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Your husband left you and your children. My husband left me and the children. My husband left me with a small child: how to survive. Why do men leave families and leave children? Arrange your personal life

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Hello! It seems that just recently you were rejoicing at the birth of a child, making plans together, and suddenly your husband left you and the children. You are at a loss... For you, a situation in which your husband leaves you with a small child is an absolute wrong that could never happen to your family.

Your husband leaves the family with one or two children - and now the most important thing for you is to return the father to the children. Not a husband for the family - but a father for the children. After all, children are the most important thing. Almost all women make this mistake.
But he hasn’t stopped being a father (whether he’s a good or a bad father, he’s still a father). He left you, his status as a husband is changing, so it is important and necessary to focus on this.

First, I’ll tell you what the reason for this common misconception is, and what you need to do if your husband doesn’t need you and your children. What you will learn from me will help you restore your family if your husband left you with your children. Read this.

Why do men abandon their children?

Men leave their pregnant wives, leave their wives immediately after childbirth, the husband leaves the family with two children. The most striking examples that are widely heard: Arshavin, who left his wife and three children; actor Evgeny Tsyganov left his wife with seven children! And this list can be continued endlessly. Why is this happening?

People are divided into men and women not only by external signs. Each group is clearly assigned a specific model of behavior.

You have heard more than once, and perhaps you yourself have said to your son: “Men don’t cry,” or to your daughter: “Girls don’t behave like that.” Moreover, the smallest baby understands what we are talking about.

There is external identification, and there is internal self-awareness:

  • Family: you are a woman, you are a daughter, you are a wife, you are a mother.
  • Social: you are a teacher, you are an economist.
  • National.
  • Territorial.
  • Religious

There are many points. We won't list everything. What matters in this case is that some social roles are more important to us than others. And here we finally come to the main idea.

For a woman, an important internal role is “I am a mother”. This does not mean that she does not want to be a beautiful woman, does not desire love, or does not plan to build a career. This means that she can sacrifice all other manifestations of her “I” if necessary for the sake of the children.

For a man, an important internal role is “I am a man”. This does not mean that he does not love his children or does not want a happy family. This means that he can sacrifice all his other manifestations of his “I” if it is necessary to maintain the feeling of being a man in the first place.

And now it’s very simple mathematics - as soon as a woman begins to treat her husband, basically, as the father of her children, and not as a beloved and, most importantly, desired man, a siren begins to sound inside him, warning of danger.

As a result, we see the following picture: your husband left you with the children and left, and you...

  • Wanting to establish contact with your husband, who abandoned you and your children, you remind him of his fatherly responsibilities: the children need to buy something, need to be taken there, they don’t feel well. You know that he will react to this exactly. You think that his love for children will smooth out. And if not, then move on to the next point.
  • Reproach him that he abandoned his children, that he is a bad father, that he left you - and not the children, that no one relieved him of responsibility for their upbringing. You focus on his cruelty and heartlessness, etc.
  • And the most extreme option is to forbid your husband to meet with your children: “If you don’t want to see me, you won’t see them either!” It hurts you yourself and you hurt both your husband and children - for whom parents are equally important.

    This is all strategically incorrect behavior, which only aggravates the situation.

What to do if your husband left you with the children?

Let's first decide on your end goal. Do you just want a man with you, even if he is unhappy next to you? Or again have a strong family and a loving spouse?

The answer is obvious only at first glance, since, wittingly or unwittingly, women continue to manipulate children, trying to restore the family.

Yes, there is a chance that your spouse may succumb to pressure and stay with you, sacrificing his emotions for the sake of the children. Only this will not be a family - although it may last your whole life. He will love children and tolerate you because of them. And the saddest thing is that you will feel and know it every day.

The second option is that your reproaches will only cause aggression or complete ignorance. Your husband will stop all contact with you altogether.

He himself knows what he is. He himself knows that this is bad. Your husband, making the decision to leave you with a small child, is already internally prepared for these accusations. Therefore, these reproaches are off target. You can remind him as much as you like that the most important thing is the children, but this will only distance you from each other.

Actually, he went into all serious troubles - he walks, cheats, leaves precisely because his “I am a Man” overpowered his “I am a Father” in him.

Do you understand?

This is very important. This is the key to how to get your husband back, the key to understanding what exactly he is missing.

HowIs it right to return your husband to your family?

If the husbandleft you with the childrenit can be returned! After all, in fact, a man loves his children, he wants a family, he wants comfort. But at the same time, he finds it extremely difficult to perceive that he is now playing a supporting role in his woman’s life. And the man simply runs away from the family, instead of finding out the reasons and finding a way out.

To youWe urgently need to take the situation into our own hands.

Why is it important to hurry? Most often, a man leaves a family with children for his mistress. Only a woman can give him the feeling that he is valuable in himself, that he is the main thing in someone’s life. That he can still evoke emotions, desires, feel that his whole life - until the end of his days - does not consist only of: “You owe this,” “You owe that.” Do you understand?

“I am a Man” speaks and acts in him. Now, due to various circumstances, you have “lost” the man in him and therefore your husband is looking for a feeling of need for these qualities on the side.

He believes that another woman understands, desires and appreciates him. Someone else, not you. And you can visit children on weekends. After all, half the country lives like this.

And that is why we will not return the father to the children, but the beloved man to you. First you are a wife, building a relationship with your husband, and only then you are a mother. As a result, you have a strong family, a loving husband and you are sure that he is happy with you!

Understanding the reasons is only half the battle; it is especially important for you not to succumb to attacks of emotions. Being alone with children is difficult from any side: moral, material - it’s just where you can find the strength and start acting. Isn't that right?

On this page you see a video clip “How to get your husband back.” Listen to it!

I wrote down step-by-step instructions on what and how Withdo so that you can restore the relationship with my husband and returnfather to children.

This technique works!
Even if he already lives with someone else.
Even if you are already divorced from him.

I remind you once again - you are now returning your beloved man to your family. Let him feel it.

Now gather your attention and listen to this lesson!
With faith in you, Maria Kalinina.

My husband left, left me with a one-year-old child and got the best answer

Answer from Alexander[guru]
Think like this:
He felt bad with me. He's fine now. So he's happy. If he had stayed with me, it would have been bad for him, for me and for the child. This is bad. But he left, he is happy, the child is devoid of quarrels and squabbles, but dad comes and it’s wonderful. So is it worth being depressed that only a man left my life, because:
1. Everything that is done is done for the better, which means the best is yet to come.
2. You recognized only one man, not the best for you, which means there are whole crowds of men ahead, waiting for you. And some of them are better than before, and you are finally free.
3. Life is just beginning. a field opens up for new experiences, new ideas, new people. You've learned a lot, and now you can apply your new knowledge.
4. And finally, who said that your husband was worthy of you? Who said that he would be so lucky again in his new life?

Reply from Irina[master]
If you have a livelihood, then be glad that you got rid of this! Well, if not, then start looking for them because you need a lot for a child. But don’t regret him at all, and even if he comes back, and this is most likely to happen, it’s better not to accept him!

Reply from Desi[guru]
Well, mine also left and left me with two girls...he came to see them...and one fine day he decided to come back - we made up...
But this is mine...
Pretend that you feel good without him, men can’t stand it (as a rule). Let him be mad that you don’t care about him! And it will become easier for you...(should)

Reply from Marina Naumenko[guru]
My situation is absolutely similar. /Only my daughter is already 10 years old, and my husband and I separated when she was 2.5 years old. /Besides, to this day he lives with me in the same house in the next entrance - DESTINY:)) /After so many years, it’s still unpleasant, but for the sake of the child, you endure it. /Still, financial help is needed, despite the fact that the first anger and resentment wants to take over/! I advise you to communicate more not so much with one husband, but rather with your father-in-law and mother-in-law. /They often try to get their grandchildren to treat them. /This is important to them. I wish you patience. However, if it is not possible to restore the relationship with your husband, do not cling to him! There are a lot of good men, and a child won’t hurt you to improve your personal life.

Reply from Igor Vladimirovich[guru]
your ex-husband is a bastard, I have no words.

Reply from User deleted[guru]
find a new one, how else?

Reply from Vladimir Vladimirovich[guru]
Although I’m not a girl, I have a child! And I can only advise you to send him and find yourself a normal man!

Reply from Cameliya Sangpeng[guru]
It's not easy... at first. Over time this will pass. Live your life. Primary emotions are gradually erased.

Reply from 5 5 [active]
leave the child with him for the weekend, and manage your time yourself, look for your “real soul mate”

Reply from Elena[guru]
ybezdai cebya --tebya ne mog on brocitb--tu ego vugnala ! ic4i v nem toko otrizatelbnoe !
bydb artictkoi --kogda vidisb ego!
pyctb vidit tebya c4actlivyyu!

Reply from Caroline[guru]
I sympathize... wait, parting is always hard. You will still find true love! and if you love HIM. maybe you can make peace

Reply from Vasilisa Vasilievna[guru]
Of course, it’s a cliched phrase - but time heals, everything will pass, seeing the child would be good, it would be worse if it were the other way around. and over time you will communicate with him just like with an older brother. don’t be foolish, you are not alone, you have a child and not everything is as terrible as it seems to you now. you will find yourself another husband. GOOD LUCK!!

Reply from User deleted[guru]
Left for someone else? No wonder. that you don't want to see him. It seems to me that we should tell him about this frankly. But in general, it’s worth letting the child communicate - let that grimza be jealous. And it seems to me that a man who does not see his child for a long time can easily forget him. He can do this in no time (they are very happy)) So the child, first of all, let the cunning bastard rejoice.

Reply from Irina Alexandrovna[guru]
It seems to me that it’s good that a father wants to see his child, and you cannot forbid him to communicate. Well, the fact that he left and abandoned you is real disgusting! You’ll just have to reconsider your view of him and life, maybe it’s good that he left right now... don’t despair, because you have the most precious thing a woman has in life - it’s your blood! good luck to you!

Reply from Ziverta[master]
You must be strong. For the sake of yourself and your baby. Why he did this should not worry you now. Now the main thing is to survive this as a natural disaster and not break. Take care of yourself, do not succumb to black melancholy (although I understand that it’s hard ).You just need to get over it. And move on. Now you won’t believe that maybe this is for the best. But I wish that after a while, you will be convinced of this.

Reply from User deleted[guru]
Very simple. He left - that's a fact. You need to learn to live without him! Let him communicate with the child, but not with you. Now it is difficult, but later it will be easier. Is there anyone to help, if anything? If yes, then everything is fine. The child will soon go to kindergarten, and you will go to work. Keep living. Value yourself. Appreciate your baby. Everything will be fine.

Reply from Optimist.[guru]
Poor thing! Hold on. Time heals. It’s very difficult for you. And what advice can you give? Everything is individual. Grit your teeth and be patient.

Reply from User deleted[expert]
Oddly enough, this is a normal situation today. The psychologist helped me a lot, and now I’m even glad that it turned out this way. True, I don’t let him see the child, I make all sorts of excuses, I’m mischievous as much as I can, and that makes me feel better.

Reply from Queen Margot[guru]
It's hard for you, I understand. But you need to pull yourself together - don’t limit your social circle only to mothers with strollers. Life goes on. That he wants to see his child is a good sign; most often men simply forget about their existence. So pull yourself together, time heals, there will be a holiday on your street. Good luck and patience!

Unfortunately, a husband leaving the family is a fairly common occurrence in the modern world. The most difficult situation is when a man leaves a woman with a newborn baby. A new mother immediately has a lot of disturbing thoughts in her head: where can she get the strength to live on and not break down, how to survive the betrayal of a loved one, how much money to live on?

It happens that the birth of a child, instead of uniting the family, on the contrary, gives impetus to the flight of the father of the family. There are many reasons for such an act: loss of sexual interest in a woman, deterioration of the wife’s appearance after childbirth, fear of the unknown, accumulated fatigue, fear of financial difficulties, problems communicating with the spouse, the appearance of another woman, etc.

A husband who runs away from responsibility wounds women with double force. Firstly, the betrayal of a loved one is always difficult to survive, and secondly, the husband also abandons a newborn child, who so needs a strong and loving family.

1. When experiencing a breakup, people experience pain, depression, guilt, and self-pity. And you need to be patient and just get through this period, because in some cases nothing can be returned (and sometimes there is no point), and you need to learn to live on, moving towards new events, meetings, relationships. The goal of an abandoned woman is to learn to be happy again. No matter how difficult it may be to accept, life does not end after the husband leaves the family, but perhaps a new stage in life begins.

2. A woman needs to realize that she is not completely alone. She has a little man for whom she is the whole universe. No matter how bitter and sad it may be, one cannot give up, because now she alone must take care of the baby, only she bears the main responsibility for the future life of the little person.

3. Accept any help and do not hesitate to ask your friends, loved ones and relatives yourself; in the first stages it will be extremely useful. Redistribute care for the child and among relatives, highlight “areas of responsibility.” Make sure from your own experience that friends and family, neighbors and even just acquaintances are ready to help if you clearly explain what it might be.

4. Make a schedule of meetings with close friends and relatives and strictly adhere to it. Talk to them on the phone more often - isolation can worsen depression.

5. Walk outside regularly with a stroller or using a baby sling as often as possible during the day. Move all the time, because constant moderate physical activity helps lift your mood.

6. Do not be skeptical about the famous proverb that time is the best medicine. As practice shows, after some time, everyone who has found themselves in a similar situation reacts more calmly to their husband’s action. However, there is no specific period; everyone has their own time frame for calming the soul.

7. Women's forums are filled with such stories. And many women successfully overcame all difficulties, improved their lives and found feminine happiness. Read the stories of online users, ask forum members for advice, share your incident. Even strangers are ready to provide support and discuss a difficult life situation.

8. Baby yoga will help satisfy the physical and emotional needs of mother and baby, and distract from sad thoughts and experiences.

9. Don’t try to hide and suppress your mood; on the contrary, share your concerns with people, talk through your problems. Moreover, the more times you do this, the easier your soul will become.

10. One of the serious issues is money. Of course, it is difficult to provide for both of them alone with a small child in her arms. Child support for up to one year is protection of his right to the necessary material support. If the husband, after leaving, does not participate in the child’s life in any way financially, then it will be necessary to go to court.

11. In addition to the “default” happiness that appears in the house simultaneously with the birth of a child, you can (and should) consider that a child is your personal “perpetual” motion machine, existing in a single copy and powered by your positive emotions.

12. If necessary, seek qualified help from a psychiatrist or psychotherapist who can help you cope with your emotional distress.

Unfortunately, difficulties are inevitable, but you need to learn to treat them philosophically. Your task is not to become despondent, but to find an opportunity to make the most of your current state. Remember that problems in life only harden you and force you to look at current events from a different perspective.

Prepared by Valeria Skripkina

The parents of the juvenile hooligans didn’t even apologize

In Tver, on the eve of the New Year, a terrible incident occurred: two schoolchildren threw a lit firecracker into a baby stroller, where a child was at that moment. Miraculously, the baby's mother managed to brush off the firecracker and snatch the child. Further attempts to find out from the hooligans and their parents how this could even come to mind were unsuccessful. It's up to law enforcement to figure out the crime.

The emergency occurred at the entrance of house number 5 on Marshal Konev Street. As local resident Marina said in an open letter, on December 27 she was returning from a walk with her 10-month-old daughter. According to the woman, when she entered the entrance, unfamiliar boys who were playing in the yard with firecrackers tried to follow her. She forbade them to enter the entrance that was not hers and began to close the door.

“When the entrance door was almost closed, the boys opened it slightly and threw a firecracker into the stroller,” says the message, which spread across social networks and local media.

According to the woman, immediately after this the door slammed, she was left in the dark and tried to feel for the lit firecracker. This was successful, the woman swept it to the floor and pulled her daughter out of the stroller. The firecracker exploded on the floor, no one was injured.

After that, the woman ran home, called the doctors to check if everything was okay with the child, and, leaving her daughter with her grandmother, ran out into the street. In the yard, the children told her what kind of boys they were and where they studied. It turned out that they were from one of the schools in the Proletarsky district of the city, moreover, one was an excellent student, and the second was from a cadet class. Having told the school management about what happened, the woman came to a “confrontation” with the teenagers and their parents.

“None of them asked how the child was, and one of the mothers asked where I had a certificate from the ambulance. I asked her if she was a doctor, but they arrogantly told me that she was a tax inspector,” Marina told tverigrad. ru.

After that she wrote a statement. As reported, the regional Investigative Committee organized a pre-investigation check, based on the results of which a procedural decision will be made.

Listen to how it sounds: “He left me with the child!” The following picture immediately appears: a sobbing wife with a child in her arms tries to hug her husband, and he indifferently throws his family away from him and, leaving, slams the door! I just want to punish the scoundrel right away!

But if you listen to your husband, he has his own version: “I didn’t abandon my child! I left my wife! Immediately the situation changes and many questions arise: why did he leave? What's happened? Who's to blame? How should everyone live now? Well then, let's look for answers to these questions.

There are situations when the expression “my husband and child left me” is completely inappropriate, although it sounds like a horror story. But in essence, this situation is more scary for men than for “unfortunate” women:

    A random sex partner became pregnant. Such a “unexpected” man often happens to rich and famous men in order to jump out of marriage under any pretext. You can read about such surprises in the article.

    The man lived together or simply dated a girl, but was not yet ready to get married. And even more so to have children. Conditions were set, there was protection, but allegedly something went wrong, and it was not possible to agree on an abortion. After all, only a woman can control her body.

    The man did not know at all about the pregnancy of his random partner, and fate separated them for a long time. And then the woman found the man. He, poor fellow, did not even suspect that he had a child. I myself have already acquired a new family, children, and here it is - a blow from the past: feed, educate, participate in the life of the baby.

It’s disgusting to watch how all the cones fly on the man’s head at this time. What did these ladies expect if there were no promises, no marriage proposals and no father's wishes? There wasn’t even a family, followed by divorce. What did they expect? To the indignation of the crowd? For large alimony payments?

Therefore, if you are “in the ranks” of such women, then there is only one piece of advice: raise it yourself, dear, if you so wanted a child. Did you give life to a person just for your own benefit? Then you should be the first to be condemned for this.

There are different things that happen in families - quarrels, resentments, scandals. But for some reason, some women are able to perceive even a minor disagreement as a global catastrophe. Well, this often happens to young families immediately after the birth of their first child. Mommy is in postpartum depression, daddy is horrified by the baby’s yelling and dirty diapers, and even after hard work. Where is there not to swear?

So it turns out that the spouses threaten each other with divorce, and then daddy runs away from home in his heart for some time. Well, it becomes unbearable for him in such an environment! And he cannot take the child with him. And this is what happens to mommy:

    She starts calling all her relatives with tears and hysterics that her husband left her and her child, and the matter smells like a divorce.

    She begins to intrigue her husband: calling him with threats, promising to ruin his life if he doesn’t come to his senses.

    She throws a tantrum again when her husband finally returns, and she arranges the entire concert in front of the child, scaring him.

Well, this is still forgivable for young “yellow-mouthed” spouses. The most important thing is that such parents have wise and experienced relatives of the older generation. They are the ones who can explain to these bullies how to learn patience and mutual assistance.

If there are no wise relatives or a good psychologist, then this family can really collapse. And the reason is simple: these two rushed to be a full-fledged family. But most often it happens that such quarrels are harbingers of divorce, but so far without a serious separation.

Family life must literally be built - from foundation to roof, brick by brick. And how to do this - you will read in the article. And to avoid troubles in the family, here is another article to help you:. This is in case you have no one to give you wise advice.

When the divorce has already taken place

And yet it happened. He left, the divorce was filed, and according to the court, the child, of course, remained with you. Now let's look at the reasons for divorce. The fact that you have a baby in your arms is another matter, but first you need to find out what prompted you to run away.

You were the initiator

It was simply unbearable to live with him. He didn’t help in any way, on the contrary, his presence weighed you down and even frightened you. He’s kind of nervous, and as soon as he does anything he immediately starts screaming, or even throws up his hands. He drank from his glass, didn’t want to work, wasn’t at all interested in the child - how was it possible to live with that?

If he really is such a bastard, and he easily divorced you, not caring about the child, then it is better to exclude him from your life after the divorce forever. And never demand anything from him - neither for yourself nor for the baby. Even alimony. Why? More on this later.

He was the initiator

No, you didn’t kick him out, he left on his own and filed documents with the court. I explained this reason simply - it’s unbearable to live with you, but the child is not to blame for anything here. He does not refuse alimony, he wants to meet the child, but he does not want to live in a family where he is humiliated.

If the reason is your character, then be more careful in the future. By taking revenge on your husband for the divorce, you can break a lot of wood, turning the child against the father and not allowing them to see each other. The consequences will be dire. You will also read about them a little later.

Third party influence

This applies to all those who were able to destroy a family and lead to divorce:

    Relatives on both sides. So the son-in-law (or daughter-in-law) didn’t like it, and the relatives begin to plot all sorts of intrigues. The spouses should unite and send everyone to hell. But no, listening to other people’s opinions, they could not withstand the onslaught from the outside. Therefore, you have to live with such evil people at a distance - the farther, the closer.

    Gossipers and “well-wishers.” Some non-humans simply cannot live from envy of other people's happiness. What kind of fairy tales they can come up with so that a strong family will be broken. Moreover, all the gossip will definitely reach the innocent spouses. The family is divorced, the gossips are gloating.

For many women, the answer is clear - of course, apply. Why should a child suffer without receiving the same thousand rubles from his father, like a tuft from a black sheep? If he doesn’t pay, we’ll find him through the court, through the bailiffs. Or the property will be taken away. And even if he is a tight-fisted miser, he still needs to rob this nonentity to the last detail.

On the one hand, this is correct. But some women can be so short-sighted. After all, this 1000 ruble bill pulled from the father’s teeth may later have a negative impact on the child himself, when he is an adult. And there are countless examples of this.

Earlier, in the chapter on the reasons for divorce, it was already mentioned about cuckoo fathers who did not care about the child from birth. He tyrannized his family, drank, and after the divorce his trace disappeared altogether. He maliciously evaded alimony, no matter what they did to him.

And so, in his old age, he suddenly remembered his children. He himself is weak and has no one to support him; he doesn’t know how to live on. So why not cut off his child support payments? According to the law, it seems that it is necessary if he needs it for health reasons. But will they be awarded?

But this is the rub. If he paid at least a few kopecks every month, then his children will support him for life. He maliciously evaded and hid - he doesn’t care what he gets, but the children will be free. Well, if only in conscience they will regret the father as a relative. So is that thousand rubles worth such sacrifices?

In other cases, of course you need to apply for alimony! If the ex-husband does not shy away from anything and pays regularly, then respect to him. Even though 25% of your salary may not seem like much, it is the law. And gifts to a child from the heart are not handouts, as some women believe.

To begin with, let’s imagine the following picture: a woman is standing at the factory entrance with a one-year-old child in her arms, waiting for her ex-husband to return from work. When he comes out, the woman begins to frantically shake the baby and scream that the child is suffering without a father, and he abandoned him as a bastard.

The child bursts into tears, and everyone passing by shames the father. But in all conscience, we need to take the baby away from the mother and kick her soft spot for such a scene. The child screams not out of worry, but because he is hurt and scared from his mother’s hysteria. And mom is raging for her own reasons.

How a child himself might perceive a divorce from his parents:

    Up to two years The baby basically needs that person who is constantly next to him. Most often this is the mother. Up to a year, he may not notice his father leaving at all.

    From two to five years he may realize that dad is not around, but he still does not understand the seriousness of the divorce. Dad appears some days - everything is fine and everything is fine.

    From five to eleven years- this is a difficult period. The child is already aware that mom and dad will not live and may suffer. Especially in adolescence.

Attention! No matter how difficult the relationship between parents may be, this should not worry the delicate child’s psyche. All clarifications of relations between adults should pass over his ears.

The absence of a father before the age of five can be explained by dad’s workload, but not otherwise. And if dad doesn’t appear in his life at all, then there’s no need to focus on him. But when the child already understands the separation of the parents, then everything must be explained to him in simple words, without going into details: it has become difficult for all three of us to live together, but communication with the father is not prohibited.

Undoubtedly! You can prohibit it in three cases:

    If he himself does not want these meetings. Here, ban it or don’t ban it, it’s all pointless. He may be hiding himself.

    If there is a threat to the life and health of the child. The father is a usurper who beats the baby, and can also get drunk and lose the child.

    If he can steal the baby. Because, for example, he wants to take revenge on you. And then look for them all over the world.

That's all, just this! There are no more reasons. If a child reaches out to his dad, and his father reaches out to him, then whether you want it or not, then you have no right to prohibit it. You can give them dates without your presence if you don’t want to see your ex-husband, or you can go out with them. Or give the child away for the whole weekend.

Under no circumstances set conditions or interfere with their meetings! And sew your mouth shut if you decide to say something bad to a child about his father in order to turn him against his dad. Once again, the grievances of adults should not concern the child.

What will happen if you do this? You will most likely make your child hate you in the future. Children have a good memory. They will remember the negative things that were said to them and will compare it with reality - when communicating with dad. But in reality it will be the other way around!

Organize your personal life

The woman who believes that after a divorce she will now live alone with her child, abandoned by the entire universe, is naive. This is not the film “The Blue Lagoon” with a desert island, this is life with all its society.

There are relatives, friends, neighbors - something new is happening every day. If it is possible to periodically leave a child with someone (even with the same dad), then immediately arrange your personal life. Divorce is not the end of the world. It's just a comma in your destiny. And then you “write” it in a new way.

If you are left alone with a child, then do not give him your whole life without reserve, without allowing him to take a step on his own. No one will hang a medal on you for this, but they can reproach you. And not only the child, when he grows up, but also those around him for raising “mimosa in the botanical garden” (there are such poems by S. Mikhalkov).

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. Like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man - and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem - you would not have any problems in your relationship at all.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

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