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The husband brought his mistress to his birthday, should he forgive or kill? Husband brought home another woman Husband brought home his mistress to live with his wife

If you dream that your lover is having fun with someone, then expect disagreements with work colleagues or a quarrel with a friend (if, of course, you saw him in a dream). A lover who confesses his feelings to you in a dream is actually condemning you for some wrongdoing. Seeing your lover (or beloved) beautiful in a dream is a sign that your relationship will be sincere.

If in a dream he (she) looks terrible or does not look like himself, then unpleasant surprises await you. Seeing your lover (your mistress) dressed (dressed) in new clothes in a dream means that he has changed his intentions and will not keep his promise to you.

If you previously had any plans for the future, then you can put an end to them. A dream in which you saw that your lover (or she) is cheating on you means that your competitors or enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you to disgrace or ruin you.

Being a lover or mistress in a dream is a sign of shame and humiliation that you do not deserve.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Today I will share with you a real story about the return of a husband to his family from a young mistress.

A couple of years ago a client came to me. All in tears - my husband is cheating. Not only did the husband cheat after 18 years of marriage, he harshly explained “why”. The husband said: “The children are already adults, you can live without me. I will pay for the children's education. I'm leaving the apartment to you. I'm taking over the business, you still don't understand it. I will give you money for your maintenance. If you dare to get married, I’ll take everything. Therefore, sit at home, suffer from the fact that I cheated on you, and I have a young mistress. She can do much more than you can. I’m going to her.”

The woman was shocked and continued: “I’ve already been a beluga howling at home for a month. There are no more tears left. I understand that crying and being angry with your husband is absolutely useless. We need to do something. Help me bring my husband home. Can you? Maybe you know how to cast magic or spell. Just tell me how much it costs. I'll pay you as much as you say. Come up with a spell for me so that my husband will come to his senses and return home.”

Since I don’t do magic, I offered her another option: “If you want, I’ll help you get your husband back without magic. He will return to you forever, and you will still be happy. I’m sure that you will be able to improve your relationship without magic.” At first the woman was distrustful of what I offered her. But, after thinking, she agreed: “In principle, I don’t risk anything. I'm already tired of being at home, at least hang myself. Let’s at least pull me out of this state so that I can come to my senses a little.”

We started working with her. The woman followed all the recommendations and made serious changes. A month later she met her husband. During this month, she did not see him. He called her, she answered him on the phone as we agreed, but she avoided meeting for a month.

When we met, the husband was stunned - he didn’t recognize his wife!

I didn’t recognize him in all respects: the manner of behavior and communication with him had changed. In front of him stood a completely different woman - well-groomed, smiling, in a new image, with a new hairstyle, with a confident look. The woman answered questions about the reasons for the changes with a mysterious smile.

I admit, honestly, this woman’s desire to change her life aroused my respect. She conscientiously completed all tasks, learned women's wisdom, practiced communication skills, and worked on her self-esteem. She simply glowed from the inside with joy for her results.

After meeting his wife, the husband’s instinct of ownership manifested itself, and there were more questions than answers: “Wow, this is happening to my wife, how can this happen? Maybe she’s having an affair, and I’m providing for her?” He quickly made inquiries and learned about our meetings. The man even called me and pestered me with questions about what I was doing with his wife, why I was fooling her, how I was bothering her head.

3 months have passed since our first meeting with the client.

The man was rushing between his young and skilled mistress and his prettier wife. The mistress began to make scandals, and the wife did not explain the reasons for the changes, but was glad to meet him, fed her delicious food and asked about business. Besides, my wife is now such an interesting lady!

When a friend (a widower) came to my client’s husband and, like an honest and decent man, said: “I know that you left for your mistress, abandoned your wife. If you don’t mind, I would court your ex-wife.”

This was the last straw that broke the husband's patience. He ran to his wife to start a scandal about why men are going to court you. The woman calmly replied: “You left me.” You left me for someone young and skilled. You said that you and I have exhausted our relationship, that we have no future, that you only have a future with this young girl. Go to the girl, live with her, be happy. I can live without you. I promise to live happily.”

The husband could not stand this turn of events, quarreled with his mistress and returned to the family.

The mistress came running in tears, threw hysterics at her wife, and demanded that the man be returned. But the wife answered wisely: “Wait, my divorce has not been filed. My legitimate husband. I forgave him for his spree. That’s it, he’s my husband and this is not discussed.”

Now everything is fine in the family and relationships have changed a lot for the better. They are both happy and assure that their family happiness has blossomed again and is better than before. And the business became more successful after he and his wife reconciled.

Recently this couple visited me. My husband thanked me “for my new wife.”

Here is a story about betrayal and how it ends when the wife wants to save the family.

I told you this story as an example of what a woman can change the situation by changing herself. And even the youth and skills of mistresses become powerless in the face of these changes. Believe me, a wife always has much more power and ability to return her husband than a mistress has the ability to keep this man. If a wife gives up and gives up, then all her strength goes to her mistress. Remember this.

When deceived wives tell me at a reception that they cannot resist betrayal, that they cannot defend themselves, this is not true. Everything is in your hands. You can protect yourself and rebuild your relationship. It is important to have both patience and the desire to fight for your relationship.

Alla Kasatkina

Did you come to this page by chance?

Karina got married in her last year at the institute; he was a little older, promising and, thanks to her parents, financially secure. Everything was going well. Less than a year later, a boy was born to the young family. It would seem that everything is there, live and be happy! But the relationship between the spouses somehow didn’t work out very well, they didn’t seem to quarrel, but there was no closeness (not spiritually, not physically). Karina is now lamenting, saying why did she get married, because there was no unearthly love. But everything was consistently good, and I fell for it.

Karina doesn’t know when exactly her husband started walking to the left; she turned a blind eye to many things, convincing herself that everything was fine - she was a happy wife and mother. But for some reason I didn’t feel happiness. Parents and friends thought that this was what an almost ideal relationship looked like, but in fact the relationship no longer existed. The husband became a complete stranger, with whom I had to live under the same roof and pretend to be a family.

My husband's 30th birthday was approaching, which it was decided to celebrate on a grand scale - to call friends and have a grand celebration. Karina personally organized the celebration, tried to make sure everyone liked it, thought through everything down to the smallest detail, except for one thing...

“The day before the holiday, when everything was ready, my husband came home from work as usual, we didn’t really talk at home, and then he “needed to talk.” And he admitted that he is in a relationship, it seems to him that he is in love. This girl is from another city, the daughter of some partner of his father, I didn’t really understand. Then she said, let's leave all the talk until after the holiday. And he:

What do you say if she comes to our party tomorrow?

“I’ll say “hi,” I answered, no longer realizing anything.

I don’t remember how the night went, thanks to a good portion of wine. In the morning I woke up, my husband was not at home, my head was buzzing, but I pulled myself together, handed my son to the nanny, dressed up and went, as it turned out, to the main shame of my life.

The guests gathered, his parents were there, fortunately, mine did not manage to be present, only my sister was there. But the hero of the occasion was still missing. Friends asked where he was, I just shrugged. Finally he appeared. He took me aside and just said, “She’s here.” The ground disappeared from under my feet...

I remember everything that happened next as if in a fog. Here they are, he is holding her hand. My friends look at me, at them, in bewilderment... So he comes up to me, introduces us, I smile, although in reality I want to cry, stomp my feet and tear out my hair, either on her or on myself. Our close friend is nearby: “Who is this?” he asks.

Meet my husband's mistress!

That evening I got very drunk. Everyone will remember my toast for a long time, I congratulated my husband on the fact that he is a bad husband and father, the whole room was silent. My friends took me away, I don’t remember how I got home, I woke up and thought I was going to die. But no, it worked out. He spent that night with her, then returned home. He offered to live separately and promised to provide financial support.

I'm still in shock! Now he sometimes appears at home, I try, at least for the sake of my son, to pretend that I am glad to see him. Sometimes we even manage to communicate in a friendly manner, but then he said that it was all over with her. So what should I do?

Karina is in disarray, doesn’t know if she can forgive and forget that ill-fated evening. But it seems like my husband is trying - he has become more attentive, and my parents are dissuading me from making drastic decisions, they say that time must pass, there is no need to break wood in the heat of the moment, you will always have time to get a divorce. Karina is waiting, but she doesn’t know what.

Could you forgive this?

Ps I changed the name of the heroine at her request

In the photo: a still from the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"

My husband and I bought an apartment with the help of family capital - we just needed this amount. The children were given shares, both children from the husband. The repairs were done and the car was bought. The eldest goes to school, the youngest goes to kindergarten. At home there is harmony. At least that's what I thought.

The fact that my husband filed for divorce was like a bolt from the blue.

“I fell in love with her, I can’t live without her.”

He stated that he could not live without her. Without me and the children, he can, but without her, he can’t. Not only could he not live, but he also had nowhere to live. My husband's mistress was also married. When her husband found out about his wife’s infidelity, he did the smart thing - he transferred the dacha and the car to his mother, and persuaded her to sell the apartment. And he sold it to his godfather for pennies. And then he gave his wife a kick. So she stuck to my husband like a bath leaf.

She sat there, whining, in my kitchen. There is nowhere to live. filming is expensive. So her husband brought her to our house.

“I own a quarter of the apartment, so I’ll live here with whoever I want.” And it’s better to behave normally - my advice to you.

And this chicken immediately began to smile.

- Mom, why do we live in a room with you, and dad and some aunt in ours? - asked the daughter.

What should I tell her? What? Her dad's love? Or should I have come up with a plausible excuse for the presence of my husband’s mistress in our house?

“Sunny, go ask daddy yourself, I don’t know the answer to this question myself.”

My daughter went and asked. And he started yelling at me that I was interfering in their relationship. In your own home. And I interfere with my own husband’s relationship, blah.

After an innocent question from my daughter, the whole thing began. His husband and girlfriend decided to simply drive us out of the apartment. I’m actually surprised at how she had the audacity to come into the house of a married man and live, looking our children in the eyes?

Separate - the situation was stalemate. Each person has a quarter of an apartment. The children have half the apartment. I simply could not physically buy an apartment in which equal shares could be allocated to the children. I offered this one - let me buy it. I’ll borrow, steal, but I’ll find the money. He's in denial. I didn’t understand - I didn’t care, I would have thought about the children. Or is that it, in the process of divorce not only the wife becomes an ex, but also the children?

After my children were rinsed, after their dad’s girl treated them, I thought - to hell with her, with the apartment. And the husband is also in the firebox, with his woman. Children's health is more important. I packed my things and children, put a lock on my room and moved in with my mother.

A week and a half before our official divorce, my husband’s mistress hooked up with a richer man, finally raiding our apartment. The husband immediately repents and apologizes.

I have forgiven. No, not really - who would forgive that? She pretended to be a fool and burst into tears:

- What if you drag someone into the house again? I would forgive, but, you know...

My husband, as proof of his trustworthiness, transferred his quarter to me. In exchange for the fact that we will not get a divorce, and the children and I will return to the apartment. I found an idiot. I filled out the documents quickly - I had to get to the divorce court in time, and I did. True, they didn’t start divorcing us - my husband started kicking ass that we had made peace and all that.

They gave us time to think. There’s nothing to think about here - it’s definitely a scam. And immediately after the divorce, I will take revenge for all the humiliation - I will fucking evict him. Previously, he had to think with his head, and not with the place that he was itching. And I’m still a bitch after that. It was as if I had dragged the guy into the house and was shuffling around with him in front of my own husband and children. And now we have him - an innocent lamb who trusted his wife-creature, and she robbed him. Yes, I robbed it. He only lost a quarter of his apartment. And he deprived me and the children of a normal family, and a family cannot be bought for any apartment, and will not be returned. I hope my husband will have a good life on the street, somewhere under a bench.

At the age of 25, I began to live in a “civil marriage” with Alexey, he is 5 years older than me. Everything was fine, the “common-law husband” loved me. I became pregnant at 28 years old, and at 7 months I found out that my “husband” had a mistress who was seven years younger than me.

I read a text message on his phone: “Sweetie, what should we expect from you today?” And he left, said that he had business, business, and all sorts of excuses, came in the morning... To save my marriage, I didn’t show that I knew about her, I did his laundry, cooked five different dishes a day, the house was clean, everything was ironed, starched.
And there is no one to complain to, to cry to, I myself am from an orphanage.

When I was in the maternity hospital, he brought her to our house, a neighbor came in in the evening, he, without shame, opened the door, my mistress came out of the bath in my robe... Well, these are all little things. The daughter was born restless, cried at night, he, citing the fact that he could not sleep (we had a one-room apartment), supposedly went to spend the night with a friend, his brother.

I endured everything because I wanted the child to have a father, I tried in every possible way to save our marriage. He often insulted me that I was stupid, scary, fat (I gained 10 kg after giving birth), that the wives of his friends always looked good, well dressed, and I was an orphanage hillbilly.

He began to raise his hand at me: I cooked it wrong, I put it wrong, the child is yelling, shut him up. He started kicking me out of the house, but I had nowhere to go, I was crying, on my knees I begged him not to kick us out onto the street. I was on maternity leave, I received pennies, my milk disappeared, he stopped giving me money for groceries.

I didn’t eat at home myself, I only spent the night sometimes, washed, changed clothes and left. He often began to beat him, just like that, for no reason, because he had ruined his life, because I lived in his apartment, because I gave birth to him and not she... This lasted five months. And then one “beautiful” day he appears on the threshold of our house with her, with his mistress Irina, and says that I have half an hour to pack my things and leave... (the apartment was his only).

I cried and begged not to kick us out, I stood on my knees and said that we had nowhere to go, to which I received a kick in the stomach... He shouted: “Look at you, fat creature, look at Irina (Irina is beautiful, slender, in expensive clothes, with hair), how can I live with you.”

That’s how, on a frosty winter evening, I left the apartment with a five-month-old baby in my arms and went out into the street... I remember that day well. It’s dark outside, seven o’clock in the evening, it’s lightly snowing, the lights are shining... I’m standing in an autumn jacket, in autumn boots in one hand, a small bag with things... in the other an envelope with a baby, I didn’t even have a stroller.

He didn’t give me his cell phone because... it was he who bought it... Where to go? There was only 18 rubles of money in my pocket. I was going nowhere, I was no longer crying, I had nothing to cry with and could neither speak nor cry. I had nowhere to go, my “husband” kept all my friends away from me, there were only family friends, his friends.

Before maternity leave, I worked as a nurse in a hospital, I went there. I tearfully asked our doctor on duty to let me spend the night in the hospital. I was allowed, but for one night. In the morning I went to the pawnshop and pawned gold earrings and a chain, valued at 7 thousand rubles. On the same day, I rented a room from an old woman in a wooden house for 4 thousand a month.
I had no bed linen, no towels, nothing. Marya Sergeevna, the owner of the house, was 62 years old at the time, she was very ill and could barely walk. After listening to my story, she said that she would help me with the child, would babysit me, that I needed to look for a job, she didn’t have any children of her own, her son died.

It was difficult to find a job, I don’t have a higher education, I didn’t finish my studies for one year. And then it hit me again, my “husband” drove up to me on the street and said that he would no longer pay the loan for the car. (The loan is in my name, and the car is in my “husband’s name”)... He threatened that if I apply for alimony, he will deprive me of parental rights, because... I don’t have housing and I don’t have a permanent income either.

I got a job as a cleaner in a fish shop, for 4 thousand rubles, in the evening I ran as a dishwasher in a cafe for 3 thousand rubles, on foot for 7 km. But there wasn’t enough money for the loan; I had to pay 8,800 rubles. a month for two years... and also pay for the room.
At night I knitted socks and mittens and sold them at the market; in the cold I stood in a Bolognese jacket and autumn boots. In the evenings I went to the market for my part-time job to sort through rotten vegetables and fruits, in the cold, with icy hands, I cut off those that were unusable and brought them home to my daughter.

I went to work as a janitor from 5 am to 7. I looked at the women passing in expensive cars, they were all beautiful, well-groomed, and for some reason then I thought about them, they are lucky, they have winter clothes, and they are warm, and they are not hungry... Many thanks to Marya Sergeevna for babysitting my daughter. I came home at one in the morning, washed the children’s clothes, went to bed at two, so that I could get up for work at 4.30.

I didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t eat enough, was often sick and constantly fainted. My vision deteriorated and I lost 18 kg. My hands were shaking, I was blue. There was a catastrophic lack of money. I didn’t buy things for myself for 2 years, I began to look like a homeless woman. I didn’t have the strength, but I didn’t give up, I worked through gritted teeth, because I didn’t want my child to be taken to an orphanage, I’m from there myself and I know what it’s like. I cleaned apartments, washed entrances, earned money as best I could. I lived like this for 4 years.

I will not describe in detail all the horror that I had to go through. Having gone through humiliation, pain, hunger, tears, a loan for the car my ex drives around in, I paid it all off myself, with my own hands, with my health, with my tears. Life began to change rapidly.

The Lord sent me a woman - the owner of an elite apartment that I was cleaning, she took pity on me, offered to work for her as a secretary, salary 15 thousand, I was shocked...

She gave me an advance on clothes and helped me get my child into kindergarten. Things started to look up. I took computer courses and graduated from college to become a lawyer. Two years later I was promoted, I became a manager, then a commercial director in a large company, with a large salary I took out a mortgage for a 3-bedroom apartment, bought a car, made luxurious home renovations, and recently went on vacation with my daughter to Italy and France.

My daughter goes to a private school and doesn’t need anything. She calls Marya Sergeevna grandmother, we help her and go to visit. A very nice man is looking after me, the director of a construction company...

And here is fate! I am buying a country house from an advertisement - a cottage with a bathhouse and a house. The owner said over the phone that she was urgently selling the dacha, because... big debts and some problems and urgently need money. We are approaching the dacha, me, my friend and my daughter. Home sellers are coming out, who do you think?! My ex-boyfriend and his mistress! I'm shocked, they're shocked...
I look at them and all these years have flown by before my eyes... that same winter evening, when light snow is falling and the lights are on, I am with a five-month envelope... and 18 rubles in my pocket...

I’m standing next to an expensive car, in an expensive fur coat, worth as much as this whole dacha, beautiful, slender and well-groomed, he’s bald, pot-bellied, flabby, the one who kicked me in the stomach when I begged not to kick us out, and she’s an overweight woman in 100 kilograms...

We stood like that for about ten minutes in silence... Do you know what I did? I walked up to him and spat in his face, as hard as I could, as hard as I could. He didn't even move...

Never despair, never, do you hear me? Never! Life will change and you will have everything! Study, work, strive for the best! Remembering what I had to go through and what has become of me now, I repeat: never give up and don’t let yourself be humiliated!

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