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Cats and women's pregnancy. Why pregnant women shouldn’t pet cats: “grandmother’s” signs and real threats. Consequences for the child

Is it possible to get toxoplasmosis from pets and how dangerous is this disease during pregnancy?

Is a cat a friend or a danger for a pregnant woman? © Shutterstock

Often, a doctor suggests that a pregnant woman get rid of her cat in order to prevent infection and the birth of a child with congenital pathologies. Is the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis really that great?

What is toxoplasmosis and how can you get it?

Toxoplasma is found in the feces of cats (as well as related wild animals). Through contaminated soil, toxoplasma feed enters the body of other animals, including cows, whose meat is then consumed. Mice and rats are also infected with toxoplasmosis.

A cat can become infected with toxoplasmosis in two ways - if it eats contaminated food: meat or rodent. The main source of toxoplasma in the city is street cats. Domestic cats can also become infected with toxoplasmosis through outdoor dust and dirt.

A sick cat coughs and sneezes, breathes rapidly, her eyes are red, with purulent discharge. Muscle tremors, emaciation, drooling are possible; the animal’s liver is affected - jaundice, vomiting, and severe diarrhea may develop.

They say that hidden form Toxoplasmosis in cats is dangerous for people. But that's not true chronic toxoplasmosis cats are not contagious to their owners, since the cat does not excrete toxoplasma.

The main sources of infection for people are the same as for animals - soil contaminated with Toxoplasma, street dust, and meat. So a poorly fried kebab is more dangerous than domestic cat.

Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy

Toxoplasmosis at first looks like a viral infection colds. Then toxoplasmosis enters the chronic stage. Chronic toxoplasmosis becomes an acute disease when the immune system is weakened.

© Shutterstock As a result of toxoplasmosis in humans, cells are destroyed internal organs, brain damage is especially dangerous.

Unfortunately, in humans, Toxoplasma most often affects the nervous system.

Toxoplasmosis is especially dangerous during pregnancy or before conception.

Toxoplasmosis is transmitted through the placenta to the baby, which can lead to severe congenital pathologies.

10% of children develop hearing diseases and mental retardation.

Toxoplasmosis is manifested by enlarged liver and spleen, jaundice, eye infections, pneumonia, etc. Some children die a few days after birth. Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy can also cause miscarriage or birth dead fetus.

Although toxoplasmosis is not that common. According to American statistics, about 0.1% of women become infected with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy.

How is toxoplasmosis diagnosed and treated during pregnancy?

© Shutterstock If a blood test before or during pregnancy does not show any antibodies to Toxoplasma, then the woman is susceptible to Toxoplasma infection.

If there are immunoglobulin G antibodies in the blood, it means the infection occurred in the past.

If a pregnant woman has an active toxoplasma infection, the doctor will order amniocentesis and ultrasound diagnostics to determine whether the fetus is infected.

If the fetus is infected, the pregnant woman will be prescribed treatment that will protect the baby from pathologies.

Precautions to avoid contracting toxoplasmosis

Don't clean the cat's litter box; let someone else do it.

Do not feed your cat raw or undercooked meat, as about 25% of the meat sold is contaminated with toxoplasmosis. It is better to feed frozen meat, toxoplasma die within 2-3 days at temperatures below -25 degrees.

© Shutterstock - Do not let your cat go outside so that he does not catch rodents, birds and insects.

Do not eat raw or undercooked meat, and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands.

When having pets, people rarely think about the consequences. They forget that tamed pets require care and attention, they also get sick, and have mood swings. All this can bring a lot of trouble in the future. And in some cases, the situation is such that your favorite animal has to be given to “ good hands" Often girls decide to do this during pregnancy. After all, there are many scary stories and cases where the presence of a cat in the house played a bad role and affected the development of the fetus.

Should you get a cat while pregnant?

Sometimes women on maternity leave are quite bored at home. And they decide to get a new purring friend. After all, this little bundle will bring a lot of new things to life. And when the baby is born and grows up, he will be able to play with the pet. But is it worth doing? What risks does the expectant mother take? Does a cat affect pregnancy? Let's deal with everything in order.

How dangerous are cats?

The cat is a carrier of toxoplasmosis. And, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to notice in time that your pet is sick. The owners attribute the first symptoms to the pet’s fatigue, poor food, and lack of vitamins. As a result, everyone in your family is at serious risk. The situation is even worse with pregnant women.

If a pregnant woman becomes infected, then this disease will cause complications for the fetus. There are frequent cases of damage to the central nervous system, brain, cardiovascular system, vision. However, women who have already suffered from toxoplasmosis do not face such consequences. Her body has managed to produce antibodies, so pregnancy in most cases proceeds normally.

Please note: if you become infected in the first trimester, then the risk of infection of the fetus is no more than 20 percent, and in the second – slightly more than 30. At the end of the term, i.e. in the third trimester, this figure increases to 60. That is why it is very important Before conception, conduct examinations and take tests. Your animals should also be checked. Choose a really good veterinary clinic where specialists will carry out all the necessary tests. If it turns out that the pet is sick, the whole family will have to be treated.

By the way, even a completely healthy cat will need to be monitored for the entire nine months. The situation is more complicated if it goes out into the yard. Then the risk of infection increases several times. But don't be afraid! A representative of the fair sex who fell ill in last trimester, is less at risk than someone who catches toxoplasmosis earlier.

What is toxoplasmosis

How could an animal become infected?

Some families believe that a domestic cat simply cannot get sick, because it does not walk outside. There is an opinion that animals living in yards are most susceptible to toxoplasmosis. However, those who eat a lot of raw meat can also become infected. It may contain bacteria that do not die without heat treatment. And even the fact that you freeze his favorite treat will not help.

You could also bring a “gift” along with your shoes. It is unlikely that you take off everything before entering the apartment, immediately put on slippers and run to wash the soles of your sandals or sneakers. A curious pet begins to sniff everything around, learning new smells. This is how he catches the infection.

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis in an animal

How can you tell if your beloved cat is sick? Examine it carefully. He is infected if he has enlarged lymph nodes, discharge flows from his nose and eyes, the whites are red, plus, all this is accompanied by diarrhea. There may also be a temporary loss of appetite. Any of the listed symptoms is a good reason to take your pet to the vet, even if you are not planning to have children yet.

Let's go get tested

Before you can make a decision about what to do with your cat, you will have to get tested. The first is blood PCR. Thanks to it, you can find out whether a pregnant woman is infected with toxoplasmosis or not. If an infection is detected, an ELISA blood test will be prescribed. This will help determine when a woman became infected.

You should start to worry if tests show a high concentration of LgM and a complete absence of LgG. These results indicate that the girl recently contracted this disease. In this case, doctors may suggest examining the amniotic fluid. Let's be honest, this procedure is not the most pleasant and safe. A special needle is inserted through the abdominal cavity, then pierced amniotic sac. However, this is the only way to determine whether the embryo itself is infected or not.

If the tests showed only the presence of LgG, it means that you have already had toxoplasmosis for a long time. And on at the moment there is no danger. Therefore, there is no need to give the cat anywhere. You can even safely let the animal outside. Just don’t forget to give deworming tablets and get all vaccinations on time.

When neither immunoglobulin is detected, you should be more careful. You can become infected at any time. Therefore, it is recommended to either keep the cat in sterile conditions or give it away to another family for a while. When you give birth, you can take the fluffy back.

How to treat toxoplasmosis

An infected cat and pregnancy are two completely incompatible things. Therefore, if you discovered this disease before conception, you will have to first cure the purr and then have a baby. It is bad if the infection occurred during pregnancy. Don't delay your visit to the doctor! It is impossible to get rid of this disease at home. In this case, the expectant mother is admitted to the hospital, where she is prescribed a special course of treatment.

Doctors may recommend that you get rid of your cat, even if you are completely healthy. But you should not rashly decide on such actions. First, have one of your family members take your pet to a veterinary clinic, where the animal will be tested for infection. You may have contracted toxoplasmosis from petting someone else's cat, eating undercooked meat, etc. In this case, try to have less contact with the animal so as not to infect it.

In the event that your pet is diagnosed with this condition, and you are completely healthy, you will have to remove the animal from the house. Over the next nine months, the new owners will have time to cure the pet. The main thing is not to let everything take its course, hoping that it will go away on its own.

Please note: even if the animals are completely healthy, try to have as little contact with them as possible. During pregnancy, cats, dogs, and parrots should be kept away from you. Wash your hands every time after feeding or petting your pets. And don't let them come into your bedroom. This place needs to be clean!

Prevention of toxoplasmosis: how to avoid infection

As you understand, it is easier to prevent any disease than to have a long, tedious treatment later. But, unfortunately, not all representatives of the fair sex know how to do this correctly. The result is toxoplasmosis. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several tips on how to avoid this unpleasant disease during pregnancy.

  • Cook meat

Stew, fry, boil, bake meat dishes thoroughly. And it doesn’t matter whether you cook it for yourself, for guests, for pets. Otherwise, during pregnancy, both your cat and your family members will become infected with toxoplasmosis. And if this is not so dangerous for the animal, then in your case it is fraught with dire consequences.

  • Feed your pet with gloves

If you wash the cat's litter box or pour food into a plate, do all this only with gloves. Or ask someone at home to take care of this matter. The fact is that the infection can enter your body through microcracks in your hands. After all, toxoplasma is found to a greater extent in the feces, and not in the saliva of animals. Plus, as mentioned above, try to pet and play with your pet as little as possible.

Reasons to get a cat

Although, as mentioned above, pregnancy and a cat in the house are not the best combination, in some cases it is still recommended to have a pet in the house. But, first of all, such a decision must be fully considered. Plus, when choosing a pet, future parents should take all precautions so as not to become infected themselves or infect the cat.

  • Cat calms down
  • Cat treats

As has long been noted, cats are excellent healers. If something hurts, your pet will lie on that spot. And after a couple of minutes it goes away headache, migraine, osteochondrosis, etc. Plus, people who have pets live 10-15 years longer.

  • Cats are calming

Married couples who decide to have a cat can more easily overcome all the difficulties and vicissitudes of fate. You can always talk to your pet if any trouble arises. And he will listen to you as if he understands your speech. Talking it out will make you feel better.

Things to remember if you're getting a cat

Before you bring a purr into your home, weigh the pros and cons. Think about what reasons might make you give up this idea? And only after discussing all this with your other half and your attending physician (therapist or gynecologist), you can safely bring the animal into the house. So what might influence your decision:

  • Allergy

The first thing you should pay attention to is the absence of allergies in all family members, including the expectant mother. During pregnancy, cats, birds, and dogs can cause rashes, choking, coughing, runny nose, and watery eyes. You can chat for a while with the neighbor's cat to make sure everything is ok. Just don’t forget to ask if your pet has had toxoplasmosis.

  • Time for the vet

The next thing you need to do is visit a veterinarian. They will give you all the vaccinations, help you choose anti-worm tablets, and tell you how to properly care for your pet. Moreover, the husband should do all this, not the pregnant woman. You can pick up a cat only after you are sure that everything is in perfect order. Think about whether your significant other has time for this?

  • Financial side of the issue

An important role in in this case What matters is how much you plan to spend on the cat. Believe me, keeping a pet at home is not a cheap pleasure. You will have to spend money on food, litter for the tray, toys, visits to the veterinarian, etc. And ahead is the birth of a child. And this will also take up the lion's share of your family budget.

  • What to do next

When you give birth to a baby, you will spend all your time on him. Think about who will take care of the cat? Plus, sometimes animals behave aggressively towards small children. A freedom-loving pet is unlikely to tolerate being dragged by the tail, beaten or offended. He can also lie on the baby and suffocate him. You must take all this into account. After all, the behavior of a cat that was previously the only pet in the family is difficult to predict.

How to behave if the cat has been living for a long time

If your pet is many years old and you are due to give birth soon, take every precaution. If you do everything correctly, the cat will not only accept the arrival of a new family member normally, but will also help you raise the baby, making sure that he doesn’t go where he shouldn’t.

First of all (even during pregnancy), teach the cat that it is forbidden to enter the nursery. You should not wait until you give birth and prohibit doing this when the baby is already at home. Otherwise, the pet will feel rejected. And an angry cat, as you remember, is very dangerous.

Things like a stroller, crib, toys will arouse the animal's interest. Let him satisfy his curiosity. In the future, the cat simply will not notice these objects. If you immediately start driving them away, the pet will continue to try to jump in or, even worse, mark them.

Reduce contact with the animal gradually, and not at once. Play with your cat at the same time. You can ignore your fluffy all day, but at 6 pm, be sure to pay attention to him. And then he will get used to the fact that you cannot be disturbed all day.

Feed the animal 2-3 times a day, pouring such portions so that the cat eats them at a time. Anything that is not consumed within 20 minutes must be removed. The fact is that leftover food can attract various living creatures, from flies and ants to cockroaches and rats. And such carriers of infection can harm both a pregnant representative of the fair sex and a newborn baby whose body has not had time to get stronger.

But this does not apply to water, so drinking should be available 24 hours a day. Buy a special drinking bowl and place it in a place where only the animal can reach it. And, as you remember, the expectant mother should not touch the cat’s plate so as not to get infected.

So, now you know how dangerous a cat in the house can be, as well as what precautions should be taken during pregnancy and just before giving birth. But if you still have any doubts, be sure to consult your doctor and veterinarian.

Toxoplasmosis is transmitted through the mouth. Along with food, pathogens enter the digestive tract. Toxoplasma is found not only in the feces of infected cats, but also in meat (most often pork, lamb, venison), and on the street (in dust and dirt). For non-pregnant women, the disease is practically asymptomatic. Sometimes the lymph nodes become inflamed (cervical and occipital most often), the temperature rises, slight malaise and fatigue appear, as well as a headache - all this is normal for the course of the disease. Cases of severe disease in humans are extremely rare.

There are several forms of the disease:

  • Acute toxoplasmosis. Signs of this form: a person’s temperature rises quite sharply (up to 37.8-39.0 degrees), muscle pain is observed, and the lymph nodes (most often axillary) become inflamed.
  • Cerebral. The course of the disease is quite severe: the person suffers from headaches, elevated temperature, sensitivity is lost individual parts bodies; sometimes the disease leads to paralysis and even coma.
  • Congenital. Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy is transmitted to the child, and the consequences for the baby can be as follows: large or small size baby heads, rash, jaundice, deafness, mental retardation and motor development child.
  • Ocular toxoplasmosis. The name speaks for itself: the visual organs are affected, vision deteriorates, the eyes hurt and, in extreme cases, blindness occurs.
  • Common toxoplasmosis. This form of the disease affects the body except the brain and eyes. Usually internal organs become inflamed and may stop functioning.
  • Chronic toxoplasmosis. It is characterized by a number of symptoms: memory impairment, irritability, nausea, constipation - this is how chronic toxoplasmosis is diagnosed during pregnancy.


To determine the disease, laboratory blood tests are performed, namely a serological test of human blood. This analysis determines indicators such as immunoglobulins of class M and G (in the direction for analysis it is labeled as IgM, IgG).

If the analysis does not show immunoglobulins at all, then a pregnant woman, or a woman planning a pregnancy, must take precautions to avoid becoming infected.

If both (M and G indicators) are observed, then the infection has either already occurred or occurred long before. The most favorable situation, practically the “norm”, which occurs in most women, is an IgG indicator, but no IgM. In this case, we can say that the woman has recovered from this disease. more than a year ago, and she developed immunity to the disease. Therefore, there are no risks for both the mother and the fetus. Only a doctor can more accurately decipher the analysis, determine what is the norm for the permissible number of pathogens, and in what progression they grow during the month, and assess the health of the mother and the consequences for the fetus.

To determine whether the fetus is infected, amniotic fluid testing is used (the test is performed only if the mother has positive results for toxoplasmosis). With this type of research, the abdominal cavity mother in order to get amniotic fluid. An experienced doctor will never do this test if enough time has not passed since the mother was infected. IN amniotic fluid Toxoplasma enters only a month after infection of the body.

Consequences for the child

Testing for toxoplasmosis is one of the mandatory tests during pregnancy or preparation for it. Why is toxoplasmosis dangerous during pregnancy? The most dangerous thing is the consequences for the fetus.

  1. Jaundice, underdevelopment, fatigue, deafness - these are not all the sad consequences.
  2. When infected on early stages The fetus may experience serious changes in the body, which can lead to growth retardation and miscarriage.
  3. Toxoplasmosis can lead to damage to the central nervous system and to dysfunction of various organs.
  4. Infection on later may not manifest itself in any way, but toxoplasmosis will be dangerous in the further development of the child. For 5 years after birth, the baby must be under constant medical supervision.

The symptoms of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women are no different from the symptoms ordinary person. Fatigue, headaches, fever and inflammation lymph nodes- This is the norm for the course of the disease. But these symptoms should alert your doctor, and he should write you a referral for testing to rule out toxoplasmosis.

But even if the test is positive, you should not panic. Most cases require only competent treatment, and not termination of pregnancy. Often, when a disease is detected, doctors prescribe additional ultrasound diagnostics. If development proceeds well, no complications and obvious deformations of the baby’s internal organs are visible - this is the norm, and the mother can only take a set of antibiotics.


Pregnant women who have already had toxoplasmosis do not need to worry about the possibility of infection. Immunity to the pathogen is developed after illness and persists for a long time.

If a person has a mild disease, then special treatment with antibiotics is not required. Pregnant women always require treatment! Since a woman’s body is weakened, the immune system needs special antibacterial support.

Modern medicine makes it possible to treat toxoplasmosis during pregnancy without harming the fetus. Treatment is carried out only if a woman gets sick for the first time. Antibiotics are prescribed after 12-16 weeks of pregnancy (not before the second trimester), since the harm from taking the drug for the baby is much greater than the benefit. All treatment is aimed at reducing the activity of the pathogen, and not at its complete destruction. Commonly prescribed drugs are Fansidar and Rovamycin.

Attention! Don't take antibiotics yourself! This can harm not only yourself, but also your child! The need for treatment, as well as medications and their dosage should be prescribed only by an experienced doctor!


Special precautions should be taken by women who are not immune to toxoplasmosis (have never been sick).

  • Eliminate unprocessed meat and fish from your diet. If you doubt the quality of preparation of a particular dish, refuse to eat it.
  • Wash your hands and utensils thoroughly after cutting raw meat and fish. You should also remember about hygiene after working in the garden (dust and soil can also contain pathogens).
  • Wash all fruits and vegetables.
  • If there is a cat or dog in the house, entrust cleaning after the pet to another family member. Don't let your dog lick your hands or face. Wash your hands well, especially if you have touched animals.
  • Do not eat raw meat (minced meat) during pregnancy.

Toxoplasmosis - dangerous disease, especially for the unborn child. Mommy should be attentive to her health and not ignore scheduled tests in the antenatal clinic.

The myth that a domestic cat must be isolated from a pregnant woman is based on the fact that our purring friends very often carry a microorganism dangerous to human health - toxoplasma. However, it does not take into account the possibility that our own body has already had close contact with a dangerous microbe during its life, and therefore did not fail to reliably protect itself from it. To understand this issue, you need to find out what kind of microbe it is that can deliver to a person and his furry pets so much trouble.

Is the fear of getting infected from “our little brothers” justified? Can pregnant women keep a cat in the house? Most often, concerns arise about the possibility that the animal is a potential source of the causative agent of toxoplasmosis. Indeed, infection of a woman with this disease during pregnancy is fraught with enormous danger. A miscarriage is not the worst thing that can happen. It's worse if it's born handicapped child, cripple. This really is a disaster for the whole family for life. Considering the unpleasant chance of getting a lot of problems from the proximity of a beloved cat, people are trying in every way to get rid of the animal in the house. But you really shouldn't rush into this. If it were true that infection of pregnant women with toxoplasmosis from pets was such an inevitable and widespread phenomenon, then half of humanity would now be moving in wheelchairs. Fortunately, for the emergence of really dangerous situation For a woman and her future offspring, a fatal confluence of many circumstances is necessary.

Firstly, if your cat has been living with you for a long time and managed to get sick with toxoplasmosis, then, most likely, you yourself suffered from this disease (and its symptoms are very minor, they can easily be attributed to a cold), which means that your body is immune, excluding re-infection with toxoplasma. It is believed that more than half the population globe infected with this microorganism. For example, in France - about 90%, in America - about 60%, in Russia - about 70%. By the way, toxoplasmosis can be contracted not only from cats. A dangerous microorganism can be introduced into the body when processing raw, infected meat or during gardening work, digging in soil contaminated with microbes. Expectant mothers need to take this into account. As already mentioned, a woman who has recovered from toxoplasmosis acquires immunity, that is, immunity to the disease. This means that the danger for future pregnancy and the offspring are already behind.

Secondly, cats that have suffered toxoplasmosis also acquire active immunity and become non-infectious to others. Thus, that fatal combination of circumstances that can ruin people’s joy of motherhood and fatherhood implies that while the family is waiting for a new addition to the family, their pet “catch” Toxoplasma somewhere, falls ill and infects its owner.

In light of the above facts, such a probability is small, but still exists, and cannot be discounted. To finally decide whether to get rid of a cat, have it examined in veterinary clinic. The appropriate tests must be done at the hospital and by the owner of the animal. If your (and the cat’s) shoulders will once be counted as previous illness, then move on through life together without parting. If a cat does not have immunity, then it remains at risk of becoming infected (at the very inopportune moment) toxoplasmosis, and this, as you understand, complicates the matter. To prevent your pet from becoming infected, do not let him outside or feed him. raw meat, do not feed dairy products that have not been heat treatment. Pregnant women should refrain from cleaning cat litter boxes and entrust this to other family members. If this is not possible, then use rubber gloves (preferably disposable ones) when cleaning. Periodically disinfect your cat's litter box with boiling water. And only in as a last resort, if it’s really scary, you can ask your relatives to keep the pet in their house until your long-awaited baby is born.

Cats took their place as pets in human homes back in ancient times. And very often, if in the house expectant mother, this cute animal lives, many friends and even doctors advise her to remove the animal from her home during pregnancy.

This is explained by the fact that there is a threat of contracting toxoplasmosis from a cat. And although this risk is present, we should not forget that a cat, especially a purring one, is a source of positive emotions. In addition, these are unusually sensitive creatures, they are sensitive to the mood of the mistress, feel that her condition has changed, and show affection towards her. special love and affection.

Pros and cons of having a cat near a pregnant woman

The threat of contracting toxoplasmosis from a cat is not a myth, it really exists. And if this disease does not pose any significant threat to any adult, then for a pregnant woman the consequences of infection with toxoplasmosis can be the most unpredictable, including severe pathologies of fetal development up to its death.

In the case when a cat lives in the house of the expectant mother, and the owner does not want to part with her even for a while, then she needs to study very carefully and then strictly follow preventive measures that will help you avoid contracting this serious infection.

First of all, you need to conduct an examination pet at the veterinary clinic, where he will be vaccinated against toxoplasmosis.

One should take into account the fact that if a domestic cat periodically goes outside, most likely she has contracted this disease, which is dangerous for the expectant mother.

Preventive measures

  • A pregnant woman should not, under any circumstances, clean a cat's litter box;
  • After contact with an animal, be sure to wash your hands with soap;
  • Do not allow the cat to rub against the pregnant woman, lick her, or come into contact with her in any other way, since the cat’s saliva, nasal secretions, etc. may contain infection;
  • Do not allow the cat to go outside;
  • If raw meat and fish are present in the animal’s diet, they should be excluded.

But don’t panic if you find out you’re pregnant and you have a cat at home. After all, if a cat has been living with you for a long time, then most likely both she and the owners have already suffered from toxoplasmosis. In general, according to statistics, 70% of the population in our country has been ill with this disease. The symptoms of this disease are not pronounced, and it is most often mistaken for slight cold. This means that all these people, as well as animals that have recovered from the disease, have acquired immunity that will prevent you from becoming infected again.

Pregnancy and a cat in the house are quite compatible

If you follow all the preventive measures listed above, then these cute furry animals can become a source of positive emotions for the expectant mother, which will undoubtedly improve the course of pregnancy. After all, many people know from their own experience how these charming animals distract us from everyday worries and worries, lift our spirits, and make us enjoy life.

Considering all of the above, pregnant women should be afraid if a cat lives in their house. If the cat is domestic, does not go outside, does not communicate with its other cats, and most importantly, if it has received proper vaccinations, then its presence in the house does not pose any threat; on the contrary, it will end up an inexhaustible source positive emotions for expectant mother, and for the unborn child.

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