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Is it possible to use foundation? Foundation: how to use it correctly? products created to help foundation


Pick up foundation according to your skin type. For oily skin liquid foundation is suitable. It is sold in glass jar or bottle. This cream absorbs excess sebum. Therefore, the skin remains smooth and matte for a long time. Creams for oily skin include extracts of quince and licorice root. If the skin is inflamed, has many open pores and acne, use foundation compact powder. It covers the skin with a denser layer. The cream is distributed evenly over the skin without accumulating near open pores. As a result, the person acquires healthy looking. This powder contains antiseptic substances that promote acne healing. For dry and sensitive skin choose your regular foundation water based with various vitamin supplements.

The complexion of the face is, of course, also important. Therefore, while in the store, ask the consultant for a sample of the product to apply it to back side hands or nose. Choose cream in daylight. For light skin will fit light shades, and for dark - dark. A good foundation always adapts to the complexion, as if merging with it into one whole. Please note that the foundation should be invisible on the skin. For evenings, choose a product that is a shade darker than your natural complexion. If you apply the cream to your face, wait 10 minutes. In almost all cases, the foundation tends to darken a little.

Before applying foundation, wash your face with soap and various cleansers. After this, apply a very light moisturizer to your face. Let it absorb well into the skin. Walk over your face with paper napkin to remove any remaining cream. Apply foundation to face thin layer. Drive strictly along massage lines: This way you won’t stretch your facial skin. In the area around the eyes, the cream should not be stretched over the skin, but rubbed in with your fingertips. Never apply cream from the periphery to the center of the face: this will make wrinkles and pores even more noticeable. To ensure that the paint is distributed evenly, use the cream in small portions.

Apply compact powder using a sponge or brush. Simply massage the cream gently into your skin. This application method is recommended professional makeup artists. With it you can achieve stunningly natural results. The best sponges for foundation creams made from natural rubber. They have a fine porous structure. Sponge with large pores absorbs too much cream, making it difficult to apply. Rinse the sponge every time after use. warm water and dry it. This will prevent germs from appearing on it.

To prevent your makeup from looking artificial, mix equal amounts of foundation and day cream in your palm and apply to your face. This way you can create a very natural effect, because the skin will acquire a beautiful and even shine. If the foundation shade seems too dark for you, also practice mixing it with your regular day cream for the face in a one to one ratio.

To disguise red spots, there are special creams with green tint. Apply a thin layer of this product and gently massage into the skin. Visually green neutralizes red. After this cream, powder is applied to the required areas. Therefore, the redness seems to disappear. To disguise bags under the eyes, it is customary to use a yellow foundation. Because yellow neutralizes purple circles.

No makeup is done without foundation. Even a light, summer daytime look requires applying foundation. IN recent years foundation thanks modern developments began to not only mask skin imperfections, but also take care of it.

The texture of modern mattifying creams allows the skin to breathe, as it does not clog its pores, and, moreover, protects against external aggressive influences, becoming a reliable obstacle to them. And most foundations contain vitamin E, which protects the skin from premature aging.

Choose the right foundation

For oily skin, you will need a product with a bactericidal and drying effect. For dry skin, it is better to buy a moisturizer foundation, made on a cream base. If the cream tends to dry out your skin, try moisturizing your skin before applying it. nourishing cream or just mix it into your foundation. It is also important what shade you choose. It should be identical to your skin color. Don't buy cream yellow shades, especially if you are over 35, they create the appearance of an unhealthy complexion. When choosing a foundation for the summer, buy it with UV filters. They will reliably protect you from scorching sun rays. Do not apply foundation to your hand when choosing a cream, as it should be tested exclusively on the face.

How to apply foundation correctly

If you learn how to apply foundation according to all the rules, you will see that you can create a miracle with it.

The cream should be applied to cleansed and well-moisturized skin. To do this, you need to use a special brush made of artificial fibers or latex sponge. To blend the product on the cheeks, you need to run the brush over the face - from the center to the temples. . When applying the cream, do not rub the skin with a sponge, as you may remove the makeup. , Apply it with light, patting and stroking movements. When applying foundation to your nose, special attention should be given to the wings. Shade it from top to bottom.

Then move on to the chin, adding a little more foundation to the brush. The chin is covered from bottom to top.

Forehead - blend the cream from the center to the temples.

To fix makeup and get rid of excess shine, you need to powder loose powder entire face, use a large brush for this.

When the makeup is completely applied, spray your face with liquid or thermal water, to consolidate the obtained result.

Any girl wants to get perfect tone faces using foundation. Their choice usually causes many difficulties. But even if you choose a product that is ideal for your skin, it is important to know how to use foundation and powder correctly. We offer you several life hacks that will help you create flawless makeup and save your time.

When choosing a foundation, be sure to test it on your skin. Applying foundation to the back of your hand as a test is incorrect. Ideal option testing on the skin under the jawbone or in the décolleté area is considered. Be sure to apply three tones to choose the most suitable one.

No concealer? Foundation will help!

Using foundation as a concealer is one of the best life hacks. To do this, apply a little foundation to the places where you usually use concealer. Wait about five minutes and distribute the product evenly on the skin. If you use both concealer and foundation, then you need to apply concealer after using foundation.

How to make a hydrating foundation

Mix some foundation with moisturizer and apply the mixture to your face. This way you will get a moisturizing foundation. This trick will save your skin if you don't have a makeup base on hand.

How to use foundation in winter and summer

When choosing a foundation, do not forget to consider weather conditions, air temperature. In spring, in warm weather, sweating of the skin increases. In this regard, it is better to opt for matting tonal basis and also use compact powder. In winter, the skin becomes drier. Therefore, you need to take care of it by choosing a foundation with nourishing or moisturizing ingredients.

In the summer heat, it is better to move the foundation to the side, and instead stock up on a mattifying cream with high degree SPF and, if necessary, tonal fluid water-based or cream-powder. For an evening out or for special occasions It is recommended to use two shades of foundation. Apply a darker shade to areas of the face that are exposed to solar radiation. More light color It is better to use in the chin area and in places that are not directly exposed to ultraviolet radiation. So you will get natural color faces.

Domed powder brush

A domed makeup brush is best for applying powder. It ensures even application and ultimately you will get the desired result.

To apply foundation, you must use a special brush with an angled tip. You need to start from the T-zone, i.e. from the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin. After that, apply it to the rest of the face. And one more thing: when applying foundation, the brush strokes should be from top to bottom so that your pores are less noticeable.

You can also apply foundation using a special sponge (beauty blender). It has an elliptical shape, which allows you to perfectly tint even hard to reach places. Before using the beauty blender, you need to moisten it well with water. This will allow you to use foundation sparingly. Next, apply the foundation as you would with a regular sponge.

Read more about correct use Watch the beauty blender in the video tutorial.

If your skin is flaking, you should first apply fat cream. After it is absorbed, apply moisturizer light cream patting movements. Now your skin is ready for foundation.

How to apply foundation on dry skin

If you have dry skin, it is better to choose foundations with moisturizing ingredients (aloe, hyaluronic acid). First you need to wash your face using a soft gel or foam. Then be sure to apply a moisturizing makeup base to your face. And finally, apply the selected foundation and, if desired, mineral powder.

Use these daily simple life hacks with foundation and powder to ensure your skin always looks flawless.

Modern research shows that 8 out of 10 women use foundation. With the help of this cosmetic product, minor skin imperfections are hidden, even out tone and improve complexion. But few people know whether foundation can actually be used and whether it is safe for the skin. Let's consider the pros and cons of using a foundation product, referring to the recommendations of experts.

When the cosmetics industry was just beginning to develop, many products provided negative impact and had side effects due to low quality ingredients. That's why most cosmetic products, including foundation, have become overgrown with myths and stereotypes, which today can be easily dispelled:

  • Causes acne. If you use foundation incorrectly or choose the wrong one for your skin type, it will actually contribute to the appearance of imperfections. In addition, it is important to select a product according to the time of year: for example, in summer it is better to give preference to a product with a drying effect, in winter - with a moisturizing effect.
  • Clogs pores. Modern foundations have a specific structure with small pigment particles that allow the skin to breathe. Composition including natural ingredients and vitamins, protects the skin from negative effects environment, dust and dirt.
  • Causes premature aging. Vitamin E is now added to many foundations as a preservative. In addition, it allows you to fight free radicals - they directly lead to premature aging.
  • Not suitable for oily skin. Many foundations are formulated specifically for oily skin to combat the intense work sebaceous glands. Therefore, even for oily skin it is possible to choose suitable remedy.
  • Creates an effect"masks". The creation of such an effect can be facilitated by an incorrectly selected tone of cosmetics or illiterate application. You can solve the problem by visiting a cosmetologist and choosing the right product correctly, as well as using a special sponge for application.

You can use foundation even with the most problematic skin, but you will have to pay a little more attention to the selection of the product

Benefits of foundation

Modern products for evening out skin tone are developed using unique technologies, taking into account the problems that most often bother women. Enlarged pores, acne, fine wrinkles and other imperfections can be skillfully hidden if you use foundation. The formulas of modern products provide a number of benefits for the skin:

  • Some specialized means provide a lifting effect
  • Protecting your face from dryness and chapping, especially in the cold season
  • Restoration of the hydrolipid barrier
  • Noticeable immediate improvement appearance skin
  • Protection from negative action ultraviolet rays

Cosmetologists, answering the question of whether it is possible to apply foundation, agree on a positive answer. However, it is necessary to select the foundation carefully, taking into account individual characteristics skin and natural tone


Despite wide range advantages of using this cosmetic foundation, the question remains: is it possible to apply foundation daily and is it harmful? Of course, if the product is chosen correctly, then the disadvantages can be minimized. Otherwise, even a light consistency can cause some disadvantages:

  • Impaired air exchange of the skin. It can occur if you do not thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup in the evenings. A kind of “mask” is created that does not give sebum and sweat seeping out. The result of this process can be clogged pores. From time to time, by polluting her pores in this way, a girl risks that sooner or later blackheads will appear on her face, getting rid of which will be more problematic than choosing initially high-quality cosmetics
  • Allergic reactions. As a rule, allergies can only occur to low-quality or unnatural ingredients. In most cases, such ingredients are found in inexpensive foundations. Therefore, it is quite possible to get an allergy from cheap cosmetics. It is also necessary to pay attention to the composition of even expensive cosmetics if you are allergic to specific ingredients. For example, beeswax or orange oil
  • Unnatural appearance. For selection suitable tone Often you have to spend a lot of time, however, finding a tone-on-tone cream is almost impossible, because each person has their own individual skin tone and reproducing it is extremely problematic. Plus, two layers of foundation, even the perfect shade, topped with powder definitely won't look pretty.

If specific product causes concern, and its use causes discomfort to the skin, then it is better to abandon it. You can conclude that it is simply not suitable for you and find an alternative replacement.

Secrets of proper use

Proper use of a cosmetic product will help prevent the occurrence of side and negative effects from its application.

To look beautiful and natural, you need to know how to apply foundation on your face, neck and décolleté. Choose a product based on your skin type, age and presence of imperfections. Do not use large number cosmetics so as not to clog pores and harm the skin.

We will tell you how to choose a foundation and how best to apply it, and you will also learn about the types of foundations and what skin they are suitable for. You can be sure that from correct selection 90% of the result depends on the means!

Products that disguise imperfections and even out tone are recommended for use by women with any skin type. The main thing is to choose the right product in terms of tone and composition. To make your makeup look beautiful, pay special attention to the cream.

  1. Oily or combination skin. This type prone to frequent rashes and constant greasy shine. To keep your skin matte throughout the day, purchase a cream with components that regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Choose a dense foundation or cream powder if you need to disguise pimples - suitable remedy like a concealer or pencil. Many women with problem skin prefer regular moisturizer as a base for makeup and powder.
  2. Dry skin. For this type, you need a product that will moisturize and retain moisture in summer time, and also protect from the cold in winter. Pay attention to foundations with plant extracts and oils. If not on sale the desired shade, purchase a darker tone from another manufacturer, and mix the two products.
  3. Normal skin. Choose products that won't overwhelm your makeup. The foundation should be light in texture, similar to mousse.
  4. Mature skin. If a woman is over 35, she needs to choose a product that will hide age-related changes, and will not emphasize wrinkles, spots, sagging and dry skin. It is recommended to use foundation with a lifting effect and ultraviolet protection. The composition should contain beauty vitamins, glycerin, silicone, natural fruit or plant extracts.

To avoid wondering why foundation is visible on your face, pay attention to its structure. For dry suitable for skin liquid moisturizer. For oily skin, it has a dense texture that must be applied in small quantities so as not to create a mask effect.

The stage of applying foundation to the face is basic in any type of makeup. After selection the right cream, a woman needs to decide what is best to apply the tone. The tool and method depend on the consistency and density of the cosmetics.

Basic makeup rules, depending on the method of applying the cream:

  1. Sponge A special sponge is used to apply liquid or thick foundation. Before applying makeup, it must be moistened in water. A damp sponge distributes the cream better, filling all small wrinkles and pores, thereby evening out the texture of the face. To do this, tap in the tone with light movements. This tool does not allow you to collect too much product, which prevents you from getting unnatural color faces.
  2. Brush or brush. Using a brush, you can carefully distribute the foundation with a liquid consistency. Use clean, dry tools with synthetic bristles. The brush is very convenient to apply different colors foundation, contouring and correction of the face. It is recommended to distribute the mattifying product using smooth movements from the middle of the face to the hairline. Make sure that the brush does not leave streaks and distribute the base evenly.
  3. Fingers. Most convenient option, which does not require money or experience. Therefore, if you do not know how to apply the cream, you can use with my own hands. A foundation of any texture will do. It must be applied with clean hands, medium and ring fingers along massage lines. Do not squeeze the foundation directly onto your face. Separate small quantity on the back of your hand and take a little from there.

Find out about three ways applying foundation:

Once you've chosen the right product and how to apply it, learn how to properly apply foundation to your face. Algorithm for leveling and masking imperfections:

  1. cleansing the face with care cosmetics;
  2. skin hydration;
  3. choosing a base application method;
  4. applying cream along massage lines, starting from the forehead and cheeks;
  5. applying cream to the neck, chin, décolleté and ears;
  6. shading.

According to the advice of professionals, foundation is most naturally applied using a beauty blender (a sponge with a sharp end, resembling the shape of an egg). Be sure to keep it clean and change it regularly. A lot of bacteria accumulate in the pores of the sponge, which can cause rashes.

Fluid is a light mattifying product that is suitable for normal skin without visible defects. Not recommended for mature or problematic skin. This liquid foundation is applied using your hands or a brush. This cosmetics is indispensable in summer heat, because it does not clog pores, but gives the face freshness.

A regular mattifying cream is used for those with oily and dry skin. You need to choose the one that suits you after studying the composition. Also pay attention to the consistency and level of pigmentation of the tone. It is better to choose more transparent products that can adapt to skin color. To apply this foundation correctly, use a sponge or your fingers.

This cream perfectly combines two cosmetics: foundation and mattifying powder. Very easy to use as it does not require additional tools and special circumstances. You can apply this cream with a sponge that comes in the set.

Powder can be used to disguise age spots, acne, reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and fine wrinkles. The product is suitable for oily skin as it mattifies well. However, don't overdo it on your face.

This foundation is suitable for daytime makeup or girls who like a minimum of cosmetics. It looks like matting cream whipped to foam. The mousse does not clog pores and saturates the skin with oxygen, therefore it is recommended for fatty type skin. It contains a minimum of pigment, disguise dark circles under the eyes and acne he will not be able to. It can be carefully applied using your fingers or a brush.

Also recommended for protection and moisturization mature skin. To prevent the face from looking unnatural, the product is gently rubbed along the massage lines. It is best to use a flat brush when applying makeup.

The compact stick is designed for perfect evening makeup. By using this tool You can disguise pimples, blemishes, enlarged pores and even moles. The consistency of the cream is thick and dense. To apply it evenly, use a sponge with a pointed end (beauty blender).

Professionals recommend applying it to individual areas with obvious flaws. The stick is not used for everyday makeup, as it clogs the pores and does not allow the skin to breathe. Constantly masking the rash will lead to even larger areas of inflammation.

This cream is intended not only for matting and evening out tone. It is based on components that moisturize, protect from sun rays, regenerate and eliminate inflammation. The product is universal for many skin tones as it adapts to it.

Suitable for women with any skin type. Correct Application foundation by any method will improve your complexion and general condition. There are many options for BB creams that are aimed at solving the imperfections of problem skin.

The product was created to eliminate tone imperfections on the face and has a lighter structure than BB cream. The foundation adapts to your skin type and color. The cream moisturizes and nourishes, protects from ultraviolet radiation and has a tightening effect. Suitable for daily use.

To prevent CC cream from being visible, it must be applied in a thin layer using a sponge or fingers. If there is pigmentation in the area around the eyes and lips, you need to apply a little more product and gently massage it into the skin.

For the beautiful natural makeup It is very important to choose a high-quality foundation that will suit your skin type. It is also very important to apply the matte foundation correctly. Makeup artists recommend using the following tips:

  1. Foundation should be applied to previously cleansed and moisturized skin.
  2. Apply makeup in sufficient lighting so that all skin imperfections and foundation stains are visible.
  3. When applying too thick and dense product, moisten the sponge or add day cream to it.
  4. Apply the foundation using point-to-point movements, gently patting the skin of the face.
  5. If you have problematic skin, buy a palette of correctors. Redness is masked with green pigment, dark circles with white pigment.
  6. After applying foundation, spray your face with liquid makeup fixer.

If you use these rules for applying foundation, you will get the effect of a natural even color faces. For perfect evening makeup, you need to purchase additional cosmetics for tone correction. In addition to correctors, she recommends using concealer to outline the oval of the face. Also use highlighter to make your skin glow.

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