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Is it possible to have lpg massage? Modern procedure for hardware LPG massage: reviews, before and after photos, pros and cons of the procedure. How is the LPG massage procedure performed?

The procedure for hardware LPG massage (other names - cosmechanics, endermolift) refers to vacuum massages that are used in cosmetology, therapeutic and sports endermology.

The technique was developed about 40 years ago, but has already proven itself well in the treatment of burns, injuries, in the fight against cellulite, and in the correction of body and facial contours.

Let's figure it out together - how this technique works, what its pros and cons are, and how to do LPG massage correctly.

The LPG massage method is a non-surgical hardware procedure that combines 2 types of effects on the skin - vacuum (read also about pneumomassage) and deep. The design of the device includes automatic attachments (handles). Special rolls are installed on the nozzles:

  • RollUp – smoothes the appearance of cellulite, models contours;
  • RollOut – helps increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • RollIn - used to reduce the volume in a problem area.

During the massage, one roll captures the skin, and the second breaks down fat cells.

Thanks to the resulting vacuum, problem areas begin to fill with blood, and therefore with oxygen. There is an increased outflow of lymph, and along with it, destroyed fat cells, poisons, toxins and their breakdown products leave. The process of renewal of the subcutaneous layer and the production of collagen and elastin are stimulated.

In cosmetology, the method is used to remove cellulite, correct the contours of the face and body, reduce the fat layer, and also to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. In sports and therapeutic endometrium - to relieve pain syndromes, muscle tension, swelling, fatigue, and improve overall well-being.

Facial sessions: effectiveness and results

The attachment, intended for the face and neck, does not have mechanical rollers that knead the tissue. While one roller gently grips the skin and gently pulls it back, the second one smoothes out the retracted area. Depending on the individual case, the frequency of impacts is adjusted within the range of 4-16 contractions per minute.

The whole process is reminiscent of a regular massage performed by hand, the difference lies in the quick effect. Using this method, the following body processes are activated:

  • due to enhanced collagen synthesis, cells are rejuvenated;
  • fat cells are damaged, damaged tissues are restored;
  • metabolic processes accelerate, blood circulation improves;
  • excess subcutaneous fluid and decay products come out;
  • facial muscles relax.

After completing a full course of LPG massage, the patient can count on the following results:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • double chin disappears;
  • eyelid lifting, jowl tightening;
  • color improvement;
  • elimination of edema;
  • the nasolabial fold is less noticeable;
  • existing stretch marks, scars or scars (this will also help eliminate them) become more elastic and pale.

The results obtained last for six months.

The procedure takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Existing makeup is removed.
  2. The skin is treated with a special cosmetic milk, after which a tonic is applied.
  3. The specialist selects the desired program on the device depending on the skin problems and age of the patient.
  4. Using circular, light movements, the nozzle is moved along the massage lines. Thus, all 3 zones are massaged in turn - cheeks, forehead, lower part of the face.

The area around the eyes is subject to the influence of another special attachment, which allows the procedure to be carried out with softer forward movements.

Devices for LPG massage can be used at home, but before using it yourself, it is better to get qualified advice from a specialist.

See the results of the LPG facial massage procedure:

Body treatments: how they work and the effect

For the body, LPG massage is divided into 4 types, depending on the solution to existing problems. Lipomassage will help eliminate cellulite and overcome stubborn fat deposits. Its use is also relevant for severe deformations in fat deposits and asymmetric folds that form under the buttocks.

Therapeutic endermology – areas affected by burns, scars formed on the body, frequent muscle spasms, pain in the joints and spine.

Sports endermology – heals, restores tendons and muscles, helps relieve swelling and pain. The procedure has found its frequent use after performances and competitions.

Step-by-step procedures:

  1. The general condition of the patient is assessed. Characteristics of his figure, selection of key points (problem areas). A full-length photograph is created.
  2. The patient wears a special suit. The entire massage procedure is performed on a special table.
  3. Before starting the massage, the doctor examines the location of fat lumps and identifies specific problem areas. To do this, he may ask you to bend or raise one or another limb.
  4. Having decided, the specialist applies a graphic mark of the zones to the suit.
  5. Rolls are selected (RollUp, RollOut or RollIn).

In addition to the correct selection of the roll, the specialist determines the type of movements during the massage. Each of them has its own direction. Types of movements and their features:

  • enhances anti-cellulite effect - curling;
  • Rocking has a good effect on the problem of fat deposits;
  • gliding helps to model and restore the contours of the body;
  • resurfacing will improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Cosmetic firming agents, lipolytics, and activator gels help improve the effect of the procedure.

At the end of the procedure, you are required to abstain from food for 3 hours. It is also worth observing the water regime. The norm of fluid consumed is 2.5-3 liters/day.

Advantages and Weaknesses

In addition to obtaining a quick effect, the procedure has other advantages:

  • no discomfort during the procedure;
  • light massage movements relax and soothe;
  • harmful substances are removed from the body;
  • after the procedure, the formation of scars, scars or bruises is excluded;
  • a positive result can be observed after the first session;
  • with the help of this procedure, not only excess weight is removed, but also its consequences - cellulite and stretch marks;
  • Can be used for any age category;
  • an individual program is selected for each patient on the device;
  • Not only the condition of the skin improves, but also the overall well-being.

Of course, there are also negative aspects to this type of massage. These include the high cost of procedures, a large number of contraindications and the mandatory purchase of a special suit.

and much more, read in a separate article on our website.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the procedure may include:

  • decreased skin tone;
  • folds and fat deposits on the buttocks, abdomen or thighs (can help solve this problem);
  • double chin (RF lifting can also cope with this problem), deep nasolabial folds, drooping corners of the mouth or sagging skin on the face;
  • obesity, in any degree, and cellulite;
  • sagging skin in the décolleté and neck area;
  • wrinkles – mimic, age-related, medium and deep;
  • hematomas, subcutaneous infiltrates;
  • swelling - both on the face and body;
  • sallow, dull or gray complexion;
  • tissue asymmetry and possible sagging due to pregnancy or sudden weight loss.

Contraindications to LPG massage may include:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • fatty or vascular tumors in the skin;
  • hemophilia, epilepsy;
  • infected skin;
  • with inflammation of the lymph nodes or abscesses;
  • oncological diseases or a tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic diseases (with their exacerbation);
  • the presence of rashes, ulcers, wounds, scratches, ulcers on the skin;
  • epilepsy;
  • significant amount of hair on the neck or face.

Also, the period of menstruation and elevated temperature may serve as a contraindication.

We invite you to watch a video of how the LPG facial massage procedure works:

What goes with it?

You can get lasting results through active exercise and diet. And you can improve the result by combining LPG massage with other cosmetic procedures, such as:

  • Ozone therapy
  • Ultrasound (see) and microcurrent therapy
  • Anti-cellulite wraps
  • pressotherapy
  • Injection and mesotherapy
  • Elos technology
  • Myostimulation and.

The effectiveness of the procedure greatly depends on the specialist, how qualified he is in this method.

Duration, number of procedures and average prices

Before the procedures, you definitely need to decide whether you have contraindications to hardware LPG massage of the face or body, how often you can do it and how many sessions you need to complete to solve your problem. All this will be explained and recommended by your specialist.

But usually the duration of one session lasts 20-40 minutes. It depends on the presence of the problem, its neglect.

The entire course consists of 10 or 20 sessions of mandatory procedures (also depending on the complexity of the case).

Many people are interested in the question: how much does an LPG massage session cost? Prices are set depending on the type of LPG massage, for example:

  • aesthetics – 1000-2000 rubles;
  • lymphatic drainage – 1200-1400 rubles;
  • anti-cellulite massage – 1100-1600 rubles.

In addition to the cost of the procedure itself, the patient himself buys a suit for LPG massage, which costs between 800-1500 rubles.

Prices are approximate and correspond to one session. Much also depends on the popularity of the salon, the professionalism of the specialists who work in it, and the cost of renting the premises. Some salons, in order to attract customers, provide discount systems and hold promotions, which helps to save a lot.

What is darsonvalization of the face, the pros and cons and how the session goes, you can find out on our website.

You can find out about the indications and contraindications of lymphatic drainage massage, as well as what this procedure is combined with.

You can find out about the benefits and harms of hydromassage, how many sessions you need to undergo and how effective water treatment is.

Customers' opinions

Read reviews from women who have completed a full body LPG massage course:

  • Inna:

    “I have long wanted to try LPG.

    Having learned about the cost of the procedure, I initially refused, but the cellulite acquired very large volumes and I took a risk.

    Completed 10 procedures. I didn't notice any effect. The result is unsatisfactory."

  • Elena:

    “For me, manual massage is a common thing, but this was my first time going to LPG. I was satisfied with the effect. The skin is tightened and the difference is immediately visible.

    The sagging on the legs and hips has disappeared. In parallel with the procedures, I used LPG cream to reduce volume.”

  • Lesya:

    “I’ve had 5 procedures so far, but I’m already noticing a positive result. The skin becomes velvety, the volume decreases (I can tell by the pants). I'm looking forward to finishing the course."

  • Ilona:

    “I was not satisfied with the result. The entire effect disappeared after 6 months. For that kind of money I expected more. During the procedure it was painful and left bruises. And now problems with the veins have begun, some lumps have developed. Legs swell. The doctor said it was quite possible from the massage. “I took a course of LPG lymphatic drainage massage.”

And in conclusion, watch a video about the effect LPG massage has on the body:

LPG massage is quite popular, one might say it works wonders, because thanks to it you can get rid of even completely neglected cellulite.

There are quite a few sources of the hated “orange peel” appearance. The most common of them:

  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • daily stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • overwork;
  • slagging.

All these reasons give rise to pathological changes in the circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic systems, which lead to the formation of irregularities in the epidermis. LPG massage can relieve you of cellulite, as well as prevent its development in the initial stages. By the way, this procedure helps improve the condition of the body as a whole.

The drainage effect of LPG massage normalizes the lymphatic system and microcirculation, increases the rate of supply of nutrients to cells affected by cellulite, and promotes the removal of toxins and toxic substances.

After the procedure, the amount of fat deposits is gradually reduced, making the skin elastic and smooth.

The device can be used on the following areas:

  • abdominal wall;
  • outer and inner thighs;
  • face;
  • shoulder areas.

By massaging the above areas, you can achieve amazing results in the shortest possible time.

Indications for LPG massage

  • at the initial stage of myositis, varicose veins, radiculitis;
  • during the rehabilitation period after burns and injuries;
  • to strengthen the muscles of the spine;
  • to maintain athletic tone during training before competitions.

LPG massage is most involved in the “Figure Correction” cosmetology program, because its effects eliminate:

  • cellulite;
  • local fat deposits;
  • sagging skin;
  • swelling;
  • stretch marks and scars;
  • wrinkles on the face;
  • double chin

How does the LPG massage procedure work?

The duration of an LPG massage session directly depends on the type of problem or disease, as well as their number, which varies from 10 to 20 visits to a cosmetologist for 1 procedure per week. In the future, to maintain the effect obtained, you should come to the session once a month.

Before starting the first procedure, you will be interviewed and examined by a cosmetologist to determine problem areas in general and their overall condition.

Next, you will be prepared for the massage itself. They will put you on a unique suit and use a special attachment to go over problem areas. The duration of the massage takes half an hour in normal mode and 50 minutes in extended mode. The wizard sets the operating mode you need and launches the program. Each area needs to be treated with individual pressure.

The device works quite simply. The essence is the roller and vacuum effect on subcutaneous fat. The operating mode is selected depending on the task at hand. For example:

  • increased skin tone and elasticity;
  • reduction of fat deposits;
  • impact on subcutaneous fat;
  • prevention of body contours;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • restoration of “blurred” body contours;
  • smoothing the skin of the face, décolleté and neck;
  • separate treatment of the skin around the eyes and eyelids.


The popularity of LPG massage is explained by several key factors:

  • high efficiency, according to most cosmetologists, their clients and even doctors;
  • comfort and painlessness;
  • activation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • health benefits in general;
  • pleasant relaxation effect during the procedure;
  • solution to many common aesthetic problems;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • ease of use;
  • mobility.


  • LPG massage has an impressive list of contraindications (more on this below);
  • After the course, in order to maintain the resulting shape, you will have to take care of your body, that is, you will not be able to forget about diet and training forever;
  • For a full course, you will pay a decent amount;
  • To maintain personal hygiene, it is better to buy your own suit.


Contraindications for LPG massage are similar. During the consultation before the procedure, you must inform about all diseases so as not to harm yourself. , avoid negative consequences and achieve the desired result.

Vacuum roller massage is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for dermatovenerological diseases;
  • patients with oncology;
  • having a hernia (femoral, inguinal, lumbar);
  • with inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • for wounds and cuts;
  • after liposuction;
  • in the first days of menstruation;
  • for infectious diseases;
  • with high temperature;
  • those suffering from epilepsy;
  • patients with renal, hepatic, respiratory or heart failure;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

(3 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

Hardware cosmetology is a real panacea for those who are not friends with diets and sports. Losing weight and getting rid of cellulite is a task whose solution now depends not on willpower, but on financial capabilities. One of the effective methods of hardware influence is LPG massage (LPG).

LPG (LPG, LPG) body massage - what is it?

The advantage of this technique is that it does not go against the natural processes in the body, LPG massage simply stimulates the physiological process getting rid of fat deposits. The method was developed in France in the 80s of the last century. In scientific circles it is called endermotherapy.

Lpg (lpzh, lpg) massage, what is it - hardware cosmetology designed to combat cellulite

The aesthetic direction, focused on giving new, more perfect forms to the body, turned out to be especially in demand, although the effect of LPG massage is not limited to this. It is used in the rehabilitation period to treat the consequences of burns and scars, in sports - to treat injuries and sprains of muscles and joints.

The procedure is carried out in a special suit, which ensures safety and expands the capabilities of LPG massage. In essence, this is a vacuum-roller massage, because... the effect is based on the movement of rollers that stretch and compress the skin, and thanks to the vacuum, the subcutaneous tissue is also captured.

As a result of LPG massage, blood flows to problem areas, oxygen exchange in tissues increases, which leads to the breakdown of adipose tissue and the removal of decay products and toxins naturally. Collagen production becomes more intense - the skin tightens and takes on a fresh look.
A massage program is individually selected for each patient.

Before the procedure, the master must analyze the condition of the patient’s skin and fatty tissues. In addition, the client’s wishes and concomitant diseases are taken into account. The average number of procedures is 10–15. However, either more or less of them may be prescribed. Each session lasts 30–60 minutes.

Important to know! After a course of massage, it will be necessary to periodically conduct single maintenance sessions approximately once every 3 weeks, or a new course of massage several months after the first.

Indications for use are:

  • Fat deposits in areas that do not respond well to other correction methods - the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. In particular, the indication for use is cellulite.
  • A sagging belly or folds of skin formed after pregnancy or weight loss, as well as stretch marks.
  • Rehabilitation period after plastic surgery.
  • Correction of unsuccessful liposuction.
  • Asymmetrical contours of the body and face.
  • Swelling.

Comparison of LPG massage and other types

It is worth comparing some similar types of procedures with LPG massage according to the principle of action, results, and noting the positive and negative aspects. After all, often a patient who comes to the clinic has to make a difficult choice in favor of one type of massage or another.

Which is better: cavitation or LPG massage

To compare the two types of procedures, you need to know what they are. What LPG massage is was discussed in detail in the previous section. Cavitation, in essence, is non-surgical liposuction. The procedure is carried out using a device that emits ultrasound. Under the influence of ultrasound, adipose tissue is broken down.

One of the splitting products is ordinary water. The breakdown products of adipose tissue are independently eliminated from the body through the bloodstream and lymph.
The effect of cavitation is noticeable after 3 procedures, not earlier, although up to 15 cm3 of fat is lost in one procedure. Of course, in terms of trauma, cavitation is incomparable with the surgical type of liposuction.

Read the popular site article:

During it, the patient does not experience any discomfort. However, there are some contraindications to the procedure. In addition to the traditional ones: pregnancy, lactation, it should be noted diabetes, immunological diseases, osteoporosis, uterine fibroids, renal and liver failure.

Important to know! Cavitation will be ineffective or ineffective if lymphatic drainage is not done immediately after. Effectiveness varies for different areas of the body: fat disappears faster on the stomach, and slower on the hips.

Cavitation is especially ineffective in the presence of “old” fat deposits, for example, old cellulite. In this case, LPG massage is preferable; it can be used to “break down” fat deposits.

Some note that after the procedure, wen appears (they can only be removed surgically), weakness and dizziness are observed. Considering the above, you yourself can decide that cavitation or LPG massage is more suitable for you.

Hardware anti-cellulite massage LPG or manual massage - which is better?

Comparing LPG hardware anti-cellulite massage and manual massage, it should be noted that everything here depends on who does the massage and how, and in both cases. If a massage therapist is good at his craft and knows which techniques are effective in which areas, the result will be noticeable.

It is believed that manual massage is better for reducing volume, due to the fact that more effective lymphatic drainage is carried out, and LPG massage is more suitable for smoothing out the “orange peel”.

On the other side, with LPG massage the effect occurs on deeper layers, which means that fat is broken down faster and in greater volume. Equally important is the fact that manual massage is more painful and may leave bruises and swelling.

It is best to combine these two procedures or take a course of manual anti-cellulite massage from a professional massage therapist, and then sign up for an LPG massage.

LPG facial massage - how to do it

The essence of LPG massage performed on the face is no different - it is a vacuum-roller effect. Only a special device is used, which allows you to perform the massage more carefully.

The design contains so-called maniples. During the massage process, under the influence of vacuum, the skin is drawn into the maniples at a frequency of 4–16 per second, due to which a massage effect is observed.

As a result:

  • stimulation of subcutaneous fat occurs,
  • blood flow increases,
  • collagen production becomes more intense,
  • the skin is tightened
  • lymph outflow increases.

Indications for LPG massage may include:

  • loose skin;
  • shaved;
  • wrinkles;
  • sallow complexion,
  • post-acne.

To prepare for an LPG facial massage, it is recommended to drink a couple of glasses of water and remove makeup from your face. Massage is carried out only on well-cleansed skin. The patient takes a lying or sitting position, with the head tilted back slightly. The duration of the procedure is on average 15 minutes.

Pay attention! After the procedure, minor unpleasant consequences may be observed: swelling, redness of the skin. All this goes away within a few hours.

LPG vacuum roller massage for cellulite – abdomen and thighs (how to do it)

Indications for LPG anti-cellulite massage are, in fact, cellulite, fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs. This is the method that helps not only remove fat, but also cure cellulite.

To begin, the specialist conducts a visual assessment of problem areas. After the patient is dressed in the suit, problem areas are marked directly on the suit with a marker. The master will devote more time to these areas. Next, rollers are selected for the massage; this determines what type of impact will be provided. Some smooth the skin, others increase its elasticity, and others remove fat.

The choice of the type of massage movements is also important:

  • skin twisting– from cellulite;
  • stroking– for modeling body contours;
  • circular– to increase skin firmness and elasticity;
  • rocking– from fat deposits.

After the procedure, you need to drink a lot and avoid eating for the next 3 hours.

LPG massage for men – features

The process of accumulation of fat deposits, their localization, and the rate of weight loss in men are somewhat different from the female version. The main problems are beer belly and old fat deposits.

Abdominal enlargement occurs not only due to an increase in the amount of fat in the subcutaneous tissue, but also due to its growth around the internal organs. The goal of most men is to get a toned torso after the procedure.

Pay attention! The LPG massage procedure is especially worth considering if you have fat deposits that do not go away, even with intense physical activity and diets.

Features of a suit for LPG massage – which one to buy, how much it costs

Before the LPG massage procedure, you must wear a special suit. It is purchased for individual use. It is designed to reduce discomfort, ensure hygiene and psychological comfort during the procedure.

The fact is that such a suit is worn even on a completely naked body, thanks to which any areas of the body can be treated, including those with hair. There is no risk of skin damage from the rollers. In addition, it should be noted the psychological comfort that is provided by the suit. The patient feels dressed and is not embarrassed by the doctor.

When choosing a suit, you need to check that:

  • the seams were strong;
  • the suit was one size larger than normal clothing;
  • the material was elastic and fit well to the body.

Maybe this is not so important, but suits for LPG are available in different colors: white, gray, black, pink. A suit for LPG costs 500–1000 rubles.

LPG massage: contraindications (doctors' reviews)

LPG massage still involves a very significant and complex effect on the body, so it is necessary to follow the recommendations and refuse to carry out the procedure in some cases.

Is it possible to do LPG massage during menstruation?

It is best to wait a while with LPG massage during menstruation. This is explained quite simply. The consequence of LPG massage is an increase in the intensity of blood circulation, which means the amount of menstrual flow will increase. This is especially fraught with consequences for various blood clotting disorders.

The reason for canceling the procedure is also the general malaise that many women feel during menstruation. Some doctors believe that LPG massage is contraindicated only in the first days of menstruation.

In order to find out for sure whether the procedure will harm you in your case, you need to consult a doctor, as well as an analysis of concomitant diseases.

LPG massage for varicose veins

It is also impossible to decide unequivocally whether it is possible to do LPG massage for varicose veins. For example, in the early stages of the disease, LPG massage will not only not harm, but will also be useful. Thus, varicose veins of 1st and 2nd degree are an indication for LPG massage, and not a contraindication.

Another thing is advanced varicose veins, which are often accompanied by thrombophlebitis. In this case, a medical examination and a gentle massage technique are necessary. In particular, the massage therapist will mark areas with varicose veins and will avoid them during the massage.

Other contraindications

Unconditional contraindications for massage LPJI in certain areas include:

  • wounds and other skin damage;
  • moles;
  • tumor growths on the skin;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • inflamed lymph nodes and veins;
  • liposuction procedure performed no later than 10 days ago;
  • prolapse of internal organs - hernia.

Contraindications to LPG massage in general are:

  • malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased body temperature;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • uterine fibroids of significant size (if fibroids are small, LPG massage is possible; here it is important to prevent an improvement in the blood supply to the formation, which can provoke its growth).

    What results does LPG massage give?

  1. Are decreasing the volume of the waist, hips, depending on where the massage is performed, due to the breakdown of fat cells.
  2. Rising skin tone.
  3. Pull up buttocks, chest.
  4. Output excess fluid from the tissues, it is the stagnation of fluid that causes edema.
  5. Besides losing weight, a general therapeutic effect is observed, i.e. the body is healed and muscle tone increases.
    Fantastic results can be achieved if you combine LPG massage with other methods of body correction: diet, fitness.

What is the cost of a massage on an LPG machine - price

The LPG massage procedure is quite expensive, considering that you will have to carry out not just one procedure, but a whole course, which consists of at least 6 procedures. The cost of one procedure, depending on the city and clinic, will range from 1,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Important to remember! For LPG massage you need a suit, which also costs a few rubles. As already mentioned, you will have to pay up to 1000 rubles for it.

Is it possible to do LPG massage yourself - training (video)

Having learned how much an LPG massage course costs, many are interested in whether it is possible to do an LPG massage at home? Can. But for this you need to buy an LPG device for home use, which, as is easy to understand, is also not too cheap, or rather expensive.

But you can pay any money for the opportunity to always keep your body in perfect condition. Let's talk better about how to do LPG massage yourself.

You should focus on video materials that demonstrate the process of the procedure. Massage is carried out using pressing, wave-like, stroking movements along, across, crosswise without detachment from the body.

Pay attention! It is important to follow the accompanying recommendations when performing an independent LPJI massage: drink a lot of water to remove toxic substances and breakdown products of adipose tissue, wear a special suit.

LPG massage: What is it and indications for the procedure, see this video:

LPG: effects and results, see this video:

Hardware cosmetology is an ideal option for those who are not comfortable with sports and diets. Today, you can achieve an ideal figure and get rid of cellulite using many cosmetic techniques. It is considered one of the most popular and effective LPG massage. This method appeared relatively recently, but has already gained its fans all over the world.

So, we will learn further about what this manipulation is, what it gets rid of, on what parts of the body it is performed and whether it has contraindications.

What is the essence of LPG massage and what technique is used?

LPG massage is a procedure that is performed without surgery. The essence of this technique is a mechanical effect on muscle tissue and epidermis. Thanks to this process, these areas get rid of excess fluid and toxins, the process of tissue regeneration, the formation of collagen and elastin is accelerated.

The procedure became famous in the late 70s, thanks to the owner of a cosmetics companyLPG Systems - Louis Paul Gaute. From the very beginning, the massage apparatus was a manipulator equipped with several rollers moving in different directions and gripping the skin from 4 to 16 times per second (the number of such grips depended on the goals pursued and the type of manipulation).

Now the device that is used for LPJ massage is presented in the form of a fully computerized system, thanks to which you can adjust the intensity of the effect on the skin depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.


During the procedure, a special suit is used for a painless effect, hygienic protection and better grip on the skin.

What problems does it help to cope with?

For women, LPG massage for the body and face is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. To eliminate wrinkles.
  2. To acquire ideal figure parameters.
  3. If you have cellulite in any part of the body.
  4. To correct posture.
  5. For stretch marks.
  6. For osteochondrosis.
  7. To get rid of bruises and hematomas.
  8. For varicose veins, radiculitis, myositis.
  9. After being injured.
  10. For pain in muscles and joints.
  11. If there are sutures left after surgery.
  12. To eliminate fat deposits on any part of the body.
  13. To reduce swelling on the face.
  14. To even out the complexion.
  15. For firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  16. To restore the functions of the sebaceous glands.

This procedure eliminates many problems that have bothered women for many years. Sometimes 3 procedures are enough to achieve the desired result.

Types of LPG massage and which one is the most effective?

There are the following types of LPG massage (depending on the method of implementation).

  1. Vacuum. It is somewhat reminiscent of a massage procedure using cupping. However, in this case a different result is achieved. With the help of vacuum LPG massage you can not only get rid of cellulite, but also tighten sagging skin, remove a double chin, improve the condition of the epithelium, etc.
  2. Roller-vacuum massage. The effect occurs due to the lightning-fast operation of rollers and vacuum, which ensures rapid breakdown of fat. This manipulation will allow you to get rid of extra pounds, sculpt the contours of the face and body, remove the “orange peel”, etc. The procedure will be useful not only for women, but also for men.
  3. Anti-cellulite massage. It should only be performed by a highly qualified cosmetologist. Helps get rid of cellulite in any part of the body, as well as eliminate “ears” on the hips, a hanging belly, remove fat on the arms, neck, décolleté, chin and forearms.


According to reviews, women most often prefer vacuum roller massage because it is painless and highly effective.

Besides, LPJI massage divided into several more varieties.

  1. Sports. It is used to build muscle mass, strengthen the muscle corset, correct posture, and improve movement coordination.
  2. Restorative. It is carried out during the rehabilitation period after injury or burns.
  3. Aesthetic. Necessary for figure correction and elimination of imperfections on the face.

There is another type of LPG massage - preventive. This manipulation is aimed at preventing fat deposits, skin aging, muscle strain, etc.


The main contraindications to LPG massage are:

  1. Recently held.
  2. Presence of a hernia.
  3. Thrombophlebitis and phlebitis.
  4. The presence of protruding moles and other benign tumors on the skin.
  5. Damage to the skin.
  6. Open wounds.
  7. Cardiovascular disorders.
  8. Critical days.
  9. Poor blood clotting.
  10. Acne.
  11. Cuperosis.
  12. and the period of breastfeeding.
  13. Oncology.
  14. Thyroid diseases.
  15. Infectious skin lesions.
  16. Inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  17. Epilepsy.
  18. Hemophilia.


Massage is also not allowed after any operation, including caesarean section. Manipulation is possible only after complete healing of the tissue.

Is advance preparation necessary?

The manipulation does not require special preparation. The only thing that cosmetologists recommend before performing LPJ- procedures to help the body adapt to the new load. To do this, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salty, fried, and sweet foods for at least 3-4 days. In addition, you should completely stop smoking, drinking alcohol and drinking soda. It’s great if a girl drinks 2 liters of water a day. This will cleanse the body and prepare the kidneys for increased work.

Immediately before the procedure, the patient is recommended to drink 2 glasses of warm water.


At the initial stage, a diagnosis and examination of the patient is carried out. The cosmetologist must determine the general condition of the woman as accurately as possible. After eliminating all contraindications, a full-length photo is taken. All the patient’s data is entered into the medical record, problem areas, skin condition, etc. are determined.

Different power and speed are applied to each area of ​​the body. In addition, the cosmetologist chooses different types of rollers.

  1. R/IN. Reduce body volume.
  2. R/UP. Fights cellulite, models body contours.
  3. R/OUT. Provides firmness and elasticity to the skin.

In addition, the rollers can move in different directions:

  1. When rocking, they affect problem areas with fat deposits.
  2. When twisted, the anti-cellulite effect increases.
  3. When sanding, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.
  4. When sliding, the contours of the body are modeled.

All that is required of the patient is to turn over or move the necessary parts of the body at the signal from the cosmetologist.

The duration of one procedure is 40-50 minutes, depending on the complexity of the problem.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Among the main advantages are the following:

  1. Painless.
  2. Duration of the effect (subject to the recommendations of the cosmetologist).
  3. The presence of many rollers that have different effects on different parts of the body.
  4. Manipulation provides not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect.
  5. Comfort while carrying out.
  6. Lack of rehabilitation period.
  7. Providing assistance to people of non-standard build.

Among the disadvantages of LPG massage are the following:

  1. You won't be able to get the perfect figure quickly. On average, it will take from 12 to 25 procedures to achieve a positive effect.
  2. Presence of contraindications.
  3. In Russia and Ukraine it is quite difficult to find a highly qualified specialist.

In addition, the prices for the procedure are quite high.

When can you see the first results and what will they be?

The result will depend on the extent of the problem. Some patients claim that the positive effect was already visible after the 3rd procedure.

So, here are the results you should expect after completing a course of LPG massage.

  1. Fat deposits in the treated area will disappear.
  2. The “orange peel” will be eliminated.
  3. Blood circulation will improve.
  4. The swelling will go away.
  5. The skin will be cleansed of toxins.
  6. The functioning of all organs and systems will improve.
  7. The functions of the sebaceous glands will be restored.
  8. The skin will become tighter and more elastic.
  9. The body will acquire clear, beautiful contours.
  10. More collagen and elastin will be released.
  11. Wrinkles and swelling on the face will be eliminated.
  12. Skin color will become even.

It’s great if a girl, after finishing all the sessions, takes care of her body in terms of physical activity and proper nutrition. This will prolong the effect of the procedure.

How many procedures do you need to undergo?

Standard course – 12-25 sessions. Their exact number is determined depending on the complexity of the problem and the individual characteristics of the body.

So, for the face LPG massage is carried out:

  • at the first stage – 10 sessions no more than 2 times a week;
  • the next stage – 7 procedures with the same interval;
  • third stage – sessions are carried out once a week, according to the cosmetologist’s indications;
  • maintenance stage – sessions are scheduled no more than once a month.

For the body:

  • first stage – 6-8 procedures 2 times a week;
  • second stage - then - 5-6 sessions with the same interval;
  • third stage – 1 time per week;
  • fourth stage - once every 30 days, according to the testimony of a cosmetologist.

If the manipulations are carried out correctly, the result can be seen already in the 7-8th session. The duration of the effect is approximately 1 year.

Are there possible complications and consequences?

Some girls complain of pain during the massage. As a rule, these sensations are associated with incorrect device settings that need to be corrected.

In addition, after LPG massage, most patients experience slight swelling on the treated surface, which disappears on its own after a few days.

It is also possible to experience chills after the procedure (observed in patients with autonomic disorders) and small hematomas.


Prices in Russia for one sessionLPG massages vary depending on the region of the country and range from 1500 to 2000 rubles. The cost for 1 session in Ukraine is 300 - 500 UAH.

LPG massage technique:

In 1986, engineer Louis-Paul Guitet invented and patented a device for vacuum massage. The prerequisite for this was a car accident, after which Louis-Paul needed long-term rehabilitation with numerous sessions of manual massage. Observing the work of massage therapists, the engineer thought about creating a special device that would become a more effective replacement for manual labor in the field of massage. And such a device was invented! It was called LPG - an abbreviation of the name of the creator. Subsequently, Louis-Paul Guite founded the LPG System company and patented a technology called LPG massage.

What is the procedure aimed at (what does it treat)

LPG is able to cope with such figure problems as:

  1. Cellulite of the second and third degree
  2. A layer of fat in problem areas that is difficult to respond to diets and sports. Most often these are fat deposits in the hips, buttocks, and waist.
  3. Sagging skin is a common consequence of rapid weight loss.
  4. Edema. LPG massage perfectly removes excess fluid from the body
  5. Stretch marks and scars.
  6. Flaccid muscles, lack of tone. Due to the neurosensory effect, LPG massage not only tightens the figure, but also promotes the formation of correct posture. It also normalizes coordination of movements.

LPG massage is used not only to eliminate figure imperfections, but also to tighten and reduce the fat layer of the face, décolleté, and tone the neck muscles.

The LPG device is in demand not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine for carrying out recovery procedures after various muscle and ligament injuries, as well as skin burns. Varicose veins, radiculitis, myositis are also included in the list of diseases for the treatment of which such massage procedures are recommended.

How is the LPG massage procedure performed?

To prescribe an effective course of LPG massage to a patient, a thorough diagnosis is necessary. This stage includes several steps:

  1. Determining your body type based on the predominant locations of fat deposits
  2. Selecting zones for more thorough study
  3. Identifying Key Impact Points

For this, the patient dresses in a special suit made of white nylon fabric. The suit protects the skin from accidental pinching and excessive pressure.

The patient is asked to lie on a special high table. The doctor examines the intensity of contraction of muscle fibers in different parts of the body; for this, the patient needs to tense the muscles of the arms/legs/buttocks/abdomen. The size and location of fat lumps are determined, and problem areas are highlighted.

Next comes the selection of rollers for the device’s handle. The manipule is a small chamber that creates a vacuum, due to which the skin fold is pulled between the rollers. The rollers knead the skin and fatty tissue underneath in different directions and with different intensities.

Using different rollers, different massage effects are achieved. There are three types in total:

  1. "Roll In" A roller effective for maximum reduction of fat tissue.
  2. "Roll Up" This is a body contouring roller that is also used to smooth out cellulite.
  3. "Roll Out" Helps improve skin tone and restore elasticity. Good against the fight against stretch marks and scars.

In addition to different rollers, the LPG device allows you to use different movements of the handles. It could be:

  • Twisting movement. Used to combat old cellulite;
  • Rocking. It has an excellent effect even on dense fat layers;
  • Smoothing. Polishes the skin, increases elasticity, reduces scars.

After determining the actual method of influencing problem areas, the actual massage session begins. A program designed specifically for you is entered into the device’s computer.

The massage therapist intensively works on selected areas using the machine's manipulator. At first, the effect may be unpleasant - after all, this is an intense massage aimed at reducing fat deposits. But do not endure if the pain is too strong, especially if this is your first session. You should get used to the load gradually, so be sure to tell the massage therapist about the pain - and he will change the selected mode to a more gentle one

What real effect does LPG massage give?

Using a vacuum, a fold of skin and subcutaneous fat is sucked between the rollers, which knead it. The result of this manipulation is an intense flow of blood to the fold, and also ensures the outflow of lymph. Lymph helps remove products of fat cell destruction, as well as toxins, from the body.

The destruction of fat cells - adipocides - has a beneficial effect on neighboring tissues - connective fibers and the skin itself. The production of collagen and elastane increases in the dermis, and it is thanks to them that the skin can be regularly renewed and has a toned and youthful appearance. The following effects are achieved through LPG massage:

  • Reducing body volume
  • The elasticity of the skin increases, it becomes taut and elastic
  • Excess fluid is removed due to the lymphatic drainage effect of massage
  • Cellulite disappears or becomes less pronounced

The effect of LPG massage lasts for a long time, because the massage mechanism itself affects the underlying physiological causes of skin and subcutaneous fat problems.

The proven positive effect of this method was noted by the American FDA ( Food and Drug Administration), thanks to which the LPG procedure has all medical certificates.

LPG facial massage

At the first stage of the course, about 8-10 procedures are performed per month, twice a week. Then another 6-7 procedures with the same frequency, after which the number of procedures is reduced. At the third stage, massage is carried out only once every two weeks. The final stage is maintenance procedures (1-2 times a month).

LPG body massage

At the first stage of the course, 6 to 8 procedures are carried out per month with a frequency of 1-2 times a week. Then another 4-6 procedures within a week, after which the number of procedures is reduced to 2 within 2-3 weeks. At the final stage, the massage is carried out only once a month.

The result, which lasts for about a year, can be observed after 6-7 procedures.

Advantages and Disadvantages

LPG massage has many advantages, otherwise it would not rank first in popularity among hardware procedures:

  • absence of pain (after getting used to the procedure). In the first minutes of the session it may be a little painful, like during a cupping massage. But over time, the massage becomes pleasant;
  • lack of rehabilitation period. After the massage session, you can calmly go about your business;
  • an instant surge of strength is another effect of such a massage;
  • versatility. The procedure can solve many problems: from extra pounds to toning the skin;
  • Suitable for overweight people, those recovering from pregnancy, as well as for people after surgery, such as liposuction.

But LPG also has disadvantages. These include:

  • Long wait for effect. You won't be able to lose weight quickly in one session of LPG massage. The course includes from 10 to 25 sessions, which should be carried out 2-3 times a week.
  • It is necessary to maintain the result. If you don’t control your diet and neglect physical activity, you will need a repeat course within six months.
  • You can get to an unqualified specialist. If he sets the wrong vacuum-aspiration mode, then there will either be no effect at all, or large and painful hematomas will remain.

Photos before and after the procedure

What is the difference between LPG and vacuum roller massage

The LPG procedure is a vacuum roller massage, but not every vacuum roller massage is LPG. Only the developers themselves can improve the device and improve the massage technology, since they are the ones who know all the subtleties of the effects of this device. But as you know, the market is always flooded with analogues of popular things, including devices for cosmetic procedures.

Many clinics and salons use the term “LPG massage” in advertising, but perform the vacuum roller massage procedure on replica devices. This LPG procedure is carried out only on LPG Systems equipment. Externally, the analogues, of course, are similar to the original LPG device; they also have a monitor, handpieces and rollers, but the effect of such a massage will be much lower. Therefore, it is important to check the equipment on which you are going to undergo a massage course, and also find out whether the selected clinic has all the necessary certificates.

How much does LPG massage cost in medical centers?

LPG massage is not the cheapest procedure; its cost varies from 1000 to 1600 rubles per session. However, when purchasing a subscription for a whole course of procedures, many clinics offer discounts, then one session can cost you 700 - 900 rubles.
Do not forget that this type of massage requires a special suit. Its cost is approximately equal to the cost of one procedure - from 800 to 1500 rubles.

Contraindications and consequences

Contraindications to LPG are the same as for regular manual massage:

  • neoplasms on the massaged area: moles, warts, hemangiomas,
  • skin diseases,
  • hernia (massage can cause pinching),
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes,
  • phlebitis and thrombophlebitis,
  • malignant tumors,
  • pregnancy,
  • first days of menstruation,
  • hemophilia,
  • epilepsy,
  • infectious diseases with increased body temperature.

At the same time, LPG can provoke some consequences. This is why a thorough examination by a doctor before the procedure is necessary to predict and prevent possible side effects. Undesirable effects of massage include:

  • Mild swelling after the first procedures. Associated with intense outflow of lymph into the intercellular space.
  • Chills. A common side effect in people with vegetative-vascular dystonia. A cup of hot tea will help get rid of this symptom.
  • The appearance of hematomas. Patients with increased capillary fragility may complain of bruising and bruising - in this case, it is necessary to adjust the intensity of the exercise.
  • Overstretching of the skin. If you have very thin skin, the procedure may cause it to sag.

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