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Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring. Hair care according to the lunar calendar. Successful days for cutting hair by day of the week.

People once relied on the lunar calendar when planning weddings, travel, agricultural work and even political events. Today we look into it much less often - for example, when we are going to the hairdresser.

September 1

September 2- an unfavorable day for cutting, perming or dyeing hair.

September 3- hair requires especially careful handling. It is not advisable to do complex hairstyles, use a hair dryer or straightening iron, or use strong hold products.

September 4

September 5- an unfavorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair.

September 6- an unfavorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair.

September 7- an unfavorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair.

September 8- an unfavorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair.

September 9- hair requires careful handling, it can get tangled and break more than usual. It is advisable to wash them with cool water and dry them naturally.

September 10

September 11- a favorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair. The use of unusual coloring techniques gives spectacular results.

September 12

September 13- a favorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair. You can make nourishing masks.

September 14- a favorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair. You can make nourishing masks.

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September 15

September 16- a favorable day for haircuts, perm and coloring. The hair holds its shape well and you can do complex hairstyles.

September 17- hair requires careful handling, it can get tangled and break more than usual.

September 18

September 19- a favorable day for haircuts, perm and coloring. Nourishing masks are effective.

September 20

September 21- a favorable day for haircuts, perm and coloring. You can also do lamination and keratin straightening.

September 22

September 23- a favorable day for haircuts, perm and coloring. Nourishing masks are useful.

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September 24- hair requires careful handling. Scalp massage is helpful. It is undesirable to use new means: the result may be unpleasant.

September 25

September 26- an unfavorable day for haircuts, perms, and coloring. The hair does not lie well, it is unlikely that you will be able to do any complex hairstyle.

September 27

September 28- an unfavorable day for haircuts, perm and coloring. You can use deep cleansing shampoos: this will benefit your hair.

Haircut calendar for the year by month

The lunar calendar, based on which haircuts are made, is gaining enviable popularity today. It was created in ancient times, when humanity built its entire life according to the lunar phases. See the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring by month:

The calendar was created taking into account centuries-old observations of the influence of the moon on hair, its health and growth. Since curls are a significant component of a person’s image, they require regular care. Silky and well-groomed, they attract attention and make the appearance more tidy. The lunar calendar for hair cutting 2019 will help you choose a favorable time to create a new hairstyle and color your strands.


As a rule, a person feels the influence of the lunar cycle - an elevated or, on the contrary, an unbalanced state. The influence of the heavenly body is quite great, and its manifestations are varied. Hair has long been credited with magical powers that connect humans and subtle matter. Ancient oracles noticed the influence of the phases of the moon on the growth of curls, and modern scientists only confirm the “discoveries” of antiquity. Thanks to this, a special calendar is created from year to year, indicating favorable and unfavorable dates for cutting hair.

The chosen period for visiting the hairdresser affects the entire body as a whole. The phase of the waning moon will make the growth of strands slower. Updating your hairstyle during the waxing Moon promotes rapid growth and has a beneficial effect on the tone of the immune system and the renewal of body cells. But hair care procedures during the new moon can have a detrimental effect not only on the condition of the strands, but also take away a person’s positive energy, shortening life.

Long-term observations confirm this fact. If a child’s first haircut is given during the waning moon, then the boy will experience earlier baldness, and the girl will be “gifted” with sparse and brittle hair.

The lunar calendar for hair cutting has 4 phases: the killing moon, the new moon, the waxing moon phase, and the full moon. The most favorable time to visit a beauty salon is, of course, the period of the waxing moon. This is an ideal period, characterized by increased strand growth, cell renewal, and accelerated metabolic processes.

The 1st and 2nd quarters of the cycle are especially useful for cutting hair. It is recommended to visit a hairdresser during this period:

  • if you want to make a drastic change in your image, experiment with your hairstyle, or create something new, unusual for you. The waxing moon phase welcomes original and unusual haircuts. Rest assured that during this period the style update will be successful;
  • if you want to achieve maximum length in a short time. A haircut during this period will speed up the necessary processes, and the desired result will be achieved much faster;
  • if you are the owner of thin strands that need strengthening. A haircut during this phase has a beneficial effect on the quality of the curls and will increase their thickness and volume.

However, haircuts can also be popular during the waning moon. It is recommended to visit a hairdresser at this time in the following cases:

  • inhibiting the growth of strands to reduce visits to the beauty salon to a minimum. This may be useful when traveling to a resort or on a long business trip. When there is no time or opportunity for traditional care;
  • to give strands a natural shine and silkiness. Slow growth is compensated by a qualitative improvement in the overall condition of the hair;

The remaining phases are extremely unfavorable for any manipulations with the hairstyle. These are periods of intense interaction between the lunar and solar luminaries, which can result in health problems.

Lunar calendar and days of the week

The lunar calendar for hair cutting 2019 suggests exact dates characterizing favorable and undesirable days for visiting a hairdresser. However, if you do not have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the current dates, you can use the basic rules for drawing up a calendar:

Interaction of the Moon and elemental signs

Hair cutting lunar calendar 2019 relies on the interaction of the heavenly body with the signs of the elements. Even a successful phase of the waxing Moon may not have the expected effect if an unfavorable sign is patronizing during this period. Watermarks are considered not the best companions for updating your hairstyle. Particularly unlucky days are those when the Moon is in the constellation Cancer and Pisces. At this time, the installation does not hold its shape and quickly “falls apart.” Trimmed hair will lose volume and become very thin.

Fire signs contribute to the qualitative and aesthetic improvement of hair condition. Like the mane of a noble lion, your hairstyle will become lush and alluring, and any changes in your image will only be for the better. You should beware of the constellation Aries, “thanks to” which the strands can fade and become brittle. Sagittarius has a neutral attitude towards haircuts, but visiting a hairdresser during this period can cause dandruff.

Airy constellations make the hairstyle fluffy and light. In addition, hair strengthening and cell restoration are observed. Any styling on this day turns out to be especially successful. However, the constellation Aquarius is an exception to the general air element. Haircuts during this period can cause extensive hair loss.

Earth signs have a positive influence on hair manipulation. The styling during this period will look stunning and will last all day. These days are especially good for cutting off the ends - your hair will look well-groomed and neat for a long time. A visit to a beauty salon when Taurus is in the constellation will bring success not only in updating your image, but also in financial matters.

Lunar days - characteristics

Lunar days and hair cutting


Eastern astrology pays attention to any action a person takes with his body - as a change in the quality of life. Even the most ordinary haircut can radically change your destiny. Tibetans divide lunar days into favorable and unfavorable for cutting (shaving), dyeing and treating hair, cutting nails, treating teeth, and days of operations.

The days of cutting (cutting) hair have both a beneficial effect on a person’s future destiny - they have a positive effect on longevity, good luck, financial stability and external attractiveness, and a negative one, since cutting a haircut on these days can damage a person’s vitality and bring disaster.

Hair- the source of our cosmic Power, which means everything that is with them
happens, changes the course of the invisible river that washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any impact on hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but also our entire life. And therefore, in order not to go bald ahead of time and not to lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, you need to follow certain safety measures when cutting your hair, know when, with whose help and why you are doing it.

Hairdresser's tips for caring for problem hair>


  • You can't trust your hair to just anyone.
  • It should be remembered that the person who cuts your hair changes your biofield.
  • Therefore, when coming to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful hairdresser, thenyour life will change for the better after a haircut.
  • The older the hairdresser, the greater his influence on your life.
  • If you are an independent person, you are used to solving your problems yourself and notlove, when something prevents you from implementing them, choose a master either the same age as you, or younger than you.
  • When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and
  • a famous master, even if the hairstyle done by him will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically.

And if you time your visit correctly, your life will not only change, but will improve dramatically.

The lunar day does not coincide with the earthly day, and occurs at a certaintime (hours, minutes) of an earthly day.

The calendar also indicates the time of the Moon’s entry into one or another Zodiac sign. constellation.


December 2019

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Lunar day
1 Sun growing in Aquarius 6 from 12.47
2 Mon growing in Aquarius 7 from 13.14
3 Tue growing VPisces from 10.12 8 from 13.34
4 Wed growing in Pisces 9 With13.50
5 Thu growing in Aries from 22.46 10 With 14.04
6 Fri growing in Aries 11 from 14.17
7 Sat growing in Aries 12 from 14.29
8 Sun growing in Taurus from 10.30 13 from 14.43
9 Mon growing in Taurus 14 With14.58
10 Tue growing in Gemini from 19.48 15 from 15.17
11 Wed growing in Gemini 16 from 15.42
12 Thu


at 08.13

in Gemini 17 from 16.16
13 Fri decreasing VRake from 02.24 18 from 17.03
14 Sat decreasing in Cancer 19 from 18.04
15 Sun decreasing in Leo from 06.57 20 from 19.19
16 Mon decreasing in Leo 21 from 20.42
17 Tue decreasing in Virgo from 10.17 22 from 22.08
18 Wed decreasing in Virgo 23 from 23.34
19 Thu decreasing VLibra from 13.06 23
20 Fri decreasing in Libra 24 from 01.00
21 Sat decreasing VScorpio from 15.58 25 from 02.25
22 Sun decreasing in Scorpio 26 from 03.50
23 Mon decreasing VSagittarius from 19.35 27 from 05.16
24 Tue decreasing in Sagittarius 28 from 06.39
25 Wed decreasing in Sagittarius 29 from 07.58
26 Thu


at 08.14

in Capricorn from 00.46 1/2 from 09.07
27 Fri decreasing in Capricorn 3 from 10.03
28 Sat growing VAquarius from 08.22 4 from 10.45
29 Sun growing in Aquarius 5 from 11.16
30 Mon growing VPisces from 18.43 6 from 11.39
31 Tue growing Pisces 7 from 11.56


1st lunar day- cutting hair leads to a shorter life.

2nd lunar day- cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day- cutting your hair will cause harm to the body and may attract you to waste.

4th lunar day- a haircut will bringdiscomfort, will attractlonging and fear of losing loved ones. Will cause sore throats and diseasesoral cavity.

5th lunar day- cutting your hair will lead to an increase in property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day- it is not advisable to cut your hair -you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will deteriorate, you will look sickhuman and you will actually start to get sick.

7th lunar day- cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you,you may have a conflict with your boss. There is a threatconflict with a loved one. Burning day in Tibetancalendar, the day when cutting your hair will seriously worsenyour health status.

8th lunar day- a haircut will bring you longevity, goodhealth and will make your life worthy in the eyes of others(although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day- cutting hair attracts diseases.

10th lunar day- burning day according to Tibetan traditions,It is recommended to refrain from cutting your hair as it will attract diseases to you.

11th lunar day- a haircut will bring sharpness of senses, increase yourforesight and mental insight.

12th lunar day- you can’t cut your hair - it attracts misfortunes,injury and the likelihood of life-threatening injury increases.

13th lunar day- it is advisable to get a haircut, as a haircut will bringhappiness and benefit, beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day- a haircut will attract improvement in activity, financial position, increase in property and favor of superiors. For the sake of your own well-being, at least for your hair.

15th lunar day - it’s safer to refrain from cutting your hair, as violations are possiblemental health as a result of a haircut, increased blood pressure, headaches and the appearance of a feeling of fear.If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from the hairdresser.

25th lunar day- cutting hair will increase eye pressure and lead to vision impairment. As a result of haircuts, eye diseases will worsen, inflammation and the appearance of styes are likely.

26th lunar day

27th lunar day- as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

28th lunar day- as a result of cutting your hair, the charm of your appearance will increase, people will like you.

29th lunar day - As a result of cutting hair, a person’s energy is lost, as people say, “you can cut your mind.”

30th lunar day- cutting hair can bring to a person the threat of encountering misfortune, an enemy, and can even attract death. There is also a possibility of involving a car accident.

January 2020

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Lunar day
1 Wed growing in Pisces 8 from 12.12
2 Thu growing in Aries from 02/07 9 from 12.25
3 Fri growing in Aries 10 from 12.37
4 Sat growing in Taurus from 19.16 11 With12.50
5 Sun growing in Taurus 12 With 13.04
6 Mon growing in Taurus 13 from 13.21
7 Tue growing in Gemini from 05.12 14 from 13.42
8 Wed growing in Gemini 15 from 14.12
9 Thu growing in Rak from 11.44 16 With14.52
10 Fri


at 22.21

in Cancer 17 from 15.48
11 Sat decreasing in Leo from 15.17 18 from 16.59
12 Sun


in Leo 19 from 18.21
13 Mon decreasing VVirgo from 17.08 20 from 19.50
14 Tue decreasing in Virgo 21 from 21.19
15 Wed decreasing in Libra from 18.44 22 from 22.46
16 Thu decreasing in Libra 22
17 Fri decreasing in Scorpio from 21.22 23 from 00.13
18 Sat decreasing in Scorpio 24 from 01.38
19 Sun decreasing in Scorpio 25 from 03.02
20 Mon decreasing in Sagittarius from 01.42 26 from 04.25
21 Tue decreasing in Sagittarius 27 from 05.44
22 Wed decreasing in Capricorn from 08.01 28 from 06.55
23 Thu decreasing in Capricorn 29 from 07.55
24 Fri decreasing in Sagittarius 30 from 08.42
25 Sat


at 00.42

in Sagittarius 1/2 from 09.17
26 Sun


in Capricorn from 00.46 3 from 09.43
27 Mon growing in Capricorn 4 from 10.02
28 Tue growing VAquarius from 08.22 5 from 10.18
29 Wed growing in Aquarius 6 from 10.32
30 Thu growing VPisces from 18.43 7 from 10.44
31 Fri growing Pisces 8 from 10.56


The day of the week for cutting or treating hair, you also need to choose the right one.

Choose a day of the week to cut or treat your hair that can benefit you.

Monday , will help get rid of melancholy, depression, unpleasant memories. On this day, all negativity is cut off.

Tuesday - A haircut on this day protects against many adversities.

Wednesday will help improve relationships with people, eliminate confusion in business and thoughts. Often, getting a haircut on this day of the week is a harbinger of unexpected news.

Thursday will help strengthen your authority, increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Friday You should not visit the hairdresser. According to astrologers, on this day the biochemical processes in the body are slow, and after a Friday haircut, hair will not grow well.

Saturday A haircut helps get rid of loneliness, dissatisfaction with oneself, and increases self-esteem. It is also believed that it helps relieve some of the problems that arose due to the fault of others.

Sunday You can't cut your hair! On this day, your connection with your personal egregor (guardian angel) is as strong as possible. If you change something in the body on this day, much less cut off some part, then you can connect with the cosmos. By the way, these recommendations fully apply not only to hair, but also to nails.


The time of the Moon’s entry into a particular Zodiac constellation is important.

Moon phase period in different zodiac signs

Hair cutting during the Moon phase in Fire signs:

Moon in Sagittarius : a haircut will help advance your career and improve business connections.

Moon in Leo : a haircut will help those people who want some drastic changes in their lives. If you don't want to change anything, don't get a haircut.

Moon in Aries : unfavorable day for cutting hair. Although it does not affect the condition of the hair in any way, immunity may decrease and the likelihood of getting sick increases.

Hair cutting during the Moon phase in Air signs:

Moon in Aquarius : on this day it is better to hold off on cutting your hair

Moon in Libra and Gemini - this is a very good time for a haircut; hair growth accelerates, but its structure does not change.

Hair cutting during the Moon in Water signs:

Moon in Pisces : cutting your hair on such a day can lead to dandruff problems.

Moon in Scorpio: The position of the Moon is very dangerous; a haircut can lead to problems in your personal life and worsen relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Moon in Cancer : The hair will not hold its shape, will be unruly, and will be difficult to style. Haircut is not recommended. It is also not recommended to wash your hair.

Hair cutting during the Moon in Earth signs:

In Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus: This is the most favorable time for a haircut. Hair will grow faster and split less.

Hair care according to the lunar calendar includes all kinds of procedures: from cutting to coloring, from treatment to styling. By synchronizing with the lunar cycle, you can achieve the best results from any of them! The main thing is to choose the right date.

In some cases, the logic of the mysterious satellite of the Earth is quite clear and simple - for example, with a haircut. As you know, the Waxing Moon provokes active growth and development of all life on Earth, while the Waning Moon slows down this growth. The same rule works with hair. If you want to cut the ends of your hair, hoping to grow it long and healthy, do it in the first half of the lunar month. If you are getting a haircut and want it to retain its shape for as long as possible, choose dates from the second half of the lunar cycle.

However, not everything is so simple, especially when it comes to other hair care procedures. The energy and character of a particular lunar day are of great importance. We have collected the most favorable lunar days for hair care in this article.

Hair care according to the lunar calendar - haircut

So, the most successful days for cutting the ends of the hair that you intend to grow are: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 13 lunar days. For the haircut whose shape you want to keep, choose 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26 and 27 lunar days. And it’s better not to cut your hair at all 5th and 24th days of the lunar cycle.

Hair care according to the lunar calendar - hair treatment

Perfect for any treatment procedures and hair masks 7, 13, 15 and 20 lunar days. At the same time 13th lunar day promotes rejuvenation, and 15 – strengthening hair.

Hair coloring on lunar days

There are a lot of nuances in hair dyeing - what hair do we dye, what color, do we change the color radically or do we tint the roots? I wrote about this in more detail. If we simplify and list all the favorable lunar days for dyeing hair, then this is what happens. IN 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 19, 20, 21, 25 lunar days you can safely dye your hair. But in 23rd and 28th lunar days painting should be avoided.

Hair care according to the lunar calendar - other procedures

If you are planning to perm your hair, choose from 3, 7, 19, 20 lunar days. Avoid chemical exposure to hair 23 lunar day. The styling made in 3 lunar day, and here 22 and 23 lunar days unfavorable for installation. Do not use hair extensions 29 lunar day. If you want to radically change your image, they will suit you 1, 2, 8, 21, 29 lunar days. But the best time to change shampoo and other hair care products is the beginning of the lunar month - 1 and 2 his days.

August 1

August 2- an unfavorable day for haircuts, perm and coloring. Hair may become more tangled than usual. It is better not to do hairstyles that require backcombing or the use of strong hold products.

August 3

August 4- an unfavorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair. The skincare products you use are less effective than usual.

August 5- an unfavorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair. The skincare products you use are less effective than usual.

August 6

August 7- an unfavorable day for haircuts, perm and coloring. It's better not to use a hairdryer.

August 10- hair requires careful treatment. It is better not to experiment with your hairstyle or use aggressive styling products. After washing, allow your hair to dry naturally and put away the curling iron and straightening iron.

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August 11- hair requires careful treatment. It’s better not to use aggressive styling products. After washing, allow your hair to dry naturally and put away the curling iron and straightening iron.

August 12

August 13- a favorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair. Nourishing masks are effective.

August 14

August 15- a favorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair. Successful experiments with image are likely. The new hairstyle will please you for a long time.

August 16

August 17- a favorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair. Nourishing masks and scalp massage are very useful.

August 18

August 19- a favorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair. You can do lamination.

August 20- a favorable day for cutting, perming and dyeing hair. You can do lamination.

August 23- a favorable day for hair cutting and perm. You can tint or dye your hair using natural products.

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