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The captain's daughter in the direction of fidelity and betrayal. A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The formation of the personality of Peter Grinev

Grinev as an example of decency and nobility (based on the story by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter")

"The Captain's Daughter" is the pinnacle work of Pushkin's prose. Pushkin himself called his story historical; it was based on genuine historical fact spontaneous peasant uprising led by Pugachev. The author recreates the atmosphere of those times, reproduces the historical setting, and depicts characters typical of that time.

Although the main characters of the work are fictional persons (Grinev, Shvabrin, Mironov), their fate is firmly connected with historical events, with real historical details. The course of history not only influences their fate, but also completely determines it.

The story is a memoir, “family notes”, narrated from the perspective of a witness and participant in those events, Petrusha Grinev.

Grinev is a young man, a nobleman, an officer in Catherine’s army. He is honest, noble, straightforward.

This noble undergrowth enters the road of life as an inexperienced youth, but life’s trials make him an individual, consolidating what he learned from parents' house: loyalty to duty, honor, kindness and nobility.

Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is the son of a Simbirsk landowner, who has been living on his estate for many years, and a noblewoman. He was brought up in an atmosphere of provincial-manorial life, imbued with the spirit of the common people. Grinev’s best traits are determined by his origin and upbringing; his unmistakable moral sense clearly manifests itself in moments of testing, and helps him to emerge with honor from the most difficult situations. difficult situations. The hero has the nobility to ask for forgiveness from the serf - the devoted uncle Savelich, Grinev was immediately able to appreciate the purity of the soul and moral integrity of Masha Mironova, he quickly unraveled the base nature of Shvabrin.

In a fit of gratitude, Grinev without hesitation gives a hare sheepskin coat to the “counselor” he meets, and most importantly, he knows how to discern Pugachev in the formidable rebel extraordinary personality, which embodied the features of the Russian national character: breadth of soul, intelligence, resourcefulness, daring, ingenuity, dexterity and even humanism.

Without betraying either the oath or the interests of the nobles, Grinev at the same time cannot help but sympathize with Pugachev, cannot help but respect him as a talented person. Their unique friendship became possible only due to the fact that the worldview of both heroes is based on popular ideas about goodness and justice.

Love line largely helps to reveal the images of the main characters and is associated with the technique of antithesis. Grinev and Shvabrin are both in love with Masha Mironova.

Shvabrin ended up in the Belogorsk fortress for murder. He is unprincipled and capable of anything to achieve his goal.

Shvabrin wooed Masha, but was refused. They are driven by base feelings. He turns to violence as a means to achieve his goals, trying to force Masha to marry him. This reveals Shvabrin's true nature - insignificant, cowardly, vile.

Not wanting anyone to defame with impunity good name Masha, Grinev challenges the offender to a duel. He acted like a real man.

The duel almost ended with the death of Grinev due to Shvabrin’s meanness. Having recovered, Grinev learned that Shvabrin had written a denunciation against him. This aroused in the young man hatred of his enemy.

At the same time, an uprising began in the province. The rebels under Pugachev easily took the fortress. The commandant, his wife and officers were killed. Shvabrin, having betrayed his oath, went over to the side of the rebels.

Grinev would never become a traitor. He chose to die, but the faithful Savelich saved his master.

Pugachev turned out to be the man to whom Grinev gave the hare sheepskin coat. The goodness paid off handsomely.

Grinev did not swear allegiance to Pugachev: “I swore allegiance to the Empress, but I cannot swear allegiance to you.”

Grinev’s action gives us an example of honest and decent behavior. Despite the danger, he does not hide his convictions and is not afraid of anything. An example of true nobility is Pugachev’s rescue of Masha Mironova from Shvabrin, whom she hated. These actions of Pugachev testify to his extraordinary nature. He knew how to spare not only friends, but also enemies. Pugachev becomes a patron tender love Masha Mironova and Grinev.

Grinev appears in the story as a model of decency and nobility. He was not afraid to sacrifice his life to save Masha from the hands of Shvabrin. And how does he behave in court, when, at the risk of being sentenced to lifelong hard labor, Pyotr Andreevich tries not to tarnish Masha’s honor.

Pushkin chose the proverb “Take care of your honor from a young age” as the epigraph to “The Captain’s Daughter,” and the hero’s behavior fully corresponded to it. How can one not recall the current state of the Russian army! But a Russian officer, no matter what, must be honest, noble and devoted to the Motherland.

The principle of writing the theme of writing fidelity and betrayal in The Captain's Daughter:

I note that Pushkin narrates the story itself on behalf of Grenev. This character is simple, responsive and as close as possible to the writer in spirit.

You can write from a comparison point of view. For example, Grinev is the personification of honor, loyalty and devotion to duty. He loves Masha and treats her like a true gentleman. He is honest with others and is always ready to help. But his complete opposite is Grinev. The young man also loves Maria, but in his own way. For him, betrayal of the Motherland for the sake of his own salvation is the norm. And moral alienation from the problems of loved ones suits him quite well.

Loyalty and betrayal in The Captain's Daughter. What to write in an essay?

The theme of fidelity and betrayal is expressed very clearly in Pushkin’s work The Captain’s Daughter.

The personification of fidelity is the protagonist Grinev, an honest and noble young man.

He shows kindness, compassion, loyalty and generally demonstrates the best human qualities, a complete set of virtues. Throughout the story, he does not change, remaining the same brave and sympathetic person.

He is faithful to his ideals and principles, faithful to the girl he fell in love with - Masha Mironova, faithful to Russia, to his Motherland.

This nice guy in this book.

A bad guy- antagonist Shvabrin.

On the contrary, he is a deceitful and cynical person, capable of vile acts for his own benefit.

He is indifferent to everything except profit and momentary pleasures.

At the end of the story, he is arrested on charges of treason.

The last major work by A.S. Pushkin became his small in volume, but incredibly deep in meaning, novel “The Captain's Daughter”. The classic himself, who devoted more than one year to writing it, admitted in his diaries that the work became his philosophical and creative testament, in which he was able to reflect all the thoughts that worried him.

The novel itself primarily contains Christian didacticism. He refers the reader to the Gospel of Matthew, to the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ and to his covenant to be a true righteous man, to do nothing for show and to carry love for his neighbor in his heart, to remain merciful even with the enemy, to take care of honor and dignity. This has been noted many times by literary scholars.

Historian G. Fedotov, for example, called “The Captain’s Daughter” the most Christian work in the entire history of Russian literature. He noted that this is a story about “quiet righteousness.” There is no doubt that the heroine of the novel, Masha Mironova, becomes the bearer of this righteousness.

Despite the fact that the main semantic load lies in the idea Christian love, Pushkin does not lose sight of romantic love. This is perhaps the most striking and interesting storyline in the work, which makes “The Captain’s Daughter” so attractive even to the modern reader.

Main character Petrusha Grinev grew up as a teenager: he chased pigeons, listened to the stories of the poultry woman and rudely scolded his uncle Savelich. Tired of his son’s sloppiness, Grinev Sr. sends him to “serve, smell gunpowder” to the provincial Belogorsk fortress. Surprisingly, it is there that colossal historical events will unfold that will be destined to play important role in the life of Petrusha and other heroes. And it is here, in the Belogorsk fortress, that a spoiled but honest, noble young man will be lucky enough to meet his true love.

At first, Marya Ivanovna, the daughter of Captain Mironov, the girl who will be able to win Grinev’s heart, will not attract his attention. She was not pretty, had poor health and a sensitive heart. The mother, Vasilisa Egorovna, called her daughter a coward to her face and warned her that she was afraid of a gun shot.

It is interesting that the heroes, who initially appear not in the most favorable light, ultimately unite and change each other in better side. Their souls desperately grow stronger, and the love that arose between them leads them to true happiness and salvation.

The love line in the novel “The Captain's Daughter” is complicated by dramatic twists and turns. Thus, for the first time Masha shows her character when she finds herself marrying her lover without the blessing of his parents. She tells Grinev that without their approval, he, Petrusha, will not be happy. This reveals the amazing nobility of the heroine, ready to sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of the happiness of her loved one.

Later, the trials will become much more terrible: Masha Mironova’s parents die at the hands of vile rebels, and the girl herself is miraculously saved by the priest - in this episode the Christocentric motifs of Pushkin’s works also appear. Grinev finds himself separated from his beloved. Soon she is captured and finds herself in the clutches of the traitor Shvabrin. He demands that the girl agree to marry him, but Masha, observing Christ’s commandment from the Sermon on the Mount “do not commit adultery in your heart,” remains faithful to another. The nobility of her soul appears in the episode where she frantically admits that she is ready to die rather than sell herself to save her body.

The captain's daughter has to seek protection from the rebel Pugachev himself, despite her previous “cowardice.” Love for Grinev enormously changed the character of Masha Mironova. Against her will, she had to become courageous, strong and brave, devoted to her lover. When he needs help, she is the one weak woman, goes to the capital to do everything in her power to save Pyotr Andreich.

It’s interesting that love in “The Captain’s Daughter” takes on a tinge of... belligerence! Alexander Sergeich takes his heroes through many the most difficult tests, exposes them to the need to perform difficult moral choice. And in the conditions of historical drama, the senseless and merciless Russian rebellion, Masha and Peter seem to deserve spiritual cleansing. The author seems to be arranging for them the circles of Hell and Purgatory in order to ultimately lead the heroes through pain and suffering to heavenly life on earth.

It seems that in this novel A.S. Pushkin creates a somewhat exaggerated image ideal relationship between a man and a woman - a relationship where harmony, mutual respect and selfless devotion to each other reign, the willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of a loved one. The historical background against which this love story, is needed only to more strikingly show the contrast between base feelings - the thirst for power, cruelty, etc. - And true love, to which every person on earth should strive.

Loyalty. What is it? This moral basis, on which the human world rests. This is devotion to one’s principles, duty, one’s Motherland, one’s land, parents, friends and loved ones. The opposite concept is treason. A person cheats first of all on himself, failing to pass the test of moral strength. People are tested for loyalty and treason primarily in relation to their duty, to the Fatherland. This is especially evident in the years difficult trials, during the war years.

Let's look at examples from fiction.

In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is about a popular uprising led by Pugachev. Almost all the plot lines of the story are connected with this. The main character is Pyotr Grinev, a young officer who serves in the Belogorsk fortress. When the fortress was captured by the Pugachevites, he was faced with a choice: to die, but remain faithful to the oath, to the Fatherland, or to stay alive, but betray his duty, betray the moral principles that had been ingrained in him since childhood. “Take care of your honor from a young age,” the father instructed his son, seeing him off to service. And Grinev preserved his honor, remained faithful to the oath and was ready to die, but not go over to the side of the impostor. And Pushkin talks about treason in his work. Shvabrin, also a young officer, swears allegiance to Pugachev so as not to be hanged. He betrays his military duty, his oath to faithfully serve the Tsar and the Fatherland. Of course, who wants to die young. But betrayal is a shame, people’s contempt, and it has never made a person happier.

M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” talks about loyalty to human and military duty. The main character, Andrei Sokolov, endured many trials: he fought, was captured, lost his family, but even in the most difficult moments of his life he managed to remain human and faithful defender of his native land. Loyalty does not live in every heart. Let us remember the episode that tells how prisoners were kept in a barn in inhumane conditions. And one of them is ready to betray others, to point out communists and Komsomol members to the fascists in order to survive, curry favor with enemies, and save his life. He does not withstand the tests, betrays his duty, would become a traitor if not for Andrei Sokolov, who kills the traitor. The author wants to say that only qualities such as loyalty and courage help people preserve the human being within them.

V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” also talks about loyalty and betrayal of one’s human and military duty. The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War. The two main characters, Sotnikov and Rybak, find themselves facing death: they fall into the clutches of their enemies. Sotnikov holds on courageously. Beaten and tormented, he does not agree to go into service with the fascists, but remains faithful to his comrades in arms, his military oath, and his Motherland. Courage, boldness, loyalty native land help him remain human to the end. And what about the second one – Rybak? He became a coward even when he abandoned his comrade on the road, who was alone in a shootout with the police. And only fear of the partisans forced Rybak to return. He became a traitor in the face of death: he agreed to join the police to save his life, and even became an executioner: he knocked out the stool under the gallows on which Sotnikov stood. Loyalty and betrayal manifest themselves most clearly in war.

Thinking about fidelity and betrayal, re-reading the works of Russian writers, I came to the conclusion that fidelity, devotion to the country, love for the Fatherland are the keys to courage, honor, and the preservation of human dignity, and betrayal is a shame, cowardice, the path to betrayal.

// Loyalty and betrayal in Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”

First of all, you should consider the image of the main character. This young man did not succumb to cowardice, he acted like a hero, because even in the most difficult moments in his life he remained faithful to duty and honor and did not betray his homeland.

Moreover, it should be noted that the author does not show us his doubts or doubts. And all because they simply don’t exist. Having once decided to follow his convictions and be faithful and devoted to his homeland, Grinev does not deviate for a second from his position in life.

But the author invites us to look at another image in contrast. How does he appear on the pages of the story? This is the complete opposite of Peter. Shvabrin thinks only about himself and his safety. The fate of his native country or the people with whom he spent so much time side by side does not interest him at all. In any situation, his own skin is more valuable to him, no matter how rude it may sound.

This hero also evokes negative emotions because he is always ready to profit at someone else’s expense. Such actions do not look good on Shvabrin at all, but we must face the truth: there are a lot of such people, and they live among us.

Manifestations of a proud and honest character can also be seen in the scene of Pugachev’s capture of the fortress. Those who cared about life immediately went over to the side of the impostor. But there were also brave men who, at the cost of their lives, proved their devotion to the Fatherland and the Tsar.

There are few such people, you can literally count them on one hand, but that is why their role and contribution to the history of the country is significant. These people are worth their weight in gold; they can rouse entire crowds of people to war, convince them, force them to follow them. Their warm hearts are loyal to their homeland, and nothing will make them turn away from their chosen path.

But the theme of fidelity can be considered not only in relation to the places in which one was born and raised. This topic also applies to the area of ​​love and feelings. And it is shown by example main character, . This one is fragile and tender girl shows strength of character. Proposals and deals, a marriage of convenience with a person she hates in her heart - the young girl will endure everything and remain faithful to her chosen lover. She is ready to fight with all her might for her loved one, to come to his defense, fearing nothing. After all, the battle is for pure and real feelings, and this cannot be shameful and wrong.

So, on the pages of the story those who defended their principles and beliefs to the end are true: Mironov, Pyotr Grinev, Masha. But variability is shown by those who went over to Pugachev’s side, and, first of all, Shvabrin.

The author rewards his heroes, who with pride and honor overcame all the trials that befell them. Masha and Peter will be together, they will be happy. And it warms their souls not only mutual love and devotion to the feelings that flared up, but also the fact that they did not betray themselves, they remained to the end faithful to their conscience, the behests of their parents and their homeland.

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