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Brief stories about love. Romantic stories. Nadya went to her place of work and tried to get Volodya out of her head. A new life was beginning, and there was no place for old mistakes and disappointments.

Greetings to my beloved readers! The article contains three life stories about love. short stories. I hope you find it interesting!

Three stories about love

Story one: VKontakte

"Wow! What a cool network this is - VKontakte! Sunshine, you have no idea! I made so many friends through him! Even those that I thought were lost forever! From other cities and even countries!” – Roman rejoiced and persuaded his beloved to also register on the social network.

“But I don’t want to be in everyone’s sight, understand,” Olya refused. “Everyone I need is near me, and I don’t want to look for anyone.” But Roman still opened a page for Olya. I really wanted to put in his status: “Engaged to so-and-so.” To show off to everyone near and far what kind of wonderful girl.

And a few months later Olga was identified on the website using her school number former classmate. Roman didn’t know this story, but it left a big mark on Olya’s life.

She and Alexander were madly in love with each other in the ninth grade. But the love idyll was cut short by the parents, who left for the USA and took their son with them.

For two years Olya and Sasha wrote letters to each other. But no one had the means to fly across the ocean... Ultimately, the distance destroyed the relationship, it seemed that everything was forgotten over the years. Olya met Roma and fell in love with him, Sasha boasted that he was married and even had little son.


They corresponded languidly and agreed to meet when Sasha arrived in hometown. When Olya saw him at the airport, she was even scared. For a long time forgotten feelings rose in her in such a powerful wave that she could barely stand on her feet.

How can this be? Is this a long forgotten past? Sasha seemed to be overcome by the same emotions. He put his arm around her shoulders and silently held her close to him and didn’t let go for probably ten minutes. Only the surprised looks of his relatives brought him out of this state of stupor.

Sasha and Olya talked the whole evening, the whole night, they walked around the city, talking. There was no strength, no will, no desire to part again. It seemed that everything that happened after the ninth grade was just nightmare and nonsense.

Then someone just put their lives on pause, but now they pressed the “play” button again. And they had never had such enchanting sex with anyone before. “Why did we waste so much time?” - they asked each other.

Several days passed as if in a fog, then Sasha returned to America. And a few weeks later he arrived again. “Life has given us another chance,” Olya convinced, “we must take advantage of it!”

And ultimately she agreed. I went to Sasha in America and now, as Roman says, “happy.” How does he know this? Well, he looks at her photos on VKontakte, from which everything is clear...

And, of course, he blames himself: why did he register her on the social network, why did he give her ex chance steal his beloved?

Story two: “Lena and Lyubochka”

There are also such stories from life. Lena lives in a small town where everything is in plain sight. Everyone knows each other, there are few jobs, and sooner or later you run into your or his “exes.” But, unfortunately, she was given almost the worst option.

His lover's ex works with her at the same school. Women's team, and also pedagogical... His beloved, seven years older, calls him serpentarium and Lena is very sympathetic. But he has no idea that the young girl is drinking the blood of his “Lyubochka”...


Lena is twenty-two, Lyubochka - or rather, Lyubov Ivanovna - is over thirty-five. Vitaly was, as they say, “the last chance” for her. But the relationship did not work out, as Lyubochka did not cling to them.

Vitaly found himself younger, and the woman decided to demonstrate that she was happy for him, because she only wanted happiness. And she undertook to take care of Lena in every possible way, who after university was sent as a teacher to the same school.

“She is very sweet and accommodating,” Lena sighs. - But it would be better if she hated me and “shit” me at every step! And so I am already indebted to her everywhere. Always supports, advises, protects me, shields me, helps.

If only I hadn’t taught you yet. And then in a delicate form. Like the cat Matroskin: “You’re wrong, Uncle Fyodor, you’re eating a sandwich, you need sausage on your tongue.” You can’t answer sharply here, because you’ll look like a boor.

But how to endure? She also gets into our personal relationships! Okay, I’d like to teach you how to check notebooks, or open lesson conduct. But Lyubochka brings me recipes for his favorite cutlets. And then he asks if I did everything right: “Oh, I forgot to say, he likes it a little overcooked!”

Or this situation: he comes in the morning and whispers: “Please make sure my little one doesn’t wear that tie anymore. He's so vulgar." A little more and he will start talking about his favorite sex positions...

Lenin’s friend, a teacher at the same school, says that Lyubov Ivanovna treats her ex’s beloved like a mother-in-law treats her daughter-in-law. And jokingly, he advises the girl to ask the woman for permission to call her “mom” - maybe then she’ll come to her senses? But Lena just can’t overcome the barrier of “addiction.” After all, Lyubochka is so good!

Story three: “Lady with a dog”

Marina has a huge black Great Dane. Strong and naughty. You should see how she suffers when she takes him for a walk every morning. The dog pulls the poor girl so hard that it is not known who is leading whom on a leash.

Ira’s mother sympathizes with her, but Ira only feels hatred for her. After all, he knows very well who this whole performance is for! Of course, for Oleg, ex-boyfriend Marina and her current beloved Ira, who lives in the same yard.

Once Oleg gave Marina a puppy for Valentine's Day. He helped take care of him, willingly walked him in the morning and evening, took him to the veterinarian for vaccinations and to “dog school.” When they broke up, the dog continued to live with Marina.

Oleg could not take him to his apartment - he little sister allergy to dog hair. Therefore, now he is in the role of “daddy” - he goes on a date with “ common child” and is forced to constantly look at Marina’s pained appearance.

Without Oleg, nothing works out for her; every time she starts reproaching him for breaking up. He begs to return, convinces that their relationship is for life. The guy is not himself after such conversations. It seems to him that he acted basely with Marina by breaking off the relationship, although he categorically does not want to return to her.

Marina also clings to Ira. As soon as he meets you in the yard, he will definitely make some remark like: “You understand, everything is not serious with you. But we have a lot in common” or “Get off him, let him choose the one who truly loves him.”

Ira tried to talk to her sincerely, but it seems that everything here is so neglected that only a psychotherapist can help. But how to attract Marina to him?


These “Life Stories about Love” showed us that the first real one is not forgotten and has the ability to manifest itself over the years, flare up with new strength. Scientists explain this phenomenon simply: “Strong feelings - hormonal roller coasters - are debugged in the depths of our memory.

And only the person who has such memories can later reproduce them.

First love is the only key to this “emotional lock.” And when you meet him, the same zones are activated as when you use cocaine! In addition, when people meet after separation, they already behave wiser. They value each other more and do not allow circumstances to destroy the relationship again.”

As we see from these life stories, the former strong feelings“revitalizing” is much easier than creating new ones. Apparently, this is why we instinctively dislike our former loved ones - we try to avoid probable threat. And we try to ensure that they appear on our horizon as rarely as possible.

Friends, if you find the article “Life Stories about Love - Three Short Stories” interesting, share it with your friends on social networks. 😉 Thank you! I will be glad if you write in the comments interesting stories from life about love that surprised you.

Romantic and touching stories O true love, which is not afraid long separation and old age.

60 years of separation

Anna Kozlova was married for only three days when she had to say goodbye to her husband: Boris was leaving to fight in the Red Army, and she had to wait for his imminent return - according to at least, so it seemed to them then.
While Boris was fighting, Anna and her family were exiled to Siberia during Stalin's repressions, and Anna could not even send news to her husband, and Boris was looking for a wife for many years. They were from the same village, but Anna was forbidden to come there, so they lost contact.
Anna even had thoughts of suicide - her despair was so great. Her mother then destroyed all memories of life together spouses - souvenirs, wedding photos, letters. In the end, Anna married for the second time, Boris did the same. They knew nothing about each other.
Years passed and their spouses died. And then, 60 years later, something wonderful happened: Anna finally managed to come to her native village of Borovlyanka, where she saw an old man at the opposite end of the street - it was Boris. He came to the village to visit the graves of his parents and saw Anna. He recognized her immediately and ran up to her. As in a real fairy tale, they had a second wedding and lived happily ever after.

Love is stronger than distance

When Irina and Woodford McClellan got married, they could not have imagined that another 11 years would pass before they could finally be together.
In the early 1970s, Irina lived in Moscow and worked at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations - it was there that she met an American professor named Woodford McClellan. They fell in love and married two years later in May 1974. But in August Woodford's visa expired and he was forced to leave Soviet Union and return home.
Woodford tried to visit his wife in Moscow, but was repeatedly denied entry. Irina, in turn, was denied permission to leave the country without explanation. The newlyweds celebrated their anniversaries with photos and phone calls.
Finally, after 11 years, Irina was allowed to move to the United States, and at the end of January 1986 she flew into Baltimore-Washington International Airport. Her husband, with whom she is last time I saw her 11 years ago at an airport thousands of kilometers away, and rushed to hug her. The touching reunion of the spouses was filmed by reporters, and Irina wrote a book about her life called “Love and Russia: 11 years of struggle for her husband and freedom.”

Most long marriage in the USA

Ann was 17, and she was born into a family of Syrian immigrants. John was 21 years old and they both grew up in the same area. They became friends in high school, and then fell in love with each other, but Ann’s father planned to marry his daughter to a certain man 20 years older than her.
Refusing to be led by circumstances, John and Anne fled to New York together. Anne's father was furious, but one of the family members advised him to calm down, saying that this affair could not last long. It should be noted that the lovers eloped in 1932, and together they then watched as huge changes took place in the world, from the Great Depression and World War II to the advent of television and iPhones.
On November 24, 2013, John and Ann Betar celebrated their 81st wedding anniversary. For spouses big family: five children, 14 grandchildren and already 16 great-grandchildren. John, 102, and Anne, 98, are the oldest couple in the United States.

Touching song

Sometimes the most touching love stories happen when one person in a couple dies.
Fred Stoboch never thought he would one day lose the love of his life. In 1940 he married Lorraine, "the beautiful girl"that he had ever seen," and their marriage was very happy. They had three children and four grandchildren, but after 73 years of marriage, Lorraine passed away.
96-year-old Fred tried to pull himself together and move on with his life. A month after his wife's death, he came across an advertisement for a local singing competition. By his own admission, Fred never had an ear for music, but he wrote a beautiful and touching song that became a hit on the airwaves.
He didn't have the musical skills to write the music for "Dear Lorraine," so he only sent the studio a letter with the lyrics. Everyone in the studio was so moved that they decided to revive the song and made a short documentary called "Fred's Letter" to tell his story to the world.

"Diary" in real life

The film Diary tells the story of a woman who suffered from dementia and her husband who read the diary to her to remind her of her life. The film is based on a fictional love story, but this also happens in life.
Jack and Phyllis Potter lived this way: In the 1990s, Jack decided he would not allow his wife to sink into the loneliness of dementia.
Jack started keeping a diary when he was still a child and kept it throughout his life. When Jack met Phyllis on October 4, 1941, their romance remained in the pages of his diary. Jack fell in love with Phyllis at first sight, and in his diary he wrote about it this way: “Very nice evening. I danced with a cute girl. I hope to meet her again."
Just 16 months after that first meeting, they got married. They lived in Kent, England, for over 50 years. In the end, Phyllis' dementia prevented her from living normal life, and Jack had to cope with everything alone, and Phyllis moved into a nursing home.
But this does not stop Jack from visiting her every day and reading her something from his diary. He reminds her of their family and shows her pictures of their children and pets. And Phyllis, despite everything, has not forgotten how much she loves Jack: she is always overjoyed when he comes to see her. They have been married for almost 70 years.

75 years after the first kiss

In third grade, Carol Harris played the role of Sleeping Beauty and her co-star George Raines kissed her. He played the prince, and it was the first kiss for both of them.
After graduating from high school, George moved from Saint John, New Brunswick to Toronto, Ontario, where he started a family. Several decades passed, and after 61 years of marriage, he lost his wife. He decided to return to his homeland, St. John, and there he met Carol again, they hit it off and quickly became friends. A romance began, and after some time George proposed to Carol at the Ontario restaurant.
George told reporters that their romance was reminiscent of the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast,” and Carol believes that she has finally found her prince. So, 75 years after their first kiss, they got married.

A 100-year-old man married the woman of his dreams

In 1983, friends introduced Forrest Lansway and Rose Pollard: it was at a party, and the couple was invited to dance together. Forrest had been widowed twice by that time, Rose had also lost her husband, who died from a long and painful illness, and had no plans to get married again - she just wanted to communicate.
They lived 64 km from each other, but did everything possible to see each other as often as possible. The courtship was a leisurely one: over the next two decades, Forrest often drove to Rose's to see her and then drove home that same night.
In 2003, Forrest moved to the city of Rose - Capistarano Beach, then he proposed to her. Rose did not take it seriously, since she was 80 years old and he was 90, and jokingly promised to marry him when he turned 100 years old. But this was no joke to Forrest, and on the eve of his hundredth birthday, Rose finally decided to accept his proposal.
The couple got married at a local registry office on Forrest's birthday, and honeymoon spent in a hotel nearby, in a room overlooking the ocean. Congratulations flew to them from all over the world, they were even congratulated by US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

They were born and died on the same day

Les Brown Jr. and his wife Helen were born on the same day, December 31, 1918. They met in high school and fell in love at first sight. Les's family was rich, and Helen was working class, so their parents did not approve of their love. But right after they graduated from school at 18, they ran away together.
They got married and lived their lives in Southern California. They spent all their days together, and even when they turned 90 years old, they remained active and healthy. At the end of her life, Helen was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and Les suffered from Parkinson's disease. After 75 years of marriage, Helen died on July 16, 2013, and Les quietly left for his wife a day later.

The ocean of love is no obstacle

Judith Lovell knew her grandfather as strict and worthy person, and therefore was delighted when I found his love correspondence with his grandmother.
David Hurd moved from Jamaica to New York in 1907 and took on any job to earn a living. He was lonely and out of boredom wrote a letter to an unknown woman from Jamaica. Avril Kato received her first letter in October 1913, and within next year David corresponded enthusiastically with unknown woman, although I haven’t even seen a photograph of her.
With each letter their love grew stronger, and one day David took the plunge and proposed to a woman he had never seen. He sent the letter and began to wait tensely for an answer - Avril's family gave their blessing. They first met in Jamaica, where David came on his own wedding in 1914. They were not disappointed - their love only became stronger.
The day after the wedding, Avril left with her husband for America. They settled in New York and raised six children. Avril died in 1962, but David did not want to marry anyone else: he loved Avril until last day and passed away in 1971.

In these non-fictional short stories - whole life, they are able to touch anyone.

Today my 75-year-old grandfather, who has been blind for 15 years due to cataracts, told me: “Your grandmother is the most beautiful woman on earth, right? I thought for a second and said: “Yes, that’s right. You probably really miss this beauty now that you don’t see it.” “Honey,” my grandfather answered me, “I see her every day. To be honest, I see her much more clearly now than when we were young.”


Today I married my daughter. Ten years ago I rescued a 14-year-old boy from a burning van after a serious accident. The doctors' verdict was clear: he would no longer be able to walk. My daughter visited him several times with me in the hospital. Then she started going there without me. And today I saw how, contrary to all predictions and smiling widely, he put the ring on my daughter’s finger - standing firmly on both feet.


Today, approaching the door of my store at 7 o'clock in the morning (I'm a florist), I saw a soldier in uniform. He was heading to the airport, from where he was supposed to fly to Afghanistan by whole year. He said: "Every Friday I usually bring my wife beautiful bouquet flowers, and I don’t want to leave this tradition because I’m leaving.” Then he ordered 52 bouquets of flowers from me and asked me to deliver them every Friday evening to his wife's office until he returned. I gave him a 50% discount on everything - such love filled my whole day with light.


Today I told my 18 year old grandson that for all my school years I never got to the school prom because no one ever invited me there. And imagine - this evening, dressed in a tuxedo, he rang my doorbell and invited me to the school ball as his partner.


When she woke up from her 18-month coma today, she kissed me and said, “Thank you for sticking with me, for telling all these wonderful stories, and for always believing in me... And yes, I will marry you.”


Today, while passing through the park, I decided to have a snack on a bench. And just as I unwrapped my sandwich, a car stopped under an oak tree nearby. elderly couple. They rolled down the windows and turned on jazz. The man got out of the car, opened the door and offered his hand to the woman, and after that they slowly danced under that same oak tree for half an hour.


Today I performed surgery on a little girl. She needed blood of the first group. We didn't have her, but her twin brother also had the first group. I explained to him that this was a matter of life and death. He thought for a moment, and then said goodbye to his parents and offered his hand. I didn’t understand why he did this until he asked me after we took his blood: “When will I die?” He thought he was sacrificing his life for his sister. Luckily, they will both be okay now.


My father is the best you could ever dream of. He loves my mom (and always makes her happy), he comes to every football match, in which I have participated since I was five years old (now I am 17), it provides for our entire family. This morning, when I was looking through my father's toolbox for pliers, I found a folded dirty piece of paper at the bottom. It was a page from my father's old diary, with the date a month before I was born. It read: “I am nineteen years old, an alcoholic, a college dropout, an unsuccessful suicide, a victim of child abuse and a former car thief. And in next month to all this will be added the “young father”. But I swear, I will do everything to make sure everything is fine for my baby. I will become for her the kind of father that I myself have never had.” And... I don’t know how, but he succeeded.


Today my 8 year old son hugged me and said, “You best mom all over the world." I smiled and asked him: “How do you know this? You haven’t seen all the mothers around the world.” My son, in response to this, hugged me even tighter and said: “And you are my world.”


Today I saw an elderly patient with Alzheimer's disease. He barely remembers his own name and often forgets where he is or what he said just a few minutes ago. But by some miracle (and I think this miracle is called love), every time his wife comes to visit him for a few minutes, he remembers who she is and greets her with “Hello, my beautiful Kate.”


My 21 year old Labrador can barely stand up, can barely see or hear anything, and she doesn't even have the strength to bark. But still, when I enter the room, she happily wags her tail.


Today I was horrified to see through the kitchen window as my 2-year-old daughter slipped and fell into our pool. But before I could reach her, our retriever Rex jumped after her and pulled her by the collar of her shirt to where it was shallow and she was able to stand up.


My older brother has already donated bone marrow to me 15 times to help me fight cancer. He talks directly to my doctor about it and I don't even know when he does it. And today the doctor told me that it seems that the treatment is starting to help. “We are seeing sustained remission,” he said.


Today I was driving home with my grandfather when he suddenly turned around and said, “I forgot to buy flowers for your grandmother. Now let's go to the corner store and I'll buy her a bouquet. I'll be quick." “Is today some special day?” I asked him. “No, I don’t think so,” my grandfather answered. “Every day is special in some way. And your grandmother loves flowers. They make her happier."


Today I was rereading the suicide note I wrote on September 2, 1996, two minutes before my girlfriend knocked on my door and said, “I'm pregnant.” Suddenly I felt that I wanted to live again. Today she is my beloved wife. And my daughter, who is already 15 years old, has two younger brothers. From time to time I reread my suicide note to remind myself how grateful I am to have a second chance to live and love.


Today 10 years have passed since my father's death. When I was little, he often hummed a short tune to me when I went to bed. When I was 18 and he had cancer, I already sang that same melody to him when visiting him in the hospital. I had never heard it since then, until today when my fiancé started humming it to himself. It turned out that his mother also sang it to him as a child.


My 11-year-old son knows ASL because his friend Josh, with whom he grew up since childhood, is deaf. It makes me so happy to see their friendship blossom every year.


Today my father died, he was 92. I found him sitting in a chair in his room. On his lap were three framed photographs - these were photographs of my mother, who died 10 years ago. She was the love of his life, and most likely, feeling his death approaching, he wanted to see her again.


I am the mother of a 17 year old blind boy. Although my son was born blind, this did not stop him from becoming an excellent student, an excellent guitarist (the first album of his band has already exceeded 25,000 downloads online) and a great guy for his girlfriend Valerie. Today it younger sister asked him what attracted him to Valerie, and he replied: “Everything. She's beautiful."


Today, for the first time in months, my 12-year-old son Sean and I stopped by the nursing home on our way home. I usually go there alone to visit my mother, who has Alzheimer's disease. As we walked into the hallway, the nurse said, “Hi, Sean,” and let us inside. I asked my son: “How does she know? your name? “Oh, yes, I often pop in here after school to visit my grandmother,” he answered. And I had no idea about it.


My grandfather always kept on his nightstand an old, faded photograph from the 60s of him and my grandmother laughing happily at a party. My grandmother died of cancer when I was 7 years old. Today I looked into his house and my grandfather saw me looking at this photograph. He came up to me, hugged me and said: “Remember - nothing lasts forever, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.”


I am the mother of 2 children and grandmother of 4 grandchildren. At the age of 17 I became pregnant with twins. When my boyfriend and friends found out that I was not going to have an abortion, they all turned their backs on me. But I didn’t give up, didn’t drop out of school, got a job, graduated from college, and there I met a guy who has loved my children like his own for 50 years.


Today I was sitting on the hotel balcony and saw a couple in love walking along the beach. It was clear from the way they moved that they were crazy about each other. When they came closer, I was surprised to see that they were my parents. Who would have thought that 8 years ago they almost got divorced.


Today, 15 years after my grandfather's death, my 72-year-old grandmother is getting married again. I am 17 years old, and in my entire life I have never seen her so happy. How nice it was to see two people so in love with each other, despite their age. And now I know it's never too late.


Today, after we have lived separately for 2 years, my ex-wife We finally settled our differences and decided to meet for dinner. We chatted and laughed for 4 hours on end. And before leaving, she gave me a large, plump envelope. It contained 20 love messages, which she wrote over these two years. The envelope was labeled “Letters I Didn’t Send Because I Was Stubborn.”


Today I had an accident and I had an abrasion on my forehead. The doctor wrapped a bandage around my head and told me not to take it off for a week - I didn’t like it. Two minutes ago he came into my room younger brother- his head was also wrapped in a bandage! Mom said he didn't want me to feel unhappy.


Today, when my 91-year-old grandfather (a military doctor, medal bearer and successful businessman) was resting in a hospital bed, I asked him what he considered his greatest achievement. He turned to my grandmother, took her hand and said: “That I grew old with her.”


Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, she smiled at me and said, “I wish I had met you sooner.”

Love story- this is an event or story of a love event from the life of lovers, which introduces us to the spiritual passions that flared up in the hearts loving friend people's friend.

Happiness, which is somewhere very close

I was walking along the pavement. She held high-heeled shoes in her hands because the heels were falling into the dimples. What sunshine it was! I smiled at him because it shone straight into my heart. There was a bright premonition of something. When it began to worsen, the bridge ended. And here - mysticism! The bridge ended and it started to rain. Moreover, very unexpectedly and sharply. After all, there wasn’t even a cloud in the sky!

Interesting…. Where did the rain come from? I didn’t take an umbrella or a raincoat. I really didn’t want to get wet to the threads, since the dress I was wearing was very expensive. And as soon as I thought about it, it became clear to me that luck exists! A red car (very nice) stopped next to me. The guy who was driving opened the window and invited me to quickly dive into the interior of his car. I would good weather– I would have thought, I would have shown off, I would have been afraid, of course... And since the rain got heavier, I didn’t even think for a long time. Literally flew into the seat (near the driver's). I was dripping like I had just stepped out of the shower. I said hello, shivering from the cold. The boy threw a jacket over my shoulders. It became easier, but I felt the temperature rising. I was silent because I didn’t want to talk. The only thing I was looking forward to was warming up and changing clothes. Alexey (my savior) seemed to guess my thoughts!

He invited me to his place. I agreed because I forgot my keys at home and my parents went to the dacha for the whole day. Somehow I didn’t want to go to my girlfriends: they were like their boyfriends. And they will start laughing when they see what happened to my expensive outfit. I was not afraid of this unfamiliar Leshka - I liked him. I wanted us to at least be friends. We came to him. I stayed with him - Live! We fell in love with each other like teenagers! Can you imagine... As soon as we saw each other, we fell in love. As soon as I came to visit, we started living together. The most beautiful thing in this whole story was our triplets! Yes, we have such “unusual” children, our “luck”! And everything is just beginning...

A story about instant love and a quick proposal

We met in a regular cafe. Trivial, nothing extraordinary. Then everything was more interesting and much…. The “interest” began, it would seem..., with little things. He began to look after me beautifully. He took me to cinemas, restaurants, parks, and zoos. I once hinted that I adore attractions. He took me to a park where there were many attractions. He told me to choose what I wanted to ride. I chose something reminiscent of “Super 8” because I like it when there is a lot of extremeness. I persuaded him to join me. She persuaded me, but he did not agree immediately. He admitted that he was afraid, that he only rode these as a child, and that’s all. And even then I cried a lot (from fear). And as an adult, I didn’t even skate because I had seen enough of all sorts of news that showed how people got stuck at heights, how they died on such unfortunate “swings.” But, for the sake of my beloved, he forgets for a moment about all his fears. But I didn’t even know that I wasn’t the only reason for his heroism!

Now I’ll tell you what the culmination actually was. When we found ourselves at the very, very top of the attraction... He put a ring on my finger, smiled, quickly shouted for me to marry him, and we rushed down. I don’t know how he managed to do all this in a hundredth of a second! But it was incredibly pleasant. My head was spinning. But it’s unclear why. Either because of a wonderful time, or because of a great offer. It was both very pleasant. I received all this pleasure in one day, in one moment! I can’t even believe this, to be completely honest. The next day we went to submit an application to the registry office. The wedding day was set. And I began to get used to the planned future, which would make me the happiest. Our wedding, by the way, is at the end of the year, in winter. I wanted it in winter, not summer, to avoid banality. After all, everyone rushes to the registry office in the summer! In the spring, as a last resort...

A beautiful story about Love from the life of lovers

I was visiting my relatives by train. I decided to take a ticket for a reserved seat so that the journey would not be so scary. And then, you never know... Lots of different bad people meets. I reached the border successfully. They dropped me off at the border because something was wrong with my passport. I poured water on it and the font smeared on the name. They decided that the document was forged. There is no use arguing, of course. That’s why I didn’t waste time arguing. I had nowhere to go, but it was a shame. Because I started to really hate myself. Yeah... With my negligence... It's all her own fault! So I walked for a long, long time along the railway road. She walked, but didn’t know where. The main thing was that I walked, fatigue knocked me down. And I thought it would hit me... But I walked another fifty steps and heard a guitar. Now I was already answering the guitar’s call. It's good that my hearing is good. It's arrived! The guitarist wasn't that far away. I still had to go through the same amount of time. I love the guitar, so I no longer felt tired. The boy (with a guitar) was sitting on a large stone, not far from railway. I sat down next to him. He pretended not to notice me at all. I played along with him and just enjoyed the music flying from the guitar strings. He played excellently, but I was very surprised that he didn’t sing anything. I’m used to the fact that if they play such a musical instrument, they also sing something romantic.

When the stranger stopped playing amazingly, he looked at me, smiled, and asked where I came from here. I noticed the heavy bags that I could barely drag to the “random” stone.

Then he said that he was playing so that I would come. He beckoned to me with his guitar, as if he knew it was me who would come. In any case, he played and thought about his beloved. Then he put the guitar aside, put my bags on my back, picked me up in his arms, and carried me. I only found out where later. He took me to his country house, who was nearby. And he left the guitar on the stone. He said that he doesn’t need her anymore..... I’ve been with this wonderful man for almost eight years. We still remember our unusual acquaintance. I remember even more that guitar, left on the stone, which turned our love story into a magical one, like a fairy tale...

Continuation. . .

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It is easy to love each other when adversity and difficulties pass you by. However, in real life, every couple’s relationship is tested for strength at least once.

website collected 10 stories about people whose love is not afraid of trials.

    One evening I realized how much you need to love women. In the underground passage, I helped my grandmother with her bags to go upstairs. She thanked him, then, after hesitating a little, asked to be escorted to the courtyard of the house. It turned out that my help was needed to get there quickly, since her husband meets her every time she leaves the house. A practically blind old man with a cane could barely move around the yard. He was going to meet his beloved and pick up packages from her from the store. I immediately remembered how often I refused to pick up my girlfriend from the store or from the train because I was too lazy.

    At the age of 19 I lost my leg. Then I was dating a girl, we had love. She unexpectedly went abroad, she said, to earn money for us. I wanted to believe it, but I knew she was lying. At one point I told her that I wanted to leave her (she was better off). About a month later I’m sitting at home, the doorbell rings. I took the crutches, opened the door, and there she was! Before he could say anything, he received a slap in the face, could not resist and fell. She sat down next to me, hugged me and said: “Idiot, I didn’t run away from you. Tomorrow we are going to the clinic to try on a prosthesis for you. I went to earn money for you. You’ll be able to walk normally again, understand?” At this moment I had a lump in my throat, I couldn’t say a word... I pressed her tighter and just cried.

    My older sister got married. Very often her husband is capricious and makes a dissatisfied face, saying, “I won’t eat this: she didn’t cut the meat the way he likes it.” At these moments I remember my sister’s ex-boyfriend: she was cooking chicken liver, and he always ate it, saying that he had never tasted anything tastier. And then it turned out that he had an allergy to the liver. He loved his sister madly.

    After giving birth, my wife’s vision began to deteriorate greatly. She had been wearing glasses before, but then it got really bad. I didn’t have the strength to watch her suffer, so I took extra work, I also found income on the Internet. I worked like an immortal pony and didn’t get enough sleep for almost a year. And here it is - it’s done! Saved up for my wife laser correction vision. She recently returned from the hospital and was surprised by everything around her. And I don’t care about this year, about the effort expended and sleepless nights! I have a healthy son and happy wife, and that's the main thing.

    At the age of 18, I was diagnosed with a small brain tumor. I thought I had cancer and would die soon, so I told my boyfriend that I would understand if he left me. To which he turned everything into a joke and replied that he could only throw me through his hip (he is a wrestler) if I started such a conversation again. As a result, the tumor turned out to be benign. Now I am 21 years old, we have been married for 2 years, we are raising a daughter. I will never forget his support in such a difficult moment for me.

    Lately Mom has heart problems, I’ve been living with her for a week, my father has been on a business trip for a month. He was supposed to return yesterday. In the evening we sit in the kitchen, I look at her: thin, pale, beautiful. There is an icy calm on his face, and his hands are trembling. The keys are in the lock, dad is back. Mom runs to the door, clutches him, cries and says something unintelligible. He holds her close to him, and I stand to the side and smile. His love is her most important medicine.

    I met a guy on the Internet. Cheerful, educated, good-natured. Plus everything is very good looking. We talked on Skype for several years. After I realized that I love him. He reciprocated, but was afraid to meet. She insisted on her opinion and came to him a thousand kilometers away. It turned out that the young man was disabled. Can't walk. We spent three months together. We will submit an application to the registry office soon. For me he is the best, my Professor X!

  • I'm infertile. The first girl I was in a relationship with serious relationship, I didn’t talk about it for a long time, I was afraid, and when the truth was revealed, she just left. I went through a year of depression, then there was another relationship, but it ended in nothing. About six months ago I met a girl, fell deeply in love, kept silent about my problem, and yesterday I told her everything. I was ready for anything, and she looked at me and said that in the future it would be possible to take a child from the orphanage. I burst into tears, I want to marry her.
  • We recently moved to an apartment in St. Petersburg and started renovating it. When they dismantled the floor, they found a niche with letters: a woman, Anna, wrote to her husband Eugene, how they live with three children, how they survive, or rather, about how the city does not give up, about how they are all waiting to meet. Last letter stuck in my soul: “We are really waiting for you, Zhenechka. I can’t write anymore, I’m out of pencil, but I’ll think about you. Feel us, look at the sky and feel."
  • I met with the most ordinary beautiful girl, spoiled by a good life. It was easy and fun to be with her, and the means allowed her to satisfy her whims. He proposed to her, she agreed. But just a couple of weeks later I had an accident and was partially paralyzed. The pampered girl was my nurse for several months, loving woman and a reliable friend, despite how helpless and pathetic I was. She sold a lot of things that I thought she couldn't live without. I learned to cook because I needed to. special food. She forbade me to apologize. Not a shadow of doubt, disgust or fear flashed on her face during all this time.

Do you or your friends have similar stories? Share in the comments!

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