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Cosmetic oils with light texture. Types of base oils. Most commonly used solid base oils

What kind of base oil is this for essential oils, what is its use? What are the main functions, manufacturing features, which is more useful and which is less?

Base oils, what are they used for?

The so-called base oil for oils used with therapeutic purpose, serves as their solvent. In addition, it helps in the use of essential oils in the preparation of aromatic compositions used both in cosmetology and in other branches of applied human activity. It is quite difficult to apply 1-2 drops of essential oil to the entire surface of the body when performing a massage. But if you dissolve them in much larger volume another oil, then it’s fine.

The main, but not the only purpose of using base oils is to form the basis for diluting organic esters (essential oils), which are strong-smelling substances that give perfumery and cosmetic compositions unique and inimitable aromas.

The essential oils themselves, although they are liquid and flowing substances, are nevertheless pure form they can damage the skin, since they are considered very concentrated and aggressive chemical compounds, and therefore are not used in their pure form, either in cosmetology or in perfumery. Before use, it is customary to dilute them using an oil base.

The range of uses of base oils does not end there. Due to their unique properties, they are used as such (in pure and isolated form) in cosmetology as products intended to soften and moisturize skin, as well as for restoration and nutrition of hair.

What can be the base oil for essential oils?

By chemical composition All base oils are divided into two categories. Types of base oils:

The so-called batters;
Actually, fixed oils.

The chemical composition of the former is dominated by saturated fatty acids, which makes them less fluid and quite thick. Such substances are usually cheaper, but at the same time less useful.

The advantages of such oils include a long shelf life and resistance to microorganisms. They retain their properties longer, deteriorate slowly, and have a significant shelf life.

Fatty base oils are very fluid, due to the predominance of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in their composition. These substances penetrate very well into the upper layers of the skin, which nourishes and saturates the skin with useful substances.

The only disadvantage of fatty base oils is their short shelf life. Due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition, they are very quickly colonized by bacteria, which can lead to souring of the oil.

Base oil, functions

Base oil in cosmetology is intended for several purposes. Firstly, it softens and moisturizes hair and skin. Application to the skin promotes maximum saturation with valuable substances upper layers epidermis, which normalizes functional state skin, slows down aging, improves appearance and so on.

Secondly, the application of base oils helps to loosen the superficial stratum corneum of the skin, which increases its permeability for many useful substances contained in cosmetics Oh.

Third, normalization lipid composition of the skin helps to increase its protective characteristics. At regular use cosmetic products reduce the likelihood of developing septic pathologies and increase the regenerative capabilities of the skin.

Base oils, composition and beneficial properties

The basis of base oils, as mentioned above, is formed by fatty oils, both saturated and unsaturated. Determining the predominance of one or another component is very simple: if the substance thickens strongly already at room temperature, therefore, it refers to batters.

We can talk about the benefits of unsaturated fatty acids for a long time. The most useful representatives of this group of substances are oleic and linoleic acids.

Both oleic and linoleic acids penetrate very well and quickly through the surface layers of the skin, in which relatively high concentrations of these compounds are formed.

Softened skin It retains moisture much better, which prevents drying, normalizes appearance, slows down the aging process, increases protective properties, and so on.

To maximize moisturizing abilities, it is important to remember that the surrounding climate is not drying, which is especially important in winter period time when the heating is on. The most the best solution in this case, the use of household humidifiers will be used.

Base oils are hypoallergenic. When applied to the skin, almost no hypersensitivity reactions occur, which significantly expands the range of their use and increases the potential audience.

Base oil - application

The use of base oils in cosmetology, according to severity therapeutic effect, is not inferior to expensive creams. When choosing such cosmetics, you need to take into account a number of criteria that I am going to mention.

Oils should be selected according to the degree of oiliness of the skin. If a person has oily skin, it is recommended to basic application use the following oils: almond or grape seeds, jojoba and some others. They help suppress activity sebaceous glands, which will eliminate the negative characteristics of this skin type.

How often should you apply these oils? For such oils, use is limited to once a day, preferably at night, as it is quite oily. If desired, you can add different essential oils to it.

What is base oil?

Among the wide variety of essential oils, there are some that are recommended dilute with base oils before applying to the skin. And for those who are just beginning their acquaintance with essential oils, the question may arise: "What are base oils?"

Base oils, also called vegetable or transport oils, are oils extracted after cool pressing from the seeds, kernels, nuts and fruits of oil-bearing plants. Basic oils penetrate the skin and give it softness, elasticity and smoothness, nourish and moisturize. Thanks to the high concentration fatty acids and vitamin E, as well as phytosterols, phospholipids, vitamins, macro- and microelements base oils are active biostimulators of physical, chemical and biological processes: they normalize cellular metabolism, promote normal blood circulation, restore the structure and function of cells.

Base oils do not have a strong aroma, and at the same time retain the odors and properties of aromatic oils well. It is base oils that are considered the best for diluting essential oils as they ensure deep penetration of essential oils into the skin when used externally.

Each of the base oils has its own unique properties (anti-inflammatory, restorative, protective, regenerating, healing, etc.) and can boast a wide range of applications. Below we will provide a list of the main most used base oils so that you can choose the oil for yourself.

Base oils with which it is better to dilute essential oils

APRICOT KEEP OIL is valued for its unique healing properties and its most delicate delicate aroma, and pleasant texture. The first experience of using this oil dates back to the medicine of Ancient Tibet. In addition to the usual vitamins for base oils, it contains vitamins C, A and B active form rare vitamin F, unique tocopherols and salts of magnesium, potassium, zinc.

AVOCADO OIL has long been known in Mexico as the “oil of beauty.” Its unique nourishing and regenerating properties transform the skin. Avocado oil contains very high levels of vitamins A and E, responsible for antioxidant properties, PP, K and D, as well as vitamins B1 and B2. In addition to vitamins, it contains zinc, phosphate salts, potassium and other trace elements, phytosterols, chlorophyll, the amino acid histidine, squalene, and lecithin.

AMARANTH OIL - Amaranth oil is considered unique natural remedy, contributing to a qualitative increase cellular respiration. Amaranth oil is considered the only source of squalene among bases - a unique substance that is as close as possible to natural cellular compounds, but also provides high-quality activation of cellular respiration.

ARGAN OIL - valuable oil, which contains unique natural antibiotics, belongs to the most sought-after bases in aromatherapy. Argan oil contains phytosterols, squalenes, polyphenols, high-molecular proteins, natural fungicides and antibiotic analogues, which determine its regenerating and healing properties.

GRAPE SEED OIL is one of the most famous base oils, belonging to the group of very valuable ones. The anti-aging and lifting effect, as well as the ability to be absorbed into the skin without residue, set this base apart from other vegetable oils. One of the most valuable characteristics of this base is its high content of antioxidants in the form of procyanides.

POMEGRANATE SEED OIL has unique protective, nourishing and moisturizing properties, allows you to get rid of many serious problems with dryness and loss of skin elasticity. In terms of vitamin E content, pomegranate oil is considered the only competitor to wheat germ oil.

WALNUT OIL - has strong properties quick hydration, deep saturation of the skin, especially noticeable on dry areas of the skin. Within one minute after application to inflamed areas, it has a visible calming effect.

JOJOBA OIL has thousand-year history application, is truly unique in its chemical composition and properties, which are not lost during long-term storage. Possessing anti-inflammatory characteristics, it heals cracks, cuts, injuries, irritations and dermatitis, and is also effectively used in anti-cellulite formulations, including for eliminating stretch marks. Jojoba oil can be used for any skin type - dry, oily or normal, for problem areas and at any age.

WHEAT GERM OIL - its main characteristic is not its saturation with useful substances, but its balance, thanks to which it acquired its healing and cosmetic properties. Wheat germ base oil mixes well with almost all essential oils. This perfect base for cosmetics.

St. John's wort oil - St. John's wort - famous healing herb in herbal medicine and folk medicine, all yours unique properties“wound healer” is fully retained in the base oil. Medicinal properties St. John's wort oil covers a fairly wide range of anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic characteristics. It acts as an excellent antidepressant, has a general calming effect, has a pronounced analgesic effect and can be used as a sedative.

CALENDULA OIL is known in folk and traditional medicine, as an amazing anti-inflammatory agent. In cosmetology, calendula oil is most often used for care products for inflamed and sensitive skin, with an emphasis on the soothing properties of this base oil.

CEDAR OIL - The most the best oil Siberian cedar oil is considered to be from pine nuts. This is one of the original Russian vegetable oils, the unique characteristics of which determine its special status in aromatherapy. This oil has wide range healing properties, which are much more pronounced than cosmetic ones. It is believed that in medical significance it surpasses and fully replaces any, even the rarest vegetable oil.

COCONUT OIL is used primarily for the care of very dry and sensitive skin. It has emollient, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and antimicrobial properties, while remaining a highly nourishing oil with pronounced protective properties.

CORN OIL is unfairly little used as a base oil in aromatherapy. But the therapeutic characteristics of corn oil deserve attention: the nourishing, softening and stimulating effect is expressed both in its effect on the entire body and in the care of all skin types.

SESAME OIL has over a thousand years of active use as a kind of beauty elixir, anti-aging agent, supplement for strengthening hair and relieving headaches. Sesame oil can be stored for a very long time thanks not only to its high vitamin E content, but also to its unique natural preservative - sesamol. In addition, the composition includes vitamin C and beta-sitosterol.

LINSEED OIL - known for thousands of years for its healing properties, it is considered one of the most versatile vegetable oils. This is the most concentrated oil in terms of vitamin F content, and also represents the widest range of fatty acids (twice the fish oil), minerals supplemented with vitamins A and E.


ALMOND OIL - Soft, very pleasant, relatively inexpensive and rich in nutrients, the oil can boast not only of its properties, but also rich history use. And on Ancient East, and during the greatness of the Roman Empire, almond oil was valued and widely used both for health purposes and to maintain youth and beauty.

Cloudberry oil is rare, valuable and super-effective. One of best bases for the care of mature and aging skin, the characteristics of which have the most pronounced nutritional and protective properties.

SEA BUCKTHORN OIL is considered a classic vegetable oil. Balancing all the vitamins and microelements necessary to maintain and restore skin health and turgor, sea buckthorn has long been considered one of the main bases for caring for aging and fading skin.

OLIVE OIL is one of the leaders in popularity and availability among all aromatherapy bases. The unique composition allows the oil to be completely absorbed and penetrate deeply at the cellular level.

PEACH KIT OIL - Soft, light peach oil combines nourishing and moisturizing properties with a quick toning and softening effect.

MILK THISTLE OIL - Unlike many base oils, milk thistle is used almost exclusively internally. A rich set of microelements also enhances the active effects of the oil, in particular its regenerating abilities. The active antioxidant properties of the oil are determined by the high content of vitamins D, F, C and A in easily digestible fat-soluble forms.

BURROD OIL is accessible and inexpensive, it has acquired the status of an extremely highly specialized product. Thanks to the combination of active ingredients burdock oil is a phytoactivator that stimulates metabolism, blood circulation, hair growth and regeneration at the cellular level.

SOYBEAN OIL in the Far East is the leader among plant bases; it is actively consumed as food. One of the most valuable characteristics is considered to be the presence of lecithin in the composition (in the absence deep cleaning, depriving the oil of this component). Soybean oil also contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamins P, C, E.

PUMPKIN OIL instantly softens the skin, makes it more velvety to the touch, and is absorbed very quickly. Leaves no visible greasy shine and an unpleasant feeling.

BLACKCURRANT OIL is considered the main therapeutic agent for all hormone-dependent skin diseases and as a result of exposure to chemicals or internal reception medicines. Black currant oil helps get rid of dermatoses, acne, dermatitis, reduces itching and eczema. One of the most effective base oils for rheumatic inflammations.

BLACK CUMIN OIL - belongs to the category of not very expensive, but very valuable herbal bases in aromatherapy.

SHE BUTTER (KARITE) when applied to the skin is perfectly distributed, spreads evenly and equally thinly, is absorbed into the skin no worse than liquid base oils and does not leave any noticeable greasy marks. This base oil acts as an anti-inflammatory base for ligament and muscle injuries or joint diseases, as well as the best base oil with decongestant properties. Shea butter heals burns, scars, wounds, stretch marks, dermatitis, and stimulates capillary blood exchange. Capable of protecting both from excessive solar activity and from chapping and frostbite.

ROSE HIP OIL - extracted from dried rose hips, it was known as a medicinal and cosmetic product even before our era. At the same time popular name oil - "liquid sun" - has a lot to do with its stunningly rich, luminous color. The composition of rosehip oil is distinguished by a combination of vitamins and amino acids: ascorbic acid, vitamin A, vitamin E, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linolenic and linoleic). In addition, rosehip oil contains small trace elements and beta-carotene.

Cosmetic oils are a storehouse of various vitamins and minerals and, unlike artificial oils, do not have harmful impurities: dyes, preservatives and flavors. For this reason, when they come into contact with the body, they do not provoke allergies.

Oils nourish and moisturize our skin, saturating it useful microelements, have rejuvenating and softening properties. They are also used to treat various dermatological diseases.

Base oils are the main ingredient home cosmetics. Unlike purchasing funds, you choose the dosage of one or another component, depending on the desired result.

Solid oils used in soap making, creating creams and lip balms. Their properties are similar to human sebum, so they are easily accepted by the body and are necessary as a conductor for essential oils, which in turn have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Liquid oils no less useful. They are used in the preparation of soap, cosmetics for face and hair, nail products, and also for massage oils.

Basic cosmetic oils can act as independent body care products for maximum nutrition and hydration. They help the skin produce collagen, become more elastic and soft.

Due to the high content of vitamin E, a natural preservative and antioxidant, oils slow down the aging process, help improve microcirculation and regeneration in the skin.

List of cosmetic oils and properties:

    Avocado: moisturizes, nourishes, accelerates regeneration processes, protects against ultraviolet radiation

    Apricot: nourishes the deep layers of the skin, slows down aging, promotes regeneration, increases elasticity, prevents pore enlargement, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands

    Peanut: softens the skin, even the most sensitive.

    Oil apricot kernels : smoothes wrinkles, restores microdamage to the skin

    Grapeseed oil: tightens pores, relieves fatigue and inflammation

    Cherry seed oil: relieves pain and inflammation, smoothes and restores damaged skin, has a whitening effect

    Mustard: prevents gray hair, restores hair structure, has anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic effects

    Jojoba: regulates production sebum, relieves irritation, moisturizes, prevents dandruff, treats burns

    Wheat germ oil: powerful immunomodulatory effect, promotes regeneration, increases skin tightness

    St. John's wort: anti-inflammatory, promotes hair growth, reduces acne, used for burns

    Calendula: relieves inflammation, soothes and heals. Suitable for very sensitive skin, tightens pores, prevents acne

    Cocoa: softens, nourishes, restores, protects skin from external influences

    Castor: nourishes the skin, relieves inflammation, restores hair structure

    Kedrovoe: prevents aging, nourishes and restores hair, improves skin elasticity

    Coconut: treats skin infections, nourishes the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

    Almond: stimulates hair growth, increases skin elasticity, prevents pore enlargement.

    Peach: prevents skin aging, smoothes wrinkles.

    Shea butter: regenerates, protects against harmful effects sun.

    Rosehip: has rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effects, helps the skin with damage, dryness, dehydration, removes stretch marks.

Definitely a list cosmetic oils is huge, we have only indicated the most popular and accessible means.

Nourishment, moisturizing, softening and smoothing are the properties of each of the listed oils, but some of them stand out for their special targeted action. Therefore, some oils are used with enviable frequency and to solve very specific problems.

List of cosmetic hair oils

Every day, hair is exposed to various physical and chemical influences: streams of hot air from a hair dryer or a heated curling iron, severe frosts, caustic hair dyes, fixatives and much more. For this reason, they need our special attention.

There are many various reasons, according to which cosmetic oils are used for hair care. We list the main ones:

    Hair structure restoration

    Giving them extra shine

    Preventing Split Ends

    Stimulating hair growth - nourishing hair follicles and scalp

    Dandruff treatment

    Reducing oily scalp

    Improvement of sebaceous gland secretions

    Protection from thermal effects (hot hair dryer or curling iron, severe frosts)

To solve these problems there is a whole series cosmetic oils. All of them, in addition to the general nourishing effect, provide special benefits to the hair, which makes them popular hair care products.

So, the list of cosmetic hair oils:



    Grape seeds



  • Pumpkin



  • Ryzhikovoe

    St. John's wort

    tea tree



  • Corn

For normal hair it is better to use corn, olive, flaxseed and almond oil. Avocado, jojoba, shea and coconut will restore dry and damaged hair, give it volume and protect against dandruff and brittleness.

Oil tea tree, like grape seeds, normalize the level of oiliness in the scalp. Particular attention should be paid to those products that prevent hair loss.

Basic hair oils in the table.

Basic hair oils are good both on their own and in combination with other ingredients. They are added to various means for hair care, but their quantity leaves much to be desired. In addition, mass-used items may not bring the desired result.

For this reason, many resort to using homemade cosmetics. This allows you to make your hair care procedure as effective and individual as possible. Don't get too carried away with the amount of additives. Let it be from 2 to 5 ingredients, then the properties of the oil will not be lost in the total mass.

Table 1. Basic hair oils

OilAction and application
BurdockHelps strengthen hair roots and creates an excellent nutritional environment for them. Awakens hair follicles, promotes the growth of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, protects against dandruff.
CoconutUsed for hair care unrefined oil, which prevents loss of hair shine, protects against excess moisture, preventing it from being absorbed into the hair. Promotes easy combing.
AlmondSuitable for any oily scalp, nourishes it, stimulates hair growth and strengthens roots. Prevents hair loss.
CastorWidely used for hair restoration after chemical influences, such as perming or dyeing. Nourishes the scalp, eliminates neoplasms. Gives hair a healthy shine.
AvocadoNourishes hair and scalp, quite thick, but absorbs well. Resists ultraviolet radiation. Works great as independent means, and can also be easily combined with other oils
LinenImproves the appearance and structure of hair, gives it shine and volume. Contains in large quantities vitamin F. Used both as an independent remedy and in combination.
JojobaImproves the growth of eyelashes, scalp hair and eyebrows, increases their volume and improves hair structure, removing fragility and dullness.

Cosmetic oils for face and body in the table

Natural oils are one of the the best means for skin care of the whole body. They contain a huge number of useful components and do not contain harmful substances, unlike store supplies, and therefore do not cause allergies.

Cosmetic oils can act as independent care products.

Can be smeared on the body after a bath or as an assistant during massage. Oils are often added to various creams, serums and lotions.

The nutritional value of cosmetics is determined not only by the amount of oil, but also by its properties. To understand them, consider the table.

Table 2. Cosmetic oils and their properties

OilAction and application
ApricotSuitable for aging and dry skin, significantly stimulates cellular metabolism and nourishes the skin. Eliminates peeling, wrinkles and dehydration.
AvocadoBest suited for dry and damaged skin. Promotes collagen production and good blood circulation. Gives skin elasticity.
AlmondSuitable for all skin types except oily. Relieves irritation, eliminates hypovitaminosis and dryness.
OlivePerfectly moisturizes and nourishes, smooths out wrinkles, not recommended for owners oily skin.
Sea buckthornThe oil is suitable for sensitive and problem skin. Well nourishes, rejuvenates, rich in antioxidants
PeachIdeal for facial skin, especially the areas around the eyes. The oil reduces wrinkles, relieves inflammation and circles under the eyes, whitens and cleanses the skin.

The choice of cosmetic oils is very large. All you have to do is choose the option that will help you get desired result. What homemade cosmetics recipes have you used? How do you evaluate the effectiveness of using oils?

When working with essential oils, you cannot do without so-called base oils. Whatever you want to do with essential oils, you need to remember that in their pure, undiluted form they should never be applied to the skin, as this can lead to burns and allergies. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils before use, allowing them to be safely applied to the skin.

Let's understand the terms

Why do they say differently - vegetable oils, fixed oils, base oils, carrier oils?

The term "carrier oils" is usually used only when talking about aromatherapy. When it comes to making skin care products, terms like "vegetable oils", "fixed oils" and "base oils" are used. Not all fixed and base oils are vegetable. Emu oil (derived from the fat deposits of the emu ostrich) and fish oil are classified as fixed and carrier oils, but they, like any other animal oil, are not typically used in aromatherapy.

We will use the term “base oils” as the most neutral, and will not apply it to oils of non-vegetable origin.

Base oils are oils obtained from those parts of the plant that contain greatest number fats - usually seeds, bones or nuts.

All carrier oils have various combinations beneficial properties and other characteristics on which the choice of oil depends. Natural lotions, creams, body oils, bath oils, lip balms and other nourishing and moisturizing skin products are made using carrier oils. The beneficial properties, color, aroma and shelf life depend on what essential and base oils are included in the product.

Essential oils, absolutes, extracts and other concentrated aromatics, if applied undiluted to the skin, may cause severe irritation or, for some people, allergic reaction. Very often the reaction will be violent and will remain with you forever - that is, if you again use the oil that caused the allergy, you will get a relapse. This is important to remember.

Essential and base oils, what's the difference?

Essential oils are usually obtained by distillation and extraction from leaves, bark, flowers, roots and other most aromatic parts of plants. Essential oils evaporate and have a concentrated aroma. Base oils are obtained by pressing their seeds, nuts, and seeds; they are greasy, do not evaporate and have significantly less strong aroma. Over time, carrier oils, unlike essential oils, can become rancid. Essential oils oxidize over time or if storage rules are violated and lose their beneficial properties.

Smell of base oils

Some carrier oils have no scent at all, and most have a faint sweet, nutty aroma. The strong, bitter aroma of the base oil is sure sign that it has gone rancid.

Some plant oils that are used in aromatherapy as carrier oils are:

  • sweet almond oil
  • Kukui oil
  • apricot kernel oil
  • macadamia oil
  • avocado oil
  • borage seed oil
  • camellia oil
  • olive oil
  • peanut butter
  • cranberry seed oil
  • pecan butter
  • evening primrose oil
  • pomegranate seed oil
  • coconut oil
  • rosehip seed oil
  • grape seed oil
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • hazelnut oil
  • sesame oil
  • hemp oil
  • sunflower oil
  • jojoba oil
  • watermelon seed oil.

Properties of base oils

  • Avocado oil: nourishes skin and hair
  • Sweet Almond Oil: Natural moisturizer, great for massage
  • Hazelnut oil: penetrates well into the skin, suitable for oily skin
  • Jojoba oil: contains anti-inflammatory components
  • Peanut Butter: Beneficial for Treating Arthritis
  • Pomegranate seed oil: has anti-inflammatory properties, rich in antioxidants
  • Sunflower oil: affordable, universal
  • Watermelon Seed Oil: Nourishing, highly absorbable, good for all skin types
  • Coconut oil: especially suitable for damaged hair, rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Grapeseed oil: used for massage, suitable for all skin types
  • Hemp oil: has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Solid vegetable oils

Solid vegetable oils (also called butters) - for example, cocoa butter and shea butter, can also be used in aromatherapy and are absolutely indispensable in the manufacture of home cosmetics. They are similar in properties to regular vegetable carrier oils, but are solid at room temperature. Butters most often pass through the production process various types processing, so when purchasing them, it is especially important to check the extraction method. The most useful, of course, are solid oils cold pressed.

Essential aromatic oils– the substances are highly concentrated and cannot be applied to the skin undiluted. To prepare the mixtures, only a few drops of essential oils are used, the base being base oils.

What is it? Basic (transport, base, base oil) oils are a substance extracted from plant materials by cold pressing. Typically, seeds, pits, nuts, and the like are used for these purposes.

Base oils– these are not just vegetable oils that serve as the basis for mixing essential oils. This is a completely independent product with certain beneficial properties, so they can be used not only in mixture with essential oils, but also separately. It should be borne in mind that some types base oils cannot be used, but only in mixture with other transport oils.

Base oils contain many beneficial substances. They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, many vitamins and other elements that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Buying base oils you need to pay attention to quality - good ones are quite expensive. Also on the package there should be a mark that it was produced by cold pressing.

Such base oils, such as olive oil walnut, soy, can be bought in a regular store, but even then it should not undergo any additional processing - refining and deodorizing kills a lot of useful substances originally present in the product.

Base oils differ in their properties and this must be taken into account when selecting a base for an aromatic mixture. First of all, these substances differ in the predominance of saturated or unsaturated fatty acids.

If the basis base oil polyunsaturated acids, then it will be liquid. Such oils usually contain oleic acid, which promotes good absorption of the substance into the skin and rapid transport of beneficial substances inside. The higher the content of this acid, the better.
Polyunsaturated base oils containing omega-3 acids are recommended as a basis for mixtures for inflammatory, dry skin.

Properties of the most commonly used liquid base oils

Apricot kernel oil
This base oil is suitable for almost any skin, even children's. Refreshes and gives healthy color face, promotes cell regeneration, increasing skin turgor.

Grapeseed oil
An excellent base for skin care mixtures. Despite good absorption, it does not provoke the appearance of comedones and does not leave an oily sheen. Light enough to use around the eyes and cares for the skin on the neck.

Jojoba oil
Typically used on damaged skin skin diseases, joint pain. IN for cosmetic purposes good in mixtures for problem skin, swelling, peeling, sagging, dry skin.

Almond oil
Suitable for any skin type. Softens, eliminates irritation and rashes, is used for anti-cellulite massage, treatment of dry, cracked skin, cracks in the feet. Increases elasticity and cares for dry, aging skin.

Saturated base oils(fatty) are most often hard and soften when heated in a water bath. They can be mixed with other base oils, to obtain a mixture you need consistency - for example, a property such as spreadability.

Most commonly used solid base oils

Cocoa butter
Base oil cocoa is recommended to be used to moisturize the skin and get rid of wrinkles around the eyes ( crow's feet), stretch marks, protecting the skin from harmful effects environment, weather conditions(frost, sun).

Coconut oil
Basic coconut oil is good to use to improve tanning, used in a mixture for treatment and massage for dry, aging skin, to treat hair and give it shine.

Palm oil
Base oil palm contains many vitamins, is used to compose anti-cellulite mixtures, protects against harmful effects sun rays, rejuvenates, protects against facial wrinkles, heals damage.

More information on the use of base oils can be found in the article in JustLady magazine.

Best to use base oils in a mixture with other transport oils, because each of them has different spreadability and absorption. The spreadability and absorption of base oils must be taken into account special attention. For example, poorly absorbed oils are not recommended for oily skin and are generally best mixed with other oils. base oils, otherwise they will leave greasy stains after use.

With rapid absorption there is a risk of clogged pores and the formation of blackheads. It is also better to dilute this oil with others in order to slightly slow down the absorption process.

An important property is spreadability. If the oil does not spread well, it will be difficult to spread over the surface, which means you will need to add another base oil to it in order for the spread to be optimal.

Before use base oils Don't forget to test - some oils can cause an allergic reaction.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

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