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Guard, acne! 10 tips for problem skin. Causes of problem skin. How to get rid of acne at home

Problematic facial skin will not add beauty - you cannot hide your face under clothes, so all the redness, peeling, pimples and other imperfections are always visible. However, problems with pores on the face cannot be called an incurable disease; the solution lies mostly in proper care, identifying internal problems and using masks.

Many girls suffer from excessively oily skin that is prone to acne. But the presence of oily shine on the T-zone does not yet indicate that you have problem skin. But if there is a significant enlargement of pores, frequent inflammation and acne, then treatment is simply necessary.

Causes and problematic factors

Not only teenagers, but also adults can get facial imperfections.

The main causes of problems with sebum production:

Treatment of problem skin of the face and décolleté at home

Treatment at home is considered one of the most effective and safe methods among all existing ones.

Among the people against acne and inflamed pimples, ordinary laundry soap is common, which is applied to the desired areas. But still, it is better not to wash your face with laundry soap, because it dries out your skin greatly. After this, complex treatment may be required.

A light lotion is widely used as a cleanser: pour two tablespoons of sugar and regular soda into a glass of boiling water, mix thoroughly, let cool a little and brew. Then gently wipe your face with a cotton swab.

A lotion based on homemade mint leaves can also prevent acne and remove existing ones. Let the brewed mint steep for about half an hour and regularly wipe your face with it throughout the day.

Treatment with birch buds and leaves, which must be taken in equal proportions, poured into a glass of water and boiled for five minutes, is also common among people. Good for washing.

Raspberry leaves have healing properties in the fight against inflammation and rashes. People have come up with a recipe for an effective ointment: you need to take 5-7 fresh raspberry leaves, rinse them thoroughly and squeeze the juice out of them.

It is mixed with butter until smooth and applied to inflammation overnight.

The leaders among medicinal herbs are chamomile, mint and string. They are poured with boiling water, infused and used for washing, as a base for lotion or compresses.

How to properly tone and care for problematic facial skin?

The solution to the question of how best to care for this type must begin with a good cleansing. For daily morning washing, you need to use neutral types of cleansing, which are designed specifically for problem skin. Cosmetologists advise getting a special facial brush and rubbing in gel, soap or foam with it. The actions of the brush should be soft, massaging, and not traumatic. The optimal temperature for cleansing is approximately the same as body temperature, that is, 36-37 degrees.

The rules of care say - regardless of the type and type of skin, you need to wash your face no more than twice a day. It's just a myth that the more often you cleanse, the better you do. Quite the contrary, frequent removal of sebum leads to its increased production, and accordingly, the situation can be further aggravated.

It is also very important not to injure the skin. After washing, you just need to lightly blot the moisture without rubbing. Wait about 15 minutes before applying any cosmetic products for acne - the moisture must dry completely.

But this does not mean that you cannot carry out deep cleansing yourself. You can use special exfoliating products a couple of times a week.

Treatment of problematic facial skin with masks

In order for treatment masks to work as effectively as possible, you need to follow the basic rules:

  • Before starting the procedures, you need to wash yourself thoroughly, cleanse yourself of dirt and wipe with tonic or rose water;
  • Masks, including homemade ones, must be applied very carefully, gently, do not rub or stretch, so as not to further damage the skin;
  • Not worth it "overexpose" mixtures - observe the time required for the release of all beneficial substances - 15-20 minutes;
  • It is better to rinse off with slightly warm water, and then apply a tonic or cream.

Home care for problem skin is simple and economical, because the main focus is to return the face to a healthy and radiant appearance, eliminate rashes, and stabilize fat production.

Top 7 best homemade mask recipes:

The main thing is to regularly and properly take care of your problem skin, follow the rules of care, and use useful masks. And very soon the condition and appearance of your face will become much better!

Masha Loginova

Is it possible to find at least one girl who would not dream of having even, smooth facial skin? Even those who have naturally perfect skin need to take care of it to maintain its softness and freshness. Well, those who are experiencing problems need to redouble their efforts.

The biggest problem is the tendency to develop acne. Some people experience acne as early as adolescence, while others experience it later. And everyone is tormented by the problem of how to get rid of acne, preferably forever. Or at least learn to deal with them.

There are three factors for successfully fighting acne:

  • Regular skin cleansing.
  • Normalization of nutrition.
  • Special care for acne-prone skin.

Despite their apparent simplicity, they are really effective; the only condition for success is regularity. Of course, there are individual characteristics of the body when the intervention of a dermatologist is required, but the basic principles will remain the same.

So, 10 effective tips to fight acne.

1. Daily skin cleansing

The first thing you need to start with is to tell yourself: “My skin deserves to be clean.” You've probably already read a lot of advice and are aware of the causes of acne. Everyone who has successfully dealt with this problem admits that it is regular washing that gives quick and visible results.

In the morning, wash your face with warm water and dry your skin with tissues. Then apply an oily skin lotion that suits you to a cotton pad and wipe over your face. After some time, apply gel or cream, and, if necessary, disinfectant powder.

Evening cleansing should begin by wiping the skin with a cleansing lotion or - even better - sour milk or kefir. It is advisable to wipe your face three times, each time applying the product to a new cotton pad. Then apply the lotion, and when it dries, apply the cream or gel.

2. Food

Our body is a chemical factory that runs on the raw materials that we offer it. Since we are all different, the body’s reaction to food is different. The body cannot tell us what exactly is wrong with it; the only way to inform us about it is through pain, discomfort, and skin rashes.

Analyze your diet from the point of view of a healthy diet and exclude everything that contributes to increased sebum secretion on the skin. These can be sweets, excess fatty foods, smoked foods, chips, mayonnaise, fried foods, cakes and pastries.

Include vegetables and fruits in your daily menu, get into the habit of eating 3-4 types of vegetables and at least two types of fruits a day.

3. Vitamins

Dietary changes may not be enough. As a rule, acne and dermatitis occur with a deficiency of B vitamins, as well as vitamin A. The richest sources of B vitamins: brewer's yeast, nuts, liver, eggs, green vegetables, bran and wholemeal bread. Sources of vitamin A: carrots, apricots, dried apricots. It is also necessary to add products containing iodine: seaweed, sea fish, iodized salt.

Learn more about which vitamins are important for specific skin problems.

4. Facial cleansing

Do not under any circumstances try to cleanse your face yourself, as this may lead to infection. This procedure should only be performed by a specialist. A dermatologist may also prescribe ultrasonic cleaning.

5. Cosmetologist and dermatologist

Visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist. It is best to go to a specialized medical institution where acne is treated. There they will conduct an examination, find the causes of acne formation and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to find specialists everywhere. Don't despair, there are many ways to get rid of acne at home. The following five tips are specifically about organizing care for problem skin at home.

6. Degreasing

You need to be extremely careful when degreasing your skin. On the one hand, it is logical to use degreasers when there is increased sebum secretion. But too intensive degreasing can cause irritation of the sebaceous glands.

To treat areas of skin that contain a lot of sebum, it is sometimes useful to use boric or camphor alcohols. In summer, camphor alcohol should be abandoned and replaced with 2% salicylic alcohol.

To prevent the formation of acne in such areas, you can wipe them with a 0.5% solution of ammonia 2-3 times a day. This treatment is enough for 5-6 days.

7. Disinfection

Disinfection plays an important role in the fight against acne. Calendula tincture in alcohol (1 tablespoon in half a glass of water) or propolis tincture in alcohol (diluted 1:1 with water) help well.

8. Drying

Good effect from homemade powder. Place one tablet each of chloramphenicol, streptocide and metronidazole in a mortar, crush them and powder your face at night.

9. Creams and gels

As you already know, any cream will not suit you. And even if a cream is recommended for oily, acne-prone skin, be prepared to try a few before you find yours.

Good reviews of the following creams and gels:

  • "Black Gold"
  • Isotrexin
  • Skinoren
  • Series of French cosmetics Bioderma
  • Baziron AS
  • Ugrisept
  • Exfoliac Acnomega 200 and Exfoliac Acnomega 100

If the drugs are strong, then after a month you need to replace them with lighter ones.

10. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, especially for problem skin.

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  • Signs of problem skin
  • Causes of problems
  • Preventing skin problems
  • Cosmetics
  • Cosmetology procedures

Signs of problem skin

Cosmetologists, as a rule, call oily skin prone to pimples and acne problematic. In patients suffering from acne, the formation of sebum significantly increases and its composition changes (the concentration of linoleic acid decreases). This leads to hyperkeratosis, and subsequently to clogging of pores and the appearance of closed and open comedones, or blackheads.

All of the above changes the skin texture not for the better, and also creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria and the formation of inflammatory elements.

So, the main characteristics of problem skin:

    enlarged pores;

    greasy shine;

    black dots;

  • acne scars.

The main skin problems are blackheads, oily shine, pimples, enlarged pores © iStock

Causes of problems

The number of sebaceous glands in the body of each person is determined genetically. But the intensity of the work of these glands can change throughout life. Skin problems can accompany you not only during adolescence, but also appear in your 30s and 40s.

What can cause them:

    hormonal imbalance;

    genetic predisposition;

    improperly selected care;

    insufficient skin cleansing;

    poor nutrition;

    environmental pollution;

What kind of skin may be problematic?


    It is distinguished by oily shine and enlarged pores in the T-zone.

    Characteristics: oily shine and enlarged pores all over the face.

  • Dehydrated problem

    It shows an oily sheen, enlarged pores, and comedones. Inflammatory rashes - all over the face or in certain areas. Plus redness, peeling, burning, a feeling of tightness that occurs during drug treatment and aggressive care.

The most important step in caring for problem skin is cleansing © iStock

How to care for problem skin

Perhaps the most important step in caring for oily skin is cleansing. Morning and evening, with special means.

One of the main problems for owners of oily acne-prone skin is disruption of the surface hydrolipidic layer. As a result of aggressive care or treatment, the skin becomes dehydrated and sensitive. Therefore, it is important to avoid soaps and alcohol-containing cosmetics and choose products with a pH of 5.0–5.5 (that is, corresponding to the normal pH of the skin).

Products for problem skin should contain acids and components with anti-inflammatory and mattifying effects.


Trying to get rid of oily sheen, owners of problem skin cleanse their skin “to the point of squeaking” using aggressive products and thereby achieve the opposite effect - they disrupt the hydrolipid layer, causing new inflammation and dryness.

Choose mild products, such as those containing zinc. It regulates sebum production. The composition must also contain restorative components.

Invest in foams and tonics. Be careful with scrubs. If you have an acute phase of acne, it is better to avoid mechanical exfoliants; they can increase the inflammatory process. If acne is already behind you, use the scrub twice a week. Choose one that contains antibacterial and sebum-regulating components.

If you have enlarged pores, try using a Clarisonic cleanser. A brush attachment will suit you for washing and deep cleansing the pores on your face. Its bristles have different lengths and are located so as to most effectively remove oil and dirt that clog pores.

Scrubs are not always suitable for problem skin, but it really loves masks with clay © iStock


This important step in caring for oily skin is often ignored, mistakenly thinking that moisturizing will cause shine. Contrary to myths, oily skin can and should be moisturized to restore its hydrolipid mantle. Choose light textures - fluids and mousses.

Don't forget about the need to protect your already vulnerable skin from ultraviolet radiation. Both regular day cream and foundation should contain SPF.

Preventing skin problems

    Wash your face lukewarm water. Hot water dries out the skin and stimulates sebum production.

    Thoroughly take off your makeup every night. If you use oil or milk, wash off the products with water.

    For morning wash choose a soft gel with fruit acids, then apply toner and moisturizer.

    Exfoliants such as scrubs and peels should not contain too large abrasive particles, otherwise there is a risk of causing microdamage to the skin, which can then turn into inflammation.

    Before applying the cream refresh your skin with toner, it will visually narrow the pores. Tonic formulas often have a cumulative effect - after a month of regular use, you will definitely notice that your skin has become more even.

    During the day use matting wipes. As soon as you notice shine, blot your T-zone and chin.

    Foundations should be light and contain soothing and caring components.


    Cleansing gel “Endless freshness”, L’Oréal Paris, with rose and jasmine extract.

    Gel, scrub, mask “Clean skin 3-in-1”, Garnier, with zinc, pumice and white clay.

    Mineral pore-cleansing mask, Vichy, with white clay, allantoin and aloe vera.

    Mattifying sorbet cream "Life-giving Hydration", Garnier, with green tea extract.

    A fast-acting, targeted remedy against imperfections Normaderm Hyaluspot, Vichy, with salicylic, lipohydroxy and hyaluronic acids.

    Facial gel with brush “Clean skin asset Expopro”, Garnier, anti-acne for oily skin with salicylic acid.

    Skin texture renewing product Epidermal Re-Texturizing Micro-Dermabrasion, Kiehl's, with aluminum oxide powder, alginate and shea butter.

    Purifying mattifying mask Effaclar, La Roche-Posay, with two types of mineral clay.

    Corrective care against imperfections Normaderm 24H, Vichy, with salicylic acid.

    Local action corrective agent Effaclar A.I., La Roche-Posay, with niacinamide and lipohydroxy acid.

Cosmetology procedures

Below is a list of the most effective methods used by cosmetologists to alleviate problem skin.

In addition to cosmetic care for problem skin, there are cosmetic procedures © iStock

Chemical peeling

It is usually used to smooth out skin microrelief (including post-acne correction). As a means of combating acne and post-acne, aqueous solutions or gels based on various acids are used:








Plasma therapy

Today this is one of the most effective methods. A safe method of regenerative medicine is based on the principles of autohemostimulation. Its essence is to isolate plasma from the patient’s blood and administer it by injection.

Platelet-rich plasma has a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect.

Ozone therapy

An effective anti-inflammatory technique for acne. It is recommended to carry out the procedures in a course of 10–15 sessions. The result is a significant reduction in inflammation, lightening of post-inflammatory spots and prevention of new rashes.

Any person who has problematic facial skin wants to get rid of this “disease” as soon as possible. This can be combated by providing problem skin with treatment and careful care.

The trouble is that if you have problem skin, it’s practically impossible to hide blemishes. After all, all unevenness, redness, pimples, and peeling cannot always be disguised with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Problematic facial skin – what to do in this case? The main thing is not to panic, but to start treating it. If you approach the issue of caring for your skin correctly, you can get rid of almost any problem.

Unfortunately, skin that is not smooth and matte cannot add beauty to a woman, and at such moments you cannot hide your face under clothes. Just don’t despair ahead of time, because all this can be fixed. There are some rules to combat skin problems. By doing them, caring for problematic facial skin will give positive results.

Daily care for problem skin areas involves promptly removing accumulated dirt and oily secretions. Problematic skin is characterized by enlarged pores, which can become inflamed due to their clogging with sebum and dirt. The cheeks, forehead, and nose are those areas of the face that are most often subject to inflammatory processes.

Having problem skin, you can often observe an unpleasant oily sheen on the face, feel a film that does not allow the skin to breathe normally. Unfortunately, you can’t get rid of this with regular washing. And hot water in this case can only do harm.

At the initial stage of the fight against facial skin problems, it is necessary to pay due attention to proper cleansing. Every morning should be accompanied by washing your face using neutral preparations to cleanse it. The product must be specifically for problem skin. You can use a soft brush for the cleaning procedure, onto which the product will be applied. Movements must be performed carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin on the face. The most acceptable water temperature for washing is thirty-six point five. That is, the temperature should be close to body temperature.

Regardless of what skin problems you have, it is not recommended to wash your face more than twice a day, since the amount of oil produced by the sebaceous glands increases with each cleansing of the skin. Therefore, frequent cleansing can only worsen the situation.

You should also avoid aggressive effects on the skin. For example, after the skin has been cleansed and washed, there is no need to rub yourself dry with a towel. It will be enough to just lightly apply it to the surface of the face to absorb the liquid from its surface. Apply any products for problematic facial skin after the skin has dried. Not earlier than ten minutes after washing.

Many people are mistaken in thinking that squeezing out blackheads and pimples is a cleansing procedure or a phenomenon with which you can get rid of them forever. In fact, it is better to avoid this altogether, since constantly getting rid of acne in this way will only injure already unhealthy skin. As a result, it will be possible for problem skin to get an infection as a bonus. In such a situation, it is better to contact professional cosmetologists who will perform deep cleaning without negative consequences.

For your own care, you can use masks for problematic facial skin, which you can also make yourself. To get the effectiveness and desired effect from masks, you should adhere to the following tips:

Before applying the mask to the skin, you must first thoroughly clean it of contaminants. To do this, you can simply wash your face with soap or wipe your face with tonic;

When applying the product to the skin, do not put in a lot of effort. The movements should be of a massaging type and light enough so as not to stretch or further injure the skin;

Each application of the mask must be done after some time. There must be a delay between procedures. Usually a mask is made no more than twice a week and applied to the skin for no more than fifteen minutes;

The product should be washed off with lukewarm water, after which the skin should be treated with a tonic.

When a person has problem facial skin, treatment with masks can be performed at home. Thanks to this method, you can easily normalize dry or oily skin, get rid of red spots and various rashes.

A good mask that speeds up the improvement of metabolic processes as much as possible is cucumber. Its preparation may take a couple of minutes, but the effect will not keep you waiting. Fresh cucumber is grated on a fine grater. The resulting mushy mixture is mixed with the white of one egg. This mask should be applied to the face and you should walk with it for up to twenty minutes. Wash off as usual with warm water.

Many masks are prepared with the addition of honey. For example, the most traditional mask consists of onion juice and honey. All components are taken one tablespoon at a time and mixed until smooth. The resulting mixture is applied only to those parts of the face where problems are noted. After fifteen minutes, the mask is removed. This procedure can be used after one day.

If purchased products are used for treatment procedures, then it is necessary to choose the product correctly so that it does not provoke new problems. You need to select a product based on your individual problem - dry skin, oily skin, acne, pimples, etc.

For those people whose skin, on the contrary, is overdried or prone to dryness, a different approach to combating this phenomenon is needed. It is noted that dry skin forms wrinkles much faster than oily skin. Naturally, the skin experiences a water deficiency, which leads to a loss of its elasticity and firmness. Frequent peeling occurs, causing the skin to become rougher.

For dry skin, it is very important to restore water balance. In this case, lipid-based creams are used to strengthen the skin and prevent excessive moisture loss. A good option would be products that contain oatmeal, hyaluronic acid or silk proteins.

Dry skin, as well as oily skin, should be washed only with warm water. To remove makeup, it is better to use a special milk that will not overdry dry skin. An absolute contraindication for dry skin are any products that contain alcohol.

Instead of soap, when washing your face, you can use oatmeal, which has been crushed in advance. If you compare them with soap, they will not have the same tightening effect on the skin. In addition, peeling will become less noticeable. After washing your face, you can wipe your face with an apple slice.

Skin problems can also be dealt with from the inside. To do this, you need to follow some rules when eating food. So, in order to strengthen the vascular walls, you need to eat more seafood, fish, lemon and spinach. Do you want to get rid of acne? Then the diet should contain less yeast bread, semi-finished products, chocolate and confectionery, as well as spicy and smoked foods. Fresh and stewed vegetables, chicken, and dairy products are welcome on the menu.

When choosing store-bought or pharmacy cosmetics, you need to familiarize yourself with the constituent elements of the products. For problem skin, it is better not to use cosmetics containing fruit acids and alcohol. It would be better to purchase a series of special cosmetics designed for sensitive skin, as it cleanses the skin more gently, helps to moisturize and soothe it. If you have problems with the skin of your face, it is better to refrain from frequent use of decorative cosmetics, which contribute to clogging of skin pores.

Regular medical procedures and proper care of problem skin, as well as its individual areas, will provide significant improvement in just a few two to three months.

Problematic skin does not spare the smooth porcelain surface of the face, spoiling the healthy color and smooth structure. Pimples, blackheads, broken blood vessels, age spots, rashes appear regularly, causing a lot of trouble. Attempts to apply makeup with cosmetics lead to even greater infection; problem skin often leaves scars. There is only one solution - to cure the skin by normalizing all internal processes.

Signs of problem skin

  • blackheads, pimples, acne;
  • vascular network;
  • furunculosis;
  • pigment formations;
  • unhealthy color - redness, yellow or gray shades;
  • greasy shine;
  • peeling and allergies;
  • dryness and flabbiness;
  • early wrinkles.

Causes of problem skin

You can become the owner of a problem face, both during adolescence and after the completion of hormonal surges.

The following factors can lead to this:

  1. Genetic predisposition, skin type, structure, metabolic processes are placed in small DNA, which determines whether pimples and acne will appear, or whether the surface will always remain clean as in childhood;
  2. Unfavorable environmental situation - the development of technology, unfortunately, is increasingly deteriorating natural conditions, clean air and water are a luxury available to a few on this planet, and industrial enterprises often ignore new items in eco-developments; a dry, hot climate and temperature changes have a negative impact;
  3. The absence or incorrectly selected cosmetic care can further aggravate the situation, injuring the epidermis, disrupting the pH balance, and oxygen breathing;
  4. Diseases of the digestive and endocrine system, malfunctions lead to enlarged pores, acne, which often leave scars, scars, the surface resembles small craters of a volcano;
  5. Taking certain medications and antibiotics have a destructive effect on the restorative and protective properties of the epidermis;
  6. Lifestyle often leads to problematic skin, lack of sleep, insomnia, jet lag, smoking and alcohol increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands, at the same time reducing the immune properties of the dermis due to constant exposure to toxic elements;
  7. An unbalanced diet affects not only the figure, the skin, as an indicator, shows a preference for fresh vegetables and fruits, sweet, fatty cakes, fast food and snacks with carcinogenic additives that irritate and stimulate inflammation.

Risk factors include oily, combination and dry skin. The former, due to excess sebum, are constantly susceptible to the spread of pathogenic bacteria on the surface. Dry dermis is characterized by a lack of natural moisture, which leads to thin blood vessels, decreased elasticity and tone, and the appearance of wrinkles.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Rules for caring for problem skin

Problematic combination skin, as well as oily and dry skin, requires a whole range of measures to cure and improve the condition:

  • regulate nutrition - enrich the diet with green vegetables, apples and citrus fruits, nuts, whole grains and dairy products, minerals, vitamins, especially group B, will quickly restore the epithelium;
  • folk remedies have proven effective in the treatment and regeneration of problematic dermis, herbs, oils, clays and other components, a good basis for creating homemade ganaches (soft scrubs), lotions, creams and masks;
  • use high-quality anti-comedogenic cosmetics with a high SPF factor, the use allows you to maintain the pH balance, does not interfere with oxygen respiration, and does not clog the sebaceous ducts, both during the hot season and in winter, the face should be protected from ultraviolet radiation;
  • do not remove purulent pimples and blackheads on your own, scars may remain and can lead to more serious infection of the dermis, requiring medical treatment;
  • caring cosmetics for problem skin should consist of a cleanser, toner and moisturizer, masks are used once/twice a week, treasures or peeling once a month, be sure to take into account the type of epidermis - dry, combination, oily;
  • You cannot use soap for daily cleansing, but only special skin foams;
  • to treat acne, use spot-action creams rich in zinc and sulfur, it is convenient to apply at night, many lines are not absorbed and are noticeable on the face, during sleep the active composition will have time to neutralize the inflammatory process, and we also recommend using polysorb.

Products for problem skin

Each well-known manufacturer produces entire lines for oily and problem skin, consisting of three to six products. Most often they contain zinc, acetylsalicylic acid, and sorbents with an antiseptic effect. It is convenient to purchase sets of the same brand for proper cleansing, toning and nutrition; also, do not forget about the gifts of nature and check all ingredients for a possible allergic reaction. We recommend trying Regetsin gel, which will help get rid of pimples and acne.

Creams for problem skin

For acne

Result: it’s easy to make a cream at home that has bactericidal and antiseptic effects that dry out inflammation.

  • 15 gr. shea butter;
  • 6 drops of rosewood ether;
  • 20 drops of acetylsalicylic acid.

Preparation and method of application: melt dense African oil, mix thoroughly with wood ether and pharmaceutical acid. Pour the resulting mixture into a prepared, clean, dry jar. Use at night, after cleansing the skin, treating only pimples and acne.


Result: the cream recipe allows you to care for the inflamed dermis, restore lipid balance, and enrich it with vitamins and minerals.

  • 20 gr. sour cream;
  • 7 drops grapefruit essential oil;
  • 15 ml aloe juice.

Preparation and method of application: whisk fresh sour cream with aloe juice and tonic essential oil. Store the cream for problem skin in a tightly closed glass jar on the side shelf of the refrigerator for no more than ten days. Apply two/three times a day, after cleansing and applying lotion, covering the face with a thin layer.


Result: to prepare a homemade cream, you will need natural ingredients to refresh the epidermis and whiten pigment formations.

  • 10 ml yogurt;
  • protein;
  • 5 ml lime juice.

Preparation and method of application: beat the chilled egg white in a kitchen machine, gradually adding yogurt at the same temperature, adding citrus juice last. Can be applied as a base for makeup after all hygiene procedures; the shelf life is short - up to five days.

Video: Foundations for oily problem skin

Gels for problem skin

Vichy is a hypoallergenic product, very economical to use, and has a subtle, pleasant aroma. Cleanses and refreshes well, recommended to use with the toner and moisturizing emulsion of this line. Suitable for all types, including dry and sensitive. The thermal water in the composition soothes inflammation, saturates with minerals, and removes dead epithelium.

Nivea Gel Scrub - allows you to thoroughly cleanse problematic skin, contains two types of granules that smooth out the skin, and is suitable for daily washing of combination and oily skin. The face then becomes clean and smooth, the pores are narrowed, the color is restored to an even matte finish, and inflammation goes away.

Clear Skin Active from Garnier– removes oily shine, dries out acne, whitens pigment spots thanks to the content of phytocomponents. Requires mandatory use with moisturizer.

Powders for problem skin

Bourjois Healthy Balance – mattifies and gives the face a beautiful natural shade, saturating the cells with fruit extracts. Copes with oily shine, the coverage remains perfect throughout the day.

Manhattan Clearface Powder - well disguises pimples, comedones and vascular networks, provides smooth and silky skin. Vitamin E allows you to care for dry dermis, and if applied with a damp sponge, you get the effect of covering with foundation.

Miyo Antibacterial Powder - an antibacterial product eliminates shine, soothes inflammation, and restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands thanks to the presence of magnolia extract.

Tonics for problem skin

Avene tonic lotion For sensitive skin prone to acne, acetylsalicylic acid disinfects, prevents the appearance of acne, and reduces the amount of lipids secreted by the glands. Use after washing your face before moisturizing.
Anti-blackhead toner Clean Line Eliminates dryness and inflammation, normalizes pH levels, plant extracts soften the skin and tighten pores. Helps maintain firmness and elasticity.
Vichy Purete Thermale Perfecting Toner Cares for problematic dry skin prone to rosacea and rashes. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids restore, refresh and soothe the dermis after deep facial cleansing.

Oils for problem skin

The best oils can be used to moisturize and tone, enriching masks for problem skin, lotions and creams. For the base, choose - hazelnut, jojoba, grape, wheat, peach, almond, macadamia, shea. Add esters of lavender, rosemary, sandalwood, rose and tea tree, grapefruit, lemon, orange, bergamot to balms and homemade washes. You can use fatty vegetable oils in their pure form after washing your skin or removing makeup.

Video recipes: Evening care for oily problem skin at home

Homemade mask recipes for problematic facial skin

To treat the skin, it is worth using natural formulations for various purposes once or twice a week. The active components will cleanse, tone, and soothe foci of infection. Regular use allows you to even out the tone and structure of the epidermis and forget about acne.

Acne mask

Result: the procedure is effective against purulent formations.


  • 5 gr. soda;
  • 10 gr. starch;
  • 4 drops of sandalwood ether.

Preparation and method of application: sodium bicarbonate, mixed with starch, diluted with green tea, add wood liquid. Steam your face thoroughly, apply the product to problem areas, remove after fifteen minutes, and treat with an antiseptic.

Video: How to get rid of acne and their marks on problem skin

Clay mask

Result: clay for skin soothes, dries, improves color.



  • 5 gr. blue clay;
  • 10 gr. green clay;
  • 1 ml almond oil.

Preparation and method of application: after mixing cosmetic powders and seed oil, dilute with plantain decoction to obtain a paste consistency. Apply to clean skin and leave for about twenty minutes. Then wash with cold water and moisturize problem skin.

Video recipe: Mask for problem skin at home

Honey mask

Result: homemade honey masks tone and tighten enlarged pores.


  • 10 gr. honey;
  • 5 gr. coffee.

Preparation and method of application: mix soluble coffee granules with honey until smooth, after removing makeup, spread on the skin, avoiding the eyelids and nasolabial triangle. After twenty-five minutes you can wash your face.

Oatmeal mask

Result: cleanses and removes keratinized epithelium.


  • 10 gr. cereal;
  • 5 gr. salt;
  • 5 drops of retinol.

Preparation and method of application: grind oatmeal into flour in a coffee grinder, add a little broth, add sea salt and vitamin A to the pulp. Apply with light massaging movements, leave for ten minutes.

Yeast mask

Result: eliminates acne on the face, normalizes pH balance.


  • 15 gr. yeast;
  • ampoule of pantothenic acid.

Preparation and method of application: dilute the granules with warm water, add vitamin B 5, wash your face and spread the mask, leave for half an hour, after which, thoroughly rinse off any frozen residues.

Lemon mask

Result: removes pigmentation, refreshes, soothes purulent formations.


  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • 5 ml aloe juice;
  • 10 gr. buckwheat flour.

Preparation and method of application: add freshly squeezed citrus and aloe juice to cereal flour, stir well, and can be diluted with sparkling water. Wipe the skin with thermal liquid, spread the mixture into a thin layer, and after half an hour complete the cosmetic procedure.

Kefir mask

Result: fermented milk products in home remedies for problem skin have a cleansing and healing effect and prevent the spread of infection.


  • 15 ml kefir;
  • 5 gr. chickpea flour;
  • 5 drops of rosemary ether.

Preparation and method of application: warm kefir, mixed with bean flour and aromatic oil, apply to the steamed dermis, leave for twenty-five minutes. Afterwards, remove with a damp sponge.

Curd mask

Result: a moisturizing procedure is effective for the regeneration of acne scars.


  • 10 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 15 ml serum;
  • 5 ml grape seed oil.

Preparation and method of application: grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add whey and oil. First scrub your face with rice flour, then spread the finished composition in a dense layer. After thirty-five minutes, remove the residue with a damp cotton pad.

Video recipe: Mask for problem skin with starch and protein - fighting rashes

Soothing mask

Result: a folk recipe relieves redness and inflammation.


  • 5 gr. chamomile;
  • 5 gr. plantain;
  • 10 gr. white clay.

Preparation and method of application: grind the herbs into powder in a coffee grinder, combine with kaolin, dilute with mineral water. Apply onto the epidermis using rubbing movements, leave for half an hour, then wash thoroughly with cold water.

Video recipe: Mask for problem and oily skin at home

Moisturizing mask

Result: to restore problem skin after cleansing procedures, you should use a proven product.


  • 5 ml almond oil;
  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • banana.

Preparation and method of application: mash half the fruit into a paste, add nourishing and aroma oil. After steaming the skin, spread over the entire surface of the face and rest for about forty minutes. When finished, remove with a damp cotton swab.

Video recipe: Homemade mask for problem skin against blackheads

Cleansing mask

Result: the anti-inflammatory mask deeply cleanses the sebaceous ducts and reduces the secretion of the glands.


  • 2 aspirin tablets;
  • 5 gr. starch;
  • cyanocobalamin ampoule.

Preparation and method of application: crush acetylsalicylic acid tablets into powder, add corn starch and vitamin B12. Distribute the finished mixture onto the skin with light rubbing movements and leave for no more than eight minutes. After washing, moisturize with a light emulsion.

Video tips: Caring for problem skin at home

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