Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Summary of the walk in the middle group of the kindergarten "Hello, golden autumn!" Summary of the autumn excursion in the senior group of dou Summary of the excursion around the village in golden autumn

Autumn excursion to the park for the senior group “Autumn is a wonderful time”

Goal: formation of environmental culture in preschool children.



summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn;

consolidate children's knowledge about trees, shrubs, and the ability to recognize them by their leaves.

Developmental: develop children's speech, attention, thinking. Imagination, memory.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, love for one’s native land, and to promote the acquisition of basic emotions.

Preliminary work: conversation about autumn, its signs, learning poems, looking at the painting “Golden Autumn”, reading stories, getting to know the trees on the territory of the kindergarten.

Progress of the excursion.

Educator. Guys, today autumn invites you and me for a walk in the park. Do you accept her invitation?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Guys, you must remember that you are guests in the park. Therefore, you need to behave well. Let's remember the rules of behavior in nature.

Children's answers.

Educator. Well, now we can safely hit the road.

On the way, the teacher clarifies what the weather is like.

Arriving at the park, he reads the poem “ Autumn"

If in the trees
the leaves have turned yellow,
If to a distant land
the birds have flown away
If the sky is gloomy,
if it rains,
It's that time of year
It's called autumn.
(M. Khodyakova)

Guys, imagine that you are all artists. You came to me for paints to paint autumn. What colors will you choose for your landscapes? Let's think about what autumn is like. Describe it.

Children's answers.

Educator. With the arrival of autumn, everything around has changed. Guys, what can you say about bushes and trees?

Children's answers.

Educator. What trees do you know? (Answers.) listen to the riddle.

Alyonka is standing with a green scarf.

Thin waist white sundress.


Educator. Let's find a birch tree in the park and dance around it. The birch is considered a symbol of Russia. People say: “Where the birch tree grows, there the Russian man will take root.”

Educator. How do we recognize a birch among other trees? What color is the trunk of a birch tree? (White with black spots.) What parts of birch do you still know? (Trunk, branches, root.) What color are the branches? Why does a tree need a root? What color are birch leaves in autumn? (Yellow.) What color were they in the summer? (Green.) Look what a beautiful tree! It is tall and slender. It has a thin white trunk with black stripes. What do you think they are for? (The tree breathes through these strips). Flexible thin branches. The wind loves to fly to the birch tree and play with its branches. The branches bend all the way to the ground, and then straighten again. Look what beautiful golden leaves appeared on the birch tree. They are like gold coins falling onto the dark ground. It must be a harsh winter if there are still leaves on the birch tree in mid-October. When the leaves from the birch fall cleanly, the year will be fruitful.

Birch lives for more than 100 years. She loves light and space very much. There are many poems about birch. Listen to one of them.

I love Russian birch,

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad.

In a white sundress,

With handkerchiefs in pockets,

With beautiful clasps and green earrings.

And I have one more riddle for you.

Here is a touchy thorn!

You better not touch her.

Oh, sharp needles

At the green one. (Christmas trees).

Educator. Let's find a spruce tree in the park and dance around it.

Educator. Two large pine trees stood nearby,

And between them the Christmas tree grew,

Two pine trees sheltered the girlfriend,

So that the winds don’t break the top,

May the Christmas tree be beautiful.

The spruce looks like a pyramid, all its branches are covered with needles growing instead of leaves; they are short, sharp, prickly, dark green in color. Spruce needles are covered with dense skin, sit densely and firmly on the branches, stick out in different directions, and do not fall off if you touch them. At the end of autumn, the trees remain without leaves, and the spruce remains green. On its branches instead of leaves there are small needles and cones. It is green in winter and summer. And also a Christmas tree


Let's take a walk around the park and see what other trees grow here.

Walking through the park, children name the trees. (Chestnut, elm, rowan.)

Educator. Let's stop near the rowan tree.

I took a walk in the park

I learned where the dawn grows.

I looked up - she

It became visible to me immediately!

The berries burn brightly,

They are looking at me!

What a wonderful picture? -

This tree is a rowan!

Rowan is a very beautiful tree, look at its crown. Its leaves are also beautiful, and at different times of the year. Now they are green, soon they will be yellow, crimson. Rowan is also beautiful in the spring, when it dresses in white. And why do they love rowan? (Jam is made from its berries and tea is brewed). Who else loves rowan berries? (Birds)

Teacher, let's play the game "The wind blows, the wind blows"

The game is being played.

The wind blows, the wind blows, the wind blows.
(Long exhale)

He picks yellow leaves from the tree.
(Smoothly lower your raised arms)

And leaves fly over the forest path.
(Waving your arms)

Leaves are falling right under our feet.
(Sit down)

Educator. Not only trees but also shrubs grow in the park. How do shrubs differ from trees? (Children's answers.)

Now guys, close your eyes and listen to the leaves rustling on the trees. Why do you think they rustle? (Children's answers.) Well done, right. This is the wind playing with the leaves: tearing them off the trees and circling them in the air.

Educator. Guys, let's collect leaves to make beautiful crafts. It's time for us to go to kindergarten. But we will definitely visit our park again.

Project for working with children for September 2013.

Hello, golden autumn.

Goal for the teacher: create conditions conducive to children’s learning new information on the topic “Hello, golden autumn, the month of September.”

Tasks for the teacher:

1. Select illustrations with autumn landscapes.

2. Prepare fiction on the topic “Hello, golden autumn, month of September.”

3. Choose music based on autumn motifs.

4. Pick up autumn games.

Goal for parents: help expand the child’s understanding of autumn.

Tasks for parents:

1. Set up a parent’s corner on the theme “Hello, golden autumn, month of September.”

3. Offer parents games in nature.

Goal for children: acquire an idea of ​​autumn (the month of September), its characteristic features.

Tasks for children:

1. Tell about the first autumn holiday “Day of Knowledge”.

2. From the pictures, see all the beauty of autumn landscapes.

3. While walking, observe changes in nature.

4. Introduce fairy tales, poems, stories, riddles about autumn.

5. Provide knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

6. Cultivate a love for all living things, a desire to preserve and protect nature.

Age: middle group.

Implementation period: 1 month.

Project type: information-practice-oriented with elements of creativity.

Implementation plan.

1. Preparatory stage includes the selection of didactic and sensory material, music. Selection of illustrations with autumn landscapes, selection of fiction on the topic “Hello, golden autumn, month of September”, Selection of music for autumn motifs.

2. Main stage implements weekly themes:

  • 1 week “Autumn time”
  • Week 2 “Bright colors of autumn”

3. Final stage consists of creating an autumn corner of nature.

Essence of the project: All activities planned in this project are aimed at achieving the main goal - to give an idea of ​​the time of year - autumn, and its characteristic features. By participating in activities, children will be able to acquire new knowledge about autumn, about autumn folk signs and traditions, about forest animals, about the diversity of vegetation on our planet, through conversations, reading fiction, modeling, applique, drawing, looking at illustrations.

Since play is the leading activity in preschool age, children are offered many games. In play in a relaxed manner, children collaborate with each other and acquire new knowledge.

Not only children and teachers, but also parents participate in educational activities. To help them, the parent corner offers recommendations and information about autumn, games, riddles and poems.

Theme of the month: “Hello, golden autumn”

1 week “Autumn time”


Subject: The story of V. Oseeva “The Watchman”

Goals: continue to work on developing friendly relationships between children; develop imagination, hearing and voice.

Reading the story “The Watchman” by V. Oseeva.

Listening to the song “If you are kind” (music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

Physical education minute.

Our rest is a physical education minute.

We walk in place.

Take your seats:

Step in place left, right,

One and two, one and two!

Keep your back straight,

One and two, one and two!

And don't look at your feet,

Hand movements: to the sides,

One and two, one and two!

Subject: Children and other people

Tasks: To form in children ideas about dangerous forms of behavior when meeting strangers or objects of nature;

Teach children the simplest way to overcome dangers and get help (knowing their name, surname, home address, parents' names).

Teach to identify strangers, explain that a stranger is someone we don’t know. Talk about the dangers of contact with unfamiliar adults. Teach children to remember their full name, address, telephone number, parents' names, explain that this is necessary to know and this knowledge will be useful if they get into trouble. Instill in children that they should not be afraid to give their name, address, age and telephone number to a policeman or firefighter.

Subject: Modeling of Cheburashka

Target: improve the ability to sculpt from plasticine.

Modeling of Cheburashka.

Children sculpt Cheburashka from brown plasticine: the head and ears are the same size; paws - sausages rolled out of plasticine. Children make two identical small balls from white plasticine, flatten them and place them on the animal’s face - this is the basis of the eyes. Three black peas are rolled out of black plasticine: two of them are placed on white circles, and a nose is made from the third pea. A small ball is molded from yellow plasticine, flattened and placed under Cheburashka’s head, kneading it evenly. This is breast.

Finger gymnastics.

Merry orchestra

The cat plays the accordion

Our bunny is on the drum.

Well, the bear on the pipe

He is in a hurry to play with you.

If you start helping,

We'll play together.

Subject:"Merry Glade"

Walking in a column one at a time while performing playful imitation exercises

Walking and running in a column, changing the pace at a signal. Walking and running between two parallel lines (width -15cm, length -3m). Jumping on two legs, turning right and left, around a hoop, jumping forward. Crawling on all fours with crawling under an arch (50cm)


Target: Teach children to run, using the entire space of the hall, without bumping into each other)

Subject: Geometric shapes – circle, square, triangle

Target: learn to find objects in the shape of a circle, square, triangle, cut a circle from a square, correctly perform jumps in place (push off energetically and land on both feet), navigate in space

Folding a square from sticks.

Transforming a square into a triangle.

Making a figure from triangles.

Transforming a square into a circle. (the teacher cuts out a circle from the square).

“Complete the figure” (In the first and second row there are three figures - a circle, a triangle, a square, and in the bottom row there are only two. Which figure is missing?) Coloring the figures

Game "Wonderful bag".

The bag contains geometric shapes of different sizes familiar to children. Each child determines by touch the shape of the first figure he comes across, names it and takes it out of the bag. Children say whether the figure is named correctly.

Subject: N. Sladkov's story “Autumn is on the threshold.”

Goals: give an idea of ​​how animals and birds prepare for the arrival of autumn; develop hearing and voice; learn to listen to fairy tales, perform rhythmic movements to music, sing a melody clearly

Pronouncing a quatrain.

September, October, November

With rain and falling leaves,

And the birds fly away

And the children need to go to school.

Reading a fairy tale.

The teacher reads the fairy tale “Autumn is on the Doorstep” by N. Sladkov. After listening, children answer questions about the content.

Rhythmic movements to music.

To the sounds of the song "Autumn" (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by I. Maznin) children perform movements with autumn leaves in their hands: spin, squat, lift the leaves up and wave them.

Learning the song "Autumn".

Physical education minute.

Leaf fall

Leaves are falling, falling,

It's leaf fall in our garden. Waving your arms.

Yellow, red leaves

They curl and fly in the wind.


Alignment. Changing into a column with a jump turn. Walking and running in a column with a change in pace at a signal, stopping at a “Stop” signal, running in all directions with high knees. Rolling the ball into the distance with both hands from an i.p. standing legs apart

Jumping in place up behind an object

Games:"Hares and the Wolf"

Target: Teach children to perform jumps rhythmically in accordance with the text

According to the music director's plan

Subject: Drawing toys

Target: to form ideas about kindergarten employees, about the work processes performed by each of them; cultivate respect for the work of adults; improve the ability to navigate the premises of a kindergarten; learn to correlate objects by size

Drawing with colored pencils on the theme “Kindergarten”: the building of our kindergarten, trees, flowers that grow nearby. Remember which objects are higher and which are lower. You can draw a toy that we have in our playroom and that you like the most.

Week 2 “Bright colors of autumn”


Subject: N. Sladkov's story “Autumn is on the threshold”

Goals: Give an idea of ​​how animals and birds prepare for the arrival of autumn; develop hearing and voice; learn to listen to fairy tales, perform rhythmic movements to music, sing a melody clearly

Reading the story by N. Sladkov “Autumn is on the threshold”

Learning the song “Autumn”

Physical education minute.

Leaf fall

Leaves are falling, falling,

It's leaf fall in our garden. Waving your arms.

Yellow, red leaves

They curl and fly in the wind.

Subject: Our baby is in the house

Tasks: Introduce children to the dangers of fire and water.

Introduce children to household items that are sources of potential danger to children. Explain that there are objects that children are strictly prohibited from using (matches, gas stoves, electrical outlets, electrical appliances). Please note that you need to be careful and careful with water, that the water can be too hot or too cold. Remind you not to leave the water tap open even for a minute. Explain what a fire is and how it is dangerous for humans. Tell them that you cannot open the window yourself, go out onto the balcony if it is not glazed, and also not approach the window if it has already been opened. Be careful on the stairs and in the elevator.

Theme: Application “Bouquet in a vase”

Goal: learn to make patterns from geometric shapes; develop cutting skills; develop speed and agility; strengthen your hands.

A set of exercises for the hands:

a) clench and unclench your hands;

b) rotate your hands from the starting position: arms forward, arms to the sides;

c) swing your arms forward and back;

d) shake the brushes;

e) arms to the sides, shake hands;

f) arms bent at the elbows, hands down (like the paws of a bunny); in this position, lower and raise your hands.


The teacher shows the children a sample application: a rectangular vase in which there are 3 flowers made of geometric shapes: the core is a square, the petals are triangles. From a set of geometric shapes, children make an applique according to the model.



Formation into a column, into units according to landmarks in motion. Walking

and running in a column with a change

tempo, high rise

knees Walking and running on a plank

(width 20cm). crawling on

middle all fours,

rolling the ball

ball in pairs, kneeling

Climbing under the arc. Jumping

in place up behind

Purpose: To teach children to act on a signal, throw a bag (ball, etc.) in different ways

Topic: Geometric shapes - rectangle

Objectives: introduce the rectangle; learn to distinguish between a square and a rectangle, navigate in space and on a sheet of paper; improve motor skills, train in standing and long jumps.

Game "Don't make a mistake."

There are three hoops on the floor at a short distance from each other. Inside one hoop there is a square cut out of paper, in the second there is a circle, in the third there is a triangle. The children are divided into three groups: some have squares in their hands, others have triangles, and others have circles. To the music or tambourine ringing, children run and jump around the room. As soon as the music stops, the children run to the desired hoop - the house.

Introducing the rectangle.

Task "Arrange the shapes."

Children receive 4 figures of different types and, according to the instructions of the teacher, arrange them. For example: a circle under a triangle; the square to the left of the rectangle, etc.

According to the music director's plan

Topic: The story of V. Oseeva “The Watchman”.

Goals: to continue working on the formation of friendly relationships between children; develop imagination, hearing and voice.

Reading a story"Watchman."

Listening to a song. Children listen to the song “If you are kind” (music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky) and sing along.

Physical education minute.

Our rest is a physical education minute.

We walk in place.

Take your seats:

Step in place left, right,

One and two, one and two!

Keep your back straight,

One and two, one and two!

And don't look at your feet,

Hand movements: to the sides,

One and two, one and two!

Subject:"In a forest clearing"

in the air

Walking and running in a column performing imitation movements. Walking on a board while stepping over objects (cubes – 5 cm)

Throwing a ball up and catching it with both hands. Climbing under the arc. Standing long jumps, forward jumps

Games:"Colored Cars"

Target: Exercise children in running, using the entire space of the hall, without bumping into each other, completing tasks when given a signal

According to the music director's plan

Subject: Drawing on the theme “Autumn in the forest”

Goals: learn to observe changes in nature, describe autumn from a picture, observe the proportions of objects when drawing; develop the ability to create plot compositions; repeat the names of the autumn months.

Getting to know the signs of early autumn.


  • Find the error.

The teacher names the signs of early autumn, and the children clap their hands if they hear a mistake.

1) It’s warm in early autumn.

2) People sunbathe and swim in September.

5) Flowers are blooming in gardens and parks.

7) Migratory birds are going to fly north.

  • Say it kindly.
Example: rain - rain, bird - bird.

Sun - … (Sun)

cloud -... (cloud)

flower - … (flower)

leaf -... (leaf)

Listening to the song "Autumn"(music by I. Kishko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Week 3 “Our favorite kindergarten”



Goals: teach to listen, evaluate actions; develop an ear for music, develop the ability to determine the nature of music, express your impressions of what you listen to

Reading the story “Girlfriends” by V. Karaseva.

Finger gymnastics “Toys”.

Andryushka has toys.

Here's a funny frog

Teddy bear, bunny and car,

Well, the doll is for Irina.

Listening to P. Tchaikovsky’s play “The Doll’s Disease”(from "Children's Album")

Physical education minute.


Kindergarten, kindergarten,

He is always happy to see children.

I'll play in the kindergarten

And assemble the designer,

And put away the toys.

I will dance briskly,

And sculpt and draw,

Imitate modeling, drawing.

I will sing songs.

Hands “locked” in front of you.

Subject: Children and the surrounding nature.

Tasks: Introduce children to the dangers of animals and poisonous plants.

Tell the children that poisonous plants grow in the forest, in the fields, along roads, in vacant lots, and in the kindergarten area, which should not only be eaten, but also handled. Since mushrooms grow in the kindergarten areas, explain to children that no mushrooms should be taken into the mouth or tasted raw. Animals are present everywhere in our lives: in the house, on the street, so explain that an animal can be aggressive and angry, so you can’t touch animals. Draw children's attention to the fact that there are natural phenomena that pose a danger to humans (thunderstorms, strong winds, rain, frost, blizzards, ice), tell them how to avoid the consequences of these phenomena.

Subject: Pyramid sculpting

Target: continue to learn to name the location of an object; encourage the use of antonyms, the plural form of the genitive case of nouns; learn to describe an object, smooth the surface of a sculpted object with your fingers, observe the size of parts when sculpting; encourage the use of complex sentences.

Game "One - Many".

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to each child in turn and names the object in the singular. Children name the plural of a noun (doll - dolls).

Pyramid sculpting.

Children roll 4 balls of different sizes and colors from plasticine. Make a sausage out of each ball and connect the ends. They flatten it a little and place a smaller ring on top, and even higher, on the smallest ring, a top (rolled from a sausage).

Subject:"Wonderful transformations"

Walking and running in a column. Forming in a circle according to landmarks. Walking on a rope (diameter – 3cm)

Walking on a plank, stepping over objects of different heights. Walking and running between the lines (distance – 10cm). Jumping on two legs between pins. Crawling on all fours with rolling the ball, rolling the ball in pairs from different positions.

Games:"Autumn Leaves"

Target: Practice running in all directions, circling, and performing tasks when given a signal.

Subject: Numbers 1, 2. Geometric figures.

Target: introduce numbers 1, 2; learn to count to 2, compare objects; promote memorization of geometric shapes, the ability to recognize and name them (triangle, circle, square, rectangle); develop agility, speed

Saying the counting rhyme:

They say at dawn

Pigeon, goose and jackdaw.

Gathered on the mountain

That's the whole counting rhyme.

Introduction to numbers 1, 2.

Consolidating knowledge about geometric shapes.

Game “Make no mistake!”

According to the music director's plan

Subject: Our kindergarten.

Tasks: 1.Introduce children to the kindergarten and its staff;

2. Clarify knowledge of the kindergarten address;

3. Improve the ability to freely navigate the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten

Reading poems about kindergarten workers, about what they do. Tour of the kindergarten.

Subject: In the air

Walking and running in a column, alternating with changing the pace and performing tasks for the arms: behind the back, to the sides, behind the head. Walking between the lines (distance – 10cm). Throwing the ball up and onto the floor, catching it with both hands

Rolling the ball in pairs under an arc, between objects. Jumping in place with a turn on each count, standing long jump

Games:“Mowers” ​​according to A.S. Galanov

Target: Development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, formation of proper breathing, sense of rhythm

According to the music director's plan

Subject: Drawing your favorite toy.

Target: introduce the names of toys; learn to compare them by size, the material from which they are made, determine and name the location of an object, correctly use the plural form, create plot compositions


– Do you have a lot of toys at home?

– What toys do you have at home?

– What toys do we have in our group?

– What toys do boys like to play with most? What about the girls?

– What toys do you take outside?


  • Take a toy for a walk.
  • One is many.
  • Arrange the toys.
  • What's missing?

Listening to a musical composition.

Children listen to P. Tchaikovsky's play "New Doll" (from "Children's Album")


Children draw their favorite toy according to plan. At the end of the lesson there will be an exhibition of drawings.

Week 4 “What autumn gave us”



Goals: teach to listen to fairy tales, analyze the actions of heroes; develop memory, hearing and voice; develop the skill of rhythmic movement in accordance with the nature of the music

Learning a poem.

Buy a bow

(Scottish song, translation by I. Tokmakova)

Buy onions, green onions,

We don't need green onions

Parsley and carrots

Parsley and carrots.

Buy our girl

We only need a girl

A minx and a cheat!

A minx and a cheat!

Reading the Russian folk tale "The Man and the Bear"

Game with singing “Garden round dance” (music by B. Mozhzhevelova, lyrics by A. Passova).

Subject: Children and roads.

Tasks: Teach children the basics of safe behavior on city streets.

Introduce the purpose and operation of traffic lights. Expand ideas about the street: establish what a sidewalk is, who it is intended for, what a pavement (roadway) is, what it is intended for. Introduce children to the classification of types of urban transport. To develop skills of cultural behavior in transport. Give children basic knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street. Explain why you can’t play on the sidewalk, on the side of the road.

Subject: Application “Vegetables on a plate”

Target: learn to arrange objects according to a pattern, cut with scissors, jump in place on two legs, on one leg moving through 4-5 lines, through 3 objects (one after another).

Application “Vegetables on a plate”.

Children, following the instructions of the teacher, cut out a tomato, cucumber, carrot from paper and stick it on a sheet in the shape of a plate.


Let's portray an important tomato (hands on the belt, turns left - right).

The cucumbers are hidden, you have to bend down to find them (squatted down, hands on the belt, squatted in a circle).

Shaggy carrot tails fluttering in the wind (they jump squat in a circle).

Green peas reach for the sun (stretching, arms up through sides).

Cabbage turns its head in all directions (turns head).

Subject:"In the village"

Climbing under the cord without touching the floor with your hands

Walking on a ribbed board placed on the floor, hands on the belt

Walking on a bench (height 15cm) stepping over cubes, hands on belt

Educational games with hoop

Games:"Birds and Cat"

Target: Practice running while dodging, with the task of picking up an object

Subject:Geometric shape oval. Count to 2.

Target: introduce a geometric figure - an oval; learn to count to 2; consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing, throw the ball and catch it with your hands, without pressing it to your chest.

Task “Complete the figures.”


– Is there an oval in Figure 1?

– What geometric shapes did you complete?

Exercise. Look at Figure 2 and shade the ovals

Game “What looks like an oval?”

Count to 2.

Each child has pictures depicting one and two vegetables. The teacher shows the number 1, the children name it. The teacher asks to pick up a card with the same number of vegetables on it. Then he shows a card with the number 2, the children call it and pick up a card with two vegetables. The teacher asks: “Which is greater: 1 or 2?” Children and the teacher count: “1, 2.”

According to the music director's plan

Subject: Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.

Objectives: 1. Reinforce the concept of fruits and vegetables;

2. Strengthen the ability to identify the characteristic features of vegetables and fruits: color, shape, taste, surface;

3. Develop the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships

Solving riddles about fruits and vegetables.

Assignment: you need to recognize a fruit or vegetable by the first and last letter (g-a pear, o-c cucumber).

Game "Guess by touch".

Subject: In the air

Walking and running in a column with

changing direction

Throwing sandbags

to the range of right and left

hand. Shuttle run 3×5m

90m endurance run

Jumping on two legs

to the subject

Games:"Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Target: Teach children to jump into a hoop on two legs, to climb “on a perch” (bench)

According to the music director's plan

Subject: Drawing on the theme “Favorite vegetable”

Target: introduce the names of vegetables and where they are grown; learn to describe vegetables, work with paints; develop logical thinking; reinforce the ability to cleanly rinse a brush before using paint of a different color

Game "Find the vegetables."

Guessing riddles on the topic “Vegetables”.


  • One is many
  • Yes or not?
  • What color are the vegetables?
  • What's extra?

Description of vegetables.


– Is the tomato round or triangular?

– What color are tomatoes? (Red, pink, yellow, green.)

– Is the tomato soft or hard?

– Is the tomato sweet or sour?

– Where does a tomato grow?

Listening to the Russian folk melody “In Autumn”(arranged by I. Kishko, lyrics by I. Plakida).

Drawing on the topic.

The implementation of the project will allow: strengthen the psychological health of pupils; develop interest in the surrounding world; strengthen the physical health of preschool children through hardening using natural factors.

Expected result:

1. Preserving children's health.

2. Instilling environmental culture in children.

3. Acquiring new knowledge and impressions about the world around us.

List of used literature:

1. Belaya K.Yu. Forming the basics of safety in preschoolers. A manual for preschool teachers and parents.-M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2011

2. Shorygina T.A. Caution Tales: Safety for Kids. - M.: Knigolyub, 2004

3. Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. - UC. PERSPECTIVE, 2008

4. Karpukhina N.A. Lesson notes for the middle group of kindergarten. – Voronezh: IP Lakotsenin S.S., 2009

5. Kolesnikova E.V. "Mathematics for children 4-5 years old."

6. Kolesnikova E.V. Mathematical copybooks for children 4-5 years old. 2nd ed. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2011

7. Kolesnikova E.V. I count to five. Workbook for children 4-5 years old. 2nd ed. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2010

Program content

Educational: continue to teach children to notice and name seasonal changes on the eco-trail; establish a connection between the state of the environment and the state of one’s body.
Developmental: develop children’s sensory perceptions and the ability to describe states: the smell of fallen leaves, I see the autumn colors of the trees, the bark is rough, etc.; develop logical thinking and speech.
continue to teach how to establish relationships in nature, care for the forest, protect and preserve it.
to cultivate interest in the flora and fauna of our forests, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn nature.
camera, magnifying glass, plastic bags for collecting garbage, gloves, basket, album, pencil, bird feeders.
Preliminary work:
getting to know crafts made from natural materials, reading stories and proverbs about autumn, making feeders.


IN: Guys, let's say hello to our good, kind friend - the forest. Now we will go along a familiar path, but first we will get a schematic map.

(Children, together with the teacher, look at the route map, remember the objects of the ecological trail, familiar from previous excursions.)

Where are we now? Today we will go to the sandy path, which is located a little further than our last stop. But we will go, also performing various exercises: walking and running like a snake between the bushes, in a squat and half-squat under the trees, we will jump and reach the high branches of the trees, we will overcome part of the path by jumping from foot to foot.

Object 1. Birch.

IN: Guys, notice how the birch tree has changed, it has become even more beautiful in its autumn attire. Look, there are already fallen leaves under the birch tree, it is preparing for a long winter. What remains in place of the fallen leaves?

(Invites children to examine the kidneys through a magnifying glass.)

Why did the leaves of the birch tree turn yellow and begin to fall off?

D. Because autumn has come, it has become colder...

IN: And the trees do not like to drink cold water, the leaves do not have enough nutrition, so they began to turn yellow and fall off. Collect fallen leaves; we will need them for breathing exercises and for making crafts.

(Children collect leaves.)

Breathing exercise “Blow a leaf”

IN. Take a leaf, place it in your palm, bring it to your face and, inhaling through your nose, exhale vigorously through your mouth so that the leaf swirls in the air.

(Children repeat the exercise several times.)

An autumn holiday in the forest is both light and fun.
These are the decorations that autumn has hung here.
Each golden leaf is a little sun.
I'll put it in a basket and put it on the bottom.

(A. Shibitskaya)

D: You can make various crafts from the leaves.

D: Pine.

Movement: walking in pairs on toes and heels, running with circling and stopping, standing long jumps, throwing into the distance.

Object 2. Pine.

IN: Guys, look at our pine tree. What changes do you see? Look how many young big shots have grown. Next year, squirrels and other forest inhabitants will not have to starve. It takes two years for the seeds to ripen in the cone. But this year there are also a lot of ripened cones. Children, have you ever seen forest in the palm of your hand?

D: No, because that doesn't happen.

IN: Then show me your palms.

(The teacher pours seeds from cones onto the children’s palms.)

Here is a real forest for you. (Children look at the pine seeds in surprise.)

Now let's sow the seeds, and next year young trees will sprout here. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “Don’t destroy a lot of forest, plant a little forest.” That's what we did now. Let's see how a pine tree whose bark has been wounded feels. Come closer and look, the wound on the tree has healed a little. And the tree looks good too. This means that our efforts were not in vain. We helped the tree, saved it...
Guys, let's have a little competition: who will throw the pine cone further than this tree? Are you ready?

(At the teacher’s command, children compete in throwing.)

Object 3. “Clean forest”».

IN: Here is our clearing. What do you see?

(Children name objects.)

That's right, but none of you said that there was trash in the clearing. Look, it really isn't there.

(Draw the children’s attention to the beauty of the clean forest.)

But there is a lot of garbage nearby.

D: Let's clean up this garbage too.

IN: Is this what you really want?

D: Yes.

(The children, together with the teacher, remove the garbage into plastic bags, carefully pinning it on sticks.)

IN: It seems that not only the forest, but also the air in the forest has become cleaner. Let's stand a little, breathe clean air, gain strength and health, and then move on. Do you feel what the air smells like?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, in the fall. Until the next stop we will do the following exercises: running with high knees, snake, with circling.

Object 4. “Belkin House”.

IN: We are visiting the squirrel again. Look how many empty cones there are under the tree. It’s immediately obvious: a squirrel’s work. Guys, look at the crown of the tree. Don't you see anything new? That's right, there are a lot of cones, and between them a squirrel dries mushrooms on branches for the winter. That's how thrifty she is.

D: And on this tree too. What kind of lump is this?

(The children saw a pine cone in the crevice of the tree.)

IN: Yes, some bird was clearly working here, getting seeds. It turns out that pine trees not only feed squirrels with their seeds. Do you guys know that even a woodpecker eats the seeds of coniferous trees in winter? In the summer, he eats insects, saving the forest, and in the winter, the forest saves the woodpecker, feeding it with its seeds. Have you noticed how quiet it is in the forest? Let's play game "What do I hear"».

(Invites children to listen to the sounds of the forest with their eyes closed, and then talk about what they heard.)

Why don’t we hear a mosquito squeak?

D: It’s already cold, so they hid.

IN: With the onset of autumn, the smallest inhabitants - insects - choose a cozy place and fall asleep - some under fallen leaves, some in the crevices of trees... and sleep there until spring comes. That’s why you won’t see many birds now. The insects hid, and the birds were forced to fly to warmer regions in search of food. Birds are not afraid of frost, but hunger is terrible for them.

D: And if it was warm all the time, the birds wouldn’t fly away?

IN: Of course, if it were warm here, insects would not hibernate, the grass would be green all the time. Then why do birds fly away? after all, they don’t fly away in the summer. And those birds that remain to spend the winter have a very difficult time. Therefore, we will make a dining room for birds with you - we will hang feeders. And when we go on an excursion, we will bring food for the birds. Do you agree?

(Children together with the teacher choose a place for feeders.)

So the bird's canteen is ready. And we move on.
Look at the plan map. What stop is ahead of us?

D: "Sweet Pharmacy"

IN: Let's see if berries have appeared in our clearing. Our movement: walking in pairs, stopping at a signal, on toes, change places in pairs.

Object 5. “Sweet pharmacy”.

IN: You see how beautiful and elegant the clearing has become. The berries are already ripe, and you can go into the forest with your parents to pick berries. Look around: besides lingonberries and blueberries, what other berries can you find in our forest?

D: Here are some other berries, but I don’t know them. And this is a wolfberry, you can’t eat it: you’ll get poisoned.

IN: The berries that you don’t know are called drupes; they are also edible, but people rarely pick them because there is a large seed inside the berry. Hence the name. It does not grow under trees, like lingonberries, but in open, sunny places. And the berry that you call wolfberry is actually not even wolfberry at all, this berry is called “crowberry”, it is also edible. Juices are made from it, and it helps our stomach work well. If you don't believe this berry is edible, I can try it. Here, look.

(The teacher puts a crowberry in his mouth.)

As you can see, I'm fine. Now you can safely tell your parents that this berry is edible... Guys, have you noticed how the leaves on the bushes have changed?

D: The lingonberries have not changed, but the blueberries have become reddish and many leaves have fallen off.

IN: Let's play the game "Collect the leaves." But we won't just collect them. First you need to find the largest blueberry leaf, then the reddest and most beautiful. And then, in a group, we’ll compare who found the biggest, most beautiful and reddest leaf. There is only one condition: do not pick leaves from the bushes.

D: We know.

(Children collect leaves and compare them with each other.)

IN: Collected leaves, well done! Let's move on. Our exercises: running slowly, trail after trail, snaking, jumping in place, with a turn.

Object 6. Sandy path.

(Mark on the map.)

IN: As you have already noticed, no grass grows on the sandy path. This is a convenient place for games, and we will play now.

« Follow the trail»

The children close their eyes, while the leader walks along the sand, confusing the trail, and then hides. Children must follow each other's tracks and find the one who is hiding.

« Hide and find"

One of the children shows everyone a pebble, then hides it. The one who finds it takes the pebble for himself.

« Jump in the circle"

Jump into a circle drawn on the sand straight, sideways, backwards.

Free games on a sandy path, collecting pebbles of different sizes, colors, shapes.

(Short way back.)

Follow up work: the most beautiful stones are placed in a glass bowl and filled with water. Observing how the color of stones changes: they become brighter, more beautiful, their shades change depending on the lighting. Some of the stones are placed in flower pots. 2-3 smooth pebbles are left specifically for games: “In which hand is the pebble?”, “Find the hidden pebble,” “Find out by touch.” The pebbles are put into a beautiful box, which is placed on the “gifts from nature” shelf.

Goal and objectives:

  • To form a generalized idea of ​​children about autumn, including knowledge about autumn phenomena in inanimate nature (precipitation, air temperature), about the state of plants in autumn, about the characteristics of the life of animals and birds.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the dependence of plants and animals on environmental conditions.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature with the arrival of autumn.
  • Learn to move to music, develop imagination.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about the work of adults in the fall.
  • Develop knowledge of educational activities: the ability to logically answer questions posed, prove your point.
  • Cultivate a love for nature and respect for it.
  • Accustom children to hard work, instill hard work and a desire to help others.
  • Develop mobility.

Equipment and materials: autumn leaves, leaves of birch, maple, rowan, currant, pre-made bird feeders, bird food, an envelope with a letter from Lesovik, a basket of apples, children's brooms, buckets, scoops, audio recording for musical accompaniment.

Types of children's activities used during walks: didactic games, work activities, conversation, games of various mobility.

Venue: territory of the preschool educational institution.

Description of the walk.

Vocal: Guys, look what a wonderful day it is today, come closer to me. I'll tell you a riddle:

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If the birds flew to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,
What is this time of year called? (autumn)

Scream: Yes, it’s autumn. Who will tell a poem about autumn. (Children recite familiar poems)

Vocal: Guys, what signs of autumn do you know?

Sample answers from children: It has become cold, the leaves turn yellow and fall, it rains often, there are frosts in the mornings, the days are getting shorter, the nights are longer, insects and animals are preparing for winter.

Vosp-l: Yes, autumn is a time of year when all nature changes. The days are getting shorter, the sun is not warming enough, it is getting colder day by day, and it rains often. By the end of autumn there will be frosts. Migratory birds fly south, wintering birds move closer to people.

Vocal: Guys, what do you think the weather is like today? (clear) Why? (the sun is shining brightly, there is no rain). Let's take a breath of fresh autumn air.

Breathing exercise

“Smells of nature”

We need to imagine. That you inhale the aroma of a beautiful flower that grows on our site. You need to take a noisy breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Vocal: Guys, look at the multi-colored carpet that covers the earth. What kind of carpet is this? (Autumn fallen leaves) Let's take the leaves in our hands, what do they feel like? (dry, rough, rustling) How do the leaves rustle? (sh-sh-sh-sh-sh)

Vocal: Let's imagine that we are autumn leaves. Let's show how they fall to the ground. (Children perform voluntary movements to calm music)

Low mobility game “Autumn Leaves”

Autumn leaves are quietly spinning,
The leaves fall quietly under our feet.
And they rustle and rustle underfoot,
As if they want to get dizzy again.

Vosk-l: Yes, in the fall you can often see leaves falling, what is this phenomenon called? (leaf fall) There were a lot of leaf attacks on our site. Let's see what trees they come from.

Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

Vosp-l: What else grows on our site? (currant)

Currant, is it a tree or a shrub? ( bush)

What is the difference between a shrub and a tree? (no trunk, low, small leaves, berries)

The teacher notices feeders on the tree.

Vocal: What is this, guys? (feeders)

What are they for? (for feeding birds)

What can you feed the birds? (seeds, pieces of bread, grains)

Why do some birds fly south with the onset of cold weather? (it got cold)

What are these birds called? (migratory)

What are the names of those birds that stay with us for the winter? (wintering)

Play: Guys, let's turn into birds and play a game.

Outdoor game: “Migration of birds”

After the game, the teacher is given an envelope with a letter

Vosp: Guys, we received a letter. It's from Lesovik, let's read it.

“Dear guys. I, Lesovik, help nature prepare for winter. Please help me hang up the feeders and collect autumn leaves. I can't do it alone.


Vosp: Guys, let’s help Lesovik clean up our area and hang up the feeders? (we'll help) Let's distribute who will do what. (Children are divided into groups to complete tasks. After completing the tasks, a basket of apples is unexpectedly found in the gazebo.)

Vocal: Guys, there’s a basket of apples here, I wonder who it’s from? Yes, this is from Lesovik. He thanks us for our help and treats us to autumn apples. In the group we will wash them and eat them.

Vosp: Well, guys, I think we did a great job, collected autumn leaves, hung feeders, removed all the garbage. Now is the time to relax and play your favorite games.

Children's games with take-out material based on their interests.

Program content.

To generalize and concretize children’s ideas about the park in early autumn.


  • Teach to perceive the beauty of nature and develop the culture of his feelings.
  • To develop in children the ability to establish connections between changes in inanimate nature and the state of plants and animals to these changes (as the temperature dropped, there were fewer insects, birds, animals; plants dried out and no longer grew, trees lost their leaves, etc.)
  • Foster interest in observing phenomena occurring in the environment (nature, people)
  • Enrichment of vocabulary (ochre, crimson, motley, drake, etc.)

Baskets, bags, buckets (for collecting natural material), bird food.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading fiction (“Four Artists” by G. Skrebitsky; “Yellow Light”, “Farewell to Summer”, “What kind of rains there are” by K. G. Paustovsky; “Autumn in the Forest”, “Autumn on the Doorstep”, “September”, N. I. Sladkov; “Blueberry Jam” by G. Ya. Snegirev; “Red Leaves” by N. M. Gribachev; “Ducks and Ice” by V. Chirkov, etc.)
  • Examination of paintings and illustrations (I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, I.E. Grabar “September Snow”, works by K.F. Yuon, I.I. Shishkin, A.K. Savrasov and others)
  • Recommendation for parents: visit the park on the weekend.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part.

IN.: “Guys, today we will go to the park to visit the Golden Autumn. We will observe what changes have already occurred in nature at this time of year. Let's remember how to behave on the street?
(walk in a group behind the teacher, without overtaking him or stretching; at the first sign from the teacher, you need to stop and be silent, continue moving with the permission of the teacher, etc.)
IN.: Well done.
They go to the park. Along the way, you can draw the attention of children to the street and passers-by (people are dressed warmly, some have an umbrella in their hands, there are leaves, puddles on the street, etc.)
At the entrance to the park:
IN.: “Now guys, tell me how to behave in nature?”
(speak quietly, ask questions to the teacher in a low voice, do not tear up plants unnecessarily, during the task the group disperses within the teacher’s visibility, treat natural objects with care: anthills, bird nests, animal burrows, etc.)

Main part.

IN.: “Look guys, how beautiful it is around. Tell me, what words can you use to describe autumn? What is she like?
(golden, gloomy, rainy, bright, etc.)
IN.: Fine. Now listen to what the poet Ivan Bunin said about autumn in the poem “Falling Leaves”

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Stands above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, like a window.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
Over the summer it dried out from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
Enters his motley mansion...

And really, guys, look how bright and beautiful our park has become. What colors did Autumn paint the leaves of the trees?
(red, yellow, brown, orange, etc.)
IN.: Right. And all the leaves are not only different in color, but also in size: they are large, small, medium; and in shape: triangular, oblong, round.

Leaves are falling and flying. And they rustle and rustle.
They get stuck in guys' hoods and pockets.

Let's. Guys, let's find the biggest leaf.
(children look for and carry large leaves, choose the largest one)
IN.: What tree leaf is this from?
(either maple or chestnut)
IN.: Right. Now let's find the smallest leaf. What tree is he from?
(or birch, linden)
IN.: Fine. Well done. Now, let's stop and try not only to watch Autumn, but also to listen. Let's be quiet and listen carefully. What did you hear?
(rustling leaves, the sound of the wind, maybe the sound of rain, the cries of birds, etc.)
IN.: Well done! Now let's go to the pond and see what happened to its inhabitants.
Ducks are swimming on the pond.
IN.: Guys, who is that swimming?
Let's feed them and watch them. What are they doing?
(chase each other, splash, eat, quack, etc.)
Who knows who is a duck and who is a drake?
(the drake has a bright color)
Right. The duck has a discreet gray color, while the drake has a brighter color. Look how bright his “scarf” is on his head.
Listen to what poet A. Ray wrote about ducks

Duck-duck-duck -
Little white breasts,
Twisted feathers,
The paws are chiseled.
Ducks swim in the pond
I’m going to them with a gift -
Soft white bread.
Swim up boldly!

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to the ducks.
(say goodbye)
Now let's collect the most beautiful leaves, acorns, cones, chestnuts, etc. on the way back. to decorate our Autumn holiday.
Well done, we have collected so many gifts from Autumn. Now, in order not to freeze, let’s play the game “Gnome”.

Rain, rain outside the window
(Jumping in place)
A gnome remained in the rain
Hurry, stop the rain
(Look up, stretch your hands)
We can't go for a walk
(We march in a circle)

The final part.
IN.: Our excursion to the park has ended. Let's say goodbye to our good friend the park.
(say goodbye)
You and I will definitely decorate our music room beautifully for the holiday and be sure to draw ducks and drakes.

In the group, the teacher and children remember what they saw in the park, who they met, and choose who they will paint as a duck or a drake. Decorations are made from the collected natural material together with children, and the leaves are used in the holiday “Hello, Golden Autumn” in a dance with leaves.

Completed: Safonova S. N.

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