Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Measuring muscle mass. B. Determination of muscle mass

Knowledge of this parameter seems very important for assessing health reserve, since muscle tissue is biologically active.

To complete the work you need: a caliper, a measuring tape.

Measure the circumference of the shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg at rest with a measuring tape, as well as the thickness of the skin-fat folds on the forearm (front and back) with a caliper. Using Matejka's formula, you can calculate the absolute mass of muscle tissue:

M = Lr2k,

where M is muscle mass in kg; L - height in cm; r - average value of the circumference of the shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg; k = 6.5 (constant); S - sum.

r = (S circumferences of the shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg / 25.12) -- (S skin-fat folds of the shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg / 100).

Then the percentage (relative) amount of muscle tissue is determined and compared with the standards for the sport:

(M/P)·100, where P is weight in kg.

B. Determination of the specific gravity (or density) of a body (g/cm3)

The calculation method for determining the specific gravity or density of a body is more often used. It is expressed by a greater value in representatives of speed-strength activity. To calculate specific gravity, you need to know the percentage of body fat:

Oud . weight = 554.8 / (OSJ 504.4),

where RSF is the relative fat content.

The obtained data are compared with the standards for the sport (see Table 2).

To calculate body density, the equation of Pascall et al. (1956) can be used:

D = 1.088468 - 0.007123 T - 0.004834 M - 0.005513 A,

where T is the thickness of the skin-fat fold along the midaxillary line at the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum;

M - thickness of the fold in the middle between the nipple and the anterior axillary line;

A - thickness of the fold on the back of the shoulder.

D. Determination of water content in the body

Target: Determine the state of water metabolism based on the quantitative water content in the body.

Work algorithm: using the formulas below, determine the total water content in liters and percentages, compare it with the standard one, and indirectly make a conclusion about the optimal fluid exchange in the body, taking into account the importance of this parameter for those involved in physical education and sports.

Theoretical background. Water makes up 60-70% of body weight. It is known that as fat content increases, the amount of water in the body decreases. Women have more fat mass than men (28% and 18%, respectively), and 10% less water. Intracellular fluid makes up up to 40% of body weight, extracellular fluid - up to 20% (lymph, synovial, spinal and cranial), intravascular - 5%.

(4.34 -3.983/D)·100,

where d - specific gravity bodies. E. Mellits et al. (1970) suggest taking into account gender when determining the water content in the body.

For men, the calculation formula is used:

1.065 + 0.603 Weight;

for women:

For men with a height of less than 132.7 cm, the formula is used:

-21.993 + 0.406 Weight + 0.209 Height;

above 132.7 cm:

1.927 + 0.465 Weight + 0.045 Height.

For women above 110.8 cm:

-10.313 + 0.252 Weight + 0.154 Height;

below 110.8 cm:

0.076 + 0.507 Weight + 0.013 Height.

RESULTS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Task 4. Study of methods for assessing physical development

For evaluation physical development You can use the methods of standards, indexes and correlations in combination.

A. Method of anthropometric standards

Target: master this technique by analyzing your own data, presented in the form of an anthropometric profile to assess individual health.

Work algorithm: indicators of the physical development of the subject are compared with standard ones for a similar group of people (by gender, age, profession, place of residence), the difference in indicators is found and expressed in sigma deviations from the standard, and an anthropometric profile is built from these data.

Methodological support of the topic. Standards are created based on measurements of a large homogeneous group of people and calculation of the average value of the trait. The table below shows the average values ​​of physical development indicators for students and athletes. If the indicator of the subject is greater than that given in the table (M), the difference is obtained with a “+” sign, if less - with a minus (the “difference in absolute numbers” column).

The tables show the value of the standard deviation from the average (s). We divide the found difference by s, the resulting number with the same sign is written in the column “difference in s”.

If the difference is within ±s, then this is the average value of the indicator (standard); from ±s to ±2s - lower or higher than standard; at value<2s - низкое, а >2s - high deviation of the indicator from the standard.

The obtained values ​​are plotted on the profile, a graph is constructed by connecting the points (difference in s) of all measured indicators. Then an analysis of the features of the constructed profile is made, possible reasons for significant deviations of each indicator from the standard value are identified, and based on this, recommendations are given to the subject.

Yesterday I got involved in a discussion in one of the threads in the ru-healthlife community. The discussion was on the age-old topic, which for some reason worries the girls from this community the most, who want to get a slim look for their body as quickly as possible (often at any cost and without putting their head on it): how many grams of protein to eat per day and how to eat carbohydrates if they are "you don't like"
The legs are growing, obviously from the confusion in the heads associated with orientation in choosing a diet (diet - from the Greek díaita - way of life, diet). Many, having read posts and statements that you can quickly (the key!) and effectively lose weight only with the help of strength training (which is true, but not all), immediately rush to the gym to do free weights with “hardware”. At the same time, in nutrition, of course, they are guided by the recommendations of bodybuilders, who are advised to eat a lot of protein during intense training with heavy weights and, in general, to build their diet, dancing from the amount of protein (which is understandable, since with intense strength loads the physiological needs in protein). Of course, girls blindly copy the proposed formulas, forgetting that they are recommended athletes, that is, people who work seriously, intensively, and with heavy weights in the gym for several hours a day. And here are the girls, desperately wanting quick receipt athletic bodies, they eat 150 grams of protein (usually animal, because for some reason plant-based ones are generally forgotten) per day, while spending 3 hours in the gym per week and using barbells of 20-30-40 kg. And all this with a height of, say, 160-165 and a weight of 60-65 kg. And at the same time, they consume 100 grams of carbohydrates.

This amazes me so much that I couldn’t resist and answered that when doing light physical education (including strength training), it seems to me that you need to eat a more balanced diet.

During the discussion, recommendations for the amount of protein consumed per day and its calculation came up. I referred to an insightful post by Oleg Tern, dedicated to an overview of the importance of protein in our body and vital functions. There, in particular, figures are given that the average person uses 25-30 grams of protein per day in the metabolic process. In other literature, I subtracted the figure of 0.35 grams per kg of weight, which, in general, is the same.

In addition, I referred to the recommendations of the American National Academy of Sciences: the average woman is recommended to consume about 45 grams of protein per day and about 52 grams for a man. If a woman is breastfeeding - 71 grams of protein per day. Moreover, it is important that the protein is not only animal, but also plant-based.

As an argument, I also cited hygiene standards as an example. ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, recommended by the ministries of health of most developed countries for ordinary people(not athletes or non-athletes): 1 - 0,5 - 2,5-3 . Also, I quoted from the above post by Oleg Tern:

“The norm is considered to be consumption of about 0.8-1.2 g of protein per kg of weight; WHO says 0.6-1 g, and also indicates the need to reduce its consumption with age, but this does not take into account physical inactivity apparently. Adequate consumption figures fall within 0.8-2 g/kg of weight.

A larger amount leads to an overload of the body’s excretory systems, not only due to the direct effect on the liver and kidneys, which are forced to dispose of increased quantities nitrogen, but also indirectly - say, for adequate metabolism the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates should be 1: 3-4, and an increase in the amount of protein in the diet will lead to a shift in the balance in the BJU."

But it is not entirely clear what weight is meant here. When clarifying this issue, Oleg himself gave explanations, referring to, from which it is clear that when calculating required quantity protein a day operate more correct concept "lean body mass"(Lean Body Mass).

I thought about it and looked for information on this topic. Indeed, many specialists, researchers, as well as all kinds of consultants on healthy eating and professional trainers for building a beach-body, recommend when determining your ideal guidelines physical parameters rely specifically on the amount of dry body mass and the optimal percentage of fat mass.

What is "lean body mass"?

This is the weight of our muscles internal organs, blood, skin, and bodily fluids. That is, our weight without fat and gastrointestinal contents;-)

BW = Current Weight - (Current Weight * Current % Body Fat)

CMT = Current weight - Current body fat mass

How to measure your current body fat percentage?

There are many different methods. For example, at home I have scales that can measure the weight of fat during general weighing.
Of course, these data are approximate, so I decided to double-check. The numbers, in general, matched almost exactly. I'm not an athlete, this assessment is enough for me ;-)

Another method of measurement, more accurate than scales, is using a special device - a caliper. The method of seven-point body measurements using a caliper was proposed by Doctors Jackson and Pollock. with pictures and a counting rhyme - you can count ;-)

What is the optimal percentage of fat mass?

This is actually optimal weight of all our body fat,-) The optimal percentage of fat mass differs between men and women, and depends greatly on your type of activity, and also depends a little on age. Let's take a closer look.

In the USA, they usually rely on the figures given by the American Council on Physical Culture(American Council on Exercise (ACE)):

Essential fat - basic necessary fat; Athletes - athletes, athletes; Fitness - a person who is actively involved in physical education; Average - an ordinary person in the street; Obese - obese man in the street ;-)

Let me explain:
Essential fat minimum quantity fat necessary for physical and physiological health. However, there is different versions about what amount of fat can be considered healthy. With reference to research work A team led by Dr. Gallagher, in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2000), concluded that a low percentage of body fat is considered “underfat,” which is interpreted as “unhealthy.” In accordance with this scientific research Men, 20-40 years old with a body fat percentage less than or equal to 8% are considered "underfat", while the "healthy" range is between 8-19%. For women in the same age group A body fat percentage of less than 21% is “underfat” and 21-33% is considered “healthy.”

You can also evaluate your current indicators and determine the optimal ones using these tables, based on the studies of Jackson and Pollock (leftmost column, gray background - age):
for men

for women

Here: Lean - lean, Ideal - ideal, Average - average, Above average - overkill;-)
(Jackson, A. S., & Pollock, M. L. (1978). Generalized equations for predicting body density of men. British Journal of Nutrition
Jackson, A. S., Pollock, M. L., & Ward, A. (1980). Generalized equations for predicting body density of women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise)

Now that we finally figured it out and were able to determine our lean body mass indicators, the current percentage of fat mass and the optimal percentage of fat mass, we can determine based on our data and needs:

  • mine ideal weight and target fat percentage;
  • the amount of protein required per day, in accordance with lifestyle, type and intensity of exercise and/or activity;
  • target calorie corridor, in accordance with your goals (lose weight, gain muscle mass);
  • balanced ratio and percentages of BZHU on daily diet(diet)
And finally, decide what we should do with our body and what exercises we need ;-)

Finally, I’ll give you a beautiful plate showing your weight estimate based on the ratio of your current weight and height. It is based on the widely known Body Mass Index. It is, of course, very wide in the range of assessment, but still gives at least a general idea, there is overweight or not =) Although, if you are reading this, you probably think that you have it ;-)

Be that as it may, if you are in the blue zone, it’s time to start eating more, if you are in the green zone, just continue to look after yourself, if you are in the yellow zone, it’s time to start counting calories and reconsider your diet, but what if you are in orange or red? - go to the doctor.

I will write about my personal data based on the current measurements given in this article in a separate post, only for friends.;-) I maintain some privacy.

Knowledge of this parameter seems very important for assessing health reserve, since muscle tissue is biologically active.

To complete the work you need: a caliper, a measuring tape.

Measure the circumference of the shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg at rest with a measuring tape, as well as the thickness of the skin-fat folds on the forearm (front and back) with a caliper. Using Matejka's formula, you can calculate the absolute mass of muscle tissue:

M = Lr2k,

where M is muscle mass in kg; L - height in cm; r - average value of the circumference of the shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg; k = 6.5 (constant); S - sum.

r = (S circumferences of the shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg / 25.12) -- (S skin-fat folds of the shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg / 100).

Then the percentage (relative) amount of muscle tissue is determined and compared with the standards for the sport:

(M/P)·100, where P is weight in kg.

B. Determination of the specific gravity (or density) of a body (g/cm3)

The calculation method for determining the specific gravity or density of a body is more often used. It is expressed by a greater value in representatives of speed-strength activity. To calculate specific gravity, you need to know the percentage of body fat:

Oud . weight = 554.8 / (OSJ 504.4),

where RSF is the relative fat content.

The obtained data are compared with the standards for the sport (see Table 2).

To calculate body density, the equation of Pascall et al. (1956) can be used:

D = 1.088468 - 0.007123 T - 0.004834 M - 0.005513 A,

where T is the thickness of the skin-fat fold along the midaxillary line at the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum;

M - thickness of the fold in the middle between the nipple and the anterior axillary line;

A - thickness of the fold on the back of the shoulder.

D. Determination of water content in the body

Target: Determine the state of water metabolism based on the quantitative water content in the body.

Work algorithm: using the formulas below, determine the total water content in liters and percentages, compare it with the standard one, and indirectly make a conclusion about the optimal fluid exchange in the body, taking into account the importance of this parameter for those involved in physical education and sports.

Theoretical background. Water makes up 60-70% of body weight. It is known that as fat content increases, the amount of water in the body decreases. Women have more fat mass than men (28% and 18%, respectively), and 10% less water. Intracellular fluid makes up up to 40% of body weight, extracellular fluid - up to 20% (lymph, synovial, spinal and cranial), intravascular - 5%.

(4.34 -3.983/D)·100,

where d is the specific weight of the body. E. Mellits et al. (1970) suggest taking into account gender when determining the water content in the body.

For men, the calculation formula is used:

1.065 + 0.603 Weight;

for women:

For men with a height of less than 132.7 cm, the formula is used:

-21.993 + 0.406 Weight + 0.209 Height;

above 132.7 cm:

1.927 + 0.465 Weight + 0.045 Height.

For women above 110.8 cm:

-10.313 + 0.252 Weight + 0.154 Height;

below 110.8 cm:

0.076 + 0.507 Weight + 0.013 Height.

RESULTS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Task 4. Study of methods for assessing physical development

To assess physical development, you can use the methods of standards, indices and correlations in combination.

A. Method of anthropometric standards

Target: master this technique by analyzing your own data, presented in the form of an anthropometric profile to assess individual health.

Work algorithm: indicators of the physical development of the subject are compared with standard ones for a similar group of people (by gender, age, profession, place of residence), the difference in indicators is found and expressed in sigma deviations from the standard, and an anthropometric profile is built from these data.

Methodological support of the topic. Standards are created based on measurements of a large homogeneous group of people and calculation of the average value of the trait. The table below shows the average values ​​of physical development indicators for students and athletes. If the indicator of the subject is greater than that given in the table (M), the difference is obtained with a “+” sign, if less - with a minus (the “difference in absolute numbers” column).

The tables show the value of the standard deviation from the average (s). We divide the found difference by s, the resulting number with the same sign is written in the column “difference in s”.

If the difference is within ±s, then this is the average value of the indicator (standard); from ±s to ±2s - lower or higher than standard; at value<2s - низкое, а >2s - high deviation of the indicator from the standard.

The obtained values ​​are plotted on the profile, a graph is constructed by connecting the points (difference in s) of all measured indicators. Then an analysis of the features of the constructed profile is made, possible reasons for significant deviations of each indicator from the standard value are identified, and based on this, recommendations are given to the subject.

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