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What is the most harmless dishwashing detergent. The best detergents for washing children's dishes. The best foreign dishwashing detergents

Dishwashing liquid, like , is found in every home. Without its use, it is almost impossible to thoroughly wash plates, spoons, mugs, etc. The downside is that not all of these cleansing products are safe for humans. They come into contact with the skin, and their residues in the form of soap suds remain on the dishes. To avoid such negative consequences it is necessary to choose valid and safe detergents.

Natural and safe dishwashing detergents

When purchasing a product, you must pay attention not only to the information provided by the manufacturer, but also carefully study the composition. It should not indicate the presence of components harmful to humans or the environment, alkali, or the amount of surfactants should not exceed 5%.

Important! The maximum permissible value of surfactants in the composition applies to both liquid detergents and dishwashing tablets and other types of cleaners.

Safe quality dishwashing detergent must meet the following criteria:

  • Quickly and effectively remove the most stubborn stains from any type of kitchen utensil.

  • Do not have a pronounced chemical aroma.

  • Do not provoke allergies.

  • Treats the skin on your hands with care and does not cause irritation.

  • Foaming of the product should be average.

  • Its residues should be completely and easily washed off. kitchen utensils.

  • There should be no odors left on the dishes.

Only a dishwashing detergent that meets all these requirements can be considered safe, high-quality and environmentally friendly. But finding such a product on store shelves is quite difficult, so many people prefer to make it themselves.

Cooking on your own

At home, you can prepare dishwashing gel, a thick paste, and even loose cleaning powder. Each type perfectly removes all dirt, leaves no traces on utensils and is completely safe for humans.

From mustard

Mustard powder not only perfectly removes even the oldest grease, but also perfectly disinfects any surfaces, and it also has a slight whitening effect. Therefore about dark coating on mugs you can forget.

You can just use dry mustard. Pour about 50 g of powder onto a damp sponge and thoroughly wipe all spoons, forks and plates. Then rinse well in water.

You can also make a thick paste. To do this, pour 100 g of mustard into 200 ml of boiling water and mix thoroughly. The resulting paste is placed in any plastic container with a lid. Use it like a store-bought washing gel. That is, it is applied to a sponge small quantity Pastas and dishes are washed as usual.

Attention! This dishwashing detergent perfectly removes all types of dirt, but is difficult to wash off in hot water. Therefore, to achieve the best result, the water temperature should be at least 40 degrees.

Based on peroxide and soda

Soda cleans dishes from plaque, dirt and grease, has a mild disinfectant property, and also perfectly softens hard water. Hydrogen peroxide is a true disinfectant and bleach. Together they strengthen useful qualities each other.

Making your own cleansing paste from these ingredients is very simple. They must be mixed in equal proportions, left for five minutes, and after this time the paste is ready for use.

It is most effective during the first day after preparation. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a new portion every day. Using this cleaning agent you can wash not only dishes, but also kitchen utensils. household appliances, as well as silver items.

Other homemade recipes

Dry cleaning powder for dishes can be made by mixing soda with mustard powder in equal proportions. Apply the loose mixture either to a damp sponge or directly to the dishes and wash in the usual way. There will be no dirt or foreign odors left on the kitchen utensils, and the skin of your hands will be soft and smooth.

Quite popular and home universal gel on an economic basis. To prepare it you need a piece of ordinary laundry soap grind on a grater and pour in a liter hot water. This liquid should be put on fire and brought to a boil with constant stirring. 70 g of soda ash must be added to the resulting solution. It is necessary to mix thoroughly until smooth.

The thick, gel-like cleanser is ready to use once it has cooled. It is suitable for cleaning not only kitchen utensils, but also any surfaces in the house, including washing mirrors.

Top eco-friendly dishwashing products, prices

If you have neither the time nor the desire to make cleaning products for kitchen utensils with your own hands, you can purchase ready-made ones:

  • Dishwashing gel Ecodoo French made. Contains Aloe Vera extract. It has a thick, homogeneous consistency. Foams well and washes off. Cost per 1 liter bottle approx. 450 rubles.

  • Ecover- gel-like cleanser. Available in several versions with different smells. Perfectly removes any type of dirt from dishes. It has a light, unobtrusive aroma and washes off easily and quickly. A 500 ml bottle costs around 250 rubles.

  • Klar- hypoallergenic, biodegradable gel dishwashing detergent. Available in two types: with and without scent. Works great even with complex tasks greasy spots. Has a medium level of foaming and leaves no odor. Cost per 500 ml from 270 rubles.

  • Bio Mio- domestic environmentally friendly product, which has no odor, is suitable not only for cleaning kitchen utensils, but also for washing vegetables, berries and fruits. Has an antibacterial effect. economically used. Costs on average 150 rubles for 500 ml.

  • Almawin BioGerman remedy for washing dishes with natural composition. The consistency is thick and homogeneous, consumption is economical. It has a slight odor that does not remain on the dishes. Foams well. Cost from 550 rubles for 1 liter.

We have long been accustomed to diversity household chemicals presented on store shelves. Dozens of manufacturers washing powder and dishwashers, even sponges for washing dishes are different, and, according to the manufacturers, they have different characteristics and come up various kinds dirty dishes.

But with such diversity comes a crisis of choice – which dishwashing liquid to choose from dozens of possible options? You can, of course, trust advertising, but is everything really as they say on TV? The most “environmentally friendly” and “harmless” products can often cause very serious illnesses, especially if you do not rinse off the detergent enough. Which safe remedy Can I choose one for washing dishes? In this article we will try to answer this difficult question.

Housewives usually don’t think much about which dishwashing liquid to choose. The criteria for evaluating and selecting products in this case are different - I remembered the name from an advertisement in a supermarket, a friend advised me, I decided to just buy the cheapest one, because they often think that all dishwashing liquids have the same effect. In fact, this position is very wrong. Choosing products in this way can greatly harm your health.

By what standards do experts advise choosing a dishwashing detergent? They choose dishwashing liquid taking into account the following criteria:

  • How successfully does the detergent cope with washing dishes, how much can one dishwashing brush wash;
  • How well can it be washed off, do any detergent residues remain on the plate;
  • How much foam does the product produce, and how much foam does the dishwashing brush take on;
  • What acid-base balance does the dishwashing liquid have?
  • Concentration or viscosity of a substance.

In order to fairly evaluate the quality of various popular detergents, you need to read both the reviews of experienced users and the results laboratory research scientists.

After conducting experiments, scientists compiled a list of products that coped well with dirt of various types of complexity and those that did not perform well.

Among the successful products are “Frosh” and “Fairy”. “Mila” and “Cinderella with Balm” performed poorly. “Gala”, “Bingo” and “5+” have average results. Evaluated according to the following criteria.

How well does water remove detergent from dishes?

This is a very important question, since when washing dishes, it is not so much how well the product removes dirt and grease that is important, but rather the safety of the product for health. Residues of chemicals can enter the body and cause serious illnesses. Many people have heard horror stories from children attending kindergarten, about milk with bubbles or bubbles from detergent in porridge. The reason for this is precisely the residues of plate washing products in the food. In this matter, scientists have concluded that most detergents are washed off normally. Difficulties arose only in very cheap products; they obviously contain chemicals that are quite hazardous to health, so we do not advise you to use them.

How stable is the resulting foam from the product?

Often we fall for the old advertising trick. By showing how much the product foams, the manufacturer wants to create the effect of a very concentrated product that is successful in the process of washing dishes, but this is not entirely true. It is important to know that the effectiveness of the product does not depend on the amount of foam produced! The belief that “if it foams well, then the product is good” is not true. On the contrary, those gels that foamed best were those that did a relatively poor job of removing dirt from dishes - “Mila”, “Rainbow Gel”, “Cinderella with Balm”.

What cleanses better – balm or regular products?

Caring for the skin of your hands is one of the main reasons why you should still give up some products for washing dishes. In household chemicals, this is influenced by pH - the level of concentration of hydrogen ions in liquid substances. The higher it is, the worse it is for the skin. If you frequently wash dishes without gloves with such products, the skin on your fingers will begin to crack, and this is very unpleasant and painful. Gel manufacturers are trying to reduce this figure. They also demonstrate this by calling such products “balms.” Studies have shown that balms are indeed softer, but also regular gels, similar to the popular “Fairy”, do not pose a danger to your hands. The pH of all tested products is within the acceptable range.

Concentration of dishwashing liquid

The opinion of chemical experts is that the viscosity of dishwashing detergent does not affect the quality of cleaning cutlery and plates. Rather, they are popular because of the economy and dosage of such funds.

Fairy dishwashing liquid

Fairy is without a doubt the best known and most popular dish cleaner. Not in last resort Thanks to advertising, Fairy is conquering the household chemicals markets at an unprecedented speed. But how does the quality of this product correspond to its popularity? Is it worth paying attention to it at all and spending a couple of dozen extra rubles on it?

The experience of many housewives shows that this product can and is even worth trusting.

Firstly, it is quite economical. Some housewives managed to stretch out a half-liter bottle of the product for almost a year, although this, of course, is beyond the power of most.

A small drop of Fairy is enough to lather the dishwashing brush well and is enough for a large mountain of dirty dishes. One drop against a pile of greasy dishes: not every product can cope with this.

Detergents for children's dishes

Choosing a dishwashing liquid for children is much more difficult than choosing a dishwashing liquid for adults. Since children's body grows and he is more susceptible negative influences chemicals contained in the detergent, and the choice must be made more carefully.

When purchasing, first of all pay attention to the following criteria:

  • The product must comply with the sanitary provisions of the state standard (GOST).
  • It should not contain synthetic dyes, only natural ones that are approved by the food industry. Also, avoid products with a strong aroma; a more neutral and light scent is better.
  • Make sure that the product is washed off properly. The dishwashing brush should not foam too much, and the foam from the dishes should be washed off even when cold water without leaving any bubbles.
  • Chemicals such as phthalate, phenol, sulfate, phosphate, EDTA, SLS and petroleum products should be excluded. Do not allow baby dishwashing detergent to contain these elements.
  • To ensure that your dishes are properly disinfected, buy products with an antibacterial component. The plate with it will wash well and will not contain germs.
  • Glycerin and various plant components are welcome as they will protect your hands from irritation.

It is necessary to immediately study the composition of the product upon purchase. In this case, pay attention not to the front of the label, where in capital letters the positive qualities of the detergent are described in accordance with the advertising rules, and the composition, which is written in small letters, is usually at the back. To protect your child’s health, you need to know what you use to wash the dishes with which he eats. For example, the composition of the Ushasty Nyan dishwashing product does not really meet all of the above requirements, although it is well known thanks to advertising. Its composition is difficult to distinguish from ordinary cleaning products on a synthetic basis.

Greetings to everyone who has visited my blog!

Today I picked up another shopping bag from Faberlic, which, in addition to cosmetic products, there was dishwashing liquid.

After reviewing and trying it, I decided to write a review article on the dishwashing detergents we use and try to figure out what is the best way to wash dishes.

Dishwashing detergents are subject to a set of specific requirements by which we judge their quality. For housewives, the consistency of the product, foaming, smell, ease of packaging, and, of course, price are also important.

But the first place is still safety, which is above all. Naturally, this is not shoe polish - then we will consume everything that is not washed off the plates with food. And according to the information, we will use a lot.

As they write, on average a person “eats” about 0.5 liters of detergent per year.

Let's talk a little about the safety of detergents. Unfortunately, when you start reading the ingredients of a dishwashing detergent, you usually get upset; it’s not for nothing that the manufacturer often writes the ingredients in tiny, barely legible letters - it’s all chemistry, the words “natural” or “organic” are not found in the ingredients, well, at least, in most compositions.

According to experts in the field of detergents, many dishwashers leave behind a persistent, difficult to wash off film, and the reason for this is surfactants - surfactants. They come in several varieties, but I won't bore you with it. unnecessary information, and I will consider only those that I found in the dishwashing detergents I tested: anionic and nonionic.

It is bad if the product contains lauryl sulfates - which are anionic surfactants. They are especially aggressive and can cause allergies, damage to the kidneys and lungs, and impair the immune system. Also, surfactants have the ability to accumulate in the body: in the brain, liver, heart, and especially in fatty deposits.

And since we use dishwashing detergents almost every day, surfactants regularly replenish our body, continuously causing harm to it. Surfactants are considered harmful in personal hygiene products, that is, where they are used externally, and the fact that we use them internally after washing dishes is scary to think about.

All surfactants are partially soluble in water, mind you - partially. That is, in order to wash them off the dishes, you need to rinse them thoroughly. It is recommended to wash each cup-plate in running water 15-20 seconds. Lauris sulfates have a poor washability indicator; for clarity, the figures: the washability of lauryl phosphate is 0.47 mg/dm3, and the allowed maximum is 0.5 mg/dm3, that is, their washability is at the limit.

I don’t know about you, but I honestly admit that, even knowing that detergents are harmful, I don’t rinse the dishes that much - either I don’t have time or I forget. For the purity of the experiment, once again washing the dishes, I tried to rinse each item for 15 seconds. What can I say?

Firstly, the activity is not for the faint of heart, it is long and boring, secondly, it takes a lot of time, thirdly, the water consumption per month will be colossal, and if you have water meters, then it is better to consider buying a more expensive one, but less harmful and does not require such a long rinse.

Due to the harmfulness and poor washability of surfactants, experts advise choosing dishwashing detergents containing surfactants of at least 15%.

I saw information that in countries Western Europe There are restrictions on the use of surfactants - their content is allowed within 2–7%, in contrast to our 15%. I can’t say how true this is, but apparently voicing the numbers for our consumers, experts were guided by the saying: “What’s good for a Russian is death for a German” 😉

Now about non-ionic surfactants. These surfactants are completely, 100% biodegradable and therefore do not cause harm. environment and human health. And if nonionic surfactants are included in the detergent, then they help reduce the content of anionic substances on the skin.

Experts and GOST claim that after using dishwashing detergent, the protective layer of the skin, which is covered on top with a layer of fatty film and, naturally, is destroyed under the influence of surfactants, should be restored within 4 hours to at least 60%.

Imagine how we degrease and dry our skin with one wash of dishes, and not all detergents provide 60% regenerability.

Based on the above data, I conducted a “debriefing” regarding the means that I used most often. Look what happened.

First, let's review the compositions of the three most popular and advertised products: “Fairy”, “Morning Fresh” and “AOS”.


Once my mother listened on TV, in some useful program, that when testing dishwashing detergents, “Fairy” showed best results for rinsing from dishes. Let's see if this is reflected on the ingredient labels.

Dishwashing liquid “Fairy” composition: surfactants are presented both anionic and non-innogenic: “5-15% anionic surfactants,<5% неионнгенные ПАВ». Кроме того, в составе: консерванты, ароматизирующие добавки, гексилкоричный альдегид и лимонен – и то и другое являются разновидностями отдушки, наличие этих веществ в концентрации, превышающей разрешенную, должно быть обязательно указано на этикетке. На этикетке о превышении не указано, видимо все в допустимых пределах.

“Fairy”, I think, was used by almost everyone. Quite a good product in terms of efficiency, thickness, foaming and variety of odors. Although the last Fairy I bought (called ProDerma) with aloe vera and coconut turned out to have an impossible smell, at least in dish soap. Too sweet, too rich and absolutely not associated with the cuisine. In general, sometimes they go overboard with fragrances.

"Morning Fresh"

Of the surfactants in the composition, only anionic ones are indicated, and in quantities exceeding the recommendations of specialists: 15-<30%. Остальные составляющие: вода, отдушка, краситель, консервант. Средство, которое почему-то полюбилось моему мужу, и он периодически хочет видеть его в кухне. Я думаю, ему нравиться консистенция и ненавязчивые запахи. Но судя по объемам содержащихся в средстве анионных ПАВов, а также по отсутствию неинногенных, мыть посуду «Morning Fresh» нам больше не светит.


AOC dishwashing detergent, composition. Here the picture for surfactants is as follows: anionic – 15% or more, but less than 30% (that is, also an excess), non-innogenic – less than 5%. Also contains: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid salt less than 5% (which can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, respiratory tract), flavoring additives less than 5%, glycerin, preservative, pH regulator.

As a result of analyzing the composition of these three products:

I want to say that my mother was right)) - “Fairy” should have the greatest degree of washability. In its favor, I will give up two other dishwashers due to the increased surfactant content.

Regarding the products that are sold in household chemical stores, I have heard positive reviews about “Pril” and “Frosch”. I have never used them; I bought some cleaning products from Frosch, but was not happy with the result, so I didn’t bother with dishwashing detergent.

But for the sake of the purity of the experiment, I looked at the composition of the components stated on the labels. Here's what they look like.

5-15% anionic surfactants,<5% неионногенные, также содержаться амфолитные ПАВ (относительно безопасные, повышающие безопасность рецептуры) - менее 5%, консервант - молочная кислота, ароматические добавки. Прочие: косметические красители (в незначительных количествах), лимонное масло, композиция.


Composition: 15-30% anionic surfactants, 5-15% amphoteric (same as ampholytic) surfactants. In addition to them, there are preservatives (2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-diol, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone) and flavorings (Hexyl cinnamal, Limonene, Linalool). Well, not wow either, also an excess of anionic surfactants. Plus, methylchloroisothiazolinone is an antimicrobial and antifungal agent that is used for preservation purposes and, according to manufacturers, is completely safe for the skin. Although, according to other sources, in some cases it can cause allergies and dermatitis.

Almost none of the bottles indicated what flavors, preservatives and fragrances were used. Most products also have too short a composition. But the manufacturer is not required to indicate the entire composition of the product; this is explained as protecting the manufacturer, preventing, for example, the theft of know-how. Although for the consumer this is, of course, a minus.

Now about two products not purchased in stores.

Means Ginger Yuzu I bought it on Iherb, where there is quite a large selection of dishwashing detergents, and you could probably find something very environmentally friendly, but I, of course, was tempted by the beautiful bottle 😉

Manufactured by Method. The Method company positions itself as specializing in environmentally friendly detergents that do not contain toxic ingredients and are sold in uniquely designed packaging. I agree with the unique design of the container, but it’s difficult to agree about the environmental friendliness of the ingredients.

We look at the composition of the product, which looks like this: purified water, sodium lauryl sulfate, lauramine nitrogen, decyl glucoside, ethyl alcohol, glycerin, aromatic oil, methylisothiazolinone, methylchloroisothiazolinone, sodium polyaspartate, benzophenone-4, sodium chloride, citric acid.

That is, our “precious” lauryl sulfate is again in the lead, not far from it is methylchloroisothiazolinone, we have already met it in Prila. And maybe there is only 2-7% of it as in the recommended European standards, but we don’t know this, since the percentage of content is not on the packaging. And although the rest of the ingredients are no less harmless, I don’t plan to buy any more.

I left a beautiful designer bottle to buy and pour into it. Many manufacturers produce their products in so-called refills, spare containers with used O larger amount of funds.

Faberlic dishwashing liquid, review

If with regard to Faberlic skincare and decorative cosmetics I have not yet fully figured out whether I like it or not, after all, testing cosmetics is a long process, then with regard to household chemicals I am increasingly inclined to have a positive opinion.

This time I purchased “Concentrated dishwashing detergent with sage extract.” Firstly, I must say that all the packaging and bottles of household products produced by Faberlic, which I have purchased during this time, are made stylishly and neatly, and are pleasant to use. This time the dish soap we bought was in a very nice bottle, here it is:

Secondly, what a wonderful smell it had! From the offered assortment, I chose the one with the aroma of fresh lime. I don’t know yet what the others smell like, but this one turned out to be just perfect for dishwashing detergent, a subtle, unobtrusive scent of lime, just what I needed!

About the composition: water, 5-15% fatty acid sulfate (based on coconut oil), 5-15% nonionic surfactants based on coconut oil, less than 5% fragrance, sage extract, citric acid, preservative, table salt, food coloring.

Just like in other products, the manufacturer did not decipher the name of the preservatives, food colorings and fragrances contained, but he kept within the established 5-15%.

The best dishwashing detergent

Let's summarize, which of all the dishwashing detergents discussed above is the best and safest?

Of all the above, I would focus on “Fairy”, “Frosch” and “Faberlic”.

Although I won’t say that they are environmentally friendly and healthy. But, on the other hand, if the product says “no surfactants” - this is equivalent to a statement that there are no detergents in it and then it is not clear what kind of dishwashing detergent it is... A worthy and harmless replacement for surfactants has not yet been found , and if this component is excluded, then all dishwashing detergents lose their cleaning properties; they simply will not foam.

Conclusions based on the above:

1. We try to rinse the dishes well, since surfactants remain on the surface in very small quantities that are invisible to the eye. By rinsing the dishes longer in plenty of water, we will further protect ourselves.

2. Many of the dishwashing detergents are concentrates (!), and the manufacturer writes in the instructions for use that it is better to dilute the product with water, which we usually do not pay attention to. Therefore, another way to reduce the impact of surfactants is to dilute the detergent with water, and also not to apply too much detergent to the sponge.

3. It is worth accustoming yourself to washing dishes with gloves. I myself think it’s inconvenient, you don’t feel like you’re washing, but somewhere I read an interesting phrase, the essence of which was that surgeons perform many hours of complex operations wearing gloves and their sensitivity is fine, but you see, for washing dishes There is enough sensitivity :)

4. We choose the least harmful dishwashing detergents for ourselves. Of course, there is always a choice; you can refuse synthetic detergents in favor of natural products, such as mustard, soda, and laundry soap. Although this option is not suitable for everyone. For example, I know in advance that the smells and consistency of such detergents will irritate me, but this, of course, is my personal opinion. You can always try.

5. We continue to look for a product that will satisfy us in all respects. For example, the brands Almawin and Ecover, which produce products containing only herbal safe (sugar) surfactants, are considered well-established. I will definitely try Ecover, bought it on Iherb.

I hope you have determined for yourself what is better for washing dishes, and I have already ordered another environmentally friendly product from the online store, and I will definitely share my findings with you :)

Hello my dears! Nowadays, it has become popular to use products with the prefix “BIO” or “ECO” in everyday life. Essentially, these letters mean that the product we buy is biologically and environmentally friendly. Even the most unenlightened person will prefer them instead of chemistry. But when choosing products for the home, we rarely read the composition of the product, hoping for beautiful inscriptions on the packaging. This is our naivety. For those who read the article to the end, recipes for natural cleaning and detergents that you can make with your own hands await you.

I only recently became interested in natural cleaning products and detergents. But this did not stop me from learning a lot of useful information about what products can be considered BIO and ECO. Everything would be fine if it were not for the huge prices for safe detergents and cleaning products of good quality. To be honest, I wouldn’t have enough money to spend such amounts, even for my health. Then a question came to me: how did people wash, wash, wash before? After all, all the variety that reigns on our shelves was not there. In fact, the mind of a modern person is so clouded by the beautiful promises of manufacturers about the magical properties of their products that we do not see the obvious and most ordinary things. And so in order...

Composition of household chemicals: what is it?

I will list you the most common components of household chemicals that poison our lives.

  • Chlorine. Who doesn't know him? Kills bacteria, disinfects, removes stubborn stains... How beautiful everything is. But no one writes on the packaging that this substance is pure poison. As a result, anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cancer! Not enough for you? Let's move on.
  • Phosphonates and phosphates are included in washing powders. They affect the respiratory and immune systems. There should not be more than 5 percent of them in detergents. In countries where this poison is prohibited, less harmful zeolites and polycarboxylates are added to the powders. The tongue can be broken.
  • POWDERS– surfactants. It's just a bomb for our body. They affect absolutely everything: the liver, kidneys, brain, accumulate in the human body and destroy us from the inside. By the way, they are very poorly washed off from surfaces, be it clothes or dishes.

Other substances that shorten our lives and are part of household chemicals:

  • sodium hypochlorite (it is designated on packages as sodium hypochlorite, acts as a bleach)
  • phenols and cresols (antibacterial substances)
  • formaldehyde (carcinogen)
  • flavors, fragrances, dyes also contribute to our health, although not so aggressively

Natural and safe DIY cleaning products

I do not deny that it is impossible to completely eliminate the use of household chemicals, but you can limit it. Follow a few rules and your body will thank you:

  • read the ingredients on the labels, choose the safest washing and cleaning products
  • completely avoid chlorine; it can be successfully replaced with products containing fruit acids
  • if your budget allows, buy real environmentally friendly and biologically friendly products that do not contain the above chemicals
  • use household chemicals as little as possible
  • make natural detergents and cleaning products with your own hands.

Safe detergents for home you can make it yourself from ordinary products. We will need:

  • soda ash
  • baking soda
  • vinegar
  • citric acid (lemon juice)
  • mustard powder
  • laundry soap
  • sunflower oil
  • ground coffee (can be used)
  • essential oils

DIY dishwashing liquid

To prepare it, take a piece of high-quality laundry soap. I usually do this: I soap the sponge as a prank, and wash the dishes with it as usual. At the same time, foam is formed, and dirt and grease are washed off no worse than “Fairy”. If you need to wipe off burnt grease or plaque, then simple soda will come to the rescue. For aroma, you can add a few drops or lemon to it. Just remember to pour the soda into a separate jar with a tight-fitting lid so that the esters do not evaporate.

How to clean your sink using natural products?

If you often brew ground coffee, then under no circumstances throw away the leftovers. They can be successfully used to clean sinks and mugs from plaque. To do this, pour some coffee into the sink, rub the sponge with soap and scrub.

If you are afraid of scratching the surface, you can use mustard powder and baking soda instead. They will clean the surface more delicately, but no less effectively.

DIY product for stoves and ovens

As everyone probably knows, these places are the most difficult to clean and wash. Stores sell a huge number of bubbles that instantly cleanse burnt food and dirt. Indeed, they are very effective, but no less harmful, like all household chemicals.

If you use only industrial products, then do not be lazy and wipe the entire surface a hundred times after washing the tile or oven. Thus, you leave a minimum of substance residues on the surface, which evaporate when heated and literally poison us.

Well, to clean the oven using natural means, you will need baking soda, soap, a hard sponge and a metal sponge. Combine the soap solution with yourself and wipe the entire surface to be cleaned, leave to soak for a while, then scrub thoroughly with a sponge and rinse with water.

Lately, in order to pollute the oven less, I have been using foil and baking paper. They perfectly protect it from splashes and prevent fat and juices from burning on the baking sheet.

DIY window cleaner

Well, this tool is easy to do. It will cost you pennies. Just mix clean water with vinegar in a ratio (5:1). I take 70 percent vinegar essence. I pour the solution into a spray bottle and wash the windows in the usual way. After this, they shine, and there is not an ounce of dust or dirt on them.

Toilet Disinfectant

You are unlikely to get rid of rusty and limescale deposits using this recipe, but you can kill all germs and disinfect the toilet rim and around it with a simple homemade product. Mix vinegar (4 tablespoons of essence), water (one glass) and (5 drops). Pour the solution into an empty spray bottle and use as directed. You can also prepare a similar product with hydrogen peroxide. Read more about this.

DIY washing gel

This was, frankly, a revelation for me. To make it, rub 50 grams of laundry soap (it is important that it is natural, without unnecessary and unnecessary additives), add one liter of water and put it on low heat. Dissolve soda ash in half a glass of water. When the soap has dissolved (in no case should it be brought to a boil), add the soda solution. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to cool. To wash in a washing machine, we need 200-220 grams of gel, plus or minus, it all depends on the model. It perfectly washes and bleaches linen and cotton, but is not suitable for silk and woolen fabrics.

A few more tips for replacing household chemicals with natural products:

  • Natural detergent for cleaning floors. Add a little laundry soap and 4 drops of tea tree to the water. This essential oil also fights mold.
  • Air freshener You can do this by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a spray bottle of water.
  • Polish the furniture You can use sunflower oil and lemon juice (citric acid).

Dishes. To wash or not to wash? That's the question! 🙂 Should I rather wash or not wash the dishes with the products that manufacturers of household chemicals vyingly offer us?

What housewife has not been tormented by almost Hamlet-like doubts after reading what is included in these very products. And it is practically no different from composition of washing powder. These are surfactants (surfactants), phosphates, flavors, dyes and preservatives. Have you ever thought about washing dishes with washing powder? I think not.

Why are we attracted to household dishwashing chemicals? The only thing is the speed of achieving results. But is this really so?

Have you noticed how skillfully manufacturers distract our attention from the issue of safety, focusing only on the issue of efficiency and economy? Although it seems clear to a child: a concentrated product is more expensive, but it lasts longer, while a less concentrated, liquid product is cheaper, but will run out faster. Practically, that’s what it will work out to be.

I already wrote about the effect of phosphates and surfactants on the body in an article, but I think it’s not a sin to repeat myself.

First of all, by using chemicals, we expose our immunity to a chemical attack, weakening it. All harmful substances accumulate and cause diseases not only associated with the skin and allergic reactions, but problems with the gastrointestinal tract arise, and chemical fumes affect the lungs.

But that's not all. The worst thing is that all these substances harmful to the body are very difficult to wash off from the surface of the dishes. Each item must be rinsed with running water for at least 15-20 seconds! So we have debunked the myth about the speed of achieving clean dishes when using chemical detergents. How much water do you need to spend? What if you have meters?! (I'm not even talking about the environmental issue - water needs to be conserved, its reserves on earth are limited). But even a long rinse does not guarantee the complete washing out of all these harmful components; they remain on the plates, dissolve in the food placed on them and go straight to our mouths - “ruining” our body.

While studying this issue, I came across the statement that a person drinks 0.5 liters of detergent per year!

And here again the question is: to drink or not to drink? 🙂

In general, different people approach this differently. On one forum, I read a girl’s opinion that we still breathe polluted air and it is no less harmful than all our household chemicals.

Be that as it may, we cannot choose the air for ourselves, but we can find an alternative for safe washing of dishes. And I will tell you several options, in addition, at the end of the article you will receive a recipe for dishwashing detergent, which can be easily made at home, environmentally friendly without harmful additives, but no less effective.

To begin with, let’s remember how and what they washed the dishes with when people didn’t have “service” this huge army called “household chemicals”.

  • Sand and wood ash

It can be assumed that the first plates and pots were washed with improvised means - sand and ash. Those who have at least once gone on a hike or vacationed as a “savage” know that sand and wood ash will perfectly clean the greasy and smoky cauldron or barbecue. (What hands will be like after this is another question:().

This washing method is not bad, but it is not suitable for everyday life.

  • Hot water and baking soda

This is how our mothers and grandmothers washed dishes. They poured soda into a bowl of hot water and started washing. First, cups or glasses, forks and spoons were washed, then plates, previously cleared of food, and lastly pots and pans. As it got dirty, the water was changed. Then comes the rinsing process. As a rule, in hot and cold water in the same order. After washing, the dishes were dried thoroughly.

  • Vinegar

Shot glasses, wine glasses and other glassware should be washed well in warm water with the addition of vinegar. After such washing, they are easy to rub until shiny.

  • Dry mustard

The principle is the same as with soda. Mustard degreases the surface of dishes well. You can also simply sprinkle a little mustard directly onto the sponge or dip the sponge in it. This option is effective and safe, but more expensive (mustard is more expensive than soda).

These three methods will also help. After all, you will wash dishes not under the tap, mercilessly wasting water, but in a bowl.

  • Grated potatoes

It will wash dishes with a narrow neck, such as vases, well. A potato cut in half will clean up a burnt pan.

  • Freezing

A greasy frying pan can be easily cleaned without any water at all by letting it sit for 30 minutes. into the freezer. After this procedure, the fat can be easily removed with a paper towel or napkin without leaving a trace.

And finally, the dishwashing detergent recipe that I talked about at the beginning of the article. This product is environmentally friendly, safe, effective, and gentle on our hands. Three +1 pleasures in one bottle :). It foams less, but it cleans no worse than any chemical and is easily washed off, which is very important.

Eco-friendly and safe dishwashing detergent

We will need:

Laundry soap 25 gr

Alcohol 4 tablespoons (to thin the soap mass)

Alcohol infusion of calendula 1 tbsp. spoon (for disinfection)

Liquid glycerin 25ml (retains moisture and prevents hands from drying out)

Water 500 ml

For aroma (optional) 2-3 drops of orange or lemon essential oil.


Rub the soap on a fine grater and melt in a water bath, gradually stirring and adding water. Usually foam forms on top, which must be carefully removed. Remove from heat, add remaining ingredients and mix everything thoroughly.

The product is ready for use. All that remains is to pour it into a bottle with a dispenser, and use it for your health!

The product is liquid at first, but thickens as it cools.

All the components included in the product are inexpensive, which means that in addition to all the above-mentioned advantages, another important thing is added - the product we prepared is inexpensive. All purchased ingredients are enough for its repeated preparation, which again will help save money.

And not only on detergents, but also on medicines, which sooner or later you will have to buy if you don’t think twice and wash the dishes with “merciless chemicals”.

I hope that you have no doubts about “to wash or not to wash” and “to drink or not to drink” :)

Personally, I have already made a choice for myself.

And finally, a few folk signs associated with dishes:

  • The dishes beat for good luck, it is important to immediately say loudly “for good luck”
  • Do not leave dirty dishes overnight - this will lead to unexpected unnecessary waste.
  • Don't let your friends wash the dishes - your husband will cheat.
  • Seeing dishes in a dream:

Pure - to material well-being.
Dirty - to financial losses and problems.
Washing dishes for reconciliation.
Choose and buy dishes for your upcoming marriage.

All the best to you - may your health be good, and the dishes clean and remember


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