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What a young man should be like. A young man must be independent. Can he control himself?

Men: ideal husband rank, what is he like? Women live their whole lives in search ideal companion life, I wonder what kind of ideal man he is through the eyes of men and women? Maybe girls dream of impossible dreams or do princes still exist? Today we will conduct an experiment, compare male and female female point view on this issue. Is it possible to be an ideal man or do women set too high standards? Can the myth of the ideal man be realized in life?

What should a man be like in the eyes of a woman?

Women love to dream about the ideal lover. As a child, reading fairy tales, we imagine a wonderful young man: loving, caring, attentive, sensitive, devoted to his beloved, brave and with an inheritance, of course, in the form of half a kingdom.
And what criteria are applied to earthly men, what are they guided by when choosing a life partner?

An ideal man should have the following qualities:

  1. Having intelligence - women are not attracted stupid men, it becomes boring and difficult to communicate with them for a long time.
  2. Sensitivity - tenderness, sensitivity, attentiveness should also be present in an ideal life partner. And it’s even better when he reads all the girl’s thoughts and understands her perfectly, but this is more a myth than the truth.
  3. Honesty - sincerity and trust are necessary attributes happy love Therefore, no one likes deceivers; it is better not to engage in embellishments and inventions. Over time, everything will become known, and trust will be undermined.
  4. Loyalty - the ideal man is devoted to his lady and is ready to love forever, by definition. All women dream about this, but how to extend the life of love, make it eternal? That's another question.
  5. The ability to love - general concept, includes care, understanding, the ability to do anything for the sake of a loved one, as well as manifestation tender feelings- hugs, kisses, compliments.
  6. Responsibility, reliability - the ideal man - a strong shoulder, support, confidence in tomorrow. Girls always want to feel supported in this world, to know that someone will always come to the rescue, will fulfill promises, and is ready to solve any problem. difficult question. Together it is easier to overcome any difficulties.
  7. Providing for the family - women's views do not change: the spouse must be the breadwinner and provide for the family financially. Prosperity and financial security largely depend on it. However, often the budget is formed jointly, the wife also participates in financial security. Ideally, a man takes on most of the obligations and handles financial issues.
  8. Wit, humor - the ability to joke makes a guy more attractive to women. Cheerful guys are always the life of the party, optimism and enthusiasm are contagious, allowing you to attract attention and find the girl of your dreams. But it’s simple, you don’t even have to be super handsome.
  9. Generosity - girls like attention, gifts, this is normal, the main thing is everything in moderation. And a generous young man who pays attention to his beloved will receive additional points in her eyes. After all, the ability to earn money is one of the important criteria for starting a family, and stinginess arouses suspicion - it will not cope with fatherhood, the mission of a spouse.
  10. Understanding, respect - it is important for a woman that her lover strives to understand her and shows respect. Moreover, complexity manifests itself in differences in the perception of the world. To understand is to be able to listen, sympathize, help overcome difficulties morally, and if asked, then with advice.
  11. Masculinity, courage - the main list of qualities of an ideal young man does not include beauty, but there is masculinity, which is more attractive to women. A courageous and courageous spouse can become a support in the family, provide confidence, stability - girls believe, and masculinity is also sexy. What is an indicator of masculinity in the image of a young man?
    They pay attention to the presence of an athletic figure, unshavenness (it is no coincidence that a beard has become fashionable), scars, they always decorate.
    Courage is manifested in actions, decisiveness of actions, the ideal man is ready to save the world and his beloved, take risks, be brave.
  12. Love for children - a young man is always perceived by a girl as future father her children, subconsciously chooses the best candidate. The ability to communicate with children and love for little tomboys will be a big plus, the main thing is not to go too far: the girl may not be ready to become a mother. All you need is understanding, future children will always be happy.
  13. Willingness to help - it is often difficult for a young wife to cover the entire volume of housework, doing work, raising children, but the husband also needs attention. What should I do? Help with household chores will be very useful; the ideal spouse always comes to the rescue, does not wait for requests, and takes the initiative. Wives can be modest and pull the cart on their own until they lose their strength and desire to live together.
  14. No bad habits - the ideal young man does not smoke, does not drink, gives flowers to the girl, respects and appreciates her parents.
  15. Well-mannered, gallant gentleman - good manners and good manners have always been valued, women love attention when they offer a hand, help put on a coat, treat them like a queen. Then the response is appropriate. Let the girl feel happy.

Men: the ideal man has the most important qualities: reliability, masculinity, sense of duty, generosity. In the image of an ideal young man, women often combine incompatible things: strong, confident and at the same time devoted and attentively listening to his beloved, helping around the house. The image of an ideal life partner is compared with the expression “my affectionate and gentle beast” - faithful, gentle and caring, but still a beast (courageous, strong, sexy).

What should a man be like in the eyes of a woman? It also depends on the age of the beloved. Interesting fact- over the years, priorities change in assessing the main qualities:

  • from 18-24 years old - looking for someone physically attractive, strong guy who loves music, literature, going to the movies;
  • from 25 to 34 - they value career aspirations, success at work, and achievements in business. They notice the attractiveness of the image - masculinity, sportiness, sexuality;
  • from 34 to 44 years old - they love well-mannered gentlemen, pleasant communication, trips to the theater, other cultural programs, travel. Pay attention to the guys a little younger in age, the lines are already blurred, there is no desire to find an older gentleman;
  • from 44 to 55 - primarily interested in: stability in life, reliability, financial security, physical attractiveness plays a lesser role;
  • over 55 years old - pay attention to the presence of intelligence, life experience, common interests, and ideals.

Which one is the best best man for a woman? First of all, your favorite one, and then a big list of wishes. Each girl has additional criteria; preferences can be determined during the meeting.
The ideal age for men, according to women, is forty years old - yes life experience, financial stability, ability to behave with women, patience, gallantry. Young guys often behave inappropriately and try to lower the self-esteem of girls.
Men become better over the years, even gray hair can beautify the most best age According to surveys, 40-45 years old. Such men are ready for serious relationship, building a family. However, there are young people who, at 30, are quite mature, sober-minded, and ready morally and financially to start a new family.
Regarding physical beauty, appearance, That perfect figure Men, according to women, are athletic and fit. However, the presence wide waist combined with excellent character traits, care, love will not prevent them from finding happiness in their personal lives.
How do guys imagine the image of an ideal man?

The ideal man through the eyes of men

A survey on the parameters of a man’s ideality showed that not all guys are ready to answer:

  • “Everything is individual, different criteria”;
  • “never thought about it”;
  • “it’s difficult to say right away”;
  • "There are no ideals."

Young people are more inclined to evaluate women, although there are also those who work on themselves, develop their personality, and know what parameters to strive for. This probably depends on the person’s upbringing and awareness. It’s interesting that older men are ready to give a clear answer.

So, the ideal man through the eyes of men:

  • Confident, the support of the family - having confidence helps to cope with the difficulties of life, to be a reliable support for your wife and children, and is ready to take responsibility for yourself and your family.
  • Strong character, in spirit - a real man does not give up, does not give in to difficulties, is ready to stand up for his family and overcome any adversity.
  • Self-sufficient, able to provide for his family - the ideal man stands confidently on his feet, can provide for his family and growing children. Independence is also important for building a family.
  • A responsible spouse is ready to obtain finances in any way, including difficult times- taxi, engage in trade, and other types of work. He remembers the interests of the family and does not give in to difficulties.
  • Physically strong, courageous - it is important to be strong and ready to protect the family, to be the head of the family. A real man goes in for sports not for beauty, but to develop strength and morale, acquiring masculinity.
  • A good family man - an ideal husband is devoted to the family, strives to help his wife in difficult periods life, shares joys and sorrows. He's not afraid homework or walks with small children.
  • It is important to take part as much as possible in family matters: raising children, household chores, doing housework. A real man knows how to fix a faucet, nail a shelf, and provides good comfortable conditions everyday life
  • Well-mannered, gentleman - the ideal young man knows the rules of etiquette: he shakes hands with a lady when getting out of a vehicle, is polite in communication, knows how to speak nice words, compliments. Certainly, strong man strives to be a leader, but allows the lady to make choices and participate in discussions. He knows how to tactfully express his own point of view, appealing to arguments.

So, the ideal man through the eyes of men has fewer criteria, how women's list, includes the most important parameters. A woman next to such a companion feels happy. He is strong in spirit and body, confident, takes care of his family and his beloved wife. Girls dream of confidence and peace in life.
Note that the stronger sex does not prioritize physical beauty. They often forget about the absence of bad habits, they think: a couple of glasses of beer with friends on the weekends is not a big deal if everything else is fine. If everything is in moderation, then a woman can accept this option.
Beauty, indeed, is not obligatory for a life partner; it attracts more strength, confidence, reliability of a person to create a family and have children. The girl feels that such a chosen one will be a wonderful father, a family man.
What about a sense of humor? Of course, this is an attractive feature for girls, but guys don’t highlight it as a must-have. Usually, when you are in love, your mood goes through the roof, and jokes arise on their own, as a result pleasant communication. Even phlegmatic people become sociable and cheerful. It would be nice to please your beloved in the future with kind words and smiles.
Young people suggested adding the following qualities to the list of the ideal man through the eyes of men:

  • does not like to discuss others, to gossip - indeed, a worthy person does not stoop to discussing other people, especially ex-girlfriends. Confident man does not use black PR, she would rather tell her special advantages than criticize her past girlfriends. Everyone has their own life, the roads diverge, different interests- This is fine;
  • complements the girl’s ideality - the answer suggests: the guy’s girlfriend is ideal, and he strives to keep up, helps her to be better - and develops himself. A very interesting approach to life: love your spouse, try to be the best;
  • versatile, interesting in communication - of course, mutual interest arises if people have interests in each other, there is common hobbies, topics. It is useful to learn more, read, listen to different music, navigate various issues to maintain a conversation, find out the girl’s areas of interest;
  • beloved - a person becomes ideal, feeling the girl’s love, strives to reveal best quality, because love is a stimulus for development. It often helps a person to look at the world differently, give up bad habits, develop useful ones, learn to give: to care, show tenderness and attention to his beloved;
  • be in good physical fitness- the ideal young man looks courageous and athletic. He goes to gym, takes care of your figure, health, proper nutrition. This ensures energy and success.

The study “The Ideal Man Through the Eyes of Men” showed that the guys understand the main values ​​and priorities in life. Often the vision of an ideal man is formed by the mother in the process of upbringing, example own family. It is enough to look at a person’s parents to understand the basic values ​​​​cultivated in the family. There are also reverse situations- children strive for their own ideals if they have negative life experiences.
In part, women themselves create ideal men by raising sons. However, an example good father will always help a teenager find himself, understand how important it is to be worthy person in life. The question of the existence of an ideal man is rather rhetorical, but it is worth striving for the ideal, because, having guidelines, it is easier to follow the road of life.
Often young people want to find the ideal woman, they know the criteria for a future companion, they do not think about their own life values. What should I do? Psychologists say: become an ideal man - you will have the opportunity to choose among the most best women, fans.
The ideal man through the eyes of men is confident, strong, follows his heart, and is not afraid of difficulties. He is able to provide a comfortable life for his family, active, working for results. Ready to take care of the family and be a support for it.
So, the ideal man through the eyes of men has common ideas with women's views, discrepancies only on a few points: bad habits, fidelity, tenderness. Some respondents believe that they are polygamous by nature, low-alcohol drinks are “not a problem,” and they equate tenderness with passion. As a result, difficulties may arise in future family life.
A woman's wish list is more extensive, is it possible to meet the ideal man in life?

How to find a worthy man?

Life experience suggests: absolute ideals do not exist, there are people who come close to them, it is worth identifying the most important, fundamental qualities in finding a life partner.
The best man, the ideal man is different for every woman. One girl may need an intellectual with excellent manners, attentive and caring. The other is looking for a physically and spiritually strong, attractive male who can stand up for his lady and family. Some people focus on security and success. How to find the ideal? How to find and attract worthy man?

The answers can be found in the book “How to Find a Decent Man” by Lev Vozhevatov. What does the author advise?

  1. Become ideal girl- be well-groomed, cheerful, purposeful, active, passionate about interests, life, energetic.
  2. Actively seek your dream - the author advises not to wait for the prince, but to active searches- go to clubs, parties, exhibitions, places where potential suitors. The main thing is to understand what type of men are attracted to and the requirements of a future lover.
  3. To be able to support and praise your loved one - any man is pleased to hear kind words, support, approval, especially gratitude for gifts or nice time spent together.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice, ask for help - men are happy to help a girl at any time. They enjoy participating in the life of another person, it increases their status and self-confidence.
  5. Be proud of your loved ones - young people and mature men It’s nice to hear words of praise from girls in the presence of friends and relatives. Such behavior emphasizes that the man is loved and appreciated.
  6. Be proactive - in long-term relationships, girls are advised to be more active in their personal lives, emphasizing the desirability of their loved one. It's always flattering young man, feels self-confident, strives to be worthy.

The book “How to Find a Decent Man” by Vozhevatov is written for girls, it reveals the secrets of building a relationship with a man, how to find and maintain happiness and love in life.
How to find good man? Be worthy, actively seek. It all depends on the girl, her desire to find love, work on her personal qualities.
Everything in the world is interconnected: whoever seeks will find! Similar people with common interests and aspirations will definitely meet!
We wish everyone to find their own ideal and be happy in love!

Of course, everyone has their own concept of “ideal”. We have compiled a list containing statements about what the ideal guy should be according to most girls. Take a closer look at your partner, perhaps these 20 points will help make your relationship with him better. Remember that a happy relationship is a two-way process. If you notice that you don't allow your boyfriend to express himself in full force, then try to change something in yourself.

What is he like: the perfect guy

    He listens to you. The most important thing in any equal relationship is to be heard. We want our values, opinions and beliefs to be taken into account. Even if we don't agree with them, we want them to be respected. Without a doubt, the ideal guy should listen to what you have to say. He calls just to hear your voice or sends messages throughout the day because he truly cares about you and your business.

    He's infatuated with you. No, this does not mean that he is obsessed with you and cuts off the phone in the hope of being in touch around the clock. This means that he is simply interested, intrigued by you. And not only his words, but also his actions prove this. He spends his free time with you, says that you are irresistible and is not afraid to be honest about your feelings.

    He talks about his feelings and emotions. Despite the fact that society imposes on us the idea that a real man should be brutal, there is nothing wrong with a man who speaks quite clearly about his experiences, especially if you spend a lot of time with him. It seems quite logical to me that close people talk openly with each other about their past, their fears and desires.

    He accepts all your sides. This is one of the most important aspects healthy relationships when your boyfriend is not trying to change you. He simultaneously accepts your strengths and weaknesses. He supports and makes it clear that you are perfect in his eyes. Your loved one is ideal if he does not try to change, manipulate or influence you. He tells you that he loves even what you hate about yourself.

    He values ​​your personal space. Relationships take up a big part of your life, but that doesn't mean you have to spend 100% of your time on them. Each of you has your own own interests and hobbies. The ideal guy doesn't mind if you decide to spend time with his girlfriends. He understands that your lives must remain balanced in relationships. He wants to have fun with his friends and says hello to them.

    He is interested in your hobbies. He is truly interested in what you like to do or what you love most in life. This doesn't mean that he also has to love everything you love or do everything you do. You can be crazy about new music, and he can love art, and that's great. The ideal guy really cares about what you care about. You feel more alive next to him, he maintains a feeling of happiness and euphoria in your relationship.

    He makes you laugh. Sincere laughter - best medicine. Your partner doesn't have to be a professional comedian, but the ideal guy definitely has a great sense of humor. He loves to joke with you from time to time and can only do cute and stupid things with you. It is also possible that you will come up with funny nicknames for each other.

    He is independent. The ideal guy is able to support himself, lives on his own, and takes pride in being an independent and contributing member of society. It’s not cool to pay for yourself all the time while dating. The ideal guy is the one who could theoretically become the head of the family in the future. If he knows how to provide for himself, then most likely he will be able to provide for his future family.

    He trusts you completely. Trust is the foundation harmonious relations and their essence. There is no room for jealousy or insecurity in such a relationship. Most relationships in which there is mistrust arise due to unhealthy relationships in the past. That is, these negative aspects can be transferred into a new relationship with a new person. The ideal guy won't text or call every hour to find out where you are now. We all feel a little insecure and jealous sometimes. This is fine. But an ideal man should try to control his panicky thoughts and not let them affect your relationship at all.

  1. He always supports you. Our life is unpredictable and it includes both ups and downs, bad moments and happy ones. It doesn’t matter what stage each of you is going through now, you are ready to support each other until the end. The ideal guy will undoubtedly support you in any situation. He will remain by your side in any tough situation. He will support and try to cheer you up. He will encourage you to move on, even if you lose faith in yourself. He is both a teammate and your number one fan.
  2. He makes plans with you. The ideal guy dreams of spending more time together. But one of the partners cannot always be the sole initiator of meetings. Everyone must make some effort to maintain relationships and show their desire to meet.

    He's attentive. It is important to be attentive to your partner. The ideal guy will think of food for you when you're sick or bring you something sweet when you're sick. Bad mood. From time to time, he plans events that will make you feel special to him. The ideal guy understands that his actions show that he cares about you.

    He cooks for you. Society is trying to impose on us that the kitchen is a place only for women. But this is the 21st century and we do not live in a world of ideal housewives from American TV series. This does not mean that your boyfriend should cook every day, but I hope he has a few culinary masterpieces in stock for you. He might be a master stir-fry. There's something appealing about cooking something for dinner just for the two of you. This is another chance to show feelings for you.

    His promises match his actions. If we are not even true to our words, then what do we have left? Honesty is a quality ideal partner. If he says he will call you at nine in the evening, then he does it. If he says you will spend the weekend together, then you do it. He keeps his promises. Or finds an opportunity to warn you in advance about changing circumstances.

    He introduces you to his family and friends. Meeting family and friends usually doesn't happen early stages relationships. But if you have been together for a long time and still have not been introduced to his family and close people, you need to think about possible reasons this. The ideal guy really wants to introduce you to his friends and family because he loves spending time with you and he wants his loved ones to love you too.

    He shows his love. This is very important aspect, but it doesn't mean you have to kiss passionately in public every time you go out. It's just important to hold hands or give a gentle hug when you feel the need. The ideal guy is not shy about showing his love for you in public. He will also tell you how suitable this dress is for you today. And don't complicate things and ask in detail: accept this compliment from your ideal guy as a pure act of adoration, not criticism.

    He respects you. Mutual respect must be an undeniable basis happy relationship. But, unfortunately, we know many examples of relationships devoid of respect. The ideal guy will never push you, much less raise his hand against you. He will never yell at you or call you horrible names. There is not one good reason to forgive your husband for cruelty and violence! The ideal guy is able to control his anger and not take it out on you. He adores you and will therefore be upset if anything happens to you.

    He is ready to compromise. If everyone always agreed with each other, our world would become a very, very boring place. The ideal guy is willing to compromise to save your relationship. If you always do what your partner wants and nothing you suggest, then your couple has problems with compromise. These qualities of an ideal guy will be especially important when building a family. When your boyfriend agrees to a compromise, it means that your feelings are important to him, and not just his own.

    It's evolving. It is important to build a relationship with a person who, by his example, motivates you to achieve your own achievements. The ideal guy likes to experience the world in his own way. It doesn't matter if he likes to travel, read a lot or work out in the gym. The main thing is that it active image Life and an inquisitive mind inspired you to develop and become better every day.

There is no single standard of beauty; everyone has their own worldview. But for me it is such that my friends are amazed - my ideas about male attractiveness. But they are mine, and I have no desire to give them up yet. Do you want to know what kind of friend my dreams are?

In terms of height, I like the principle of minimalism - 175 cm, no more, but as for weight, on the contrary - I like well-fed ones, about 80 - 90 kg. But! At the same time, fit and pumped up. Do you think it's impossible? Nothing of the kind! There are such individuals (however, for some reason I come across only young animals, despite my preference for something older).

The figure of my standard exudes solidity and solidity. He has a somewhat protruding but dense tummy, broad shoulders, strong legs, beautiful hands.

Eyes can be any color, although green is preferred. I'm sure of one thing about my hair - it's not blonde. A brunette with a bald head is better. What can I do, I liked bald men almost from infancy. I always envied my friend - she had a short, well-fed, bald dad, compared to mine - a tall, handsome man with wavy gray hair.

Regarding appearance, for me the embodiment of everything is the wonderful Frenchman Louis de Funes, who brilliantly played the commissar in Fantômas and the gendarme Cruchot.

The character of a dream guy so that a girl likes him

A distinctive feature of my ideal is the absence of boringness. Then comes honesty, decency, acceptance of other people's opinions and lifestyle. My boyfriend knows how to act quickly non-standard situation, will take responsibility.

He must be brave. Bravery (excessive, and often) is mine distinguishing feature, cowardice is categorically unacceptable to me. But courage is, first of all, thoughtfulness.

The guy has a penchant for risk. In some situations, even an unjustified risk can be a more profitable behavior option than a measured action. So exiting with minimal losses is welcome.

Love for children and animals is extremely important. No person has the right to offend them - it’s disgusting. If a man is not ashamed to pat a child on the head or change his diaper, he is doing well. And when he finds a frozen kitten under his car or comes across a downed but alive puppy on the road, and he picks it up, I will respect him immensely. She picked up six cats herself, and I still have the last one.

Creativity is encouraged creativity to every task, the ability to have fun. Added to this is the ability and desire to work, that is, to earn money. My boyfriend knows exactly how to change dreams into intentions to achieve a goal. He is never greedy when it comes to helping loved ones.

An integral component of all qualities is a sense of proportion.

What should a 21st century guy be like in a relationship with a girl?

First of all, be as decent as possible. Under no circumstances will he make an impossible promise, will not entertain vain girlish hopes, and will openly outline the boundaries to which he is ready to go.

A prerequisite is to respect the worldview of your beloved, accepting her as she is by nature. No attempts to change it. Because it's absolutely useless. The girl remade to look like him is not real, just an ordinary surrogate. And since I am me, I don’t want to be anyone else and I resist this in every possible way - which I advise you, dear reader, with all my heart - then I am not going to subject myself to any transformations.

If, by chance, someone misunderstood me, I’ll explain: you can’t remake yourself, but you can and should find compromises with the one you love. Mutual feelings reconcile and unite.

Continuation. . .

For many girls, one of their favorite topics of conversation is guys (and this is absolutely normal). Some brag about their fiances, while others modestly remain silent on the sidelines, hiding the truth from their friends. But, at almost any age, it is interesting to know opinions on the topic: what a guy should be like. Do girls' values ​​change over time? Or maybe let the guy be anyone, as long as he is there and loves? Let's try to figure out the qualities of men that women would like to see in them.


Even during the first meetings with a guy, any girl takes a closer look at his thoughts about life and draws conclusions about whether he will be able to provide for himself and his family in the future, whether he can be a support in household affairs, and will not hang a heavy burden on the girl. neck. Unfortunately, many guys are lazy, or simply raised in greenhouse conditions.

The guy needs to take care of himself

No one will probably like a shabby guy who “smells” far from violets and doesn’t change his socks. Girls also love it when guys' hair is well-groomed and there is no week-long stubble. The ability to dress correctly is definitely important for girls. If a guy does this ineptly, then she will probably want to help him with this. In general, the concept of “handsome” is not particularly important for a man.

Kindness and affection

The stereotype: “hitting means loving” does not apply; girls should not be fooled by this phrase, but should run away from such rude guys. A affectionate guy, on the contrary, do not skimp on hugs and kisses - this is exactly what you need! After all, everyone needs affection and care, at any age.

Sincerity and trust

It is important to understand that lying is most often not justified, and if it is associated with betrayal, then. Why hold on to such a subject? And, if the guy does not give a reason for cheating, then praise him and love him. When a couple has trust in each other, emotional state couples are more stable and there are much fewer reasons for various conflicts.

Good manners

No matter what they say, the radical difference in upbringing and education will play a cruel joke on the couple. If at first, the girl does not attach any importance to this, then it may turn out that the guy is not from her world at all. And guys have a better chance of finding a girl if he reads a lot, has hobbies and knows how to behave. A guy's behavior at the table or in his relationships with women should not cause concern or shame in the latter.

Love for children and animals

It is very rare in our country to meet the so-called “childfree” or simply those people who do not like children. If a guy treats them indifferently, then at least let him not shout about it at every corner. The ability to care for, love and raise a child, as well as be interested in his life, is important indicator for the humanity and spiritual culture of the guy.

How tall should a guy be?

Some girls cannot find a guy because of such a banal parameter as height. There is a simple principle: if a girl short, then a very large, tall guy is not suitable for her. And if the girl is tall, then choose equally thin and tall guys, so that you can easily wear heels and not be taller than your boyfriend. Although many (even Hollywood couples) consist of tall girl, and, a little lower than her, men. And no one really bothers about this. The main thing is that the person is good - this is really true.

We really hope that from this article you learned what an ideal guy should be like. Don't forget about your feminine intuition as well. If you feel that this guy should definitely be next to you, and you are very suitable for each other, then so be it. If, on the contrary, everything seems to be in place, but you feel that something is wrong, there is always some kind of unpleasant excitement and disharmony inside, then apologize and look for another life partner.

Lately, it has been generally accepted that real guys and men should be included in the Red Book, since they are becoming less and less common. But if you look at the situation from the other side, every day people find their soul mate, every day new families are created. And who then do women fall in love with and whom do women marry if, according to some, there are no real men left in the world?

If a girl has not yet met her one and only, this does not mean that the stronger sex has ceased to be such; perhaps there is still more to come. But it can also happen that a girl puts forward excessive or incorrect demands on her chosen one. If you have not yet decided what your boyfriend should be like, then we will try to help you.

What qualities should a guy have?

Well, of course, you shouldn’t focus on physical qualities person. Although it is not uncommon for a girl to reject a guy just because she is taller than him. In this case, the girl is guided not by her preferences, but by existing stereotypes and the opinions of others. But let's imagine for a second that the girl herself has enough great growth(for example, 190 cm), what should she do in this case? Not many of our men are taller, and this doesn’t even take into account the fact that this same girl, at least sometimes, will still wear heels. She shouldn’t be left alone because of such stupid stereotypes, right? In fact, how tall your boyfriend should be is up to you to decide (if this factor matters to you at all), and not to those around you and your friends. Therefore, it is better to dwell in more detail on internal qualities young man.

The first place is rightfully given to the guy's intelligence. This quality can be called the “foundation” of a real guy. But the concept of “intelligence” is so broad that it is impossible to describe it in a few words. This includes curiosity, the ability to analyze, and logical thinking, and many other qualities. You can only assess a guy's level of intelligence through personal communication. There is no point in relying on grades in a school certificate. An excellent student may turn out to be a complete bore, while a poor student may be a very interesting and erudite person, but receive two marks for his behavior.

What else should an ideal guy be like? Girls prefer well-mannered guys. Yes, some people like "bad" boys, but basic elements good manners should be inherent in them. Otherwise, the fascination with such a subject will not last long.

In addition, the guy must be decisive. Still, the guy should lead the relationship, the girl can make her own adjustments, make any decisions, but the guy should be able to solve the most important and significant issues himself. If he constantly doubts something, then you should think about whether you are always ready to decide everything for him, and then be responsible for the consequences of this decision.

An important advantage of a guy is his responsibility. This quality is especially important in family life. And of course he must love children. After all, we build relationships with guys with the goal of creating a family, and if a man doesn’t like children and doesn’t want to have them, then it’s not worth wasting your time on him.

It’s not uncommon for girls to answer the question: “What should a real guy be like?”, answer: “Special.” What should be so special about it? The answer is complex and simple at the same time - EVERYTHING! Real guy should not imitate anyone, either externally or internally. Those guys who try to imitate someone have the same qualities that scare girls away, namely: lack of self-confidence, complexes, isolation, and perhaps even have internal resentment and a feeling of anger.

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