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When can you get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy? Ectopic pregnancy. What's next

An ectopic pregnancy becomes a real blow for a woman who wants to become a mother: the chances of saving the child if the egg is implanted outside the uterus are zero. Surgical intervention, if diagnosed, cannot be avoided - only in this way is it possible to prevent rupture of the fallopian tube and the serious consequences of such a situation. In the best case, after eliminating an ectopic pregnancy, the fallopian tube remains simply damaged; in the worst case, doctors resort to removing it. This means that if there is an irresistible desire to have a baby, in the future a woman will have to try to get pregnant with one fallopian tube...

Doctors warn: pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy, although possible, requires careful and lengthy preparation and a woman’s attentive attitude to her own health and condition. For women who have had an ectopic pregnancy, their chances of becoming pregnant again are halved. In addition, a repeat pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy may very likely result in another ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. At the same time, it is quite possible to conceive a baby after an ectopic pregnancy - it all depends on the woman’s health, her desire, responsibility and willingness to comply with all the rules prescribed in this case.

How to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy

The issue of pregnancy planning after an ectopic pregnancy comes to the fore - planning with the mandatory participation of medical specialists, and long-term planning. Thus, pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy will have to be postponed for at least half a year, or better yet, a year or two: the body must be put “in order” and made healthier, and the reproductive organs must be given time to rest and recover. As a rule, doctors recommend protection after an ectopic pregnancy using oral contraceptives, the most suitable of which can be selected with the participation of a doctor. Firstly, oral contraceptives are considered one of the most reliable methods of preventing an unexpected pregnancy, and secondly, after stopping their use, the ovaries begin to “work” much better, thereby accelerating the onset of a second pregnancy.

After elimination of an ectopic pregnancy, it is mandatory to undergo a test to identify pathological conditions of the fallopian tube. Ultrasound examination will help determine the degree of patency of the pipes and eliminate possible formation of adhesions. Also, with the help of ultrasound, it is necessary to exclude the presence of benign tumors, cysts, fibroids, which can be either a disease or its consequence.

After the successful elimination of an ectopic pregnancy, it is imperative to undergo an endocrinological examination, especially since hormonal problems may well precede the ectopic pregnancy itself. If it is diagnosed, the risk of encountering endocrinological disorders increases. A necessary step will be an examination for possible chronic inflammation.

For the first two to three months after an ectopic pregnancy, doctors generally recommend leading the most gentle lifestyle possible: rest more and work less, eat right. If a woman has a difficult time experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, it is advisable to seek help from a psychologist: a specialist will help her cope with what happened less painfully and overcome the psychological barrier. At the same time, you will have to pay special attention to your own health: get proper rest, get enough sleep, worry less and relax more, change your diet in favor of healthy food, and get rid of possible bad habits.

During the period of recovery of the body and subsequent planning of pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy, regular examinations by a gynecologist will be necessary to monitor the woman’s condition. In a year or two, it will be possible to undergo a full examination and exclude possible complications of an ectopic pregnancy, in which a second pregnancy will be unlikely. With the consent of the doctor, after the recommended period has expired and in the absence of contraindications, you can resume trying to get pregnant again. At the same time, doctors strongly advise minimizing possible stress and nervous conditions: worries and anxieties can most likely lead to a new ectopic pregnancy.

IVF after ectopic pregnancy

Even despite the best and most thorough preparation for pregnancy, a new conception after an ectopic may never occur. Unfortunately, the risks are quite high, because scars and adhesions are highly likely to form on the remaining fallopian tubes and ducts as a result of the operation to remove the embryo. They can become a serious obstacle to the happiness of motherhood. In the absence of other problems with the conception of an egg by a sperm, the resulting fertilized egg will simply not be able to overcome the path to the uterus to attach to its wall. The patency of the fallopian tubes as a result of an ectopic pregnancy is often disrupted, and attempts to become pregnant again may not be successful for this reason. Often women do not even suspect that they are conceiving, but the pregnancy is immediately interrupted - bleeding occurs, which many perceive as another menstruation.

If, after an ectopic pregnancy, both fallopian tubes were removed, then there is no chance at all for an independent natural conception of a child. However, one must not be discouraged! The level of modern medicine has grown so much in recent years that it has become possible not only to conceive and give birth to a child, even when a couple (or a separate man or woman) has been diagnosed with infertility, but also to select the best, strongest, healthiest embryo of a certain sex! And this opportunity is provided by IVF - in vitro fertilization.

The essence of the method is that several eggs are “grown” from a potential mother, removed from the ovaries and in a test tube, where optimal conditions for this are maintained, they are combined with the sperm of the future father. To increase the chances of a favorable outcome, multiple eggs are usually used. In order for them to ripen better, the woman first undergoes hormonal therapy. In general, a couple who decides to undergo fertilization using this method is thoroughly examined and prepares for the upcoming pregnancy.

Embryos formed in vitro are studied at the high-molecular level for the presence of pathologies, anomalies, deviations in formation and the risk of developing serious disorders and diseases, including Down syndrome. The highest quality samples are selected for implantation into the uterus, and if the spouses wish, these can be embryos of a certain sex. Since not all of them and do not always survive, several are introduced into the woman’s uterus at once. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the method, since IVF often results in multiple pregnancies. However, a couple may decide to remove one or more embryos, but the risks of miscarriage or death of the remaining ones increase significantly.

IVF is an excellent opportunity for a woman to realize herself as a mother if, after an ectopic pregnancy, she cannot conceive a child on her own. But, unfortunately, this method is quite expensive, and the guarantees are low. Pregnancy through IVF occurs only in a third of all cases, but even these 30-35% do not always end in childbirth. But the method is safe for women and can be used several times until the desired result is achieved. By the way, embryos not used the first time are often saved, and even if a woman’s own eggs do not mature, she can use donor ones.

Experts reassure: pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy is quite possible. The main thing is to trust the doctor, follow his recommendations and follow his instructions, lead a healthy lifestyle and think less about the bad. And it is imperative to believe in a successful outcome and that dreams of a child, despite everything, will inevitably come true.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

What should you do if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy? Why does this happen, and how does it affect health? Let's take a closer look at these questions. Currently, the level of modern medicine can solve the problem of ectopic pregnancy, while maintaining women's health and life. Ectopic pregnancy often leads to infertility, recurrent ectopic pregnancy and other serious consequences. Conception after an ectopic pregnancy is approximately 50%, and the chance of a repeat ectopic pregnancy is about 20%, the probability of infertility is about 30%. Timely consultation with a doctor will increase the chances of a normal pregnancy.

What should you do if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy? Why does this happen, and how does it affect health? Let's take a closer look at these questions.

Currently, the level of modern medicine can solve the problem of ectopic pregnancy, while maintaining women's health and life.
Ectopic pregnancy often leads to infertility, recurrent ectopic pregnancy and other serious consequences. Conception after an ectopic pregnancy is approximately 50%, and the chance that a repeat ectopic pregnancy may occur is about 20%, the probability of infertility is about 30%. Timely consultation with a doctor will increase the chances of a normal pregnancy.

Why is this happening?

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when fertilization of an egg occurs outside the uterus. As a result, it can take hold in the ovaries, fallopian tube or abdominal cavity. Such disorders can appear even in a completely healthy woman. The question arises: what are the reasons for such violations? Among the main causes, experts identify blockage of the fallopian tube, which occurs due to hormonal imbalance, infections of the uterus or appendages, and inflammation of the bladder.

Unnatural development

How can one determine that it is an ectopic pregnancy if there are all the signs of a normal pregnancy: periods are delayed, there is no appetite, nausea and vomiting. The test results will show an unusual state of the body - a low level of hemoglobin, and the development of anemia is possible.
All possible problems associated with an ectopic pregnancy usually appear in the fourth to sixth week, when it is interrupted, which can occur if the tissue of the embryo separates from the place in the tube where it was attached. In this case, the tissue may remain in the tube or end up in the abdominal cavity, and the development of pregnancy will stop.
If an ectopic pregnancy entails a rupture of the tube wall, which cannot withstand the load, then this is accompanied by weakness, severe pain, and profuse internal bleeding, which is life-threatening. In the case of these symptoms, of course, surgical interventions cannot be avoided. To maintain the normal state of the reproductive functions of the body, you need to undergo a postoperative course of treatment.

How to get pregnant after an ectopic?
In the best outcome of an ectopic pregnancy, the fallopian tube remains intact. The likelihood of a normal conception of a child after a pipe rupture is reduced by at least half. For many women, pregnancy never happens after this, or the woman becomes pregnant, but ectopically, and there are also miscarriages. But these are just statistics. The result depends, of course, only on the woman herself - on how she feels about her health and how strongly she wants to have a child.
Women who have had an ectopic pregnancy must be tested for infection, gonorrhea and chlamydia. There is a high likelihood of chronic inflammation and adhesions, which can be treated with laser and physical therapy. Neglected adhesions are treated promptly. It is important to remember that eliminating the consequences is much more difficult than curing them in time. Contact your doctor promptly!
Using an ultrasound, you need to check the condition of the fallopian tubes, whether there are changes or benign tumors, fibroids, cysts, the appearance of which does not depend on age.
There is also a need for a complete endocrinological examination, since ectopic pregnancy may be caused by hormonal imbalance. If a woman is using a contraceptive device, it must be removed immediately. The time of use of the IUD is directly proportional to the level of risk of ectopic pregnancy. This means that after two years of using the IUD, the risk of pathological conception increases tenfold, and after four years – twentyfold.
Ectopic pregnancy after abortion occurs in 20% of cases, the consequences of which have a negative impact on subsequent pregnancies. I would like to remind you that you need to visit a gynecologist at least once a year, then it will be possible to diagnose the risk in advance.
After suffering an ectopic pregnancy, a woman must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. You need to undergo a rehabilitation course, relax on the seashore or go to a sanatorium to restore your health. The work and life regime during the year after an ectopic pregnancy should be gentle. You should carefully monitor your health, proper nutrition and proper rest are important; this actually determines whether a woman will be able to become a mother in the future.
In the next year after an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to use contraception in order to improve the functioning of organs associated with childbirth. The safest and most effective method of contraception should be selected together with your doctor.
The best option would be if the next pregnancy occurs one to two years after the ectopic one. At the same time, if you have chronic diseases, you need to take all the tests in advance, undergo all the necessary examinations, consult with your gynecologist and specialists in this field.

Is it possible to prevent ectopic pregnancy?

All we can really do is reduce the risk of an ectopic pregnancy. It is important to diagnose an ectopic conception in time to prevent rupture of the fallopian tube and reduce the negative consequences for a woman’s health.
A woman should take care of herself and plan for her next pregnancy. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor at the slightest delay in menstruation, especially if gynecological problems have previously been observed, not to mention if there was an ectopic pregnancy,
When a woman is planning a pregnancy, in the first month after finishing taking oral contraceptives, in order for the natural functional process in the fallopian tubes to resume, it is necessary to use another method of protection.
At the moment of conception, a woman needs to worry less, because when a woman is nervous, the contractile function of the tubes worsens, and the egg can become embedded in the tube. Therefore, you need to learn to relax if you plan to conceive. It would be good to maintain a calm state for the next two to three days. You can take soothing teas for this.
Remember that there is always hope of becoming a mother, and you need to take advantage of every chance!

Symptoms and first signs of ectopic pregnancy in the early stages

Experts say that ectopic pregnancy, the signs of which went unnoticed, is rare. Read what exactly you should pay attention to in order to avoid serious complications.

The term “ectopic pregnancy” in medical terminology refers to a pregnancy where the development of the fetus occurs outside the uterus - in the ovary, abdominal cavity, fallopian tubes and other organs. Under these conditions, bearing a fetus is impossible, since conditions suitable for its growth can only be created in the uterus, so an ectopic pregnancy cannot end with the birth of a child. In obstetric practice, such a diagnosis always sounds frightening, as it threatens a sudden deterioration in the pregnant woman’s condition and unpredictable consequences. Alas, sometimes there is a particularly “insidious” ectopic pregnancy, the symptoms of which may not manifest themselves for a long time and only manifest themselves in an emergency situation.
Danger of ectopic pregnancy

What is the reason for such a high danger of this pathology? The fact is that if, for one reason or another, a fertilized egg stops, say, in the fallopian tube, attaches to its mucous membrane and begins to develop there, this will sooner or later lead to an increase in the diameter of the tube. Considering that the structure of the appendages is not designed for such a load, after a few weeks the stretching will become critical, signs of an ectopic pregnancy will appear, and if you do not pay due attention to them, the lining of the fallopian tube may rupture. In this case, blood, mucus and fertilized egg will enter the abdominal cavity, which must be absolutely sterile, infection will occur, very severe, almost unbearable pain will develop, and peritonitis will develop. In addition, vascular damage often leads to massive bleeding into the abdominal cavity. This is a critical condition in which treatment is carried out only in intensive care conditions, under constant medical supervision.

A similar situation arises if it is not a tubal (the most common) but an ovarian or abdominal ectopic pregnancy that develops, the symptoms of which will be different, but there will also be a danger of peritonitis.
See a doctor at the first sign!

Fortunately, not every case ends so badly. In more than 60%, symptoms of ectopic pregnancy such as bleeding or pain force the woman to see a doctor before complications arise. This is the most favorable outcome of the situation, implying timely detection of pathology and surgical or medicinal treatment. It is worth noting that if several decades ago the affected organ was removed, often along with the uterus, now in medical practice very gentle methods are used, which in some cases make it possible to preserve the integrity of the structure. Of course, the earlier the abnormal location of the ovum is detected, the greater the chances of successful therapy. Therefore, knowing the first signs of an ectopic pregnancy is very important for every woman.

It is noteworthy that in about a third of cases complications arise against the background of excellent health, but most often patients simply do not pay attention to the first signs of ectopic pregnancy or do not give them due importance.
Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

So, you should definitely be alert to any pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy - these are the most common symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. Usually, painful sensations occur on one side of the abdomen, in the place of the affected fallopian tube, but sometimes, in the case of cervical pregnancy or the location of the fetus in the abdominal cavity, the middle part of the abdomen may hurt. Pain is often associated with changes in body position and intensifies when walking and turning the body. The period at which these signs of ectopic pregnancy appear depends on the location of the fetus. If it develops in the ampullary, the widest part of the fallopian tube, the pain begins to bother you at about 8 weeks of pregnancy, if located in the narrowest part of the tube - the isthmus - already at 5-6 weeks. If there is an ovarian or abdominal ectopic pregnancy, there may be no symptoms for the first four weeks. Cervical pregnancy, in which implantation occurs in the cervix, is accompanied by pain very rarely and can go unnoticed for a long time.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages include spotting. Cervical pregnancy leads to heavy, prolonged bleeding from the vagina, since the attachment of the fertilized egg occurs in an area very rich in blood vessels. Sometimes the blood loss is enormous and poses a threat to the woman’s life; in addition, with this placement of the embryo, there is a high risk that the uterus will have to be removed to save the pregnant woman.

Much more common than others is tubal ectopic pregnancy, the symptoms of which also include bleeding, indicating damage to the wall of the fallopian tube. The most favorable situation, when the tube does not rupture and the fertilized egg spontaneously detaches, is called tubal abortion and is always accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge.
Methods for determining ectopic pregnancy

weak second line

weak second line
Other, more reliable methods for determining the abnormal location of the embryo are also relevant. It is known that normal pregnancy occurs with a more significant increase in hormones than ectopic pregnancy, the signs of which can be detected in the laboratory (read the article “Diagnostics of ectopic pregnancy”). Already when determining pregnancy using a test strip, a woman sometimes pays attention to a weak second line. This may indicate a slight increase in hCG, a hormone that appears during pregnancy. Quantitative determination of the level of hCG in the blood will help clarify the situation - when the embryo is located in the uterus, the concentration of the hormone correlates with the period and increases every day, and deviations from normal values ​​allow one to suspect an abnormal location of the embryo.

However, the most revealing method for determining the position of the embryo is ultrasound, when the position of the fertilized egg in the uterus is visually confirmed using a vaginal sensor. By the way, it is difficult to detect an embryo in the abdominal cavity or appendages, but the fact that with positive laboratory pregnancy tests the fertilized egg is not detected in the uterus allows us to establish a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.

There are also the most critical signs of ectopic pregnancy, which occur at any site of attachment of the fertilized egg and indicate significant damage to organs - rupture of the tube, surface of the ovary, intestines or bladder during abdominal pregnancy. Internal bleeding occurs, which is extremely life-threatening. It can be identified by such signs as sharp, intense pain in the lower abdomen, sudden or gradually increasing severe weakness and pallor of the skin, sweating, loss of consciousness or dizziness, and blood discharge from the genital tract. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.

Features of preparation for pregnancy after VB

The first thing doctors recommend to all women who have survived surgery is to protect themselves from pregnancy for about six months. Moreover, it is recommended to use birth control pills - oral contraceptives - as protection. Firstly, this guarantees an almost 100th result (pregnancy will not occur; today oral contraceptives are the most reliable means of contraception, except for the Mirena coil, but you should not use the coil). Secondly, there is evidence that after “rest” the ovaries begin to work with redoubled force - pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy and the removal of one tube can occur sooner. And you can take modern low-dose oral contraceptives without interruptions for as long as you need, of course, if there are no contraindications to taking them.

Different birth control pills may be prescribed to different women. There is a myth that the choice depends on the individual hormonal background of the woman. However, this is not true. The first choice drugs are combined oral contraceptives with a dosage of ethinyl estradiol - 20-30 mcg. These include Logest, Novinet, Janine, Lindenet 20 (and 30), Yarina, etc. You can choose depending on your financial capabilities. The price of tablets can vary quite a lot. Let's say a pack of Lindenet 20 (30) costs about 300 rubles, and its analogue Logest (the composition is the same, but the manufacturers are different) is 2-2.5 times more expensive. It is recommended to start taking the pills at the beginning of the next menstrual cycle after the operation (you cannot make love for 1 month after the operation).

Those planning a pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy should undergo a full examination. There is only one fallopian tube left, which means everything needs to be done to prevent the situation from happening again. This means that before active planning, it is necessary for both partners to undergo all tests in order to detect possible sexually transmitted infections. Everyone needs to do this. Even those who have previously undergone similar tests or are confident that they are healthy. There are many so-called hidden infections, which are not always detected the first time by tests. Meanwhile, pathogenic bacteria provoke inflammatory processes in the pipes, which leads to the formation of adhesions. And adhesions in the tubes in many cases prevent the fertilized egg from moving into the uterus for implantation, and it is forced to implant right there, in the tube, ovary or in the abdominal cavity. Thus, an ectopic pregnancy may occur again after an ectopic pregnancy and removal of one tube.

In addition, it is necessary to undergo another important examination - to check the patency of the fallopian tubes, or rather the one remaining... This procedure is familiar to many women and is called hysterosalpingography (HSG). The procedure is not very pleasant, but it is not painful either, but some sensitive or simply restless women may require pain relief. A thin flexible cannula is inserted into the cervix, through which a special aqueous solution is injected. It fills the uterus and fallopian tubes, after which the doctor takes several x-rays. This way you can clearly see whether there are adhesions in the pipe or not, whether it is passable or not. If yes, then intrauterine pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy is quite possible. If not, your doctor may recommend laparoscopy, a simple operation without incisions to cut through adhesions. But let's return to the HSG procedure. Many women notice after this procedure the appearance of such unpleasant things as thrush, and inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the internal genital organs may occur, so HSG is not done without special indications. Most often, the surgeon who performed the operation for VD can tell you about the condition of the second fallopian tube. If he said that her condition is not important, you can immediately go for laparoscopy.
How to speed up conception with one fallopian tube

Many doctors claim that ovulation in healthy women occurs alternately in one ovary and then in the other. In reality, it turns out differently, one ovary “leads”. And the woman will be very lucky if this ovary is on the side where she still has the fallopian tube. Then pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy can occur without problems and very quickly, especially if the woman is still young - under 30 years old. If not, then you need to try to find out the day of ovulation in order to be sure to hit it, and thereby increase the chances of conception. There are several ways to track ovulation. We'll look at them briefly.

1. Ovulation tests. This method is suitable for those who are not too burdened with material resources, since one cycle of tests will require at least 5 pieces and it is not at all a fact that everything will work out right away. Ovulation test strips are very similar to pregnancy tests. As a rule, ovulation (the only day when conception can occur) occurs in the middle of the cycle. The most optimal days for carrying out the test can be determined as follows: you need to subtract 17 from the number of days in the cycle. For example, the cycle is 28 days. We subtract 17 and get 11. This means that tests need to be performed from 11 to 15 days of the MC, on average. But if, for example, the test turns out to be positive on the 12th day, then, as you understand, there is no point in continuing to be tested. The second stripe appears due to an increase in the content of luteinizing hormone. The test remains positive for up to 36 hours, and during this period, sexual intercourse in terms of possible conception will be most successful. It is advisable to perform the test at the same time, and it is even more reliable if it is done 2 times a day.

2. A more budget-friendly option to speed up pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy and removal of one tube is to measure basal temperature. Mountains of literature have already been written about this. And although many modern doctors consider this method to be outdated, that is, uninformative, it is still worth a try. This method can be used not only as an independent method, but also as a supplement to existing ones. For example, you can very accurately determine the onset of ovulation using an ultrasound examination. But you will have to do it for several days in a row, which is not financially feasible for everyone. Therefore, you can use basal temperature to identify the desired day, and use an ultrasound to confirm or refute your doubts. But you can do without an ultrasound if the diagnosis of infertility has not yet been made, and there is a chance that pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy will occur quickly and easily.

3. Observation of your own feelings. During ovulation, a woman may experience mild, aching pain in the area of ​​the ovary where the egg has matured. Sometimes pain is felt in the lower abdomen. Clear, “stretchy”, odorless vaginal discharge appears. Many women note an increase in sexual desire.

There are many folk ways to help the egg mature. For example, after sexual intercourse, stand in the “birch tree” position so that the sperm reaches the uterus faster. You shouldn’t get up immediately after an act of love; it’s better to lie down with your pelvis raised, and you definitely shouldn’t take a bath. Some women claim that some herbal infusions also help to become a mother faster, for example, sage infusion. But all this has not been scientifically proven.

Many people fail to conceive a child due to a serious psychological barrier. This is understandable, because there is at least a 5% chance that a pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy will again be pathological, and if the tube has to be removed again, then there will be no chance of becoming a mother in a “natural” way, without medical intervention... Get rid of fears, an experienced psychologist with a medical education can help. Hope should also be given by the fact that if the fallopian tube is preserved, the likelihood of VD occurring is higher. And for those who have one fallopian tube, but it is definitely passable, the chances of a repetition of the situation are negligible. You can read the stories of women who have already experienced a similar situation and after that successfully became mothers. It wouldn't hurt to go on a relaxing vacation. The main thing is to set yourself up for the good and not even think about the fact that you may fail again.
If you can't get pregnant on your own

No matter how good everything is, a certain proportion of women who have undergone this operation cannot get pregnant on their own. You need to start looking for other solutions after a year of unprotected sexual activity, if conception has not occurred. In this case, a diagnosis of infertility is already made.

But the female gender is not always “to blame” for the absence of children. And this must be taken into account. The spouse must also be examined. And if conception does not occur due to some “male” pathology, such as too few live sperm capable of fertilization, the ICSI procedure can be performed. What is it? In short, the procedure is similar to IVF, but with ICSI, active sperm can be isolated from a man’s sperm, even if they are present in minimal quantities. Both IVF and ICSI are practically the only ways (not counting surrogacy) to continue the birth for infertile couples. The presence or absence of fallopian tubes no longer plays any role here. The eggs are taken directly from the woman's ovary and fertilized in vitro.

As you can see, it's not all bad. And pregnancy after an ectopic and removal of one tube is possible. You just need to be thoroughly examined, follow all the doctor’s instructions, monitor your health and well-being, and just... believe that everything will work out.

How to get pregnant after an ectopic?

In the best outcome of an ectopic pregnancy, the fallopian tube remains intact. The likelihood of a normal conception of a child after a pipe rupture is reduced by at least half. For many women, pregnancy never happens after this, or the woman becomes pregnant, but ectopically, and there are also miscarriages. But these are just statistics. The result depends, of course, only on the woman herself - on how she feels about her health and how strongly she wants to have a child.

Women who have had an ectopic pregnancy must be tested for infection, gonorrhea and chlamydia. There is a high likelihood of chronic inflammation and adhesions, which can be treated with laser and physical therapy. Neglected adhesions are treated promptly. It is important to remember that eliminating the consequences is much more difficult than curing them in time. Contact your doctor promptly!

Using an ultrasound, you need to check the condition of the fallopian tubes, whether there are changes or benign tumors, fibroids, cysts, the appearance of which does not depend on age.

There is also a need for a complete endocrinological examination, since ectopic pregnancy may be caused by hormonal imbalance. If a woman is using a contraceptive device, it must be removed immediately. The time of use of the IUD is directly proportional to the level of risk of ectopic pregnancy. This means that after two years of using the IUD, the risk of pathological conception increases tenfold, and after four years – twentyfold.

Ectopic pregnancy after abortion occurs in 20% of cases, the consequences of which have a negative impact on subsequent pregnancies. I would like to remind you that you need to visit a gynecologist at least once a year, then it will be possible to diagnose the risk in advance.

After suffering an ectopic pregnancy, a woman must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. You need to undergo a rehabilitation course, relax on the seashore or go to a sanatorium to restore your health. The work and life regime during the year after an ectopic pregnancy should be gentle. You should carefully monitor your health, proper nutrition and proper rest are important; this actually determines whether a woman will be able to become a mother in the future.

In the next year after an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to use contraception in order to improve the functioning of organs associated with childbirth. The safest and most effective method of contraception should be selected together with your doctor.

The best option would be if the next pregnancy occurs one to two years after the ectopic one. At the same time, if you have chronic diseases, you need to take all the tests in advance, undergo all the necessary examinations, consult with your gynecologist and specialists in this field.

The news of an ectopic pregnancy is undoubtedly a strong blow for any woman. After all, such a pregnancy under no circumstances can end successfully: as a rule, the death of the fetus or rupture of an organ not intended for bearing a child occurs within four to eight weeks after conception. Even an ectopic pregnancy detected in the early stages requires surgical treatment, which, in turn, is accompanied, at a minimum, by damage to the fallopian tube. In the worst case, the pipe is completely removed. Thus, the chances of getting pregnant after some time are halved. In addition, it is possible that a new pregnancy could have the same result. And yet, statistics confirm this; you shouldn’t give up and set yourself up for the bad ahead of time. It’s just that the next pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy will require more careful preparation, as well as a careful and attentive attitude towards your own body.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic

Can you get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy? This question worries every woman in whose life such a sad event occurred. If we look at statistical data, quite often ectopic pregnancy (as this type of pathology is also called) becomes the cause of secondary infertility. A rupture of the oviduct reduces by half the chances of conception, a normal pregnancy and the birth of a child. However, even a correctly and timely operated fallopian tube may turn out to be futile in terms of the onset of another pregnancy through it. In addition, there is a very high probability that the fertilized egg will again attach itself not in the uterus, but in this tube. By the way, it is for this reason that many gynecologists believe that even if the tube did not rupture during an ectopic pregnancy, it is still better to remove it in order to avoid a recurrence of the unpleasant situation in the future.

However, the right actions of a woman can significantly increase the likelihood of the desired pregnancy.

Planning a pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy

In most cases, the main recommendation of doctors for women who have had an ectopic pregnancy is to wait at least six months after undergoing surgery to eliminate it. Or even better, a year or two. This time is usually enough to improve your health and fully recover. Before planning pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy, it is optimal to protect yourself with oral contraceptives. This makes sense for two reasons:

  • Firstly, an unwanted pregnancy will not occur prematurely;
  • Secondly, after stopping taking hormonal drugs, ovarian function improves, which increases the chances of conceiving a child.

How to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy

In order to successfully become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy, of course, just waiting and contraception is not enough. The approach must be comprehensive.

Necessary measures prior to planning pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy are:

  • Medical examination for the presence of pathogens transmitted through sexual contact. In this case, examination is required not only for the woman, but also for her partner. Moreover, even if such tests have already been taken, and the person is completely confident in his own health. This is due to the fact that there are so-called hidden infections, which are not always possible to identify the first time;
  • Medical examination for the presence of adhesions in the pelvic organs;
  • A medical examination to determine the strength of the fallopian tubes (this procedure is called hysterosalpingography);
  • Medical examination for the presence of foci of chronic inflammatory processes;
  • Qualitative ultrasound examination of the fallopian tubes in order to exclude the possibility of the presence of any neoplasms in them;
  • Endocrinological examination, including tests to determine hormone levels;
  • Removal of intrauterine contraceptive devices (if an ectopic pregnancy has developed due to their use);
  • Normalization of nutrition and intake of vitamin complexes;
  • Normalizing your work schedule and providing yourself with adequate rest;
  • Quitting bad habits.

How to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy as quickly as possible

Many doctors agree that a woman’s ovulation occurs in each of the ovaries alternately, but in fact, more often it occurs in one ovary. If the leading role is played by the ovary, which is located on the side of the undamaged tube, then you can get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy quite quickly and without any problems. The chances of a new pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy are especially high in young women under thirty. In those cases when the situation is not so successful, there are several ways to help your body a little. Among them:

  • Carrying out home ovulation tests. This will allow, firstly, to learn more about your own menstrual cycle and the timing of ovulation, and secondly, to choose the most favorable time for conception;
  • Drawing up basal temperature charts based on its regular measurements;
  • Ultrasound examination to determine ovulation (this method is perhaps not the most popular because it is quite expensive);
  • Analysis of your own feelings during the onset of ovulation. For example, some women may experience aching pain in the lower abdomen, while others may experience an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge.

How to get pregnant after an ectopic and overcome the psychological barrier

Is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy if it is psychologically difficult to let go of the situation that happened? Probably not. It’s not for nothing that they say that “all illnesses come from the head.” Of course, there is a five percent chance that a new pregnancy will develop according to the unfavorable scenario that has already passed, and the remaining tube may have to be removed, losing the last chance to conceive a child naturally. In this situation, a qualified psychologist can come to the aid of a woman. You can also achieve good success in the fight against your own fears by talking with women who have previously found themselves in a similar situation and subsequently successfully carried children. And, of course, a lot depends on the woman herself, on how much she can set herself up for the best. 4.6 out of 5 (8 votes)

Is it possible to become pregnant after an unsuccessful experience of ectopic conception and have a normal birth? The candidate of medical sciences, senior researcher at the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, gynecologist at the City Clinical Hospital named after. S. P. Botkin in Moscow Vyacheslav Konstantinovich KARAMYSHEV.

The candidate of medical sciences, senior researcher at the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, gynecologist at the City Clinical Hospital named after. S. P. Botkin in Moscow Vyacheslav Konstantinovich KARAMYSHEV.

— What future awaits a woman after an ectopic pregnancy?

In an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo develops outside the uterus. Most often, the fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube. With the best outcome after such a pregnancy, this organ remains damaged. After a pipe rupture, the likelihood of a normal birth of a child in the future is reduced by at least half. According to statistics, almost half of women then do not have children at all. Subsequent pregnancies turn out to be ectopic or end in miscarriages.

But these are just statistics. Ultimately, everything depends only on the woman herself: her attitude towards her health and desire to have a child.

How should a woman who has already had an ectopic pregnancy behave?

Women who have had this condition must be tested for infections, chlamydia and gonorrhea. There is a high probability that there is chronic inflammation and adhesions. But today it is treated with laser and physiotherapy. If the adhesions are advanced, they are treated promptly. Since eliminating the consequences is much more difficult than treating it in a timely manner, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

You also need to do an ultrasound and check whether there are changes in the fallopian tubes or benign tumors, cysts, fibroids. Their appearance does not depend on age.

It is necessary to conduct a complete endocrinological examination. Since ectopic pregnancy can be caused by hormonal imbalance. If a woman was protected using a spiral, it must be removed immediately. The time of wearing it is directly proportional to the degree of risk of ectopic pregnancy: after 2 years, the risk of pathological conception increases 10 times, and after 4 years - 20 times.

In 20% of cases, ectopic pregnancy occurs after abortion, the consequences of which almost always negatively affect subsequent pregnancies. To diagnose a high risk in advance, you need to visit a gynecologist at least once a year.

After an ectopic pregnancy, a woman must follow all doctor’s recommendations. It’s worth going through rehabilitation, relaxing at sea, or recovering in a sanatorium. In the next year, work and life should be gentle. And you need to monitor your health very carefully: eat right, get enough sleep, and get more rest. In fact, the lifestyle a woman leads determines whether she will be able to become a mother in the future.

For a year after the incident, it is necessary to use protection in order to improve the functioning of the reproductive organs. Together with your doctor, you need to choose the most effective and safe method of contraception.

It is best if the next pregnancy occurs a year or two after the ectopic one. It is necessary to undergo all examinations in advance, take tests, consult with a gynecologist and specialized specialists if you have any chronic diseases.

Is it possible to prevent an ectopic pregnancy?

You can only reduce the risk of its occurrence. If an ectopic conception has already occurred, it is important to diagnose it in time to prevent rupture of the fallopian tube. Then the negative health consequences will be minimal.

You need to take care of yourself and plan your pregnancy. At the slightest delay, especially if there were gynecological problems before and even more so if there was already an ectopic pregnancy, you should immediately go to the doctor.

If a woman plans to become a mother, in the first month after stopping taking oral contraceptives, she must use other methods of protection. This is necessary to restore the natural functions of the fallopian tubes.

During conception, you need to be less nervous. When a woman is worried, the contractile function of the tubes deteriorates and the egg may remain in the tube. Therefore, if you are planning to conceive, you need to be able to relax. It would be good to maintain this state for the next 2-3 days. To do this, you can drink soothing tea or valerian.

Remember that there is always hope for motherhood, and you must use the chance!


What should you do if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy? Why does this happen, and how does it affect health? Let's take a closer look at these questions.

Currently, the level of modern medicine can solve the problem of ectopic pregnancy, while maintaining women's health and life.

Ectopic pregnancy often leads to infertility, recurrent ectopic pregnancy and other serious consequences.

After an ectopic pregnancy, the probability of a normal pregnancy is approximately 50%, and the chance that a repeat ectopic pregnancy may occur is about 20%, the probability of infertility is about 30%. Timely consultation with a doctor will increase the chances of a normal pregnancy.

Why is this happening?

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when fertilization of an egg occurs outside the uterus. As a result, it can take hold in the ovaries, fallopian tube or abdominal cavity. Such disorders can appear even in a completely healthy woman. The question arises - what are the reasons for such violations? Among the main causes, experts identify blockage of the fallopian tube, which occurs due to hormonal imbalance, infections of the uterus or appendages, and inflammation of the bladder.

Unnatural development

How can one determine that it is an ectopic pregnancy if there are all the signs of a normal pregnancy: periods are delayed, there is no appetite, nausea and vomiting. The test results will show an unusual state of the body - a low level of hemoglobin, and the development of anemia is possible.

All possible problems that are associated with an ectopic pregnancy usually appear in the fourth to sixth week, when it is interrupted, which can occur if the tissue of the embryo separates from the place in the tube where it was fixed. In this case, the tissue may remain in the tube or end up in the abdominal cavity, and the development of pregnancy will stop.

If an ectopic pregnancy entails a rupture of the tube wall, which cannot withstand the load, then this is accompanied by weakness, severe pain, and profuse internal bleeding, which is life-threatening. In the case of these symptoms, of course, surgical interventions cannot be avoided. To maintain the normal state of the reproductive functions of the body, you need to undergo a postoperative course of treatment.

How to get pregnant after an ectopic?

In the best outcome of an ectopic pregnancy, the fallopian tube remains intact. The likelihood of a normal conception of a child after a pipe rupture is reduced by at least half. For many women, pregnancy never happens after this, or the woman becomes pregnant, but ectopically, and there are also miscarriages. But these are just statistics. The result depends, of course, only on the woman herself - on how she feels about her health and how strongly she wants to have a child.

Women who have had an ectopic pregnancy must be tested for infection, gonorrhea and chlamydia. There is a high likelihood of chronic inflammation and adhesions, which can be treated with laser and physical therapy. Neglected adhesions are treated promptly. It is important to remember that eliminating the consequences is much more difficult than curing them in time. Contact your doctor promptly!

Using an ultrasound, you need to check the condition of the fallopian tubes, whether there are changes or benign tumors, fibroids, cysts, the appearance of which does not depend on age.

There is also a need for a complete endocrinological examination, since ectopic pregnancy may be caused by hormonal imbalance. If a woman is using a contraceptive device, it must be removed immediately. The time of use of the IUD is directly proportional to the level of risk of ectopic pregnancy. This means that after two years of using the IUD, the risk of pathological conception increases tenfold, and after four years - twentyfold.

Ectopic pregnancy after abortion occurs in 20% of cases, the consequences of which have a negative impact on subsequent pregnancies. I would like to remind you that you need to visit a gynecologist at least once a year, then it will be possible to diagnose the risk in advance.

After suffering an ectopic pregnancy, a woman must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. You need to undergo a rehabilitation course, relax on the seashore or go to a sanatorium to restore your health. The work and life regime during the year after an ectopic pregnancy should be gentle. You should carefully monitor your health, proper nutrition and proper rest are important; this actually determines whether a woman will be able to become a mother in the future.

In the next year after an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to use contraception in order to improve the functioning of organs associated with childbirth. The safest and most effective method of contraception should be selected together with your doctor.

The best option would be if the next pregnancy occurs one to two years after the ectopic one. At the same time, if you have chronic diseases, you need to take all the tests in advance, undergo all the necessary examinations, consult with your gynecologist and specialists in this profile.

Is it possible to prevent ectopic pregnancy?

All we can really do is reduce the risk of an ectopic pregnancy. It is important to diagnose an ectopic conception in time to prevent rupture of the fallopian tube and reduce the negative consequences for a woman’s health.

A woman should take care of herself and plan for her next pregnancy. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor at the slightest delay in menstruation, especially if gynecological problems have previously been observed, not to mention if there was an ectopic pregnancy,

When a woman is planning a pregnancy, in the first month after finishing taking oral contraceptives, in order for the natural functional process in the fallopian tubes to resume, it is necessary to use another method of protection.

At the moment of conception, a woman needs to worry less, because when a woman is nervous, the contractile function of the tubes worsens, and the egg can become embedded in the tube. Therefore, you need to learn to relax if you plan to conceive. It would be good to remain calm for the next two to three days. You can take soothing teas for this.

Remember that there is always hope of becoming a mother, and you need to take advantage of every chance!

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