, in which it is difficult to keep warm during a short warm period.

Moisture-wicking thermal underwear - helps remove the formation of unacceptable moisture from the body and evaporate sweat. It is almost entirely made of synthetic materials, which make it possible to preserve constant temperature thanks to the removal of moisture from the body, because it is its excess that does not allow the body to cool down and feel significant temperature changes.

Hybrid thermal underwear is a combination of two types of underwear - moisture-wicking and heat-saving. Combinations of useful properties have a great effect on its functionality and the possibility of a wide range of uses, right up to the Arctic expanses.

To do this, you will need to increase the density of the moisture-wicking fabric, or reduce the thickness of the heat-saving fabric. All these processes are determined by the manufacturer and the target audience, which plans to use the proposed accessories in a certain natural area!

Manufacturers also decided to experiment with a combined version of thermal underwear - its inner layer is made of synthetics, which perfectly removes moisture, and the outer layer is made of heat-saving or moisture-absorbing material. A similar option is used by polar explorers, people who constantly work in extremely difficult climate conditions.

Natural materials used to make thermal underwear

Natural materials used in industry, such as wool or cotton, perform well in sedentary conditions when movement is limited. Excessive activity can lead to increased sweating, which negatively affects its functionality. In addition, thermal underwear made from natural fabrics is largely subject to rapid wear, which can hardly be attributed to its advantages. Wool can unpleasantly surprise you with the possibility of allergies - this is unlikely to add pleasure during its use.

Synthetic thermal underwear similar shortcomings practically none, but constantly wearing it is also unfavorable for your body - constant contact with the skin may well cause unpleasant skin irritation, expressed in the appearance of dryness.

Mixed synthetic and cotton underwear is perfect for leisurely long walks.

Properties of thermal underwear

Thermal underwear is selected in various options- for men, women, children. There is a type of unisex underwear - it is equally suitable for both sexes. Thermal underwear is divided into various types, depending on the choice of its functionality. Thermal underwear can be selected in accordance with the tasks performed and the climate - for active, semi-active and leisurely walks, for any temperature regime - cool, cold and very cold. The effectiveness of this accessory will not be significantly affected high rate in case it does not come with properly selected outerwear, which will also completely protect from the effects of the piercing cold wind. Therefore, thermal underwear achieves sufficient effectiveness in the case of its combined use!

The standard approach to wearing thermal underwear includes a few essential pieces - long-sleeved turtlenecks or a T-shirt paired with insulated pants, leggings or shorts. Gloves, a thermal cap or a balaclava will become a worthy conclusion your image. Manufacturers have provided consumers with practical underwear- both male and female. You can fully rely on sufficient protection from all kinds of weather troubles.

Thermal underwear for different sports

Athletes are the most frequent users of thermal underwear. Each sport has its own characteristics. For example, thermal underwear is provided for skiers, which reliably protects the athlete from possible hypothermia in the groin area. For surfers, there is special quick-drying underwear that allows you to quickly get rid of excess moisture. To improve their athletic performance, figure skaters use particularly thin thermal underwear, but it is not without its advantages. The distinctive features of this accessory include such a property as different densities in different places - for example, under the armpits. Low weight and volume are another advantage.

Multi-layering allows you to solve several problems that are relevant for athletes:

  • the bottom layer has the ability to absorb and remove excess moisture;
  • the middle layer allows moisture to be released into the environment;
  • The outer layer reliably protects the body from the cold.

Some manufacturers add silver particles to the fabric to improve the properties of clothing. This makes it possible to get rid of the unpleasant odor and create reliable antibacterial protection.

But such methods of fighting infection have not caused much understanding among professional athletes - many of them claim that after a short period of use of the equipment, they are simply washed out of it, neutralizing their beneficial properties.

The effectiveness of thermal underwear is determined by the amount of impurities natural wool. Thus, the use of merino wool blocks the absorption of moisture and does not affect the smell of sweat, since it absorbs it very weakly. By using silk, you will be able to tightly fit the suit to the body, preventing the skin from drying out completely. The addition of cotton guarantees a good antistatic effect. Elastane, lycra or spandex will greatly increase the wear resistance of the underwear.

Benefits of using thermal underwear

The purchase of thermal underwear certainly guarantees several indisputable advantages, including the opportunity to play sports at any time of the year, winter fishing and hunting, as well as reliable protection from cold and windy winters, which are so frequent in our country. Bamboo, which is part of the linen, has remarkable antibacterial properties, which minimize the risk of infection by viruses and bacteria.


One of the most significant disadvantages of thermal underwear is its high cost and the need to change it for each occasion, since under different circumstances wearing it will not always be convenient and comfortable. In addition, it has the ability to shed and stretch, introducing additional inconvenience as it quickly becomes saturated with sweat.

Features of the thermal underwear selection process

Underwear made from thin cotton fabrics will be your excellent assistant in everyday wear, differing only in its thickness depending on the season. If you are a supporter active image life and do not want to endure any discomfort, use thermal underwear with wool, since your entertainment may require you to remain motionless for a long time.

The best thermal underwear

Truly comfortable underwear must meet a number of requirements - be comfortable, fit in size, not increase body temperature, and not cause itching and allergies during use. It should not stretch significantly or change color when washed. Experts are of the opinion that thermal underwear should still be subjected to hand wash, which will make it possible to extend its service life! Do not use chlorine-containing substances when washing and allow the thermal underwear to dry in natural conditions, without excessive overheating.

Well-chosen thermal underwear, taking into account the proposed recommendations, will become your excellent protector both in the most severe cold of February and in the hottest days. summer days, you just need to approach his choice thoroughly and without rushing to your conclusions!

In this article we will explain in detail what thermal underwear is, how to choose it correctly and care for it.

It is most often used by athletes because it combines two remarkable properties: wicking moisture away from the body and retaining heat. Initially, thermal underwear was intended specifically for sports, but nothing prevents it from being used in everyday life– because it really is comfortable.

Depending on the fabrics used in thermal underwear and their weaving, the properties of thermal underwear will manifest themselves to varying degrees. What is the best thermal underwear for everyone personally? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with this issue in this material.

What is thermal underwear

Thermal underwear looks like ordinary underwear. For men, long johns and T-shirts with long sleeve, and for women, in addition to T-shirts, they also offer T-shirts with short sleeve, shorts (so you can wear a skirt) and leggings (similar to long johns).

Thermal underwear is completely invisible under clothing and can be worn every day.

At the same time, as we have already said, thermal underwear has two remarkable properties: it is filled with air, and this air creates a layer that prevents the body from cooling down.

Secondly, thermal underwear allows moisture to pass through very well. When we sweat, ordinary underwear simply absorbs the sweat, gets wet, and we begin to freeze from the contact of the body and the wet fabric. A Thermal underwear allows moisture to pass through itself, without preventing sweat from evaporating from the skin, but at the same time it remains dry.
There are different types of thermal underwear designed for different loads. Thus, thermal underwear can simply retain heat - pure wool or cotton underwear has this property. More “advanced” and technologically more complex is underwear made from synthetic fabric, which not only retains heat, but also removes sweat from the surface of the skin.

Both useful properties fully involved in thermal underwear designed for winter sports. It is made of two layers: the inner layer removes sweat from the skin, and the outer layer retains heat, however, without preventing sweat from evaporating. Three-layer thermal underwear has been developed for allergy sufferers. Its inner layer is made of hypoallergenic natural material. And the middle and outer layers are the same as any other type of underwear.

How to choose the right thermal underwear

When you buy thermal underwear, look at the composition of the fabric.

Thermal underwear made of polypropylene (best wicks moisture away from the body) is intended for active physical work on outdoors. For example, for mountaineering or yachting. The climber is engaged in intense muscular work, the body sweats a lot, and ordinary underwear quickly gets wet. In addition, when mountaineering there is no opportunity for frequent changes clothes, you have to wear the same clothes more than one day, so your underwear should always remain dry. In the case of water sports, except active sweating During intense exercise, moisture also gets onto clothes from outside. And wet fabric does not retain heat; on the contrary, it only cools the skin. Therefore, thermal underwear made of 100% polypropylene is most suitable for these needs. This material almost does not absorb moisture, due to which it dries very quickly, and at the same time perfectly removes moisture from the body. Thermal underwear made of polypropylene can dry directly on the body without causing any inconvenience. Therefore, such thermal underwear is recommended to be used for summer species sports (running, cycling), but with less dense weaving of the fabric, because in heat conservation in in this case no need. As an alternative to polypropylene, polyester thermal underwear is also offered, but its ability to wick away moisture is still slightly inferior.

For those sports in which a period of intense activity alternates with a less active period (alpine skiing, snowboarding) and there is no need for continuous wear for several days, we recommend choosing thermal underwear made of polypropylene with the addition of wool or cotton. Such underwear not only removes sweat from the skin, but also, thanks to the natural material, retains heat better. In addition, natural materials are still more pleasant for the body. But, as you know, natural materials absorb moisture quite well, so after 7-8 hours active actions The thermal underwear gets wet and will need to be changed. Nevertheless, this option is quite suitable for people who are interested in fishing and hunting. Thermal underwear made of propylene will not only wick away moisture, but will also retain heat quite well throughout the entire time of hunting or fishing.

In principle, any thermal underwear is suitable for everyday wear. But since in such cases the moisture-wicking properties of the fabric are not so important, preference should be given to more comfortable natural materials. The main thing is to take into account that during the cold season you will need thermal underwear with a denser weave - these are long johns and a long-sleeved T-shirt. And for the summer it is better to take thinner thermal underwear (subjectively you can immediately feel it weighing less), as a rule, it is a short-sleeve T-shirt and shorts (instead of shorts there can be capri pants or long johns).

It is worth noting here that the quality of the linen will depend on what kind of wool is used in its manufacture: ordinary wool makes the linen heavy and prickly, extremely unpleasant for the skin. And if the linen contains Merino wool, collected from New Zealand Merino sheep, then the linen will keep warm very well. Merino wool has another good feature: It does not absorb the smell of sweat. This way, you won't have to wash your underwear after each use. Underwear with added wool will be useful for those who like to jog in the morning, as well as rollerbladers and cyclists.

Fitting is required

When buying thermal underwear, be sure to try it on. Don't rely on a label that says it's your size. After all, the underwear will be worn on the body, which means the body should feel good in it. Therefore, try it on, raise and lower your arms several times, move your body from side to side.

In thermal underwear that suits you perfectly, you should not feel any seams, and the underwear should not rub or press. High-quality thermal underwear has seams (and even labels) made on the outside, and you will never rub your skin with them.

How to properly care for thermal underwear

When purchasing thermal underwear, you should know and remember the rules for caring for it. Thermal underwear is so unique that it requires special care. To ensure that the laundry does not lose its properties, it must be washed only by hand or, if in an automatic machine, then in the “delicate wash” mode.

Temperature is also important - no more than 40C. Powders and chlorine bleaches destroy the original structure of thermal underwear and cannot be used. Dry cleaning is also detrimental to thermal underwear.

After washing, thermal underwear is not wrung out and dried without additional heat sources. Expensive propylene linen will forever lose its properties if it is heated above 60C or ironed. If you regularly wash thermal underwear at low (+30C) temperatures, it will not become rough and shrink. And frequent washing will not affect its service life.

As the cold weather approaches, our clients are increasingly turning to us for advice on the selection of thermal underwear. If earlier these were mainly people involved in sports professionally, now the technologies have become available to a wide range of consumers. The concept of “thermal underwear” has become very firmly entrenched in our lives and, probably, like no other, has become overgrown with a large number of all kinds of myths about what it is, what it should be, what functions it performs and how to choose it correctly. But we can say with absolute certainty that there will not be one active person who wouldn't need it. For any type of activity, be it hiking, winter views sports, hunting, fishing, outdoor recreation, walking with children, playing sports indoors or simply moving between home and work - the issue of maintaining heat and protecting against hypothermia is relevant for everyone. Therefore, the common point of view that thermal underwear is something “very professional” is fundamentally wrong.

Outwardly, it looks like things that are quite familiar to everyone: turtlenecks, T-shirts with short and long sleeves, shorts, men's long johns, women's leggings, etc. And at the same time it has fundamental difference in the materials used, types of fabric weaving and design features of the models.

Thermal underwear can be classified according to different criteria, but we think the most important classification is based on physical activity, in which you are going to use it. In this case, “physical activity” means not only playing sports, but also any activity in general, even if you are just walking slowly or sitting on a frozen river with a fishing rod. Based on this, activity can be higher or lower. We will discuss why the activity level is so important below.

Why do you need thermal underwear and what functions should it perform?

Very often we are asked: “What temperature is this or that model designed for?” In fact, this question has no answer, because, apart from weather conditions, it all depends on individual characteristics your body (heat exchange), your activity level, your physical condition, additional clothing, weather conditions, etc. But no matter what thermal underwear you choose, its functions will be the same.

Let's go back a little to history. It is known that most technologies were originally developed for the army. Units special purpose, navy, the astronauts were the first to experience the benefits of thermal underwear. That is, these are the people who, by virtue of their profession, for a long time were in extreme conditions. The quality of thermal underwear at that time, of course, was different from today. A little later, athletes, including climbers, were added to the “elite” of those who could wear thermal underwear every day. We say “elite” because at that time the price of thermal underwear was acceptable only for those who needed it as equipment.

Thus, we can say with confidence that thermal underwear was intended for people of difficult professions, physically active, whose specific activities were constantly related to extreme conditions, in which the risk of hypothermia, including due to clothing wet from sweat, increased sharply. This is where the main function of thermal underwear comes from - MOISTURE WICKING.

Let's now figure out why moisture removal.

The human body is designed in such a way that during high physical activity, it needs to cool down. Sweating is just such a mechanism that prevents the body from overheating by cooling the skin by evaporating moisture from its surface. The more active the movement, the greater the evaporation. But the difficulty is that between our skin and the environment there is one or more layers of clothing, which inevitably absorb sweat. As long as you are actively moving, wet clothes do not cause too much discomfort, but as soon as you stop and “cool down,” especially if the temperature outside is sub-zero, wet clothes begin to cool the body due to the evaporation of moisture absorbed into the fabric. In such situations, the heat loss from your body is many times greater than what occurs when you are wearing dry clothes.

Thermal underwear allows you to avoid this effect due to the properties of the material from which it is made. Modern synthetic materials, due to the structure of their fibers, absorb moisture released by the body, very quickly “transporting” it to the outer surface of the fabric, from where it freely evaporates, leaving your body and thermal underwear dry. Such materials dry on average 40% faster than natural ones, which, for all their positive qualities, retain a lot of moisture and remain wet for a long time.

We'll discuss it separately design features cut of thermal underwear, since the comfort of wearing these products directly depends on them. And this is really very important, because you will have to move a lot and actively in it.

It is necessary to pay attention to the profiled inserts, as thanks to them, maximum fit of the underwear to the body is achieved without compromising comfort. This is the so-called anatomical cut, that is, a fitted silhouette, profiled “knees” on trousers and sleeves on T-shirts, gussets, etc. Manufacturers often combine several types of materials, using polypropylene fibers in areas of increased sweating, since it has maximum moisture removal and dries faster than other types of fabrics.

Features of the cut include flat seams, as well as the placement of tags and labels on the outer surface of the product.

All these qualities of thermal underwear are designed to provide you with maximum comfort and protection from hypothermia during various physical activities in all weather conditions.

How is the choice of thermal underwear related to the level of physical activity?

The fact is that absolute preservation of the air layer necessary for heat is possible only with complete sealing, and the “breathing” properties of materials ensure that with the evaporation of moisture, some of the heat is inevitably removed. Therefore, when choosing one or another option for thermal underwear, you find the balance between thermal insulation and moisture management that matches your level of activity.

If you move a lot, sweat, and breaks in your activity are short-lived, then the main property of your thermal underwear should be high moisture wicking. For example, when a climber makes a climb, the level of his physical activity is very high, and stops in order to “stand up” for belay or simply restore strength are not too long, but at the same time, they are associated with conditions of sub-zero temperatures and strong wind. To do this, of course, preference should be given to 100% synthetics (polyester, polypropylene, polyamide or combinations of materials).

On the other hand, situations often arise when you have to move a lot with long breaks, during which you continue to be exposed to the cold. And as a result, you have time not only to sweat, but also to “cool down” a lot. An example of such an activity would be horse riding alpine skiing, since while you are actually skiing, you are actively moving, but the climbs to heights on the cable car are quite long, and in the wind and frost. For such cases, you can choose denser and warmer synthetic thermal underwear with high degree moisture removal.

If your physical activity is low, you do not sweat, but at the same time you do not warm yourself with active movement, therefore, thermal underwear should be more heat-saving than moisture-wicking. In this case, thermal underwear with natural materials, especially wool, is well suited, since it will not get wet from sweat and has excellent “warming” qualities. It should be noted that when we say “natural materials,” we mean that they can be included in the fabric in a certain proportion, but no more than 35-40 percent. This thermal underwear is perfect for hunting, winter fishing and just walking in the cold season.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that there is underwear that is not designed to warm, but rather to cool, providing the maximum possible air circulation and the fastest possible evaporation of moisture.

Here we come to next question:


Elastic and thin, skin-friendly material, two-layer structure, perfect for thermal underwear. Thanks to the use of two types of threads, each side of the fabric has different surface. The inner layer, velvety and delicate, provides the fabric with excellent moisture-wicking properties. The outer layer easily removes evaporation to the outside. Dries 2 times faster than natural cotton.


Elastic and thin, skin-friendly material with two-layer weaving. On the outside, wool is used, which has traditional heat-insulating properties. On inside Polyester is used, which dries quickly and wicks away moisture.


This is a family of synthetic materials. Warm, soft, lightweight O-THERM materials have excellent thermal insulation properties. Unlike natural fabrics, they do not accumulate, but rather remove excess moisture from the body, providing comfort. The material retains its heat-insulating properties and does not pill after many washes. Products made from O - THERM can be used separately and as an insulating layer in combination with windproof clothing.


It is a lightweight, 4-way elastic, soft microfiber material with excellent thermal insulation properties. It breathes well, wicking away moisture. All this allows it to be used to create thick thermal underwear. O-STRETCH clothing is comfortable for changing weather conditions, makes an excellent base layer, and with its durable nylon outer surface can serve as a warm outerwear.


Technological lightweight material created specifically for sportswear. The best breathability and thermal insulation properties with minimal weight are ensured by the cellular structure inner surface. Dries quickly.

Of course, different manufacturers patent their own names and there are a lot of them, but one way or another, the production of thermal underwear is based on high-quality synthetic materials, in particular polyester.

1. So, when choosing thermal underwear, first of all, decide on your needs, primarily physical activity. Unfortunately, no matter how much you strive for a compromise, it is practically impossible to purchase thermal underwear “for all occasions.” That's why:

If your activity is low (you walk in at a slow pace, stand or sit for a long time), but the temperature environment cool, low or very low, it is better to choose thick, heat-saving underwear with a high wool content;

If you need thermal underwear for sports activities in winter time year, choose combined options made from 100% synthetic materials with balanced qualities for moisture removal and heat conservation;

If you move actively in warm or hot weather, or play sports indoors, then lightweight synthetic moisture-wicking thermal underwear will be optimal.

2. Thermal underwear must be tried on, and not only a T-shirt or jumper, but also trousers. It should fit the figure well, especially in areas of increased sweating (armpits, lower back, between the shoulder blades), but not pinch, rub or restrict movement. This is very important for sports thermal underwear, because you will have to move a lot and actively in it. We remind you that special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the special cut of the product to ensure maximum comfort, which we discussed above. For everyday “relaxed” wear, you can choose a slightly looser style, but do not forget that thermal underwear is only effective if it fits directly to the body, so do not wear other clothes under it.

We hope that after reading this article, it will be much easier for you to make your choice.

When creating this article, materials from the OZONE website were used

Thermal underwear: comfort and warmth in any weather

Today you don’t need to put on “a hundred clothes” to avoid freezing in cold weather. Light, practical and beautiful thermal underwear regulates body temperature itself, removes sweat and provides the greatest comfort for a person.

Criteria for choosing the best thermal underwear

Type of thermal underwear

In order for thermal underwear to please its owner, you need to choose it strictly for its intended purpose. Thermal underwear is:

  • sports, or moisture-wicking. It is intended for active physical activity in the fresh air.
  • everyday, or heat-saving. Its main function is to retain body heat and is also suitable for low-intensity physical activity.
  • hybrid. Combines the properties of the two previous types by combining materials with different characteristics.

Based on cut and design, underwear is divided into men's, women's and unisex. Children's thermal underwear stands apart: it is subject to increased demands on comfort and heat-saving properties. Manufacturers, as a rule, produce three types of children's underwear: for passive, semi-active and active walks.

Materials and composition

100% synthetic materials are used for sports thermal underwear: they remove moisture better and are more durable. For everyday underwear, cotton and wool are used, which have high heat-saving properties, but they are less able to remove moisture and wear out faster. The warmest underwear is made from merino sheep wool, but when choosing 100% wool underwear, you should make sure that it does not prick your body!

To improve consumer characteristics, silk and bamboo fibers are added to thermal underwear. Linen with mixed properties (hybrid) also has a mixed composition: natural fibers plus synthetic ones in different proportions, most often 50/50.

Important: Thermal underwear is not a heating pad, but a convenient way to remove moisture from the skin and retain body heat. Without the “correct” outerwear (membrane suit and, if necessary, fleece underwear, Polartek), thermal underwear will not work as effectively as stated by the manufacturer.

Manufacturers of quality thermal underwear

When choosing the best thermal underwear, you need to understand that you need to evaluate “by eye” the availability high technology you won't succeed in the product. Therefore, “Price Expert” advises, instead of inexpensive products from fly-by-night companies, to give preference famous brands, who have been working in the market for many years and value their reputation. Famous companies Craft, ODLO, X-bionic, Marmot and others offer very wide range thermal underwear, focusing on sports and everyday options: men's, women's, children's. At the most popular brands: Norway(Germany) and Guahoo(Finland-China) - you can find offers for the whole family and any situation.

The principle “the more expensive the better” when choosing thermal underwear often works, but not always. There are also good models in the inexpensive segment, for example, casual underwear Comazo(Germany) and sports Brubeck(Poland). But Russian manufacturers so far there is nothing to boast about: their cheap thermal underwear in fact most often turns out to be ordinary underwear without special properties. The only exception is products RedFox And " Alloy».

Rating of the best thermal underwear - TOP-9

“Price Expert” selected 9 products from the most popular and time-tested brands.


Approximate price of the set (T-shirt + long johns)


Craft Active

the most comfortable and functional synthetic thermal underwear

high-quality thermal underwear made from natural materials

Norfin Nord

excellent fleece thermal underwear for fishing and hunting 9.7

Joha cotton/wool

best thermal underwear for children

most popular thermal underwear

Brubeck Webster Termo

sports thermal underwear at the price of everyday clothing

ODLO Warm Trend

excellent selection of women's thermal underwear for sports and leisure

classic men's thermal underwear for everyday wear

good budget thermal underwear

Let's take a closer look at each selected model.

1.Craft Active
the most comfortable and functional synthetic thermal underwear


Average price in the Russian Federation: 2100 rub.

Craft thermal underwear is made of very thin, almost weightless polyester thread, but it warms just fine. This is all due to special thread weaving technologies and tailoring features. The underwear fits perfectly to the body and does an excellent job of removing moisture. “Price Expert” recognizes it as the most effective, comfortable and ideally combining price and quality.


  • wide range;
  • perfect fit;
  • flat elastic seams;
  • Sold both in sets and in units.

Cons: not found.

Typical reviews aboutThermal underwear CraftActive:

“Craft Active thermal underwear is the best - it is very comfortable, retains heat well and actively removes moisture! Indispensable for active people winter fun and walks with the child."

“Fits like a glove! Pants are exactly the same height (as stated according to size chart), the belt does not pinch, the shirt fits the figure, the sleeves also completely cover the arms.”

2. Janus
the best thermal underwear made from natural materials


Average price of a set in the Russian Federation: 6000 rub.

The business card of the Norwegian company Janus is the production of thermal underwear only from natural fibers: Merino wool, cotton and silk. These are high quality and not cheap clothing for comfortable stay in the cold for adults and children of all ages.


  • natural;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • variety of assortment and design.

Minus: price.

Typical reviews of thermal underwearJanus:

“The best thermal underwear! I'm buying the second season. Subtle, pleasant even on naked body, does not run small, and due to its elasticity it fits well on the figure.”

“Very high-quality thermal underwear, I recommend it to everyone, especially those who are allergic to synthetics. And if you get a discount, then the price is reasonable.”

3. Norfin Nord
the best fleece thermal underwear for fishing and hunting


Average price in the Russian Federation: 3500 rub.

The universal underwear is designed for very cold weather and moderate physical activity and, according to reviews, is well suited for winter fishing and hunting. Material - 100% microfleece (NORfeece Micro) allows you to quickly remove moisture and retain heat during sedentary activity. Norfin Nord can be successfully used during high physical activity, simply by wearing additional thin thermal underwear underneath.


  • warm and soft;
  • washes well and dries quickly;
  • elastic cuffs and waistband.

Cons: narrow range.

Typical reviews of thermal underwearNorfinNord:

“I’ve been using it for four years now. winter fishing and have never regretted the purchase. The size was the same as mine, very comfortable, dry, warm.”

“My personal conclusion is that Norfin Nord thermal underwear is worthy of attention and perfectly fulfills its purpose!”

4. Joha cotton/wool
best thermal underwear for children


Average price in the Russian Federation: 3200 rub.

Yoha's underwear is especially respected by knowledgeable parents. It not only really works, retaining heat and removing moisture, but also provides maximum comfort for little ones. Joha does not prick, does not press, is very soft, hypoallergenic, and the wide range allows you to choose “uniform” for children of any age, starting from birth.


  • high quality;
  • wide range;
  • various colors.

Minus: low wear resistance.

Typical reviews of thermal underwearJoha:

“The linen is very soft, pleasant and well-made, with flat seams. After many washes appearance remained the same - everything was white, not deformed and without pellets.”

“We have been wearing Joha thermal underwear since birth and are satisfied, the price is lower than many other brands, and the quality is at the same level. The only disappointing thing is that over time, puffs appear on the fabric, but this does not affect the protective properties.”

5. Norway
most popular thermal underwear


Average price in the Russian Federation: 5600 rub.

Very popular and varied thermal underwear made in Germany, designed for men, women, children, infants and pregnant women! All Norwegian models are thin, light, completely imperceptible on the body and invisible under clothing. At the same time, this thermal underwear performs its heat-saving function “perfectly.” Main materials - thermolight synthetics, merino wool, cotton, there are also models with the addition of silk.


  • easy quality material;
  • flat seams;
  • anatomical shape
  • Sold both in units and in sets - easy to choose the size.


  • price;
  • few color options.

Typical reviews about:

“We were very pleased! It never got wet, it was always warm and pleasant to the touch. The most important thing is that it is thin and does not carry additional load on the body. You can say you don’t feel it on yourself!”

“The best thermal underwear is very soft, thin, does not look like wool at all and is very warm. I wash it in the machine, it doesn't roll up. Flat seams!

6. Brubeck Webster Termo
the best sports thermal underwear at the price of everyday wear


Average price in the Russian Federation: 2900 rub.

Brubeck Webster Termo thermal underwear consists of polyamide, polyester and elastane. It is all-season and can be used in cool weather down to -10 for skiing, hockey and other winter sports, and in warm weather up to +20 for running, mountaineering, cycling and motorcycling. The main purpose is to release sweat and maintain the body microclimate.


  • durable;
  • seamless;
  • there are areas of enhanced ventilation;
  • perfect fit;
  • bacteriostatic.

Cons: does not retain heat (but it is not intended for this).

Typical reviews of Brubeck thermal underwearWebsterTermo:

“For this money, it’s a completely working tool, zoned synthetics, designed for active loads. Application experience has shown that this underwear works for its money.”

“I would never have believed that synthetics could have better properties than natural fabrics if I had not bought a set of Brubeck thermal underwear. It is not felt on the body, it is light, and when skiing it very quickly removes moisture from clothes.”

7. ODLO Warm Trend
the best women's thermal underwear for sports and leisure


Average price per set in the Russian Federation: 5500 rub.

Thermal underwear Swiss brand ODLO is distinguished not only by its quality and durability, but also by its striking design. It is made from innovative synthetic materials developed by the company. Different types cut, spectacular colors and finishes, perfect fit make this thermal underwear especially attractive to the fair sex.


Minus: price.

Typical reviews of thermal underwearODLO:

“Very soft, bright, warm long sleeve, I took L, it fits tightly, beautifully, the neck is pressed, but does not press, there is a bouffant inside, very light, I’m happy!!!”

“Cool, the best thermal underwear - stylish and fits the body perfectly. It’s nice that you can choose from a variety of colors exactly what you like.”

8. Guahoo
the best men's thermal underwear for everyday wear


Average price in the Russian Federation: 5000 rub.

The Finnish brand Guahoo has been known in Russia for more than 10 years. Under this name, classic thermal underwear for every day and for sports is produced. Viscose-acrylic synthetics (Wormsoft) in combination with cotton or merino wool - best solution for any weather from cool to very cold. The manufacturer offers 5 options for underwear for different temperature conditions and 3 options for to varying degrees physical activity.


Cons: The cut and quality of the seams are not ideal.

Typical reviews of thermal underwearGuahoo:

“The best thermal underwear for every day. Stretches well suitable for tall people and wide, washes without problems. The knees are stretched, but this is not critical.”

“Dry, warm, comfortable, the knitwear is thin, flat seams allow you to wear underwear under tight-fitting clothes and look presentable. The downsides: weak elastic and a bit strange cut.”

9. Comazo
good inexpensive thermal underwear


Average price in the Russian Federation: 1500 rub.

German Komatso underwear is inexpensive, but it works according to all the rules of thermal underwear: it removes sweat and retains heat. The assortment includes 3 types of linen for different temperature regime from -10 to -35 degrees.


  • price;
  • acceptable quality.


  • stretches greatly over time;
  • "bigger".

Typical reviews aboutComazo:

“This thermal underwear is not for active sports (too warm), but walking calmly to work and home is the most best option for that kind of money."

“The linen is very pleasant to the touch. It doesn't flop around, but it doesn't fit like underwear either. You just need to take a size smaller - it runs big, and after washing it also stretches.”

So which thermal underwear is better to buy?

As you can see, thermal underwear is no longer exotic: there is a lot of it Russian market, and day by day it becomes more and more popular, and the assortment is more and more. Before purchasing, “Price Expert” advises to be especially clear about the purposes for which thermal underwear is being purchased, and then it will be truly effective and provide warmth and comfort. Happy shopping!

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