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Mom is trying to control the life of an adult. What's wrong with mother? Instills a feeling of guilt and tries to control the lives of adult children. What should children do about it?

If your mother constantly interferes in your life, and any attempts to set boundaries end in her resentment, then this article is for you. In it we will talk about what makes your mother always control you and give advice on how to fix a bad relationship without validol, blood pressure surges and heart attacks.

What makes your mom constantly control your life?

There are two main reasons:

1) Mom still considers you a little girl who needs to continue to be taken care of.

She does not realize that her role is over, and is afraid to admit that she is useless. At the same time, he sincerely believes that such care brings you great benefit, and is offended when you refuse to accept this care.

2) Circumstances forced my mother to make her way in life; this developed a rather tough, authoritarian character.

She always knows what is best and demands unquestioning obedience. Most likely, the situation has changed a long time ago, but the character remains the same.

And if she has no other interests in life besides you and your family, then the situation only gets worse.

Mom's reaction when her daughter tries to reduce interference

When you decide it's time to take action, remember - the relationship between mother and daughter cannot change suddenly.

The mother will resist and various means will be used.

Read an example from the Internet, doesn’t this story really touch you? Which side will you take?

In this example, the mother’s reaction to the fact that her daughter limited interference in her life is clearly visible: high blood pressure when her daughter came to wish her Happy New Year, and resentment that they did not stay with her.

In addition to health problems, when trying to limit control, both shouts and reproaches can be used: “I gave you my whole life...”, or complete ignoring with demonstrative inclusion in the “black list” on the phone.

All this can be called the rather harsh word “manipulation.” Mom uses them to make you feel guilty, and then to stop trying to “win a place in the sun.”

Let's move on to practical actions: reduce control, but avoid a bad relationship with your mother.

Stage 1. Understand yourself

First, take a closer look at yourself. Perhaps you really act like a small child, and your mother's behavior only reflects this.

Understand that in order to get out of control you need to be truly adult and independent.

In a calm atmosphere, analyze how conversations with your mother go. Do you ask your mom how her day was? Or are you just talking about yourself?

Stage 2. Get to know mom

Look at your mother as if she were a stranger.

It will be useful for you to know the difficult situations that happened in your mother’s life. Dad, grandmother, other relatives can become a source of information, you can also talk to mom, only carefully.

For example, as a child you were seriously ill, and your mother made a lot of efforts to cure you. And then follow the rules - put on a hat, don’t get your feet wet - you can continue the list yourself. Care, care, care... And now mom can’t stop.

What will this give? You will not be biased towards her behavior.

Stage 3. Negotiations

You have found the reasons and know what to tell your mother. Then, first, try to tell her how you saw her life from the outside. And then move on to why you think she continues to take care of you and constantly controls you.
At this stage, there are two possible developments:

  • You will understand each other and will look for joint ways to solve the problem.
  • The negotiations will reach a dead end, your mother will not hear you and will move on to “manipulation.” In this case, you proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Be patient

Remember how you taught your child a skill, for example, eating with a spoon: patiently, repeatedly repeating the same movements - how long did it take you?
How many years did your mother live in thoughts about you and your life?

It will not be possible to wean her off this abruptly. Therefore, we must be patient. And even more than in the case of a child, because retraining is always more difficult than teaching.

Stage 5. Gradually moving to new rails

  1. Do not reduce the time you spend communicating with your mother, but increase the number of common topics of conversation (news, weather, neighbors, her health) and reduce the discussion of your life. At the same time, in general matters, do not enter into polemics, support your mother’s opinion.
  2. If you constantly call or text your mom about where you are, then it's time to start cutting down on the number of “reports.” Also, start small: first reduce the number of calls (SMS) by one, then by two, etc. But be sure to warn about this in advance, citing external circumstances. For example: “Mom, today I won’t be able to call you from work at lunchtime, because my colleagues and I are having lunch at a cafe.”
  3. Learn to say “no” not categorically, but gently, with a joke. This “no” is perceived less painfully.
  4. If your mother has no interests, then remember what she was interested in and pick up a hobby for her. If the lesson is for two, even better, then you will always have something to talk about.
    "Like like." Ask your mother how her day was, what she did, ask her to report more often on where she was.
  5. Let the scale of control begin to tip in your direction and then, perhaps, your mother will think about how to get rid of the interference in her life.

In order to weaken your mother’s control, you must first of all be a self-sufficient, adult woman. A fulfilling adult relationship between mother and daughter is the result of patience, sensitivity and understanding.

Let's discuss this topic: tell us in the comments about your relationship with your mother. What do you think is the most difficult thing about “defending your territory”? What questions did you have after reading the article? If you tried to loosen control, how did you do it and what results did you achieve?

Hello, dear readers of my blog! One of the common problems in family relationships is when a mother manipulates her adult daughter. Such interactions cannot be called healthy and harmonious. Manipulations can be built according to different schemes, the girl can guess about them or not. In any case, you need to try to get away from this kind of relationship, change it in a healthier and more harmonious direction. How to do this?

Be a puppet

Agree, no one likes being manipulated, told what to do, or put in a dependent position. But parents have some power over their children, which they can use as they wish.

Often the mother gets so carried away with her role that she makes her daughter completely dependent on herself and does not allow her to breathe freely without permission.

The psychology of manipulation lies in control, in the dependent position of the driven person. You can act through the financial side. When parents support their child financially and the mother forces them to do this or that action, backing it up with financial rewards or punishment.

In addition, an adult mother often manipulates her health. If a child does something wrong, then she immediately starts to have a headache, a stabbing sensation in her chest, pain under her ribs, pain in her knee, and so on ad infinitum.

The manipulator chooses the most important aspect for you and puts pressure on it. Resentment is a kind of manipulation. When a person is offended by your action, he thereby wants to show that you need to apologize to him, ask for forgiveness and please in every possible way so that this does not happen again.

One of my friends knows how to manipulate her mood very well. As soon as she gets a little sad, you immediately begin to entertain her, pay attention and show interest in her in every possible way.

Sometimes such behavior is not always noticeable, skillfully hidden, and not so obvious. But it is systematic. This is how manipulation can be tracked.

When the same reaction of a person forces you to do something against your will, then most likely this person is trying to force you to do the act on purpose.

If you are a little more attentive, you will definitely notice when they are trying to control you.

Tear off the patch

I will say right away that the outcome of solving this problem can be sad. When a person loses his power over another person, he becomes disappointed, angry, offended and may stop communicating altogether.

I have come across such stories quite often in my practice. When a girl frees herself from her father's control, for example, he, filled with anger at the loss of control and power, decides not to communicate with her anymore.

But communication with parents is important and necessary in life. Which strategy to choose depends on what you ultimately want to achieve.

  • So that mom would be calmer and think that everything is still under her control,
  • so that she finally understands that she no longer has power over your actions,
  • so that you can establish normal and healthy communication and so on.

First, you yourself need to understand what you ultimately want to achieve. Make an appointment with me, we will look at the problem together and find the most acceptable solution.

When a person manipulates another person, he thereby shifts responsibility. After all, the action itself is not performed by him. It is extremely difficult to instill a sense of responsibility in a person, especially in adulthood. After all, everyone considers themselves smart, educated and knowledgeable people.

One of the characteristics of mothers: I know better, I am older, I am wiser, I have more experience. The most common reasons why you need to do exactly what your mother demands.

The surest way to stop manipulation is to stop engaging in it. Do not do as the situation requires, but act according to your own understanding and common sense. Of course, a drastic change will be perceived very painfully and alarmingly. Trying to control your life may not stop at first.

Over time, attempts will become less frequent and may eventually fizzle out. But it is not known what reaction your mother will have to sharp disobedience. It is necessary to be prepared for absolutely any outcome. In order for you to commit this brave act, I advise you to familiarize yourself with my work “”.

Difficult conversation

One option is to talk directly to your mother. I have always believed that when two reasonable people talk honestly, openly and without subtext, they can agree and solve any problem. It is important to understand whether you and your mother are capable of such a conversation.

Your task is to explain that she puts pressure on you with her manipulations, controls your every decision and does not allow you to live independently. You must state your position clearly and clearly. That you no longer want to be in a dependent position, that you are not satisfied with total power from your mother, that you want to make decisions on your own.

The conversation should not take place in a raised tone, no insults or threats. These are precisely the methods of manipulators. If you notice them on your mother's side, point them out directly. Tell her that even now she is trying to control you. Tell me what you are losing because of her interference in your life. Express your thoughts clearly.

Of course, it will be good if you prepare for this conversation in advance. Write all your comments on a piece of paper, try to predict the mother’s possible reaction, and find suitable answers on your part. You can practice with a friend or spouse.

There are mothers who absolutely cannot speak, do not hear anyone but themselves, and are absolutely sure that they are right. What to do if this is exactly the case for you? My work “” can help you in this matter.

Additionally, let's look at some options you can resort to if talking doesn't help.

Complete the Queen's Gambit

When a simple and frank conversation does not help, you have to resort to various tricks.

One of my clients, for the benefit of her mother, simply agrees with her, tries to avoid sensitive topics, accepts all her advice, but acts in her own way. The mother is calmer because the daughter agrees, and the daughter is relaxed because the mother is not nervous about every little thing. There is such an option to stop the “brain removal” on the part of parents.

Another option is to prove that mommy’s advice doesn’t work. When you constantly think that you are doing everything wrong, your mother is constantly dissatisfied with her actions, you can try to do exactly as she says. A couple of mistakes and it will be possible to adjust her advice in accordance with the experience gained.

If you are financially dependent on your parents, then you urgently need to become independent in this regard. Find a job, stop taking money from your parents, then they will no longer be able to dictate their rules to you. As long as you are in monetary bondage, you will be a direct object of manipulation.

If your mother blows your mind about the topic of relationships (why you don’t have a husband, children, it’s time for you to be married, and so on), you can try to avoid this topic. Move the conversation in a different direction, a topic of more interest to the mother.

The main thing you must understand is that you are an adult and independent person. No one can dictate their rules to you, you build them for yourself. This is your life and only you can manage your resources, time, etc.

Learn to say no when you don't want to do something. Become more confident. Don't take judgment to heart. Remember that every person has their own opinion and you won’t be able to be good to everyone, this simply doesn’t happen.

I offer you for review one of my works “”. Learn to be at peace with yourself, understand your goals and objectives and confidently go towards them!

If you cannot find answers to questions that are important to you and are afraid that the problems that have arisen cannot be solved, sign up for a Skype consultation with me.

Share your story. Tell us about your relationship with your mother. How is she manipulating you? What tricks does he resort to? What topic is she trying to control you on? How do you deal with this and what are you doing?

Believe in yourself!

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My name is Maria, I’m 29, I’ve been working since I was 21, that is, I’ve been financially independent from my mother for a long time, we live together, but she’s constantly trying to control my spending and expenses. Let’s say that once a year I allow myself to go somewhere on a trip, then she probably remembers this to me for a year, that she wasted money, but they could have done repairs or bought something for the house, trips for her are money down the drain, then she still grumbles something like it’s me and not you who should trips for rides, I’ve worked all my life, and you’re only 8 years old, I have to travel abroad, to which I answer her, let me give you money, go, but she immediately closes this topic. I can’t understand what she needs from me. Or I buy some yoghurts for myself and for her too, meet with my friends in a cafe, then again I hear her reproaches, what a waste of money you are wasting, but you could have gone to work. I don’t understand what’s wrong with her, why am I using my own money I still have to report to her, why she feels itching, I don’t understand. I would like to add that her mother, my grandmother, also at one time, a working person, in her youth, reprimanded her for her spending, saying, why did you buy yourself a coat, but you could to buy something for the family, even though she considers herself a very liberal person and completely different from her grandmother, in fact, in my opinion, on the contrary, she is also trying to put pressure on me again, literally strangling me with her control. Is it possible to somehow sort this out? Or is living separately with your mother the only way out? More and more often I think that I can no longer tolerate this and our living under the same roof is becoming more and more unbearable. I would also like to add that as a student, when I was 20, my mother wanted to send me to work and study in London for the summer, we registered through a company that, in any case, kept the money for its services, this amount was not returned, regardless of whether they gave me a visa or not, so in the end they didn’t give me a visa and the trip was cancelled, how my mother took her anger out on me later, I screamed that you will work this money for me later, go to work, give me the money that was lost because of you, I was so offended, why was it my fault that I was denied a visa, because it’s like a lottery, especially more England is a complex country, why did she decide that I was to blame for everything and now owe her this money??? And there was also a case at the age of 16 when she withdrew some money from a book, there was a deposit for me and I bought perfume with it, so when she saw it, she grabbed it and threw it out the window and screamed at me, you’re a bastard, you know that for this money I was starving, malnourished, when pregnant with you I went so that you could buy perfume with it, I was in complete shock, she herself gave me this money so that I could buy something for myself and then she threw it all away.

I just gave the last 2 examples to ask you, maybe she has mental problems, because these reactions are unlike the reactions of a normal, adequate person, this has been worrying me for a long time. She has problems with the thyroid gland, I don’t know, maybe it influences the fact that her behavior is sometimes inappropriate.

Yes, she has it that I am an eternal dependent child and she still strives to take care of me, she can run and start a scandal in the clinic, because I told her that the nurse was unable to give me an injection, I told her this just like that , without thinking about anything, but she had such a strange reaction, she ran to protect me and make trouble in the clinic, then I was so ashamed to go to the doctor, she disgraced me in front of the whole clinic, as if I was a little girl, my mother was running to protect me in front of bad adults, as if I couldn’t stand up for myself.

I spend money not only on myself and I also invest in repairs and general household activities, but everything has reasonable limits, if for my mother repairs are the meaning of life, then I am not obliged to pay for all her ideas from start to finish, I make purchases and gifts for her , I go to the store with her, she is already retired, she earns a little extra money for pennies, so now I mostly buy everything, traveling together is simply impossible for us, this is not a vacation, but a constant hassle for each other, so we decided a long time ago, that we can only go on vacation separately from each other, and besides, we already live together, so trips are even a reason to relax from each other at a distance.

Hello! My name is Maria, I'm 27 years old, I live with my parents. And for as long as I can remember, and to this day, my mother controls me in everything and does not let me breathe. I hardly go anywhere and have very few friends, because I always have to say where, where, when, with whom, why and why I am going somewhere. If I meet a friend, I must tell her where we were, what we did, what cafe we ​​sat in, what I ordered, what my friend ordered, and how much it cost. Therefore, it’s easier not to go anywhere at all, in order to somehow avoid unnecessary swearing... If I’m going to go somewhere on vacation, then this is a total interrogation, and I have to tell in addition to the place, the name of the hotel, its address, telephone number, date and hours of departure and return, telephone number and address of the friend with whom I am traveling, telephone numbers of her parents, place of her work, etc. etc., and she must accompany me to see who I am going with. It just gets to the point of absurdity... A couple of times I lied that I was going on a business trip from work, but in fact I was going on vacation. I can’t even mention that I communicate with my friends via contact, because she will stand over me and read everything and demand to tell me about everyone who is on my friends list... And there are only classmates and fellow students... Of course, I have never met any young man and generally do not know how to get to know them and communicate. All my life I was told that I was wild and underdeveloped and that I should be sent to an orphanage so that they could teach me life. I still remember how I cried and was scared to death that they would really send me there. All my life I’ve been quiet and homely, books are my best friends... That’s why I entered the philology department, I’ve always loved literature and foreign languages, I speak English well and easily navigate and feel comfortable in other countries, and in general I don’t complain about my horizons . Although, of course, I don’t know about the club ratings, who is the coolest designer, etc. But all my knowledge and skills are of no interest to anyone; the daughters of my friends are a priori better. Self-esteem has been destroyed since childhood, I don’t take compliments at all, for me it means either ridicule or something needed... My relatives also think I’m stupid, I’ve heard my aunts sigh many times in conversations with their friends: well, yes, that’s how she is , well, what can you do, there’s a black sheep in the family. I also always owe my mother, although I give her money from my salary. She constantly compares me with the daughters of her friends, they are all so good and have a lot of friends and a good salary and go to clubs and go on vacation, but I just sit at home and do nothing. I don’t understand why they mocked me all my life when they could have abandoned me in the maternity hospital or had an abortion. I’m an unwanted child, all I heard and hear is that I’m underdeveloped and stuff like that. I don’t know what to do, I cry every day and withdraw more and more into myself...

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