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The best time of year to have a baby. The best time to conceive. Is it possible to choose the gender of the child?

or - nature doesn’t have bad weather... Each season has its pros and cons, so the popular question is what season? plan to conceive a baby not without meaning.

At first glance, everything is simple: best time to conceive- mid-autumn. A rested and strengthened body over the summer is the best foundation for a healthy pregnancy. One “but” - you should spend the summer not in a stuffy office of a dusty and stinking metropolis, but in nature, away from the bustle and noise. In addition, the first trimester, with its inevitable toxicosis and increased drowsiness, falls during the rainy season, the second, the most favorable, because toxicosis has already receded and the stomach has not yet begun to grow, falls during the invigorating frosty period, the third, when movements are constrained, and long-distance absences from the houses are no longer shown - for the time of the spring thaw. In a word, by the warm June (or, in extreme cases, July) days, you are already in shape again and ready, armed with a stroller or a backpack-carrying bag, to conquer new distances. However…

Pay according to the seasons!
Historically, the maximum conceptions in the European part of Russia occurred at the end of May - July. Scientists believe that the reason for this is the air temperature, at this time it is most favorable for conception, + 18°C, and the length of daylight hours, which is also “optimal” for the start of pregnancy.

If you believe modern statistics, then the largest number of births occurs in August-September and the end of April - beginning of May. The secret is simple - children conceived during the New Year holidays or during vacation are born. Alas, not all parents at this time approach the issue of pregnancy responsibly. As you remember, the combination of alcohol and conception is unacceptable. Gynecologists and geneticists advise not to drink alcohol for 2-3 months before pregnancy. Moreover, both the expectant mother and the future father of the child.
And yet, what bonuses and what dangers are fraught with this or that time of year?..

Winter start
By the end of November, the reserves of summer vitamins, strength and energy are coming to an end. The body is intensively preparing for “hibernation”, and then there is severe stress in the form conception and pregnancy. Conception at the beginning of winter leads to emergency restructuring in the female body, accumulation of remaining resources for the successful development of pregnancy. During this period, a woman often experiences unexpected attacks of fatigue, drowsiness and irritability. In addition, the first, most vulnerable months fall during the epidemiologically unfavorable season - December and February. The placenta, which protects the baby from negative influences, begins to work actively only at the 14th week of pregnancy, which means that any virus instantly attacks an unprotected egg and literally “eats” the embryo.
The first months of the baby's life will be during autumn weather. Long walks, which are so necessary for him, can lead to a cold in the mother and, as a result, problems with feeding and colds in the newborn. In addition, statistics show that women giving birth in the fall are more susceptible to manifestations of postpartum depression than their spring-summer counterparts, more often experience bouts of melancholy, are less active in losing excess weight and returning to the usual rhythm of life. On the other hand, the baby spends the winter period in a warm and cozy stroller. With proper dressing and organization of the child's seat in the stroller, he is protected from possible hypothermia.

From spring to winter
February 23 and March 8 are excellent reasons to think about procreation. But we should not forget about hypovitaminosis, which is observed during this period in both women and men. Unfortunately, even a course of special tableted vitamins does not allow us to talk about fully meeting the needs of an adult (whether a woman or a man) for microelements and vitamins.

On the other hand, a definite plus conception in spring- an opportunity for the summer period (the period of active growth and development of the embryo) to go to the countryside, breathe in fresh air and eat up the gifts of the forest and garden (fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs). However, the third trimester will occur in winter, when ice can play a cruel joke. The slightest injury or fall is extremely dangerous for both mother and baby. You may have to give up walking, limiting yourself to air procedures on the balcony or on a bench at the entrance. But in winter there is a good production of melatonin, which promotes sound sleep. And the hardships of the last months of pregnancy in the cold season are easier to bear than in the summer heat. A separate line goes to the wardrobe - such a pregnancy requires its complete replacement (for the autumn-winter period).

From summer to spring
If conception takes place during one of the most favorable periods in terms of weather conditions and the saturation of the body with vitamins, then the period of childbirth and the beginning of lactation will coincide with the height of hypovitaminosis. In a word, conceiving in the summer is great, but it requires strict adherence to sanitary measures.

Doctors warn against eating berries directly from the bushes, eating unwashed greens, the habit of chewing a blade of grass, and enjoying barbecue in the summer. Poorly fried meat is fraught with a lot of troubles, both for the expectant mother and for her baby. All berries and vegetables must be properly processed - “dirty hand disease” can lead to dehydration. And constant gastrointestinal spasm can create a threat of miscarriage. Not to mention more serious and difficult to treat conditions in a pregnant woman.

Following those flying south
And the last option is autumn conception with birth occurring at the end of spring - beginning of summer.
The threat of ARVI and influenza once again loomed over the expectant mother. In the off-season, it is better to stay at home and get some sleep, because in the last trimester, which falls during the maximum duration of daylight hours, it will be very difficult to fall asleep. Due to hormonal changes in the last trimester of pregnancy and physiological characteristics, the expectant mother constantly feels anxious, which does not allow her to relax and fall asleep. And choosing a position that is comfortable for yourself and your stomach is quite difficult. Today, the problem of adapting a newborn to external conditions has also become relevant. Unfortunately, babies do not tolerate high summer temperatures well, and the use of air conditioners in rooms where a newborn is located is secretly prohibited.
But there are also advantages - in May-June you can get by with flip-flops and light sundresses. You won’t have to buy shoes a size or even two larger because of swelling.

Biorhythms of mother and baby
Experts who study human life rhythms note that during the two months “before” and “after” a person’s birthday, a person’s vital activity noticeably decreases. At this time, experts do not recommend actively traveling, competing in competitions, or attempting to conceive a child. Cosmobiologists are sure that every woman has periods that are most favorable for pregnancy. Some experts even claim that favorable biorhythms for conception do not depend in any way on a man’s biorhythms. There is, of course, a theoretically defined dependence. For some women, the most favorable period is the winter half of the year - from November to March, for others - the summer half-year, from April to October.

The most well-known biorhythm is the cyclical functioning of the female body, the duration of which is approximately equal to the lunar month (28 days). During the menstrual cycle, a complex of rhythmic changes occurs in the female body: body temperature, blood sugar, body weight, and other physiological indicators.

Scientists have noted that the child’s biological rhythms largely depend on the date of birth (fluctuations in light, temperature, humidity, the strength of the Earth’s electromagnetic field), partly on the biological rhythms of the mother during pregnancy, genetic nuances and the rhythm accepted among the baby’s environment. Thus, we can assume that the date of conception is chosen not only by mom and dad, but also by their future baby.

Happy pregnancy and easy birth!

To summarize, we can say that it is realistic to choose the time of year for the birth of a baby and plan his conception correctly. But do not forget that in pursuit of the desired period of labor, you can be distracted from the most important thing - the health of the child, you just do not need to forget about it.

When is the best time to get pregnant?

When is the best time to get pregnant? This question increasingly worries people, both women and men, who dream of having a child: after all, we no longer classify the idea of ​​family planning as purely theoretical. Modern people do not have an overly healthy lifestyle: we take a variety of medications, are exposed to harmful factors at work, sometimes allow ourselves some, frankly, excesses in the form of alcohol and nicotine, etc. That is why people are increasingly thinking about planning the continuation of their own family - in order to maximally protect the unborn child from the consequences of all these harmful circumstances, if possible excluding them from their lives in advance. There are many considerations that influence the choice of the optimal time, from the point of view of future parents, for conceiving (and, accordingly, giving birth) to a child - from general medical to purely personal, and sometimes funny. Let's make a reservation right away: there is no scientifically proven ideal time for conception. Moreover, “unplanned” but desired children are healthy, smart and loved no less than “planned” children. However, we will try to consider those factors that most often influence the choice of time for conception. The timing of conception may be determined by various medical considerations. Let's list some of them.

Time elapsed after discontinuation of contraceptives

It is believed that after discontinuation of oral contraceptives, as well as after removal of the intrauterine device, it is advisable to refrain from conceiving for 2-3 cycles. During this time, the hormonal and vitamin-mineral balance is normalized, which is affected by oral contraceptives, and the uterine wall and the activity of the fallopian tubes, which changes under the influence of the IUD, are restored. After using pastspermicides, conception can be planned in the next cycle (pregnancy that occurs while using these contraceptives can be complicated by developmental defects in the fetus), and barrier contraception such as a condom and diaphragm do not in any way affect the likelihood of conceiving a healthy child.

Time elapsed since the birth of the previous child

According to WHO recommendations, at least two years should pass between childbirth and the conception of the next child. After a caesarean section, the two-year interval must be observed especially strictly. In addition, it is important to remember that it is advisable to observe a six-month break between stopping breastfeeding and conception. It is during this period that the female body is fully restored and is able to face the hardships of the next pregnancy without harmful stress.

Time elapsed since the previous pregnancy was terminated

It is believed that after an interrupted pregnancy - regardless of whether the abortion was spontaneous (miscarriage) or artificial - you need to wait six months before the next attempt to conceive a child. This time is best used to correct those disorders that led to a miscarriage or were an indication for artificial termination of pregnancy.

Cycle day

The magazine “9 MONTHS” has repeatedly talked about the fact that conception is possible on strictly defined days of the cycle, coinciding with ovulation. It would seem that there is nothing to choose here. However, if you are having trouble conceiving, it may be worth asking yourself first: “Are we choosing the right time? Are we missing this very ovulation? Usually ovulation occurs two weeks before the next menstrual bleeding (with an ovarian-menstrual cycle of 28 days, the moment of ovulation coincides with its middle), that is, if your cycle is 28-30 days, then the best time for conception is 14-16 day, but this date may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the woman. There are a variety of methods for determining the moment of ovulation - from measuring basal temperature (in the morning, without getting out of bed, measure the temperature in the rectum; the moment it rises indicates ovulation) to a home ovulation test (the test is based on determining an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone). Your chances of conceiving are greatest within 48 hours of a positive home test result. If you really want to conceive a boy or a girl, you need to keep in mind that the sex of the child is determined by the sex chromosome located in the sperm. The lifespan and motility of sperm carrying different sex chromosomes are different. Sperm carrying the X chromosome (female) remain viable longer in the female genital tract (on average 48-72 hours), but are less mobile. Y-sperm (male) are more mobile, but live shorter (on average 24-36 hours). Therefore, those who want to definitely give birth to a boy can be advised to have sex on the day of ovulation. For couples dreaming of a daughter, it makes sense to indulge in this activity 2-3 days before ovulation, and during ovulation to refrain from sexual relations. Of course, it cannot be said that this method provides a 100% guarantee, but following these recommendations somewhat increases the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender.


Of course, everyone has once heard such expressions as “” and “late pregnancy”. Apparently, there is a certain golden mean - the age that is optimal for having a child. Indeed, although a woman is capable of childbearing from the moment of puberty (11-12 years) until the extinction of menstrual function (48-50 years), the ideal age for giving birth to a child is considered to be the period from 20 to 35 years. This is due both to the physiological characteristics of the female body (after all, pregnancy is not just the process of carrying a child in the uterus, it is a restructuring of all organs and systems), and to psychological and social factors. We should not forget that, according to statistics, a woman over 35 years of age increases the risk of having a child with genetic disorders (for example, the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome doubles). For men, this age threshold occurs later. Currently, the world is actively studying the influence of age on the reproductive abilities of men. Although it is too early to talk about final results, it has been proven that already at the age of 50, the number of sperm in the ejaculate, and therefore the ability to fertilize, significantly decreases in men. Therefore, when thinking about when you would like to conceive a child, take into account the age of both yours and your partner.

Time of year

Here you can give different reasoning and arguments. Conceiving a child in autumn It is favorable in that the expectant mother meets the hardships of pregnancy well-rested, her body is saturated with vitamins, strengthened by summer vacation, which usually involves leaving the city and increasing physical activity. The last, most difficult trimester of pregnancy occurs in the pleasant spring period, when there is no longer any need to carry a heavy fur coat, there is no danger of slipping and falling on an ice-crusted sidewalk, but at the same time, that sweltering summer heat has not yet begun, which can aggravate the development of gestosis second half of pregnancy.

The baby will be born in late spring - summer, which is good from the point of view of preventing rickets. There is an opinion that the favorable course of the third trimester is facilitated by the high concentration of melatonin in the maternal blood, a hormone of the pineal gland, released in the dark. With winter conception, pregnancy is deprived of this advantage, which is undoubtedly present if the child is conceived in the spring and his birth is expected in late autumn or winter. Spring conception occurs against the background of a lack of vitamins (therefore, you should consult your doctor in advance and ask him to select the appropriate vitamin complex for you). In summer, the pregnancy period is not yet very long, so the season is more likely to favor the course of pregnancy (we have already listed: vitamins, rest, etc.). We have already talked about the main advantage of pregnancy, the end of which falls in the fall - beginning of winter (increased melatonin content in the body ). The disadvantages include the increased risk of ARVI and flu, as well as slippery (in winter) streets and the need to wear heavy winter clothing. But a baby born in winter, although deprived of the opportunity to walk in the fresh air and receive a sufficient amount of sunlight immediately after birth, is protected from viral diseases (which are not uncommon in winter and early spring) thanks to maternal antibodies, which he receives with milk. The same advantage is enjoyed by a child conceived in winter and born, accordingly, in the fall. Winter conception also needs to be “fortified” beforehand. The hot summer months, which occur in the second half of pregnancy, may cause some inconvenience (the likelihood of a more severe course of late gestosis). Summer Conception is favored by the abundance of natural vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy, while the last months occur at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, when the dark time of day is still very long, and, therefore, the melatonin content in the body is high. True, at this time the streets may still be slippery, and the likelihood of influenza and ARVI epidemics remains. But a newborn baby will be delighted by the spring sun (a natural prevention of rickets), and summer fruits and vegetables will saturate mother’s milk with vitamins.

It is possible that we have lost sight of some considerations about the pros and cons of this or that time of year from the point of view of conception. However, we hope that the very principle of constructing an argument is clear to you, just as it is clear that choosing the ideal time is very difficult. However, in our opinion, the best time to conceive is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn (the birth of a child occurs at the end of spring - the beginning of summer).


Of course, the listed factors do not exhaust the entire set of arguments that guide couples planning to conceive. Sometimes career considerations come to the fore (“I’m just at the beginning of my journey, I have such prospects, I’ll achieve this and that, then I can think about having a child”), material opportunities (“a child is so expensive, Let’s earn some extra money, and then...”). Someone certainly wants their child to be born under a certain zodiac sign and carefully calculates the time of conception based on the desired time of birth. There are times when parents dream that the birth of their child will coincide (or in no case coincide) with some holiday or birthday of one of their older children or other family members. Sometimes a future father (or future mother), whose birthday falls in the summer months, having “suffered” in childhood from the inability to share this holiday with school friends (after all, everyone leaves in the summer), seeks to save his child from a similar fate and plans conception accordingly... In general - compare, weigh the pros and cons, plan! In conclusion, I would just like to remind you once again: no matter what considerations you are guided by when planning the time of conceiving a child, do not forget about the need to undergo a medical examination before pregnancy(both future parents need it): agree, parents should be sure that they have done everything possible to ensure that their baby is born healthy!

Home » Weeks » What is the best time to conceive? The best time to conceive a child

When planning a pregnancy, modern parents try to determine the most favorable time not only for the birth, but also for conceiving their unborn child. They are interested in everything - the most successful time of the year, the most advantageous time of day for this. They try to switch to a healthier lifestyle, get tested, and become interested in heredity. In a word, they strive to prepare the most favorable soil for the conception and development of a healthy baby.

Favorable time to conceive a child: how to calculate

Conception occurs at the moment of ovulation in a woman, everyone knows this. The readiness of the egg for fertilization occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. A standard cycle lasts 28 days, which means the release of the egg responsible for conception should be expected 14-15 days after the start of the last menstruation. Considering the viability of sperm, the chances of getting pregnant in the two- or three-day period before and after ovulation are very high - up to 40 percent or more.

However, the problem may be that not all women can boast of a stable menstrual cycle. It depends on lifestyle, stress, overwork, illness and other factors. Calculating the most favorable time for conception in this case is somewhat more difficult. In addition, a longer cycle, up to 32 days, or, conversely, a shorter cycle, up to 22-24 days, can be determined physiologically.

To most accurately calculate the time of ovulation, you can resort to basal temperature readings. Long-term observations over a period of 3-4 months and a graph constructed based on the results of measurements will help to identify a fairly convincing pattern. You can also take tests, do special tests or undergo an ultrasound, which will help you most accurately determine the time of ovulation and, with a high degree of reliability, calculate the time favorable for conception.

The most favorable time of year to conceive a child

It is believed that the most favorable time, when parents have every chance of successfully conceiving a baby, is the period of late summer - early autumn. Experts share the same opinion. The logic here is simple. Summer and early autumn are the time for vitamin greens, fruits and vegetables, sun, warmth and positive mood. At this time of year, a woman feels rested, enough vitamins and microelements accumulate in her body, and this is the most favorable basis for conceiving a healthy child. The same can be said about a man. A strong body that has absorbed solar energy produces higher quality, more viable sperm.

It is known that in the first months of pregnancy, the female body, undergoing hormonal changes, becomes especially vulnerable to external influences and colds. Viral infections begin to become more active closer to winter, and a woman who conceives a baby at the end of summer manages to become sufficiently strong by the cold season, to adapt to the state of pregnancy and the associated physiological changes. What is noteworthy is that children conceived during the transitional summer-autumn period of the year are born in spring and summer, and babies also manage to get stronger during the warm season in order to resist winter colds.

The most favorable time of day to conceive a child

With a daily approach, it is believed that the best time to conceive a child is the second half of the day, around 17-18 hours. During the daily cycle, sperm are most active and their number reaches its peak. There is another opinion, according to which the morning hours are most favorable for conception, when the male body is rested and full of strength. However, these are rather conditional indicators, everything is very individual. For example, when planning conception, the rhythm of sexual relations can play a certain role. He must be quite active.

It is advisable to take into account positions during intimacy and give preference to those in which sperm are thrown into the zone closest to the uterus (the rear position is effective), and the leakage of ejaculate is reduced. It is not a fact that conception will ultimately occur at the most favorable time for this, and the pregnancy will go according to a pre-planned scenario. But why not try to increase your chances for the sake of the health of your unborn child. The main thing is not to get hung up on the search for the most favorable time to conceive a child, as experts say. This is important from both psychological and physiological points of view. For example, a 30-year-old woman sometimes needs up to a year for the long-awaited conception to occur. There is an age factor in men as well. Closer to 40-45 years, the motility of sperm and their active part decreases significantly.

You need to be patient, relax, enjoy life, and, of course, give up bad habits and alcohol. And if there are no purely medical problems, pregnancy will definitely occur to give the man and woman parental happiness.

Sooner or later, every married couple faces the question of adding to their family. When is it better to conceive a child: in summer or winter, in the morning or in the evening, should you plan in advance, or how will it turn out? These and many other problems overcome young people when they decide to have their first baby.

Every parent wants to see their child healthy and smart, and in the future - a successful and happy person. At the same time, spouses who decide to become parents should take into account many nuances when planning a child. After all, the time of successful conception is not only a certain day, but also a favorable confluence of other factors.

Some issues need to be resolved long before

If you and your husband have decided that it is time to conceive a child, then such a step requires thorough preparation. Many people often find out about pregnancy by accident, without any savings or even their own home. This is wrong. You need to prepare in advance for the emergence of a new life. And first of all, it is worth resolving the issue of housing and your own health.

Repairs in your apartment need to be done before pregnancy, because it is very harmful for a woman in an interesting position to breathe construction dust, and even more so to do repairs on her own. Only after everyday problems have been resolved can you begin to decide the question of when is the best time to conceive a child.

Health is also an important factor

The physical condition of the parents is also an important criterion for conceiving a normal child. After all, it often happens that no matter how hard a couple tries, nothing works out precisely because of health problems. Moreover, not only the woman, but also her husband needs to visit doctors and undergo all tests. Many people are not even aware of some diseases that, to one degree or another, affect conception. Therefore, be sure to visit a therapist and specialists, take the most basic tests and be examined for hidden infections. This will give you a better chance of having a healthy baby.

If there are any health problems, eliminate them and only then plan your pregnancy, including deciding when it is better to conceive a child in the morning or evening, at what time of year and on what day of your cycle.

The most successful age for conception

Experienced doctors believe that the most suitable female age for conceiving the first is the period from 20 to 26 years. This is what concerns the physiological characteristics of every girl. After all, the first birth after 30 years can result in various complications for both mother and baby. In addition, at the age of 20, the body’s tissues are quite elastic and capable of not only withstanding the load during pregnancy, but also recovering faster after childbirth. Many years of research have established that if you give birth to your first child before age 22, the risk of developing breast cancer will be minimal.

Psychologically, a woman becomes ready to become a mother only at the age of 26, since by this time she has developed a definite career, has a stable income, and the wind has not been blowing in her head for a long time.

When is the best time to conceive a child is up to you to decide. After all, you can give birth at 40 or 50, if only you were healthy. However, doctors do not like to take risks with such late pregnancies, and will in every possible way dissuade you from conceiving a baby. Remember that you should not postpone pregnancy until later. Try to think about this in advance, when there is still some time left before turning 30.

What is the best time of year to conceive?

When planning what time of year you'll get pregnant, think carefully about the pros and cons of each season. Keep in mind that by the time you become pregnant, you need to add another 8-9 months to find out what season you will give birth.

It is impossible to say specifically when is the best time to conceive a child. The time of year is not the main indicator that you should focus on. Each season has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice is up to you.

If pregnancy occurs during the warmest time of the year, be prepared for the fact that you will give birth in the spring. Just during the period when the body is most susceptible to colds and experiences a severe lack of vitamins. And the last trimester will be a time of cold and ice, you will have to look for clothes a couple of sizes larger so that you can breathe fresh air.

The advantage is that the first trimester will be during a fairly warm time of year. You will be able to eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, saturate your body with essential vitamins and microelements.

If pregnancy occurs in the fall, then you will give birth in the summer. Disadvantages: In the first months of pregnancy, you will have to constantly watch out for colds and outbreaks of acute respiratory viral infections, which can greatly affect the development of the baby. Melanin production in the autumn months deteriorates significantly due to the frequent poor health of the pregnant woman.

The positive aspects of this period include the availability of fresh vegetables and fruits, by eating which you can make a good vitamin reserve for the winter. In the summer, the baby will not need to be wrapped in a lot of clothes and constantly worry about whether he is dressed warmly.

If pregnancy occurs in winter, then you should give birth in the fall. The disadvantages of this period include a deficiency of vitamins in the body, frequent epidemics of flu and colds. Autumn will not always offer good weather for walking with your child in the fresh air.

There are not so many advantages during this period, but nevertheless they exist. If the long-awaited pregnancy has arrived, this is already a joy! And before giving birth, you can stock up on the necessary natural products that are important for the child.

If you want to get pregnant in the spring, then expect that you will need to give birth in one of the winter months. The disadvantage is the lack of greenery for the expectant mother. In addition, you will need to take care of winter clothes for your baby. After childbirth, it will be more difficult to recover due to a lack of vitamins and the inability to often and for a long time walk in the fresh air.

Pregnancy in the spring still has its advantages: spring invigorates people emotionally and gives a certain surge of strength. It is much easier to cope with severe early toxicosis than in the heat.

When is the best time to conceive a child, decide for yourself; besides, for many parents, the sex of the child is much more important, and not the time of year in which he was conceived.

What's the best way to conceive a boy or girl?

You have already decided that you want to have a child, you are completely healthy and mentally prepared for pregnancy. And if the gender of your unborn child is of great importance to you, then you should familiarize yourself with when is the best time to conceive a child, a boy or a girl.

First of all, you should have a regular menstrual cycle, then you will have a better chance of getting pregnant on a particular day. Remember that ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, give or take a couple of days. Based on this, calculate when it is better to conceive a child - before or after your period. Once your cycle starts, you will have to abstain for a few days to give yourself the best chance of getting the results you want.

If you have sexual intercourse a few days before ovulation, you are more likely to get pregnant with a boy. And if on the day of ovulation, it will most likely be a girl.

Best days to conceive

Many women do not know when it is better to conceive a child - before or after ovulation. As mentioned above, pregnancy occurs precisely on the day the egg matures and releases from the ovary. In this case, sexual intercourse, thanks to which conception will occur, can be either 3-4 days before the middle of the cycle, or the next day after it.

The likelihood of getting pregnant increases significantly if sex takes place immediately on the day the egg is released. Since with an inconsistent menstrual cycle the exact day of ovulation cannot always be calculated (or only with the help of daily ultrasounds), it is better to count plus or minus a few days from the approximate middle of the cycle. Then you definitely won't miss it.

Abstinence for good

You can conceive a child only on certain days of your cycle. Therefore, in order for you to be able to get the result by calculating the required time of conception, you need to abstain from intimacy for some time. Firstly, in a few days the sexual desire of both partners will increase significantly. And secondly, during this time the man will produce more mobile and hardy sperm that can reach the goal.

If you have calculated the best time to conceive a child, but all your attempts have so far remained unsuccessful, then you will need some advice.

  • Pregnancy does not always occur on the first try; be mentally prepared for this and do not despair if you fail. Don't give up and try again.
  • The best time to conceive a child is midday or evening. According to statistics, the probability of getting pregnant in the morning is the lowest.
  • Daily sexual intercourse will not guarantee the conception of a child; it is better to abstain for several days before ovulation. Frequent sex reduces sperm activity.
  • The best time of year for conception, according to doctors, is spring.
  • If you have a firm decision to conceive a child, both spouses should stop drinking alcohol several months before the event.

When a couple wants to continue themselves in children, then, of course, they will try to find the best time for conception. This is the most correct approach, as it allows you to maximize your chances of success. In addition, even the psychological attitude and confidence are factors that allow you to achieve the desired goal.

Answering the question of what is the best time to conceive a child, it should be noted that the meeting of two germ cells most often occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, that is, 14-19 days after menstruation. At the same time, ovulation (the release of an egg) can occur either earlier or late, and therefore sexual intercourse should occur about a week before the middle of the cycle, as well as within 5-7 days after such a day. However, experts disagree on the frequency of sexual intercourse. The most common opinion is that intimacy every other day or even once every 3 days is enough for sperm to mature.

Best time of year to conceive

There is still debate about which season is the best time to think about pregnancy. Each season has both its pros and cons. At the same time, it is wrong to calculate what character traits a baby’s planning for this or that period of the year may have, because the main thing is his health, and therefore you need to choose the best time for conception solely for reasons of minimal risks.

The winter period is dangerous because it marks the peak of viral diseases, most of which are dangerous for the developing embryo. At the same time, childbirth occurs in the fall, which is why the baby will hardly see the sun for the first months of his life, and, therefore, will not receive enough sun. The advantage is that in the summer mom will be able to “stock up” on vitamins.

The disadvantages of planning a baby in the spring are the same as for the winter period, but they are added to a weakened immune system and vitamin deficiency. At the same time, in the spring we are always in a good mood, we are looking forward to warm weather, a vacation, a trip to the sea, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy.

Summer planning is positive in that mother will consume maximum vitamins and will be protected from most viral diseases. The disadvantages are as follows:

  • due to high solar activity there is a high risk of fetal pathologies and miscarriage;
  • that part of pregnancy, when the mother’s belly will seriously interfere with her, occurs during the period of ice and high humidity, for which reason you should be as careful as possible.

The risks of the autumn period are similar to the risks of winter and spring, however, the mother’s immunity will be quite high, and the birth of a child in the summer will give him the opportunity to “absorb” the sun, and will protect the mother from household injuries (typical of cold seasons).

Let us also add that, according to statistics, pregnancy that occurs in the warm months proceeds very well.

Best time of day to conceive

According to sexologists, the best time for planning a baby is in the morning - from 6 to 8 a.m., when men produce the most active sperm and a woman is most ready for fertilization.

The best time to conceive a girl

It is believed that girls are born if fertilization occurs during a full moon or in rainy weather. It is best if sexual intercourse occurs in the evening a few days before ovulation, so that the less active Y sperm have time to die before the egg is released and give the less active X sperm a chance to meet the female reproductive cell.

The best time to conceive a boy

This time is determined based on the above-mentioned degree of activity of sperm of different types. Therefore, contact must take place after or at the moment so that the most active male sperm can reach the target. According to popular belief, sex should occur at night in the odd month of an even year or, conversely, in the even month of an odd year.

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