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When will Metallurgist Day be celebrated? Metallurgist Days: history and features of the celebration. How to congratulate and what to give a metallurgist

Metallurgist is a general name and collective concept of all professions that are associated with the production and processing of metal - from hardening to the manufacture of finished products.

Workers of steel foundries and steel smelting shops, blacksmiths, rollers, blast furnace workers, steelmakers, as well as miners (metal is extracted from iron ore), workers in the gold mining industry celebrate Metallurgist Day and are representatives of professions for real men. Russia celebrates Metallurgist Day on the third Sunday of July.

13 facts from the history of Metallurgist Day

1. How did Metallurgist Day come about?

People understood the importance of metal in battles, in work or in everyday life many centuries ago.

In Russia, metallurgy as an industry was born in the Urals and Siberia at the end of the 18th century. Despite the importance of the metallurgical industry and the people who worked in it, there was no professional holiday then.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, an urgent need arose for the speedy restoration of industry and agriculture, the restoration and strengthening of the country's economy. The metallurgical industry played a crucial role in this, which had to be expanded and popularized, attracting young people to work.

The professional holiday Metallurgist Day appeared on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 28, 1957.

2. Where they celebrate

The third Sunday of July every year in the cities of metallurgists is a widely celebrated holiday for everyone who works with metal. This day is celebrated on a grand scale in Nizhny Tagil, Norilsk, Magnitogorsk, Novokuznetsk and Cherepovets, Taganrog, Lipetsk and the Magadan region. Workers in the mining and gold mining industries also consider this holiday theirs.

Among the former republics of the Soviet Union, the holiday is still held in high esteem where metallurgy was and remains an important sector of the economy - in Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

3. How is the metallurgists’ holiday held in Russia?

Enterprises develop holiday programs in advance. Spartakiads and professional skills competitions are organized. Labor veterans who have something to tell about their professional activities are invited to the ceremonial part. It is customary at all enterprises to award distinguished employees and announce the results of professional achievements.

4. Holiday in the city

The professional holiday Metallurgist Day in cities with a developed metallurgical industry is a family holiday, and in terms of the scale of celebration it is equal to City Day: The streets are decorated, fairs are held, exhibitions of craftsmen making forged figures, processions of metallurgists, and mass celebrations. Concerts are organized with the participation of pop and film stars.

5. What to strive for

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation based on the results of consideration of the application for award metallurgists who have distinguished themselves by achievements in their work and with at least 20 years of work experience may be awarded the title of “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation.” The employee is awarded an oval silver (40x30 mm) badge in the form of a laurel wreath with oak branches.

6. Metallurgy in Russia

In terms of importance, the metallurgical industry in Russia ranks second after the oil and gas industry. Metallurgy is divided into ferrous and non-ferrous. In terms of industry development, Russia is in fourth place after China, Japan and the USA.

7. Metallurgists' Day in the leading countries threes

In China, Japan and the USA, Metallurgist Day is not celebrated, like other professional holidays.

Metallurgists in China celebrate Labor Day on May 1st. In Japan, both metallurgists and other workers celebrate Labor Appreciation Day on November 23. In the United States, metallurgists, like workers in other industries, celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September.

8. Metallurgist Day in the CIS countries

In the CIS countries (former republics of the USSR), a professional holiday was established by Decrees of the Heads of State after receiving independence status. In Ukraine, Metallurgist Day was combined with Miner Day. The date of celebration also falls on the third Sunday of July. The traditions and customs of the celebration do not differ from Russian ones.

9. Leaders of the metallurgical industry

The industry was glorified by the rise of Russian arms factories in the 18th century in Tula, Izhevsk, Zlatoust and Sestroretsk. Famous masters mastered artistic painting, engraving and painting “through fire”. All weapons factories appeared after the emergence of “iron” factories.

Today there are more than three thousand metallurgical plants in Russia. The largest ones form the “Big Three”: Severstal, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works and Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works.

10. Famous industry master

An outstanding Russian metallurgist and scientist of the first half of the 19th century, Pavel Petrovich Anosov, grew up in Zlatoust. The name of this master is known to all metallurgists in the world. He was responsible for the discovery of the lost secret of damask steel production, the invention of new gold panning machines, the first attempts to produce cast steel tools and many other achievements in the production of alloy steel.

11. Labor exploits of metallurgists

“Days and nights at the open-hearth furnaces our Motherland did not close its eyes...” - lines from a famous song tell a good story about the work of metallurgists during the Great Patriotic War, when victory, as they say, was “forged” in the rear: metallurgical plants switched to the production of weapons and ammunition, smelting armor metal became the main task. Workers did not leave factories and combines for days. Many women also mastered a truly male profession during the Second World War.

12. The most famous monument

Monuments to steelworkers and metallurgists have been erected in all centers of the metallurgical industry. All sculptures depict a full-length metallurgist at work. The tallest "Metallurg" stands in Magnitogorsk - its total height is 10.5 meters.

13. Glass, pants, paw, horn or dough

The professional language of metallurgists is rich and interesting. No one will guess that the pants are a forked chute through which metal runs down. The funnier the request “pass the pants” sounds. The expression “kill a goat” means to deal with cast iron frozen in a blast furnace. And the appearance of a “bald spot” indicates that part of the metal surface is not covered with tin during tinning.

Every third Sunday in July, metallurgists celebrate their professional holiday.

When did Metallurgist Day arise: the history of the holiday

The roots of the holiday go back to the Soviet past, when Metallurgists' Day was established by decree of the USSR Presidium on September 28, 1957. Thus, the Soviet government noted the enormous contribution of the metallurgical industry to the reconstruction of the country in the post-war period. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the holiday continued its life, and it is celebrated both in Russia and in Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine.

Who celebrates Metallurgist Day?

Nowadays, Metallurgist Day is celebrated not only by those who have the entry “metallurgist” in their work books, but also by all those who relate to the entire huge metallurgical industry. These include steelworkers, open-hearth furnaces, blast furnaces, blacksmiths and many other professions. Metallurgists' Day is rightfully celebrated even by mining workers who are engaged in the extraction of ore, one of the main components for metal. Many professions, one way or another connected with the production and processing of metal, have come to us since ancient times.

Based on research, it is clear that humanity learned to work with metal 7 and even 8 thousand years ago. Thanks to the information that came to us from antiquity, even then people divided eras into three main periods: stone, bronze and iron. These eras received their names for a reason; this once again proves what a huge role man assigned to metal.

Metallurgist Day today is not just another holiday on the calendar, but hundreds of thousands of people around the world celebrating this professional holiday. On this day, large enterprises and factories hold festive events, processions take place along city streets, and concerts and special events take place in concert halls. On this day, all those metallurgical workers who through their own labor have proven that metallurgy is not just an industry, but also a real art, are separately awarded. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the most distinguished metallurgists who have worked at enterprises for at least 10 years can be awarded the title of “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation.”

When is Metallurgist Day celebrated in 2019?

Metallurgist Day in 2019 is celebrated on July 21. Every year this holiday is celebrated on the third Sunday of July.

Metallurgist Day in 2019, what date falls on the third Sunday of July every year in our country. That is, this is exactly the type of holiday that does not have its own official date, but has its own official day. For most professional holidays, specific days are set so that the celebration itself falls on a day off every year.

If you look at the modern calendar for 2019, you will see that the third Sunday of July falls on the 21st. It turns out that in Russia this year Metallurgist Day will be celebrated on July 21. This date is, as is already clear, moving. In this material, we propose to delve into the history of the formation of the holiday, talk about who and how to congratulate today.

Often people who live in large cities in the European part of our country may not even realize how developed the metallurgical industry is in other regions, how much profit it brings to the country and, of course, how many jobs it creates.

  • The importance of industry and profession
  • Excerpts from history

From the history of the holiday

Metallurgist Day in 2019, what date is celebrated in Russia, coincides with how this event is celebrated in other countries that were part of the USSR. So, for example, in the territory of modern Ukraine, the official date of the holiday has been preserved as the third Sunday in July, although everything goes back, let us remind you once again, from the times of the Soviet Union. Many people remember, some heard, and some even saw in old Soviet films how important the development of the steel industry was for the country. They will be relevant on the festive table.

As for the holiday, it was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1980, a document was published in which many Soviet holidays, including professional holidays, found their new permanent place. Metallurgist Day was no exception.

What is metallurgical art? From ore, by melting and processing metals, steel is obtained. It must be said that the technology itself is very ancient and its discovery gave humanity a new round of development. We can safely say that metallurgy began its life as an activity in those distant centuries, even before our era, when humanity mastered the smelting of copper.

Today we are talking about Metallurgist Day in 2019, what date in Ukraine or Russia is the third Sunday in July, that is, the 21st of this year. Modern metallurgy is a set of technological processes, as well as production. In addition to the extraction of metal ores, which has already been mentioned, we can safely include enrichment, extraction, and refining here.

Also, metallurgy in modern times is the production of products based on metal powders, the processing of metals by pressure, as well as thermochemical and thermal, chemical processing in order to give certain metals their specified properties.

The main industry of this type is ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. These products are used in mechanical engineering and construction, even in agriculture. Since nuclear energy has been actively developing in modern society, metallurgists have begun to produce radioactive metals.

The importance of industry and profession

So, Metallurgist Day in 2019, what date is July 21, this industry is still basic in the domestic industry, as it once was during the times of the USSR. For decades, the USSR, and then the Russian Federation, has occupied a leading position in this direction. The industrial power of the country is constantly strengthening and it is metallurgists who are the people whose strength ensures the growth of the economy of our country.

The metallurgical industry of the Russian Federation is constantly moving forward, and such movement is possible due to hundreds of thousands of specialists who devote themselves devotedly, professionally and with inspiration to their favorite work every day. Metallurgists are the creators of the foundations for other sectors of the economy of our country. Their work is extremely important so that many other industry areas also develop actively, generate profits, and create new, high-paying jobs for the population.

It is also worth noting that this day has ceased to be a purely professional date a long time ago. Because the event is celebrated by entire cities, and even people who have little idea about the industry itself, with pleasure on this day pay tribute to the conquerors of metal, the greatness, and beauty of their work. It has already been noted that metallurgy directly affects the development of other industrial sectors in our country.

It should also be noted that social programs are being introduced in the life of the regions, in which metallurgical enterprises take an important part, they contribute to the implementation of national projects, all this is talked about in the media. So, it is not surprising that metallurgists today are treated in society with special honor and attention. select for the holiday.

Excerpts from history

If we consider the development of this industry in our country, then for the first time the date of the beginning of the 19th century comes up seriously here. Of course, at that time, factories and combines were old and had nothing in common with modern times, but they began to open in Siberia and the Urals.

The holiday is most widely celebrated in those cities in our country where large metallurgical enterprises operate. Because it was these enterprises - their construction and hiring of workers - that eventually gave life to many modern cities. In particular, this still applies specifically to the territories of Siberia, as well as the Urals. Metallurgist Day, which in 2019 falls on July 21, is a holiday for the entire city; in honor of the professional day, awards and titles “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation” are awarded at the highest level.

On this holiday, we congratulate metallurgists, that is, people who have a specialty in the field of metallurgy, and they can work in a wide variety of industrial production. But metallurgists play the most important role in mechanical engineering; it is impossible to imagine this industry without steel, and steel still needs to be created. However, even heavy and light industry enterprises certainly could not function without metallurgists.

Metal smelting is an important element in a complex chain of industrial work, regardless of its type. This profession is necessary for the everyday life of every person, because even in everyday life people use objects made of metal. The profession of a metallurgist certainly cannot be called easy, because every day these people deal with danger - with red-hot metals. But on a professional holiday, everyone comes together to have fun, have fun and congratulate each other on such an important day for every metallurgist and for the country as a whole. In honor of the holiday you can cook

In Russia and in the countries of the former CIS, they plan to celebrate Metallurgist Day on the 3rd Sunday in July. For convenience, the date of this professional holiday, like many others, is not fixed, tied to a day off.

What date is celebrated?

The event was officially added to the calendar on September 28, 1957 to highlight the importance of metallurgy in the economy. This was done by special decree of the then government of the USSR. Later, in 1980 and 1988, the legislation on holidays and memorial days was revised, but Metallurgist Day still occupies the calendar place originally given to it.

To find out the exact date, in Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Belarus, people also look at the calendars for Sunday of the 3rd week of July. The only difference is that for the Ukrainian people, since 2006, the name of the holiday has lengthened and now sounds like: “Day of Metallurgical and Mining Industry Workers.” In 2017 the date falls on the 16th, and in 2018 on July 15th.

Historical facts

Metallurgy is the oldest profession. Already at the stage of primitive development, humanity began to realize: metal products are more perfect than wooden and stone ones. With the advent of the Bronze Age, people had already mastered the skill of subduing the elements of metal and fire. In cheese furnaces, copper was smelted with tin ores and charcoal. Foundry workers and blacksmiths made drills, hammers, adzes, axes, picks and other tools from the resulting material. The main features characteristic of metallurgical craft originated in the Balkans, about 6,000 years ago.

Over time, the prosperity of the metallurgical industry became a clear indicator of the well-being of any country on the five continents. In the USSR, it was no coincidence that the holiday originated closer to the 60s. At this time, metallurgical plants were built throughout the vast country, which were able to annually increase the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This was facilitated by fresh ideas, methods, and innovative technologies in steelmaking.

During this period, the following significant achievements were noted:

  • in the 50s - the opening of additional faculties in Moscow at the Institute of Steel and Alloys;
  • in the 60s - the opening of the Krasnodar Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals;
  • in the 60s - the publication of the magazine “Ferrous Metallurgy”, which published articles on metal science by eminent Soviet scientists;
  • in the 70s - increased exports of alloys and steel;
  • in the 70s - the USSR was among the leading countries producing ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Now in Russia there are 3 powerful industrial bases: Siberian, Ural, Central. Thanks to this, the country ranks fifth in steel production (ahead of India, the USA, Japan and China) and first in nickel. For many countries, the Russian Federation has become the main exporter of titanium, aluminum, and non-ferrous metals.

Celebration traditions, events

If you think about it, the holiday concerns everyone, and not just representatives of this industry. We all use metal things that surround us everywhere; without them, life would not be as comfortable. Therefore, Metallurgist Day is a way to say “Thank you!” people of this courageous profession.

On this day, congratulations are received annually from the following employees:

  • factories and factories of non-ferrous metals;
  • hardware factories;
  • mining and metallurgical plants;
  • processing plants producing agglomerates and concentrates;
  • steelmaking, rolling and blast furnace shops;
  • coke-chemical enterprises.

These are people of various specializations: blacksmiths, foundry workers, welders, steelworkers, rolling mills and many others.

Mass festivities, organized right on the streets at the instigation of city authorities, have become traditional for this day. As well as fairs and exhibitions of folk art craftsmen, air shows, open-air sports competitions, performances of children's/adult music and dance groups.

The event is especially honored by residents of single-industry towns, whose lives are closely connected with metallurgy. Magnificent celebrations can be seen in Chelyabinsk, Lipetsk, Cherepovets, Magnitogorsk. Labor veterans are honored at their native enterprises. Of special importance are those who received the title “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation.” Volunteers present memorable prizes to these Professionals with a capital P, and festive tables are organized. And they, in turn, share their experience with young people, which is difficult to overestimate! The tradition of launching new equipment and machines on this day has also taken root.

Metallurgist Day: about the profession

The work of a metallurgist is associated with the production of metals, which he extracts from rocks or by melting scrap metal. This profession is prestigious and well paid, but it is also difficult. It’s not for nothing that people who work in hot workshops retire early. It's no joke - constant noise, dust, and even the oven temperature is more than 40 degrees! For such loads, the health must be like that of an astronaut. And attentiveness. It is very important in any profession, but especially here, since there is a high risk of injury or burns.

Career growth is an important plus. For example, a steelmaker, with due diligence and knowledge, quickly “grows up” to the position of shop manager. To immediately get a position as an engineer, of course, you need to study at a university, where the younger generation is happy to enroll.

It would seem that man is designed in such a way that he is not capable of eating metal. However, this is precisely what the Frenchman Michel Lotito became famous for. At his performances, he shocked the audience by eating completely inedible things. Including metals and their alloys, of which there were a total of 8-9 tons. True, the exact figure has not been recorded anywhere.

  • Over the entire history of mining valuable metals, approximately 162 tons of gold were extracted from the bowels of the Earth; the value of this volume was estimated at 9 trillion. dollars. Meticulous scientists have calculated that if melted down, a huge golden cube with a side of 20 m would come out.
  • In the Land of the Rising Sun, in the city of Suva, they came up with the idea of ​​extracting precious metal from... sewers. And more specifically, from the dry residue of sewage when it is burned. Such gold mining is feasible because factories there produce electronics, for which gold-containing alloys are often used.
  • Every 45 min. miners extract as much iron as precious gold has been found in the entire history of the existence of our race on the planet.
  • Pure gold is never used in gold jewelry. It is always an alloy with silver or copper, otherwise the jewelry would bend and break due to its softness.
  • In ancient times, Norwegians who smelted silver often got poisoned. They believed this was the revenge of the evil spirit of Kobold. Over time, scientists were able to explain this phenomenon. People were poisoned by arsenic oxides released when cobalt minerals were roasted.
  • For a long time there was a disdainful attitude towards platinum. It was valued even lower than silver and was called “silver”. And all because of refractoriness. For comparison: platinum is now 100 times more expensive than silver.

The event does not have its own specific date; it is easier to determine it by counting July Sundays. Every third actually falls on a holiday. Then for this year, 2018, it will fall on July 15.

The day itself and the significance of the holiday were confirmed in 1957, when on September 28, another Decree was issued from the Presidium of the Supreme Council. Then Metallurgist Day was initially considered a historical holiday, created to honor the glorious Soviet metallurgy, without which the country could hardly have won when tanks, various aircraft and combat vehicles, and weapons were created. This holiday is worth inventing for this holiday.

Yes, in the USSR they valued work and respected people who tried every day to fulfill plans. Metallurgy was considered an important industry in helping the economy recover faster, which is not surprising. It is difficult to imagine houses, urban structures, furniture and other familiar things without metal. Moreover, 1957, the post-war period, when it was necessary to quickly restore the damaged cities and boost the economy.

Metallurgist Day was able to confirm its established status later, in 1980, and in 1988 the Supreme Council issued several similar decrees fixing the date of the event. It has been preserved as part of a glorious past and now independent countries continue to celebrate Metallurgist Day every year. There is such a holiday in Kazakhstan, also Belarus or Ukraine. It doesn’t matter that the USSR collapsed and the countries’ paths diverged. There are many things that unite them, such as holidays.

Who exactly does this holiday concern? Everyone who, by profession and daily activity, is somehow connected directly or indirectly with ferrous or non-ferrous metallurgy. These are blast furnace workers, all steelmakers, rolling mill workers, all foundry workers, even blacksmiths. The holiday is also dear to miners, because they work to extract ore - an integral component of any metal.

If we recall history, Metallurgist Day could be celebrated for thousands of years, because man mastered metal and its processing a long time ago, it was 5-6 millennia BC. Why did ancient centuries receive “metal” names? First there was stone, then bronze and finally iron. People simply processed the stone using improvised means, without heating or mixing. Bronze became the second step for development, and iron determined the path for the development of the industry.

Today, thousands, hundreds of thousands of different people will learn about Metallurgist Day in 2018, what date it is. It doesn’t matter in Russia or other countries. For them, July 15 is a glorious, professional holiday, when workers of various mining and metallurgical plants can take a walk. Moreover, large-scale processions, various cultural and sporting events, interesting concerts and other special ceremonies are organized in cities.

Distinguished employees can count on various bonuses, certificates and awards. There is even a separate, honorary title as “Honored Metallurgist”. By the way, the title often brings the owner a salary increase or career growth.

For Russia, metallurgy is considered one of the main, key industries in its economy. Therefore, among a dozen cities there are some that are considered single-industry towns, usually arising near a factory or mine. After all, besides the metallurgists themselves, their families and other people come.

This is how Cherepovets, Lipetsk or Magnitogorsk once arose. Metallurgist Day is considered a special holiday for them, equal to City Day. Therefore, on July 15, you should expect massive street performances, processions and fireworks in the evening, theater performances with various sports competitions. Pop stars organize concerts, thus participating in congratulating the glorious metallurgy workers. People are relaxing, trying to attend more events.

Nowadays, a dozen professions are connected with metallurgy in various ways. They are in demand, experienced craftsmen have decent, high pay. Of course, the work is hard, but people feel how the economy is developing every day, the country is growing and technology is improving.

How to celebrate?

Interestingly, the administration near Cherepovets issued a clear decree prohibiting any free sales for alcohol. The decree is one-day, for a holiday Sunday.

There is no specific order in the celebration; people decide for themselves which event to attend. Various concerts and theatrical performances are organized in cities. Metallurgical enterprises often sponsor entertainment programs themselves. Therefore, Metallurgist Day promises to be an interesting, exciting holiday, where there will be theatrical premieres, congratulations, etc.

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