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What is the minimum gestational age determined by a gynecologist? Vigilant control. Examinations and examinations during childbirth. In what cases is examination necessary on critical days?

The basis for completing the study is that issued by the employer.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 69. Medical examination upon concluding an employment contract Persons under the age of eighteen, as well as other persons in cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws, are subject to a mandatory preliminary medical examination when concluding an employment contract.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 213. Medical examinations of certain categories of workers Workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions (including underground work), as well as in work related to traffic, undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (for persons under the age of 21 years old - annual) medical examinations to determine the suitability of these workers to perform the assigned work and prevent occupational diseases. In accordance with medical recommendations, these employees undergo extraordinary medical examinations.

Employees of food industry organizations, public catering and trade, water supply facilities, medical organizations and child care institutions, as well as some other employers undergo the specified medical examinations in order to protect public health and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases.

This Code, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation may establish mandatory medical examinations for certain categories of workers at the beginning of the working day (shift), as well as during and (or) at the end of the working day (shift). The time spent undergoing these medical examinations is included in working hours.

Harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out, the procedure for conducting such examinations is determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

If necessary, by decision of local authorities, individual employers may introduce additional conditions and indications for mandatory medical examinations.

Federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for certain categories of workers may require medical examinations to conduct chemical and toxicological studies of the presence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body.

Employees carrying out certain types of activities, including those associated with sources of increased danger (with the influence of harmful substances and adverse production factors), as well as those working in conditions of increased danger, undergo a mandatory psychiatric examination at least once every five years in the manner established by the authorized The Government of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body.

The medical examinations and psychiatric examinations provided for in this article are carried out at the expense of the employer.

The document indicates details of the organization and the applicant, the department and position of the employee, the nature of the upcoming activity and the risks associated with it, the name and address of the medical institution, the type of examination required (when hiring, it will be preliminary). We tell you in more detail about what the referral form for a medical examination looks like.

The employee must report to a medical facility and present your passport and directions.

The patient is issued outpatient card and health passport, certain specialists (endocrinologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, etc.) and examinations (tests, fluorogram, etc.) are prescribed. Where you can get a medical examination, which doctors you need to visit and what tests you need to take, we told you in.

The result of the examination is obtaining conclusions in 2 copies, one of which is attached to the outpatient card, and the second remains with the patient and is given to them at the place of presentation.

The conclusion required for employment is certificate of a unified form - 086/у.

Time to complete

From the point of view of labor legislation, there is no clear deadline for hiring. Typically, all examinations require no more than 3-5 working days.

When registering with an organization, a citizen writes an application, but he is considered officially employed only after signing a bilateral employment contract.

Preliminary inspection must be completed before signing the contract.

For this reason, the absence of a conclusion on the medical examination completed within the time period specified by the employer is grounds to refuse appointment to a position. As a rule, the established period is no more than one week.

How long does a medical examination last for work?

Separately, it should be noted that the question often arises: “How long is a medical examination valid for work?”

Upon employment must be presented medical certificate in form 086/у. Since 2009, a special program has appeared for civil servants form – 001-ГС/у.

A regular certificate is valid for 6 months. According to the form help 001-GS/u throughout A medical examination for work is valid for 12 months.

Schedule a repeat medical examination

A repeated medical examination upon hiring is appointed by the enterprise’s human resources department for the following reasons:

  1. During the period of validity of the medical examination upon hiring a person suffered a serious illness or surgery. In this case, it becomes necessary to undergo a new examination and obtaining a new report. Changes in a person's health status that have occurred after receiving the certificate, may lead to his professional unsuitability in the chosen field. For this reason, past results become irrelevant.
  2. During the validity period of the certificate, a person changed place of employment. For example, an employee underwent examination in the direction of the organization, but after receiving the certificate he changed his mind about working in the chosen place. A person can bring the remaining medical report with a valid expiration date to a new place, but, as a rule, human resources departments refuse to accept such a certificate. This is due to different working conditions, with different requirements for the list of examinations and examinations by specialists.

For objective reasons, the employer doubts in data reliability about the health status of the future employee.

A repeat examination is scheduled for the purpose of checking the results obtained. Often it includes examination by additional specialists, new tests, etc.

A person is being examined in a medical facility other than the one to which he was referred.

In most cases, HR departments do not accept certificates received in third-party medical institutions.

Time for re-examination

Deadlines repeat inspections are established by the employer and usually do not exceed one week.

Reluctance of the applicant for the position to be re-received current medical board to work on time leads to refusal of his employment.

Thus, a valid pre-employment medical examination is a prerequisite in cases established by law.

The result of passing a medical examination when applying for a job is obtaining a certificate in a unified form, having an expiration date.

The female reproductive organs are very vulnerable. Their physiology is such that the initial stages of the disease occur without severe symptoms or discomfort. This applies to sexually transmitted infections, erosions and inflammations, the consequences of which are very difficult to cope with. The precancerous condition can take years to manifest itself. The only way to detect them at an early stage is a timely gynecological examination and examination of smears for microflora and cytology.

Gynecologists consider days 7–15 of the female monthly cycle to be the most informative for examination. In this phase, the already formed dominant follicle with the egg grows and produces estradiol.

Practice has confirmed that it is enough to conduct such inspections once every six months, but not less frequently than annually. A visit to the gynecologist should be planned in advance and prepared for it. Many enterprises oblige their employees to undergo these procedures as a matter of routine. And here natural questions arise:

  • Does it make sense to go for an examination during menstruation?
  • Should I wait until the end of my period to see a doctor if I feel unwell?

How is a gynecological examination performed?

If a woman has no complaints or special indications for examination, regular examinations by a gynecologist are still necessary. In addition to revealing the hidden disease, they are useful for family planning, tracking age-related changes and simply for a woman’s confidence in her health. A better understanding of what a gynecological examination is, whether it can be planned before your period, during your period, or is it better to wait for it to end, will help you decide on the date of such a visit.

A full examination, which experts recommend every 6 months, includes:

  1. A survey during which the doctor fills out a form and notes what to pay special attention to. You need to answer questions clearly, without hesitation and frankly, even if they seem unethical. This is important information for a doctor.
  2. During an external examination, the doctor measures height, weight, blood pressure, and evaluates the nature of the hair on the woman’s body. Examines the condition of the glands, carefully examines the chest. Looks for condylomas, irritations, rashes or other pathological formations on the external genitals.
  3. This is followed by a visual examination of the vaginal walls and cervix. A gynecological speculum is inserted into the body and with its help the doctor visually assesses the condition of the walls, mucous membrane and the presence of damage, inflammation, neoplasms and erosion.
  4. Next comes a bimanual examination. It is also performed in a gynecological chair. Its purpose is to determine the size, shape, location, mobility and tone of the internal female organs. To do this, the doctor gently probes them with one hand from inside the vagina, and with the other from outside the lower abdomen.
    If the girl has not yet had sexual intercourse, the examination is carried out through the rectum. Any painful sensations during the procedure must be reported immediately.
  5. Study of internal secretions. First, the doctor looks at their appearance, color and smell. Then he takes a smear for microflora analysis and cytological analysis. Microflora analysis determines the presence of infection, the development of fungal diseases and other disorders. Cytology analysis determines the condition of the cervix and allows you to recognize pathological changes in its cells at an early stage.
  6. If required, the doctor prescribes a pelvic ultrasound.
  7. The last stage of the examination is conclusions and consultation after receiving laboratory results. Therefore, you need to visit a gynecologist twice during a routine examination.

Will an examination by a gynecologist during menstruation be effective?

In the absence of specific, urgent complaints, or circumstances when it is necessary to go to a gynecologist, an examination during menstruation will not be informative for the following reasons:

  • Due to female physiology, during menstruation the uterus and other organs swell and change position. Therefore, upon palpation, the doctor will not be able to determine the presence of disorders or pathological formations. The use of instruments injures the mucous membrane, which is sensitive at this time, which can subsequently lead to infection.
  • For the same reason, the procedure will be painful for the woman, and it will be difficult to assess the condition of the internal organs based on her sensations.
  • A visual examination will also not yield results due to menstrual flow and swelling of the vaginal walls.
  • It is impossible to see the state of normal discharge at this time.
  • The results of smear tests will be distorted by particles of blood and endometrium, so if necessary, the smear will have to be taken again after the end of menstruation.
  • The same applies to blood tests and other studies, because during menstruation, many indicators of the functioning of the female body’s systems change significantly.
  • The likelihood of getting an infection into the uterus, even if examined by a gynecologist in compliance with all sanitary rules, increases many times during menstruation.
  • It will not be very comfortable for a woman to be on a gynecological chair on the days of menstrual flow.

In what cases is examination necessary on critical days?

There are circumstances in which an appointment with a gynecologist is scheduled during menstruation:

  1. It is most convenient to install an intrauterine device in the first days of menstruation, since the cervix opens slightly at this time.
    In addition, during the period of renewal of the internal integument, it is easier for the uterus to accept a foreign object.
  2. After eight weeks after birth, a routine visit to the gynecologist is scheduled. It cannot be postponed, even if the bleeding has not yet ended. During this period, any oddities or painful sensations in the genital area are a reason to consult a doctor.
    Not only critical conditions with pain and fever, but also simply too intense bleeding, or, conversely, its rapid attenuation.
  3. A short IVF protocol begins on days 3-5 of the cycle.
  4. You will also have to go for an examination with a gynecologist during menstruation if at this time a woman regularly has problems: severe periods; exacerbation of chronic diseases during them; itching and irritation in the genital area.

It is necessary to immediately seek help without waiting for the end of menstruation in such cases:

  • for pain in the lower abdomen, lower back or mammary glands;
  • with a significant increase in temperature, and also if the temperature is not very high and lasts for a long time;
  • for weakness, dizziness and other ailments;
  • if menstrual flow has changed composition, color or smell;
  • during an outbreak of herpes or fungal infection, when a suspicious rash, irritation, burning and painful itching appears;
  • with severe bleeding;
  • if the discharge does not stop for more than 7 days.

Any of these symptoms indicate a pathological process in the body. In such a situation, action must be taken immediately.

When should you schedule a post-period checkup?

A woman’s entire hormonal system works at full capacity. This is the best time for a more reliable examination and identification of the causes of possible deviations from the norm. This period of time approximately occurs 4–8 days after menstruation, and then you should go to see a gynecologist.

It is also important whether the woman was treated with antibiotics or antifungal drugs. After them, it is not advisable to do microflora tests. The body needs two weeks to restore the natural balance of bacteria; only then does it make sense to go for an examination with a smear for analysis.

In order for the examination to be as comfortable and effective as possible, you should prepare for it.:

  1. Monitor the normal course and duration of the monthly cycle, the nature of discharge in its different phases. Note what seemed strange. Think through the issues on which consultation is required. Remember the start date of the last critical days.
  2. A day before the scheduled examination, avoid vaginal penetration during sex so that injured vaginal walls and the presence of male seminal fluid in the smear do not distort the results.
  3. Avoid intimate perfumes and scented pads.
  4. You cannot douche before the examination, as this will disrupt the natural internal environment in the vagina.
  5. It is necessary to go for examination with an empty bladder and intestines so that their fullness does not interfere with the internal examination.

There are no “indecent” days to see a doctor

There are special standards of decency and ethics between gynecologists and women who go to them for consultations. Menstruation is an obstacle to examination only when it affects obtaining the necessary result during a routine, preventive examination. If disturbing symptoms appear during menstruation, you should not hesitate to seek help, since wasted time can aggravate the situation and lead to dangerous consequences.


The news of the birth of a new life is certainly a trembling moment. Some are looking forward to it; for others, the news of the upcoming addition to the family may come as a shock. Regardless of what decision the lovers make in the future, every girl should have an idea of ​​how many days later she can find out about pregnancy.

This is especially important when the birth of a baby is not included in the plans of both. If the pregnancy is terminated, it is important to decide on such a drastic step in a timely manner. Abortion after 12 weeks is not possible. No doctor will undertake such an operation. In order not to delay the period and not to endanger your own health, you should be aware of how many days after you can find out about pregnancy. After conception, long before the first signs of fertilization appear, there are several basic methods for determining the “interesting position” in women.

How many days later can you find out about pregnancy thanks to hCG?

It will be possible to detect the fertilized egg at an early stage with a high percentage of accuracy by taking a blood test for hCG levels. It is known that the amount of this hormone in a woman’s body is direct evidence of the successful penetration of the sperm into the egg. When asked how long it will take to find out about pregnancy using this method after sexual intercourse, the gynecologist will answer: already on the 3rd day of delay in the menstrual cycle.

Sometimes this date varies within five days. It is impossible to name the reason why one woman becomes aware of conception after 3 days, and another a little later, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of physiology.

Popular test strips for determining pregnancy also work based on the principle of detecting human chorionic gonadotropin. As soon as hCG in the urine reaches the appropriate level, the indicator is activated, coloring with two parallel lines. If there is no fertilized egg in the body, one line will appear on the test.

To understand how many days later you can find out about pregnancy Using a pharmacy test or a laboratory blood test, you should pay attention to how a new life is born. It takes about 2 days for a sperm to reunite with a mature female cell. Hence, it is not at all surprising how long after unprotected sex you can find out about pregnancy. After 3-5 days, the results of the analysis will dot the i’s.

Indicator tests and ultrasound diagnostics in the first weeks

Unlike this diagnostic method, other methods do not allow early detection of the fact that a woman is in an “interesting position”. Despite the fact that commonly used test strips work on a similar principle (they detect the presence of the pregnancy hormone in the urine as soon as it reaches a specific level), they work after a period of 3-4 weeks. To confirm a successful conception as early as possible, a blood test for hCG is a priority. You can undergo a laboratory examination with a doctor’s referral, but in comparison with a pharmacy pregnancy test, its cost is much higher.

Approximately the same amount of time as days must pass after conception before you can find out with the help of a test that pregnancy has taken place, It will also be possible to identify a developing fertilized egg using an ultrasound. At 3-4 weeks, upon examination, an experienced gynecologist is able to notice a slightly enlarged uterus and its softened cervix. In most cases, this is precisely the reason for sending a woman for an ultrasound examination. When the doctor sees the fertilized egg on the monitor screen, all questions and doubts about pregnancy will disappear by themselves.

The main signs of a fertilized egg in a woman

After unprotected sexual intercourse, a woman may naturally have concerns about the high likelihood of conception occurring. “How long will it take to find out about pregnancy?” – this question arises in the head first of all. The most common signs of pregnancy can make a woman worry even more. The probability that conception still occurred, it is high in the presence of the following manifestations:

  • the mammary glands are swollen in the same way as before menstruation;
  • possible morning sickness;
  • dizziness and general malaise;
  • an increase in the number of urinations throughout the day.

As a rule, such symptoms occur 2-3 weeks after conception. However, in many women they do not appear at all. Since ovulation, on average, occurs in the middle of the cycle, the day of that same sexual intercourse falls approximately from the 11th to the 14th after the start of the last menstruation. If you add another 2-3 days to the resulting number in the calendar (the period when the sperm tries to merge with the egg), this will be the exact number of the “start” of a new life, the onset of which can be determined even after ovulation. Exactly how many days later you can find out about pregnancy is now known to every expectant mother, but that’s not all.

How many days later can you find out about pregnancy by basal temperature?

Another method that deserves attention is measuring basal temperature. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, closer to ovulation, it rises to 37.0°C. If conception does not take place, after a few days the temperature drops to normal, but if this does not happen and after ovulation the indicators remain at the same levels, fertilization has probably occurred. To get a reliable value, you should:

  • Perform the procedure only in the morning.
  • It is advisable to do this only after waking up, before you even get out of bed.
  • You need to use an ordinary thermometer, inserting its edge into the anus.
  • Hold the thermometer for at least 10 minutes.

How many days later you can find out about pregnancy using this method is its indisputable advantage. However, in addition to the fertilized egg in the female womb, we can talk about the course of inflammatory processes in the genital organs. This fact cannot be ignored. In any case, an increased basal temperature is a reason to consult a doctor. The specialist, in turn, will dispel all doubts by congratulating you on your pregnancy or diagnosing a pathology.

The answer to the question of how long it will take to find out about pregnancy is depends on the chosen method for detecting new life. Each of the methods does not provide a 100% guarantee of its reliability, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of an “interesting situation”, it is advisable to go to the doctor.

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Home > Questions and answers > After how long can a CT scan be repeated?

During a CT scan, the body is exposed to a fairly large radiation dose, so the appointment of each new such examination should be carried out taking into account all factors. If it is necessary to re-scan, then proceed from its expediency. If possible, it is better to postpone the procedure for at least a month. But in some cases it is vital to check the condition of soft tissue or bones after an injury, for example, or in other emergency situations. The need also arises to evaluate the results of treatment, healing after surgery, etc. There are many reasons for repeated examination. Then the diagnosis is made within 2-3 weeks or even after a few days. You should also consider replacing CT scans with MRI, which uses a powerful magnetic field instead of X-rays. This will help rid the body of excess radiation exposure.

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