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Therapeutic foundation for oily skin. The best foundations that mattify and hide imperfections. Ratings of products for oily, problematic, dry, combination, aging skin. Foundation with reflective particles, with a radiant effect: ray

  • Peculiarities problem skin
  • How to choose a shade
  • Properties of foundations
  • How to apply foundation

Features of problem skin

People with problem skin always have difficulty choosing a foundation. It must meet many requirements, and not everyone, even the most advanced product, can satisfy them.

For example, increased greasiness of the skin leads to the fact that makeup does not adhere well to the face and begins to “float” literally after a couple of hours. Therefore, you need to look for stable tonal formulas.

First choose the texture and format foundation© iStock

How to decide on texture? Too light has weak masking abilities. And an overly thick product can clog pores even more and cause inflammation. In addition, you need to ensure that the cream does not contain ingredients that could worsen an already difficult situation.

What to look for when choosing a cream

The first rule is not to use oil-based cosmetics. Such products will not last on oily skin and can clog pores, causing the appearance of comedones, and in worst case- new inflammatory elements. Problem skin doesn’t even like natural oils, let alone synthetic ones.

Avoid foundation creams with oils © iStock

If your skin is dry and in dire need of hydration, look for:

  1. 1


  2. 2

    hyaluronic acid;

  3. 3

    lactic acid.

The simplest solution is to choose a product from a range of pharmacy brands. They complement their lines for problem skin with foundation creams that meet all requirements and parameters. If you buy a tinting product outside of a pharmacy, be sure to look for a product labeled:

    “non-comedogenic” (non-comedogenic);

    “does not contain oils” (oil free).

How to choose a shade

There are no special rules when choosing a shade of foundation for skin problems. But it's worth knowing that color palette in this case there is no variety. There are objective reasons for this scarcity.

“In foundations for problem skin, the toning effect is usually provided by natural mineral particles so that the cream does not become comedogenic. And they have a limited color palette, so in most cases the foundation has light shade, adapted for phototypes 1–3.”

Properties of foundations

For problematic skin, it is extremely important that makeup is a continuation of the care program or at least did not contradict her and did not nullify the efforts spent.

The main difference between foundations for skin with problems and all others is that they not only mask imperfections, but also have a healing effect. Their “official” responsibilities include:

  1. 1

    matting and reduction of sebum production;

  2. 2

    prevention and control of inflammatory rashes thanks to components with antibacterial and soothing properties.

Composition of foundations for problem skin

The composition of foundation for problem skin should include anti-inflammatory substances. Remember or write down:

  1. 1


  2. 2

    piroctone olamine;

  3. 3

    benzoyl peroxide;

  4. 4


As in the composition day cream for problem skin, the list of foundation ingredients should include sebum-regulating and mattifying components:


    linoleic acid;

  • salicylic and lipohydroxy acid;

    plant extracts.

Foundation in winter and summer

Here, for once, problem skin is lucky - there is no need to change foundation depending on the season, that is, switch to products with a thicker texture in winter. In both cold and hot weather, the main rule is the absence of comedogenic ingredients in the formula. So don't use the means rich in oils and lipids.

Problem skin does not need to change foundation according to the season © iStock

But you will definitely need a product with SPF during solar activity. Make sure that it provides optimal UV protection, has a light texture and does not provoke the formation of comedones.

Pay attention to creams with SPF from solar lines of pharmacy brands - these products combine mattifying components with reliable UV filters. You won't find a more successful base for summer makeup.

Rating of the best foundations for problem skin

Here are the four best, according to the editors of the portal site, products that will help problem skin not only acquire even tone, but also to disguise and correct imperfections.

© La Roche-Posay

Corrective makeup Dermablend 3D, SPF 25, Vichy, With high degree The coating masks all imperfections typical of problem skin: wide pores, pimples, spots, scars. Composed of - salicylic acid and eperuline, which help relieve redness and calm inflammation.

The medical camouflage technique has its own characteristics. Apply Dermablend 3D after using moisturizer, waiting until complete absorption. First press the tone onto back side palms like a palette. And then spread it over your face with your fingertips, smoothing it out easily. No brush or sponge needed. This way, the product will last up to 16 hours, mattifying the skin,” comments Elena Eliseeva.

© Garnier

The basic rule of ideal make-up is even, beautiful tone skin, so you need to choose mattifying cosmetic products very carefully. When a woman purchases a foundation for problem skin, she must weigh the pros and cons so that its use does not aggravate the situation. An illiterately chosen tone will highlight all the imperfections of the face and can cause irreparable harm. Let's find out what you need to look for when buying foundation and how to apply it.

Foundations for problem skin

Foundations for problem skin are different from other cosmetic mattifying products: they are distinguished by their composition. This product includes special components that eliminate traces of skin inflammation, smooth out wrinkles on the face, and well moisturize the epidermis. In addition to this, foundations of this type create a perfectly even tone, hide all imperfections on the face, and also significantly improve its color and give healing effect.

Which cream to choose

The best foundation for problem skin is the right cosmetics. The first guideline for choosing an individual cosmetic product is your skin type: dry, oily, combination. So, how do you know which product is right for your problem skin? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advice of a qualified cosmetologist on this issue.

  1. If a woman has oily skin, then a foundation that contains oils and similar ingredients will not suit her. Using such a product will only aggravate the problem; it is better to purchase cosmetics with mattifying properties.
  2. Dry skin, on the contrary, needs a foundation with oil base and moisturizing effect. It is worth remembering that too oily foundation will not be beneficial, because it closes the pores of the epidermis, leading to the formation of blackheads, pimples and other inflammatory processes.
  3. Before purchasing a foundation for problem skin, you need to seriously evaluate its condition. If pimples often appear on your face, then a regular foundation will not work here - it is better to buy a medicinal foundation that contains substances that have an antibacterial effect and relieve inflammation.
  4. For fair-skinned women, it is advisable to use a foundation with UV protection.
  5. For mature skin A thick foundation that “fills in” wrinkles and well moisturizes the dermis is suitable.
  6. Cosmetologists recommend young girls to use tonal BB products, which are excellent at combating blemishes on the face.
  7. If you need to remove red spots, rashes, or hide other blemishes, then feel free to purchase creams that contain antibacterial elements (for example, salicylic acid).
  8. For effective humidification epidermis, a foundation with natural oil(jojoba, almond, etc.).
  9. Tonal products with extracts from plants restore and soothe the skin.
  10. Also, cosmetologists do not recommend using foundation with a large amount of mineral (and other) fats and oils. The cream should contain more liquid, its main difference should be lightness.

How to choose a tone

When choosing the tone of foundation, you should focus on certain factors:

  1. It is better to choose the tone closest to natural color. Don't forget about individual characteristics epidermis: freckles, age spots and other nuances that make applying cosmetics difficult.
  2. The shade of the foundation depends on the type of fat content. For example, oily skin means using one color for the entire face. The chin, nasolabial folds, forehead are additionally processed loose powder more light tone, because these areas “shine” much more often than the cheeks or nose.
  3. Combined view requires the use of a product, for example, with light fluids, but the price of these cosmetics is above average. An inexpensive alternative to expensive mattifying products can be applying two types of foundations that are as similar in color as possible. We apply a cream of a darker shade to the cheekbones and forehead, and use a lighter shade to tint the rest of the face.
  4. For dry skin types, any tone that matches its color is suitable.
  5. Before applying foundation, it doesn’t hurt to test the product on a small area of ​​your cheek. This will avoid getting an uneven tone.

The best foundations

Women have been using cosmetics, including foundations, for a long time. During this time, an unofficial top of the best appeared cosmetics hiding flaws. Ladies often prefer brands such as Clinic, Belita, Bourgeois, Noreva. Quite a few have already been released good products for oily and dry skin, including the popular Vichy foundation. Let's take a closer look at them:

For oily skin

  1. The cosmetics company Clinique uses to create its products modern technologies, thanks to which a unique tinting cosmetic product for problem skin was released. All components of facial cosmetics rid the skin of excess fat, keeping the work under control. sweat glands. Foundation Clinic allows you to quickly hide spots or areas of inflammation, and also creates a matte, perfectly smooth coating for the whole day.
  2. The foundation-corrector from the Belarusian cosmetic brand Bielita Classic has a special formula with which the foundation maximally moisturizes the skin, nourishes it and adapts to all its nuances. Belita foundation mattifies all imperfections well, provides an even, beautiful complexion, and is easy to apply.
  3. Vichy cream for problem skin is one of the most popular cosmetic products. Vichy foundation Normaderm Teint is produced specifically for skin care with increased fat content. Thanks to this cream, the face becomes smooth matte shade, which lasts at least 7 hours. Foundation for oily skin Normaderm from Vichy does not close pores, but it does an excellent job of masking minor blemishes.

For dry skin

  1. BB cream for problem skin from Bourjois lasts a long time, does not close skin pores, perfectly evens out the tone and does not sag. This cosmetic product is available in 4 shades.
  2. Light cream Noreva does an excellent job of corrective function. It not only creates a beautiful tone, but also restores and revitalizes dry skin. With the help of Norev, you can achieve anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.
  3. The Finnish medicinal foundation Anytime is based on extracts of plants, herbs, and flowers. Absolutely all products are created on the basis natural ingredients. The foundation effectively combats excess dryness and restores normal color faces.

How to apply foundation

  1. Before treating your face with foundation, you must thoroughly clean it of impurities using tonic or lotion.
  2. After this you need to apply a base coat. It can be played by a non-greasy moisturizer or emulsion. We wait until the base is absorbed.
  3. Let's move on to application foundation. To do this, use a sponge, a special brush or your fingers. It is recommended to distribute the cosmetic evenly so that you get a perfectly smooth tone. The complexion will differ from the décolleté and neck area, so you will also have to apply a little tinted cosmetics to them.
  4. If “troubles” in the form of pimples or blackheads often appear on your face, then before applying the corrector you should treat them with concealer.

Foundation is a cosmetic product, necessary for creating any style of makeup. It gives the skin radiance, evens out tone and hides imperfections.

From the right choice foundation depends quality and result of makeup, therefore, its choice must be treated with the utmost care. When purchasing, you should consider not only the shade and texture, but also whether the cream is comedic or not.

Note! When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following information: "oil free"(does not contain oils) and "non comedogenic"(non-comedonic).

What does the concept mean?

Additional advantages of such products are their pronounced caring properties: they moisturize, nourish and restore facial skin.

Ordinary thick foundations penetrate deep into the pores and their particles are not washed out even by cleansers. This leads to blockage sebum, which is a prerequisite for the appearance of inflammation.

And non-comedogenic foundations are creams that have undergone a composition test to ensure that they do not contain components that can clog pores.

Only such cosmetic products suitable for problem skin, prone to excessive fat content and regular occurrence of inflammation.

Non-comedogenic foundation is a product light texture allowing the skin to breathe and preventing accumulation sebum. This cream rinses off well during cleansing and has only a beneficial effect.

It prevents many skin problems and protects against exposure negative factors external environment.

Any foundation, including non-comedogenic ones, should be thoroughly washed off the skin while washing.

Read about the properties and use of alpha-lipoic acid for facial skin in ours.

Useful and harmful components

When choosing a foundation that does not clog pores, you should carefully get acquainted with its composition.

As a rule, non-comedogenic cosmetic products contain positive components such as:

  1. Benzoyl peroxide. It is an antiseptic substance with pronounced healing properties. Narrows pores and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Salicylic acid. A component that has an antibacterial and cleansing effect. Reduces sebum production and relieves inflammation.
  3. Plant extracts.
  4. Such medicinal herbs such as chamomile, calendula, green tea extract or tea tree have anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. Have a beneficial effect on general condition skin in general.

  5. Sun protection components. Reliably protect against negative impact ultraviolet rays and premature aging.
  6. Allontoil. A substance with an effective healing effect, additionally cleansing pores.
  7. Sulfur. A component that washes away dead particles and sebum from the surface of the skin.

All of the listed ingredients are considered safe and have only positive effects.

To the list harmful components, which should not be present in the composition non-comedogenic agents include:

  • sodium lauryl sulphate;
  • isoparaffin;
  • hexylene glycol;
  • fragrances and flavors;
  • fatty and saturated oils.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Basic functions

Non-comedogenic foundation, like any foundation, has a number of useful functions. These include:

  1. Protection from external irritants: sun, wind, frost or dust.
  2. Moisturizing and combating flaking and dryness.
  3. Nourishment for weakened skin.
  4. Giving your face a rested and fresh look.
  5. Extending the durability of makeup.
  6. Concealing skin defects: acne, enlarged pores, age spots, redness, freckles and fine wrinkles.

How to choose a foundation for oily and problem skin? find out right now.

Rating of the best

mass market:

L'Oreal Alliance Perfect:

  • shades: 9;
  • action: matting and moisturizing;
  • price: 550-650 rubles;
  • manufacturer: L'Oreal, France.


  • shades: 5;
  • action: masking flaws;
  • price: 300-400 rubles;
  • manufacturer: Lumene, Finland.

Bourjois 10 hour sleep effect:

  • shades: 3;
  • action: moisturizes and gives radiance;
  • price: 550-650 rubles;
  • manufacturer: Bourjois, France.

The best non-comedogenic foundations luxury class:

Dior Diorskin Ultra Mat:

  • shades: 9;
  • action: mattifies, moisturizes and cares;
  • price: 3200-3300 rubles;
  • manufacturer: Dior, France.


  • shades: 10;
  • action: hides defects and mattifies;
  • price: 2600-2800 rubles;
  • manufacturer: Lancome, France.

Shiseido Perfect Refining Foundation:

  • shades: 6;
  • action: evens out tone, cares and moisturizes;
  • price: 1800-1900 rubles;
  • manufacturer: Shiseido, Japan.

Specialists in the selection of foundation for combination skin faces you will find on our website.

Choice for problem skin

The choice of foundation for problem skin should take into account many characteristics and features:

  1. The texture should be light.
  2. Must be present in the lineup anti-inflammatory elements.
  3. Banned oils, synthetic dyes and preservatives should not be in the composition.
  4. It is better to give preference to foundations with vitamins and medicinal components in the composition.

The listed requests for problem skin correspond to light BB creams and pharmacy medicated foundations.

The most polar among these are:

Non-comedogenic foundation is a cosmetic product designed specifically for problem skin.

It will give you a flawless look, hide imperfections and take care of your skin, preventing the occurrence of inflammation. Therefore, it is important to choose it correctly, taking into account the composition of the components, features and characteristics.

Review of foundations for problem skin faces in this video:

Foundation is a cosmetic product which is responsible for creating perfect tone face and serves as a basis for everyday or evening makeup.

Contrary to the opinion of many cosmetologists, problematic skin is not a reason to refuse beautiful makeup . The right tone will give your face healthy looking and will hide the most problematic areas.

Criteria for a quality foundation

What qualities should a good foundation for problem skin have?

The main requirement for a foundation is that it is comfortable to wear. If you feel that under the layer of cream the skin begins to sweat, does not breathe or looks like a mask, look for another product.

Let's go shopping

If you've ever set out to find the perfect foundation, you're probably familiar with the following situation.

After reading many positive reviews on the Internet, you go shopping, test the product in the store and are satisfied.

But already the first use is disappointing: the cream sinks into the pores, does not hide oily shine, or even “creeps” from the face, imprinting on the mobile phone.

How to avoid unnecessary purchases and determine what product is right for you?

Review filter

Don't blindly trust reviews on the Internet. Some of them are custom, others will not help you at all, due to the fact that the author has a completely different skin.

Using a probe is the easiest way to find the perfect foundation.

Typically, cosmetic samples are designed for 2-3 applications. This is more than enough to make a choice.

Try to use the product in different weather conditions . Also pay attention to how it behaves throughout the day. If you have to constantly adjust your makeup with mattifying wipes and powder, this foundation is not suitable for oily and problem skin.

Unfortunately, Not all brands are generous with samples. If you cannot find a sample, test the product at least 2 times in a store.

Proper testing

Come to the store without makeup, because testing products on the skin of the wrist does not reflect real picture. Select several creams (no more than 2-3 at a time) that attracted you with their composition and reviews.

Apply thin vertical stripe cream onto the cheek and blend. Do the same with the other cream, making sure to leave a strip of clean skin between them.

Compare the results in a store, and then be sure to go outside. Be sure to evaluate the effect under different lighting.

Choose your favorite and next time test only this one. If you like the product a second time, you can safely make a purchase.

Top 10 foundations for problem skin

One of the best foundations for problematic skin, the product of the Clinic brand is recognized. The manufacturer claims that it not only hides pimples, but also treats them.

It contains a drying component such as salicylic acid. Thanks to it, the cream mattifies the skin and gradually eliminates imperfections.

The disadvantages of the product include prohibition on its use in the area around the eyes. In addition, it is not economical. Considering its price, this can be a serious drawback.

It is worth noting that Clinique cosmetics work best in combination. If you want to not only disguise acne, but also get rid of it, combine the use of foundation with a care system.

Perfect the famous three-stage Anti-Blemish Solutions line.

This therapeutic foundation for problem skin contains: complex with zinc.

This has a positive effect on oily and combination skin.

Vichy cream has average masking ability. Those who are suitable for the Vichy formula are guaranteed a beautiful complexion without a mask effect.

Among the brand's many foundations, the most suitable non-comendogenic foundation for acne-prone skin is Studio Fix Fluid.

Means has average degree coatings, the thickness of which can be varied by the number of layers.

To do this, simply let the cream set for a few minutes and reapply if necessary.

The tone is most easily distributed with a soft kabuki brush. To create a denser disguise, make patting movements, as if driving it into the skin.

The advantages of the tone include the presence of SPF. It will be able to protect your face from photoaging in the city.

If you are going on holiday to a warm country, it is better to opt for a product with more high SPF(from 35).

Like the other one professional cosmetics, MAS has one drawback - their products require careful rinsing. To remove tone, it is best to use hydrophilic oil and foam.

Maybelline cream is considered a budget alternative to MAC. It has a very light texture and does not sink into pores.

The product is suitable sensitive skin during acne exacerbation.

More likely, The product will disappoint those looking for dense coverage. Maybelline tone will not be able to completely cover all imperfections.

Those who are dissatisfied with the quality of the camouflage should use a spot correction product.

L'Oreal Alliance Perfect

The huge advantage of this foundation is wide color palette. You can easily choose the right shade.

Plus, you can expect a perfect blend of tone and skin, as promised in the product's name.

L'Oreal product is a thick foundation for problem skin, so to create natural effect For a well-groomed face, you will have to try harder with shading.

The easiest way to do this is use a damp sponge. If you apply too much cream, it can highlight wrinkles and flaking, so measure the amount carefully.

Noreva Exfoliak - best choice for those who suffer from excessively oily skin. If you apply the cream to previously prepared skin, you can forget about the problem greasy shine for the whole day.

The Uriage line is well suited for care. If your face is not only problematic, but also sensitive, try the Avene series.

For some girls, the cream has become a real salvation in the hot season, when it is very difficult to control sebum secretion. The product leaves a pleasant powdery finish and does not require additional fixation.

Max Factor has developed a cream for skin with enlarged pores, comedones and acne. It combines perfectly high covering power and comfortable wear.

The cream is easily removed with micellar water and does not cause inflammation. His can be used even during periods of acne exacerbation.

This foundation has earned many conflicting reviews even among fans of the brand.

Some people scold him for excessive lightness of coverage and emphasizing imperfections. Others are delighted from weightless coverage and decent camouflage.

In the case of such different reactions to the product, we can only recommend one thing - be sure to test it.

The cream corrects noticeable imperfections and has SPF25. It is suitable even for very sensitive skin and can be used during active treatment acne.

The downside of La Roche cream is its thick texture.. On the one hand, it provides excellent camouflage, but on the other, it is very problematic to apply.

Distribute the tone quickly enough and immediately remove any excess. The product dries out quickly and is difficult to correct.

Belarusian foundation Suitable for those who want to deal with excess shine on their skin. Its texture resembles a Korean BB cream.

He will not hide significant flaws, but will give the face a rested look and an even tone.

Cosmetologists often advise refraining from wearing makeup. during the period of exacerbation acne. This recommendation is due to the fact that most cosmetic products are comedogenic, that is, they provoke new inflammation.

Their use will only worsen the problem and greatly delay treatment. If you're not ready to give up makeup, select one of the tools described in the article. They are safe and work great on problem skin.

A foundation for problem skin should hide its imperfections well and have a gentle effect. It is rare to meet a girl who is satisfied with her skin. Problem skin doesn't look the best in the best possible way. In addition to a basic set of care products, she needs a good foundation that will help hide problems.

Important! Foundation for problem skin should be hypoallergenic and non-comendogenic. What are these concepts and what should they be? hypoallergenic cream and a non-comendogenic remedy, you can read in the relevant articles.

What is important to consider when choosing?

Girls with imperfections on the skin need to carefully approach the selection of cosmetics. The peculiarity of this epidermis is that it is very sensitive to various irritants, including foundations that do not correspond to this type.

Foundation for problem skin should be:

  1. Hypoallergenic - does not irritate sensitive epithelium, does not cause irritation or an allergic reaction.
  2. Non-comendogenic – that is, does not clog pores. Clogged pores tend to become inflamed, causing blackheads and pimples to form.
  3. Have a light, but at the same time dense texture. Great for masking, but not covered with an impenetrable film.
  4. Contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components that will protect the sensitive epidermis from inflammation.
  5. Have ultraviolet filters that protect the skin from the negative effects of sunlight.
  6. Have a matting effect, that is, regulate the secretion of sebum. They do a great job with this natural ingredients, for example, tea tree extract, St. John's wort, chamomile.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the color of the foundation you choose. The shade should be one tone lighter than yours natural in winter and one tone darker in summer. If you have severe redness, pimples, age spots, it is necessary to give preference to products that match the color, but mask these imperfections.

Advice! When choosing a foundation, pay attention to the packaging; it should contain the inscription “for problem skin.” These products are designed specifically for your epidermis, taking into account its characteristics.

How to apply it correctly?

Very important point is correct application. If you follow all the rules, you will be able to avoid many unpleasant moments.

We apply it correctly:

  • Always wash your face before using any product.
  • Apply a light moisturizer suitable as a base. If your foundation moisturizes well, you can get by with just that.
  • Apply the product to remote areas of the face. Use a small amount of foundation. If you overdo it with a portion, you can cause clogged pores.
  • Distribute evenly and blend thoroughly on face.
  • Wait 10-15 minutes before applying powder and blush. The foundation must be absorbed and adapt to the characteristics of the epithelium.

Important! Always wash your face before going to bed. Never go to bed with makeup left on. This is unacceptable for women with any type of skin, especially problematic ones.

Suitable foundations


  • The BB product is suitable for problematic epidermis;
  • Hides skin imperfections;
  • Gives natural shine and smoothness;
  • Adjusts to tone;
  • Refreshes and does not cause greasy shine;
  • Protects from sun rays.

Price: 350 rub.

  • Suitable for oily and problem types;
  • Excellent mattifying;
  • Has a light consistency;
  • Smoothes the surface of the face;
  • Refreshes;
  • Does not emphasize wrinkles;
  • Masks imperfections;
  • Does not create a mask effect and looks natural.

Price: 380 rub.

Vichy Normaderm tone

  • Tones and cares for problematic type epidermis;
  • Gives an even and flawless tone to the face;
  • Excellent mattifying;
  • Keeps the cover fresh for a long time;
  • It has a texture that does not pill and does not clog pores;
  • Protects against ultraviolet rays;
  • Gradually improves the condition of the skin.

Price: 950 rub.


A foundation for problem skin should have special properties, light texture and consistency. It is important that it contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components that will prevent irritation and allergies on the face. Apply foundation correctly and it will give your face natural beauty, hiding pronounced flaws.

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