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Coursework: The role of the family in the formation of a child’s personality. Conditions for successful family education. Basic conditions for successfully raising a child in a family Development of a child’s abilities in a family

Happy and successful. But how to do this? How to raise a child who can realize himself in adulthood?

Well-being, determination, self-confidence are the main signs of a successful person. Why can some people realize themselves, while others cannot? What is the reason?

It's all about upbringing and shaping a certain worldview of the growing individual. There is a very wise saying that the greatest success in life is successful children.

The article will discuss how to raise such a child so that he can realize himself and become happy.

Problems related to parenting

Parents are the main teachers who lay down the main principles of life and the foundations of a worldview, which the child then projects into adulthood. The main thing is not to follow the opinion of society, which is not interested in self-sufficient and self-confident individuals, but to listen to your child and his needs.

One simple rule should always be remembered: a successful child is a person with normal self-esteem, happy, without complexes and fears that arise in childhood under the influence of mothers and fathers. Parents love obedient and calm children who do not take initiative and do not defend their opinions. It is very convenient when the child completely obeys the will of the parents. But this is for the time being.

Psychologists believe that problems and mistakes in upbringing not only negatively affect the child’s psychological health, but also provoke the development of physical diseases. To prevent this, the consciousness of parents who raise their children according to the principle “it will be as I said” should be changed.

Parents carry over echoes from their childhood into the upbringing process, that is, if the father grew up in the family of a despot, then there is a high probability that he will behave the same way with his son.

Of course, there can be no talk of any success if a child grows up in an environment with an excess of aggression, if he is complex and lacks self-confidence.

Parents need to pay attention to a number of problems that exist in modern society and are an obstacle to the development of success and usefulness in children:

  • Computer technologies have a negative impact on education. It’s easier for parents to distract their kids with newfangled phones and tablets than to read a book to them at night. The consequence of this is a lack of attention in childhood, which negatively affects the baby’s psyche.
  • Compensating for a lack of attention and care by purchasing toys will lead to a depreciation of material things and increased demands.
  • Intrusive help from parents. As a result, the child becomes uninitiative, unadapted to life, and subsequently a helpless adult.
  • Imposing their views is usually characteristic of those parents who themselves have not succeeded in life and now show their abilities and pass on experience to the little person.
  • Unwillingness to accept responsibility for the child - as a result, the child does not receive enough love and suffers due to the insolvency and irresponsibility of the mother or father.

The child must know and feel that he is loved

A successful adult always has correct self-esteem. Parents need to show their child that they love him simply for who he is, and that he is who he is. The child needs to speak words of love as often as possible, hug him, and respect all his aspirations. If it’s time for him to go to bed and he’s playing, you shouldn’t yell at him and send him to bed in an orderly tone; it’s better to help him finish the game, and then go to bed with him. You cannot criticize the baby, you only need to criticize your actions.

The child should have the right to choose

The successful development of a child is only possible if he is given the right to simple and banal choices. For example, what he will wear for a walk or what toy he will take with him on a trip. The child will see that his opinion is taken into account and listened to. You need to discuss films, cartoons, situations, books with him and always ask what he thinks about this or that matter.

The child needs to be taught to negotiate

The ability to negotiate is a very useful quality when it comes to raising a successful child. It is necessary to teach him to express his thoughts on any issue. He should be taught the ability to make compromises and find solutions that would suit everyone. It is the ability to negotiate and find solutions in difficult situations that will help a child adapt to society.

You need to help your child find a favorite activity

Each person has his own abilities and talents. It is necessary to observe the child in order to identify the activity that arouses the greatest interest in him, and try to develop him in this direction. The sooner development begins, the better for talent. In the future, he may not engage in this business, but the experience that he accumulates during his studies will always be useful to him in life.

Encouraging curiosity

All children are born geniuses, and the task of parents is to help the child realize himself. If he is interested in some activity, you need to support this interest. You should look for literature, educational games or films, and enroll in a club, section or class. For the successful development of a child, you cannot decide for him what he needs to do and what he can do without. Any interest should be encouraged. Firstly, it broadens your horizons. Secondly, perhaps this hobby could become his life’s work.

Creative development

From early childhood, it is necessary to teach your child creativity, draw with him, compose songs, dance, and play music. Creative abilities will be of great use to him in the future in solving problems and the most complex tasks.

Developing a sense of responsibility

The child must feel responsible for what he has done. But you can’t scold him, you need to try to find the best way out of the situation. It is important to show by example that you need to keep your word, and be able to answer for wrong actions.

His desire to keep his word and perform the actions expected of him within a certain time frame should be encouraged.

A child who has been taught responsibility since childhood has a greater chance of achieving success than a child who does not know how to be responsible for his words and actions.

Love of reading

A child needs to be instilled with a love of reading, preferably from a very early age. People who read are more successful and self-confident than those who spend all their free time watching TV or computers. First you need to read aloud, then select interesting literature for him in accordance with his age.

Development of eloquence

If a child tries to tell something, you cannot brush him off. On the contrary, you should enter into a dialogue with him, give him the opportunity to express his thoughts, ask questions that he can answer.

If it’s difficult for him, you need to help him with a hint, but you can’t speak for him, let him try to explain, describe, ask a question, answer a question on his own.

The child's desire to be friends with peers and other children should be encouraged. A successful child is a sociable child. You cannot limit a child’s communication; in addition, it is better not to interfere in children’s relationships unless necessary. He must learn to get out of situations on his own, this will be very useful to him in the future.

Developing persistence and determination

The child needs to be taught to set goals and achieve them, shown how to draw up a plan to achieve the goals and how to adjust it if necessary. You can help him cope with the difficulties that have arisen, but you cannot perform the action for him. This is a “disservice” that will lead to the child constantly waiting for outside help instead of getting together and solving the problem.

You need to praise correctly

An important part of the parenting process is praise. You need to do it right. The child should be praised for his desire to complete his task well, for his desire to develop, learn, for his perseverance, patience, and search for non-standard solutions.

It is important to use praise in doses. If he gets used to it, then its meaning will lose importance for him.

You cannot praise undeservedly, it corrupts. The child stops trying because there is no point in it, because they will still praise him.


A successful person is an optimist in life. In any situation, even the worst, you should see something good; this is important for a successful and happy person. From an early age, the child needs to be explained that victories can be replaced by defeats, and this is normal, such is life. Parents themselves should be optimistic and show by example how to approach problems.

It is necessary to teach the child to correctly perceive failures, that is, not to make a tragedy out of it, to be able to analyze the reasons and make the right decisions to correct the current situation.

It is important that the child does not project failure onto his personality. That is, if he did not take a place in the competition, this does not indicate that he is a loser, but means that he was simply poorly prepared. You need to tell him that he will succeed next time, he just needs to put in more effort.


From the age of two, the child strives to demonstrate independence. This is very good. You need to give him the opportunity to do something without outside help and not rush him.

This desire should be encouraged in him, he should be interested in his opinion, and be sure to praise him for trying to do something himself. There is no need to immediately correct what the child did wrong; it is better to help him finish it the way it should be.

How to raise a successful person

By instilling in a child such qualities as humanity, determination, and independence, parents form a successful, self-confident personality. In addition, you should always remember that children imitate adults, so you need to educate yourself.

If mom always keeps her promise, and dad always supports in difficult situations, then in the future the child will behave the same way.

What should you pay special attention to and what should you avoid in order for raising a successful child to give a positive result?

  • Parents need to learn to perceive the child as a separate person, who is characterized by his own view of things, his own opinion, and self-esteem.
  • You need to learn to maintain a moral distance, not to impose your opinions and tastes, especially if the child does not like it. Even a 2-year-old child can say exactly which toys he likes and which he doesn’t.
  • Parents should support the initiative; these are the first steps in fostering independence in a child. Successful socialization will be faster and more painless if the child is more independent and self-confident. Let him eat very slowly or tie his shoelaces for half an hour, but these are important stages in the development of independence and willpower.

  • It is necessary to encourage any manifestations of activity where he tries to do something on his own. It is especially important to express support in the first years of a baby’s life; it is during this period that the behavior of adults determines his character.
  • You need to help your child set goals and develop an action plan with him.
  • From the age of 6-7, it is necessary to begin to cultivate hard work and willpower; he is already able to control his emotions. It is imperative to teach your child to play sports. Physical activity develops self-discipline and self-control.
  • Show by your own example how to achieve your goals. The main thing is to be consistent, always keep your promises, work hard and enjoy the results of your work.

Which parents have successful children?

All parents want their children to stay as far away from trouble as possible. Every father and mother wants their child to be successful in school, so that he is not offended by his peers, so that he can achieve his goal. Unfortunately, there is no special guide to raising a successful and happy child. But psychologists say that such children most often grow up with successful parents.

So, what kind of parent do you need to become in order to raise a successful person:

  • It is necessary to teach your children socialization skills: communicating with their peers, understanding their moods, feelings, helping others and solving their problems independently. In the scientific literature, psychologists advise parents to instill in their children the skills to successfully adapt to any group.
  • You need to expect a lot from your child and believe in him. For example, those mothers and fathers who expect their child to receive a higher education, as a rule, achieve their goal. They always lead him to this, and at a certain stage the child himself begins to want this.
  • Successful children grow up in families where mothers work. Such children learn independence early, so they are better adapted to life than those kids whose mothers sit at home and do household chores.
  • As a rule, successful and happy children grow up in families where parents have higher education.
  • It is necessary to teach mathematics to children from an early age, and the earlier the better.
  • It is important to establish good and warm relationships with children.
  • It is necessary to value effort, not fear of failure, to be optimistic in life.

In conclusion

The modern world is fleeting and changeable, children grow up very quickly. The main task of parents is to guide their child in the right direction and, along the way, instill in him fortitude, hard work, dedication, determination, optimism, self-confidence and self-confidence.

And the main thing that moms and dads should remember: a successful child is a happy and loved child. You need to love the baby, even the most naughty and spoiled one, believe in him, help him, and then he will succeed.


The success of upbringing in a family can be ensured when favorable conditions are created for the growth and all-round development of the child.

Chapter 2. Conditions for successful family education
2.1 Basic conditions for successfully raising a child in a family
The main conditions for success in raising children in a family can be considered the presence of a normal family atmosphere, the authority of parents, a proper daily routine, and timely introduction of the child to books, reading, and work.

A normal family atmosphere is the awareness by parents of their duty and sense of responsibility for raising children, based on mutual respect between father and mother, constant attention to educational, work and social life, help and support in large and small matters, with respect for the dignity of each member family, constant mutual display of tact; organization of family life and everyday life, which is based on the equality of all members, involving children in solving economic issues of family life, managing the household, and doing feasible work; in the reasonable organization of recreation in participation in sports and tourist trips, in joint walks, reading, listening to music, visiting the theater and cinema; mutual principled exactingness, a friendly tone in address, sincerity, love and cheerfulness in the family.

Family traditions, strong foundations and principles contribute to the creation of a highly moral atmosphere in the family. These include holding public and family birthday parties for adults and children. Preparing gifts by children and adults and presenting them with a special emotional upsurge creates that atmosphere of solemnity, joy and happiness that forms spiritual culture and “cements” the family as a collective.

Successful upbringing in a family will be provided that a clear daily routine for children is observed. The daily routine includes the child’s entire daily routine during the day - time for proper sleep, hardening procedures, orderly meals, all types of work and rest. The age and health status of the child are taken into account. The daily routine should have an educational value, which is only possible with the obligatory habituation to its implementation without adult reminders. Seniors must exercise control over the quality implementation of routine tasks and work assignments, evaluate them, and provide assistance in case of difficulties.

A special place in raising a child in the family should be given to reading. In preschool age, a child especially loves to listen to fairy tales that adults read to him, stories from the lives of people and animals. From books he learns about good people, about their deeds, learns about animals and plants. In the fairy tale, the strong, dexterous, fair, honest and hardworking person always wins, while the evil, unkind person is punished by people and society. Listening to a fairy tale, the child does not remain indifferent to the fate of the hero; he worries, worries, rejoices and is upset, that is, his feelings are formed, and interest in the book gradually arises. When a child enters school and learns to read, it is important to consolidate interest and develop the skill of independent and systematic reading. This skill does not appear on its own; it requires coordinated and skillful work between school and family. Only this will introduce the child to reading, and he will begin to consider books as his companions in acquiring new knowledge. An emerging interest in reading will lead the child to the library or bookstore. He will have his own heroes whom he will imitate.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of work in a person’s life. Physical labor ensures high vitality of muscles and all human organs and improves all physiological processes in the body - proper breathing, blood circulation, metabolism, growth of the whole body and individual organs. Physical labor is a means of combating fatigue, especially for people engaged in mental work. Changing types of work and a reasonable combination of them in a child’s daily routine ensures his successful mental activity and maintains working capacity.

Labor education is an integral part of the comprehensive development of the individual. By how the child treats work and what work skills he has, others will judge his value.

An important condition for the successful upbringing of children is the unity of requirements for children by all family members, as well as uniform requirements for children from family and school. The lack of unity of requirements between school and family undermines the authority of the teacher and parents and leads to a loss of respect for them.

2.2 The role of parental authority in education
The upbringing of children begins at an age when no logical proof or presentation of social rights is possible at all, and yet without authority, an educator is impossible.

Parental example and authority are a specific form of transfer of social, including moral experience of the older generation to the younger, the most important mechanism of social inheritance. The father and mother must have this authority in the eyes of the child. We often hear the question: what to do with a child if he doesn’t listen? This very “does not obey” is a sign that the parents do not have authority in his eyes.

Those parents whose children “don’t obey” sometimes tend to think that authority is given by nature, that it is a special talent. If there is no talent, then nothing can be done, all that remains is to envy the one who has such talent. These parents are wrong. Authority can be organized in every family, and it is not even a very difficult matter.

The main basis of parental authority can only be the life and work of parents, their civilian persona, their behavior. The family is a big and responsible matter; parents lead this matter and are responsible for it to society, to their own happiness and to the lives of their children. If parents do this honestly and wisely, if significant and wonderful goals are set for them, if they themselves always give themselves a full account of their actions and deeds, this means that they have parental authority and do not need to look for any other grounds and Moreover, there is no need to come up with anything artificial. At the same time, one must always remember that every human activity has its own tensions and its own dignity. Under no circumstances should parents present themselves to their children as champions in their field, as incomparable geniuses. Children should see the merits of other people, and certainly the merits of their father’s closest comrades and mother. The civic authority of parents will only reach a real height if it is not the authority of an upstart or a braggart, but the authority of a member of the team.

The authority of knowledge necessarily leads to the authority of help. In the life of every child there are many cases when he does not know what to do, when he needs advice and help. Maybe he won’t ask you for help because he doesn’t know how to do it; you yourself must come with help.

Often this help can be provided in direct advice, sometimes in a joke, sometimes in an order, sometimes even in an order. If you know your child's life, you will see for yourself what is the best course of action. It often happens that this help needs to be provided in a special way. Sometimes you need to either take part in a children's game, or get to know the children's friends, or visit the school and talk to the teacher. If there are several children in your family, and this is the happiest case, older brothers and sisters can be involved in providing such assistance.

Parental help should not be intrusive, annoying, or tiring. In some cases, it is absolutely necessary to let the child get out of a difficulty on his own; he needs to get used to overcoming obstacles and resolving more complex issues. But you must always see how the child performs this operation; you must not allow him to become confused and despair. Sometimes it is even better for the child to see your alertness, attention and trust in his strengths.

The authority of help. In the life of every child there are many cases when he does not know what to do, when he needs advice and help. Maybe he won’t ask you for help because he doesn’t know how to do it; you yourself must come with help. Often this help can be provided in direct advice, sometimes in a joke, sometimes in an order, sometimes even in an order. If you know your child's life, you will see for yourself how to act in the best way. It often happens that this help needs to be provided in a special way. Sometimes you need to either take part in a children's game or get to know the children's friends. If there are several children in your family, and this is the happiest case, older children can be involved in such assistance. Parental help should not be intrusive, annoying, or tiring. In some cases, it is absolutely necessary to allow the child to get out of difficulties on his own; he needs to get used to overcoming obstacles. The child will feel your presence next to him, your insurance, but at the same time he will know that you are demanding something from him, that you are not going to do everything for him, to relieve him of responsibility. It is the line of responsibility that is an important line of parental authority. Well, in general, in order to know your child, you need to be able to listen and hear him.

Unfortunately, there are parents who organize such authority on false grounds.
2.3 Types of false parental authority
The authority of suppression. This is the most terrible kind of authority, although not the most harmful. Fathers suffer the most from such authority. If the father always growls at home, is always angry, bursts into thunder at every trifle, grabs his belt at every convenient and inconvenient occasion, answers every question with rudeness, marks every child’s guilt with punishment - then this is the authority of suppression. Such paternal, and perhaps maternal, terror keeps the whole family in fear, not only children, but also other family members, for example, the mother. It is harmful not only because it intimidates children, but also because it makes the mother a zero being who can only be a servant. He does not educate anything, he only teaches children to stay away from their father, he causes children's lies and human cowardice, and at the same time he instills cruelty in the child.

The authority of swagger. This is a special type of harmful authority. Each person has his own merits. But some people believe that they are the most deserved, the most important figures, and show this importance to their children. At home, all they do is talk about their merits; they are arrogant towards other people. It happens very often that, amazed by this kind of father, children begin to behave the same way.

The authority of pedantry. In this case, parents pay more attention to their children. They are confident that children should listen to every parent’s word with trepidation, that their word is sacred. They give their orders in a cold tone, and once it is given, it immediately becomes law. Such parents are most afraid that their children will think that dad was mistaken, that dad is not a strong person. If such a dad said: “Tomorrow it will rain, you can’t go for a walk,” then even if the weather is good tomorrow, it is still considered that you can’t go for a walk. Dad didn’t like any movie; he generally forbade the children to go to the movies, including good movies. The life of a child, his interests, his growth pass by such a dad unnoticed; he sees nothing but his bureaucratic superiors in the family.

The authority of reasoning. In this case, parents literally eat up their child’s life with endless teachings and edifying conversations. Instead of saying a few words to the child, perhaps even in a joking tone, the parent sits him down opposite him and begins a boring and annoying speech. Such parents are sure that the main pedagogical wisdom lies in teachings. In such a family there is always little joy and smile. Parents try their best to be infallible. But they forget that children are not adults, that children have their own lives and that this life must be respected. A child lives more emotionally, more passionately than an adult; he is least able to engage in reasoning.

The authority of love. This is our most common type of false authority. Many parents are convinced: in order for children to obey, they need to love their parents, and in order to earn this love, it is necessary to show their children their parental love at every step. Tender words, endless kisses, caresses, confessions are showered on children in completely excessive quantities. If the child does not obey, he is immediately asked: “So you don’t love us?” Parents jealously watch the expression of their children's eyes and demand tenderness and love. Often, in front of the children, a mother tells her acquaintances: “He loves dad terribly and loves me terribly, he is such a gentle child...” Such a family is so immersed in a sea of ​​sentimentality that they no longer notice anything else. A child should do everything out of love for his parents. There are many dangerous places in this line. This is where family egoism grows. Children, of course, do not have enough strength for such love. Very soon they notice that mom and dad can be deceived in any way they want, they just need to do it with a gentle expression. You can even intimidate mom and dad if you just pout and show that love is starting to fade. From an early age, a child begins to understand that you can play along with people. And since he cannot love other people as much, he plays along with them without any love, with cold and cynical calculation. Sometimes it happens that love for parents lasts for a long time, but all other people are considered as strangers and aliens, there is no sympathy for them, no feeling. This is a very dangerous type of authority. He raises insincere and deceitful egoists. And very often the first victims of such selfishness are the parents themselves. Of course, showing “lovelessness” towards your child is important and necessary

The authority of kindness. This is the most stupid kind of authority. In this case, children's obedience is also organized through children's love, but it is caused not by kisses and outpourings, but by the compliance, gentleness, and kindness of parents. They allow everything, they don’t regret anything, they are wonderful parents. They are afraid of any conflicts, they prefer family peace, they are ready to sacrifice anything, if only everything would be fine. Very soon, in such a family, children begin to command their parents. Sometimes parents allow themselves a little resistance, but it’s too late.

The authority of friendship. Quite often, the children have not yet been born, but there is already an agreement between the parents: our children will be our friends. In general, this is, of course, good. Father and son, mother and daughter can be friends and should be friends, but still parents remain senior members of the family team, and children still remain pupils. If friendship reaches extreme limits, education stops, or the opposite process begins: children begin to educate their parents.

What should real parental authority in the family consist of? The main basis of parental authority can only be the life and work of parents, their civilian persona, their behavior. The family is a big and responsible matter; parents lead this matter and are responsible for it to their own happiness and to the lives of their children. As soon as children begin to grow up, they are always interested in where their father or mother works, what their social status is. As early as possible, they should find out how they live, what they are interested in, who their parents are next to. The work of the father or mother should appear before the child as a serious matter worthy of respect. The merits of parents in the eyes of children should first of all be merits to society, and not just appearance. Children should see not only the merits of their parents, but also the merits of other people, and certainly the merits of their father and mother’s closest friends.

But parental work must also be done as best as possible, and this is where the roots of authority lie. And first of all, they must know how they live, what they are interested in, what they love, what they don’t love, what the child wants and doesn’t want. You need to know all this, but this does not mean that you need to harass your child with constant and annoying questions. From the very beginning, parents should arrange things in such a way that the children themselves talk about their affairs, so that they want to tell it. All this does not require much time.
2.4 Requirements for organizing interaction between teacher and parents
The success of the educational process depends on how the relationships develop between teachers, students and parents. To form cooperation between adults and children, it is important to imagine the team as a single whole, as a large family that unites and lives interestingly if joint activities of teachers, parents, and children are organized. This promotes unity, family cohesion, establishing mutual understanding between parents and children, and creating comfortable conditions in the family.

Therefore, it is advisable to organize a significant part of the educational work simultaneously with students and parents, and solve problems and assigned tasks together in order to come to an agreement without infringing on each other’s interests, and to join efforts to achieve better results.

The formation of cooperation between students, parents and teachers depends primarily on how the interaction of adults develops in this process. Parents and teachers are educators of the same children, and the result of education can be successful when teachers and parents become allies. The basis of this union is the unity of aspirations, views on the educational process, jointly developed common goals and educational tasks, and ways to achieve the intended results.

Both teachers and parents want to see their children healthy and happy. They are ready to support the initiatives of teachers aimed at satisfying and developing the interests and needs of children. Parents are adults with extensive life experience, knowledge, and the ability to comprehend events, therefore, in solving a number of issues and educational problems, the teacher can receive the necessary advice from parents. Cooperation between teachers and parents allows you to get to know the child better, look at him from different sides and positions, see him in different situations, and therefore help adults in understanding his individual characteristics, developing the child’s abilities, overcoming his negative actions and manifestations in behavior, and forming valuable life experiences. orientation.

Teachers play a decisive role in creating a union of teachers and parents and in establishing cooperative interaction between them. Union, mutual understanding between teachers and parents, their mutual trust are possible if the teacher excludes didacticism when working with parents, does not teach, but advises, thinks with them, and agrees on joint actions; tactfully leads them to understand the need to acquire pedagogical knowledge; if when communicating with parents the following phrases are heard more often: “What do you think?”, “Let’s decide together what to do,” “I’d like to hear your opinion.” The whole atmosphere of interaction and communication between the teacher and parents should show that the teacher needs parents, to join forces, that parents are his allies and he cannot do without their advice and help.

Not all parents respond to the teacher’s desire to cooperate with him or show interest in joining efforts to raise their child. The teacher needs patience and a focused search for ways to solve this problem. We should begin working and interacting with those who want to participate in the life of the class and support teachers, even if such parents are in the minority. Gradually, tactfully, the teacher involves other parents, relying on like-minded parents, taking into account the interests of each child and his family.

It is advisable to devote one of the parent meetings to the problem of cooperation between teachers and parents in raising children. The following questions may be suggested for discussion:

What is meant by human cooperation? Name its main manifestations.

Why is cooperation between teachers and parents necessary?

How can the school help parents, how can parents help the school and teachers?

What prevents teachers and parents from successfully collaborating? What is necessary for the interaction between teachers and parents to be fruitful?

Name possible forms of cooperation and joint work of teachers and parents.

What forms of joint activities can bring together and make friends between adults and children in our team?

Forms of interaction between teachers and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication. It is advisable to combine collective, group and individual forms of interaction. Thus, it is useful to continue the discussion of any parenting problem at a parent meeting during individual meetings with parents or in group consultations.

Let us briefly describe the most common collective forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

A parent meeting is the main form of work with parents, where the problems of life in the classroom and parent groups are discussed. The class teacher directs the activities of parents in the process of preparation and is an ordinary participant in the meeting. The first meetings, providing an example of democratic discussion of issues, can be led by him himself, and in the future this role can be legitimately performed by the parents themselves.

Parent lecture hall. Helps familiarize parents with issues of education, improve their pedagogical culture, and develop common approaches to raising children. The name “lecture hall” is conditional. This does not mean that only lectures are given to parents. The forms of work are varied, and often they determine the position of parents not as passive listeners, but stimulate their activity, creativity, participation in the discussion of issues, in the organization and conduct of classes. continuation

Committee of General and Professional Education of the Leningrad Region

Autonomous educational institution of higher professional education


Named after A.S. PUSHKIN"

Luga Institute (branch)

Interfaculty Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences



In the discipline "Pedagogy"

On the topic: “Problems of family education”


2nd year student of distance learning Study group P2-13 Stepanova A.R.


Associate Professor Moroz T. G.


Basic conditions and means of successful family education..4.

1.2.Child’s personality types………………………………………………….8.

1.4. Parenting styles………………………………………………..12.

1.5. Methods and forms of family education…………………………….15.

2.1.Children’s fears and working with them……………………………………..18.

2.2.Is it easy to be a parent of a teenager?.................................................. ......20.

2.3.Your child is a scoundrel……………………………………………………….23.


List of references………………………………………………………32.


Family upbringing is of great importance in the upbringing, education and development of any person. This is the foundation on which all life is built. And a lot in a person’s fate depends on how good and solid this foundation is.

Family education is the process of influencing children by parents and other family members in order to achieve the desired results. Family, school and social education are carried out in indissoluble unity.

For a child, the family is both a living environment and an educational environment. The influence of the family especially in the initial period of life of a person growing in it. The better the family and the better its influence on education, the higher the results of the moral, physical and labor education of the individual. An experienced teacher only needs to talk to the child to understand what kind of family he is being raised in. It is not difficult, after talking with parents, to establish what kind of children grow up in their family. The family and the child are a mirror image of each other.

In our modern society, the crisis of the family is becoming more and more noticeable, the ways out of which are not yet clear. The crisis is expressed in the fact that the family is increasingly fulfilling its main function - raising children.

It is in the family that the child receives his first life experience, makes his first observations and learns how to behave in various situations. It is very important that what we teach a child is supported by specific examples, so that he can see that in adults, theory does not diverge from practice.

The purpose of the course work: to consider the concept of family education, methods and forms of interaction between family and school in education.

The object of the study is the education of schoolchildren.

The subject of the research is methods and means of family education, methods of interaction between family and school.

Study the theoretical foundations of this problem;

Reveal the basics of family education, methods, forms and content of education;

Explore the psychological and pedagogical foundations of interaction between family and school: consider pedagogical support in education, and study the role of the class teacher in the education of the student

Chapter 1. Problems of family and family education.

Basic conditions and means of successful family education

Raising a child healthy, hardworking, and useful to society is not an easy task, requiring a lot of physical and mental strength from parents. The father and mother are responsible for raising the children. The family is the unit of society, which lays the foundations for the education of the individual. Here the child first learns moral standards. Collaborative work skills; children’s life plans and moral ideals are formed in the family. In the family, children not only imitate adults, but are guided by their social and moral attitudes.

Relationships between family members are built on mutual love, respect, and support in all matters. Communication between children and their father and mother enriches the life experience of children and helps them become familiar with a culture of behavior.

If a negative microclimate has developed in a family, then difficulties arise in raising children, which often leads to the appearance of difficult-to-educate children and delinquency. Therefore, the school and the public are called upon to constantly provide assistance to the family in raising the child.

The family has great opportunities to raise their children correctly. But these opportunities are not always skillfully implemented in the family.

First of all, parents must know their children well, their positive and negative sides, and be able to study their child. The main way to study children in the family is to constantly monitor their behavior at home, among friends, and their attitude towards academic and extracurricular work at school. There are often parents who focus their attention on the shortcomings of their children, or tell the child only about his successes. This approach to children in the family leads to mistakes in their upbringing.

An important condition for success in education is the authority of parents and older brothers and sisters. Sometimes you can hear parents complaining that their child does not obey. Disobedience of children is a sign of a lack of parental authority.

In some families, the authority of bribery prevails. It can especially be observed in a family where there is no agreement between the parents. To attract the child to their side, the father or mother begins to give him expensive gifts, sometimes in defiance of each other. The parents themselves suffer from this behavior.

If children see in their parents real workers who love their work, then the authority of parents in the eyes of schoolchildren grows. Normal relationships have a huge impact in the family. The attitude of adults towards children and their elderly parents. For the authority of parents, it is important to establish a system of relationships with children: it is necessary that parents see a growing person in their children, trust him, see him as an assistant, and come to the rescue in various difficulties. We watched how it was formed.

One of the conditions for successfully raising children in a family is the presence of a clear daily routine. It includes the child’s entire daily routine throughout the day. The child’s nutrition should also be regulated. A good incentive for a child to follow a daily routine is to have a clear routine for the whole family.

A special place in raising a child in the family should be given to reading. Even the smallest children are happy to meet a book. From fairy tales, a child learns about good people and their deeds. Meeting with a smart and interesting book is always a holiday for children.

An important condition for success in family education is that parents take into account the characteristics of the age and gender of their children. The child grows not only physically, he matures, he accumulates life experience, his self-awareness grows, he wants to become an adult sooner rather than later. In this endeavor, it is important for parents to gradually mold the young man into the future husband, father, and the girl into the future wife, mother.

It is important to maintain good companionship between brothers and sisters in the family, to teach boys to protect and protect their sisters, and to teach sisters to be sensitive and caring towards their brothers. Forming correct relationships between children, children and adults is an important task for parents. As the child grows, the nature of the relationship with him must also change: from simple demands and orders, one must gradually move on to advice, requests, and recommendations. It is better to make comments to adult children in the form of advice.

Parents should especially pay attention to the relationship between their children and their friends. Knowing your son or daughter's friends helps parents get to know their children better. Already in the family, it is necessary to gradually prepare the children for the fact that they will grow up and start a family themselves. The personal example of parents and warmth will help growing children learn the ABCs of independent family life. The child quickly understands conflicting demands and maneuvers between a demanding father and a less demanding grandmother.

The success of education also depends on how parents encourage and punish children, how they stimulate successful activities and prepare the child for self-education. In the theory and practice of education, the following point of view on rewards and punishments has developed:

children should not be physically punished;

do not encourage children financially;

do not skimp in the family on the use of such ethical means of encouragement as approval, praise, trust;

ethical means of punishment can be: reprimand from parents, temporary deprivation of pleasures and entertainment, deprivation of parental trust, etc.

Rewards and punishments from parents require great tact and love for children. The incorrect use of rewards and punishments in the family can create difficulties in raising children and even lead to mistakes.

Difficulties in raising children in families are when parents are not sufficiently aware of the pedagogical foundations of family education, when the family as a collective is breaking up, when parents allow excessive authoritarianism in the family or do not believe in the strengths and capabilities of the child himself. Other extremes allowed by parents: abuse of verbal influence on the child, pampering of the child and removal of him from all family affairs and concerns, satisfying all whims.

Difficulties also arise when parents do not understand the full responsibility for raising children and shift this responsibility to the school, to the teacher, or to older family members - grandparents.

Child personality types

Each child is unique, inimitable, each is different from the others. And yet, some children are much more alike than others. They prefer the same games. They have similar hobbies, a similar attitude to order, sports, and homework. They react in approximately the same way to stress, joy or quarrel. Whether children have similar or very different types of behavior depends not on age or degree of relationship, but on personality type.

There are four main types: impressionable, sensitive natra; a sensible, obligatory child; an emotional adventurous type and a smart guy who plans his actions strategically.

In itself, each type is logical and is a completely normal phenomenon. Mixed forms are very rare, but usually there is a noticeable predominance of one of the types. It is worth finding out which group your own child belongs to. This will help you better evaluate your child. His weaknesses and take them into account with greater sensitivity. For example, what is good for an adventurous type may not be suitable for a smart guy. What a mandatory child needs for his safety is perceived by a sensitive nature as a limitation. It is important to accept that your child is a given basic personality type without trying to change it. It still won't succeed, but it will have serious consequences. The worst thing for a child is if his upbringing contradicts his personality type, because thereby he seems to receive a message: the fact that you are like this is not normal. This confuses the child and can even lead to illness. Parenting according to personality type, on the contrary, will help the child develop optimally, strengthen his strengths, and gain a sense of confidence and security.

A sensitive nature is a sociable, sensitive child. With developed intuition. He needs closeness with other people, with his family, with his peers. He wants to communicate closely with them, take care of others, and give them gifts. And know more about them. Children belonging to this type are delighted with fairy tales and different stories, so they are excellent listeners and good storytellers.

Adventurous child. He often doesn't have enough time. Because the world is so fascinating, full of adventures and tests of courage. Adventurous children require activity almost around the clock. They are passionate, sociable people who experience the world with all their senses. They cope well with troubles, are not afraid to take risks, and are willing to experiment. They quickly abandon what no longer interests them. It's no wonder that their children's room is often chaotic. There can be all sorts of rubbish on the desktop.

Smart kid. Usually a very intelligent type of intellectual child who always acts thoughtfully. He always asks additional questions, wants to know everything thoroughly, strives to understand the world in order to feel confident. Any group activities and wild games as part of a team are not very attractive to him; he prefers to communicate with a friend or girlfriend.

Mandatory child. He masters the art of being helpful. The feeling of belonging to a family is also the highest value. Such children strive to achieve greater intimacy by doing (unlike the sensitive nature type) something meaningful, practical, willingly helping around the house, taking on certain responsibilities, but they prefer to do something with their mother or father. They worry terribly if they are not praised. They adapt well to the school system with its rules, since they have no problems with discipline, diligence, or order.

If parents can correctly determine what type of personality their child belongs to, then it will be easier for them to understand each other.

The content of education in the family is determined by the general goal of a democratic society. The family is obliged to form a physically and mentally healthy, moral, intellectually developed personality, ready for the upcoming work, social and family life. The components of the content of family education are well-known areas - physical, moral, intellectual, aesthetic, labor education. They are complemented by economic, environmental, political, and sexual education of the younger generations.

Physical education of children and youth comes to the fore today. No one doubts anymore - the priority of health cannot be replaced by any other. Physical education in the family is based on a healthy lifestyle and includes proper organization of the daily routine, playing sports, hardening the body, etc.

Intellectual education presupposes the interested participation of parents in enriching children with knowledge, creating the need for their acquisition and constant updating. The development of cognitive interests, abilities, inclinations and inclinations is placed at the center of parental care.

Moral education in the family is the core of relationships that shape personality. Here, the education of enduring moral values ​​- love, respect, kindness, decency, honesty, justice, conscience, dignity, duty - comes to the fore. All other moral qualities are formed in the family: reasonable needs, discipline, responsibility, independence, frugality. It does not matter at all what foundations of moral values ​​parents and children rely on - Christian morality, general ethical teachings or the moral code of the builder of communism. It is important that they are kind, humane, and constructive.

Aesthetic education in the family is intended to develop the talents and gifts of children, or, at a minimum, to give them an idea of ​​the beauty that exists in life. This is especially important now, when previous aesthetic guidelines are being questioned, many false values ​​have appeared, confusing both children and parents, destroying their inner world, the harmony inherent in nature.

The labor education of children lays the foundation for their future righteous life. A person who is not accustomed to work has one path - the search for an “easy” life. It usually ends badly. If parents want to see their child on this path, they can afford the luxury of removing themselves from labor education.

What parent would not be flattered by the words: “Your children are very neat,” “Your children are so well-mannered,” “Your children amazingly combine loyalty and self-esteem.” Which of them would not want their children to give preference to sports over cigarettes, ballroom dancing over alcohol, intense self-education over wasting time.

But for this you need to work long and hard in the field of education. For parents, family education is a process of conscious formation of the physical and spiritual qualities of children. Every father and every mother should understand well what they want to raise in their child. This determines the conscious nature of family education and the requirement for a reasonable and balanced approach to solving educational problems.

Family education in pedagogy is understood as a controlled system of relationships between parents and children. The relationship between parents and children is always educational in nature. The educational work of parents in the family is, first of all, self-education. Therefore, every parent needs to learn to be a teacher, learn to manage relationships with children. The study of educational and pedagogical relationships that arise between parents and children is of particular importance for preventing deviations in the moral development of schoolchildren.

Psychologists shout at the top of their lungs that in an incomplete family, the parent often fails to raise the child.

In this topic I would like to destroy this stereotype. My daughter has been raised in a single-parent family all her life. Our dad died when the baby was not yet born. Girls, I assure you, even one parent can successfully cope with raising their child by following some simple rules.

Rule No. 1. Love for good

Yes, you can all exclaim now: “Who doesn’t love their children?” The situation when you lose your soulmate is very dangerous. Mental pain can drown out your whole life for a moment. In such a state, it is not surprising to forget about the child.

But, thank God, this didn’t happen to me. It was quite the opposite, my daughter became the only meaning of my life. All the love that overwhelms me, I give all my strength and time to it. My love is not blind and deaf, I try to take into account the individuality and needs of the child. After all, without understanding what your child needs, a parent cannot be of any use.

Rule No. 2. Maximum affection and tenderness

I won’t hide the fact that I am often overcome by fears and questions typical of single mothers. For example: “what if I miss my daughter”, “wouldn’t spoil me” and other similar questions. At such moments, I “turn on” my strict father and begin to limit tenderness and affection.

As practice shows, the result is very different from what was expected. Instead of a good, diligent child, I get an aggressive thorn. Through trial and error, I came to a certain conclusion. The more we cherish a child, the more protected he feels. The maximum manifestation of our feelings provides a certain foundation for the successful development of personality.

Rule No. 3. Correct criticism

I think that women who are in a similar position to me will now agree with me. All the same fears of not being able to cope with my upbringing, of making a mistake, push me to rash actions. Any outburst of negative emotions or statements can bring mental pain to the child and complicate relationships.

One day my excessive impulsiveness and nervousness played a cruel joke on me. Every day, without noticing it myself, I raised my baby with criticism. One of her actions caused dissatisfaction, then another. My dry remarks, with or without reason, ultimately alienated my daughter from me. I am infinitely happy that I was able to stop when it was not too late.

Having reviewed my policy, I learned to advise my daughter in a way that did not humiliate her. Now, if I consider it necessary to correct her actions, I start with praise. You know, there is always something to praise a child for. Next, I carefully, without negatively colored words, express my opinion and give the opportunity to correct the mistakes myself.

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Basic conditions

successful raising of a child in a family

The main conditions for success in raising children in a family can be considered the presence of a normal family atmosphere, the authority of parents, a proper daily routine, and timely introduction of the child to books, reading, and work.

A normal family atmosphere is the awareness by parents of their duty and sense of responsibility for raising children, based on mutual respect between father and mother, constant attention to educational, work and social life, help and support in large and small matters, with respect for the dignity of each member family, constant mutual display of tact; organization of family life and everyday life, which is based on the equality of all members, involving children in solving economic issues of family life, managing the household, and doing feasible work; in the reasonable organization of recreation in participation in sports and tourist trips, in joint walks, reading, listening to music, visiting the theater and cinema; mutual principled exactingness, a friendly tone in address, sincerity, love and cheerfulness in the family.

Family traditions, strong foundations and principles contribute to the creation of a highly moral atmosphere in the family. These include holding public and family birthday parties for adults and children. Preparing gifts by children and adults and presenting them with a special emotional upsurge creates that atmosphere of solemnity, joy and happiness that forms spiritual culture and “cements” the family as a collective.

Successful upbringing in a family will be provided that a clear daily routine for children is observed. The daily routine includes the child’s entire daily routine during the day - time for proper sleep, hardening procedures, orderly meals, all types of work and rest. The age and health status of the child are taken into account. The daily routine should have an educational value, which is only possible with the obligatory habituation to its implementation without adult reminders. Seniors must exercise control over the quality implementation of routine tasks and work assignments, evaluate them, and provide assistance in case of difficulties.

A special place in raising a child in the family should be given to reading. In preschool age, a child especially loves to listen to fairy tales that adults read to him, stories from the lives of people and animals. From books he learns about good people, about their deeds, learns about animals and plants. In the fairy tale, the strong, dexterous, fair, honest and hardworking person always wins, while the evil, unkind person is punished by people and society. Listening to a fairy tale, the child does not remain indifferent to the fate of the hero; he worries, worries, rejoices and is upset, that is, his feelings are formed, and interest in the book gradually arises. When a child enters school and learns to read, it is important to consolidate interest and develop the skill of independent and systematic reading. This skill does not appear on its own; it requires coordinated and skillful work between school and family. Only this will introduce the child to reading, and he will begin to consider books as his companions in acquiring new knowledge. An emerging interest in reading will lead the child to the library or bookstore. He will have his own heroes whom he will imitate.

An important condition for the successful upbringing of children is the unity of requirements for children by all family members, as well as uniform requirements for children from family and school. The lack of unity of requirements between school and family undermines the authority of the teacher and parents and leads to a loss of respect for them.

The authority of knowledge necessarily leads to the authority of help. In the life of every child there are many cases when he does not know what to do, when he needs advice and help. Maybe he won’t ask you for help because he doesn’t know how to do it; you yourself must come with help. Often this help can be provided in direct advice, sometimes in a joke, sometimes in an order, sometimes even in an order. If you know your child's life, you will see for yourself how to act in the best way. It often happens that this help needs to be provided in a special way. Sometimes you need to either take part in a children's game or get to know the children's friends. If there are several children in your family, and this is the happiest case, older children can be involved in such assistance. Parental help should not be intrusive, annoying, or tiring. In some cases, it is absolutely necessary to allow the child to get out of difficulties on his own; he needs to get used to overcoming obstacles. The child will feel your presence next to him, your insurance, but at the same time he will know that you are demanding something from him, that you are not going to do everything for him, to relieve him of responsibility. It is the line of responsibility that is an important line of parental authority. Well, in general, in order to know your child, you need to be able to listen and hear him.

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