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Methodological development (senior group) on the topic: “Educational games as a means of developing the cognitive abilities of older preschoolers

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten "Beryozka" Pervomaisky district

Teacher self-education report

Working with children, conducting a study of the developmental characteristics of children, I noted that the activity of children in classes, in everyday life often has a reproductive character.

Children almost never ask counter questions. After classes, they do not always try to continue the conversation on the topic studied, and do not use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities. Cognitive interest, the need for new knowledge and, in general, the cognitive activity of children gradually decreases; children have poorly developed thinking, they cannot or do not want to think.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, children should develop the prerequisites for the emergence of universal educational activities. Educational activities should captivate preschoolers, bring joy, and give satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to cultivate cognitive interests in preschoolers, since they are the ones who activate children’s abilities.

And the didactic game helps to make the educational material exciting and create a joyful working mood. A child, captivated by the game, does not notice that he is learning, although every now and then he is faced with tasks that require mental activity from him.

Taking into account the above, I chose the topic of self-education “Didactic games as a means of development cognitive abilities children younger than school age»

I set the goal of self-education activities:

Development of cognitive abilities in preschool children through didactic games.

Study psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic; define the concept of “didactic game”, “cognitive activity”, “activation”;

Get to know pedagogical experience using didactic games as a means of organizing cognitive activity of preschool children;

To see in practice the use of didactic games as a means of activating the cognitive activity of preschool children;

Create a card index of didactic games.

I started my work by studying methodological literature on this issue. I have studied the following manuals:

, "Educational games for children of primary preschool age"

Bondarenko. A.K. "Didactic games in kindergarten"

“Development of gaming activities. System of work in the second junior group of kindergarten"

"Games and play exercises for speech development"

, « Game activities on the development of memory, attention, thinking and imagination in preschool children"

, “Development of cognitive abilities of preschool children”

After analyzing the literature I studied and observing children, I came to the following conclusions that children have difficulties:

In systematization and generalization of objects and phenomena;

Analysis and ability to logically substantiate your thoughts;

See the main thing, highlight the main content of phenomena and objects.

Using didactic games, I saw that the game allows:

Activate cognitive processes through the selective focus of the child’s personality on objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality;

Systematically strengthen and develop cognitive interest, which becomes the basis for a positive attitude towards intellectual activity;

To form the need for the desire to acquire new, more complete and profound knowledge that is exploratory in nature;

To cultivate the strong-willed qualities of the child’s personality: determination, perseverance, desire to complete activities;

Form coherent speech;

Enrich the child’s moral and aesthetic feelings.

I conducted my work in three areas:

    Creation of a subject-developing environment in the group; Working with children; Working with parents.

For the period – May 2016, I prepared game manuals:

To develop thinking: “Guess the figure”, “Build a snowman”, “Autumn leaves”, “Geometric lotto”, “The fourth odd one”.

To develop attention: “Set the table”, “Find identical mittens”, “What grows where?”

To develop perception and memory: “Find the differences”, “Fill the picture”, “What time of year?”, “Who eats what?”

For speech development: “Tops and roots”, “Delicious juice”, “Who lives in the little house”.

Work with children was based on the following ways of developing cognitive abilities:

    Development of thinking; Development of attention; Development of perception and memory; Speech development; Development of creative imagination.

She built her activities in stages, taking into account the age of the children. When selecting games, I took into account the mental development of children, as well as their interest in various games. When organizing games with verbal content, I used surprise moments: through the hero who needs to be helped, various attributes. Didactic games were included in educational activities, in joint activities, and in individual work.

Matchmaking games:

“Whose tail?” “Who lives where?” “One is many” “What grows where?” “Select by shape” “Select by color” “Moms and their babies” “Let’s go, fly, swim” “Guess whose leaf it is” “Dress for the season.”

"Autumn Leaves"

The adult invites the child to assemble the leaves from the parts, noting that the leaves are of different colors and sizes.

- “Podul strong wind, and the leaves scattered. Let's collect them." Together with your child, fold the halves of the leaves to make whole ones.

"Who eats what"

“Let’s quickly give the animals a treat, they’re really hungry!”

In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the name of the animal, the name of the food that this animal eats, you can ask what sounds the animal makes.

“Find identical mittens”

It is necessary to find paired mittens by color, pattern, and geometric shapes located on them. Determine their location (top, bottom, right, left).

"Set the table"

“We set a beautiful table,

And they forgot about the cups.

Well, my friend, help me,

Match the cups to the saucers.”

"What grows where"


Plant vegetables in the garden and fruits in the tree.

Explain the difference between fruits and vegetables.

Characterize fruits and vegetables using a feature model (color, shape, size, taste).

“Who lives in the little house?”

Option 1: the presenter takes images of two animals and “hides” one of them behind the house, the other in the window, while leaving one of the parts of the animal visible, I ask “Who lives in the little house?” The player answers: “There’s a cow living in the little house, because a cow’s head, cow horns, a cow’s nose, etc. are sticking out of the window. And there’s also a dog living in the little house, because a dog’s tail and dog paws are sticking out from behind the house.”

Option 2: Having identified the animal “living” in the little house, the child must write a short descriptive story about this animal according to the proposed plan: 1) Who is it? 2) Appearance beast 3) What does it eat? 4) Name of the home 5) Name of the cubs 6) Benefit to humans (if a pet).

"Wonderful transformations"

Children really like working with clothespins, they fantasize, come up with something unusual of their own, this not only develops muscle strength fingers, but also enriches their imagination, children begin to play with their invented character, hero, each time they come up with new image. What attracts the attention of our kids so much? Just a bright, impressive game that involves amazing transformations, it would seem, from what? Yes, from ordinary clothespins!

Working with parents:

In October, a consultation was held on “The Role of Didactic Games in the Development of Cognitive Abilities.”

The end will be a parent meeting “Let’s play fun games with our parents.”

Prospects for next year:

1. Continue working

Didactic games are widely used by teachers as a means of education and training. It promotes the expansion of ideas, consolidation and application of knowledge acquired in the classroom, as well as in the direct experience of children.

A didactic game makes the learning process easier and more entertaining: one or another mental task contained in the game is solved in an activity that is accessible and attractive to children. A didactic game is created for the purpose of learning and developing cognitive abilities. And the more it retains the signs of play, the more it brings joy to children.

Concept preschool education guides teachers towards the humanization of the educational process in kindergarten through “... the implementation of specific age-specific opportunities mental development preschoolers... in age-appropriate activities..." [Bondarenko, 1985, p. 87].

During the period of active transformations in preschool pedagogy, the search for ways to humanize educational work with children and the construction of new models of interaction between adults and children, the attention of scientists and practitioners is drawn to play activities. Research by Russian psychologists (A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin) showed that child development occurs in all types of activities, but, above all, in play.

Each period of a child’s life and development is characterized by a certain leading type of activity. In domestic psychology, leading activity is understood as one during which qualitative changes occur in the psyche of children, basic mental processes and personality traits are formed and developed, mental neoplasms appear that are characteristic of a given specific age: during infancy (up to 1 year), leading the type of activity is direct emotional communication; V early childhood(from 1 year to 3 years) - subject activity; in preschool (from 3-6.7 years) - play area.

The essence of play as a leading type of activity is that children reflect in it various aspects of life, the characteristics of relationships between adults, and clarify their knowledge about the surrounding reality. Play is a means for a child to learn about reality.

Practical teachers have developed principles, content and methods for developing the cognitive abilities of older preschoolers, allowing them to increase the learning effect of education, which is essentially a didactic game [Yadeshko, 1996, p. 72].

The use of didactic games as a means of developing the cognitive abilities of preschool children goes back a long way. Thus, the tradition of the widespread use of didactic games for the purpose of raising and teaching children, established in the folk pedagogy, was developed in the works of scientists and in the practical activities of many teachers of the past F. Frebel, M. Mantessori, E.I. Tikheyeva, A.I. Sorokina and others. Essentially, in every pedagogical system of preschool education, didactic games occupy a special place.

In Soviet pedagogy, a system of didactic games was created in the 60s in connection with the development of the theory sensory education. Its authors are famous teachers and psychologists: L.A. Wenger, A.L. Usova, V.N. Avanesova and others. In recent times, scientists have been searching (Z.M. Boguslavskaya, O.M. Dyachenko, N.E. Veraksa, E.O. Smirnova, A.K. Bondarenko, N.Ya. Mikhalenko, N.A. Korotkova and others) are moving towards creating a series of games for full development child intelligence.

Nowadays, as in the past, great importance is attached to didactic games. There is its obvious effective impact on the intelligence of a growing child, which is confirmed by the experience of many years of practice working with children not only in work famous teachers, but also in the work of educators in general.

Didactic game:

Promotes the development of cognitive abilities; obtaining new knowledge, generalizing and consolidating it;

Promotes the assimilation of socially developed means and methods of mental activity;

Provides the division of complex phenomena into simple ones and generalization of individual ones;

Carries out analytical and synthetic activities;

It is of great benefit in that it teaches children to apply existing knowledge in new conditions [Sorokina, 1982, p. 18].

According to researchers, didactic play enriches a child’s sensory experience, while developing his mental abilities (the ability to compare, enrich, classify objects and phenomena of the world around him, express his judgments, make inferences). Didactic play is an indispensable means of overcoming various difficulties in mental activity in individual children [Bondarenko, 1985, p. 58].

Didactic games promote the development of children's speech: the vocabulary is replenished and activated, correct sound pronunciation is formed, and coherent speech develops. A number of games are successfully used to develop the phonemic side of the language: an exciting game action encourages children to repeat the same sound combination over and over again. This repetition of sounds does not tire children, because they are interested in the game itself. Preschoolers play the role of a bird or the role of a driving car, and the more enthusiastic the child is, the more actively he reproduces the necessary sounds, the more complete the pedagogical effect.

Each didactic game has rules that are determined by the content of the game, the game plan, and at the same time play a very important role - they determine the nature and method of action, organize and direct the behavior and relationships of children in the game. The rules used in a didactic game are a criterion for the correctness of game actions and their evaluation. The children’s expression “He doesn’t play by the rules” reflects their attitude to the rules of the game as something unshakable.

During the didactic game, the relationship between children and adults is learned; in it, the child shows a sensitive attitude towards partnership, learns to be fair, to give in when necessary, to help in trouble, etc. This contributes to the social and moral development of a preschool child.

When performing any action in the game, the child thinks how beautiful, elegant it is, how appropriate it is in this particular situation. specific situation, monitors the expressiveness of his speech and the speech of those around him, development occurs creative imagination with a bright, soulful rendering of the artistic image.

A didactic game has a certain result, which is the end of the game. For example, solving riddles, completing errands, playing tasks, and showing ingenuity are the result of the game and are perceived by children as an achievement.

For the teacher, the result of the game is always an indicator of the children’s success in acquiring knowledge, in mental activity, and in the nature of relationships. In didactic games used in Soviet kindergartens, the result of the game cannot be a “win” obtained as a result of luck, deception, appropriation of the rights of another, etc.

The result of a didactic game is expressed in the solution of the problem and in the pleasure that the game brings to its participants.

Having considered the role of didactic games, one should dwell on the structure of these games, which is formed by the main and additional components, to indicate the originality and features of their management [Bondarenko, 1985, p. 119].

The main components include: didactic task, game actions, game rules, result and didactic material. Additional components include plot and role.

The main goal of any didactic game is educational, which is why the main component in it is a didactic task, which is hidden from the preschooler as a game. The child is simply playing, but internally psychological significance is a direct learning process.

The didactic task is determined by the goal of teaching and raising children in accordance with educational program, where for each age group the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that children must master is determined.

The game and didactic task is realized in game actions. A didactic game is different from game exercises the fact that the implementation of game rules in it is directed and controlled by game actions. The main purpose of the rules is to organize the actions and behavior of children.

The means of solving a didactic task is didactic material; the result of a didactic game is the solution of game and didactic problems, the solution of both problems is an indicator of the effectiveness of the game [Bondarenko, 1985, p. 122].

Additional components of a didactic game - plot and role - are optional and may be absent.

The originality of a didactic game is determined by the rational combination of two tasks: didactic and gaming. If the educational task predominates, then the game turns into an exercise, and if it is a game, then the activity loses its educational value. Education in the form of a didactic game is based on the child’s desire to enter an imaginary situation and act according to its laws, that is, it corresponds to the age characteristics of a preschooler. Older preschoolers begin to realize the cognitive task of such games, which is mediated by the play motive, which gives it meaning.

Didactic games are social in origin, social relations less pronounced than, for example, in a role-playing game, in a didactic game the didactic task itself involves the formation of means and methods of cognition.

In preschool pedagogy, didactic games are classified into the following types (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

Types of didactic games

Main types

didactic games


Games with objects

Toys and real objects are used. By playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects, size, quality, color.

Games with natural material

They arouse keen interest in children and a desire to play. Plant seeds, leaves, pebbles, various flowers - all this is used in working with children when organizing and conducting didactic games.

Board-printed games

An interesting activity for children. They are varied in type: “lotto”, “dominoes”, paired pictures”, etc.

Word games

Built on the words and actions of the players, children independently solve various mental problems: describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, guess from the description, find similarities and differences, alogisms and judgments.

Didactic games contribute to the formation of correct relationships between children: the ability to play together, coordinate their interests with the interests of the team, help each other and enjoy the success of a friend. Games create the opportunity to form positive traits personality: honesty, truthfulness; They train children in moral actions and help them develop moral experience.

The didactic game also contributes to the development of initiative. Many games such as lotto, dominoes and others, as children master them, are used independently and have a beneficial effect on the development of organizational abilities.

The teacher needs, first of all, to select toys, pictures, various items for educational games and store them in a certain place. But it would be wrong if in kindergarten there were selected toys that are used for didactic purposes, and there were no toys for children’s creative games [Sorokina, 1982, p. 24].

Management of didactic games is carried out in three directions: preparation of didactic games, its implementation and analysis.

Preparation for the didactic game includes:

Selection of games in accordance with the objectives of education and training;

Establishing compliance of the selected game with the program requirements for raising and educating children;

Determining a convenient time for conducting a didactic game; choosing a place to play;

Determining the quality of players;

Preparation of the necessary didactic material for the selected game; - preparation for the game by the teacher himself;

Preparing children for play: enriching them with knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life necessary to solve a game problem.

Conducting didactic games includes:

Familiarizing children with the content of the game, with the didactic material that will be used in the game (showing objects, paintings, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas about them are clarified);

Explanations of the course of the game and the rules of the game [Novoselova, 1989].

The analysis of the game is aimed at identifying methods of its preparation and implementation: what methods were effective in achieving the goal? This will help improve both the preparation and the process of playing the game. The analysis will reveal individual characteristics in the behavior and character of children.

When directing didactic games, it is necessary to take into account the principles of developing play activity in preschoolers:

1. In order for children to master gaming skills, an adult should play with them.

3. An adult, playing with children together throughout the entire preschool period, must at what stage develop the game, etc., so that the child discovers and assimilates specific, gradually more complex ways of constructing the game [Korotkova, 1990, p. 61].

Techniques for managing the game can be direct and indirect. Direct guidance involves direct adult intervention in children's play. Indirect guidance of play is especially fruitful when working with preschool children. The teacher expresses his judgments while playing with children exclusively in the form of advice, without demanding strict obedience.

Didactic games are held during game hours and are used as a form and method of learning during classes. Games can be played with the entire group of children, with in small groups and with individual children.

Managing the game requires great pedagogical skill and tact, because, while solving a number of problems in the game and through the game, the teacher must keep the game as an interesting activity, close to children, pleasing them. In the management of a didactic game, the central place is occupied by the determination of the content and the tasks that the teacher wants to solve.

When planning work with children, the teacher provides for those didactic games that he will use in the classroom, and those games that are played during play hours. It is also necessary to think through and determine the place, role and connection of games with the content of classes and other methods of teaching and raising children.

Having selected games that correspond to the program content, the teacher must clearly imagine what results he wants to obtain through didactic games, because the design of the game concept, game actions, content and formulation of the rules, and the course of the game often depend on this. The rules of the game for children of older groups are already more generalized, but they must also be clearly formulated and clearly reveal the content contained in them. If in the younger group the rule is directly related to the demonstration of the action, then for older children this is not necessary, because children are able to remember the rule and prospectively imagine its role in the game. Children of the older group are capable of inhibiting immediate interest, so they can be simultaneously told a number of mutually related rules. If in a younger group one rule regulates the behavior and method of action of all children, then in older groups in one game there may be different rules in content for different participants in the game. For example, in games like riddles, there are some rules for the children asking the riddles and different rules for the children solving them. But both of them, taken together, organize the behavior of all children in the game [Elkonin, 2001, p. 91].

When conducting a didactic game, the teacher must take into account the individual characteristics of the children: give one a difficult riddle, the other an easy one; Encourage a shy child; a child who has poor speech skills should be more often involved in conversation, making statements, repeating rules, etc., and thereby develop his speech.

To fulfill this requirement, it is necessary, already in the process of preparing and thinking through the game, to identify those children to whom special attention needs to be paid: some should be attracted to an active role, while others should be somewhat restrained from their initiative so that they do not suppress others. During the game, which usually unfolds at a lively pace, the teacher, especially one who is not very experienced, notices only the most lively children, and yet he must also attract shy, timid children to active participation in the game. Guidance during the game should guide the children's play and relationships, but not be intrusive.

Already at the very beginning of the game, in communicating the plan and content of the game, the imagery and brevity of the teacher’s speech, a spare and expressive gesture, and sensitive attention to the children are very important. When communicating the rules of the game, he formulates them briefly, clearly and vividly. The teacher conducts a “test run” of the game, i.e. shows how to play. In games with older children, when they have an element of competition, you can invite one of the Children to repeat the rules so that the lack of clarity in their assimilation does not affect the course and result of the game [Mendzheritskaya, 1982, p. 114].

During the game, the tempo and rhythm of the game are of great importance. A slow pace causes fatigue, as slow game actions delay the progress of the game and cause long waits in line. Too fast a pace excites children, causes fussiness, unclear play actions, and sometimes arguments. The teacher, participating in the game, sets a lively pace that does not cause haste and at the same time is not tiring for the children [Mendzheritskaya, 1982, p. 152].

During the game, the teacher, acting as a participant in the game, does not cease to be a teacher: he directs the game with remarks, questions, quietly supports the initiative of children, the efforts of the weaker and encourages their success, creates conditions for the manifestation of independence. By his actions and following the rules, he sets an example for children, evaluates wrong actions and warns them. However, not every game requires evaluation, since it lies in the result itself. Analyzing the game and its progress can destroy children’s mood and take away their interest in play. Children play for the sake of playing. You need to be especially careful in assessing a game if it has a plot character and children play some role. In evaluating the game, the teacher supports the joy of the game with the whole team or group of children.

Assessing the progress and result of the game, i.e. analyzing whether the children played correctly and what their result depended on, is possible with children of the senior and preparatory groups, when the didactic game is of a sporting nature or similar to games such as checkers, geese " The teacher, finishing the game, should maintain interest in the further game: “And next time we will play even more interesting...”. Each game can have several gradually increasing complexity options, depending on the tasks being solved.

The didactic game is under the control of the teacher. Knowing the general software requirements, the originality of the didactic game, the teacher creatively creates new games included in the fund pedagogical means. Each game, repeated several times, can be played by children independently. The teacher encourages such independently organized and conducted games, discreetly providing assistance to the children.

Consequently, the management of a didactic game consists of organizing the material center of the game - in the selection of toys, pictures, game materials, in determining the content of the game and its tasks, in thinking through the game plan, in explaining the game actions, the rules of the game, in establishing relationships between children, in guiding the course games, taking into account its educational impact.

We can say that a didactic game is a verbose, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a gaming method of teaching preschool children, and a form of teaching children, and an independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.

Thus, the specificity, originality and principles on which didactic games are built, the nature of the psychological (psychophysiological) characteristics of the children with whom I work, the laconic combination of learning and game actions during these games, educational orientation - all this attracts attention in this type of games . A didactic game can be included in any section of the program and its capabilities can be used both for the formation of cognitive abilities and for the formation of actual gaming behavior in a team.

In the modernization of education, one of the leading directions is the achievement of new modern quality preschool education . There is a need to develop and search innovative methods, correctional and educational solutions.



Municipal autonomous educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 92 general developmental type"



Kravchenko Irina Vladimirovna

teacher without category

Education: Higher

Start date of work on the topic: September 2016

Estimated completion date: May 2017


"Educational games as a means of developing the cognitive abilities of older preschoolers"

Relevance of the problem:

In the modernization of education, one of the leading directions is to achieve a new modern quality of preschool education. There is a need to develop and search for innovative methods, correctional and educational solutions.

The concept of preschool education and the requirements for updating the content of preschool education outline a number of fairly serious requirements for cognitive development preschoolers. All acquired knowledge and skills are consolidated in educational games, which require great attention. Kindergarten performs important function preparing children for school. The success of his further education largely depends on how well and in a timely manner a child is prepared for school. Great value V mental education and in the development of intelligence have educational games. They contribute to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions; builds persistence, patience, creativity personality. I'm interested problem : Is it possible to increase the motivation of preschool children in the formation of cognitive abilities through the use of educational games. The use of gaming techniques and methods, their sequence and interrelation will help in solving this problem. Based on this, I formulated the following working hypothesis: the development of cognitive abilities in preschoolers through educational games will be effective if used gaming methods and techniques in the educational process.Object of study– cognitive abilities in preschool children;Subject of research– educational games for the formation of cognitive abilities in preschoolers;

In developing children’s cognitive abilities at work, I use entertaining gaming material. I include this material during the event itself or use it at the end of it, when there is a decrease in the mental activity of children. In the immediate educational activities I use various didactic games.

Carry out your work on this topic in close contact with parents:

Introduce entertaining and educational games;

Conduct consultations and individual conversations;

Involve parents in replenishing the center"Educational games"

Goal and objectives:

1. Study of the relevance of using gaming techniques in the formation of cognitive abilities in preschool children.

2. Actively influence the comprehensive development of children:

enrich with new ideas and concepts; consolidate knowledge; activate mental activity.

3. Creating conditions for the development of cognitive abilities in preschool children through educational games.

4. Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature. Get acquainted with innovative methods and technologies.

5. Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on this problem.

6. Explore gaming technology in the development of cognitive abilities.

7. Make a selection of educational games

8. Give a general description of the content of the concept of cognitive abilities

9. Investigate the effectiveness of using educational games to develop cognitive abilities in older preschoolers.

COGNITIVE ABILITIES, sources of knowledge - natural remedies knowledge, which is the individual qualities of a person. To P.s. includesensations , performances, perception , intelligence, will , intelligence, talent,intuition , memory, imagination,deduction , induction , analogy , analysis, synthesis.

Term cognitive abilitiesunderstood as abilities that include sensory abilities(perception of objects and their external properties) and intellectual abilities that ensure productive mastery and operation of knowledge and their sign systems.

What are the main indicators of the formation of cognitive abilities? Let us highlight the most important mental mechanisms underlying any effective cognitive activity: attention (especially voluntary), various types of memory (visual, auditory, kinetic), imagination, thinking. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

Attention largely determines the success of any activity. It depends on its characteristics whether a child can quickly move from one type of work to another, how long he can study with the same material, how clearly he can isolate an object and examine and study it for a long time. The difficulty of forming targeted attention is primarily due to the fact that preschool and primary school age is characterized by involuntary attention, which gradually turns into voluntary. The student most often needs to apply effort, force himself to be attentive. It is possible to create the necessary conditions for overcoming shortcomings in the manifestation of this important quality and the further development of its properties only if you know well the features of attention characteristic of a particular student and purposefully form its missing links.

Memory – this is the basis on which the brain “creates”. By the beginning of schooling in children, along with involuntary memory, voluntary memory arises, which reaches, as psychologists believe, a level of development that is characterized by the presence of a goal to remember or recall something, as well as the use of mnemonic methods aimed at implementing this goal.

Development process perception was studied in detail by L.A. Vanger. By the beginning of school, a child, as a rule, has already mastered sensory standards. Such reference samples when perceiving the shape of objects, for example, can serve as well-known geometric figures (line, angle, triangle, rectangle, circle, etc.); when perceiving color - spectrum and various shades its primary colors in terms of saturation and brightness; when perceiving the size of objects - differences in sizes (length, area, volume) Having introduced the child to these standards, he must be taught to use them in practice to establish the corresponding properties of perceived objects, i.e., teach perceptual actions. Improving perceptual actions, mastering new types of such actions, believes L. A. Vanger, ensures that perception improves with age, it acquires greater accuracy, clarity, and a number of other qualities characteristic of the developed perception of an adult. High quality of perception, in turn, forms the basis for the formation of abilities.

By the beginning of school, children begin to develop elements of arbitrary imagination. In the process of creating mental images, the child relies on his existing ideas, transforming and combining them.

All the cognitive processes that are outlined above serve as the basis for the development of thinking, which is very important for life, for the formation of an independently thinking personality, a cognitive process that is the highest level of human cognition.

As is known, abilities, including cognitive ones, not only manifest themselves, but also develop in the process of educational activity. The development and improvement of cognitive processes will be more effective with targeted work in this direction, which will entail an expansion of the cognitive capabilities of children. This means that the development of cognitive abilities needs to be controlled. However, these opportunities are often not implemented in the best possible way. According to psychological research The greatest shift in a child’s development occurs in the first year of schooling. Further, the rate of mental development of students slows down, and interest in learning decreases, due to insufficient attention to the developmental side of learning.

Activating the cognitive activity of students is one of the main tasks of the teacher. Among all the motives of educational activity, the most important is the cognitive interest that arises in the learning process. It not only activates mental activity in at the moment, but also directs it to the subsequent solution of various problems, develops the student’s abilities. In the process of educational activities, I use entertaining material, didactic games, tasks in order to form ideas and familiarize myself with new information. In this case, an indispensable condition is the use of a system of games and exercises.

Children are very active in the perception of joke problems, puzzles, and logical exercises. They persistently search for a solution that leads to a result. In the case when fun task accessible to the child, he develops a positive emotional attitude towards her, which stimulates mental activity.

Of all the variety of entertaining material, didactic games are the most widely used. They have the opportunity to form new knowledge, introduce children to methods of action, expand, clarify, and consolidate educational material.

In an integrated approach to education and training, I use not only didactic games, but also educational games and tasks. They are interesting for children and emotionally captivate them. And the process of solving, searching for an answer, based on interest in the problem, is impossible without the active work of thought. Systematic exercise in solving problems, in this way develops mental activity, independence of thought, creative attitude to a learning task, and initiative.

Let us dwell in more detail on tasks that are classified according to basic cognitive processes. To improve various aspects of attention and increase volume voluntary attention The task “Labyrinth” is completed. It includes determining moves, performing graphic tasks in mazes, and solving arithmetic “letters” in them. To target attention, didactic games are played: “Multiply or divide?”, “Fun Counting”, “Write the sums”, “Let’s count”, etc. To cultivate interest and attention, games “Notice everything”, “What has changed” are played ", "Find the differences." You can also offer a game for training attention: “Draw, counting correctly and moving in the right direction.” For the development of visual and auditory memory, the use of dictations is effective, for example, “Chain of Words”, the game “Remember Mathematical Terms”.

The main types of tasks for the development and improvement of perception are tasks for the development of shape perception: it is proposed to put either sticks or wire on geometric figures in order to perceive the difference in their shapes; draw and sketch various geometric shapes; will increase (reduce) the figure. Among tasks for the development of perception, much attention is paid to tasks for the development of the eye.

Development arbitrary imagination goes, of course, on all subjects. Let us note more typical tasks for this group. Good exercise To develop imagination there will be tasks to find a pair of identical figures, exercises “Find and count objects”, “Rearrange and transform figures”. The simplest tasks on topology are also of great interest to students, in which it is proposed to draw figures without lifting the pencil from the paper and without drawing the same line twice. Effective for developing children's imagination are tasks in which one must choose one of the given parts in order to restore the whole object, composing a given whole from two given, but not obvious parts. For example: how many pears similar to the sample can be made from drawn parts? An interesting variety is the game “What kind of dog is there?” You can ask the child to imagine a dog and tell as much as possible about it: what kind of fur it has, what it likes to eat, what shape its tail and ears are, what its character is, etc. “Draw according to the description.” You are reading the following text: “Stood White House. Its roof is triangular. The big window is red and the small one is yellow. The door is brown. The text must be read again at a slow pace, one sentence at a time. At this time, with their eyes closed, children should imagine this house, and then draw it.

During targeted work on the development of cognitive processes, special attention is paid to the development and improvement of mentaloperations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization and classification, solution logical problems. Much attention is given to content-logical tasks: “Continue the series”, “Divide into groups”, “Compare”, “Find a pattern”. New non-standard tasks are being introduced. They require increased attention to analyzing the conditions and building a chain of interconnected logical reasoning.

My regular use in lessons of a system of special tasks and assignments aimed at developing cognitive abilities broadens horizons, contributes to the development of the child’s personality, improves the quality of preparedness in the subject, and allows children to more confidently navigate the simplest patterns of the reality around them. It is the management of the development of cognitive abilities that will allow the teacher to form in children mental strength and cognitive processes, flexibility and breadth, and independence of thinking. All this is necessary for a person not only to apply knowledge in work, but also for the fullness of spiritual life.

The development of cognitive abilities and cognitive interest of preschool children is one of critical issues education and development of an early child. The success of his studies at school and the success of his development in general depends on how developed a child’s cognitive interest and cognitive abilities are. A child who is interested in learning something new and who succeeds in it will always strive to learn even more - which, of course, will have the most positive impact on his mental development.

How to develop the cognitive abilities of preschoolers?

From 5 to 7 years

At this age, the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers includes cognition " big world", as well as understanding and putting into practice such concepts as humanity, kindness, politeness, caring, compassion, etc. At this age, children no longer simply perceive information and establish relationships between phenomena, but are also able to systematize the acquired knowledge, remember it and use it for its intended purpose. At this age, a caring attitude towards the world is formed, the basis of which is ideas about moral values.
Now the child not only compares, but also draws conclusions, independently identifies patterns in phenomena and is even able to predict certain results. In a word, if previously the child perceived ready-made solutions, now he strives to come to some result himself and shows interest in finding solutions to a particular problem.

Features of activities for the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers

Naturally, intensive development of the cognitive abilities of preschool children is impossible without conducting special classes with children. But these should not be uninteresting and boring activities that will not bring any benefit to the child, but rather, on the contrary, will completely deprive him of any desire to learn anything. The main activity for the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers should be the most important type of activity of the child - play. It is a game with educational elements that is interesting to the child that will help you develop the cognitive abilities of a preschooler.

When choosing educational games for your child, remember that the most important factor in the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers is the example of adults. It's no secret that children learn something new by imitating their elders. Moreover, this applies to both positive aspects and negative examples. So wouldn't it be better if the child had more positive role models in front of his eyes?

For example, a child can learn the names of cutlery, but his parents must show him how to eat soup from a plate with a spoon. The same applies to new games - how to roll a car by a string, how to build a house from blocks - a child should learn all this from playing together with an adult. In the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers, it is not the explanation that is important, but a positive example to follow.

Don't ask your child to remember something instantly. For a new skill to take hold, a sufficient number of repetitions of the same action is necessary. It’s not for nothing that children love when the same fairy tale is read to them over and over again or the same game is played with them. This is how children develop and each time they feel more confident when they need to do something new for themselves. But remember that in classes with older children, on the contrary, it is necessary to constantly introduce some new element into the game - without changing the essence of the game.

When selecting material for the development of a preschooler’s cognitive abilities, take into account his level of development and his experience so that the child can complete certain tasks. For example, if a preschooler has already seen cars on the street, you can start teaching him how to carry a car on a string. But if the child is not yet familiar with some concepts, it is necessary to either first introduce the child to them, or postpone games where they are mentioned until later.

When conducting developmental activities with your child, under no circumstances make excessive demands on him. Of course, taking the position of a small child can be difficult - but that’s why you are a parent, to perform difficult tasks for the benefit of the baby. Judge for yourself: if a child understands that the task is beyond his strength, what kind of interest in educational games can we talk about here?

When playing an educational game with your child, remember that despite game moments, this is still a learning activity. Therefore, its duration must be clearly regulated. As soon as you see that the child is tired, end the game and occupy him with something else. On average, one educational game should last about 15-20 minutes. By the way, the most effective games involve changing types of activities. Such games help to hold children's attention longer and stimulate increased interest in the child.

And, of course, do not forget to praise your child and encourage him to use the knowledge gained during classes in everyday life. The development of schoolchildren’s cognitive abilities will be effective only if the acquired knowledge is applied in practice.

Examples of activities for developing the cognitive abilities of preschoolers

Depending on the age and level of training of the child, you can give following examples activities to develop the cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

From 5 to 7 years

At this age, the development of cognitive abilities in a preschooler, to a greater extent, is carried out through experiments and experiences. A child at this age must learn to draw conclusions and conclusions, as well as predict certain results. It is with the goal of teaching a child such things that it is necessary to conduct this kind of classes.

In addition, at this age, games aimed at finding non-standard solutions and manifestation creativity. Due to the formation of basic moral values, during this period it is very useful to show him films and cartoons that promote certain values. The same applies to thematic books.

Due to the fact that the beginning school life With this age just around the corner, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of the child’s speech. Have conversations with him, be sure to ask the child’s opinion about the book he read or the movie he saw. In a word, encourage him to develop speech and apply the acquired skills in everyday life.

In order for the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers to be effective, it is necessary not only to correctly select the games and activities necessary for this, but also to interest the child in one activity or another. Only in this case will the development of your preschooler’s cognitive abilities proceed at a rapid pace, and the child’s interest in the world around him will never fade!

Under cognitive abilities of preschool childrenit is necessary to understand the activity manifested in the process knowledge . It is expressed in the interested acceptance of information, in the desire to clarify and deepen one’s knowledge, in the independent search for answers to questions of interest, in the manifestation of elements of creativity, in the ability to assimilate way of knowing and apply it on other material.Cognitive abilities developfrom the need for new experiences, which is inherent in every person from birth. INpreschool age based on this need, in the process development orientation and research activities, the child develops a desire to learn and discover as much new things as possible. Researchers believe thatcognitive abilitiesare one of important qualities, characterizing mentaldevelopment of a preschooler. Cognitive abilities, formed during the periodpreschool childhood, are an important driving forcecognitive development of the child, which determined the choice of the topic of the final work “Ways to develop cognitive abilities in children of senior preschool agewithin the framework of the model of organizing the educational process“joint activity of the teacher and children."

"Without a game there is no , there cannot be a full-fledged mental development

Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Didactic games are a type of games with rules, specially created by a pedagogical school for the purpose of teaching and raising children. Didactic games are aimed at solving specific problems in teaching children, but at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities appears in them. The use of didactic games as a means of teaching primary schoolchildren is determined by a number of reasons: - reliance on gaming activities, game forms and techniques - this is the most adequate way to include children in educational work; - mastering educational activities and including children in them is slow; - contribute to the development of mental processes in children; - cognitive motivation is not sufficiently formed. The didactic game greatly helps to overcome these difficulties. It has a certain structure that characterizes the game as a form of learning and gaming activity. The following structural components of the didactic game are distinguished: didactic task; game actions; rules of the game; result. The didactic task is determined by the purpose of teaching and educational influence. It is formed by the teacher and reflects his teaching activities. The game task is carried out by children. The didactic task in a didactic game is realized through a game task. It determines play actions and becomes the task of the child himself. Game actions are the basis of the game. In different games, the game actions are different in relation to the players. They are related to the game concept and come from it. Game actions are means of realizing the game plan, but also include actions aimed at fulfilling the didactic task. The rules of the game, their content and focus are determined common tasks formation of the child’s personality, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions. In a didactic game, the rules are given. With the help of rules, the teacher controls the process of cognitive activity, the behavior of children, and quietly organizes the actions of children. Summing up – the result is summed up immediately after the end of the game. This could be: scoring; identifying children who completed the game task; determination of the winning team, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to note the achievements of each child and emphasize the successes of lagging children. When holding games, it is necessary to preserve all structural elements. Since it is with their help that decisions are made didactic tasks. The relationship between children and the teacher is determined not by the learning situation, but by the game. Children and teacher are participants in the same game. Thus, a didactic game is a game only for a child, but for an adult it is a way of learning. The purpose of didactic games is to facilitate the transition to educational tasks and make it gradual. From the above, we can formulate the main functions of didactic games: - the formation of a sustainable interest in learning and the release of tension associated with the process of adaptation of the child to school regime; - formation of mental neoplasms; - formation of general educational skills, independent skills academic work; - formation of self-control and self-esteem skills; - formation of adequate relationships and mastery of social roles. Thus, the didactic game is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. All didactic games can be divided into three main types: games with objects (toys, natural materials) tabletop printed verbal

Komarova N.V., Rybakina L.A., Fatkullina S.F. Educational games as a means of personality development [Text] // Theory and practice of education in the modern world: materials of the International. scientific conf. (St. Petersburg, February 2012). - St. Petersburg: Renome, 2012. - pp. 190-192.

used Nikitin games

Toys and games are one of the most powerful educational tools in the hands of society. Play is usually called the main activity of a child. It is in the game that they manifest themselves and develop. different sides his personality, many intellectual and emotional needs are satisfied, his character is formed. Do you think that you are just buying a toy? No, you are designing a human personality!


Nikitin's games "Fold the pattern", "Fold the square", "Fractions", "Cubes for everyone"

Nikitin's games are remarkable because they can be played by the whole family. Age is determined only by the degree of difficulty of the tasks. Some tasks can be done by children as young as one year old (and even for very little ones you can come up with tasks too!), but some are difficult even for adults to cope with. It’s even more pleasant when kids who started playing these games early successfully complete complex tasks!

In addition, these games have enormous potential for developing children's creative abilities. After all, from the proposed set of parts you can come up with an infinite number of games on your own.

Game "Fold the pattern"

consists of a set of 16 cubes, the edges of which are painted in different colors, and is aimed at developing basic mathematical skills. B.P. Nikitin recommends starting to play it at the age of one and a half years.

To get started, just look at the cubes with your child. Pay your child's attention to what colors they are painted in. Here are the first games with cubes for very little ones: we learn and reinforce colors; counting cubes - learning the concept of quantity, developing initial counting skills.

Then you can show how to build paths from cubes. Wait until your child wants to join you and continue playing with him.

First, we build one-color paths: “Look, I’ve got a yellow path, a squirrel is jumping merrily along it (use your baby’s favorite toys). And now maybe you can try to build green path for a bunny?" (At the same time we repeat and fix the colors.)

When the child can confidently cope with this task, invite him to make multi-colored paths. This opens up a lot of scope for studying the concepts of pattern and sequence: “Look at the path I built. What do you notice? - Yes, one cube is yellow, the other is blue, yellow, blue, yellow, what will the next cube be? Continue the path. Now come up with an idea.” himself a multi-colored path for his bunny.”

After mastering these stages, you can proceed directly to making patterns from cubes. First there will be patterns and the procedure “like mom’s”, then we will move on to drawing up the patterns proposed in the manual. The most interesting part will come later: inventing patterns yourself.

While playing, the baby will learn to understand patterns, recognize real objects in abstract drawings, and create new combinations from existing elements.

Game guide "Fold the square"

consists of squares cut into pieces of various shapes. The game is presented in three difficulty levels, and the higher the level, the more components squared. At the first level you need to fold a square from only 2-3 parts. At subsequent levels, the shape and number of parts of the squares change. When all these tasks are mastered, you can make the game more difficult by pouring out and mixing the parts of two or three sets. In this case, the child will need to take into account that each square (and its parts, respectively) is painted in its own color - pay attention to this at the very beginning of the game.

You can start getting acquainted with the game from 9-10 months and later. To begin, use the details of the squares to study color and develop counting skills. Don’t forget to describe and name the shapes that make up the squares: “This is a triangle (trapezoid, etc.), it blue. Let's count how many angles... and sides it has?" (at the same time we study the shape, names and properties of the figures). Show that triangles and other figures come in different sizes (we master the concept of "size, magnitude"). Also, the details of the game can be used for collecting not only squares, but also other various figures and shapes - while introducing the concepts of “whole” and “part”.

The game will help develop the child's spatial imagination, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize - the understanding that a square or other figure can be divided into different parts and a square can be made from several parts. In addition, fine motor skills of the fingers develop - after all, for kids it is not so easy to carefully and accurately fold small parts square; as well as the imagination, creative and combinatorial abilities of children.


These versatile blocks introduce your baby to the world of three-dimensional space. The development of spatial thinking will allow the child in the future to master drawing, stereometry, and descriptive geometry. The wide range of Unicube tasks can captivate children from 2 to 15 years old. Play provides enormous opportunities for children's development. The child can analyze the color patterns of the cubes. The first impression is that there are no identically colored cubes, all 27 are different, although only three colors are used, and the cube has 6 faces. Then it turns out that, in addition to the only ones, there are 8 triads, according to the number of faces of each color, but are there also mutual position?

The game teaches clarity, attentiveness, precision, accuracy. To offer this game to a child, parents need to imagine whether he distinguishes colors, whether he can find a cube with two sides of the same color or not, whether he can put together a “train” and a “tower” from cubes, can lay a “platform”, build a “house” or a “ladder”.

The tasks in Unicube are difficult and therefore require high costs the child’s time and energy, and they cannot be given too much. Sometimes one task is enough and less often 2-3, depending on the child’s capabilities.

Tasks can be given to children either through drawings or orally. At first, children understand a drawing better than a verbal explanation, but this does not mean that one must agree with such one-sidedness. Where a task can be given verbally, this must be used. Only when you make sure that the baby can add both a “small blue cube” (from 8 “blue three rubles”) and a “large red cube” (from 27 cubes) according to one verbal task, can you reduce attention to the problem, like assign a task: orally or graphically. In other words, it is necessary to bring the child to a position where he perceives tasks equally well both in oral form and in the form of a drawing.

TRIZ technologies.

The goal of TRIZ is not just to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place. To give educators and parents a tool for specific practical education in children of qualities, a creative personality, capable of understanding the unity and contradiction of the world around them, and solving their small problems.

TRIZ is the theory of solving inventive problems. This program is aimed at activating creative imagination, thinking, and developing the ability to find sometimes unusual solutions various tasks.

Game "Wonderful Things"

Purpose of the game: invent and describe a new object with unusual properties.

Age : from 4.5 years, it is best to start playing with one or two pictures-properties

Zadai : we develop imagination and speech, variability of thinking, creativity, interest in inventing new things


There are four series of cards in this game: “motion”, “material”, “sound”, “smell”. The “shirts” have their own color, inscription or image-symbol, respectively. And on the front side of the cards there are various objects that show how the object can move, what it can be made of, what it will smell like and how it will sound.

Let's play!

Take an arbitrary object, you can start with a man-made world, and then transfer unusual properties to everything. Then cards with properties are selected one by one - smell, material, method of movement, sound. The property that is encrypted on the card is transferred to the object. The presenter, together with the players, discusses what kind of object is obtained, what is good in it, what is bad, how this bad can be changed by turning it into good.

When the game is mastered, I advise you to add cards with empty pictures so that you can come up with what property to give to an object.

How does this work?

First, let's come up with an unusual animal, usemerging method and combine a zebra and a turtle, it turns out zebra tortoise (example of dialogue taken from L.E. Belousova’s manual).

Educator . This beast is fantastic, there are no such things in life. What animal is this? The game “Wonderful Things” will help us find out.

Educator . How can our animal move? (Lays out game cards from the “movement” series in front of the children.)

Child (chooses a card with a ball drawn on it). He will jump high and low like a ball.

Child . When the zebra tortoise jumps, she will see both her friends and her enemies, and will be able to get any fruit from a high tree.

Educator. What material is it made of? (Offers to choose a card from the “material” series; the child chooses the “spoon” card.)

Child . It's wooden.

Educator. Why is this good?

Child. No one will eat it, it is tasteless. She doesn't drown in the water. She's beautiful.

Educator. What sounds does she make? (Lays out game cards from the “sounds” series.)

Child (selected the dial tone). Can buzz.

Educator . Why is this good?

Child . She has good hearing. Can amuse Others, warn friends about danger with its beeps. Deceive enemies. They will think that the locomotive is moving.

Educator. What does she smell like? (Offers to choose a card from the “smell” game series.)

Child (chose a card with an apple). Fruits.

Educator. Why is this good?

Children . It refreshes the air, awakens the appetite, and puts you to sleep.

Educator . Why is this bad?

1st child. It's bad that the zebra tortoise jumps like a ball, because if he loses something, it will be difficult for him to find it. A hunter can see her if she jumps very high.

2nd child. It’s bad that it’s made of wood, because if it collides with another animal, it can hit or scratch it. The sound of wood makes it difficult for other animals to sleep. It could be gouged by a woodpecker or someone else.

3rd child . It’s bad that it hums like a pipe and interferes with peace. It's boring to listen to the same melody.

4th child . She smells like fruit all the time - her friends may get tired of this smell, get a headache, and overpower all other smells (for example, she will eat herring, but it smells like fruit, this is unpleasant).

Educator. How can I help her?

1st child . We need to teach her to jump both high and low, and wrap the tree in iron so that no one can eat her.

2nd child . Make her secret buttons so she can turn off the sound and smell.

After discussing a wonderful thingvery important for consolidationuse any artistic means to capture what you have imagined: draw, sculpt, make a collage.

Natalya Kvartina
Educational games as a means of development intellectual abilities preschool children

"Without no game, there cannot be a full-fledged mental development.

Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

For the modern educational system, the problem of mental, intellectual development is extremely important. It is necessary to competently navigate growing knowledge. The task of forming a creative personality who can actively demonstrate mental abilities comes to the fore. capabilities. IN preschool age such a foundation is being laid.

A modern teacher sets as his goal the education of a child - preschooler – creatively developed, proactive, liberated, with high level development cognitive processes, able to independently seek knowledge. This promotes play is one of the main types of children's activities.

Usage developing games leads to an acceleration of knowledge of the world around us, and therefore intellectual development, as well as to eliminate problems existing in the mental, mental, speech development. A child captivated by the attractive idea of ​​a new games, as if he does not notice that he is learning, although he encounters difficulties. Knowledge given in an entertaining form is absorbed by children faster, more firmly and more easily.

« Educational games are games simulating yourself creative process and creating their own microclimate, where opportunities for development of the creative side of intelligence, cognitive processes" (Boris Pavlovich Nikitin). Almost every game can be developing, if you don’t do for a child what he can do himself, don’t think for him if he can think of it himself.

Based on the above, it is determined target:

Formation of creative, intellectual personality of a preschooler through educational games


- develop children's cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things

- develop memory, imagination, attention, creative thinking, speech children, enrich their vocabulary

- develop in preschoolers the ability to find dependencies and patterns, errors and shortcomings, classify and systematize material, create new combinations from existing elements, letters, parts, objects

- develop the ability foresee the outcome of one's actions

Form at children through the game of ideas about the world around us

- develop children's ability to follow the rules of the game, care when handling the game

- develop in children feeling of goodwill, mutual assistance

- develop fine motor skills when working with material educational games

The basis developing games are based on three principles of learning - these are "from simple to complex", "on your own abilities» , "gradual and systematic". This allows you to solve several problems related to the game at once. development of creative abilities:

- educational games provide food for thought from an early age age

Tasks - steps create conditions for developmental education

Rising, every time on my own, baby develops most successfully

- educational games can be very diverse in their content, and in addition, like any games, do not tolerate coercion.

"Nikitin's Cubes"- excellent teaching material for development logical thinking, perception, attention. Boris Pavlovich Nikitin developed a system of such educational games, How "Fold the pattern", "Cube for everyone", "Unicube", "Fold a square", "Dots". Each Nikitin game is a set of problems that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of wood or plastic, construction set parts, etc. Problems are given to the child in different ways. form: in the form of a model, a planar drawing, an isometric drawing, a drawing, and thus introduce him to different ways of transmitting information.

Dienes' logical blocks are used to perceive color, shape, and size - an effective guide developed by the Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Zoltan Dienes to prepare thinking children to mastering mathematics. Didactic manual "Logical blocks" consists of 48 three-dimensional geometric shapes, varying in shape, color, size and thickness. Thus, each figure is characterized by four properties: color, shape, size and thickness.

The simplest ones are offered first. games:

"Divide the figures (blocks)» (by color, or shape, or size, or thickness)

"Find the figure (blocks)» (by color, shape, size, thickness)

"Create an image" (according to the diagram)

Teaching material that is unique in its capabilities and easy to use "Cuisenaire's Colored Sticks". Universal material for development in children logical-mathematical abilities developed by a Belgian teacher primary school George Cuisiner.

"Cuisenaire's Sticks" is a set of counting sticks, also called "colored sticks", "colored numbers". The set contains 10 tetrahedral sticks different colors and from 1 to 10 cm in length. Sticks of the same length are made in the same color and indicate a certain number. The longer the stick, the greater the numerical value it expresses. « Counting sticks Cuisenaire" are a multifunctional mathematical tool that allows "through hands" child to form the concept of number sequence, number composition, relationships "more - less", "right - left", "between", "longer", "higher" and much more. Kit promotes the development of creativity, fantasy and imagination, cognitive activity, thinking, attention, spatial orientation, perception, combinatorial and design abilities, fine motor skills.

At the initial stage of classes, Cuisenaire sticks are used as playing material. Children play with them as with ordinary cubes, sticks, construction sets, as they play and practice, becoming familiar with colors, sizes and shapes.

At the second stage, the sticks already act as a mathematical aid. And here children learn to comprehend the laws mysterious world numbers and other mathematical concepts.

For intensive development spatial thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination, design abilities, fine motor skills are applied games Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich. Basically it's games- construction sets and puzzles accompanied by fairy tales. According to V.V. Voskobovich: “This is not just a game, this is a cognitive activity”.

In work with preschoolers used TRIZ technology, authored by Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. TRIZ is the theory of solving inventive problems, originally addressed to engineering and technical workers, in recent decades it has been widely used in among teachers. Adapted to preschool age TRIZ - technology allows you to raise and train a child under the motto "Creativity in everything".

"Magic bag" (to the touch)

"Praises" (two children praise each item)

"Together" (take turns talking about the subject, adhering to the diagrams)

"Mystery" (composing a story - riddles, without naming the object)

"Good - bad" or "Pink and black glasses"

"Wonderful Things"(inventing, inventing something new, transferring the properties of one object to another)

"Come up with a fairy tale" (familiar objects begin to have unusual properties)

TRIZ gives children the opportunity to show individuality, teaches them to think outside the box, relieves feelings of constraint, overcomes shyness, and gradually fantasy develops, logic of thinking, imagination.

A special place in working with children is occupied by games to compose a whole parts: "Tangram", "Columba's Egg", "Vietnamese Game", "Mongolian game", "Leaf", "Magic Circle", "Pythagoras's Puzzle", "Pentamino". The essence of these games is to recreate on a plane the silhouettes of objects according to an image or design. Each game is a set of geometric shapes. Such a set is obtained by dividing one geometric figure (n., a square in the game "Tangram" or circle in "Magic Circle") into several parts. Way The actions in the games are simple, but require mental and motor activity and independence. From any set you can create images of a variety of configurations: silhouettes of animals, birds, people, transport, patterns. The silhouette image is schematic, but the image is easily guessed from the main characteristic features subject, form

In practice, a group of games is widely used, developing the intelligence of preschoolers, during which children learn to plan their actions, think about them, look for an answer, guess about the results, i.e., think actively - these are puzzles. Puzzles can be:

Arithmetic (guessing numbers);

Geometric (with chopsticks, cutting paper, bending wire);

Letter (isographs, puzzles, crosswords).

They interesting in content, entertaining in form, distinguished by the unusualness of the solution, the paradoxical nature of the result. For example, using 4 sticks, fold two triangles on the table. Fascinating puzzles for children- this is not only excellent gymnastics for intelligence development, but also a good opportunity to expand your vocabulary children. Crosswords enrich knowledge about the world around us and teach the correct spelling of words.

Educational games, in which the child needs to guess riddles, are loved by all children. Riddles expand your horizons develop thinking, train intelligence, logic and intuition, because they contain likening, comparison, and metamorphic description of the subject. To solve even the simplest riddle, you need to know a lot about the world around you. In the process of finding the correct answer, children learn to reason and draw the necessary conclusions in a playful way. When selecting riddles, you must consider age of children.

Don't go unnoticed games using proverbs, sayings ( "Repeat", "Listen and finish", "Say it differently"(It is one thing to say about someone that he is a nuisance with his constant presence; it is another to say that he “tired as a bitter radish”; It’s one thing to say that someone came unexpectedly, it’s another to say that he “fell out of the blue”).

Once again, speaking of meaning educational games in intellectual development preschoolers, I would like to emphasize that “knowledge acquired without interest, not painted with own positive attitude, emotions, do not become useful - it is a dead weight. Passive perception and assimilation cannot be the basis of solid knowledge. Playing makes it much easier to learn, to get to know better, and to be creative.”

Relevance. The problem of developing cognitive activity and cognitive abilities of preschool children is one of the most pressing in the theory and practice of preschool education, since activity is a necessary condition for the formation of children’s mental qualities, independence and initiative.

Relevance of the selected topic is that the formation of cognitive abilities should begin precisely from preschool age, since they actively interact with the system of value orientations, with the purpose and results of activities, reflect the intellect, will, and feelings of the individual, and are also a necessary condition for the readiness of children to study at school.

The development of children's cognitive abilities, as well as the formation figurative forms Cognition is the main line of mental development of preschool children.

Psychologists (Vygotsky L.S., Zaporozhets A.V., Elkonin D.B., Poddyakov N.N.) claim that it is in preschool age that things happen especially rapidly mental development, the pace of which is gradually slowing down. That is why children should make maximum use of their potential for the development of cognitive abilities.

Cognitive abilities are manifested in the ability to identify characteristic properties, differences, and understand difficult situations, ask questions, observe. A necessary condition for the development of these abilities is a craving for mental effort (Panko E.A., Kolominsky Ya.L.). Cognitive abilities ensure the success of any cognitive activity.

The main idea of ​​the experience is that psychological and pedagogical support for the process of development of cognitive abilities in preschool childhood should occur in the most important areas of activity (cognitive, communicative, artistic). Important points in this case are:

  • cooperation between the teacher and children on a visual basis;
  • taking into account the individual characteristics of the child;
  • reliance on spontaneous manifestations of children’s activity, reflecting the child’s spontaneous experience of interaction with environment;
  • activation of positive moral concerns of the child when assessing his personal achievements in the process of activity.

To ensure the effectiveness of the formation of cognitive activity in preschool children, we have identified the following tasks:

1. Create a subject-development environment - a single space in which the process of teaching and raising preschool children takes place, common approaches, a common goal joint activities educators and parents, common evaluative views and actions for all participants in the pedagogical process.

2. To interest, cultivate a thirst for knowledge, evoke a desire to act, give an understanding that when you make mistakes, you still gain knowledge, so always create, experiment, learn.

3. Create an appropriate atmosphere in which interaction, mutual trust, mutual assistance, and humanity really manifest themselves.

4. Provide a climate of personal safety for each child and opportunities for comprehensive stimulation and their creative initiative.

Scientific and methodological basis Our activity is the application of methods of modern pedagogical technologies for the training and development of preschool children.

In organizing work with children we use following methods:

  • TRIZ methods, in which we successfully solve problems of problem-based and developmental learning, encourage children to search, model, and experiment. Children work in an atmosphere of freedom of thought and creativity;
  • visual methods: supporting diagrams, tables, maps, eidetics, in which we develop memory and thinking; We develop explanatory speech skills, the ability to substantiate one’s thoughts, draw conclusions, and encourage children to think;
  • methods design technologies , in which we develop the ability to design our activities, use our knowledge in practice, look for answers to questions, and engage in partnerships with peers and adults;
  • methods of experimental research activities, in which we rely on the child’s experience, form the sensory-perceptual sphere in children, an idea of ​​objects, natural phenomena.

Directions our work with children:

  • development of children's cognitive abilities;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • development speech abilities;
  • education of patriotism and humanity in preschool children.

We implement these areas in various forms of work:

  • group, individual, subgroup lessons;
  • projects, competitions, holidays, entertainment, trainings, group work, experiments and observations, “research apron”;
  • search messages, use of reference maps, diagrams, models;
  • production of collective panels, newspapers, children's books, collages.

In our practical activities with children, we see that the main condition for the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers is their inclusion in such types of activities:

  • gaming;
  • educational - cognitive;
  • productive (drawing, modeling, appliqué, design);
  • motor;
  • labor

Therefore, organized and independent activity We provide education for children on the basis of including children’s experimentation in all areas of preschoolers’ life. The educational process is organized so that the child has the opportunity to ask questions himself, put forward his own hypotheses, without fear of making a mistake. Children love to experiment. In experimental activities, children’s work is carried out independently, reveals to them new aspects and properties of the object, and permeates all spheres of children’s life, including play.

We attach great importance to the use of research and experience in integrated classes. We have developed cycles of classes for children, which include experimental and research activities:

“Water cycle in nature”;

"Unusual Guests";

"Children and the Sun";

“Which water tastes better?”;

« Balloons»;

"Secrets of professions";

"Our corner of nature";

"My family";

"My family tree»;

"History of my city";

" My hometown ».

Almost all of our lessons with children begin with the formulation of a problematic problem. To stimulate cognitive activity, methods of doubt and reflection are used (“Could this be?”, “Is it possible?”, “Was it somehow different?”, “Could it have been different?”, “What do you think?” what will happen next?”, “What could happen?”).

Questions of a problematic nature encourage children to find ways to solve and justify their own thoughts and activities.

One of the most progressive in the development of independent thinking and cognitive abilities is TRIZ technology, described in the works of G. S. Altshuller.

For the children of our group to solve contradictions, we offer the following tasks: “Do it in advance”, “Convert harm into benefit”, “Chain of words”, “Associations”, “Good - bad”, “Solving contradictions”, “Fairy tales in a new way”, “ Transformation of colors", " Merry men", "Complete the drawing", "Create a costume for the hero of the fairy tale."

We pay significant attention individual - differentiated approach to teaching children. Our focus is on the child’s personality, his individual level of preparation, desire and ability to work in class. This allows children to organize their work in such a way that each child is involved in creativity not only at will, but also taking into account their own capabilities. We are convinced that the development of children is promoted by both individual work and goodwill, a calm microclimate, and cooperation between the teacher and the child.

When working with children, considerable attention is paid to the use of design technologies. The development of cognitive abilities contributes to the participation of children in joint group projects, for example: the production of group panels, children's books, newspapers, the preparation of holidays and performances. By participating in such activities, preschoolers have the opportunity to plan, distribute their work, generalize, classify materials, and compare the quality of work. Over the past academic year were created together with children such projects:

  • "Journey through countries and continents"
  • "Native Ukraine"
  • "Russian souvenir"
  • "Mysterious Tyrol"
  • "Colors of the North"
  • "Journey through Egypt"
  • "Professions of our city"
  • "Family",
  • "Lessons of Orthodoxy"
  • "Young restaurateur"
  • "Lessons from Queen Tassel"
  • "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"
  • "Spring is Red"
  • "Confectioners".

It has become a tradition for us to hold various intellectual competitions with children: KVN, tournaments of scholars, experts, “The Jungle is Calling”, “Why”, as well as brain rings together with parents, the game “What Children Are Talking About”, “Evenings of Riddles and Guessing”. The organization of these competitions helps turn the child from a passive, inactive observer into an active participant.

To develop cognitive abilities we use a variety of educational games and exercises, in particular the games B.P. Nikitin, containing extremely wide range tasks, both in complexity and in variety of nature.

Cognitive abilities are developed with the help of artistic speech activity, which is one of the ways to improve children's speech. Children enthusiastically act out fairy tales with substitutes (geometric figures) (Gavrish N.V.). Speech creative activity we organize based on illustrations or schematic drawings, we widely use the eidetic method when composing stories, descriptions, inventing fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, etc.

It should be noted that not all preschoolers have clearly manifested inclinations and preferences. Children are able to often change their interests, and some do not show them at all. The main reason for this phenomenon is the insufficient development of some means of cognition. The diagnostic results showed that the number of children with a low level of cognitive activity has significantly decreased.

Another important aspect: our long-term observations indicate that quite often the main cause low level interest in the surrounding reality is weak physical health. This is especially evident in older preschool age, when mental work becomes intense due to the intensification of preparation for school.

In this case we resort to individual work. We practice classes with subgroups of children, keeping under control each child’s personal interest in completing the task. We resort to gaming techniques and application game forms: games - experiments, games - travel, games - sketches, we create problematic game, search situations and situational tasks.

Only encouragement, interest, caring attitude and emotional support from adults gives positive result. It is important to have close contact with parents: consultations, conversations, meetings round table, question and answer evenings. In the parent corners, a section has been created where information is posted about our activities with children, advice to parents on what to read to their children, tell them, and generally how to help little “whys”.

Interest, novelty, surprise are a stimulus for cognitive activity, a kind of springboard to cognitive activity, a support for emotional memory, a stimulus for increasing emotional tone, a means of mobilizing the child’s attention and volitional efforts. A long-term experiment by the Georgian psychologist Sh. A. Amonashvili convincingly demonstrates that even the most passive children can be made active. The method is very simple: give the child the joy of learning, the joy of overcoming difficulties; learn to wait for an answer from him, to experience with him the happiness of intellectual victory.

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