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Migraine during pregnancy - what to do and how to treat it. Migraine during pregnancy - common or serious

Migraine headaches are experienced by those who, by the nature of their work, are associated with mental work. Some people were given hemicrania by their parents. This disease is very common in families where several generations have suffered from terrible attacks of headaches. Migraines that occur during pregnancy cause a lot of trouble. After all, carrying a child is already a test for the body, and you also have to endure a headache, since conventional migraine medications have a lot of contraindications and can harm the fetus.

How to treat migraine during pregnancy? Let’s make a reservation right away: enduring pain is not the best option. It is important to understand whether these are really symptoms of a migraine attack, what causes the disease, and what methods of treating migraine in pregnant women exist. In addition, you should establish the process of proper nutrition, as well as devote enough time to rest.

Some patients suffering from migraine attacks, once pregnant, stop complaining of headaches. This is due to changing hormonal levels. But not everyone is so lucky: most women, even in the early stages of pregnancy, already experience headaches. It is necessary to understand what caused it, only then the attending physician will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment. The causes of headaches in pregnant women are the same as in other patients suffering from migraine. Most often, the cause of the disease is a genetic predisposition, but certain factors become the trigger:

  • constant anxiety, experienced stress, being in a stressful situation. Pregnancy is always an exciting event; it can trigger seizures;
  • great physical or emotional stress at work or in the family. Pregnancy makes a woman vulnerable. If before conception she could work equally with men, then while carrying a baby, she should beware of worries and stress. But this is not always possible. Many employers do not want their employees to go on maternity leave, so they have to work with full dedication, and this certainly affects their health;
  • food can cause not only allergies, but also a migraine attack, so during pregnancy it is important to monitor the correct menu design. Even if you really want chocolate, it is better to eat some domestic fruit (for example, an apple);
  • pregnancy suggests that a woman will not drink alcohol, but some make an exception and drink wine, which is also a provocateur of migraine attacks;
  • Many patients have a connection between headaches and changing weather conditions. There is no escape from weather dependence, but treatment will be required for the pain to go away.

Symptoms of the disease

An attack of headache does not always indicate hemicrania, so you should be aware of its main symptoms. Migraine during pregnancy is characterized by the same symptoms as in other patients:

  1. Pain in only one hemisphere of the brain.
  2. A feeling of pulsation in the part of the head where the attack began.
  3. Attempts to soothe the pain with physical exercise or work lead to the opposite result - the pain only intensifies.
  4. Irritation and intensification of the attack are caused by external factors - light, sound, smells.
  5. The attack may be accompanied by nausea, but relief usually occurs after vomiting.
  6. Some pregnant women may experience an aura before pain. An aura may result in visual disturbances, speech problems, or tactile symptoms in the extremities. The appearance of an aura precedes the onset of pain, but sometimes occurs together with an attack. In rare cases, a migraine attack is not observed after an aura.
  7. The duration of the attack is from an hour to 2-3 days.

If you are worried about migraines during pregnancy, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Any severe headache in a pregnant woman should be evaluated. There are other diseases that are well disguised as migraine pain; the task of the doctor and the patient is not to miss them and to begin treatment on time. For example, a pregnant woman's condition, accompanied by swelling and severe headache, may indicate eclampsia. At the same time, the patient’s blood pressure increases greatly and convulsions begin. Eclampsia is very dangerous; in many cases it leads to the death of the fetus or the pregnant woman. Therefore, it is better to entrust the treatment of migraines during pregnancy to a specialist.

We are treated without medications

Medicines not only benefit the patient, but also cause harm to the body, especially for pregnant women. What to do in this case? You can try traditional methods of treatment, but you should pay close attention to how you feel. If it worsens or if there is severe, prolonged pain, it is still better to visit a doctor.

  1. The effect of cold. You can apply a wet, cold compress to your forehead or use an ice pack. Only a patient who has previously treated a migraine attack already knows what helps him: a cold shower for the head or a bag of ice. Under the influence of cold, the vessels of the head are toned and return to normal, so the pain begins to go away. But such hardening procedures for the head should not be long, because you can catch a cold. When applying an ice pack or a bottle of water frozen in the freezer, it is advisable to wrap it in a terry towel.
  2. Strong, sweetened tea helps many people get rid of an incipient attack. But during the 1st trimester of pregnancy you should not very often resort to this method of improving your well-being.
  3. An ordinary cabbage leaf is used for headaches. It also helps with a migraine attack. To do this, knead it well or scald it with boiling water, and then tie it to the forehead with a woolen scarf. In this recipe, not only the cabbage leaf works, but also the fact that the vessels are well tied with a bandage. Therefore, even if there is no cabbage, you can simply tie your head tightly.
  4. Herbal decoction. Instead of tea, it is better to use soothing infusions, which include mint, lemon balm, and chamomile. This collection has virtually no contraindications, therefore it is successfully used to treat attacks in pregnant women.

Relaxation technique

A great way to get rid of headaches is relaxation. You can try meditation or yoga. These methods do not pose a threat to the health of the unborn child or pregnant woman. As a preventative measure, you can sign up for an acupuncture session.

Aromatherapy has become very popular. It is used to treat any category of citizens: from children to the elderly. Pregnant women are also recommended to undergo aromatherapy, but individual intolerance to essential oils should be taken into account. If there are no allergies, then relaxing aromatherapy sessions can be done even at home. It is enough to buy a bottle of your favorite essential oil (for example, mint, lemon, rose, eucalyptus, basil, rosemary) and an aroma lamp. The inhalation procedure does not last long - 15–20 minutes. After several sessions, a person begins to feel an improvement in his condition, there is an increase in performance, and headaches go away.

Massage treatment

Massage procedures have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. There are techniques that help relieve people from migraines. They are very easy to master yourself and perform at the first symptoms of an attack. There are several main points, massaging which relieves migraines:

  1. On the forehead - in the middle between the eyebrows.
  2. There is a temporal depression on the head.
  3. On the bridge of the nose - in the depressions near the eye sockets.
  4. On the feet - between the big and adjacent toes.

Massage technique:

  1. Use your fingertips to massage the named points for 10 seconds – 10 approaches.
  2. You don't need to press hard, moderate pressure is enough.
  3. Movements should be circular, with periodic pressure on the point.
  4. To finish the session, you should gradually slow down the circular movements until they stop completely.

Acceptable medicinal products

How to treat migraine during pregnancy if most medications have contraindications? You can only use drugs that are not dangerous for pregnant women. For example, paracetamol or its analogues - Efferalgan, Panadol. Drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen can only be used at a certain stage of pregnancy - in the 2nd trimester. Towards the end of the term, they can provoke bleeding, and in the early stages they can cause developmental defects in the baby. You should not relieve an attack with analgin, citramon, or spasmalgon. They are prohibited during pregnancy, as are many combination headache medications.

Specific medications for the treatment of migraines are prohibited for use by pregnant women. In an extremely severe case of a migraine attack, the doctor may prescribe sumatriptan, but he must assess the possible risk to the fetus.

Anticonvulsants, antidepressants, beta blockers during pregnancy can only be prescribed by a doctor for special indications. Many of these medications are contraindicated in pregnant women, so you should not self-medicate headaches.

Migraine is a common form of headache during pregnancy. Its provocateurs can be various disorders of the vascular system, lack of rest, hormonal imbalance, stress, poor nutrition and many other factors. Migraine is characterized by throbbing and severe pain in the head, as well as visual disturbances and nausea. Such discomfort greatly worsens a woman’s well-being and does not have the best effect on pregnancy. But the biggest difficulty in this situation is the fact that all migraine medications are contraindicated during pregnancy. To understand this issue, let's find out what causes migraines during pregnancy, how to treat this disease, and how headaches can affect the fetus.

Headaches come in many forms and occur for many reasons. Migraine is just one type of headache and is a consequence of chronic neurological disorders.

Migraine is paroxysmal in nature. The next paroxysm (attack) is preceded by certain symptoms (aura), and then intense pain begins in one point of the head, usually in the area of ​​the temples or forehead. The pain is accompanied by strong sensitivity of the senses to light, aroma, and noise. Sometimes an attack can cause vomiting, dizziness and fainting.

The disease can occur when conditions favorable to it appear, for example, after overheating in the sun, taking hormonal pills, with nervous shock or chronic fatigue.

Migraine is hereditary. Medical experience shows that the risk of migraine increases by 70% if the mother had this disease.

Migraine is a chronic disease, and therefore requires complex treatment, which consists of taking painkillers during an attack and drugs that stabilize the general state of health. If a woman is pregnant, the most gentle treatment is selected so as not to harm the baby. Therefore, if a woman suffers from migraine during pregnancy, only a doctor should decide how to treat the next attack.

A possible complication of the disease is a migraine stroke, which is accompanied by serious neurological disorders (facial nerve paralysis) and frequent prolonged attacks of pain.

During pregnancy, repeated attacks can harm the baby as the woman suffers from dehydration and oxygen deficiency. In addition, frequent vomiting and severe exhaustion of a woman can provoke miscarriage or arrest of fetal development.

Causes of migraine development during pregnancy

Scientists and doctors have not yet established what triggers the development of migraines. But studies and long-term observations prove that this disease affects people aged 18 to 30 years, and 70% of them are women. Therefore, the incidence of migraine during pregnancy is about 20%.

Pregnancy is considered a migraine trigger for two reasons. On the one hand, against the background of changes in hormonal status, the nervous system becomes vulnerable to any external stimuli. On the other hand, increased load on the kidneys and increased blood volume directly affect the cardiovascular system. Therefore, such conditions make a woman prone to migraine attacks.

There are a number of other reasons for the development of a migraine attack:

  • Severe lack of night rest.
  • Reduced blood sugar concentration.
  • Fluid deficiency.
  • Meteosensitivity.
  • A radical change in daily routine without preparation.
  • Reaction to environmental irritants - unpleasant aroma, stuffy room, loud music.
  • Abuse of caffeine-containing products.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Conditions of high stress.

Migraines can be a consequence of poor functioning of internal organs. So, with pancreatitis or liver damage, headache attacks can constantly occur without any warning signs and disappear instantly.

Another cause of migraine is general intoxication. For example, ARVI, poisoning, chronic infections constantly fill the body with toxins, which leads to constantly recurring headaches.

Migraine is a constant companion of diabetes. Therefore, this diagnosis should also be excluded if migraine occurs during gestation.

Migraine attacks during pregnancy can be the result of other dangerous diseases, such as meningitis, glaucoma, brain tumors and sinusitis. Therefore, if you experience any severe pain in your head, it is very important to consult a doctor.

Migraines mainly appear in the first half of pregnancy. But there are exceptions when an attack may appear later. The reason for this may be stress on the spine, preeclampsia, hypertension and excess weight.

Migraine symptoms during pregnancy

The main symptom of migraine is severe pain in the head, which resembles intense pulsation, a feeling of squeezing, tingling, knocking. The pain can be localized in the frontotemporal part, or “migrate” along the head towards the back of the head. The location of the pain can constantly change from attack to attack.

The frequency of migraine pain varies. Some women may have 1-2 attacks throughout pregnancy, while others may have 3-4 attacks per week. The pain syndrome can last from 3 hours to several days with short periods of relief.

The next migraine attack is preceded by certain symptoms called migraine aura. This may be a change in sense of smell, flickering before the eyes, irritability, loss of strength, or worsening appetite.

If a woman has experienced migraine attacks before pregnancy, then after conception the frequency and intensity of migraines in early pregnancy may increase sharply. But closer to the middle of pregnancy, the disease weakens.

You can distinguish a migraine from another type of headache by the following signs:

  1. The pain is concentrated in one point (forehead, supraorbital part, temple, back of the head).
  2. The pain is accompanied by attacks of nausea, drooling, intolerance to light and loud sounds.
  3. Migraines get worse with any physical activity.
  4. The pain feels like throbbing.
  5. Analgesics do not help relieve pain.
  6. The attack is preceded by a migraine aura.
  7. The pain completely reduces daily activity.
  8. Parents also have migraine attacks.

A migraine attack always occurs in three phases:

  • The first phase starts 20-60 minutes before the attack. A woman loses her mood for no reason, she becomes lethargic, lifeless, she wants to sleep, a feeling of fullness in her head slowly increases, and pain appears.
  • The second phase is the peak of the headache. The woman experiences strong throbbing in her temples, vomiting appears, the skin on her face turns pale, and swelling of the eyelids may occur. Such a prolonged and severe migraine during pregnancy requires urgent hospitalization.
  • The third phase occurs when the headache subsides. The woman becomes upset, exhausted, and sleepy. Rarely, a migraine attack may recur at this stage. In this case, a woman’s weakened body may be subject to complications such as cerebral hypoxia, convulsions, and dehydration.

Migraine during pregnancy: treatment with drugs

It is almost impossible to eliminate migraine headaches with conventional analgesics. Ergotamines are mainly used to alleviate the condition. But treatment of migraine in pregnant women is very limited, because many of this group of drugs are toxic to the fetus, especially in the first 2-3 months. They can influence the development of chromosomal abnormalities, cause uterine contractions and miscarriage, and provoke bleeding.

Tablets for migraines during pregnancy

For mild migraine attacks, pregnant women are prescribed the simplest and relatively safe analgesic, for example, Citramon or Paracetamol in low doses.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with migraine status (attacks recur more than 15 times a month), she is prescribed antidepressants and beta blockers. Some of them are allowed during gestation and do not have a negative effect on the fetus. These include Labetalol, Amitriptyline, Propranolol and Fluoxetine.

Acupuncture for migraines during pregnancy

Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for migraines during pregnancy. The placement of needles brings quick relief during the next attack by blocking the passage of nerve impulses along painful pathways. In this case, there is no need to take harmful analgesic drugs.

This method is allowed in the first trimester, but before the procedure you need to consult a gynecologist and neurologist. If there are no contraindications, then several courses of acupuncture in the period between attacks will help restore the impaired functioning of the vascular system and achieve stable remission in the woman.

Treatment of migraine during pregnancy with folk remedies

What should a pregnant woman do if medications are contraindicated and the pain is very severe? In this situation, you can use one of the safe folk methods. They will help you feel better before visiting the doctor.

  • A mug of hot and very sweet tea will help increase glucose levels and normalize vascular tone. But here it is important to understand that in the presence of gestational diabetes mellitus this method is contraindicated.
  • For many centuries, headaches have been relieved with the help of cabbage leaves. You need to apply it to the sore spot and secure it with a scarf.
  • Ice helps reduce pulsation. You need to wrap it in a bag and soft cloth and apply it to the painful area for a couple of minutes. Ice itself should not be applied, as it can freeze the scalp.
  • A decoction of dill seeds has an analgesic effect. Need 1.5 tsp. Brew the seeds in 250 ml of boiling water for 2 hours and then drink the infusion.
  • Massage helps stop a migraine attack. It is not necessary to call a professional massage therapist; you can ask someone close to you to massage your head, neck area, or temples. This will improve blood circulation and double the supply of oxygen to the brain. All massage movements should be gentle, circular, not harsh.
  • Staying in the fresh air also helps normalize blood pressure and reduce pain. But when a migraine is in its active phase, going outside can be very difficult. Intensive and regular ventilation of the room, an appropriate air conditioning mode, or relaxing on the balcony or veranda will help solve this dilemma.
  • A herbal relaxation pillow will help prevent another migraine attack. To make it you need to take part of the bay leaf, part of the cherry leaves and part of the eucalyptus, and then fill the pillowcase with the herbal mixture and sew it up. You can rest on a pillow for 3-4 hours a day.
  • Another excellent anti-migraine recipe is a thyme compress. You need to pour a small amount of boiling water over a handful of herbs to make a paste. Then you need to wrap the grass in a clean cloth and apply it to your forehead and temples.
  • You can improve your well-being with lavender tea. It is very easy to prepare: pour 10 g of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water and let the tea brew for 15 minutes.

Migraine during pregnancy: what to do to prevent attacks

Migraines are often triggered by external factors, so it is quite possible to reduce the frequency of pain if you adjust your lifestyle. It is important to exclude all factors that can irritate the nerve center and adversely affect the vascular system.

So, instructions on how to get rid of migraines during pregnancy:

  • Isolate yourself from psychological discomfort - eliminate stress, unpleasant communication, unloved activities.
  • Together with your doctor, make a list of foods that can provoke migraine attacks (usually citrus fruits, coffee, cocoa.)
  • Get plenty of rest, spend enough time in the fresh air, and avoid noisy places with bright lights.
  • Be sure to undergo diagnostics of the cardiovascular system (this can be done during pregnancy).
  • Learn to recognize the aura so you can calm down and rest in advance. This will reduce the intensity of the pain attack.
  • Discover yoga. Relaxation exercises perfectly help restore the nervous system.
  • Don't neglect visits to the doctor. Always check with your gynecologist what you can and what is prohibited for migraines during pregnancy.
  • If a migraine-like headache increases, a pregnant woman needs to immediately take action: turn off the bright lights, turn off the TV and other sound sources, ventilate the room from the smells of food, tobacco smoke, perfume, sit comfortably on the bed and relax.

Love yourself and enjoy your pregnancy. After all, positive energy is the best prevention of any headache and other diseases.

Video “Treatment of migraine during pregnancy”

They can occur for various reasons. In the first trimester, their appearance is usually associated with hormonal changes in the body, and in the third trimester - with an increased load on all its systems. If you were prone to migraines before pregnancy, then in an “interesting” position they may intensify.

Many doctors believe that migraines occur as a result of insomnia, general fatigue, eyestrain, depression, as well as eating disorders: eating cold foods, large amounts of caffeine, fasting or dehydration.

Folk and homeopathic remedies

Doctors usually advise a pregnant woman to eliminate it using safe methods. These include a cold compress from a towel soaked in water, aromatherapy using lavender, basil, lemon, mint, clove oils, and long sleep. The desire to lie down is a normal reaction of the body to pain.

Frequent meals of lean food in small portions, a little coffee or steeply brewed mint tea with lemon help well against migraines. If your general condition allows you to go out into the fresh air, then it is better to take a walk. A well-known way to suppress pain is intensive massage of the back of the head and neck, where blood stagnates. With a growing migraine, you can use a contrast shower.

Drug treatment

In cases where migraine prevention is ineffective, you need to seek medical advice in order to relieve the pain by taking medications. During pregnancy, within reasonable limits, it is allowed to use some painkillers. However, you can take medications only as prescribed by a doctor, who will indicate relatively safe ones.

Independently choosing and taking pills is harmful to the child’s health, especially in the first and third trimesters, when they can cause disturbances in the formation of fetal systems or provoke labor long before the due date. In addition, most of the medications that a woman took for migraines before pregnancy may not be useful due to changes that have occurred in the body.

If migraines cannot be eliminated in any other way than taking a pill, it is better to reduce the dose by half and reduce the frequency of taking medications to a minimum. Migraine caused by vascular spasms is eliminated by no-spa, and by inflammatory processes, since these drugs have virtually no negative effect on the development of the embryo. Sometimes doctors prescribe acetaminophen. At 4-6 months of pregnancy, it is allowed to take citramon.

Drugs prohibited for pregnant women include analgin and aspirin, they will not relieve migraines, as well as tryptamine-based drugs, which have a number of contraindications.

Migraine during pregnancy can occur even in those who had no idea before and never noticed signs of such an illness. In more than 20% of cases, a woman suffers from a disease such as migraine during pregnancy.

Pain Recipe
head massage consult a doctor If pregnant

The disease has distinctive signs that allow it to be diagnosed. For a woman’s body, which is already in a difficult position, it is also very difficult to endure a migraine. Headaches cannot be tolerated, so it is necessary to look for ways to eliminate them.

Migraine or hemicrania is a disease that can be hereditary. It is expressed by severe pain. Many girls attribute the sensations to simple malaise during pregnancy. Due to the fact that the symptoms are quite pronounced, they try to relieve the discomfort with the usual remedies used for headaches.

Each woman’s body is individual, the reasons for the formation of migraines in the early stages are different for everyone. But, nevertheless, there are several reasons for the formation of this disease during pregnancy.

  1. Nutrition. Taking some foods can cause a migraine attack in the early stages. These are products such as cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits (in large quantities), spicy seasonings, and alcohol. Proper nutrition is very important for the health of a woman and her unborn child.
  2. A change in diet can cause allergic reactions and the onset of illness.
  3. Insufficient amount of water in the body.
  4. Negative reaction to medications, overdose (this may be an ordinary, mild medicine).
  5. Stress, lack of sleep, psychological stress, overwork – all these factors can cause migraine attacks (a girl’s minimum sleep should be at least 7 hours per day, this is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy);
  6. Weather conditions, changes in climate zones, etc. Try to create a favorable microclimate indoors.

Troubling throbbing pain

The diagnosis is usually determined by the doctor during a conversation with the patient. But there are certain criteria that will help distinguish a regular headache from a migraine.

There are several questions, answering which can accurately determine the correct diagnosis.

  1. Are the headaches you have had over the past few months accompanied by vomiting or nausea?
  2. Have headaches over the past few months been accompanied by intolerance to sounds and light?
  3. Have you ever had a headache interfere with your daily activities (work, school) for at least one day?

If you answer yes to several questions, then most likely your headaches are nothing more than migraines.

Signs of hemicrania in women

How we found out how migraine manifests itself in everyone individually. In one woman during pregnancy, symptoms were expressed as mild malaise or discomfort. For some, it is unbearable acute pain that is accompanied by vomiting. The most common, pronounced signs of the disease are a severe throbbing headache, which usually spreads to one side of the head. Its duration can range from 3 hours to several days.

Some have a strong sensitivity to bright light, loud sounds, and the woman becomes withdrawn and withdrawn. Blood pressure may increase, nausea and general weakness may appear – these symptoms are also called an aura.

There are several groups: simple migraine during pregnancy and migraine accompanied by an aura.

  1. The first is accompanied by unilateral pain of a strong, throbbing nature. It is oppressive in nature, greatly reduces performance, and the reaction to it may be inadequate (excessive aggression or apathy). The center of pain is concentrated in the temporal part of the head or in the back of the head. Attacks can be repeated up to 4 times a month. Symptoms such as stomach upset (nausea, vomiting, which do not bring relief) may increase. Bright lighting, loud noises, smells, physical activity only increase the pain.
  2. With migraine with aura, neuralgic symptoms appear before attacks and sometimes accompany them. When the first symptoms of migraine appear, they need to be treated; conventional medications will not help; they must be approved and prescribed by a specialist monitoring your pregnancy.

A few more signs that distinguish headaches from hemicrania:

  • the pain that arises has a different character, different from the previous one;
  • the appearance of pain after physical exertion, strong stretching, coughing, sexual activity;
  • weakness of the limbs, impaired vision, speech.

After such manifestations, it is necessary to contact specialists.

Anxious thoughts

Basic treatment methods

Prophylactic treatment is prescribed only in cases where the attacks are very severe, they occur more than 3 times a month, last more than 48 hours, and there are also symptoms such as depression, anxiety, pain in the cervical region, sleep disturbances, etc. The course is from several months.

If a migraine bothered a girl before pregnancy, then during pregnancy it may go away, but on the contrary, it happens that it only begins in an interesting position. But usually this is only the first trimester, then the symptoms stop.

Treatment usually alternates between medicinal and non-medicinal methods. These are antiepileptic, vasoconstrictor drugs, drugs belonging to the triptan group.

The attending physician is responsible for the dosage and prescription. It is also necessary to change your lifestyle and eliminate provoking factors:

  • sleep should last at least 7 hours;
  • relax more often, avoid strong emotional stress;
  • the work schedule must be determined and discussed with the specialist and the employer;
  • regular meals (from 4 times a day);
  • permitted sports during pregnancy will help get rid of migraines, for example, gymnastics, yoga, swimming pool, etc.;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters per day;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • eliminate all bad habits (tobacco, alcohol, coffee).

Traditional medicine recipes

For those who are prone to frequent headaches, it is better to prevent migraines before they occur and follow preventive measures. But if an attack takes you by surprise, proven traditional medicine recipes will help. They are safe for pregnant women and quickly help get rid of the disease.

For the first recipe you will need:

  • eucalyptus oil;
  • water;
  • napkins;
  • leaves of laurel, myrrh, cherry and eucalyptus.

Method of application.

  1. You need to add 4 drops of eucalyptus oil to 1 liter of water.
  2. After this, moisten a napkin there and place it on your temples and forehead.
  3. If cases of migraine are frequent, then you need to use such a folk remedy as a pillow of laurel, myrrh, cherry and eucalyptus leaves.
  4. If pain occurs, a pregnant woman should lie on a pillow with the painful side (the pain goes away quickly).

For another recipe for severe headaches you will need:

  • cabbage leaves;
  • bandage.

Traditional medicine recipe

Method of application.

  1. If pain occurs, it is necessary to mash the leaves until juice forms.
  2. Apply them to the sore spot.
  3. Can be secured with a headband.

Another recipe. Required ingredients:

  • viburnum;
  • black currant;
  • boiling water.

Method of application.

  1. Brew viburnum berries and black currants.
  2. Let it brew for at least half an hour.
  3. Drink a glass of decoction a day every few hours.
Risks and dangers of the disease

Migraine hides many dangers and unpleasant consequences for the expectant mother and child. Migraine that begins during pregnancy must be fought, otherwise it can lead to pathologies during pregnancy. It could be:

  • darkening of the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • blood flow disorders;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • severe and prolonged headaches;
  • gestosis;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • toxicosis in the last trimester;
  • heart and kidney diseases and much more.

All these consequences negatively affect the development of the fetus. If possible, you should visit a massage therapist. About

Expectant mothers often experience discomfort in the early stages of pregnancy. After all, their body is being rebuilt, their immunity is decreasing, which is manifested by drowsiness, apathy, and migraines. But the latter for pregnant women is simply a disaster. Migraines knock a woman out of her usual working rut, and besides, treating them in a new situation is problematic. How to be saved and with what?

Briefly about migraine

It is a hereditary pathology, which is expressed in sharp pain in one half of the head. The headache can be so severe that it cannot be relieved by the usual tablets of Citramon, No-shpy, Paracetamol. Other analgesics may also be ineffective.

Migraines are different from regular headaches. This is a stronger and more dangerous pathology. It is accompanied by so-called precursors of attacks - they are also called an aura. These are the signs:

  1. Fear of light. It can accompany headaches all the time or only during the daytime.
  2. Intolerance to strong odors, noise, loud sounds.
  3. Closedness, detachment, self-isolation.
  4. Vomiting and as symptoms of an impending headache.

Pregnancy and migraine

It is worth noting that this pathology in expectant mothers has its own specifics. The reasons for its occurrence also differ:

  1. Eating certain foods. These include cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits, hot spices. Alcohol, which is contraindicated while pregnant, can also provoke an attack.
  2. Water deficiency in the female body, especially in the first trimester.
  3. Overdose of medications. For example, Citramon in large quantities can increase headache symptoms.
  4. Stress, psychological stress, lack of sleep.
  5. Changes in weather conditions, changes in the indoor microclimate.

So, migraines in expectant mothers are provoked by many more factors than in ordinary people.

Eliminating migraines using traditional methods

Many women who experienced similar conditions before the onset of an “interesting” situation do not want to see a doctor about this. Especially in the early stages, when medications to alleviate the condition are extremely undesirable. They use proven folk recipes for the treatment of migraines:

  1. Brewing sweet, strong black tea. But you need to be careful with this treatment option in the early stages of pregnancy.
  2. Compress made from cabbage leaf. It must be scalded with boiling water, applied to the frontal part of the head or the area that is bothering you, and wrapped in a woolen scarf.
  3. Applying ice. Promotes vasoconstriction. You cannot keep an ice compress on your head for a long time.
  4. Aromatherapy. Many people find it helpful to inhale the vapors of lemon balm, lavender, and citrus fruits. The method is acceptable if the pregnant woman is not allergic to esters.

About relieving seizures with medications

Even Citramon, which is familiar to a woman before pregnancy, should be used carefully. After all, when carrying a baby, this medicine can only worsen the headache.

If Citramon does not help, then the doctor may prescribe more serious medications, for example, Acetaminophen. In minimal doses, this safe and hypoallergenic drug can be taken in early and late pregnancy.

You can try using Paracetamol. It is safer compared to Citramon. For pregnant women, doctors prescribe medications containing magnesium for migraines - they are beneficial for blood vessels. But relieving migraine attacks with Aspirin is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. This remedy can provoke bleeding and premature birth and pregnancy.

Prevention of migraine during pregnancy

To prevent unpleasant attacks, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Maintaining a daily routine. Eating without a schedule, lack of sleep and oversleeping often become causes of headaches. They are signs of a weak body, so you should take care of yourself and live according to the regime.
  2. Physical activity. Yoga for pregnant women, Pilates, and swimming will help you forget about pills, feel more energetic and not gain weight.
  3. Massage of the cervical-collar area You can do it yourself (with a long-handled brush) or ask your husband to do it.
  4. Maintaining water regime. Lack of fluid can contribute to headache attacks.

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How to get rid of your husband and make him leave the family How to get rid of a tyrant husband forever
How can you get rid of a tyrant husband? Unfortunately, husbands can behave...
Essay on the topic: My household duties Moral rules of people
Goal: to form an idea of ​​work, the role of work in the formation of a child’s personality...
Sursil ortho sandals size chart
Video: Sandals Sursil Ortho Antivarus, mod. AV09-001* Select size:Var...