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Can I use Vaseline? Reasons for using petrolatum. Environmental Protection

Petrolatum(watery paraffin; lat. Vaselinum, Paraffinum unguinosum, Petrolatum) - a paste-like liquid without aroma or taste. With incomplete cleaning, the color ranges from black to yellow, with complete cleaning - to white. Consists of a consistency mineral oil and solid paraffin hydrocarbons. Melting point - 27-60 °C, viscosity - 28-36 mm²/s at 50 °C. Soluble in ether and chloroform, insoluble in water and alcohol, miscible with any oils, except castor. It is obtained from vacuum distillate petroleum fractions by thickening with petrolatum, paraffin and ceserin. It is not saponified by mixtures of alkalis, does not oxidize, does not go rancid in air and does not change when exposed to concentrated acids.

Invented in 1859 by the English chemist Robert Cheesbrough. Robert A. Chesebrough). In 1872, he received a patent for the creation of Vaseline.


There are two types of petroleum jelly: natural and artificial.

Natural(natural “American”) Vaseline comes from the residues from the distillation of paraffin oil from next cleaning sulfuric acid and bleaching with bleaching earths, which adsorb resinous and coloring substances. It is ointment-like, and in a narrow layer - a transparent viscous dull mass, without taste or aroma (occasionally with a faint smell of kerosene), free from grains and lumps, simply stretching into threads. Yellow Vaseline usually fluoresces green, snow-white - opalescent. It has aseptic and hydrophilic qualities and the ability, separately in consistency with lanolin and cetyl alcohol, to absorb and retain a significant amount of water. Natural Vaseline emulsifies very difficult. When stored at any temperature conditions, it should not separate and release oil, even in the form of traces (exudation).

Natural Vaseline has a more beautiful and transparent appearance than artificial one. It is least susceptible to changes in the mixture during temperature fluctuations and does not “sweat” and leaves a sticky, greasy residue on the skin that is difficult to wash off.

Vaseline artificial- an alloy of ceresin, paraffin with purified (honey) vaseline or perfume oil in varying proportions depending on the melting point of paraffin or ceresin. Purified petrolatum is added to it to increase viscosity and protect to a significant extent from the occurrence of effusions.

Artificial Vaseline is obtained from the oil industry or prepared in cosmetic factories. Paste-like, cloudy, translucent in a narrow layer, neutral, snow-white or yellow mass stretching in small threads in the absence of aroma and taste. When melted, it should give a homogeneous, transparent, fluorescent oily liquid with no aroma.


Vaseline is used to impregnate paper and fabrics in the electrical industry, to produce greases that are resistant to strong oxidizing agents, to protect metals from corrosion, as a laxative in medicine, and as a component of cosmetic creams in cosmetics. Vaseline is used as a fatty base in some creams and without the help of others (Vaseline, boric vaseline, massage creams).

Contrary to traditional belief, Vaseline has a very small application as a lubricant in the sex industry because it helps break down latex; here, more modern compositions based on water-containing components (for example, silicones) are used.

Vaseline is registered as food additives E905b.

Sources and additional information materials:

Vaseline - Wikipedia

What do we know about Vaseline?

It has been known since ancient times that Vaseline is an excellent remedy for treating chapped lips. In addition to this, in the world of beauty and health there are other ways to use it, but not many people know about them.

So, here are 10 non-obvious ways to use Vaseline.

1. Vaseline makes perfume smell longer

Did you know that the scent of perfume lasts longer on moisturized skin? Therefore, if you want to prolong the smell of your perfume, rub a small amount of Vaseline on the areas of your skin where you want to apply the perfume.

If you apply perfume to your wrists, do not rub them together: this will change the structure of the aroma and it will no longer be the same.

2. Make your own exfoliator

An exfoliator is a scrub containing tiny, round, polished particles. Mix some sugar with Vaseline to create a moisturizing exfoliator. It's simple and much cheaper than buying it in a store.

3. Cuticle moisturizer

Moisturized cuticles give nails healthy and fresh look. Apply a small drop of Vaseline to your fingers and lubricate the cuticles.

4. Protect your skin while coloring your hair

If you dye your hair at home, apply Vaseline along hairline and on the neck. This will create a barrier for the dye and prevent your skin from staining.

5. Vaseline softens rough heels

If you are worried about cracked heels, apply a little Vaseline to them before going to bed and massage it in, and then put on socks. Your heels will definitely become soft.

6. Vaseline lengthens eyelashes

If you don't use mascara, but want to visually lengthen them and increase their volume, apply a little Vaseline.

7. Vaseline helps insert earrings

Sometimes it is difficult to push the earring through the ear. Lubricate the bow with Vaseline, this will make the task easier.

8. Makeup remover

Another old trick. Use cotton swab smeared with Vaseline to remove makeup.

9. Nose protection

During cold winters, rub Vaseline around your nostrils to prevent irritation and redness. This trick is great if you suffer from allergies or constantly wipe your nose with a tissue (for example, when you have a cold).

10. Sunburn treatment

If you get sunburned, apply a generous amount of Vaseline to the affected area to relieve itching. This will also moisturize the skin and prevent it from flaking.

- one of the few inventions that has not yet lost its popularity and relevance. Throughout its existence, and its age goes back almost a century and a half, it still remains so effective means for skin care, that few people doubt why Vaseline is needed. After all, despite everything modern drugs, it is impossible to do without this unique product today.

Brief characteristics of the drug

Vaseline was first obtained back in 1859 during experiments with oil. The resulting product resembled the popular delicacy in appearance and consistency, and was therefore called oil jelly. But the inventor of the substance, chemist Robert Chesbrough, could not popularize it under this name, and therefore came up with another name for his brainchild, combining parts of the German and Greek words, which translated mean water and oil. This marketing ploy turned out to be more successful, as it quickly attracted public attention. A few years later, the scientist patented a new name, which not only has survived to this day, but has also become a household name.

What is Vaseline made from, its physicochemical properties

Today there are two types of substances: natural and synthetic origin. The first is obtained from paraffin resins of deciduous trees after appropriate cleaning, bleaching, deodorizing and dyeing.

The substance does not have a structural formula, since it is a mixture of several components: mineral oil and paraffin hydrocarbons.

Natural Vaseline has an ointment-like, viscous structure that forms viscous threads. When applied thin layer The surface is clearly visible. The substance does not smell of anything; when heated, it can emit a faint paraffin odor.

The melting point is from 27 to 60 °C, the liquid formed during heating is transparent, can be colorless or with a yellowish tint.

The substance can dissolve in ethers and chloroform, but not in water or ethanol. Connects well with everyone vegetable oils, excluding only castor.

Vaseline has pronounced aseptic and hydrophilic properties: it is able to absorb and retain moisture. Emulsifies with great difficulty. During storage, a quality substance should not separate into fractions and release even the smallest particles of oil.

To produce synthetic petroleum jelly, a set of several components is used: ceresin, purified perfume oil and medical petroleum jelly. The ingredients are mixed, melted, and a certain amount of pure petrolatum is added to the resulting mixture to achieve viscosity and prevent oil separation.

The raw material for the artificial substance is waste from the woodworking industry or special cosmetic substance. Physical characteristics The synthetic substance is similar in its qualities to natural petroleum jelly; it is just as viscous, but differs in shorter threads.

The composition of the additives or the degree of purification of the substance depends on what Vaseline is needed for. Most often it is used in cosmetology, food industry, medicine and everyday life.

Medicinal properties: what is Vaseline useful for?

Vaseline itself does not have any medicinal properties: it does not penetrate the layers of the dermis, does not pass into the systemic bloodstream and into the body. His useful action lies in another feature: since the product does not dissolve well and is not absorbed, after application to the surface of the skin it forms the thinnest film. This ability explains its healing effect.

The resulting film is quite dense; it does not allow any substances to pass onto the surface of the dermis, thereby protecting it from infection. Retains water contained in the skin, thereby preventing drying and peeling. Therefore, when correct use Vaseline helps skin heal and promotes accelerated recovery after various injuries.

In addition, the natural or synthetic product has a good ability to soften the skin. For this reason, it is actively used for cosmetic purposes.

But if not correct use Vaseline can help harmful effects. It can clog pores, and this, in turn, leads to the accumulation of sweat and sebum on the surface of the skin. Accordingly, if the drug is not removed in time, it can contribute to skin lesions.

Therefore, it is incorrect to say that it causes harm; in itself it is neutral. Its incorrect use is harmful.

Side effects

Vaseline is well tolerated in most cases, but the drug can cause allergic reactions in areas of application in particularly sensitive patients. Undesirable symptoms appear in the form of redness, irritation or rash.

Drug interactions

The substance is practically neutral, since it almost does not react with other components of external products. Clinical data and observations have not yet provided evidence of negative interaction reactions or distortion of therapeutic actions.


Individual skin reaction.

Areas of application and what Vaseline is used for

The scope of use of Vaseline is extremely wide: in addition to medicine, it is used in cosmetics as a food additive, and is also in demand in industry and is indispensable in everyday life for solving various needs. The product is used accordingly varying degrees cleaning.

What is medical Vaseline used for?

The drug is manufactured in accordance with the highest requirements. For medical purposes, white Vaseline is used, which meets the highest requirements. It is used both to soften the skin (before inserting medical cups) and to treat medical instruments to facilitate insertion into the natural orifices of the body. Vaseline is used to lubricate enema tips, gas outlet pipes. Adjacent tissues are also treated with it to protect from injury during the procedure.

If you need to apply Vaseline to the skin, then it is applied to the previously cleansed dermis. The dosage regimen and number of procedures are determined in accordance with the indications and form of the drug. Vaseline is especially good for the face and skin of the hands after negative impact external factors: strong wind, sharp temperature fluctuations, frost and bright sun.

Vaseline for cosmetic purposes

In the beauty industry, a medical product or a drug specially developed for this purpose is used. Cosmetic petroleum jelly may not have to be as thoroughly cleaned as a medical product, but it is also different high quality. In addition, depending on its purpose, various oils, fragrances and other components that have a beneficial effect on the skin are added to it.

The popularity of Vaseline in cosmetology is easily explained: when used correctly, it does not harm the skin and combines well with other substances. At the same time, it promotes the healing of superficial damage, softens, and preserves moisture. It is allowed to smear the face with Vaseline or other parts of the body in pure form and in mixture with other components.

In addition, the substance is excellent for home or salon cosmetology. Many different formulations can be prepared based on Vaseline, depending on the purpose of use. Such masks for the face, hands and décolleté with Vaseline help get rid of many skin defects: hyperpigmentation, peeling, irritation. Vaseline is used against wrinkles due to its ability to soften and moisturize the skin.

The drug is also useful for men: it can successfully replace shaving cream.

How to make Vaseline at home

Despite the cheapness, availability and large selection Vaseline in pharmacies, you don’t have to buy it. Those who do not like store-bought products often do without it, because the substance can be made independently. For those who want to create useful remedy with his own hands, he may well use recipes that are widely available. Here's just one of them:

200 ml of any plant. Boil the oil slowly for 20 minutes, then add beeswax(50 g) and keep on fire for the same amount. Add crushed aloe (3-4 leaves), boil for the same time. Cool the resulting mass, strain, and pour into a container.

Myths about Vaseline

Although the properties of the substance have been known for a long time, non-existent qualities are often attributed to Vaseline. Here are just a few of them:

Eyelashes grow better if you apply Vaseline

In fact, the substance does not affect growth in any way, since it does not penetrate the cells and therefore does not affect the condition of the hair follicles and hair shafts. In any case, until experts have proven otherwise.

Is it possible to smear your lips with Vaseline, because it’s harmful?

The hype about the dangers of the substance for lips most surprisingly coincides with the launch of another branded lipstick on the market. But in fact, claims of damage are nothing more than a marketing ploy designed to attract attention from a strictly proven drug to a new product. According to experts, Vaseline is one of the most safe substances for delicate skin. True, it is not recommended to use it constantly, but only use it when necessary.

Helps against acne and blackheads

Vaseline does not relieve inflammation or prevent suppuration. It is used to prevent acne scarring. In this case, Vaseline should be applied as soon as signs of scarring appear.

It has been known since ancient times that Vaseline is an excellent remedy for treating chapped lips. In addition to this, in the world of beauty and health there are other ways to use it, but not many people know about them.

So, here are 10 non-obvious ways to use Vaseline.

1. Vaseline makes perfume smell longer

Did you know that the scent of perfume lasts longer on moisturized skin? Therefore, if you want to prolong the smell of your perfume, rub a small amount of Vaseline on the areas of your skin where you want to apply the perfume.

If you apply perfume to your wrists, do not rub them together: this will change the structure of the aroma and it will no longer be the same.

2. Make your own exfoliator

An exfoliator is a scrub containing tiny, round, polished particles. Mix some sugar with Vaseline to create a moisturizing exfoliator. It's simple and much cheaper than buying it in a store.

3. Cuticle moisturizer

Moisturized cuticles give nails a healthy and fresh look. Apply a small drop of Vaseline to your fingers and lubricate the cuticles.

4. Protect your skin while coloring your hair

If you dye your hair at home, apply Vaseline along the hairline and on the neck. This will create a barrier for the dye and prevent your skin from staining.

5. Vaseline softens rough heels

If you are worried about cracked heels, apply a little Vaseline to them before going to bed and massage it in, and then put on socks. Your heels will definitely become soft.

6. Vaseline lengthens eyelashes

If you don't use mascara, but want to visually lengthen them and increase their volume, apply a little Vaseline.

7. Vaseline helps insert earrings

Sometimes it is difficult to push the earring through the ear. Lubricate the bow with Vaseline, this will make the task easier.

8. Makeup remover

Another old trick. Use a cotton swab coated with Vaseline to remove makeup.

9. Nose protection

During cold winters, rub Vaseline around your nostrils to prevent irritation and redness. This trick is great if you suffer from allergies or constantly wipe your nose with a tissue (for example, when you have a cold).

10. Sunburn treatment

If you get sunburned, apply a generous amount of Vaseline to the affected area to relieve itching. This will also moisturize the skin and prevent it from flaking.

Vaseline is familiar to many people since childhood. This affordable and still do still popular the product consists of a mixture of liquid and solid carbohydrates, has a thick consistency and color from transparent to caramel.

Vaseline is artificial and natural origin, depending on the purpose of use it is divided into technical, medical and cosmetic.


Vaseline, when applied to the skin, forms a thin film that helps avoid loss of moisture from the skin. This property is indispensable in frosty or windy weather, when under the influence of unfavorable conditions the skin quickly dries out and becomes rough.

The use of Vaseline prevents chapping and cracking of the epidermis.

Most creams cannot cope with this task - the high water content in cosmetics leads to the fact that at severe frosts they just freeze, thereby increasing skin damage.

It is known that residents Far North smear your face fish oil before going outside during the cold season.

But since this remedy is different strong odor and unpleasant consistency, in the middle zone they prefer to replace it with inexpensive and no less effective Vaseline.

The film formed by this popular product protects the face well from external pollution. Without penetrating deep into the dermis, Vaseline prevents it from entering the pores infections and the formation of inflammatory processes.

Protection of the epidermis is especially necessary after peeling or dermabrasion, when young layers of skin are characterized by increased sensitivity and trauma.


Contrary to popular belief, Vaseline does not effectively moisturize the skin. He does not penetrate through pores and serves only as protection against moisture loss.

A layer of Vaseline on the face does not allow the skin to “breathe” pores become clogged and the removal of metabolic products is disrupted.

The dense film of the product delays sebum on the face, thereby aggravating oily skin. The evaporation of water from the surface of the epidermis is disrupted, which can lead to slight swelling.

Important tip from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


Despite the product's controversial properties, Vaseline widely used in cosmetics (both industrial and homemade):

Plus, Vaseline makes great homemade scrub for the face.

Simply mix the product with sea or regular coarse salt and apply to the face, gently rubbing into problem areas.

Prevent dehydration sensitive skin around the eyes in rooms with low humidity will help by applying the product at night small quantity. It is recommended to wash your face in the morning cold water or wipe your face with ice cubes.

This method will retain skin moisture and prevent the formation of new wrinkles.

Mask recipes

There are a large number of recipes for skin care based on Vaseline, they efficiency repeatedly tested by time. The masks contain inexpensive components that can be easily purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket.

Anti-aging mask: combine a tablespoon of honey with a spoon, add five drops of pharmaceutical grade honey. One teaspoon cosmetic Vaseline mix with the resulting mass.

Mix and apply to face after steaming.

After 15 minutes we wash ourselves cool water. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Moisturizing mask: finely grate the quarter, add a spoonful of Vaseline and a spoonful of ground oatmeal. Apply the mixture to the face for 20 minutes. We repeat every evening for two weeks.

Anti-chapped lips mask: mix with a spoon thick sour cream with an equal amount of Vaseline. Lubricate your lips with the mixture every evening during the cold season. This mask will cope with cracks and peeling in a few days.

Effect of use

Protective properties Vaseline in homemade masks is the most in a favorable manner will affect the condition of the skin:

  1. At low temperatures the skin will remain smooth and velvety.
  2. Fine wrinkles will become less noticeable.
  3. Damage and cracks in the epidermis will heal quickly.

The film formed by Vaseline when applied to the face as part of masks will allow the remaining medicinal components to penetrate deeply into the pores.

Since Vaseline does not allow oxygen to penetrate into skin cells, too much frequent use masks can clog pores and lead to acne formation.

Application large quantity Using the product at night will cause the formation of swelling and bags under the eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to use masks no more than twice a week.

At visible damage skin under the influence weather conditions allowed daily application therapeutic masks until complete recovery.


Vaseline rarely causes allergic manifestations.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug.

Don't forget to check when purchasing best before date, indicated on back side jars.

Vaseline is not remedy for the skin, but its use will help resist aggressive influence external environment . Its proper use will quickly relieve the skin from damage and maintain its smoothness and elasticity.

Recipe lip balm based on homemade Vaseline in this video:

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