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Therapeutic varnish fito cosmetics. Therapeutic nail polish - a review of preparations for restoration, strengthening, growth with a description of the composition and prices. Nail strengthener Marigold: application

Fito Nails System is an innovative cosmetic product that helps strengthen nails. Thanks to the effects of its active components, you will no longer need to extend your nail plates. Now it has become very easy to grow the desired length on your own. The drug perfectly improves the structure of nails, making them look beautiful and elegant.

The low price of Fito Nails System for nails is explained by the fact that the product is sold only in the online store, where there is no increase in cost. The drug is made from a special high-quality composition, which is purchased from the popular company Fiabila from France. This organization is the largest manufacturer and supplier of nail care cosmetics. Do you want to experience the quality of the products for yourself? Then you just need to buy Fito Nails System. We will find out how effectively the drug works from the review.


Fito Nails System nail polish has a huge number of useful properties:

  • Provides guaranteed results.
  • Strengthens nails in just 2 weeks.
  • Instantly restores nails after removing gel polish or extensions.
  • Take professional care of your nails at home.
  • A unique, safe formula carefully improves the surface of the nail, penetrating into its deepest layers.
  • Gives nails strength.
  • Eliminates brittleness and delamination.


Fito Nails System varnish contains exclusively useful, high-quality and natural components:

How does the drug work?

All natural ingredients of the Fito Nails System composition for nails, reviews of which are left only in a positive way, actively affect even the deepest layers of the nail plates. This means that the product’s work is based not only on strengthening the surface of the nail, but also on its cellular restoration. Thanks to the action of this therapeutic varnish, metabolism significantly improves, rapid nail growth is activated, and their strength and elasticity increases. All components of the product complement each other perfectly and have an immediate effect.


Positive real reviews about Fito Nails System for nails only once again confirm the quality and effectiveness of the product. The varnish has the following advantages:


The beneficial effects of the medicinal drug Fito Nails System, sold today at a promotional price, have been verified by clinical studies. The medicinal varnish does not cause allergic reactions, has no side effects and is not harmful to health. The effect occurs after 2 weeks of constant application of the product to the nails. Proof of quality is also provided by numerous consumer reviews. According to the manufacturer of this cosmetic product, the effect of using it at home will be identical to the effect of visiting a nail technician in a beauty salon.

Expert opinion

The Fito Nails System has earned an incredible amount of positive feedback from doctors, all thanks to its almost instant effectiveness. Here's what a cosmetologist thinks about this medicinal varnish:

“I often get visits from people who constantly complain that their nails have become thin, brittle and peeling. Unfortunately, modern cosmetology salons do not have on hand the necessary products in the required quantities necessary for the complete restoration of nails. That is why I advise everyone who comes to me for advice to use the latest innovative varnish Fito Nails System, which, even at home, can restore nails to their ideal appearance and health, which in some cases is not even comparable to professional restoration. Using this healing varnish every day for two weeks, you can completely eliminate problems such as increased fragility, delamination and external unattractiveness.”

How to use?

Use Fito Nails System according to the current instructions from the original packaging:

  1. To strengthen, apply the treatment daily, using it instead of base or regular varnish. The full result will be noticeable after two weeks of constant use.
  2. Apply the drug at any convenient time.
  3. Wait until the previous one dries before applying the next layer.
  4. Healing nail polish can be easily removed using regular nail polish remover without adding acetone-containing compounds.

So far, it is not possible to buy Fito Nails System in a pharmacy. It is always possible to purchase it by ordering through the online store of the official manufacturer. Restore your nails to their ideal beauty and strength in just 2 weeks!

Attention! Beware of fakes and do not order goods from dubious sites! The products you purchase must be certified and have only original packaging.


The price for Fito Nails System is 1,290 rubles.
You can buy Fito Nails System at official store.

Please note that payment for the order occurs only after the funds are issued at the post office or delivered by courier.

Well-groomed, beautiful hands and a neat manicure are the calling card of a modern woman, but, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this. Peeling, brittle nails not only look unsightly, but also cause a lot of inconvenience - they cling to clothes, break, the varnish easily chips off them, and the manicure itself looks ugly and untidy.

The reasons for poor nail condition can be different. The first and main cause of brittle nails may be poor diet or health problems. Stress, poor environment, digestive problems, hormonal imbalance and antibiotic use affect the condition of the nails and the entire body. To maintain health, you should pay attention to the amount of vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. Lack of amino acids, vitamins A, B, D, and E, calcium, silicon and proteins cause brittle nails, their separation and softness.

Household chemicals and tap water also affect the condition of nails and hands. Poor water quality, aggressive dishwashing detergents and washing powders can damage not only nails, but also skin, causing wounds, cracks, allergic reactions and even decreased immunity.

To strengthen and protect weak, brittle nails from harmful environmental influences, the Fito Nails System was created, which will be discussed in this article.

Fito Nails System is a product that will strengthen your nails, making them healthier and stronger. You will no longer have to resort to extensions and visit special procedures.

To produce this product, we use only high-quality, professional raw materials from the French company FIABILA, which produces nail care products.


Phyto Neils System product looks like a regular nail polish - a bottle with a brush on which a label with the name of the product is pasted. In turn, the bottle is packaged in a cardboard package with the name of the product, information from the manufacturer, composition, method of use, expiration date, precautions and storage conditions.

Price, where to buy

You can buy Fito Nails System nail product on the manufacturer’s official website or from official suppliers. To purchase, you must fill out a form indicating your name, country and phone number, after which an operator will contact you shortly to clarify delivery details.

The average cost of a product for strengthening nails is about 1,300 rubles with a discount, without – 2,600 rubles.


According to the information on the website, Phyto Neils includes:

  • Biogold. Microscopic active particles of biogold penetrate deeply into the nails, strengthen them from the inside and eliminate brittleness and delamination, making them shiny and smooth.
  • Marine iodine. Promotes normal nail growth, strengthens them, prevents splitting and brittleness.
  • Chitosan. Makes soft, brittle nails harder and stronger, evens out dents and irregularities.
  • Coral extract. Strengthens nails and accelerates their growth.


The manufacturer claims that after just 2 weeks, your nails will look healthier, their growth will accelerate, and you will forever forget about brittleness and splitting of your nails. A special, hypoallergenic composition, developed on the basis of special raw materials, does not cause allergic reactions or irritation. The components, when combined with each other, enhance the effect of each, thereby providing a complex effect.

How to use

The nail plate strengthener can be used every day, using it as a base or applied instead of regular nail polish. The promised result should be seen within 2 weeks.

You can apply the product when it is convenient for you. Before applying a new layer, it is advisable to let the product dry, after which you can apply the next one. If the resulting coating chips or cracks after some time (for example, after two or three days of wear), it can be wiped off with a mild nail polish remover without acetone.


Phyto Neils System has no contraindications and does not cause allergic reactions, however, you should not abuse the product so as not to cause harm, since any nail product should be used in moderation. It is worth allowing your nails to “breathe” by removing the coating with nail polish remover from time to time.


Among the advantages of this product for strengthening nails, one can highlight the fact that the manufacturer does not hide the composition, but places it on the product packaging itself. In addition, the expiration date is also indicated, the absence of which some manufacturers of nail products sometimes sin.

The product itself creates a thin layer, a film, which is designed to protect nails from the harmful effects of household chemicals and the environment. In addition, the product is economically consumed.


The disadvantages include the fact that the manufacturer, having placed information about the product on the packaging, did not do so on the bottle itself, thereby causing confusion.

Another disadvantage may be the fact that the product is not suitable as a base for nail polishes, as some come off as a film from the resulting coating.

A product for strengthening nails may not help speed up their growth, since nail growth often depends on proper nutrition and the use of vitamins.

Bottom line

To summarize, we can say that the product is more likely to help girls strengthen and give their nails a healthy look than not. Fito Nails System can protect nails from external aggressive influences, and the resulting coating will give them a more well-groomed and neat appearance. However, it is worth noting that visible results may not be noticeable after 2 weeks, but much later, since nail growth depends on many circumstances, for example, proper nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and consuming vitamins and minerals.

In addition, it is worth knowing that if you notice that your nails are deformed, thickened and yellow, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such changes in the nails can signal a possible infection or disease that should be diagnosed as early as possible.

Damaged, peeling and thin nails are a cruel reality that you should not put up with. There are a huge number of remedies that can eliminate these unpleasant phenomena, and most of them are available to absolutely everyone.

Beautiful well-groomed nails - this is an important component of a woman's image. But sometimes it happens that the nails begin to break, become fragile and vulnerable. What to do in this case?

Nail the industry does not stand still, so today there are many various strengthening agents. They not only do an excellent job of strengthening the nail plate, but also nourish and smooth it. Moreover, such the products are very easy to use. So, you won’t even notice how your nails will become healthy and strong in just a few sessions.

Products for strengthening and growing nails from the pharmacy: use at home

To your the nails were strong and healthy people do not necessarily need to use expensive special products. You can buy a lot at the pharmacy familiar means to everyone, which will cope with this task perfectly, and will cost you much less.

Sea salt

This wonderful drug can be found not only in the pharmacy, but also in any market. You can purchase both pure salt and with various beneficial additives. Clay supplement is considered very useful. She copes well with healing the nail plate. And if you choose salt with lavender, then calming effect Your skin will be provided with.

Surely you have noticed that after sea swimming your nails become healthier and stronger. This is exactly the effect it has sea ​​salt. Plus to this, iodine, contained in salt, also affects the restoration of nails.

To cook bath with miraculous salt, you will need half a liter of warm water and a couple of tablespoons of sea salt. Literally 10 minutes, and your hands will be unrecognizable. The nails will receive the necessary useful elements, and the skin of your hands will become smooth and elastic.


An affordable and inexpensive product that does a great job of strengthening nails. Iodine is vital the human body, it plays a large role in metabolic processes.

To strengthen your nails just apply a little iodine with a cotton swab on your nails. Within a few hours, this solution will be completely absorbed.

Important: must be applied to nails and hands nourishing cream, since iodine tincture is made on an alcohol basis.

Paraffin or wax

These affordable tools are great moisturize and nourish the skin. And if your nails do not have enough moisture, and they begin to crumble and break, then this is the surest remedy. Nails, especially long ones, should be elastic.

But under no circumstances do not use candle paraffin or wax. These products must be special, which can only be purchased at a pharmacy.

In addition, in winter, doing procedures using paraffin or wax is a pleasure, since they have a warming effect.

For the bath, you need to carefully melt the paraffin, then add a few drops of any essential oil. Before applying the composition, your hands must be lubricated. any nourishing cream. Then you need to put on your hands polyethylene gloves and dip the brushes in paraffin. Wrap your hands in a terry towel and hold it there for 20 minutes.

Burdock oil

Thanks to your moisturizing properties The oil perfectly nourishes and restores the water balance of the skin and nail plate. And in combination with other ingredients, burdock oil can work real miracles.

Add to burdock sea ​​buckthorn oil, which is rich in vitamins. Also add vitamins C, E and A, capsules of which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Mixture Apply regularly to hands and nails.

Almond oil

Three times a week you need to lubricate the cuticle with this oil and carefully push it back. After some time, you may notice that cuticle growth stops. In this way it is possible to carry out unedged manicure.


It contains a huge amount useful microelements. At the same time, it has the property dry out the skin. Therefore, when using it, be sure to use additional fatty and nourishing creams. It is enough to make lotions from clay twice a month.

And do not forget that along with cosmetics to strengthen nails you must take any vitamin complexes.

Video: Folk remedy for strengthening and whitening nails

Professional products for strengthening nails

The cosmetics market is literally full of various nail care products. Such remedies can be divided into preventive and therapeutic. Now almost any problem with nails can be easily solved. Some drugs regenerate tissue, others strengthen nails, and others nourish and moisturize.

If you want to purchase professional treatment product your marigolds, then it’s better to purchase it at the pharmacy. Be sure to carefully read its composition. If available in the product calcium, Your nails will be strong. At peeling nails A product that contains fruit acids.

Smart enamel gel for thickening nails: how to use, reviews

Due to the fact that this enamel contains provitamin B5, high-quality hydration and nutrition will be provided to your nails. The edge of the nail is fixed thanks to this product, and accordingly, the nail stops peeling.

Availability calcium leads to strengthening the nail plate, its alignment, as well as to the production of natural keratin.

It is advisable to apply enamel daily. It absorbs and dries perfectly. Immediately after application, you can feel how the nail plate thickens and gains firmness and elasticity. In addition, regular use of smart enamel leads to proper growth of nails and maintaining their healthy appearance.

Opi - nail strengthener: how to use

Various environmental factors, constant stress and poor ecology clearly affect the condition of nails. Therefore they can become brittle, soft and flaking. To avoid such consequences and make your nails truly healthy and strong, pay attention to special O.P.I product., which is designed to strengthen the nail plate. Its unique formula cares for nails and protects the nail plate from various damages.

Keratinic acids and other beneficial substances are covered with a thin layer of marigolds and give it strength. You can use this amazing product both in the salon and at home. The full course is about two weeks.

The drug must be applied every other day. You can even alternate it with a manicure. The surface of the nail plate after the first applications aligned, smoothed and strengthened. Good looking nails can last for quite a long time.

In addition, O.P.I. protects nails from external influences and mechanical damage. What’s especially good is that the product dries almost instantly.

The maximum time of use is about two weeks. The surface of the nails must be carefully clean and degrease. Then apply the product. After two weeks of use every other day, you can use it as a base coat.

Mavala - a product for strengthening nails: how to use

Mavala Scientific is a specially developed product that perfectly strengthens, nourishes and maintains the nail plate in good condition. Using this product, you can forget about the problem for a long time peeling or brittle nails.

Mavala Scientifique takes care of the beauty and health of your nails

The nutrients and beneficial substances that are part of this unique drug will make your nails strong, beautiful and healthy.

Here's how to use this miracle remedy:

  1. Needs good clean your nails, remove the varnish and wipe with a grease-dissolving agent
  2. Special brush apply Mavala Scientifique on the edge of the nail plate
  3. Fine dry your nails so that the product is fixed

Make sure that the product did not get on the skin or cuticle. It must be used twice a week.

Video: Strengthening nails at home

Evelyn - nail strengthener: how to use

If you have naturally weak nails, or they were damaged as a result of the build-up, then you cannot do without a strengthening remedy from Evelyn. It allows nails accelerate regeneration, nourishes and strengthens them, makes them healthier. As the manufacturers say, their product is a solution to whole eight nail problems:

  • prevents delamination
  • makes the nail harder
  • eliminates fragility
  • makes the nail surface smooth
  • strengthens weakened nails
  • removes dullness
  • makes the nail plate thicker
  • gives nails a matte finish

Evelyn's remedy eliminates 8 main problems that affect the nail plate

Also, Evelyn's remedy makes nails grow faster, which means that you will be guaranteed long and strong nails.

Strengthening agent is applied every day. In order for its use to give a more effective result, the product do not wash for the first three days. Those. There should be three layers of product on your nails. On the third day, you can wash it off and follow the previous scheme again.

Before applying this varnish, you must treat the cuticle either cream or special oil. This way you can protect your skin from drying out. If you use varnish as a base, then do not forget that its dullness can change the color of the base varnish.

Sally Hansen - nail strengthener: how to use

According to the manufacturers, varnish

used to cure brittle, weak and peeling nails. This is the remedy gives the nail plate hardness, strengthens it and prevents delamination. The special composition of Sally Hansen compacts and, as it were, “seals” the edges of the nails. Long-lasting protection and excellent growth You will be provided with.

Before applying the product, nails must be thoroughly remove varnish and grease. The product is applied like a regular varnish. Pay special attention attention to the edges of the nail. After applying one coat, let the varnish dry and then repeat the procedure. Used by Sally Hansen or as an independent means, or as a base coat for any varnish.

IBX - nail strengthener: how to use

The difference between the IBX complex and similar products is that this varnish penetrates deep into the nail structure and heals him from the inside. It nourishes and moisturizes each layer of the nail plate. You can compare the effect of this varnish with professional procedure in the salon.

IBX will give your nails salon care at home

Varnish is so eats into the structure of the nail plate that it cannot be removed by any means. It only grows back with the nail.

Usage procedure:

  1. Prepare your nails, give them shape and length, degrease and let them dry well
  2. Apply the drug over the entire surface of the nail and dry with a lamp or hairdryer
  3. Remove sticky layer with a special sponge
  4. Dry in a special lamp
  5. Apply a second coat of IBX to the nail and repeat the drying and peeling process.
  6. This procedure must be repeated three times, and then you can apply varnish

Be sure to make sure that the drug did not come into contact with the skin.

Phytocosmetic - a nail strengthener and growth activator: how to use

The beauty of this drug is that it is practically made on a natural basis. It contains various oils. His creamy texture allows easy application to the nail plate and cuticle area. Means absorbs perfectly, activates the growth of the nail plate and softens the cuticle. Thanks to him we get healthy and strong nails.

Phytocosmetics products contain natural ingredients

You need to apply the product massage movements over the entire nail plate and cuticle, hold for a while and remove excess with a napkin. This complex is completely replenishes deficiencies with vitamins and elements, so its use is recommended by many experts.

Nail strengthener Marigold: application

Our mothers and grandmothers still remember this domestic company. But the range of this company is constantly updated. And strengthening nail polish Marigold has already received a lot of positive feedback.

It strengthens perfectly nail plate, protects it from external influences and mechanical damage. You can even say that this product completely replaces varnish, since has several shades, from almost transparent to rich color.

Budget products for strengthening nails, such as Nogotok or Christina, show good results

Very easy to apply like regular varnish. Thanks to its correct texture does not smear and dries quickly. Can be used as base coat, or else base varnish. On websites you can find a lot of reviews about this product.

Many people are surprised by him low price and fairly good quality. The vitamins and minerals it contains make nails strong, healthy, and accumulate good growth. With this product your marigold will always look well-groomed, and you will spend relatively little effort, time and money.

Strengthening nails with gel polish

If your nails have become brittle and dull, try this procedure. strengthening with gel polish. This drug consists largely of proteins, so it can be called identical to natural nail plates. That's why it doesn't do any harm, but on the contrary, protects nails from damage and strengthens their structure.

Directions for use:

  1. Before the procedure, try for a couple of hours refrain from water treatments and applying cream to hands
  2. We disinfect our hands and gently push back the cuticles with a stick.
  3. Now you need remove the glossy surface of the nail using a special sanding file
  4. All marigolds are degreased special means
  5. Then applying gel polish with a brush on the surface of the nail plate
  6. Drying in progress under ultraviolet lamp

It is very important that in addition to strengthening properties, gel polish has good breathability, which means your nails will be able to “breathe.”

Strengthening nails with vitamins

It is impossible to imagine our life without vitamins. They play a huge role and V. So what are they we need vitamins to keep your nails healthy and strong? And what do the essential vitamins contain?

Vitamin A

This is peculiar barrier against various fungal diseases. It is also the basis for the strength of the nail plate. You can find it in liver, carrots, various vegetables and herbs.

Vitamin C

The well-known ascorbic acid protects nails from aging and prevents the plate from turning yellow. If there is not enough of this vitamin in the body, then the nails may peel and break. IN black currants, onions and citrus fruits You will find this wonderful vitamin.

Vitamin E

Plays an important role in growth stimulation our nails and prevents fungal infections from affecting the nail plate. Lean on nuts, legumes and vegetable oils.

Most beneficial for nails: calcium, vitamins A, E, B

B vitamins

Thanks to this group in our body calcium is better absorbed. Vitamin B8 or H is very important for marigolds. It synthesizes in our body collagen and keratin, which in turn give hardness to the nail plate. Consume as much as possible greens, eggs and milk.

As you can see, you can improve and strengthen your nails using both special means and changing your daily diet. It’s up to you to decide which one to choose from, but under no circumstances should you leave your nails in trouble.

Video: Products for strengthening thin nails

Well-groomed nails – every girl's calling card, women regardless of age. No matter how strong they are by nature, stress, age-related changes, unbalanced nutrition, ecology, household cleaners, detergents, and many other factors act. Now imagine that they have a complex effect. Even naturally strong nail plates cannot cope with the pressure! But it will help protect them from external factors. Fito Nails is a nail care product.

Strengthening occurs at home without the need to visit expensive beauty salons. Peculiarities:

  • Thanks to medicinal varnish, you can avoid expensive and harmful extensions.
  • It is possible to implement many manicure styles and experiment with lengths.
  • The varnish is made using raw materials from a French cosmetic brand. The composition contains microscopic gold particles that penetrate into the pores, strengthening, and giving a natural healthy shine.
  • After 2 weeks of regular use, significant strengthening of the nail plate will be noticeable.
  • The composition contains the substance chitosan, which is used in many cosmetic and medicinal formulations, plus coral extract. The components are natural, they enhance strength and prevent delamination.
  • There is natural sea iodine - a valuable trace element that stimulates growth and prevents fragility.

No allergies or discomfort

During clinical trials and testing in practice, no allergic reactions or side effects were identified. Decent quality is confirmed by certificates and other accompanying documentation.

The composition contains many components, their ratio is thought out. They act comprehensively, strengthen and complement each other.

Fito Nails is easy to use. It is enough to apply it with a special brush, which is included in the composition, daily. Use it instead of regular nail polish. The composition dries quickly, does not delaminate, it is not only healing, but also creates a noble natural shine of a healthy nail.

Nail care is often associated with certain problems. Under the influence of a number of negative factors, external damage can form on the plate, which spoils the beauty of women's hands. Therapeutic nail polish will help correct the problem - the product promotes strengthening, restoration, healthy growth, and the fight against fungal infections. Properly selected healthy cosmetics are easy to use and effective.

What is medicated nail polish

Many women who want to maintain the beauty and health of their natural nails face problems caring for them. Insufficient nutrients, mechanical damage, and stress can cause the nail plate to begin to peel, become brittle and thin, and lose its shine. Special medicinal varnishes will help you take care of the condition of your nail plates.

The products are used as a base for manicure or as an independent coating. Vitamins, minerals, healing oils and other components of the preparations penetrate deep into the cell structure, providing nutrition, hydration, and protection from aggressive external factors. You should purchase high-quality cosmetic products after consulting a dermatologist to reduce the risk of side effects.


When choosing a cosmetic product designed to solve problems with the nail plate, special attention should be paid to its composition. Experts recognize water-based coatings as the safest. A high-quality treatment product is distinguished by the absence of nitrocellulose, formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate among the ingredients, however, some manufacturers claim that these components help improve nail immunity.

The most common cause of fragility, delamination and tarnishing of the plate is the lack of sufficient nutrition, frequent use of decorative coatings, extensions, and constant contact with aggressive household chemicals. Compositions containing the following components will help ensure your hands are healthy and beautiful:

  • minerals (calcium, silicon, sodium, potassium, iodine);
  • vitamins (A, E, F, D, group B);
  • plant extracts;
  • oils (olives, argan, jojoba);
  • fruit acids;
  • proteins.


A proper manicure procedure should include applying a colorless base coat before the decorative one. Using medicated nail polish in this capacity helps protect the plate from harmful substances and the negative effects of the external environment. You need to select a remedy in accordance with the cause of the lesion, therefore, before using a particular drug, you need to consult a specialist. There are several types of medicinal formulations on the modern cosmetic market:

  • Main strengthener – gives a healthy and well-groomed appearance, evens out the surface, protects from harmful influences. This product should be applied in 2-3 layers.
  • Regenerating base – the main function of clear varnish is regeneration. The healing properties of such cosmetics are ensured by a composition that includes many vitamins and healthy oils.
  • Complex strengthening nail polish - penetrates deeply into the structure of the plate, preventing pigmentation and promoting healing. The product should be applied in 2 layers, taking short five-minute breaks. This product has a comprehensive effect, improving the condition of damaged nails.
  • Conditioning varnish with a strengthening effect - nourishes well, provides protection against breakage, and promotes regeneration. It must be used as a base for the treatment of bending soft plates, applying in 1 layer.
  • Therapeutic conditioner – helps stimulate growth by moisturizing, strengthening and increasing strength. The product can be used as a stand-alone coating or as a base for colored varnish, applying 1-3 layers.
  • Antifungal - used as prescribed by a doctor when brittle and peeling nails are caused by infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Apply the medications to the affected areas in accordance with the instructions. Such therapeutic professional products are not used in conjunction with decorative coatings.


Therapeutic varnishes can have a narrow or complex effect, which depends on the type of product. Unlike decorative ones, such preparations, penetrating deep into the structure, provide the necessary nutrition, hydration, and protection from aggressive factors. The action of medicinal varnishes is aimed at eliminating the causes that cause damage, and not at masking problems.

Taking care of the health of the nail plate is a complex therapy. To improve the effectiveness of special coatings, you need to take vitamins and medications that will help cope with negative factors from the inside. Contact with household chemicals should be avoided by wearing rubber gloves when performing routine housework. About once a week you need to use special hand baths.

The best product for strengthening nails

The modern beauty industry offers consumers a wide range of therapeutic products. Manufacturers produce preparations containing minerals, vitamins and other substances that can give the plate strength, correct unevenness, and eliminate delamination. There is no universal healing base for manicure; choose the best medicinal nail polishes, focusing on the individual characteristics of a woman’s body. The most famous brands that have earned the trust of consumers are:

  • Eveline;
  • Trind;
  • Sally Hansen;
  • Zinger;
  • Frenchi.

Strengthening varnish

Therapeutic cosmetic product from the Frenchi brand Smart Enamel contains vitamins and other useful components. This composition moisturizes the nail plate, restores its structure, and promotes growth. The treatment course of using the coating is 4 weeks:

  • Name: Frenchi Smart enamel.
  • Characteristics: composition of the strengthening gel - calcium, vitamins E, B5, A, silk proteins, collagen, butyl acetate, nitrocellulose, keratin, ethyl acetate, phthalic dehyde, glycol copolymer, acetyl tributyl citrate. Bottle volume – 11 ml, varnish weight – 50 g.
  • Pros: effective, gives elasticity, eliminates dry nails, high availability in pharmacies.
  • Cons: thickens quickly, requires frequent updating when used as a stand-alone coating.

Sally Hansen products take care of your nails, carefully strengthening them. Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear is water-based and contains components that help strengthen the plate. The remedy is available in different shades and can be used as a decorative coating:

  • Title: Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear.
  • Characteristics: composition – water, cosmetic base, titanium, calcium, bioactive glass. Bottle capacity – 11.8 ml.
  • Pros: high efficiency with long-term use, variety of shades, reasonable cost.
  • Cons: rapid dulling of the coating, formation of cracks and chips, difficulties during application.

For nail growth

The healing varnish on a natural basis from IQ Beauty is intended for weakened and fragile plates. Its formula helps accelerate the growth of the plate, making it durable. Can be used as a stand-alone coating or as a base for colored varnish:

  • Name: IQ Beauty Hi-Speed ​​Hardener.
  • Characteristics: composition – water, cosmetic base containing silicic acid, extract from young bamboo, mineral salts, vitamins, amino acids, natural dyes.
  • Pros: covers the nail surface well, hides imperfections, strengthens, effectively accelerates growth, dries quickly, lasts a long time.
  • Cons: Contains formaldehyde.

Varnish for strengthening nails and their healthy growth from the Zinger company forms a smooth, even coating on the surface of the plate. The product contains a special complex with vitamins. Strengthening varnish reconstructs nails, makes them thicker, accelerates growth:

  • Name: Zinger Nail Repair.
  • Characteristics: ingredients - vitamin E, calcium pantothenate, silicon, natural musk rose oil, nitrocellulose, butyl acetate, ginkgo biloba leaf extract, water.
  • Pros: contains many natural ingredients, activates nail growth, has a pleasant color.
  • Cons: none identified.

To restore nails

Trind medicinal nail cosmetics are popular in the market. Caring Color is enriched with nourishing oils, strengthening agents and vitamins. Nail restoration varnish helps to heal flaky, brittle plates and eliminate pigmentation:

  • Name: Trind Nail Caring Color.
  • Characteristics: the composition is represented by strengthening components, natural nourishing oils, vitamins. Bottle volume – 9 ml. The varnish has a rich color palette.
  • Pros: effective, restores nails, prevents delamination, can be used as a decorative coating.
  • Cons: contains formaldehyde, the product is difficult to find in regular pharmacies.

The Orly company produces an effective restorative nail polish. The product makes them strong and smooth. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use cuticle oil from this company:

  • Title: Orly Dough Cookie.
  • Characteristics: composition of the cosmetic product - isopropyl, nitrocellulose, okoume resin extract, camphor, acetyl tributyl citrate, ethocrylene, ethyl acetate, cellulose acetate butyrate, butyl acetate.
  • Pros: good healing effect, easy application, long-lasting coating.
  • Cons: May feel dry.

From peeling nails

The Polish brand Evelyn offers customers a product rich in vitamins. Cosmetic products from the Nail Therapy Professional series prevent delamination and protect nails from the harmful effects of the external environment:

  • Name: Eveline 8 in 1Nail Therapy Professional Vitamin Booster.
  • Characteristics: bottle capacity – 12 ml. Ingredients: water, hydrolyzed soy protein, panthenol, propylene glycol, methylparaben, natural argan and sunflower oils, triethanolamine, paraffin.
  • Pros: quick and effective restoration of brittle nails, prolongs the durability of colored manicure, optimal price-quality ratio.
  • Cons: none identified.

Lambre brand product is intended for soft, flaking and bending nails. The composition helps make the plate elastic and elastic:

  • Name: Lambre No. 17 Strengthening Conditioner With Silk.
  • Characteristics: contains natural silk protein, powerful plasticizers, citric acid for whitening.
  • Pros: promotes effective regeneration, protection against delamination, improves the stability of decorative varnish, nourishes the nail plate.
  • Cons: none identified.

Antifungal varnishes

Fungal infections can lead to nail problems. Loceryl medicinal coating will help to cope with the disease:

  • Name: Loceryl.
  • Characteristics: active ingredient – ​​amorolfine, available in bottles of 2.5 ml, 5 ml.
  • Pros: effective for up to 10 days after application, is active against dermatophytes, yeast and mold fungi.
  • Disadvantages: cannot be used if you are hypersensitive, possible side effects, high price.

Oflomil-varnish is a medicine intended for the treatment of fungus. Qualitative changes in the state of the plate can be detected after the first application:

  • Name: Oflomil-varnish.
  • Characteristics: medicinal coating that destroys fungal infections of the nail sheet due to the action of amorolfine. Bottle volume – 2.5 ml.
  • Pros: rapid penetration of medicinal substances into the nail structure, low price, no need for frequent application, used for preventive purposes.
  • Cons: Side effects may rarely occur.

Price for medicated nail polish

A manicure base with healing properties can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered in an online store (free delivery is often provided in Moscow and St. Petersburg). The cost of the medicinal base depends on its qualities and manufacturer. Prices for bases for strengthening and restoring the nail sheet vary from 200 to 500 rubles. Specialized drugs designed to treat fungal infections will be more expensive. Such medications cost from 800 to 2000 rubles.

How to choose medicated nail polish

Before you buy a drug that has a therapeutic effect, you need to read the information on the label, which indicates the expiration date and composition. The choice should be made based on the specific problem that needs to be eliminated. Experts give the following recommendations:

  • A calcium coating is suitable for adding strength to soft nails. It is important to remember that you need to take short breaks in using such a foundation.
  • If the nail sheet is peeling, give preference to strengthening bases with proteins, camphor, plant extracts (wheat, calendula).
  • Varnishes with vitamins E, C, A, group B will help cope with brittleness and tarnishing. The presence of healing oils of orange, olive, and jojoba will be a plus.
  • If unevenness is found on the nail plate, purchase coatings containing talc and silk proteins. These components will help fill the damage.
  • Choose products whose labels indicate a narrow spectrum of action. Experts believe that specialized coatings will do their job better than universal ones.
  • Only a doctor can prescribe antifungal varnishes, since it is important to take into account the severity of the disease and the type of pathogen.


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