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Heliotrope stone: blood jasper. Heliotrope - history and description of the gem Heliotrope magical properties

Heliotrope means “rotating after the Sun” translated from ancient Greek. The name comes from the fact that this mineral, immersed in water, refracts the sun's rays and “turns” them. Heliotrope, a stone resembling jasper, has been known to people for about 3 thousand years. Currently, heliotrope is not one of the most expensive stones, but jewelry with it (usually made of silver) is still popular.

History and origin

Heliotrope, which received other names for its specific appearance - “blood stone” and “blood jasper”, is of Asian origin. From Ancient India and Bukhara, it came to Europe about two thousand years ago, where it was revered as a gem associated with Christ and St. Stephen, who suffered execution by stoning.

Bloody Jasper

According to Middle Eastern and European legends, the characteristic red (from scarlet to dark speckled) spots with which this mineral is dotted are drops of the congealed blood of the crucified Christ. Thanks to this, heliotrope became the “trademark” of European mystics and theologians for many centuries.

Pectoral crosses with it are still popular among priests, both Catholic and Orthodox. Various items of church utensils were also often made from it.

Physico-chemical properties

The hardness of the mineral is above average, up to 7 on the Mohs scale. It is a complex mineral, the basis of which is silicon oxide, but inclusions of other minerals, in particular chalcedony, can be found. The closest relative of heliotrope is quartz.

ColorDark green, greenish blue with bright red spots
ShineGlass pale shine
Hardness6,5 - 7
DensityUp to 2.58–2.64 g/cm3

Place of extraction

Currently, heliotrope deposits are being actively developed in the Urals and in the USA - the states of California and Wyoming. There is a small deposit in Bukhara (Uzbekistan). The stone is also mined in Australia, Namibia, Egypt, Armenia, China and India, although the richest and oldest Indian deposit of “blood jasper”, located in Calcutta, has already been exhausted.

Varieties and colors

The term “heliotrope” is more jewelry than chemical. This word can refer to a wide range of stones that are similar in appearance and physical properties, but different in chemical nature. A specific instance of a processed stone may be more related to quartz, or perhaps to chalcedony or jasper, of which it is considered a brother due to its appearance.

The stone looks quite beautiful. It is recognized by its greenish or bluish main color with numerous scarlet, red, burgundy and orange patches, located randomly. They may appear as spots, blotches or streaks. Darker inclusions of hematite are also acceptable.

Incredibly beautiful heliotrope pattern

“Bloody jasper” with yellow splashes is called plasma.

There is no clear classification of heliotropes according to color scheme. Like jasper, with which it is often confused, the gem can play with any colors, but among them there is always green or ultramarine and red. Shades of the main color can be very diverse - from grayish swamp to deep blue.

This is unusual: when looking at some faceted heliotropes, an association arises with photographs of distant galaxies taken through electronic telescopes. Clusters of scarlet, orange and yellow dots on a greenish-blue background turn out to be surprisingly similar in appearance to photographs of stellar nebulae.

This gem is opaque and, after polishing, acquires an almost glassy sheen. In the light, the color may change slightly and “play”.

Heliotrope should not be confused with bloodstone. The latter is distinguished by its rich red color, which can have shades from brown to dark burgundy, the color of dried venous blood. The main external sign of heliotrope is precisely the combination of green or blue with red or yellow.

Medicinal properties

In lithotherapy, heliotrope is used as a means that can influence blood flow. It is believed that it can improve hematopoiesis, normalize blood pressure and all related processes in the body, primarily digestive. In the Middle Ages, heliotrope - whole or crushed - was often used to stop bleeding from open wounds.

In addition, “bloody jasper” has a beneficial effect on diseased kidneys and can contribute to the painless and most bloodless passage of stones from the bladder. In women, this stone can reduce pain during menstruation, and, in some cases, normalize the menstrual cycle.

Silver pendant with green heliotrope Silver ring with red heliotrope

The third of the fundamental medicinal properties of heliotrope is its incompatibility with toxins. Heliotrope is credited with the ability to remove toxic substances and toxins from the body - decay products of useful substances processed by the body. Wearing heliotrope increases resistance to infectious diseases, reduces the risk of infection, and gives new strength to the immune system.

The fourth healing property of the stone is its beneficial effect on the psyche. It increases resistance to depression, gives strength and energy, and increases mental performance. "Bloodstone" is a focus of energy. It is recommended to be worn by those who have a need for increased energy consumption - very busy people both physically and mentally (athletes, entrepreneurs, teachers, senior managers) - or vice versa, people with moderate energy consumption, but very little personal energy.

Heliotrope optimizes energy consumption, but if there is no place to realize it, a person may suffer from hyperactivity and excess strength.

Blood Jasper - green heliotrope with red flecks

Magic properties

Due to its origin, this mineral gained fame as one of the most mystical stones, a favorite of medieval magicians and alchemists. The first believed that a ring, bracelet or pendant with it could be an additional source of energy that increases the power of the magician. The latter considered heliotrope a “stone of knowledge”, giving both a desire to comprehend new things and mental abilities that allow them to master a lot of information. Astrologers associate heliotrope with Mars.

Alchemists, scientists, mystics and princes of the Church unanimously agreed that heliotrope, on the one hand, increases intellectual performance, gives strength, determination and activity, but on the other hand, it can turn a person into a fanatic obsessed with one global idea. The "Blood Stone" pushes a person towards a chosen goal with the persistence of a tractor, but this is achieved by "diverting" energy from other areas. The gem takes it from his personal life, from his family, emotional attachments and personal weaknesses.

Heliotrope - blood stone

Initially, it will give determination to a weak person, although it can disrupt, for example, harmony in the family, but it can turn a naturally strong person into a walking battering ram - and at the same time drive him crazy. Wearing heliotrope is strictly unacceptable for those who have not decided on a life goal - there is a risk of finding themselves in a final dead end and at the same time in severe depression. “Bloody Jasper” can have a detrimental meaning for an indecisive person.

People who decide to acquire jewelry with this stone should remember one thing: the main thing is moderation. If you feel that you are moving toward your goal with leaps and bounds and are about to grab your “bird of happiness,” but at the same time you have a crack in your family or communication with friends, you should remove the amulet.

This is interesting: the magical properties of heliotrope include the materialization of what was said. The magical mineral ensures that everything spoken out loud by its bearer becomes real - from blessing to curse.

Compatibility by zodiac signs

Heliotrope stone is not suitable for everyone. Due to the features described above, “blood jasper” is picky about owners. Representatives of not all zodiac signs can wear it constantly and without harm to themselves. Heliotrope only tolerates some, but frankly does not like others.

Below is a horoscope compatibility table.

Zodiac signCompatibility

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

In the ancient magic of stones there is a rule that states that each stone has its own “character”. Stones are like medicines: due to their properties, certain stones combine with each other, mutually reinforcing each other, but they can “conflict” with others or remain neutral.

Heliotrope goes well with the following precious and semi-precious stones:

  • turquoise,
  • agate,
  • amethyst,
  • beryl,
  • emerald,
  • cornelian.

A neutral combination is the proximity to carnelian or golden topaz.

You should avoid wearing “bloody jasper” at the same time with:

  • obsidian,
  • onyx,
  • malachite,
  • sardonyx.

The properties of the stone are poorly revealed in the vicinity of transparent minerals, such as rock crystal, aquamarine or alexandrite (the changeable nature of the latter generally makes it the most difficult of gems). You should not combine it with red ones - the same bloodstone, garnet, ruby ​​and ordinary jasper.

What is made from heliotrope?

This mineral was historically used to create gems, seals, various artistic products from figurines to magical talismans in the form of pyramids, balls and ritual cups. They were often inlaid with metal products, primarily silver, and less often copper, bronze and brass. Gold was rarely used as a setting, since it did not match heliotrope in value. The price of this gem is too low.

Brass pin with heliotrope

Currently, this ornamental stone is often used to create various souvenirs and amulets. Its physicochemical characteristics ensure ease of processing. “Bloody jasper” is still often framed in silver, made into pendants and earrings, and used as inserts in rings (mostly for men). Sometimes they are used without a frame, for example, in the form of bracelets assembled from processed stone plates.

Bracelet made of processed heliotrope plates

The standard cut is cabochon (for pendants or earrings) or table (for signet rings or bracelets).

How to distinguish a fake?

“Bloody jasper” is rarely counterfeited, since its cost is low. But there are synthetic stones on the market, which can be sold as artificial, or maybe under the guise of natural ones.

Natural heliotrope, after cutting and polishing, has a bright glass luster; synthetic stones do not shine like that. To check, you can also use a hardness test: this is a hard mineral that does not remain scratched by a metal needle or knife.

In appearance, it can easily be confused with jasper, which has a wide variety of colors and shades.

How to wear and care?

It is better not to wear jewelry with this stone all the time; wear it to an important meeting, exam or test - where you need to show off your intellect. It is not recommended for constant wear.

Heliotrope does not like sudden changes in temperature, which can cause it to lose its shine. You should wash jewelry with it with plain soapy water; caustic chemicals are not allowed. To wash, use a soft sponge, then blot with a rag.

Best time to buy

“Blood Stone” is a mineral associated with development, progress, an unstoppable desire for a goal; it is a symbol of youth that opens up additional roads. Therefore, it is best to purchase it on the waxing Moon; the optimal time is when a thin moon has barely appeared in the sky.

Heliotrope stone can hardly be called a gem. It is an opaque, rather inconspicuous-looking and somewhat gloomy dark green mineral of the quartz group. Its distinctive feature is red and yellow-brown spots (sometimes stripes), reminiscent of drops and even streams of long-frozen blood.

In the English tradition, since the time of the Celtic Druid magicians, this mineral is called: bloodstone(blood-stone). The name clearly and clearly reflects the eerie appearance of heliotrope.

This is where another name for the stone comes from, which spread in medieval Europe - “St. Stephen’s stone.” This name reflects a dramatic event that occurred almost two thousand years ago.

St. Stephen's Stone

Around the year 33, shortly after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, one of the first preachers of Christianity, Deacon Stephen, was killed in Jerusalem. The crowd threw stones at the adherent of the new faith. Church tradition ranks the deceased preacher among the holy apostles.

In the medieval cathedrals of Catholic Europe, erected in memory of the first martyr, “those” stones with indelible stains of the dried blood of the unfortunate Stephen were displayed. These were heliotropes brought by the crusaders from the East. They are still kissed by simple-minded pilgrims.

The canonical images of the martyr also contain bloody stones. They lie on the shoulders, in the folds of clothing and at the feet of the saint.

This statue of St. Stephen with a weighty heliotrope in her hand was installed in the ancient cathedral of the ancient Italian town of Assisi, in the homeland of another famous saint - Francis of Assisi, founder of the powerful Franciscan order.

This photograph is probably one of the last images of the statue. Two powerful earthquakes that occurred in the province of Perugia last 2016 destroyed the cathedral and many other buildings.

The Jerusalem First Martyr Stephen is also revered by the Orthodox Church. His relics are kept in the Holy Cross Church at the entrance to the underground labyrinths of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Another piece of the relics of St. Stephen - among the sacred relics of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Sergiev Posad, Moscow region).

Eastern wonder

Until the 17th century, heliotrope rarely came within the boundaries of the Moscow State. Merchants and travelers brought it from the eastern regions. Its nearest deposit is located in Uzbekistan, in the Bukhara region.

The curiosity was mistakenly mistaken for a variety and was called “eastern jasper”, “bloody jasper”, and more often simply “bloody stone” or even shorter – “bloody stone”. It should be said that much earlier, for such a resemblance to stains of dried blood, another mineral was called “bloody” - hematite, iron ore reddish with rust.

Bloodies, terrestrial and cosmic

Interestingly, the surface of Mars is abundantly strewn with blood hematite. This fact was confirmed by NASA rovers. Unlike heliotrope stone, hematite has magnetic properties.

It was this mineral, reflecting the sun's rays, that gave rise to calling Mars the Red Planet. True, the ore there is somewhat different from the earthly one in chemical composition.

Because of this bloody color, ancient observers and ancient astrologers associated the planet with the name of the god of war.

Why heliotrope?

But let's return to the Greek name of the subject of our story. Translated from the language of Homer, heliotrope means “the one that turns after Helios (the Sun).” This is what Pliny (1st century AD) calls it in his description, referring to even more ancient authors.

It is difficult for an uninitiated person to understand what served as the basis for this strange name for a motionless stone.

However, Pliny also mentions a fragrant flower called heliotrope. Its purple inflorescences actually turn during the day, following the movement of the Sun, like the well-known sunflower.

The magic of the solstice stone

Ancient magicians put into the name of this stone not a direct, but a sacred meaning. Some ancient manuals for achieving transformation of consciousness make scant mention of the fact that the great magicians of the past used heliotrope as " solstice stone", allowing them to control time in an incomprehensible way.

These witchcraft manipulations are available to wizards of the highest order; almost nothing is known about them.

Heliotrope alive and dead

In magical practices, both heliotropes - a mineral and a plant - represent an amazing symbiosis of living and dead matter.

Interestingly, at the beginning of the twentieth century, heliotrope essence was extremely popular in men's perfumes, shaving ointments, and colognes. French perfumers claimed that this smell was an ancient love spell that had an irresistible effect on women.

Ring with heliotrope

And the heliotrope stone is still popular as a stylish men's jewelry and a powerful amulet.

Black magic bloodstone

The stone may be indifferent to other signs of the Zodiac, but it can also reveal its qualities. It is better to find out its compatibility with the future owner in advance. If you decide to purchase heliotrope, order your lithogoroscope.

Astrologers warn: If the blood of ancestors who were once engaged in magical practices flows in your veins, the heliotrope amulet may behave unpredictably. For example, a stone can cause strange dreams, voices speaking in an unfamiliar language. People who have been exposed to such magical effects of heliotrope often experience a feeling of déjà vu: in completely unfamiliar places they understand that they have been here before, and the situations in which they find themselves have already happened in a past life.

Medicinal properties

Heliotrope, like any stone, is naturally endowed with a certain effect on the human body. Just by its appearance, the mineral hints at the stone’s ability to establish contact with the circulatory system and its most important organ – the heart. Indian healers use ointments with crushed heliotrope to stop bleeding, while affecting the heart chakra with the solid mineral in the form of pyramids.

Heliotropes mined in India and China are especially good for therapeutic manipulations, especially those specimens that for some time served as attributes in the offices and clinics of oriental doctors.

In accordance with their purpose, the stones are given a certain shape and magical symbols are applied to the surface.

In the hands of experienced lithotherapists, the mineral can cure the initial manifestations of varicose veins. The procedure uses alternately heated and cooled stone plates, which are used to massage the swollen veins.

It has been noted that the mineral has a positive effect on stabilizing the level of hemoglobin in the circulatory system.

In the room of a person suffering from leukemia, it is recommended to place some decorative object carved from heliotrope - a vase, a figurine, a rosary.

In some practices, heliotrope is used to cure gastrointestinal inflammation.

Heliotrope is a mineral of the quartz group, colored dark green. Various impurities form red, yellow-brown spots on the surface. The origin of the name is related to the Greek words meaning “sun”, “turn”. In English - Heliotrope. The stone is also popularly called bloody, Stefanov, oriental jasper, bloody jasper, red agate.

Based on the nature of the impurities, the stone has inclusions of different colors. Most often the composition contains quartz, chalcedony, agate, and iron oxide.

Plasma is considered the only subspecies of heliotrope - a type of chalcedony with a fibrous structure and without hematite admixture.

Chemical composition

The composition of the mineral is silicon oxide.

Chemical formula: SiO 2.

Syngony: cryptocrystalline.

Physical properties

  • Gloss: matte, waxy. After polishing it becomes glassy.
  • Color: most often dark green interspersed with yellow, orange, red, brown shades. The color of each sample is not uniform: it may contain dark and light spots.
  • Fracture: uneven.
  • Group: quartz.
  • Class: semi-precious.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale: 7.
  • Specific gravity: 2.5 – 2.6 g/cm³
  • Structure: opaque.
  • There are no magnetic properties.
  • Resistant to hydrochloric acid.
  • Sensitive to mechanical influences such as shocks and scratches.
  • Refraction: up to 1.5 units.
  • Melting point: up to 1700°C


Heliotrope is a rock of volcanic origin. It arises in the voids of lava, the hot stream of which flows down the slopes of the mountain and cools down upon contact with water. Geologists discover mineral deposits near active volcanoes or in places of their ancient location.

Until the 17th century, heliotrope was imported into the Russian state exclusively from the East and was considered a variety of jasper. That is why it was called eastern, bloody jasper; bloody. Before this, the last name belonged to hematite, a red-brown iron ore similar in color to dried blood.

The main modern mineral deposits are located in Calcutta, Egypt, Brazil, Australia, California, Wyoming, Central Asia, and China. In Russia, mineral mining takes place in the Ural Mountains region.

The latest discovery is on the Scottish island of Rum.

History, mythology

Several legends are associated with the origin of the blood stone.

According to one of them, he appeared from drops of Christ’s blood that fell to the ground on Golgotha.

In another version, it is not the blood of Jesus that is imprinted on simple cobblestones, but of the preacher of Christianity, Stephen, whom unbelievers stoned in Jerusalem shortly after the crucifixion of Christ.

Mention of the mineral is found in the chronicles of Mesopotamia. Ancient scientists were convinced that he was able to control natural elements, and called him “Babylonian”.

Occult teachings suggested boiling heliotrope so that the vapors it released could hide the sun.

Areas of use

The main area of ​​application of the mineral is jewelry and ornaments. Jewelry, interior items, and church paraphernalia are made from it. A distinctive feature of the products is their low cost.

By zodiac sign

Astrologically, heliotrope is associated with several planets at once: the Moon, Venus and Saturn. Hence its duality: just as it promotes a state of balance in its owner, it can also cause harm; helps achieve goals, but acts exactly the opposite if the owner’s aspirations reach the point of fanaticism.

  • For Virgos, Sagittarius and Cancers, heliotrope helps to move up the career ladder and grow as a person, but can interfere with personal happiness.
  • For Aries, wearing this stone as an amulet stimulates the birth of new ideas.
  • Scorpios need to use the talisman with caution: it will reduce their natural aggressiveness, but can hinder career and sports success.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists have always considered heliotrope a special healing stone, associating it with blood and its effect on its properties. Thus, the famous 17th century scientist Robert Boyle in his “Essay on the Origin and Power of Precious Stones” mentions one gentleman who was worried about constant nosebleeds. The scientist sent him heliotrope, advising him to wear it as a pendant; and while the patient did this, the disease subsided. But when I took it off, a relapse occurred. At the same time, an incident occurred with a lady who lost consciousness from blood loss and came to her senses only thanks to heliotrope. Boyle concluded that in these cases the bleeding stopped due to the cold surface of the mineral.

Modern lithotherapists note the positive effect of the energy of bloody jasper on the entire body. It is used for:

  • treatment of the cardiovascular system;
  • saturating tissues with useful elements;
  • regulation of metabolism;
  • maintaining immunity in case of viral diseases;
  • treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • relieving menstrual pain;
  • cleansing the liver, intestines, bladder;
  • improvement of the condition in diseases of the urinary tract, gynecological diseases, intoxication of the body;
  • treatment of psychological infertility, depression and nervous tension;
  • stopping bleeding, increasing hemoglobin levels;
  • restoration of lost strength and consciousness. For this, the mineral is respected by athletes, for whom it helps maintain strength, maintain composure and concentration.

Heliotrope has a calming effect on the owner: eliminates fears, anxiety, and regulates sleep.

Considering the mineral is useful for eye diseases. Its green color has a positive effect on vision and relieves fatigue.

For snake bites, the poison can be neutralized with bloody jasper powder mixed with honey. The same recipe is effective for tumors and purulent abscesses.

Magic properties

From time immemorial, heliotrope was valued as a special stone by alchemists and magicians, who attributed to it the gift of making the sun blood red and causing natural disasters. Damigeron's old treatise notes that it can be used to predict the weather.

In the papyri of Ancient Egypt there is information about the greatest talisman - heliotrope, the owner of which will be able to have everything he wants. The Egyptians endowed him with the ability to open all doors and destroy walls.

Ancient Greek and Roman emperors revered it as a powerful amulet and were in awe of it. There was a belief that if you carve a dove on heliotrope, such a talisman would turn a sick person into a healthy one, out of a cruel person into a soft one, and out of an unhappy person into a happy one.

Medieval magicians tried to strengthen their energy by constantly wearing rings and bracelets with bloody jasper. Alchemists believed that they would understand the Universe with its help, considering the mineral to be a conductor of energy between the Earth and the Cosmos.

In Dante's poem "The Divine Comedy" it is mentioned that the stone can protect against poisoning and grant its owner invisibility.

The Christian Church considered the mineral as a material for decorating and creating church paraphernalia: bowls, vessels, candlesticks, crosses. The favor of the clergy towards the stone was explained by the identification of the red spots on it with the blood of Christ.

Wearing bloody jasper, according to magicians, makes a person more active, energetic, helps to concentrate on overcoming obstacles and solving complex problems; develops abilities in psychology and philosophy, foreign languages, medical sciences.

Those who, with the help of a talisman, decide to gain power and satisfy their ambitions risk losing their minds and losing property.

Heliotrope is not suitable as an amulet for lazy and indecisive people. It promises them only resentment and disappointment.

It is also interesting that the mineral will help only in light magic and good endeavors. If its owner says evil words to an enemy, sends a curse, then it can turn against him. Unknowingly, a person can jinx himself. This is the other side of heliotrope.


Jewelers use this semi-precious stone not only to make jewelry, but also to create various items - bowls, boxes, ashtrays, etc. There are several Faberge eggs made from this material. One of the copies with a carved silhouette of the cruiser “Memory of Azov” is kept in the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.

The faceted mineral is found in rings, earrings, brooches, and pendants. It looks especially impressive when framed with:

  • silver;
  • brass;
  • gland;
  • nickel plated steel.

These metals help enhance its effect.

Products made from bloody jasper are very massive and rough, not for everyone. But they always look impressive.

Among men in the 17th – 19th centuries, large signet rings with a heliotrope insert with a family coat of arms carved on its surface were popular. Such jewelry was carefully kept as a family treasure and passed on by inheritance. The most interesting specimens are in large private collections.

Such jewelry is low in cost, with the exception of stones formed in ancient eras.

The price of an ancient mineral increases several times: taking into account the jewelry work and the brand, a set of a necklace and bracelet can cost about $2,000.

Every month the stone needs to be “discharged” and “charged” with energy at least once. To do this, keep it under running cool water, eliminating accumulated negative energy. Then they leave it in direct sunlight, thereby charging it with the energy of the sun.

Household use

Heliotrope itself is not used for domestic purposes. Products made from it are popular. Beautiful and unusual boxes, bowls, vases, ashtrays, figurines look great in the interior. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this mineral synthesizes the positive energy of growth and vitality. Therefore, it is recommended to keep products made from it in the nursery, office and living room in the southeastern and eastern zones, which are responsible for success and family well-being.

Stone and name

There is no exact data on the correspondence to the names. According to one version, blood stone is most suitable for people with the names: Vadim, Peter, Sergey, Irina, Daria, Ekaterina.

Compatibility with other stones

Experts talk about enhancing the properties of heliotrope next to rock crystal, turquoise, lapis lazuli, pearls, blue sapphire, and blue agate.

The compatibility of the stone with beryl, aquamarine, opal, moonstone, and coral is considered unfavorable.

Differences from fake

Heliotrope is not often counterfeited; it is not very popular among a wide range of people. You can prove its naturalness by its hardness: a fake will scratch easily. Another way is to heat the needle and try to pierce the mineral: the natural one will not be harmed.

Often what is offered for purchase is not real heliotrope: there are many varieties of quartz in nature, and if you do not know its characteristics, it can easily be confused with another mineral of the same group.

Stone care

Craftsmen use heliotrope for ornamental purposes. Faceted, it looks impressive in women's and men's rings, beads, earrings, and bracelets. Despite its sufficient hardness, it is better to handle it carefully: do not drop it, do not scratch it.

Clean the stone and products made with it with a weak solution of cool water and soap. Then rinse under a thin stream and blot with a napkin or delicate cloth.

Jewelers do not recommend polishing with chemicals: this can ruin the surface of the stone and deprive it of its shine. It is also not recommended to wear it during sudden temperature changes.

Like many other minerals, heliotrope has a Greek name (“helios” - “Sun”, “tropos” - “turn”). In fact, the name of the stone translates as “revolving with the sun.”

One of the ancient legends says that heliotrope can control the movement of heavenly bodies and the weather. In Christian scriptures there are also references to this mineral as a witness to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Calvary. It is believed that the blood from the Savior’s wounds left red marks on the stone forever. Many temples today can boast of bowls, candlesticks and other items made from heliotrope.

Physico-chemical properties of heliotrope

Heliotrope is an opaque variety that belongs to the group of quartz. From a chemical point of view, the mineral is silicon dioxide with inclusions, which gives the stone its unusual color - bright red spots on a dark green background.

Multiple inclusions of celadonite are responsible for the green color. The color of the stone is unstable and may lose saturation with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Polished heliotrope boasts a beautiful glassy sheen.

Heliotrope deposits

The most ancient places of heliotrope mining were located in Egypt and Calcutta, but now they are completely depleted.

Today, the richest deposits of heliotrope are located in Russia in the Ural Mountains. In addition, the USA, India and Australia actively export stones to the world market. Small deposits of heliotrope can also be found in China, Brazil and Central Asian countries.

The healing and magical properties of heliotrope

The Egyptians revered heliotrope as a stone that opens all doors. It was believed that its owner could not be denied anything: it helps the owner to gain the favor of the rulers, gives energy and perseverance to achieve success in business.

In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that heliotrope neutralizes the effects of poisons, and in combination with a secret spell, it can make a person invisible. Sorcerers wore “bloodstone” bracelets to add extra power to their spells and induce prophetic visions.

Among supporters of alternative medicine, the beneficial effect of heliotrope on the genitourinary system, especially the female one, is known. Heliotrope controls the circulatory system: stops bleeding, regulates blood clotting and chemical composition, reduces sugar levels, increases hemoglobin. The stone enhances the activity of the brain and nervous system.

Oil infused with heliotrope is rubbed into sore joints and the spine to relieve pain from rheumatism and osteochondrosis.

Who is heliotrope suitable for?

Heliotrope is a stone for dedicated professionals. It is preferable to wear it for those who strive for success in their career or creativity, but cannot tolerate doubts and uncertainty. For those who have not yet chosen a clear direction of movement and growth, it is better to avoid heliotrope, so as not to bring even greater confusion into their lives.

The stone switches all a person’s attention to the business sphere, pushing family and personal life into the background; this is another dangerous feature of it.

From a professional point of view, heliotrope is suitable for military personnel, scientists, lawyers and doctors. According to the horoscope, heliotrope suits Cancer and Sagittarius.

Blood cells are called hemoglobin, and chocolate for restoring blood is called hematogen.

The Greeks also named heliotrope itself. However, they did not include the word “blood” in the name of the mineral. called "turn". This is exactly how “heliotrope” is translated. What else is hidden in the name “heliotrope”?

Physical properties of heliotrope

In addition to spots on a dark background, there are heliotropes with scarlet ones. Along with “bloody smudges” there are also . These are still the same inclusions of oxidized hematite. Variations of heliotrope with solar flares are called plasma by geologists.

Heliotrope stone opaque, has a glassy appearance. It is pronounced, bright. It is by its brilliance that experts distinguish a natural mineral from. In the laboratory, or when pressing crumbs, or when working with plastics, it is impossible to fully recreate the radiance of heliotrope.

The stone has an uneven fracture. That is, when splitting, smooth planes are not obtained. Heliotrope belongs to the quartz group. Like other representatives of the group - the mountain one - the bloody one fluctuates around 7 points in terms of. By the way, it has nothing to do with heliotrope, except for the similarity in the coloring structure.

Features of mineral formation

Like most, heliotrope mineral of volcanic origin. is formed in effusives - lava flows. For the birth of bloody jasper, water and low temperatures are required.

Magma erupting from volcanoes has temperatures of thousands of degrees. But, flowing down the slopes of volcanoes and coming into contact with water, the lava cools. At this moment, heliotropes appear in its voids. In this regard, geologists look for the mineral on coastlines near volcanoes, or where such a landscape existed in ancient times.

Heliotrope does not necessarily form in lava. Hydrothermal veins are also suitable for stone formation. They are also located in areas of volcanic activity.

Heliotrope deposits

Deposits of heliotrope Calcutta was also famous. In these countries, the mineral was mined even before our era. Now the reserves are depleted. Now the bulk of bloody jasper is concentrated in. Several large mines are located in the Urals. Australia and the USA are not inferior in heliotrope reserves. These states send the mineral for export.

Brazil, China and several other Central Asian countries have limited reserves of heliotrope. They export little, providing only themselves with red stone.

Applications of heliotrope stone

In modern times, heliotrope - and. Bloody jasper is used to make vases, decorative elements for objects. Heliotrope has also been used since ancient times, but with one caveat.

In Rome, the magical properties of the mineral were beyond doubt. and household items made of green-red stone were bought not only as amulets, but also as amulets. The ancients identified heliotrope with the Sun. It was believed that the mineral influenced the star and could slow down or speed up its course.

In Ancient Egypt, signets were made from heliotrope. In Rome, most minerals were also used on seals, but they were designed in the form of gems. It is round or oval with an engraved design. Gems were worn not in rings, but on.

Heliotrope was also used in the Middle Ages. became an attribute of alchemists and magicians. In their treatises it is written that heliotrope enhances the effect of any spells and gives bright thoughts.

Christians also paid attention to heliotrope. Bloody jasper became a material for church utensils: pectorals, panagias, monstrances, vessels. The mineral was not allowed into the temples lightly. Believers identified red inclusions in heliotrope with the blood of Christ.

The healing properties of heliotrope

Heliotrope is considered the stone of athletes and those with anemia. If there is a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, the mineral replenishes it. Lovers of physical activity appreciate it for slowing blood flow.

This property of the mineral was discovered in Ancient Egypt. There, athletes also began to resort to the help of heliotrope. Slowing down the blood flow made them more resilient and cold-blooded.

Not all the healing properties of the stone are related to the effect on the circulatory system. Heliotrope also relieves pain in the stomach and intestines. The mineral is also considered a cure for vision loss and is used for slagging in the body.

The magical properties of heliotrope

It was not for nothing that alchemists used heliotrope in the Middle Ages. revered as scientists. A scientist, in this context, is not so much a professional as a spiritual orientation.

Bloody jasper helps those who are obsessed with any idea. With the mineral it is easier to concentrate on your goals, additional energy appears, people become active and active.

Esotericists are confident that heliotrope promotes rapid memorization of foreign speech and generally broadens one’s horizons. Practitioners of traditional medicine meditate with blood jasper. Doctors say it helps to understand exactly how to treat a particular patient.

Talismans and amulets made of heliotrope

Heliotrope is an amulet and. For people born under other zodiac signs, it is either only relatively suitable or not suitable at all. Heliotrope is relatively recommended for those who want to accomplish something great. At the same time, a person should not be a narrow-minded fanatic.

The mineral “does not like” such people. Faberge, apparently, was not one of the fanatics. The mineral came easily to him. The master carved several decorative eggs from heliotrope. One of them is kept in the Kremlin Armory in. The image of the cruiser “Memory of Azov” is carved on the egg.

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